def content(self, director): "Contains of two separate splitters: header and results" doc = lc.document(title="Analysis of Simulation Results") splitter = doc.splitter(orientation="vertical") sInd = splitter.section() # path indicator sAct = splitter.section(id="qe-section-actions") # actions docResults = lc.document(id=ID_RESULTS) doc.add(docResults) self._pwresult = PWResult(director,, linkorder=0) # From first "PW" task self._viewIndicator(director, sInd) self._showActions(director, sAct) # Show actions # Simulation Data resSplitter = docResults.splitter(orientation="vertical") self._simData(director, resSplitter) # Simulation Specific data # System Summary and Electron Structure sSum = resSplitter.section() # system summary sEle = resSplitter.section() # electron structure self._summary(director, sSum) # System Summary self._electronStructure(director, sEle) # Electron Structure return doc
def output(self): "Returns formatted link to output file on local server" doc = lc.document(id = self._outputId()) content = lc.document() doc.add(content) outputfile = self._outputFile() # Output file # self._director, self._job if not outputfile: # No output file content.add(NONE) return doc content.add(self._fileLink(outputfile, content)) return doc
def output(self): "Returns formatted link to output file on local server" doc = lc.document(id=self._outputId()) content = lc.document() doc.add(content) outputfile = self._outputFile( ) # Output file # self._director, self._job if not outputfile: # No output file content.add(NONE) return doc content.add(self._fileLink(outputfile, content)) return doc
def configuration_wizard(experiment): doc = lc.document( title='Configuration wizard for ARCS_beam', id='instrument-configuration-wizard', ) # button to skip this wizard from . import load_manual_instrument_configuration load_manual_configuration = load_manual_instrument_configuration( skip_button = lc.button( label='skip this wizard', onclick=select(element=doc).replaceBy(load_manual_configuration), ) doc.add(skip_button) # wizard form = doc.form(id='arcs-beam-wizard') form.text(name='fermi_nu', label = 'Fermi chopper frequency (Hz)', value=600) # form.text(name='fermi_bladeradius', label = 'Fermi choipper blade radius (meter)', value=0.060364) form.text(name='T0_nu', label = 'T0 chopper frequency (Hz)', value=120) form.text(name='E', label = 'Desired incident energy (meV)', value=100) form.text(name='emission_time', label = 'Emission time (microsecond)', value=10) form.submitbutton() form.onsubmit = select(element=form).submit( actor='neutronexperiment/edit/ARCS_beam_withmonitor2_wizard', experiment_id = return doc
def create(self): view = lc.document(id='atomicstructure-details-view') # titlebar = lc.splitter(Class='atomicstructure-details-view-title-bar') view.add(titlebar) # view indicator view_indicator = self.createViewIndicator() titlebar.section().add(view_indicator) # view of pdb content id = htmldoc = lc.htmldocument(id='pdbview-%s' % id) view.add(htmldoc) # doma = self.domaccess pdbfile = doma.hasPDBfile(id) if not pdbfile: raise IOError, "no pdb data file: %s" % id # pdbcontent = open(pdbfile).read() htmldoc.text = "<pre>" + pdbcontent + "</pre>" return view
def _createAPIDocument(self, director): w = self.widget descriptors = w.getDescriptors() descriptors = self._categorizeDescriptors(descriptors) doc = lc.document() tabs = lc.tabs() doc.add(tabs) # tab1 ='Introduction') d = self._createIntroductionDocument(descriptors) tab1.add(d) # tab2 ='Properties') tab2.onselect = select(element=tab2).replaceContent( load(, routine='propertiesDocument')) # tab3 ='Events') tab3.onselect = select(element=tab3).replaceContent( load(, routine='eventsDocument')) # tab4 ='Actions') tab4.onselect = select(element=tab4).replaceContent( load(, routine='actionsDocument')) # return doc
