Esempio n. 1
def hackSimpleSub(message):
    intersectedMap = getBlankCipherletterMapping()
    cipherwordList = nonLettersOrSpacePattern.sub('', message.upper()).split()

    for cipherword in cipherwordList:
        # Get a new cipherletter mapping for each ciphertext word:
        candidateMap = getBlankCipherletterMapping()

        wordPattern = makeWordPatterns.getWordPattern(cipherword)

        if wordPattern not in wordPatterns.allPatterns:
            continue  # This word was not in our dictionary, so continue.

        # Add the letters of each candidate to the mapping:
        for candidate in wordPatterns.allPatterns[wordPattern]:
            addLettersToMapping(candidateMap, cipherword, candidate)

        # Intersect the new mapping with the existing intersected mapping:
        intersectedMap = intersectMappings(intersectedMap, candidateMap)

    # Remove any solved letters from the other lists:
    letterMap = removeSolvedLettersFromMapping(intersectedMap)
    hackedMessage = decryptWithCipherletterMapping(message, letterMap)

    op = open('dictionary.txt')
    wl ='\n')
    while '_' in hackedMessage:
        nonletter = re.compile('[^A-Z_\s]')
        hackList = nonletter.sub('', hackedMessage.upper()).split()
        for i in range(len(hackList)):
            if '_' in hackList[i]:
                numOfBlank = hackList[i].count('_')
                if numOfBlank == 1:
                    index = hackList[i].find('_')
                    values = letterMap.get(cipherwordList[i][index])
                    matchedList = []
                    for value in values:
                        word = hackList[i].replace('_', value)
                        for w in wl:
                            matchW = re.match(word.upper(), w)
                            if matchW:
                    if len(matchedList) == 1:
                        letterMap[cipherwordList[i][index]] = [
                        letterMap = removeSolvedLettersFromMapping(letterMap)

        hackedMessage = decryptWithCipherletterMapping(message, letterMap)


    return hackedMessage
Esempio n. 2
    def run(self):
        for cipherword in self.cipherwordList:
            newMap = getBlankcipherLetterMapping()

            wordPattern = makeWordPatterns.getWordPattern(cipherword)
            if wordPattern not in wordPatterns.allPatterns:

            # Add the letters of each candidate to the mapping.
            for candidate in wordPatterns.allPatterns[wordPattern]:
                newMap = addLettersToMapping(newMap, cipherword, candidate)
            with self.lock:
                intersectedMap = intersectMappings(intersectedMap, newMap)
Esempio n. 3
def hackSimpleSub(message):
    intersectedMap = getBlankCipherletterMapping()
    cipherwordList = nonLettersOrSpacePattern.sub('', message.upper()).split()

    for cipherword in cipherwordList:
        newMap = getBlankCipherletterMapping()
        wordPattern = makeWordPatterns.getWordPattern(cipherword)
        if wordPattern not in wordPatterns.allPatterns:
        for candidate in wordPatterns.allPatterns[wordPattern]:
            newMap = addLettersToMapping(newMap, cipherword, candidate)
        intersectedMap = intersectMappings(intersectedMap, newMap)
    return removeSolvedLettersFromMapping(intersectedMap)
def hackSimpleSub(message):
    intersectedMap = getBlankCipherletterMapping()
    cipherwordList = nonLettersOrSpacePattern.sub('', message.upper()).split()
    for cipherword in cipherwordList:
        newMap = getBlankCipherletterMapping()
        wordPattern = makeWordPatterns.getWordPattern(cipherword)
        if wordPattern not in wordPatterns.allPatterns:

        for candidate in wordPatterns.allPatterns[wordPattern]:
            newMap = addLettersToMapping(newMap, cipherword, candidate)

        intersectedMap = intersectMappings(intersectedMap, newMap)
    return removeSolvedLettersFromMapping(intersectedMap)
Esempio n. 5
def hackearSubSimples(mensagem):
    mapaCruzado = gerarMapaBranco()
    listaPalavrasCifradas = gerarLPC(mensagem)
    for palavraCifrada in listaPalavrasCifradas:
        mapaCandidatos = gerarMapaBranco()
        padraoPalavra = makeWordPatterns.getWordPattern(palavraCifrada)
        if padraoPalavra not in wordPatterns.allPatterns:
            continue  #se esta palavra não está no dicionário, continue.
        for candidato in wordPatterns.allPatterns[padraoPalavra]:
            adicionarLetrasAoMapeamento(mapaCandidatos, palavraCifrada,
        mapaCruzado = cruzarMapas(mapaCruzado, mapaCandidatos)

    return mapaCruzado
Esempio n. 6
def hackSimpleSub(message):
    intersectedMap = getBlankCipherletterMapping()
    cipherwordList = nonLettersOrSpacePattern.sub('', message.upper()).split()
    for cipherword in cipherwordList:
        # Get a new cipherletter mapping for each ciphertext word:
        candidateMap = getBlankCipherletterMapping()

        wordPattern = makeWordPatterns.getWordPattern(cipherword)
        if wordPattern not in wordPatterns.allPatterns:
            continue  # This word was not in our dictionary, so continue.

