Esempio n. 1
    def __init__(self):
        img_folder = "img/"
        self.bsize = self.bwidth, self.bheight = 600, 600
        self.psize = self.pwidth, self.pheight = 235, 170
        self.wsize = self.wwidth, self.wheight = self.bwidth + self.pwidth, self.bheight

        self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode(self.wsize) = pygame.image.load(img_folder+"main_menu.png") = pygame.transform.scale(, self.bsize)
        self.menurect =
        self.human_win= pygame.image.load(img_folder+"human_win.png")
        self.human_win = pygame.transform.scale(self.human_win, self.bsize)
        self.cpu_win= pygame.image.load(img_folder+"cpu_win.png")
        self.cpu_win = pygame.transform.scale(self.cpu_win, self.bsize)
        self.console = pygame.image.load(img_folder+"consolebg.png")
        self.console = pygame.transform.scale(self.console, (self.pwidth, self.wheight))

        self.h_play = pygame.image.load(img_folder+"human_play.png")
        self.h_play = pygame.transform.scale(self.h_play, self.psize)
        self.cpu_play_img = pygame.image.load(img_folder+"cpu_play.png")
        self.cpu_play_img = pygame.transform.scale(self.cpu_play_img, self.psize)

        # ------ TEXT VARS ---------
        self.max_display = 12
        self.font_size = 23
        self.theight = (self.wheight - self.pheight) // (self.max_display)
        self.tsize = self.twidth, self.theight = self.pwidth, self.theight
        self.typing_text = str()
        self.text_display = list()
        self.text_display.append("Welcome !")
        self.text_display.append("Enter your moves")

        # --GET VARS FROM MAIN --
        self.board = Board(self.screen, self.bwidth,self. bheight, self)
        self.black_pieces = list()
        self.white_pieces = list()

        self.inmenu = True # displays the menu if True
        self.pcolor = 0

        self.is_cpu_turn = True
        self.cpu_is_playing = False
        self.player_is_white = False

        self.show_numbers = False
        self.piece_is_selected = False
        self.selected_number = 0

        self.top_display = 0
        self.playing = False
        self.auto_playing = False
Esempio n. 2
class Gui():
    """Main class responsible for all gui updates, including inputs - keyboard and move -"""

    def __init__(self):
        img_folder = "img/"
        self.bsize = self.bwidth, self.bheight = 600, 600
        self.psize = self.pwidth, self.pheight = 235, 170
        self.wsize = self.wwidth, self.wheight = self.bwidth + self.pwidth, self.bheight

        self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode(self.wsize) = pygame.image.load(img_folder+"main_menu.png") = pygame.transform.scale(, self.bsize)
        self.menurect =
        self.human_win= pygame.image.load(img_folder+"human_win.png")
        self.human_win = pygame.transform.scale(self.human_win, self.bsize)
        self.cpu_win= pygame.image.load(img_folder+"cpu_win.png")
        self.cpu_win = pygame.transform.scale(self.cpu_win, self.bsize)
        self.console = pygame.image.load(img_folder+"consolebg.png")
        self.console = pygame.transform.scale(self.console, (self.pwidth, self.wheight))

        self.h_play = pygame.image.load(img_folder+"human_play.png")
        self.h_play = pygame.transform.scale(self.h_play, self.psize)
        self.cpu_play_img = pygame.image.load(img_folder+"cpu_play.png")
        self.cpu_play_img = pygame.transform.scale(self.cpu_play_img, self.psize)

        # ------ TEXT VARS ---------
        self.max_display = 12
        self.font_size = 23
        self.theight = (self.wheight - self.pheight) // (self.max_display)
        self.tsize = self.twidth, self.theight = self.pwidth, self.theight
        self.typing_text = str()
        self.text_display = list()
        self.text_display.append("Welcome !")
        self.text_display.append("Enter your moves")