def configuration_wizard(experiment): doc = lc.document( title='Configuration wizard for ARCS_beam', id='instrument-configuration-wizard', ) # button to skip this wizard from . import load_manual_instrument_configuration load_manual_configuration = load_manual_instrument_configuration( skip_button = lc.button( label='skip this wizard', onclick=select(element=doc).replaceBy(load_manual_configuration), ) doc.add(skip_button) # wizard form = doc.form(id='arcs-beam-wizard') form.text(name='fermi_nu', label='Fermi chopper frequency (Hz)', value=600) # form.text(name='fermi_bladeradius', label = 'Fermi choipper blade radius (meter)', value=0.060364) form.text(name='T0_nu', label='T0 chopper frequency (Hz)', value=120) form.text(name='E', label='Desired incident energy (meV)', value=100) form.text(name='emission_time', label='Emission time (microsecond)', value=10) form.submitbutton() form.onsubmit = select(element=form).submit( actor='neutronexperiment/edit/ARCS_beam_wizard', return doc
def _createExample(self, director=None, title=None, description=None, func=None, deps=None): doc = lc.document(title=title) doc.collapsable = True doc.Class = 'example-container' tabs = self._createTabsForDemoPanelAndCodeViewer(func, director, deps=deps) doc.add(tabs) if description: p = lc.restructuredtextdocument() doc.add(p) p.Class = 'example-description' p.text = description p.text.append('') p.text.append( 'Please click on the "Code" tab to see how this demo is implemented.' ) return doc
def _selectorCores(self, director): "Special field: number of cores" cores = lc.document(id=ID_SELECTOR_CORES) procfield = FormSelectorField(name="numproc", entries=self._procOptions(director)) cores.add(procfield) return cores
def _showActions(self, director, section): # self._backAction(section) self._refreshAction(section) self._newTestAction(section) self._pwInputAction(section) section.add(lc.document(Class="clear-both"))
def createFrontPageBodyDocument(self, post_authorization_action, director): '''create the body document for the front page embed this document inside the skeleton in visuals/skeleton then we get the whole front page (frame) ''' bodydoc = lc.document(id='login-body-doc') splitter = lc.splitter(id='login-body-splitter') bodydoc.add(splitter) # left left = splitter.section(id='login-body-left') # form formcontainer = left.document(id='login-form-container') form = self.createLoginForm(post_authorization_action, director) formcontainer.add(form) # portlet portlet = director.retrieveVisual('frontpage-portlet') left.add(portlet) # # right right = splitter.section(id='login-body-right') # introduction introcontainer = right.document( id='front-page-vnf-intro-container', title='Welcome to the Virtual Neutron Facility', ) intro = lc.htmldocument(); introcontainer.add(intro) intro.text = [ #'The Virtual Neutron Facility (VNF) provides online computation tools for simulating neutron scattering experiments.', '<p>The Virtual Neutron Facility (VNF) is an online tool that allows users to perform end-to-end, full simulations of neutron scattering experiments. It integrates scientific software packages for material simulations with Monte-Carlo simulations of neutron scattering to gain insights into material properties.</p>', ] # central display ctrldisplay = right.document(id='front-page-central-display') initialviewdocuments = [ 'screencasts', #'tutorials', 'status', 'technology', #'personnel', ] for idoc in initialviewdocuments: doc = director.redirect( actor='frontpage', routine='createDocument', name=idoc, include_credential=False) doc.Class += ' alternating-bg' ctrldisplay.add(doc) continue # footnote footnotecontainer = right.document(id='front-page-footnote-container') htmldoc = lc.htmldocument(); footnotecontainer.add(htmldoc) htmldoc.text = [ 'The VNF is a product of the <a target="_blank" href="">DANSE</a> project, which is bringing computational materials science and instrument simulations to neutron scattering experiments. The DANSE project is funded by the US National Science Foundation under grant DMR-0520547.', ] htmldoc = lc.htmldocument(); footnotecontainer.add(htmldoc) htmldoc.text = [ # 'You are presently at the stable release site of VNF; the version under development is <a target="_blank" href="">here</a>.', 'You are presently at the development site of VNF; the release sites of vnf are available at <a target="_blank" href="">caltech</a> and <a target="_blank" href="">SNS</a> (the latter is only accessible from inside ORNL)', ] return bodydoc