        for candidate in wordPatterns.allPatterns[wordPattern]:
            addLettersToMapping(candidateMap, cipherword, candidate)

        intersectedMap = intersectMappings(intersectedMap, candidateMap)

    return removeSolvedLettersFromMapping(intersectedMap)
Esempio n. 7
def hackSimpleSub(message):
    intersectedMap = getBlackCipherLetterMapping()
    cipherWordList = nonLetterRegEx.sub('', message.upper()).split()

    # loop through the list of cipher words
    for cipherWord in cipherWordList:
        candidateMap = getBlackCipherLetterMapping()
        wordPattern = makeWordPatterns.getWordPattern(cipherWord)
        # check that pattern in all the patterns
        if wordPattern not in wordPatterns.allPatterns:
        # add letters to the map
        for candidate in wordPatterns.allPatterns[wordPattern]:
            addLettersToMapping(candidateMap, cipherWord, candidate)
        # intersect that map
        intersectedMap = intersectMapping(candidateMap, intersectedMap)

    return removeSolvedLetterFromMapping(intersectedMap)
def hack_simple_sub(message):
    intersected_map = get_blank_cipher_letter_mapping()
    cipherword_list = non_letters_or_space_pattern.sub(
        '', message.upper()).split()

    for cipherword in cipherword_list:
        candidate_map = get_blank_cipher_letter_mapping()

        word_pattern = makeWordPatterns.getWordPattern(cipherword)
        if word_pattern not in wordPatterns.allPatterns:

        for candidate in wordPatterns.allPatterns[word_pattern]:
            add_letters_to_mapping(candidate_map, cipherword, candidate)

        intersected_map = intersect_mappings(intersected_map, candidate_map)

    return remove_solved_letters_from_mapping(intersected_map)
Esempio n. 9
113. def hackSimpleSub(message):
114.     intersectedMap = getBlankCipherletterMapping()
115.     cipherwordList = nonLettersOrSpacePattern.sub('', message.upper()).split()
116.     for cipherword in cipherwordList:
117.         # Get a new cipherletter mapping for each ciphertext word.
118.         newMap = getBlankCipherletterMapping()
120.         wordPattern = makeWordPatterns.getWordPattern(cipherword)
121.         if wordPattern not in wordPatterns.allPatterns:
122.             continue # This word was not in our dictionary, so continue.
124.         # Add the letters of each candidate to the mapping.
125.         for candidate in wordPatterns.allPatterns[wordPattern]:
126.             newMap = addLettersToMapping(newMap, cipherword, candidate)
128.         # Intersect the new mapping with the existing intersected mapping.
129.         intersectedMap = intersectMappings(intersectedMap, newMap)
131.     # Remove any solved letters from the other lists.
132.     return removeSolvedLettersFromMapping(intersectedMap)
135. def decryptWithCipherletterMapping(ciphertext, letterMapping):
136.     # Return a string of the ciphertext decrypted with the letter mapping,
137.     # with any ambiguous decrypted letters replaced with an _ underscore.
139.     # First create a simple sub key from the letterMapping mapping.
140.     key = ['x'] * len(LETTERS)
141.     for cipherletter in LETTERS:
142.         if len(letterMapping[cipherletter]) == 1:
143.             # If there's only one letter, add it to the key.
144.             keyIndex = LETTERS.find(letterMapping[cipherletter][0])
145.             key[keyIndex] = cipherletter
146.         else:
147.             ciphertext = ciphertext.replace(cipherletter.lower(), '_')
148.             ciphertext = ciphertext.replace(cipherletter.upper(), '_')
149.     key = ''.join(key)
151.     # With the key we've created, decrypt the ciphertext.
152.     return simpleSubCipher.decryptMessage(key, ciphertext)
155. if __name__ == '__main__':
156.     main()
Esempio n. 10
def hackSimpleSub(cipherText):
    intersectedMap = getBlankcipherLetterMapping()
    cipherwordList = nonLettersOrSpacePattern.sub('',
    for cipherword in cipherwordList:
        newMap = getBlankcipherLetterMapping()

        wordPattern = makeWordPatterns.getWordPattern(cipherword)
        if wordPattern not in wordPatterns.allPatterns:

