Esempio n. 1
    def to_image(self, path=None, data=None):
        """Write itself as a binary image, and returns it

        path: string, path of the output image, if any
        data: array of shape self.size,
              data to put in the nonzer-region of the image

        if data is None:
            wdata = np.zeros(self.shape, np.int8)
            wdata = np.zeros(self.shape, data.dtype)
        wdata[self.ijk[:, 0], self.ijk[:, 1], self.ijk[:, 2]] = 1
        if data is not None:
            if data.size != self.size:
                raise ValueError('incorrect data size')
            wdata[wdata > 0] = data

        nim = Nifti1Image(wdata, self.affine)
        get_header(nim)['descrip'] = ('mask image representing domain %s' %
        if path is not None:
            save(nim, path)
        return nim
Esempio n. 2
    def to_image(self, path=None, data=None):
        """Write itself as a binary image, and returns it

        path: string, path of the output image, if any
        data: array of shape self.size,
              data to put in the nonzer-region of the image

        if data is None:
            wdata = np.zeros(self.shape, np.int8)
            wdata = np.zeros(self.shape, data.dtype)
        wdata[self.ijk[:, 0], self.ijk[:, 1], self.ijk[:, 2]] = 1
        if data is not None:
            if data.size != self.size:
                raise ValueError('incorrect data size')
            wdata[wdata > 0] = data

        nim = Nifti1Image(wdata, self.affine)
        get_header(nim)['descrip'] = ('mask image representing domain %s'
        if path is not None:
            save(nim, path)
        return nim
Esempio n. 3
def parcellation_based_analysis(Pa,
    """ This function computes parcel averages and RFX at the parcel-level

    Pa: MultiSubjectParcellation instance
        the description of the parcellation
    test_images: (Pa.nb_subj-) list of paths
                 paths of images used in the inference procedure
    test_id: string, optional,
          if test_id=='one_sample', the one_sample statstic is computed
          otherwise, the parcel-based signal averages are returned
    rfx_path: string optional,
              path of the resulting one-sample test image, if applicable
    swd: string, optional
         output directory used to compute output path if rfx_path is not given
    condition_id: string, optional,
                  contrast/condition id  used to compute output path

    test_data: array of shape(Pa.nb_parcel, Pa.nb_subj)
               the parcel-level signal average if test is not 'one_sample'
    prfx: array of shape(Pa.nb_parcel),
          the one-sample t-value if test_id is 'one_sample'
    nb_subj = Pa.nb_subj

    # 1. read the test data
    if len(test_images) != nb_subj:
        raise ValueError('Inconsistent number of test images')

    test = np.array(
        [Pa.domain.make_feature_from_image(ti) for ti in test_images]).T
    test_data = Pa.make_feature('', np.array(test))

    if test_id is not 'one_sample':
        return test_data

    # 2. perform one-sample test
    # computation
    from ..utils.reproducibility_measures import ttest
    prfx = ttest(test_data)

    # Write the stuff
    template = SubDomains(Pa.domain, Pa.template_labels)
    template.set_roi_feature('prfx', prfx)
    wim = template.to_image('prfx', roi=True)
    hdr = get_header(wim)
    hdr['descrip'] = 'parcel-based random effects image (in t-variate)'
    if rfx_path is not None:
        save(wim, rfx_path)

    return prfx
Esempio n. 4
def parcellation_based_analysis(Pa, test_images, test_id='one_sample',
                                rfx_path=None, condition_id='', swd=None):
    """ This function computes parcel averages and RFX at the parcel-level

    Pa: MultiSubjectParcellation instance
        the description of the parcellation
    test_images: (Pa.nb_subj-) list of paths
                 paths of images used in the inference procedure
    test_id: string, optional,
          if test_id=='one_sample', the one_sample statstic is computed
          otherwise, the parcel-based signal averages are returned
    rfx_path: string optional,
              path of the resulting one-sample test image, if applicable
    swd: string, optional
         output directory used to compute output path if rfx_path is not given
    condition_id: string, optional,
                  contrast/condition id  used to compute output path

    test_data: array of shape(Pa.nb_parcel, Pa.nb_subj)
               the parcel-level signal average if test is not 'one_sample'
    prfx: array of shape(Pa.nb_parcel),
          the one-sample t-value if test_id is 'one_sample'
    nb_subj = Pa.nb_subj

    # 1. read the test data
    if len(test_images) != nb_subj:
        raise ValueError('Inconsistent number of test images')

    test = np.array([Pa.domain.make_feature_from_image(ti)
                     for ti in test_images]).T
    test_data = Pa.make_feature('', np.array(test))

    if test_id is not 'one_sample':
        return test_data

    # 2. perform one-sample test
    # computation
    from ..utils.reproducibility_measures import ttest
    prfx = ttest(test_data)