def _createEventsDocument(self, events): container = lc.document() descriptiontext = """You can specify what actions occur when an event happens in a luban element. The event handlers listed below are attributes of the luban element. If you set an event handler to be an action(or a list of actions), then that action(s) will be performed whenever the event occurs. """ description = lc.restructuredtextdocument() container.add(description) description.Class = 'demo-description' description.text = [descriptiontext] for d in events: if hasattr(d, 'tip'): tip = d.tip else: tip = 'Please give a tip of property %s' % title = if hasattr(d, 'experimental') and d.experimental: title += '(experimental)' doc = container.document(title=title, collapsable=True, collapsed=True) doc.Class = 'api-item' examplecode = + 'instance' + '.' + + ' = some_action' ex = doc.paragraph(text=[examplecode]) ex.Class = 'signature' p = doc.paragraph() p.text = tip.splitlines() p.Class = 'description' continue return container
def create(self): view = lc.document(id='atomicstructure-details-view') # titlebar = lc.splitter(Class='atomicstructure-details-view-title-bar') view.add(titlebar) # view indicator view_indicator = self.createViewIndicator() titlebar.section().add(view_indicator) # view of pdb content id = htmldoc = lc.htmldocument(id='pdbview-%s'%id) view.add(htmldoc) # doma = self.domaccess pdbfile = doma.hasPDBfile(id) if not pdbfile: raise IOError, "no pdb data file: %s" % id # pdbcontent = open(pdbfile).read() htmldoc.text = "<pre>" + pdbcontent + "</pre>" return view
def _createFCMfield(obj): # a new field for force_constant_matrix doc = lc.document(title='force constant matrix', Class='force-constant-matrix-input-container') from luban.content.FormTextField import FormTextField # left and right sp = doc.splitter() left = sp.section(Class='force-constant-matrix') right = sp.section(Class='force-constant-matrix-constraints-section') # left is grid for the matrix grid = lc.grid(); left.add(grid) fcm = obj.force_constant_matrix for i in range(3): gr = grid.row() for j in range(3): gc = gr.cell() v = fcm[i,j] w = FormTextField(value=v, name='%s_%s_%s' % ('force_constant_matrix', i, j)) gc.add(w) continue # right is the container for constraints cdoc = right.document(name='force-constant-matrix-constraints', title='constraints') return doc
def _contentOutput(self, director): doc = lc.document() visual = 'material_simulations/espresso-analysis/outputs' doc.add( director.retrieveVisual(visual, director,, self.type, self.linkorder)) return doc
def _createfield_for_phonons(obj): # this is a method of mold. self = drawer.mold # imports import luban.content as lc from luban.content import load, select from luban.content.FormSelectorField import FormSelectorField # utils orm = self.orm # data record = self.orm(obj) referred_record = record.phonons and \ and record.phonons.dereference(self.orm.db) # widget doc = lc.document(Class='container', id='phonons-selector-container') sp = doc.splitter() left = sp.section() right = sp.section() # selector = FormSelectorField(label='Phonons:', name='phonons') left.add(selector) # plotcontainer = right.document(Class='container') # loadplot = lambda uid: load( actor='orm/phonons', routine='createGraphicalView', uid=uid) # default selection if referred_record: value = orm.db.getUniqueIdentifierStr(referred_record) plotcontainer.oncreate = select(element=plotcontainer).append( loadplot(value)) else: value = None # choices # get matter matter = orm.db.dereference(record.matter) matterid = # dynamically load choices entries = load( actor='orm/atomicstructures', routine='getSelectorEntriesForPhonons', id=matterid, include_none_entry=1, ) selector.oncreate = select(element=selector).setAttr( entries=entries, value=value) selector.onchange = select(element=plotcontainer).replaceContent( loadplot(select(element=selector).getAttr('value'))) return doc
