def _merge_logfiles(self): """ helper method to merge several files together by datetime. """ # open files, read first lines, extract first dates lines = [f.readline() for f in self.args["logfile"]] lines = [LogLine(l) if l else None for l in lines] # adjust lines by timezone for i in range(len(lines)): if lines[i] and lines[i].datetime: lines[i]._datetime = lines[i].datetime + timedelta(hours=self.args["timezone"][i]) while any(lines): min_line = min(lines, key=self._datetime_key_for_merge) min_index = lines.index(min_line) if self.args["markers"][min_index]: min_line.merge_marker_str = self.args["markers"][min_index] yield min_line # update lines array with a new line from the min_index'th logfile new_line = self.args["logfile"][min_index].readline() lines[min_index] = LogLine(new_line) if new_line else None if lines[min_index] and lines[min_index].datetime: lines[min_index]._datetime = lines[min_index].datetime + timedelta( hours=self.args["timezone"][min_index] )
def _export(self, with_line_str=True): fields = ['_id', 'datetime', 'operation', 'thread', 'namespace', 'nscanned', 'nreturned', 'duration', 'numYields', 'w', 'r'] if with_line_str: fields.append('line_str') first_row = True result_str = '' out_count = 0 for line_no, line in enumerate(self.args['logfile']): logline = LogLine(line) # only export lines that have a datetime and duration if logline.datetime and logline.duration: out_count += 1 # if too many lines include a line_str, the page won't load if with_line_str and out_count > 10000: print "Warning: more than 10,000 data points detected. Skipping actual log line strings for faster plotting." return False # write log line out as json if not first_row: # prepend comma and newline result_str += ',\n' else: first_row = False # hack to include _id for log lines from file logline._id = line_no result_str += logline.to_json(fields) return result_str
def _calculate_bounds(self): """ calculate beginning and end of logfile. """ if self.from_stdin: return None # get start datetime for line in self.logfile: logline = LogLine(line) date = logline.datetime if date: self._start = date break # get end datetime (lines are at most 10k, go back 15k at most to make sure), 2) file_size = self.logfile.tell(), 15000), 2) for line in reversed(self.logfile.readlines()): logline = LogLine(line) date = logline.datetime if date: self._end = date break # if there was a roll-over, subtract 1 year from start time if self._end < self._start: self._start = self._start.replace(year=self._start.year - 1) # reset logfile
def _export(self, with_line_str=True): fields = [ '_id', 'datetime', 'operation', 'thread', 'namespace', 'nscanned', 'nreturned', 'duration', 'numYields', 'w', 'r' ] if with_line_str: fields.append('line_str') first_row = True result_str = '' out_count = 0 for line_no, line in enumerate(self.args['logfile']): logline = LogLine(line) # only export lines that have a datetime and duration if logline.datetime and logline.duration: out_count += 1 # if too many lines include a line_str, the page won't load if with_line_str and out_count > 10000: print "Warning: more than 10,000 data points detected. Skipping actual log line strings for faster plotting." return False # write log line out as json if not first_row: # prepend comma and newline result_str += ',\n' else: first_row = False # hack to include _id for log lines from file logline._id = line_no result_str += logline.to_json(fields) return result_str
def parse_loglines(self): multiple_files = False # create generator for logfile(s) handles if type(self.args['logfile']) != types.ListType: logfiles = [self.args['logfile']] else: logfiles = self.args['logfile'] if len(logfiles) > 1: multiple_files = True self.args['group'] = 'filename' plot_instance = self.plot_types[self.args['type']](args=self.args) for logfile in logfiles: for line in logfile: # create LogLine object logline = LogLine(line) if multiple_files: # amend logline object with filename for group by filename logline.filename = # offer plot_instance and see if it can plot it line_accepted = False if plot_instance.accept_line(logline): # only add if it doesn't conflict with namespace restrictions if self.args[ 'ns'] != None and logline.namespace not in self.args[ 'ns']: continue if self.args['exclude_ns'] != None and ( logline.namespace in self.args['exclude_ns']): continue # if logline doesn't have datetime, skip if logline.datetime == None: continue if logline.namespace == None: logline._namespace = "None" line_accepted = True plot_instance.add_line(logline) self.plot_instances.append(plot_instance) # close files after parsing if sys.stdin.isatty(): for f in logfiles: f.close()
