Esempio n. 1
def fetch_weather(token):
	logger.debug("Fetching weather data for token '{0}'".format(str(token)))
	url = settings.get('mock', token) \
		if settings.getboolean('app', 'debug') and settings.has_section('mock') \
		else settings.get('weather', token)

	logger.debug("WEATHER - URL fetched for weather data was '{0}'".format(str(url)))

	if url.startswith('http'):
		logger.debug("WEATHER - URL '{0}' has http, attempting http request".format(str(url)))
			weather = json.loads(requests.get(url).content)
		except (requests.exceptions.missingSchema, ValueError) as e:
			# json.loads throws ValueError on invalid json string
			logger.error("Exception {0} caught while trying to fetch weather. Message: {1}".format(e.__class__, e.message))
			flask.abort(400, e.message)
		logger.debug("WEATHER - URL '{0}' had no http, attempting to open file".format(str(url)))
			with open(url, 'rb') as f:
				weather = json.load(f)
		except IOError as e:
			logger.error("Exception {0} caught while trying to fetch weather. Message: {1}".format(e.__class__, e.message))
			flask.abort(500, e.message)

	return weather
Esempio n. 2
def fetch_calendar(token):
	logger.debug("Fetching calendar data for token '{0}'".format(str(token)))

	url = settings.get('mock', token) \
		if settings.getboolean('app', 'debug') and settings.has_section('mock') \
		else settings.get('calendar', token)

	logger.debug("CALENDAR - URL fetched for calendar data was '{0}'".format(str(url)))

	if url.startswith('http'):
		logger.debug("CALENDAR - URL '{0}' has http, attempting http request".format(str(url)))
			calendar = icalendar.Calendar.from_ical(requests.get(url).content)
		except (requests.exceptions.MissingSchema, ValueError) as e:
			# icalendar throws ValueError on invalid ical format
			logger.error("Exception {0} caught while trying to fetch calendar. Message: {1}".format(e.__class__, e.message))
			flask.abort(400, e.message)
		logger.debug("CALENDAR - URL '{0}' had no http, attempting to open file".format(str(url)))
			with open(url, 'rb') as f:
				calendar = icalendar.Calendar.from_ical(
		except IOError as e:
			logger.error("Exception {0} caught while trying to fetch calendar. Message: {1}".format(e.__class__, e.message))
			flask.abort(500, e.message)

	return calendar
Esempio n. 3
def get_holidays():
	logger.debug("Received call to Holidays controller from {0}".format(str(flask.request.remote_addr)))

	if settings.getboolean('calendar', 'hide_holidays'):
		return flask.jsonify(results=[])

	calendar = fetch_calendar('holidays')
	events = []
	for event in calendar.walk('VEVENT'):
		if <= event['dtstart'].dt:
			events.append({	'summary' : event['summary'],
							'start' : str(event['dtstart'].dt),
							'end' : str(event['dtend'].dt)})"Holiday request succeeded and yielded {0} holidays".format(len(events)))
	return flask.jsonify(results=events)