def _outputAction(self, director, container): "Simulation output files" sA = container.section(Class="qe-section-text-output") sA.add(lc.htmldocument(text="Outputs: ")) sB = container.section(Class="qe-section-output") docOutput = lc.document(id=ID_OUTPUTS) # Hook for output links docOutput.add(self._outputLinks(director)) sB.add(docOutput)
def _document(self, director, title, label, formMethod = "defaultForm", visual = None): doc = lc.document(title = title) splitter = doc.splitter(orientation = "vertical") sA = splitter.section() sB = splitter.section() sA.add(self._viewIndicator(director, label)) sB.add(getattr(self, formMethod)(director, visual)) return doc
def getBaseVectorsDoc(matter, primitive_unitcell=False, title=None, id=None): if primitive_unitcell: base = matter.primitive_unitcell.base else: base = matter.lattice.base doc = lc.document(id=id, title=title) for v in base: doc.paragraph(text=[str(v)]) continue return doc
def _createfield_for_sqe(obj): # this is a method of mold. self = drawer.mold # imports import luban.content as lc from luban.content import load, select from luban.content.FormSelectorField import FormSelectorField # utils orm = self.orm # data record = self.orm(obj) referred_record = record.sqe and \ and record.sqe.dereference(self.orm.db) # widget doc = lc.document(Class='container', id='sqe-selector-container') sp = doc.splitter() left = sp.section(); right = sp.section() # selector = FormSelectorField(label='Sqe:', name='sqe') left.add(selector) # plotcontainer = right.document(Class='container') # loadplot = lambda uid: load( actor='orm/sqe', routine='createGraphicalView', uid=uid) # default selection if referred_record: value=orm.db.getUniqueIdentifierStr(referred_record) plotcontainer.oncreate = select(element=plotcontainer).append( loadplot(value)) else: value=None # choices # get matter matter = orm.db.dereference(record.matter) matterid = # dynamically load choices entries = load( actor='orm/atomicstructures', routine='getSelectorEntriesForSqe', id = matterid, include_none_entry = 1, ) selector.oncreate = select(element=selector).setAttr(entries=entries, value=value) selector.onchange = select(element=plotcontainer).replaceContent( loadplot(select(element=selector).getAttr('value'))) return doc
def content(self, director): "Contains of two separate splitters: header and results" self._setup(director) doc = lc.document(title="Convergence Tests") splitter = doc.splitter(orientation="vertical") sInd = splitter.section() # path indicator sAct = splitter.section(id="qe-section-actions") # actions docResults = lc.document(id = ID_CONVERGENCE) doc.add(docResults) self._viewIndicator(director, sInd) self._showActions(director, sAct) # Show actions # Main content resSplitter = docResults.splitter(orientation="vertical") self._mainContent(director, resSplitter) # Simulation Specific data return doc
def content(self, director): "Contains of two separate splitters: header and results" self._setup(director) doc = lc.document(title="Convergence Tests") splitter = doc.splitter(orientation="vertical") sInd = splitter.section() # path indicator sAct = splitter.section(id="qe-section-actions") # actions docResults = lc.document(id=ID_CONVERGENCE) doc.add(docResults) self._viewIndicator(director, sInd) self._showActions(director, sAct) # Show actions # Main content resSplitter = docResults.splitter(orientation="vertical") self._mainContent(director, resSplitter) # Simulation Specific data return doc
def _showActions(self, director, section): # Action splitter container = lc.splitter(orientation="horizontal", id="qe-splitter-analysis") sMain = container.section(Class="qe-section-back") # Left actions section.add(container) self._backAction(sMain) self._refreshAction(sMain) self._exportAction(sMain) self._outputAction(director, container) section.add(lc.document(Class="clear-both"))
def action(self): "Displays simulation task action button: 'Run Task', 'Cancel'" doc = lc.document() # Example: run-task-BFDFX56 if not self._task: return doc = "%s-%s" % (TASK_ACTION, action = TaskAction(self._director, self._simid, self._job, self._task) doc.add( return doc