def run(self): # store in current local folder mlogvis_dir = '.' # change stdin logfile name and remove the < > logname = self.args['logfile'].name if logname == '<stdin>': logname = 'stdin' os.chdir(mlogvis_dir) data_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(mtools.__file__), 'data') srcfilelocation = os.path.join(data_path, 'index.html') outf = '{"type": "duration", "logfilename": "' + logname + '", "data":[' first_row = True for line in self.args['logfile']: logline = LogLine(line) # group regular connections together if logline.datetime and logline.duration: if logline.thread and logline.thread.startswith("conn"): logline._thread = "conn####" # write log line out as json if not first_row: # prepend comma and newline outf += ',\n' else: first_row = False outf += logline.to_json([ 'line_str', 'datetime', 'operation', 'thread', 'namespace', 'nscanned', 'nreturned', 'duration' ]) outf += ']}' dstfilelocation = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '%s.html' % logname) print "copying %s to %s" % (srcfilelocation, dstfilelocation) srcfile = open(srcfilelocation) contents = srcfile.close() dstfile = open(dstfilelocation, 'wt') replaced_contents = contents.replace('##REPLACE##', outf) dstfile.write(replaced_contents) dstfile.close() print "serving visualization on file://" + dstfilelocation"file://" + dstfilelocation)
def parse_loglines(self): multiple_files = False # create generator for logfile(s) handles if sys.stdin.isatty(): logfiles = ( open(f, 'r') for f in self.args['filename'] ) if len(self.args['filename']) > 1: multiple_files = True self.args['group'] = 'filename' else: logfiles = [sys.stdin] plot_instance = self.plot_types[self.args['type']](args=self.args) for logfile in logfiles: for line in logfile: # create LogLine object logline = LogLine(line) if multiple_files: # amend logline object with filename for group by filename logline.filename = # offer plot_instance and see if it can plot it line_accepted = False if plot_instance.accept_line(logline): # only add if it doesn't conflict with namespace restrictions if self.args['ns'] != None and logline.namespace not in self.args['ns']: continue if self.args['exclude_ns'] != None and (logline.namespace in self.args['exclude_ns']): continue # if logline doesn't have datetime, skip if logline.datetime == None: continue if logline.namespace == None: logline._namespace = "None" line_accepted = True plot_instance.add_line(logline) self.plot_instances.append(plot_instance) # close files after parsing if sys.stdin.isatty(): for f in logfiles: f.close()
def run(self): # store in current local folder mlogvis_dir = "." # change stdin logfile name and remove the < > logname = self.args["logfile"].name if logname == "<stdin>": logname = "stdin" os.chdir(mlogvis_dir) data_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(mtools.__file__), "data") srcfilelocation = os.path.join(data_path, "index.html") outf = '{"type": "duration", "logfilename": "' + logname + '", "data":[' first_row = True for line in self.args["logfile"]: logline = LogLine(line) # group regular connections together if logline.datetime and logline.duration: if logline.thread and logline.thread.startswith("conn"): logline._thread = "conn####" # write log line out as json if not first_row: # prepend comma and newline outf += ",\n" else: first_row = False outf += logline.to_json( ["line_str", "datetime", "operation", "thread", "namespace", "nscanned", "nreturned", "duration"] ) outf += "]}" dstfilelocation = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "%s.html" % logname) print "copying %s to %s" % (srcfilelocation, dstfilelocation) srcfile = open(srcfilelocation) contents = srcfile.close() dstfile = open(dstfilelocation, "wt") replaced_contents = contents.replace("##REPLACE##", outf) dstfile.write(replaced_contents) dstfile.close() print "serving visualization on file://" + dstfilelocation"file://" + dstfilelocation)
def test_logline_lazy_evaluation(): """ Check that all LogLine variables are evaluated lazily. """ fields = ['_thread', '_operation', '_namespace', '_duration', '_numYields', '_r', '_ntoreturn', '_nreturned', '_pattern'] # before parsing all member variables need to be None ll = LogLine(line_getmore) for attr in fields: assert(getattr(ll, attr) == None) # after parsing, they all need to be filled out ll.parse_all() for attr in fields: assert(getattr(ll, attr) != None)