    # Write the stuff
    template = SubDomains(Pa.domain, Pa.template_labels)
    template.set_roi_feature('prfx', prfx)
    wim = template.to_image('prfx', roi=True)
    hdr = get_header(wim)
    hdr['descrip'] = 'parcel-based random effects image (in t-variate)'
    if rfx_path is not None:
        save(wim, rfx_path)

    return prfx
Esempio n. 5
File: Progetto: Naereen/nipy
    def to_image(self, fid=None, roi=False, method="mean", descrip=None):
        """Generates a label image that represents self.

        fid: str,
          Feature to be represented. If None, a binary image of the MROI
          domain will be we created.
        roi: bool,
          Whether or not to write the desired feature as a ROI one.
          (i.e. a ROI feature corresponding to `fid` will be looked upon,
          and if not found, a representative feature will be computed from
          the `fid` feature).
        method: str,
          If a feature is written as a ROI feature, this keyword tweaks
          the way the representative feature is computed.
        descrip: str,
          Description of the image, to be written in its header.

        Requires that self.dom is an ddom.NDGridDomain

        nim : nibabel nifti image
          Nifti image corresponding to the ROI feature to be written.

        if not isinstance(self.domain, ddom.NDGridDomain):
            print('self.domain is not an NDGridDomain; nothing was written.')
            return None

        if fid is None:
            # write a binary representation of the domain if no fid provided
            nim = self.domain.to_image(data=(self.label != -1).astype(np.int32))
            if descrip is None:
                descrip = 'binary representation of MROI'
            data = -np.ones(self.label.size, dtype=np.int32)
            tmp_image = self.domain.to_image()
            mask = tmp_image.get_data().copy().astype(bool)
            if not roi:
                # write a feature
                if fid not in self.features:
                    raise ValueError("`%s` feature could not be found" % fid)
                for i in self.get_id():
                    data[self.select_id(i, roi=False)] = \
                        self.get_feature(fid, i)
                # write a roi feature
                if fid in self.roi_features:
                    # write from existing roi feature
                    for i in self.get_id():
                        data[self.select_id(i, roi=False)] = \
                            fid, i)
                elif fid in self.features:
                    # write from representative feature
                    summary_feature = self.representative_feature(
                        fid, method=method)
                    for i in self.get_id():
                        data[self.select_id(i, roi=False)] = \
            # MROI object was defined on a masked image: we square it back.
            wdata = -np.ones(mask.shape, data.dtype)
            wdata[mask] = data
            nim = Nifti1Image(wdata, get_affine(tmp_image))
        # set description of the image
        if descrip is not None:
            get_header(nim)['descrip'] = descrip
        return nim
Esempio n. 6
File: Progetto: Lx37/nipy
    def contrast(
        """ Estimation of a contrast as fixed effects on all sessions

        contrasts : array or list of arrays of shape (n_col) or (n_dim, n_col)
            where ``n_col`` is the number of columns of the design matrix,
            numerical definition of the contrast (one array per run)
        con_id : str, optional
            name of the contrast
        contrast_type : {'t', 'F', 'tmin-conjunction'}, optional
            type of the contrast
        output_z : bool, optional
            Return or not the corresponding z-stat image
        output_stat : bool, optional
            Return or not the base (t/F) stat image
        output_effects : bool, optional
            Return or not the corresponding effect image
        output_variance : bool, optional
            Return or not the corresponding variance image

        output_images : list of nibabel images
            The required output images, in the following order:
            z image, stat(t/F) image, effects image, variance image
        if self.glms == []:
            raise ValueError("first run fit() to estimate the model")
        if isinstance(contrasts, np.ndarray):
            contrasts = [contrasts]
        if len(contrasts) != len(self.glms):
            raise ValueError("contrasts must be a sequence of %d session contrasts" % len(self.glms))

        contrast_ = None
        for i, (glm, con) in enumerate(zip(self.glms, contrasts)):
            if np.all(con == 0):
                warn("Contrast for session %d is null" % i)
            elif contrast_ is None:
                contrast_ = glm.contrast(con, contrast_type)
                contrast_ = contrast_ + glm.contrast(con, contrast_type)
        if output_z or output_stat:
            # compute the contrast and stat