def _createfield_for_neutrons(obj): # this is a method of mold. self = drawer.mold # imports import luban.content as lc from luban.content import load, select from luban.content.FormSelectorField import FormSelectorField # utils orm = self.orm # data record = self.orm(obj) referred_record = record.neutrons and \ and record.neutrons.dereference(self.orm.db) # widget doc = lc.document(Class='container', id='neutrons-selector-container') sp = doc.splitter(orientation='horizontal') left = sp.section(); right = sp.section() # selector = FormSelectorField(label='Neutrons:', name='neutrons') left.add(selector) # viewcontainer = right.document(Class='container') # loadview = lambda uid: load( actor='orm/neutronstorages', routine='createGraphicalView', uid=uid, start=0, end=2) # default selection if referred_record: value=orm.db.getUniqueIdentifierStr(referred_record) viewcontainer.oncreate = select(element=viewcontainer).append( loadview(value)) else: value=None # choices # dynamically load choices entries = load( actor='orm/neutronplayers', routine='getSelectorEntriesForReference', refname = 'neutrons', include_none_entry = 1, ) selector.oncreate = select(element=selector).setAttr(entries=entries, value=value) selector.onchange = select(element=viewcontainer).replaceContent( loadview(select(element=selector).getAttr('value'))) return doc
def __call__(self, *args, **kwds): # there might be one argument that is the director if len(args) > 1: raise ValueError, "args: %s, kwds: %s" % (args, kwds) if len(args): kwds['director'] = args[0] # director = kwds['director'] self.director = director if self.checkPrivilege(): return lc.document(title='not enough privilege') return self.create(**kwds)
def link(self): """ Returns link to results when ready or string with status """ cid = "%s-%s" % (RESULTS_ID, self._id()) # container = lc.document(id=cid) link = lc.htmldocument(text="None") # Default value if self._job: link = self.status() container.add(link) return container
def status(self, formatted=True): "Returns status message" if not formatted: # Return just status return self._jobStatus() doc = lc.document(id=self._statusId()) content = lc.htmldocument(text=DEFAULT_MESSAGE) doc.add(content) if not self._job: return doc content.text = key2str(self._jobStatus()) return doc
def _document(self, director, title, label, formMethod="defaultForm", visual=None): doc = lc.document(title=title) splitter = doc.splitter(orientation="vertical") sA = splitter.section() sB = splitter.section() sA.add(self._viewIndicator(director, label)) sB.add(getattr(self, formMethod)(director, visual)) return doc
def create(self): view = lc.document(id='edit-atomicstructure-details') titlebar = lc.splitter(Class='atomicstructure-details-view-title-bar') view.add(titlebar) # view indicator view_indicator = self.createViewIndicator() titlebar.section().add(view_indicator) # view.paragraph(text="This is not yet supported") return view
def status(self, formatted=True): "Returns status message" if not formatted: # Return just status return self._jobStatus() doc = lc.document(id = self._statusId()) content = lc.htmldocument(text = DEFAULT_MESSAGE) doc.add(content) if not self._job: return doc content.text = key2str(self._jobStatus()) return doc
def createDemoDocument(self, director): container = lc.document() # doc = self._createSwitcher(director) doc.title = 'Demos' doc.collapsable = True doc.Class = 'demo-document' container.add(doc) # c = container.document(title='Introduction', collapsable=True) # d = lc.restructuredtextdocument() c.add(d) d.text = self.introduction.splitlines() return container
def _createfield_for_lazcontent(obj): # this is a method of mold. self = drawer.mold # imports import luban.content as lc from luban.content import load, select from luban.content.FormTextArea import FormTextArea # widget doc = lc.document(Class='container', id='lazcontent-content-container') content = FormTextArea(name='lazcontent', label='Content of .laz file') doc.add(content) return doc