        # Add the letters of each candidate to the mapping.
        for candidate in wordPatterns.allPatterns[wordPattern]:
            newMap = addLettersToMapping(newMap, cipherword, candidate)

        intersectedMap = intersectMappings(intersectedMap, newMap)

    # Remove any solved letters from the other lists.
    return removeSolvedLettersFromMapping(intersectedMap)
def hackSimpleSub(message):
    intersectedMap = getBlankCipherletterMapping()
    cipherwordList = nonLettersOrSpacePattern.sub('',message.upper()).split()
    for cipherword in cipherwordList:
        # Get a new cipherletter mapping for each ciphertext word.
        newMap = getBlankCipherletterMapping()

        wordPattern = makeWordPatterns.getWordPattern(cipherword)
        if wordPattern not in wordPatterns.allPatterns:
            continue # This word was not in our dictionary, so continue.

        # Add the letters of each candidate to the mapping.
        for candidate in wordPatterns.allPatterns[wordPattern]:
            newMap = addLettersToMapping(newMap, cipherword, candidate)
        # Intersect the new mapping with the existing intersected mapping.
        intersectedMap = intersectMappings(intersectedMap, newMap)

    # Remove any solved letters from the other lists.
    return removeSolvedLettersFromMapping(intersectedMap)
Esempio n. 12
def hackSimpleSub(message):
    intersectedMap = getBlankCipherletterMapping()
    cipherwordList = nonLettersOrSpacePattern.sub('', message.upper()).split()
    for cipherword in cipherwordList:
        # Get a new cipherletter mapping for each ciphertext word.
        newMap = getBlankCipherletterMapping()

        wordPattern = makeWordPatterns.getWordPattern(cipherword)
        if wordPattern not in wordPatterns.allPatterns:
            continue  # This word was not in our dictionary, so continue.

        # Add the letters of each candidate to the mapping.
        for candidate in wordPatterns.allPatterns[wordPattern]:
            newMap = addLettersToMapping(newMap, cipherword, candidate)

        # Intersect the new mapping with the existing intersected mapping.
        intersectedMap = intersectMappings(intersectedMap, newMap)

    # Remove any solved letters from the other lists.
    return removeSolvedLettersFromMapping(intersectedMap)
Esempio n. 13
def hackSimpleSub(message):
    intersectedMap = getBlankCipherLetterMapping()
    cipherwordList = nonLettersOrSpacePattern.sub('', message.upper()).split()
    for cipherword in cipherwordList:
        # Get new cipherletter mapping for each ciphertext word
        candidateMap = getBlankCipherLetterMapping()

        word_pattern = makeWordPatterns.getWordPattern(cipherword)
        if word_pattern  not in wordPatterns.allPatterns:
            continue # word not in dictionary, so carry on

        # Add letters of each candidate to mapping
        for candidate in wordPatterns.allPatterns[word_pattern]:
            addLettersToMapping(candidateMap, cipherword, candidate)

        # Intersect the new mapping with existing intersected mapping
        intersectedMap = intersectMappings(intersectedMap, candidateMap)

    # Remove any solved letters from the other lists
    return removeSolvedLetters(intersectedMap)
Esempio n. 14
def hackSimpleSub(message):
    intersectedMap = getBlankCipherletterMapping()
    cipherwordList = nonLettersOrSpacePattern.sub('', message.upper()).split()
    for cipherword in cipherwordList:
        # 给每一个密字建立一个密字映射
        newMap = getBlankCipherletterMapping()

        wordPattern = makeWordPatterns.getWordPattern(cipherword)
        if wordPattern not in wordPatterns.allPatterns:
            continue  # 如果单词不在我们的字典里就跳过

        # 用候选词里的字母更新newMap里的密字映射
        for candidate in wordPatterns.allPatterns[wordPattern]:
            newMap = addLettersToMapping(newMap, cipherword, candidate)

        # 将新的密字映射与旧的交集取交集
        intersectedMap = intersectMappings(intersectedMap, newMap)

    # 从其他列表中移除已经被解密的字母
    return removeSolvedLettersFromMapping(intersectedMap)
def hackSimpleSub(message):
    #open the dictionary file and save it into a list so we only have to open it once
    dictionaryFile = 'dictionary.txt'
    dictionaryList = []
    with open(dictionaryFile, 'r') as f:
        for i in f:
            # Strip all '\n' characters from each of the dictionary words

    #<---Start of textbook code --->
    intersectedMap = getBlankCipherletterMapping()
    cipherwordList = nonLettersOrSpacePattern.sub('', message.upper()).split()
    for cipherword in cipherwordList:
        # Get a new cipherletter mapping for each ciphertext word:
        candidateMap = getBlankCipherletterMapping()

        wordPattern = makeWordPatterns.getWordPattern(cipherword)
        if wordPattern not in wordPatterns.allPatterns:
            continue  # This word was not in our dictionary, so continue.