def setup(self): """ get start end end date of logfile before starting to parse. """ logfile = self.commandLineArgs['logfile'] seekable = False if logfile: seekable = != "<stdin>" if not seekable: # assume this year (we have no other info) now = self.startDateTime = datetime(now.year, 1, 1) self.endDateTime = datetime(MAXYEAR, 12, 31) # self.fromDateTime = datetime(MINYEAR, 1, 1) # self.toDateTime = datetime(MAXYEAR, 12, 31) else: # get start datetime for line in logfile: logline = LogLine(line) date = logline.datetime if date: break self.startDateTime = date # get end datetime (lines are at most 10k, go back 15k at most to make sure), 2) file_size = logfile.tell(), 15000), 2) for line in reversed(logfile.readlines()): logline = LogLine(line) date = logline.datetime if date: break self.endDateTime = date # if there was a roll-over, subtract 1 year from start time if self.endDateTime < self.startDateTime: self.startDateTime = self.startDateTime.replace( year=self.startDateTime.year - 1) # reset logfile # now parse for further changes to from and to datetimes dtbound = DateTimeBoundaries(self.startDateTime, self.endDateTime) self.fromDateTime, self.toDateTime = dtbound( self.commandLineArgs['from'] or None, self.commandLineArgs['to'] or None)
def _iterate_lines(self): """ count number of lines (can be expensive). """ self._num_lines = 0 self._restarts = [] l = 0 for l, line in enumerate(self.logfile): # find version string if "version" in line: restart = None # differentiate between different variations if "mongos" in line or "MongoS" in line: self._binary = 'mongos' elif "db version v" in line: self._binary = 'mongod' else: continue version ='(\d\.\d\.\d+)', line) if version: version = restart = (version, LogLine(line)) self._restarts.append(restart) self._num_lines = l # reset logfile
def test_slow_fast(self):'%s --slow 145 --fast 500' % self.logfile_path) output = sys.stdout.getvalue() assert (len(output.splitlines()) > 0) for line in output.splitlines(): ll = LogLine(line) assert (ll.duration >= 145 and ll.duration <= 500)
def run(self, arguments=None): """ Go through each line, convert string to LogLine object, then print JSON representation of the line. """, arguments) for line in self.args['logfile']: print LogLine(line).to_json()
def test_logline_lazy_evaluation(): """ Check that all LogLine variables are evaluated lazily. """ fields = [ '_thread', '_operation', '_namespace', '_duration', '_numYields', '_r', '_ntoreturn', '_nreturned' ] # before parsing all member variables need to be None ll = LogLine(line_getmore) for attr in fields: assert (getattr(ll, attr) == None) # after parsing, they all need to be filled out ll.parse_all() for attr in fields: assert (getattr(ll, attr) != None)
def run(self, arguments=None): """ parses the logfile and asks each filter if it accepts the line. it will only be printed if all filters accept the line. """ # add arguments from filter classes before calling superclass run for f in self.filters: for fa in f.filterArgs: self.argparser.add_argument(fa[0], **fa[1]) # now parse arguments and post-process, arguments) self.args = dict( (k, self._arrayToString(self.args[k])) for k in self.args) # create filter objects from classes and pass args self.filters = [f(self.args) for f in self.filters] # remove non-active filter objects self.filters = [f for f in self.filters if] # call setup for each active filter for f in self.filters: f.setup() if self.args['shorten'] != False: if self.args['shorten'] == None: self.args['shorten'] = 200 if self.args['verbose']: print "mlogfilter> command line arguments" for a in self.args: print "mlogfilter> %8s: %s" % (a, self.args[a]) # go through each line and ask each filter if it accepts if not 'logfile' in self.args or not self.args['logfile']: exit() for line in self.args['logfile']: logline = LogLine(line) if self.args['exclude']: # print line if any filter disagrees if any([not f.accept(logline) for f in self.filters]): self._outputLine(logline.line_str, self.args['shorten'], self.args['human']) else: # only print line if all filters agree if all([f.accept(logline) for f in self.filters]): self._outputLine(logline.line_str, self.args['shorten'], self.args['human']) # if at least one filter refuses to accept any remaining lines, stop if any([f.skipRemaining() for f in self.filters]): # if input is not stdin if sys.stdin.isatty(): break
def test_logline_datetime_parsing(): """ Check that all four timestamp formats are correctly parsed. """ ll = LogLine(line_ctime_pre24) assert (str(ll.datetime) == '2013-08-03 21:52:05') assert (ll._datetime_format == 'ctime-pre2.4') ll = LogLine(line_ctime) assert (str(ll.datetime) == '2013-08-03 21:52:05.995000') assert (ll._datetime_format == 'ctime') ll = LogLine(line_iso8601_utc) assert (str(ll.datetime) == '2013-08-03 11:52:05.995000+00:00') assert (ll._datetime_format == 'iso8601-utc') ll = LogLine(line_iso8601_local) assert (str(ll.datetime) == '2013-08-03 21:52:05.995000+10:00') assert (ll._datetime_format == 'iso8601-local')
def test_from(self): random_start = random_date(self.logfile.start, self.logfile.end) '%s --from %s' % (self.logfile_path, random_start.strftime("%b %d %H:%M:%S"))) output = sys.stdout.getvalue() for line in output.splitlines(): ll = LogLine(line) assert (ll.datetime >= random_start)
def logfile_generator(self): """ generator method that yields each line of the logfile, or the next line in case of several log files. """ if not self.is_stdin and not self.args['exclude']: # find datetime filter and binary-search for start date dtfilter = filter(lambda x: isinstance(x, filters.DateTimeFilter), self.filters) if len(dtfilter) > 0: dtfilter[0].seek_binary() if len(self.args['logfile']) > 1: # todo, merge for logline in self._merge_logfiles(): yield logline else: # only one file for line in self.args['logfile'][0]: logline = LogLine(line) if logline.datetime: logline._datetime = logline.datetime + timedelta(hours=self.args['timezone'][0]) yield logline
def test_logline_value_extraction(): """ Check that all four timestamp formats are correctly parsed. """ ll = LogLine(line_getmore) assert (ll.thread == 'conn9') assert (ll.operation == 'getmore') assert (ll.namespace == '') assert (ll.duration == 144) assert (ll.numYields == 107) assert (ll.r == 85093) assert (ll.ntoreturn == 0) assert (ll.nreturned == 13551)
def run(self, arguments=None): """ Print out useful information about the log file. """, arguments) logfile = LogFile(self.args['logfile']) print "start of logfile: %s" % (logfile.start.strftime( "%b %d %H:%M:%S") if logfile.start else "unknown") print " end of logfile: %s" % (logfile.end.strftime("%b %d %H:%M:%S") if logfile.start else "unknown") # get one logline (within first 20 lines) for datetime format logline = None for i in range(20): try: logline = LogLine(self.args['logfile'].next()) except StopIteration as e: raise SystemExit( "no valid log lines found (datetime not available).") if logline.datetime: break # TODO: add timezone if iso8601 format print " line numbers: %s" % logfile.num_lines print " binary: %s" % (logfile.binary or "unknown") version = (' -> '.join(logfile.versions) or "unknown") # if version is unknown, go by date if version == 'unknown' and logline: if logline.datetime_format == 'ctime-pre2.4': version = '< 2.4 (no milliseconds)' elif logline.datetime_format == 'ctime': version = '>= 2.4 (milliseconds present)' elif logline.datetime_format.startswith('iso8601-'): version = '>= 2.6 (iso8601 format)' print " version: %s" % version # restarts section if self.args['restarts']: print print "RESTARTS" for version, logline in logfile.restarts: print " %s version %s" % ( logline.datetime.strftime("%b %d %H:%M:%S"), version) if len(logfile.restarts) == 0: print " no restarts found"
def logfile_generator(self): """ generator method that yields each line of the logfile, or the next line in case of several log files. """ if not self.args["exclude"]: # ask all filters for a start_limit and fast-forward to the maximum start_limits = [f.start_limit for f in self.filters if hasattr(f, "start_limit")] if start_limits: for logfile in self.args["logfile"]: lf_info = LogFile(logfile) lf_info.fast_forward(max(start_limits)) if len(self.args["logfile"]) > 1: # todo, merge for logline in self._merge_logfiles(): yield logline else: # only one file for line in self.args["logfile"][0]: logline = LogLine(line) if logline.datetime: logline._datetime = logline.datetime + timedelta(hours=self.args["timezone"][0]) yield logline
def run(self): """ go over each line in the logfile, run through log2code matcher and group by matched pattern. """ codelines = defaultdict(lambda: 0) non_matches = 0 for line in self.args['logfile']: cl = self.log2code(line) if cl: codelines[cl.pattern] += 1 else: ll = LogLine(line) if ll.operation: # skip operations (command, insert, update, delete, query, getmore) continue if not ll.thread: # skip the lines that don't have a thread name (usually map/reduce or assertions) continue if len(ll.split_tokens) - ll._thread_offset <= 1: # skip empty log messages (after thread name) continue # everything else is a real non-match non_matches += 1 if self.args['verbose']: print "couldn't match:", line, if self.args['verbose']: print for cl in sorted(codelines, key=lambda x: codelines[x], reverse=True): print "%8i"%codelines[cl], " ", " ... ".join(cl) print if non_matches > 0: print "couldn't match %i lines"%non_matches if not self.args['verbose']: print "to show non-matched lines, run with --verbose."