def _createSwitcher(self, director): import inspect # find routines that create panels routines = {} for k, v in self.__class__.__dict__.iteritems(): # skip # - private if k.startswith('_'): continue # - non-method if not inspect.ismethod(v) and not inspect.isfunction(v): continue # - signature sig = 'ispanel' if not hasattr(v, sig): continue if not getattr(v, sig): continue routines[k] = v continue # container container = lc.document() tabs = lc.tabs() container.add(tabs) # if hasattr(self.__class__, 'demo_panels'): panels = self.__class__.demo_panels else: panels = routines.iterkeys() for i, k in enumerate(panels): # call method to get inner document method = getattr(self, k) # use inner document's title as tab's label label = method.title # create tab tab = # add the first document if i == 0: inner = method(director) tab.add(inner) else: tab.onselect = select(element=tab).replaceContent( load(, routine=k)) continue return container
def _(self, director): # container = lc.document(title = title) container = lc.document() p = container.paragraph(text=description) p.Class = 'demo-description' accordion = lc.accordion() container.add(accordion) accordion.Class = 'demo-panel' for i, example in enumerate(examples): doc = self.createExampleDocument(getattr(self, example), director) label = 'Demo %s: %s' % (i + 1, doc.title) sec = accordion.section(label=label) for elem in doc.contents: sec.add(elem) continue return container
def visual_inline(path): # path is a list of (label, action) and one label as the last item doc = lc.document(id='view-indicator') doc1 = doc for (label, action) in path[:-1]: doc1.add(, onclick=action)) doc1.paragraph(text=['/ '], Class='splitter') continue last = path[-1] if isinstance(last, basestring): doc1.paragraph(text=path[-1]) else: label, action = last doc1.add(, onclick=action)) return doc
def createComponentButton(component, infocus=False, buttonids=[], refresh_config_panel=None): 'create the button for the given component' button = lc.document(id=button_id_formatter_for_component % button.Class='component-chain-button' labelelem = createComponentButtonLabelElement(component) button.add(labelelem) if infocus: button.addClass('selected') # from mcvineui.visuals import select_one selectthisbutton = select_one(, buttonids) button.onclick = selectthisbutton + [refresh_config_panel] button.tip = '%s: click for more details' % component.componentname return button
def create(self): view = lc.document(id='atomicstructure-details-view') titlebar = lc.splitter(Class='atomicstructure-details-view-title-bar') view.add(titlebar) # view indicator view_indicator = self.createViewIndicator() titlebar.section().add(view_indicator) # obj = self.atomicstructure director = self.director drawer = director.painter.paintObj.drawers.getDrawer(obj.__class__) editable = self.domaccess.isEditable( doc = drawer(obj, readonly=True, editlink=editable) view.add(doc) return view
def visual( instrument=None, components=[], refresh_component_configuration_panel=None, component_in_focus=None, actorname = None, db = None, director = None, ): """ instrument: id of the instrument which has the component chain components: list of component instances refresh_component_configuration_panel: action factory that creates an action to refresh component configuration panel give the component. sth like lambda component: ... some action ... component_in_focus: the component that is now being focused actorname: the actor to deal with events for this visual db: db manager """ doc = lc.document(id='component-chain-container', title='Component chain') sp = doc.splitter(id='component-chain') # ids of components ids = [ for c in components] # ids of buttons for components buttonids = [button_id_formatter_for_component % id for id in ids] # ids of insert buttons for components insertbuttonids = [button_id_formatter_for_insert_before % id for id in ids] for component in components: compuid = db.getUniqueIdentifierStr(component) # button to insert before a component insertbuttoncontainer = sp.section() insertbutton = lc.button( insertbuttoncontainer.add(insertbutton) insertbutton.Class='component-chain-insert-button' insertbutton.label = '==>' insertbutton.tip = 'click