        # --GET VARS FROM MAIN --
        self.board = Board(self.screen, self.bwidth,self. bheight, self)
        self.black_pieces = list()
        self.white_pieces = list()

        self.inmenu = True # displays the menu if True
        self.pcolor = 0

        self.is_cpu_turn = True
        self.cpu_is_playing = False
        self.player_is_white = False

        self.show_numbers = False
        self.piece_is_selected = False
        self.selected_number = 0

        self.top_display = 0
        self.playing = False
        self.auto_playing = False

    def display(self, text):
        if text != "":
            if(len(self.text_display)>self.max_display - 1):
                self.top_display += 1

    def collide(self, piece_pos, mouse_pos):
        """Rough method to check if the mouses position is in for a piece"""

        return ((mouse_pos[0] < piece_pos[0] * self.board.pcwidth + self.board.pcwidth) and (mouse_pos[0] > piece_pos[0]
                                                                       *self.board.pcwidth) and
        (mouse_pos[1] < piece_pos[1]*self.board.pcheight + self.board.pcheight) and (mouse_pos[1] > piece_pos[1]* self.board.pcheight))

    def show(self):
        turn = 0
        text_offset = 0
        ratio_speed = 700
        direction = 1
        self.playing = True
        while self.playing:
            while True:
                for event in pygame.event.get():
                    if pygame.key.get_mods() & pygame.KMOD_ALT:
                        self.show_numbers = True
                        self.show_numbers = False
                    if event.type == pygame.QUIT: sys.exit()

                    if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP:
                        if self.inmenu:
                            pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
                            if pos[1] < self.bheight/2:
                                # HUMAN IS WHITE
                                turn = 1
                                self.player_is_white = True
                                self.is_cpu_turn = True
                            elif pos[1] > self.bheight/2:
                                # HUMAN IS BLACK
                                self.player_is_white = False
                                self.is_cpu_turn = False
                            self.inmenu = False
                            pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
                            if self.board.collidepoint(pos):
                                posx = pos[0]//self.board.pcwidth
                                posy = pos[1]//self.board.pcheight
                            #    try:
                               #     # Add selection to piece movement
                               #     selected_piece = self.board.locations[(posx,posy)]
                               #     self.piece_is_selected = True
                               #     self.selected_number = posy * 4 + posx // 2 + 1
                               # except KeyError :
                               #     #no piece exists at that position
                               #     if selected_piece.is_white == self.player_is_white:
                               #         if self.piece_is_selected:
                               #             to_location = posy * 4 + posx // 2 + 1
                               #             self.move("{} {}".format(self.selected_number, to_location))
                               #     self.piece_is_selected = False

                    if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
                        # if not self.is_cpu_turn:
                        char = event.unicode
                        self.typing_text += char
                        if pygame.key.get_pressed()[pygame.K_RETURN]:
                            self.typing_text = self.typing_text[:-1]
                            if self.typing_text.lower() == "exit" or self.typing_text.lower() == "quit":
                            elif self.typing_text == "undo" or self.typing_text == "u":
                            elif self.typing_text.startswith("auto"):
                                if not self.auto_playing:
                                    _thread.start_new_thread(self.auto_play, ())
                                self.auto_playing = True
                                self.display("Auto-play ON")
                                self.typing_text = ""
                            elif self.typing_text.startswith("manual"):
                                self.auto_playing = False
                                self.display("Auto-play OFF")
                                self.typing_text = ""
                                # ---- HUMAN PLAY ----#
                                if not self.is_cpu_turn:
                                    if self.move(self.typing_text):
                                        self.is_cpu_turn = True
                                        turn = 1
                                    self.typing_text = ""

                        if pygame.key.get_pressed()[pygame.K_BACKSPACE]:
                            self.typing_text = self.typing_text[:-1]
                            self.typing_text = self.typing_text[:-1]

                        if pygame.key.get_pressed()[pygame.K_UP]:
                            self.top_display -= 1
                            if self.top_display < 0:
                                self.top_display = 0
                        if pygame.key.get_pressed()[pygame.K_DOWN]:
                            if self.top_display < len(self.text_display) - 1:
                                self.top_display += 1


                fnt = pygame.font.SysFont("Calibri", self.font_size)
                hintfnt = pygame.font.SysFont("monotype", self.font_size)
                if self.inmenu:
                    self.screen.blit(, self.menurect)
                    self.screen.blit(self.console, (self.bwidth, 0))
                    if self.is_cpu_turn:
                        self.screen.blit(self.cpu_play_img, (self.bwidth, 0))
                        self.screen.blit(self.h_play, (self.bwidth, 0))
                    # --- CONSOLE TEXT ---
                    # Show numbers
                    if self.show_numbers:
                        count = 1
                        j = 0
                        offset = 5
                        while j < 8:
                            i = 0
                            while i < 8:
                                if i % 2 != j % 2:
                                    text = hintfnt.render(str(count), 1, (255, 20 , 20))
                                    self.screen.blit(text, (i*self.board.pcwidth+ offset, j*self.board.pcheight + offset))
                                    count += 1
                                i += 1
                            j += 1