def run(self): logfiles = self.args['logfile'] # handle labels parameter if len(self.args['labels']) == 1: label = self.args['labels'][0] if label == 'enum': labels = ['{%i}'%(i+1) for i in range(len(logfiles))] elif label == 'alpha': labels = ['{%s}'%chr(97+i) for i in range(len(logfiles))] elif label == 'none': labels = [None for _ in logfiles] elif label == 'filename': labels = ['{%s}' for fn in logfiles] elif len(self.args['labels']) == len(logfiles): labels = self.args['labels'] else: raise SystemExit('Error: Number of labels not the same as number of files.') # handle timezone parameter if len(self.args['timezone']) == 1: self.args['timezone'] = self.args['timezone'] * len(logfiles) elif len(self.args['timezone']) == len(logfiles): pass elif len(self.args['timezone']) == 0: self.args['timezone'] = [0] * len(logfiles) else: raise SystemExit('Error: Invalid number of timezone parameters. Use either one parameter (for global adjustment) or the number of log files (for individual adjustments).') # handle position parameter position = self.args['pos'] if position != 'eol': position = int(position) # define minimum and maximum datetime object mindate = datetime(MINYEAR, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0) maxdate = datetime(MAXYEAR, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59) # open files, read first lines, extract first dates lines = [f.readline() for f in logfiles] dates = [LogLine(l).datetime for l in lines] # replace all non-dates with mindate dates = [d if d else mindate for d in dates] dates = [d + timedelta(hours=self.args['timezone'][i]) for i,d in enumerate(dates) if d] while any([l != '' for l in lines]): # pick smallest date of all non-empty lines condDates = ([d if lines[i] != '' else maxdate for i,d in enumerate(dates)]) minCondDate = min(condDates) minIndex = condDates.index(minCondDate) # print out current line currLine = lines[minIndex].rstrip() try: oldDate = minCondDate - timedelta(hours=self.args['timezone'][minIndex]) except OverflowError: oldDate = minCondDate if minCondDate != mindate: currLine = currLine.replace(oldDate.strftime('%a %b %d %H:%M:%S'), minCondDate.strftime('%a %b %d %H:%M:%S')) if labels[minIndex]: if position == 0 or minCondDate == mindate: print labels[minIndex], currLine elif position == 'eol': print currLine, labels[minIndex] else: tokens = currLine.split() print " ".join(tokens[:position]), labels[minIndex], " ".join(tokens[position:]) else: print currLine # update lines and dates for that line lines[minIndex] = logfiles[minIndex].readline() dates[minIndex] = LogLine(lines[minIndex]).datetime if not dates[minIndex]: dates[minIndex] = mindate else: dates[minIndex] += timedelta(hours=self.args['timezone'][minIndex])
def parse_loglines(self): multiple_files = False # create generator for logfile(s) handles if type(self.args['logfile']) != types.ListType: self.logfiles = [self.args['logfile']] else: self.logfiles = self.args['logfile'] if len(self.logfiles) > 1: multiple_files = True self.args['group'] = 'filename' plot_instance = self.plot_types[self.args['type']](args=self.args, unknown_args=self.unknown_args) for logfile in self.logfiles: start = None end = None # get log file information if self.progress_bar_enabled: lfinfo = LogFile(logfile) if lfinfo.start and lfinfo.end: progress_start = self._datetime_to_epoch(lfinfo.start) progress_total = self._datetime_to_epoch(lfinfo.end) - progress_start else: self.progress_bar_enabled = False if progress_total == 0: # protect from division by zero errors self.progress_bar_enabled = False for i, line in enumerate(logfile): # create LogLine object logline = LogLine(line) # adjust times if --optime-start is enabled if self.args['optime_start'] and logline.duration: # create new variable end_datetime in logline object and store starttime there logline.end_datetime = logline.datetime logline._datetime = logline._datetime - timedelta(milliseconds=logline.duration) logline._datetime_calculated = True if not start: start = logline.datetime if logline.datetime: if self.args['optime_start'] and hasattr(logline, 'end_datetime'): end = logline.end_datetime