to insert component' insertbutton.onclick = load( actor=actorname, routine='onInsertComponent', id = instrument, before=compuid) # "button" of a comonent infocus = == refresh_config_panel = refresh_component_configuration_panel(component) button = createComponentButton( component, infocus=infocus, buttonids = buttonids, refresh_config_panel = refresh_config_panel, ) sp.section().add(button) continue # button to append before a component appendbuttoncontainer = sp.section() appendbutton = lc.button(id='append-component') appendbuttoncontainer.add(appendbutton) appendbutton.Class='component-chain-insert-button' appendbutton.label = '==>' appendbutton.tip = 'click to append component' appendbutton.onclick = load( actor=actorname, routine='onAppendComponent', id = instrument) return doc
def _selectorCores(self, director): "Special field: number of cores" cores = lc.document(id=ID_SELECTOR_CORES) procfield = FormSelectorField(name="numproc", entries = self._procOptions(director)) cores.add(procfield) return cores
def create(self): # computation = self.computation actor = director = self.director on_all_results_retrieved = self.on_all_results_retrieved # utilities domaccess = director.retrieveDOMAccessor('computation') orm = domaccess.orm db = orm.db # id = type = computation.getTableName() # the job job = computation.getJob(db) # always good to check the job from vnf.utils.job import check check(job, director) # the document to build doc = lc.document(Class='container', id='computation-results-container') # depending on retrieval status, we need to add some extra things to the document result_retrieval_status = computation.getResultRetrievalStatus(db) if result_retrieval_status is None: from vnf.utils.computation import start_results_retrieval start_results_retrieval(computation, director) result_retrieval_status = 'retrieving' refresh = select(element=doc).replaceBy( load(actor='loadvisual', visual='computation-results', id=id, type=type, on_all_results_retrieved = on_all_results_retrieved, ) ) if result_retrieval_status == 'retrieving': p = doc.paragraph(text=['Still retrieving results...']) from vnf.utils.computation import get_results_retrieval_task task = get_results_retrieval_task(computation, db) if not task: raise RuntimeError, 'there should be an itask working at retrieving '+\ 'results for computation %s, but we found none' % pbar = lc.progressbar( id = 'itask-%s-pbar' %, status = 'Retrieving results...', percentage = 0, skip = 1000, ) pbar.onchecking = load( actor='itask', routine='checkProgress', id =, ) if on_all_results_retrieved: from vnf.content import safe_eval_action onfinished = safe_eval_action(on_all_results_retrieved) else: onfinished = refresh pbar.onfinished = onfinished pbar.oncanceled = refresh doc.add(pbar) elif result_retrieval_status.find('failed') != -1: p = doc.paragraph(text=['failed to retrieve results']) # the action to load this visual (type: string) refresh_action_in_str = 'select(id="computation-results-container").replaceBy(load(actor="loadvisual", visual="computation-results", id="%s", type="%s", on_all_results_retrieved = "%s"))' % (id, type, on_all_results_retrieved or '') # link to restart retrieval l = label = 'restart results retrieval', onclick = [ load(actor='computation', routine='restartResultsRetrieval', type = type, id = id, posterior_action = refresh_action_in_str, ) ], ) doc.add(l) elif result_retrieval_status == 'retrieved': pass else: raise NotImplementedError, 'computation: %s, retrieval status: %s' % ( type, result_retrieval_status) # display results results = computation.results.dereference(db) for k, r in results: ## alertdoc = doc.paragraph( ## text=['loading computation result %s %s. please wait...' % ( ## r.getTableName(),] ## ) title = '%s %s: expand for details' % (r.__class__.__name__, doc1 = doc.document( id = 'resultdoc-%s' %, Class='container', title=title, collapsable=True, collapsed=True) doc1.onexpand = [ #select(element=alertdoc).hide(), select(element=doc1).replaceBy( load(actor='orm/%s' % r.getTableName(), routine='createGraphicalView', id = ) ] continue return doc