Esempio n. 1
def candlestick2(ax, opens, closes, highs, lows, width=1,
                 colorup='red', colordown='cyan',

    Represent the open, close as a bar line and high low range as a
    vertical line.

    ax          : an Axes instance to plot to
    width       : the bar width in points
    colorup     : the color of the lines where close >= open
    colordown   : the color of the lines where close <  open
    alpha       : bar transparency

    return value is lineCollection, barCollection

    # note this code assumes if any value open, close, low, high is
    # missing they all are missing

    delta = width/2.
    barVerts = [ ( (i-delta, open), (i-delta, close), (i+delta, close), (i+delta, open) ) for i, open, close in zip(xrange(len(opens)), opens, closes) if open != -1 and close!=-1 ]

    rangeSegments = [ ((i, low), (i, high)) for i, low, high in zip(xrange(len(lows)), lows, highs) if low != -1 ]

    r,g,b = colorConverter.to_rgb(colorup)
    colorup = r,g,b,alpha
    r,g,b = colorConverter.to_rgb(colordown)
    colordown = r,g,b,alpha
    colord = { True :  colorup,
               False : colordown,
    r,g,b = colorConverter.to_rgb('black')
    fcolorup = r,g,b,alpha
    fcolord = { True : fcolorup,
               False : colordown,
    colors = [colord[open<close] for open, close in zip(opens, closes) if open!=-1 and close !=-1]
    fcolors = [fcolord[open<close] for open, close in zip(opens, closes) if open!=-1 and close !=-1]


    useAA = 0,  # use tuple here
    lw = 0.5,   # and here
    rangeCollection = LineCollection(rangeSegments,
                                     #colors       = ( (0,0,0,1), ),
                                     colors = colors,
                                     linewidths   = lw,
                                     antialiaseds = useAA,

    barCollection = PolyCollection(barVerts,
                                   facecolors   = fcolors,
                                   #edgecolors   = ( (0,0,0,1), ),
                                   edgecolors   = colors,
                                   antialiaseds = useAA,
                                   linewidths   = lw,

    minx, maxx = 0, len(rangeSegments)
    miny = min([low for low in lows if low !=-1])
    maxy = max([high for high in highs if high != -1])

    corners = (minx, miny), (maxx, maxy)

    # add these last
    barCollection.set(zorder=2) #bar要覆盖掉range,避免range的线条颜色在bar中显示
    return rangeCollection, barCollection