from moose_nerp.prototypes.util import NamedList, NamedDict from moose_nerp.prototypes.syn_proto import SynChannelParams, MgParams from . import param_cond #Parameters for synpases (SI units): #Erev (Volts), tau1 & tau2 (sec) #Gbar units: Siemens/meter squared #C is concentration of Mg in mM, A is 1/eta and B is 1/gamma, #These params are too insensitive to voltage #mgparams={'A':(1/18.0), 'B':(1/99.0), 'C': 1.4} #Classic (allows significant calcium at resting potential): #mgparams={'A':(1/3.57), 'B':(1/62.0), 'C': 1.4} #Intermediate _NMDA_MgParams = MgParams(A=1 / 6.0, B=1 / 80.0, C=1.4) #Lavian Eur J Neurosci: Egaba=-75 mV, amp ~1mV at -60 mV _SynGaba = SynChannelParams(Erev=-75e-3, tau1=0.5e-3, tau2=10e-3, Gbar=0.25e-9, var=0.05) #may need two time constants of decay to match Lavian #Use 1.5e-9 for str and 3e-9 for GPe? _SynAMPA = SynChannelParams(Erev=0, tau1=1e-3, tau2=3e-3, Gbar=0.15e-9, var=0.05, spinic=True)
from moose_nerp.prototypes.syn_proto import SynChannelParams, MgParams, DesensitizationParams from . import param_cond #Parameters for inhibitory synpases: #Erev, tau1, tau2 (SI units) #C is concentration of Mg, A is 1/eta and B is 1/gamma, #Rebekah's: #These params are too insensitive to voltage #mgparams={'A':(1/18.0), 'B':(1/99.0), 'C': 1.4} #Classic (allows significant calcium at resting potential): #mgparams={'A':(1/3.57), 'B':(1/62.0), 'C': 1.4} #Intermediate desenYN = 0 _NMDA_MgParams = MgParams(A=1 / 18.0, B=1 / 99.0, C=1.4) #Sriram uses 0.109e-9 for AMPA and 0.9e-9 for Gaba _SynGaba = SynChannelParams(Erev=-60e-3, tau1=0.25e-3, tau2=3.75e-3, Gbar=0.2e-9, nmdaCaFrac=0.0, var=0.05) SynGabaNPY = SynChannelParams( Erev=-60e-3, #NPY tau1=0.25e-3, tau2=80.75e-3, Gbar=0.5e-9, nmdaCaFrac=0.0,
from . import param_cond #Parameters for inhibitory synpases: #Erev, tau1, tau2 (SI units) #C is concentration of Mg, A is 1/eta and B is 1/gamma, #Rebekah's: #These params are too insensitive to voltage #mgparams={'A':(1/18.0), 'B':(1/99.0), 'C': 1.4} #Classic (allows significant calcium at resting potential): #mgparams={'A':(1/3.57), 'B':(1/62.0), 'C': 1.4} #Intermediate desenYN = 0 _NMDA_MgParams = MgParams( A=1 / 18.0, #3.57,#18.0, B=1 / 99.0, #62.0,#99.0, C=1.0) #Sriram uses 0.109e-9 for AMPA and 0.9e-9 for Gaba _SynGaba = SynChannelParams(Erev=-60e-3, tau1=0.25e-3, tau2=3.75e-3, Gbar=0.2e-9, nmdaCaFrac=0.0, var=0.05) SynGabaNPY = SynChannelParams( Erev=-60e-3, #NPY tau1=0.25e-3, tau2=80.75e-3, Gbar=0.5e-9,