else: end = logline.datetime # update progress bar every 1000 lines if self.progress_bar_enabled and (i % 1000 == 0) and logline.datetime: progress_curr = self._datetime_to_epoch(logline.datetime) self.update_progress(float(progress_curr-progress_start) / progress_total, 'parsing %s' if multiple_files: # amend logline object with filename for group by filename logline.filename = # offer plot_instance and see if it can plot it line_accepted = False if plot_instance.accept_line(logline): # if logline doesn't have datetime, skip if logline.datetime == None: continue if logline.namespace == None: logline._namespace = "None" line_accepted = True plot_instance.add_line(logline) # store start and end for each logfile plot_instance.date_range = (start, end) # clear progress bar if self.logfiles and self.progress_bar_enabled: self.update_progress(1.0) self.plot_instances.append(plot_instance) # close files after parsing if sys.stdin.isatty(): for f in self.logfiles: f.close()
logfile = open(args['logfile'], 'r') else: logfile = sys.stdin # make sub-folder .mlogvis and change to it mlogvis_dir = '.mlogvis' if not os.path.exists(mlogvis_dir): os.makedirs(mlogvis_dir) os.chdir(mlogvis_dir) outf = open('events.json', 'w') outf.write('{"type": "duration", "data":[') first_row = True for line in logfile: logline = LogLine(line) # group regular connections together if logline.datetime and logline.duration: if logline.thread and logline.thread.startswith("conn"): logline._thread = "conn####" # write log line out as json if not first_row: # prepend comma and newline outf.write(',\n') else: first_row = False outf.write(logline.to_json(['line_str', 'datetime', 'operation', 'thread', 'namespace', 'nscanned', 'nreturned', 'duration'])) outf.write(']}') outf.close() data_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(mtools.__file__), 'data')
def test_thread(self):'%s --thread initandlisten' % self.logfile_path) output = sys.stdout.getvalue() for line in output.splitlines(): ll = LogLine(line) assert (ll.thread == 'initandlisten')
def test_operation(self):'%s --operation insert' % self.logfile_path) output = sys.stdout.getvalue() for line in output.splitlines(): ll = LogLine(line) assert (ll.operation == 'insert')
def run(self, arguments=None):, arguments) possible_versions = set(Log2CodeConverter.all_versions) re_versiond = re.compile(r'db version v(\d\.\d\.\d), pdfile version') re_versions = re.compile(r'MongoS version (\d\.\d\.\d) starting:') re_brackets = re.compile(r'\[\w+\]') for i, line in enumerate(self.args['logfile']): match = if not match: continue start = match.end() # check for explicit version string match =[start:]) or line[start:]) if match: version = print "%32s %s" % ("restart detected in log line %i:" % (i + 1), line.rstrip()) print "%32s %s" % ("previous possible versions:", ", ".join( [pv[1:] for pv in sorted(possible_versions)])) print "%32s %s" % ("version after restart is:", version) print possible_versions = set(["r" + version]) if len(possible_versions) == 1: # from here on, version is known, skip to next section continue ll = LogLine(line) if ll.operation != None: # if log line is a known command operation (query, update, command, ...) skip continue lcl = self.log2code(line[start:]) if lcl: old_len = len(possible_versions) possible_versions = possible_versions & set(lcl.versions) if len(possible_versions) != old_len: print "%32s %s" % ("log line %i:" % (i + 1), line.rstrip()) print "%32s %s" % ("matched pattern:", " ... ".join( lcl.pattern)) print "%32s %s" % ("only present in:", ", ".join( sorted(lcl.versions))) print "%32s %s" % ("possible versions now:", ", ".join( sorted(possible_versions))) print if len(possible_versions) == 0: print "empty version set. exiting." raise SystemExit if len(possible_versions) > 1: print "possible versions at end of file:", ", ".join( [pv[1:] for pv in sorted(possible_versions)]) else: print "version at end of file: ", possible_versions.pop()[1:]
def test_namespace(self):'%s --namespace' % self.logfile_path) output = sys.stdout.getvalue() for line in output.splitlines(): ll = LogLine(line) assert (ll.namespace == '')