                    # - Input display
                    text = fnt.render(">> "+self.typing_text+"_", 1, (0, 0, 0))
                    self.screen.blit(text, (self.bwidth, (self.max_display-1)*self.theight + self.pheight))

                    #-- Console display
                    i = 0
                    text_offset += direction
                    if text_offset<0 or text_offset>2*ratio_speed/3:
                        direction *= -1
                    i = self.top_display
                    current_d = 0
                    while current_d < self.max_display - 1 and i < len(self.text_display):
                        text = fnt.render("> " + self.text_display[i], 1, (0, 0, 0))
                        speed = 0
                        if text.get_width() > self.pwidth: # if text is too big
                            speed = text.get_width()/ratio_speed # get its speed ratio
                        self.screen.blit(text, (self.bwidth, current_d*self.theight + self.pheight),
                                         (speed*text_offset, 0, self.twidth, self.theight))
                        i += 1
                        current_d += 1

                    #- CPU play
                    if self.is_cpu_turn:
                        self.screen.blit(self.cpu_play_img, (self.bwidth, 0))

                        #--- THREAD DRIVEN CPU PLAY ----------
                        #Uncomment this line to set active
                        #if not self.cpu_is_playing:
                        #    _thread.start_new_thread(self.cpu_play, ())
                        #self.cpu_is_playing = True
                        self.cpu_play() #dont forget to reactivate this line after
                        if False:
                            #TODO Use human moves-check function ^
                            # IF HUMAN HAS NO MOVES (board.human_has_moves?)
                            self.screen.blit(self.cpu_win, (0,0))
    def move(self, display_text):
        Method for human play, through a string with the squares to use (Example: "23 11")

        :param display_text: string containing the squares for the play
        :return: True if human playe correctly
            user_jump_exists = False
            if not self.auto_playing:
                if self.board.check_for_human_moves(self.player_is_white):

                    move_coords = self.typing_text.split(" ")
                    coord1 = int(move_coords[0])# move([0],[1])
                    coord2 = int(move_coords[1])

                    #coords = eval(self.typing_text.split(" "))
                    #if type(coords) is tuple and all(type(n) is int for n in coords):
                    #    self.board.human_controller(*coords)'''

                    if self.board.find_human_jumps(self.player_is_white):
                        #the user must jump

                        if self.board.is_jump(coord1, coord2, self.player_is_white):
                            self.board.human_controller(coord1, coord2, self.player_is_white)
                            if self.board.check_for_human_jumps(coord2):
                                return False
                                return True
                            raise Exception ("You must take a jump when the situation arises")
                        #no jump available, the user makes a normal use
                        self.board.human_controller(coord1, coord2, self.player_is_white)
                        return True
                    #self.is_cpu_turn = True
                    #return True
                    raise Exception ("There are no valid moves left for the human player")
        except Exception as exp:
                self.display("Invalid command - %s" %str(exp))
                print (exp)
                return False

    def after_game(self):
        This method will be called when the game is over

        self.playing = False

    def auto_play(self):
        while self.auto_playing:
            if not self.is_cpu_turn:
                print("Auto - Playing...")
                if self.player_is_white:
                    computer_played = self.board.computer_turn("white")
                    computer_played = self.board.computer_turn("black")
                print("Auto - Played")
            self.is_cpu_turn = True

    def cpu_play(self):
        print("CPU - Playing...")
        if self.player_is_white:
            computer_played = self.board.computer_turn("black")
            computer_played = self.board.computer_turn("white")
        if not computer_played:
            # IF CPU HAS NO MOVES
            self.screen.blit(self.human_win, (0,0))

        print("CPU - Played!")
        self.cpu_is_playing = False
        self.is_cpu_turn = False