        # Add the letters of each candidate to the mapping:
        for candidate in wordPatterns.allPatterns[wordPattern]:
            addLettersToMapping(candidateMap, cipherword, candidate)

        # Intersect the new mapping with the existing intersected mapping:
        intersectedMap = intersectMappings(intersectedMap, candidateMap)

    # Remove any solved letters from the other lists:
    firstMapping = removeSolvedLettersFromMapping(intersectedMap)
    underscoredText = decryptWithCipherletterMapping(message, firstMapping)
    #<---End of textbook code--->

    #<-------------- Start of my code ---------->
    # Turn the original text and the underscored text produced from the first mapping into two lists
    underscoredTextList = underscoredText.split(' ')
    originalMessageList = message.split(' ')

    # allPossibleLetters is a list of dictionaries that will be populated from the possible letter mappings
    # That are produced below
    allPossibleLetters = []
    for wordIndex in range(len(underscoredTextList)):
        # Get a word from the text and the matching cipher word
        word = underscoredTextList[wordIndex]
        cipherWord = originalMessageList[wordIndex]

        #if there's a missing character in the word we continue
        if '_' in word:

            # Strip all punctuation that would affect the dictionary search
            punctuation = ['.', ',', '!', '?', ')', '(', '*', '-', "'", '"']
            for i in punctuation:
                word = word.strip(i)
                cipherWord = cipherWord.strip(i)
            regularexpression = word

            # Here we create the regex token
            # If the word has an s at the end, search the dictionary for the word with and without an S
            # I assume that s denotes plural and plural words will not be in the dictionary
            if regularexpression[-1].lower() == 's':
                regularexpression = regularexpression + '?'
            # Replace _ with . to search for anything in that place
            regularexpression = '^' + regularexpression.upper().replace(
                '_', '.') + '$'

            # call checkWord function, returns a list of possible dictionary matches
            foundWords = checkWord(regularexpression, dictionaryList)

            # Create a dictionary for possible letter matches, keys are the cipherWord letter
            # value is a list of possible letters to replace that cipherLetter
            possibleLetters = {}
            for i in range(len(word)):
                if word[i] == '_':
                    # Find the corresponding letter in the possible word[s] for a missing letter
                    possibleLetters[cipherWord[i].upper()] = []
                    for possibleWord in foundWords:


    # here we update the initial mapping
    # for each set of possible letters, this is per word that contained a _ after the initial mapping
    for letterSet in allPossibleLetters:
        # For each key in the letter set, check if it is in the initial mapping, if not remove it from the set
        for key in letterSet.keys():
            for possibleLetter in letterSet[key]:
                if possibleLetter not in firstMapping[key]:

            # Assuming at this point, we should be left with one to one pairs in the letterSet
            if len(letterSet[key]) == 1:
                # update the mapping to those one to one pairs
                # This is only done if the first mapping is not already a one to one pair (not really needed but an additional check)
                if letterSet[key][0] in firstMapping[key]:
                    if len(firstMapping[key]) > 1:
                        firstMapping[key] = letterSet[key]
    # remove solved letters from mapping to get rid of any mappings that still might contain multiple letters (again this is a precaution)
    secondMapping = removeSolvedLettersFromMapping(firstMapping)
    # return the complete message after decoding the ciphertext with the updated mapping
    completedMessage = decryptWithCipherletterMapping(message, secondMapping)

    return completedMessage
Esempio n. 16
word2 = 'PLQRZKBZB'
word3 = 'MPBKSSIPLC'

letterMap1 = SimpleSubHacker.getBlackCipherLetterMapping()
letterMap2 = SimpleSubHacker.getBlackCipherLetterMapping()
letterMap3 = SimpleSubHacker.getBlackCipherLetterMapping()

letterMaps = []

wordPat1 = makeWordPatterns.getWordPattern(word1)
wordPat2 = makeWordPatterns.getWordPattern(word2)
wordPat3 = makeWordPatterns.getWordPattern(word3)

patterns = []

cands = []
for pattern in patterns:

for candidateList in cands: