def utilsMotors(): motors = Motors() while True: print "---------------------------" print "utils for Motors" print "---------------------------" print """ 1 --> calibrate ESC 2 --> test motor 0 --> go back """ if choice2 == None: choice = raw_input('please set action and press enter\n') else: choice = choice2 if choice == '1': choice = raw_input('please set the motor id to ccalibrate\n') if not choice == 'all' : choice = int(choice) motors.calibrate(choice) elif choice == '2': choice = raw_input('please set the motor id to test\n') motors.test(int(choice)) elif choice == '0': return else: print "This choice is not reconized, try again"
def __init__(self): self.motors = Motors() #self.marg = MARG() # not sure if I want this here, but will add for now self.server = Server() self.prev_msg = b''
def __init__(self, verbose=False): self.verbose = verbose self.status_counter = 0 self.state = self.STATE_WAITING self.currenttime = 0 self.flex_fish_limit = self.FLEX_FISH_LIMIT self.player = Player(self, verbose) self.adc_sensors = AdcSensors(self, verbose) self.motors = Motors(self, verbose) self.web_connection = WebConnection(self, verbose) self.gps_tracker = GpsTracker(self, verbose) = Video(self, verbose) # Initial valus for settings # Speed: (0-1). 1 = Full speed ahead # Turn = -1 - +1 = +1 Only left motor on (turn to right) # 0 Both motors same speed # -1 Only right motor on (turn to left) self.speed = 0.0 self.turn = 0.0 # speed style examples: # - Constant speed = (low_speed_percent = 100) # - Stop and go jigging with 6 sec motor on and 4 sec stop. low_speed_percent = 0,speed_change_cycle = 10, speed_motors_full_percent = 60 # - Trolling with 10 sec half speed and 5 sec full speed. low_speed_percent = 50, speed_change_cycle = 15, speed_motors_full_percent = 66.66 self.speed_change_cycle = 0 self.speed_motors_full_percent = 100 self.low_speed_percent = 0 # Play music or not self.play_music = False
def __init__(self): self.ub.Init() self.tb.Init() self.t1 = self.tickSpeed = 0.05 = Ultrasonics(self.ub) self.motors = Motors(self.tb, self.ub, self.tickSpeed) self.steering = Steering(self.tb, self.ub, self.tickSpeed) self.teleLogger = Telemetry("telemetry", "csv").get() self.ptc = PanTiltController(self.ub, 270, 135) self.joystick_controller = JoystickController(self.tb, self.ub) battMin, battMax = self.tb.GetBatteryMonitoringLimits() battCurrent = self.tb.GetBatteryReading() print('Battery monitoring settings:') print(' Minimum (red) %02.2f V' % (battMin)) print(' Half-way (yellow) %02.2f V' % ((battMin + battMax) / 2)) print(' Maximum (green) %02.2f V' % (battMax)) print() print(' Current voltage %02.2f V' % (battCurrent)) print(' Mode %s' % (self.mode)) print()
def test1(): ZumoButton().wait_for_press() m = Motors() m.turn_right(90) m.turn_left(180) m.turn_right(360) m.turn_left(360)
def operationalize(self): #Oppretter motors-objekt m = Motors() #henter inn recommendation fra arbitrator og plugger inn i motors m.set_value(self.values, 0.5) #Går gjennom listen og bruker den til å utføre de forskjellige handlingene fra motors for i in range(len(self.motors)): self.motors[i].set_value(self.values, 0.5)
def __init__(self): self.motor = Motors() self.value = -1 self.speed = 0.35 self.funcs = { "left": self.left, "right": self.right, "random": self.random, "rewind": self.rewind }
def __init__(self, a_star=None): self.a_star = a_star or AStar() self.encoders = Encoders(self.a_star) self.odometer = Odometer(self.encoders) self.motors = Motors(self.a_star, self.odometer) = Camera() self.log = logging.getLogger('romi') self.motors.stop()
def main(): gamepad = Gamepad() motors = Motors() iks = [] for i in range(4): iks.append(DeltaIK()) controller = ManualController(iks) angles = 8 * [0.0] kPs = 8 * [0.1] frametime = 1.0 / 30.0 print("Ready.") while True: try: s = time.time() if not gamepad.process_events(): print("Controller disconnected, waiting for reconnect...") while not gamepad.reconnect(): time.sleep(0.5) print("Controller reconnected.") if gamepad.is_a_down(): print("Shutdown button (A) has been pressed, shutting down...") break pad_y = gamepad.get_left_thumbstick_y() controller.step(pad_y, frametime) # Map IK leg results to motors for i in range(4): angles[legMap[i] [0]] = legDirs[i][0] * (iks[i].angle - (np.pi / 2.0 - iks[i].A)) angles[legMap[i] [1]] = legDirs[i][1] * (iks[i].angle + (np.pi / 2.0 - iks[i].A)) motors.sendCommands(angles, kPs) time.sleep(max(0, frametime - (time.time() - s))) except Exception as e: print(e) break print("-- Program at End --")
def shoot_panorama(shots=5): camera = Camera() motors = Motors() s = 1 im = IMR.Imager(image=camera.update()).scale(s, s) rotation_time = 3 / shots # At a speed of 0.5(of max), it takes about 3 seconds to rotate 360 degrees for i in range(shots - 1): motors.right(0.5, rotation_time) im = im.concat_horiz(IMR.Imager(image=camera.update())) im.dump_image("/root/Oving6_Plab/basic_robot/bilder/test.png") return im
def calc(): m = Motors() while True: ZumoButton().wait_for_press() sleep(1) m.set_value([-1, 1], 90 * 0.00228) sleep(1) m.set_value([-1, 1], 90 * 0.00228) sleep(1) m.set_value([-1, 1], 90 * 0.00228) sleep(1) m.set_value([-1, 1], 90 * 0.00228)
def __init__(self): # Name of the controller = "PAUL controller for Raspberry Pi" # Current Speed of the robot self.speed = 0 # Speed that the robot will travel up (note negative speed goes up) self.up_speed = -70 #Speed that the robot will travel down (note negative speed goes down) self.down_speed = 70 # Threshold reading on top distance sensors before triggering self.top_threshold = 1.9 # Threshold reading on bottom distance sensors before triggering self.bottom_threshold = 2.6 # Note: The following should only be set if distance sensors are not attached, # they should be set to 0 if sensors are attached. self.top_ds_reading = 0 self.bottom_ds_reading = 0 # Create an instance of the Motors class used in SDP = Motors() #Sensors #define array of digital inputs to store readings from the bump sensors self.bump_sensors = [DigitalInput() for i in range (0,6)] #addressing the channels for the bump sensors #0-2 are top sensors #3-5 are bottom channels for i in range(0,6): self.bump_sensors[i].setChannel(i) self.bump_sensors[i].openWaitForAttachment(5000) #define array of analogue inputs to store readings from the ir sensors self.ir_sensors = [VoltageInput() for i in range (0,6)] #addressing the channels for the ir sensors #0-2 are top sensors #3-5 are bottom channels for i in range(0,6): self.ir_sensors[i].setChannel(i) #this line will basically call the event handler when the readings change self.ir_sensors[i].openWaitForAttachment(5000) #Light # connect to pin 12(slot PWM) PIN = 18 # For Grove - WS2813 RGB LED Strip Waterproof - 30 LED/m # there is 30 RGB LEDs. COUNT = 60 self.strip = GroveWS2813RgbStrip(PIN, COUNT)
def test(): ZumoButton().wait_for_press() ultra = Ultrasonic() m = Motors() ultra.update() tall = ultra.get_value() print("tall: ", tall) while tall < 5.0: m.backward(0.2, 1) print(tall) ultra.update() tall = ultra.get_value() print(tall)
class motob: """Motob klasse har en motor""" def __init__(self): """Create empty list as value""" self.motor = Motors() # ("l",45,+0.5) self.value_drive = ["l", 0, 0] # a list [direction, degrees, speed] self.value_halt = False # The value of the halt flag #self.dir_list = ['l','r','f','b'] def update(self, mot_roc): """sette en ny value""" self.value_drive = mot_roc[0] self.value_halt = mot_roc[1] def operationalize(self, dur=0.05): """apply value, r: Right, l:Left, f:Forward, b:Backward""" #dur = 3 turn_speed = self.value_drive[1] / 100 if turn_speed > 1: turn_speed = 1 # cond_left_right = False # if self.value_drive[1] == 0: # If we are turning 0 degrees, cond_left_right = True # cond_left_right = True #print("I am in loop") if self.value_drive[ 0] == 'l' and self.value_drive[1] > 0 and not self.value_halt: # turn left and we are turning, but why not call left? self.motor.set_value((-self.value_drive[2], self.value_drive[2]), turn_speed) # 10 eller dur #self.motor.left(self.value_drive[2], dur) elif self.value_drive[ 0] == 'r' and self.value_drive[1] > 0 and not self.value_halt: # turn right, and we are turning, try motors.right?? self.motor.set_value((self.value_drive[2], -self.value_drive[2]), turn_speed) # 10 eller dur #self.motor.right(self.value_drive[2], dur) elif self.value_drive[0] == 'f' and self.value_drive[ 1] == 0 and not self.value_halt: # Drive forward self.motor.forward(abs(self.value_drive[2]), dur) #self.motor.set_value((self.value_drive[2], self.value_drive[2]), self.value_drive[2]) elif self.value_drive[0] == 'b' and self.value_drive[ 1] == 0 and not self.value_halt: # Drive backwards self.motor.backward(abs(self.value_drive[2]), dur) #self.motor.set_value((-self.value_drive[2], -self.value_drive[2]), self.value_drive[2]) elif self.value_halt: # If we are done, the haltflag is True, stop self.motor.stop()
class Motob: """ The motor object (motob) manifests an interface between a behavior and one or more motors (a.k.a. actuators). It contains (at least) the following instance variables: 1. motors - a list of the motors whose settings will be determined by the motob. 2. value - a holder of the most recent motor recommendation sent to the motob. Its primary methods are: 1. update - receive a new motor recommendation, load it into the value slot, and operationalize it. 2. operationalize - convert a motor recommendation into one or more motor settings, which are sent to the corresponding motor(s) """ def __init__(self): self.motor = Motors() self.value = None def update(self, recommendation): self.value = recommendation self.operationalize() def operationalize(self): """ convert motor recommendation into motor setting send to motor format value: [direction, speed, duration] :return: """ for element in self.value: if element[0] == "f": self.motor.forward(element[1], element[2]) elif element[0] == "b": self.motor.backward(element[1], element[2]) elif element[0] == "l": self.motor.left(element[1], element[2]) elif element[0] == "r": self.motor.right(element[1], element[2])
def vsvingsakte(): speed = 0.5 ZumoButton().wait_for_press() motors = Motors() motors.set_value((speed / 2, speed / 2), 1) motors.set_value((speed, -speed), 0.1) motors.set_value((speed / 2, speed / 2), 1)
def vsvingrask(): speed = 0.5 ZumoButton().wait_for_press() motors = Motors() motors.set_value((speed / 2, speed / 2), 1) motors.set_value((0.3, -0.3), 1) motors.set_value((speed / 2, speed / 2), 1)
def __init__(self): """ position: init position dict with keys: - "angle": a X-axis relative angle. - "point": the first position. """ # self._us_sensors = RangeSensor(4) self._motors = Motors(5) self._kinematic = Kinematics(6) self._us = RangeSensor(4)'Building the graph map.') # self._graph = build_graph(robot_diagonal)'Finished to build the graph map.') self._blocking_servo = -1
class Move: def __init__(self): # initialize the status self.dist = 1 self.dist_prev = 2 self.act_prev = 'r' # init motors, establish bluetooth self.motors = Motors() self.motors.arm_move((90,90)) def targetDist(self,targetCenter, imgCenter): # range from 0 to 1 h = float(imgCenter[0]-targetCenter[0])/imgCenter[0] v = float(imgCenter[1]-targetCenter[1])/imgCenter[1] return h def findmarker(self, img): # return > 0 to end finding process print self.dist if abs(self.dist)>abs(self.dist_prev): # the result got worse if self.act_prev == 'r': self.act = 'l' if self.act_prev == 'l': self.act = 'r' if abs(self.dist)<=abs(self.dist_prev): # the result got better or same, keep doing self.act = self.act_prev self.motors.turn(self.act) import time time.sleep(0.1) self.act_prev = self.act self.dist_prev = self.dist mlist = marker().find(img, debug = 0, show = 0) #default dist, which means the not found response if len(mlist)==1: num, pos = mlist[0] center = tuple(np.int0( np.mean( pos.reshape(4,2), axis = 0))) img_center = tuple( img.shape[:2]) img_center = (img_center[1]/2, img_center[0]/2) self.dist = self.targetDist(center, img_center) else: self.dist = 2 return 0
def start(): bbcon = BBCON() arb = Arbitrator(bbcon) motor = Motors() reflect_sens = ReflectanceSensors(False) cam = Camera() ir = IR() ultra = Ultrasonic() bbcon.add_motobs(motor) bbcon.set_arb(arb) bbcon.add_behaviour(AvoidObj(bbcon, ultra, ir)) bbcon.add_behaviour(Behaviour_line_follower(bbcon, reflect_sens)) bbcon.add_behaviour(fub(bb=bbcon)) #behaviour avoid blue, has to be added last, do not change this, will screw up bbcon code bbcon.add_behaviour(Behaviour_avoid_blue(bb=bbcon, cam=cam, ultra=ultra)) bbcon.add_sensob(reflect_sens) bbcon.add_sensob(ir) bbcon.add_sensob(ultra) #cam has to be added last, will screw up bbcon code if not bbcon.add_sensob(cam) butt = ZumoButton() butt.wait_for_press() print("Start zumo") while True: bbcon.run_one_timestep()
def lineCollision(): reflect = ReflectanceSensors() ZumoButton().wait_for_press() motor = Motors() stuck = CheckStuck() ultra = Ultrasonic() proxim = IRProximitySensor() sensobCol = Sensob() sensobCol.set_sensors([ultra, proxim]) motob = Motob(motor=motor) sensobLine = Sensob() sensobLine.set_sensors([reflect]) arb = Arbitrator(motob=motob) bbcon = BBCON(arbitrator=arb, motob=motob) bbcon.set_checkStucker(stuck) line = LineFollow(1, [sensobLine]) col = CollisionAvoidance(1, [sensobCol]) bbcon.add_behavior(line) bbcon.add_behavior(col) bbcon.add_sensob(sensobCol) bbcon.add_sensob(sensobLine) count = 0 while count < 20: bbcon.run_one_timestep() count += 1
def __init__(self): self.arbit = Arbitrary() self.value = None self.motorList = [] self.motorList.append(Motors())
def __init__(self): # Initialize arbitrator self.arbitrator = Arbitrator() # Initialize motobs (single object for both motors on the Zumo) self.motobs.append(Motob(Motors())) # Initialize sensors self.sensors = { 'ultrasonic': Ultrasonic(0.05), 'IR': IRProximitySensor(), 'reflectance': ReflectanceSensors(False, 0, 900), 'camera': Camera(), } self.active_sensors = [self.sensors['ultrasonic'], self.sensors['IR'], self.sensors['reflectance']] # Initialize sensobs self.sensobs = { 'distance': DistanceSensob([self.sensors['ultrasonic']]), 'line_pos': LinePosSensob([self.sensors['reflectance']]), 'proximity': ProximitySensob([self.sensors['IR']]), 'red_search': RedSearchSensob([self.sensors['camera']]), } self.active_sensobs = [self.sensobs['distance'], self.sensobs['line_pos'], self.sensobs['proximity']] time.sleep(1)
class Motob: def __init__(self): self.motors = Motors() def update(self, motor_recommendation: MotorOperation): print(motor_recommendation) if motor_recommendation == MotorOperation.FORWARDS: self.motors.forward() elif motor_recommendation == MotorOperation.BACKWARDS: self.motors.backward() elif motor_recommendation == MotorOperation.TURN_LEFT: self.motors.left(1, 2.5) elif motor_recommendation == MotorOperation.TURN_RIGHT: self.motors.right(1, 2.5) else: self.motors.forward(0)
def lineTest(): reflect = ReflectanceSensors() ZumoButton().wait_for_press() motor = Motors() stuck = CheckStuck() camera = Camera() motob = Motob(motor) arbitrator = Arbitrator(motob=motob) sensob = Sensob() sensob.set_sensors([reflect]) bbcon = BBCON(arbitrator=arbitrator, motob=motob) bbcon.add_sensob(sensob) bbcon.set_checkStucker(stuck) b = LineFollow(1, [sensob]) bbcon.add_behavior(b) timesteps = 0 while timesteps < 30: bbcon.run_one_timestep() timesteps += 1
def trackTest(): ZumoButton().wait_for_press() motor = Motors() ultra = Ultrasonic() camera = Camera() stuck = CheckStuck() motob = Motob(motor) arbitrator = Arbitrator(motob=motob) sensob = Sensob() sensob.set_sensors([ultra, camera]) bbcon = BBCON(arbitrator=arbitrator, motob=motob) b = TrackObject(priority=1, sensobs=[sensob]) bbcon.set_checkStucker(stuck) bbcon.add_behavior(b) bbcon.activate_behavior(0) bbcon.add_sensob(sensob) timesteps = 0 while timesteps < 25: bbcon.run_one_timestep() timesteps += 1
def __init__(self, position): """ position: init position dict with keys: - "angle": a X-axis relative angle. - "point": the first position. """ self._position = position # self._us_sensors = RangeSensor(4) self._motors = Motors(5) self._kinematic = Kinematics(6)'Building the graph map.') robot_diagonal = math.sqrt(self.DIMENSION['length'] + self.DIMENSION['width']**2) self._graph = build_graph(robot_diagonal)'Finished to build the graph map.')
def __init__(self): # initialize the status self.dist = 1 self.dist_prev = 2 self.act_prev = 'r' # init motors, establish bluetooth self.motors = Motors() self.motors.arm_move((90,90))
class Server(): def __init__(self, host, port): = host print(host) self.port = port self.motors = Motors() def start(self): self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.sock.bind((, self.port)) self.sock.listen(5) return self.connection() def connection(self): conn, addr = self.sock.accept() print(addr) while True: data = conn.recv(1024) if data.decode("utf-8") == "w": print('move forward') self.motors.forward() elif data.decode("utf-8") == "s": print("move back") self.motors.back() elif data.decode("utf-8") == "a": print("move left") self.motors.left() elif data.decode("utf-8") == "d": print("move right") self.motors.right() elif data.decode("utf-8") == "space": print("stopping") self.motors.stop() elif data.decode("utf-8") == "m": print("server OFF") break elif data.decode("utf-8") == "q": print("Program will close...") self.sock.close() return False self.sock.close() return True def restart(self): self.connection()
def shoot_panorama(camera=Camera(),motors=Motors(),shots=5): s = 1 im = IMR.Imager(image=camera.update()).scale(s,s) rotation_time = 3/shots # At a speed of 0.5(of max), it takes about 3 seconds to rotate 360 degrees for i in range(shots-1): motors.right(0.5,rotation_time) im = im.concat_horiz(IMR.Imager(image=camera.update())) return im
def tourist(steps=25,shots=5,speed=.25): ZumoButton().wait_for_press() rs = ReflectanceSensors(); m = Motors(); c = Camera() for i in range(steps): random_step(m,speed=speed,duration=0.5) vals = rs.update() if sum(vals) < 1: # very dark area im = shoot_panorama(c,m,shots) im.dump_image('vacation_pic'+str(i)+'.jpeg')
async def update_motors(): global cmd m = Motors() m.set(0, 0) while True: if time.time() - cmd['time'] > p.motor_command_timeout: m.set(0, 0) else: m.set(cmd['forward'], cmd['turn']) await asyncio.sleep(0.05)
def __init__(self, host, port): = host self.port = port self.socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.socket.bind((host, port)) self.socket.listen(1) self.client_socket = self.socket.accept()[0] Motors() self.listen()
def __init__(self, leftMotorPort=None, rightMotorPort=None, leftTouchPort=None, rightTouchPort=None, sonarPort=None): BrickPiSetup() # setup the serial port for communication if(sonarPort is not None): self.sonar = Sonar(sonarPort) if(leftTouchPort is not None): self.leftTouch = Touch(leftTouchPort) if(rightTouchPort is not None): self.rightTouch = Touch(rightTouchPort) if(leftMotorPort is not None and rightMotorPort is not None): self.motors = Motors(leftMotorPort, rightMotorPort) BrickPiSetupSensors() #Send the properties of sensors to BrickPi
def __init__(self): """Initialize Motob object. Parameters ---------- action : Holder of the action whose settings will be determined by the motob. duration : Holder of the most recent duration the of the action. """ self.m = Motors() self.action = None self.duration = None
def __init__(self): if pi is True: self.board = Arduino() self.board.connect() self.move = Motors() GPIO.setup(GREEN_LED_GPIO,GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(RED_LED_GPIO,GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(BUTTON, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP) # load the sample hash with open(rfid_hash) as fh: self.rfid_hash = json.load(fh)
class Robot: def __init__(self, leftMotorPort=None, rightMotorPort=None, leftTouchPort=None, rightTouchPort=None, sonarPort=None): BrickPiSetup() # setup the serial port for communication if(sonarPort is not None): self.sonar = Sonar(sonarPort) if(leftTouchPort is not None): self.leftTouch = Touch(leftTouchPort) if(rightTouchPort is not None): self.rightTouch = Touch(rightTouchPort) if(leftMotorPort is not None and rightMotorPort is not None): self.motors = Motors(leftMotorPort, rightMotorPort) BrickPiSetupSensors() #Send the properties of sensors to BrickPi def followWall(self, prefer_wall_distance): """ Follow wall within 'distance' cm """ print "Follow wall within ", prefer_wall_distance, " cm." acc_err = 0 last_err = 0 last_dist = 0 while(True): acc_err, last_err, last_diff_vel = self.followWallStep(prefer_wall_distance, acc_err, last_err, last_dist) def followWallStep(self, prefer_wall_distance, acc_err=0, last_err=0, last_z = 0): # read sonar z = self.sonar.getSmoothSonarDistance(0.05) print "Distance from the wall ", z err = (prefer_wall_distance - z) err = limitTo(err, -10, 10) derror = err - last_err acc_err += err #acc_err = limitTo(acc_err, -10, 10) # HACK: shouldn't need to do this if(err < 0): kp = FOLLOW_WALL_KP_FAR else: kp = FOLLOW_WALL_KP_NEAR I_adjust = limitTo(FOLLOW_WALL_KI*acc_err, -5, 5) diff_vel = kp*err + I_adjust + FOLLOW_WALL_KD * derror print "err : ", err, acc_err if(err*last_err <= 0): acc_err = 0 print kp*err, I_adjust, FOLLOW_WALL_KD * derror print "RERR : ", abs(err) - abs(last_err) ERR_T = 3 #if(abs(last_err) - abs(err) > ERR_T): # diff_vel = 0 # set moving speed new_left_speed = FWD_VEL + FWD_SIGN*int(round(diff_vel)) new_right_speed = FWD_VEL - FWD_SIGN*int(round(diff_vel)) self.motors.setSpeed(new_left_speed, new_right_speed) time.sleep(0.01) last_z = z return (acc_err, err, last_z) def keepDistanceFront(self, distance): """ Keeps the robot at some distance from the wall """ print "Keep distance : ", distance acc_err = 0 last_err = 0 while True: # get sonar measurement for 0.05 seconds z = self.sonar.getSmoothSonarDistance(0.05) # set the speed of the robot err = z - distance acc_err += err derror = err - last_err print "Current distance : ", z speed = KEEP_DISTANCE_FRONT_KP * err + KEEP_DISTANCE_FRONT_KI * acc_err + KEEP_DISTANCE_FRONT_KD * derror print speed, err, acc_err, derror #if(abs(err) > 3 and speed != 0 and abs(speed) < LOWEST_VEL): # direction = speed/abs(speed) # speed = direction*LOWEST_VEL if(err*last_err < 0): acc_err = 0 print "mul", err*last_err self.motors.setSpeed(speed) last_err = err time.sleep(0.01) # def stop(self): # self.motors.stop() # def forward(self, *args, **kwargs): # self.motors.forward(*args, **kwargs) # def turn(self, *args, **kwargs): # self.motors.turn(*args, **kwargs) # def left90deg(self): # self.motors.left90deg() # def right90deg(self): # self.motors.right90deg() # def setSpeed(self, *args, **kwargs): # self.motors.setSpeed(*args, **kwargs) def __getattr__(self, name): """ If a method like stop does not exist, try it on the motors """ def _missing(*args, **kwargs): if self.motors is not None: func = getattr(self.motors, name) func(*args, **kwargs) return _missing
def dancer(): ZumoButton().wait_for_press() m = Motors() m.forward(.2,3) m.backward(.2,3) m.right(.5,3) m.left(.5,3) m.backward(.3,2.5) m.set_value([.5,.1],10) m.set_value([-.5,-.1],10)
def __init__(self): # No communications or arming yet self.comms = None self.armed = False # Do basic Tk initialization self.root = Tk() self.root.configure(bg=BACKGROUND_COLOR) self.root.resizable(False, False) self.root.title('Hackflight Ground Control Station') left = (self.root.winfo_screenwidth() - DISPLAY_WIDTH) / 2 top = (self.root.winfo_screenheight() - DISPLAY_HEIGHT) / 2 self.root.geometry('%dx%d+%d+%d' % (DISPLAY_WIDTH, DISPLAY_HEIGHT, left, top)) self.frame = Frame(self.root) self.root.wm_iconbitmap(bitmap = "@media/icon.xbm")'wm', 'iconphoto', self.root._w, PhotoImage('icon.png')) self.root.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', self.quit) # Create panes for two rows of widgets self.pane1 = self._add_pane() self.pane2 = self._add_pane() # Add a buttons self.button_connect = self._add_button('Connect', self.pane1, self._connect_callback) self.button_setup = self._add_button('Setup', self.pane2, self._setup_callback) self.button_motors = self._add_button('Motors', self.pane2, self._motors_button_callback) self.button_receiver = self._add_button('Receiver', self.pane2, self._receiver_button_callback) self.button_messages = self._add_button('Messages', self.pane2, self._messages_button_callback) #self.button_maps = self._add_button('Maps', self.pane2, self._maps_button_callback, disabled=False) # Prepare for adding ports as they are detected by our timer task self.portsvar = StringVar(self.root) self.portsmenu = None self.connected = False self.ports = [] # Finalize Tk stuff self.frame.pack() self.canvas = Canvas(self.root, width=DISPLAY_WIDTH, height=DISPLAY_HEIGHT, background='black') self.canvas.pack() # Add widgets for motor-testing dialog; hide them immediately self.motors = Motors(self) self.motors.stop() # Create receiver dialog self.receiver = Receiver(self) # Create messages dialog self.messages = Messages(self) # Create setup dialog self.setup = Setup(self) self._schedule_connection_task() # Create a maps dialog #self.maps = Maps(self, yoffset=-30) # Create a splash image self.splashimage = PhotoImage(file='media/splash.png') self._show_splash() # Create a message parser self.parser = MSP_Parser() # Set up parser's request strings self.attitude_request = self.parser.serialize_ATTITUDE_Request() self.rc_request = self.parser.serialize_RC_Request() # No messages yet self.yaw_pitch_roll = 0,0,0 self.rxchannels = 0,0,0,0,0 # A hack to support display in Setup dialog self.active_axis = 0
from arduino import Commands, Arduino from time import sleep from motors import Motors from mission import Mission board = Arduino() board.connect() move = Motors() mission = Mission() mission.startMission() board.connect() print("Board connected") sleep(0.5) del1 = 5 # This is standard delay 1 in seconds del2 = 3 # This is standard delay 2 in seconds speed = 50 # This takes a value from 0 to 254 print("Will now go forward speed 50 for 1S") sleep(0.8) move.forward(50) sleep(1) move.stop() print("Will now go backwards speed 50 for 1S") sleep(1) move.backward(50) sleep(1) move.stop() print("robot will now move forward by 60 cm on button press") sleep(1)
from arduino import Commands, Arduino from time import sleep from motors import Motors from mission import Mission board = Arduino() board.connect() move = Motors() mission = Mission() mission.startMission() while True: move.position(10,100) sleep(4) move.rotate(-90,100) sleep(4) move.position(10,100) sleep(4) move.rotate(-90,100) sleep(4) move.position(10,100) sleep(4) move.rotate(-90,100) sleep(4) move.position(10,100) sleep(4) move.rotate(-90,100) sleep(4) move.position(-10,100) sleep(4) move.rotate(90,100)
class GCS: def __init__(self): # No communications or arming yet self.comms = None self.armed = False # Do basic Tk initialization self.root = Tk() self.root.configure(bg=BACKGROUND_COLOR) self.root.resizable(False, False) self.root.title('Hackflight Ground Control Station') left = (self.root.winfo_screenwidth() - DISPLAY_WIDTH) / 2 top = (self.root.winfo_screenheight() - DISPLAY_HEIGHT) / 2 self.root.geometry('%dx%d+%d+%d' % (DISPLAY_WIDTH, DISPLAY_HEIGHT, left, top)) self.frame = Frame(self.root) self.root.wm_iconbitmap(bitmap = "@media/icon.xbm")'wm', 'iconphoto', self.root._w, PhotoImage('icon.png')) self.root.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', self.quit) # Create panes for two rows of widgets self.pane1 = self._add_pane() self.pane2 = self._add_pane() # Add a buttons self.button_connect = self._add_button('Connect', self.pane1, self._connect_callback) self.button_setup = self._add_button('Setup', self.pane2, self._setup_callback) self.button_motors = self._add_button('Motors', self.pane2, self._motors_button_callback) self.button_receiver = self._add_button('Receiver', self.pane2, self._receiver_button_callback) self.button_messages = self._add_button('Messages', self.pane2, self._messages_button_callback) #self.button_maps = self._add_button('Maps', self.pane2, self._maps_button_callback, disabled=False) # Prepare for adding ports as they are detected by our timer task self.portsvar = StringVar(self.root) self.portsmenu = None self.connected = False self.ports = [] # Finalize Tk stuff self.frame.pack() self.canvas = Canvas(self.root, width=DISPLAY_WIDTH, height=DISPLAY_HEIGHT, background='black') self.canvas.pack() # Add widgets for motor-testing dialog; hide them immediately self.motors = Motors(self) self.motors.stop() # Create receiver dialog self.receiver = Receiver(self) # Create messages dialog self.messages = Messages(self) # Create setup dialog self.setup = Setup(self) self._schedule_connection_task() # Create a maps dialog #self.maps = Maps(self, yoffset=-30) # Create a splash image self.splashimage = PhotoImage(file='media/splash.png') self._show_splash() # Create a message parser self.parser = MSP_Parser() # Set up parser's request strings self.attitude_request = self.parser.serialize_ATTITUDE_Request() self.rc_request = self.parser.serialize_RC_Request() # No messages yet self.yaw_pitch_roll = 0,0,0 self.rxchannels = 0,0,0,0,0 # A hack to support display in Setup dialog self.active_axis = 0 def quit(self): self.motors.stop() self.root.destroy() def hide(self, widget): def getChannels(self): return self.rxchannels def getYawPitchRoll(self): # configure button to show connected self._enable_buttons() self.button_connect['text'] = 'Disconnect' self._enable_button(self.button_connect) return self.yaw_pitch_roll def checkArmed(self): if self.armed: self._show_armed(self.root) self._show_armed(self.pane1) self._show_armed(self.pane2) self._disable_button(self.button_motors) else: self._show_disarmed(self.root) self._show_disarmed(self.pane1) self._show_disarmed(self.pane2) def scheduleTask(self, delay_msec, task): self.root.after(delay_msec, task) def _add_pane(self): pane = PanedWindow(self.frame, bg=BACKGROUND_COLOR) pane.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1) return pane def _add_button(self, label, parent, callback, disabled=True): button = Button(parent, text=label, command=callback) button.pack(side=LEFT) button.config(state = 'disabled' if disabled else 'normal') return button # Callback for Setup button def _setup_callback(self): self._clear() self.motors.stop() self.receiver.stop() self.messages.stop() #self.maps.stop() self.parser.set_ATTITUDE_Handler(self._handle_attitude) self.setup.start() def _start(self): self.parser.set_ATTITUDE_Handler(self._handle_attitude) self._send_attitude_request() self.setup.start() self.parser.set_RC_Handler(self._handle_rc) self._send_rc_request() # Sends Attitude request to FC def _send_attitude_request(self): self.comms.send_request(self.attitude_request) # Sends RC request to FC def _send_rc_request(self): self.comms.send_request(self.rc_request) # Callback for Motors button def _motors_button_callback(self): self._clear() self.setup.stop() self.parser.set_ATTITUDE_Handler(self._handle_attitude) self.receiver.stop() self.messages.stop() #self.maps.stop() self.motors.start() def _clear(self): self.canvas.delete(ALL) # Callback for Receiver button def _receiver_button_callback(self): self._clear() self.setup.stop() self.motors.stop() self.messages.stop() #self.maps.stop() self.receiver.start() # Callback for Messages button def _messages_button_callback(self): self._clear() self.setup.stop() self.motors.stop() #self.maps.stop() self.receiver.stop() self.messages.start() def _getting_messages(self): return self.button_connect['text'] == 'Disconnect' # Callback for Maps button def _maps_button_callback(self): self._clear() if self._getting_messages(): self.receiver.stop() self.messages.stop() self.setup.stop() self.motors.stop() #self.maps.start() # Callback for Connect / Disconnect button def _connect_callback(self): if self.connected: self.setup.stop() #self.maps.stop() self.motors.stop() self.messages.stop() self.receiver.stop() if not self.comms is None: self.comms.stop() self._clear() self._disable_buttons() self.button_connect['text'] = 'Connect' self._show_splash() else: #self.maps.stop() self.comms = Comms(self) self.comms.start() self.button_connect['text'] = 'Connecting ...' self._disable_button(self.button_connect) self._hide_splash() self.scheduleTask(CONNECTION_DELAY_MSEC, self._start) self.connected = not self.connected # Gets available ports def _getports(self): allports = comports() ports = [] for port in allports: portname = port[0] if 'ttyACM' in portname or 'ttyUSB' in portname or 'COM' in portname: ports.append(portname) return ports # Checks for changes in port status (hot-plugging USB cables) def _connection_task(self): ports = self._getports() if ports != self.ports: if self.portsmenu is None: self.portsmenu = OptionMenu(self.pane1, self.portsvar, *ports) else: for port in ports: self.portsmenu['menu'].add_command(label=port) self.portsmenu.pack(side=LEFT) if ports == []: self._disable_button(self.button_connect) self._disable_buttons() else: self.portsvar.set(ports[0]) # default value self._enable_button(self.button_connect) self.ports = ports self._schedule_connection_task() # Mutually recursive with above def _schedule_connection_task(self): self.root.after(USB_UPDATE_MSEC, self._connection_task) def _disable_buttons(self): self._disable_button(self.button_setup) self._disable_button(self.button_motors) self._disable_button(self.button_receiver) self._disable_button(self.button_messages) def _enable_buttons(self): self._enable_button(self.button_setup) self._enable_button(self.button_motors) self._enable_button(self.button_receiver) self._enable_button(self.button_messages) def _enable_button(self, button): button['state'] = 'normal' def _disable_button(self, button): button['state'] = 'disabled' def sendMotorMessage(self, index, value): values = [1000]*4 values[index-1] = value self.comms.send_message(self.parser.serialize_SET_MOTOR, values) def _show_splash(self): self.splash = self.canvas.create_image((400,250), image=self.splashimage) def _hide_splash(self): self.canvas.delete(self.splash) def _show_armed(self, widget): widget.configure(bg='red') def _show_disarmed(self, widget): widget.configure(bg=BACKGROUND_COLOR) if self._getting_messages(): self._enable_button(self.button_motors) def _handle_calibrate_response(self): self.setup.showCalibrated() def _handle_params_response(self, pitchroll_kp_percent, yaw_kp_percent): # Only handle parms from firmware on a fresh connection if self.newconnect: self.setup.setParams(pitchroll_kp_percent, yaw_kp_percent) self.newconnect = False def _handle_attitude(self, x, y, z): self.yaw_pitch_roll = z, -y/10., x/10. self.messages.setCurrentMessage('Yaw/Pitch/Roll: %+3.3f %+3.3f %+3.3f' % self.yaw_pitch_roll) # As soon as we handle the callback from one request, send another request self._send_attitude_request() def _handle_rc(self, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8): self.rxchannels = c1, c2, c3, c4, c5 # As soon as we handle the callback from one request, send another request self._send_rc_request() self.messages.setCurrentMessage('Receiver: %04d %04d %04d %04d %04d' % (c1, c2, c3, c4, c5)) def _handle_arm_status(self, armed): self.armed = armed self.messages.setCurrentMessage('ArmStatus: %s' % ('ARMED' if armed else 'Disarmed')) def _handle_battery_status(self, volts, amps): self.messages.setCurrentMessage('BatteryStatus: %3.3f volts, %3.3f amps' % (volts, amps))
class Motob: """Interface between a behavior and one or more motors.""" def __init__(self): """Initialize Motob object. Parameters ---------- action : Holder of the action whose settings will be determined by the motob. duration : Holder of the most recent duration the of the action. """ self.m = Motors() self.action = None self.duration = None def update(self, recommendation): # print('Motor recommendation:', recommendation) """Update object. Receive a new motor recommendation. Load it into the instance variables. Operationalize it. Example ------- recommendation = ('L', 1) """ self.m.stop() self.action = recommendation[0] self.duration = recommendation[1] self.operationalize(self.action, self.duration) def operationalize(self, action, duration): """Convert motor recommendation into motor setting and send to corresponding motor(s). Parameters ---------- action : Action the motors will perform. dur : Duration of the operation. Example of actions ------------------ F = Drive forward B = Drive backward Z = Boost forward X = Flee T = Turn around 180 degrees L = Turn left while driving forward R = Turn right while driving forward S = Stop """ if action == 'F': self.m.set_value((0.5, 0.5), duration) elif action == 'B': self.m.backward(0.25, duration) elif action == 'Z': self.m.set_value((1, 1), duration) elif action == 'X': self.m.flee() # Turn around, must be tuned for 180 degree turn. elif action == 'T': self.m.turn() elif action == 'L': self.m.left((0.1, 0.25), duration) elif action == 'R': self.m.right((0.25, 0.1), duration) elif action == 'S': self.m.stop()
def __init__(self): self.motor = Motors()
# these 3 lines import some libraries that the software uses from arduino import Arduino from motors import Motors from time import sleep # these 3 lines get the robot setup and ready to go board = Arduino() board.connect() move = Motors() # the rest of the program shows how to move the robot around print("turn Left") move.turnLeft(90) # 90 is the angle in degree sleep(3) # 3 is the number of seconds to wait move.stop() sleep(1) print("turn Right") move.turnRight(90) sleep(3) move.stop()
from arduino import Commands, Arduino from motors import Motors from mission import Mission import time board = Arduino() board.connect() move = Motors() mission = Mission() mission.startMission() start_time = time.time() print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time)) move.position(20,200) there=int(move.getAtPosition()) print("initial position status is :") print(there) print("now moving to requested position") while (there==0): print("waiting for desination, status is:") time.sleep(0.2) there=int(move.getAtPosition()) print(there) print("Arrived there") print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time)) print("now going to rotate and see how that goes") move.rotate(-90,200) print("initial position status is :") there=int(move.getAtPosition()) print(there) print("now turning by requested amount") while (there==0):
def dancer(): ZumoButton().wait_for_press() m = Motors() print("hei") m.forward(0.2, 3) m.backward(0.2, 3) m.right(0.5, 3) m.left(0.5, 3) m.backward(0.3, 2.5) m.set_value([0.5, 0.1], 10) m.set_value([-0.5, -0.1], 10) print("hei2")
def explorer(dist=10): ZumoButton().wait_for_press() m = Motors() u = Ultrasonic() while u.update() > dist: m.forward(0.2, 0.2) m.backward(0.1, 0.5) m.left(0.5, 3) m.right(0.5, 3.5) sleep(2) while u.update() < dist * 5: m.backward(0.2, 0.2) m.left(0.75, 5)
import time from arduino import Commands, Arduino #from arduino import Commands, Arduino from ultrasound import Ultrasound from time import sleep from motors import Motors from mission import Mission import RPi.GPIO as GPIO import picamera RED_LED_GPIO = 26 GREEN_LED_GPIO = 29 BUTTON = 36 GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) board = Arduino() move = Motors() mission = Mission() #variables to be set up for the test power_f = 90 power_t = 90 del1 = 5 del2 = 3 speed = 50 def buttonWait(): GPIO.output(GREEN_LED_GPIO,False) GPIO.output(RED_LED_GPIO,True) print("waiting for button...") while GPIO.input(BUTTON) == False:
class Motob(): def __init__(self): self.motor = Motors() self.action = None self.duration = None def update(self, motor_recommendation): if motor_recommendation is None: return self.action, self.duration = motor_recommendation self.operationalize(self.action, self.duration) def operationalize(self, action, duration): if action == 'F': self.motor.set_value((0.2, 0.2), duration) elif action == 'B': self.motor.set_value((-0.2, -0.2), duration) elif action == 'L': self.motor.set_value((-0.4, 0.4), duration) elif action == 'R': self.motor.set_value((0.4, -0.4), duration) elif action == 'S': self.motor.stop() elif action == 'LL': self.motor.set_value((-0.6, 0.6), duration) def stop(self): self.motor.stop()
class Motob: def __init__(self): self.motor = Motors() def update(self, action, sleep_time = 0.33): if action == "forward": self.motor.forward() sleep(sleep_time) elif action == "backward": self.motor.backward() sleep(sleep_time * 6) self.motor.left() sleep(sleep_time / 10) elif action == "left": self.motor.left() sleep(sleep_time / 10) elif action == "right": self.motor.right() sleep(sleep_time / 10) elif action == "charge": self.motor.set_value((400, 400)) elif action == "brake": self.motor.stop()
def __init__(self): self.motor = Motors() self.action = None self.duration = None
from arduino import Commands, Arduino from time import sleep from motors import Motors from mission import Mission board = Arduino() board.connect() move = Motors() mission = Mission() power_f = 100 power_t = 100 mission.startMission() while True: print("Forward") move.forward(power_f) sleep(4) move.stop() print("turn left") move.leftMotor(power_f, 0) move.rightMotor(power_f, 1) sleep(1) move.stop() sleep(1) print("turn right") move.leftMotor(power_f, 1)
from arduino import Commands, Arduino from time import sleep from motors import Motors from mission import Mission mission = Mission() board = Arduino() board.connect() move = Motors() print("ok") move.stop() sleep(2) print("sampling") location = mission.getLocation() sample = mission.takeSample(location) print(sample) mission.endMission()
class Mission(): # tested def __init__(self): if pi is True: self.board = Arduino() self.board.connect() self.move = Motors() GPIO.setup(GREEN_LED_GPIO,GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(RED_LED_GPIO,GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(BUTTON, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP) # load the sample hash with open(rfid_hash) as fh: self.rfid_hash = json.load(fh) # won't test def startMission(self): if pi is True: GPIO.output(GREEN_LED_GPIO,False) GPIO.output(RED_LED_GPIO,True) print("waiting for button...") while GPIO.input(BUTTON) == False: time.sleep(0.1) GPIO.output(RED_LED_GPIO,False) # won't test def endMission(self): if pi is True: GPIO.output(GREEN_LED_GPIO,True) # tested def deleteData(self): try: os.unlink(data_file) except OSError: pass # tested # stores a dict as json on the disk # appends to the data file def saveData(self, sample): with open(data_file,'a') as fh: fh.write(json.dumps(sample) + "\n") # tested # returns a list of dicts def loadData(self): data = [] try: with open(data_file,) as fh: for sample in fh.readlines(): data.append(json.loads(sample)) except IOError: pass return data # won't test # fetches an RFID def getLocation(self): if pi is True: rfid = "" # keep moving until robot gets a location while True: rfid = self.board.sendCommand(Commands.READ_RFID,0,0) # when I catalogued the RFIDs I missed the last char! rfid = rfid[0:11] if len(rfid) == 11: break self.move.forward(70) time.sleep(0.1) self.move.stop() time.sleep(1) return rfid # tested # indexes into the sample database with the RFID and returns sample as dict def takeSample(self, location): try: return self.rfid_hash[location] except KeyError: raise Exception("unknown location [%s]" % location) # tested # uploads a sample dict with a team name (string) def uploadSample(self, sample, team): # fetch team ID from nane r = requests.get(mc_url + '/api/team/' + team) if r.status_code == 400: raise Exception(r.text) team_id = json.loads(r.text)['id'] sample['team'] = str(team_id) # posts it r = + '/api/sample', json=sample) if r.status_code == 400: return r.text #exeception stops the program #raise Exception(r.text) new_sample = json.loads(r.text) print("uploaded sample %d" % new_sample['id']) return new_sample def getAllSamples(self): r = requests.get(mc_url + '/api/samples') samples = json.loads(r.text)['samples'] return samples