        # Prepare the returned images
        mask = self.mask.get_data().astype(np.bool)
        do_outputs = [output_z, output_stat, output_effects, output_variance]
        estimates = ["z_score_", "stat_", "effect", "variance"]
        descrips = ["z statistic", "Statistical value", "Estimated effect", "Estimated variance"]
        dims = [1, 1, contrast_.dim, contrast_.dim ** 2]
        n_vox = mask.sum()
        output_images = []
        for (do_output, estimate, descrip, dim) in zip(do_outputs, estimates, descrips, dims):
            if do_output:
                if dim > 1:
                    result_map = np.tile(mask.astype(np.float)[:, :, :, np.newaxis], dim)
                    result_map[mask] = np.reshape(getattr(contrast_, estimate).T, (n_vox, dim))
                    result_map = mask.astype(np.float)
                    result_map[mask] = np.squeeze(getattr(contrast_, estimate))
                output = Nifti1Image(result_map, self.affine)
                get_header(output)["descrip"] = "%s associated with contrast %s" % (descrip, con_id)
        return output_images
Esempio n. 7
def as_volume_img(obj, copy=True, squeeze=True, world_space=None):
    """ Convert the input to a VolumeImg.

        obj : filename, pynifti or brifti object, or volume dataset.
            Input object, in any form that can be converted to a
            VolumeImg. This includes Nifti filenames, pynifti or brifti
            objects, or other volumetric dataset objects.
        copy: boolean, optional
            If copy is True, the data and affine arrays are copied, 
            elsewhere a view is taken.
        squeeze: boolean, optional
            If squeeze is True, the data array is squeeze on for
            dimensions above 3.
        world_space: string or None, optional
            An optional specification of the world space, to override
            that given by the image.

        volume_img: VolumeImg object
            A VolumeImg object containing the data. The metadata is
            kept as much as possible in the metadata attribute.

        The world space might not be correctly defined by the input
        object (in particular, when loading data from disk). In this
        case, you can correct it manually using the world_space keyword

        For pynifti objects, the data is transposed.
    if hasattr(obj, 'as_volume_img'):
        obj = obj.as_volume_img(copy=copy)
        if copy:
            obj = obj.__copy__()
        return obj

    elif isinstance(obj, basestring):
        if not os.path.exists(obj):
            raise ValueError("The file '%s' cannot be found" % obj)
        obj = nib.load(obj)
        copy = False

    if isinstance(obj, SpatialImage):
        data = obj.get_data()
        affine = get_affine(obj)
        header = dict(get_header(obj))
        fname = obj.file_map['image'].filename
        if fname:
            header['filename'] = fname
    elif hasattr(obj, 'data') and hasattr(obj, 'sform') and \
                                            hasattr(obj, 'getVolumeExtent'):
        # Duck-types to a pynifti object
        data =
        affine = obj.sform
        header = obj.header
        filename = obj.getFilename()
        if filename != '':
            header['filename'] = filename
        raise ValueError('Invalid type (%s) passed in: cannot convert %s to '
                         'VolumeImg' % (type(obj), obj))

    if world_space is None and header.get('sform_code', 0) == 4:
        world_space = 'mni152'

    data = np.asanyarray(data)
    affine = np.asanyarray(affine)
    if copy:
        data = data.copy()
        affine = affine.copy()

    if squeeze:
        # Squeeze the dimensions above 3
        shape = [
            val for index, val in enumerate(data.shape)
            if val != 1 or index < 3
        data = np.reshape(data, shape)

    return VolumeImg(data, affine, world_space, metadata=header)
Esempio n. 8
def as_volume_img(obj, copy=True, squeeze=True, world_space=None):
    """ Convert the input to a VolumeImg.

        obj : filename, pynifti or brifti object, or volume dataset.
            Input object, in any form that can be converted to a
            VolumeImg. This includes Nifti filenames, pynifti or brifti
            objects, or other volumetric dataset objects.
        copy: boolean, optional
            If copy is True, the data and affine arrays are copied, 
            elsewhere a view is taken.
        squeeze: boolean, optional
            If squeeze is True, the data array is squeeze on for
            dimensions above 3.
        world_space: string or None, optional
            An optional specification of the world space, to override
            that given by the image.

        volume_img: VolumeImg object
            A VolumeImg object containing the data. The metadata is
            kept as much as possible in the metadata attribute.

        The world space might not be correctly defined by the input
        object (in particular, when loading data from disk). In this
        case, you can correct it manually using the world_space keyword

        For pynifti objects, the data is transposed.
    if hasattr(obj, 'as_volume_img'):
        obj = obj.as_volume_img(copy=copy)
        if copy:
            obj = obj.__copy__()
        return obj

    elif isinstance(obj, string_types):
        if not os.path.exists(obj):
            raise ValueError("The file '%s' cannot be found" % obj)
        obj = nib.load(obj)
        copy = False

    if isinstance(obj, SpatialImage):
        data   = obj.get_data()
        affine = get_affine(obj)
        header = dict(get_header(obj))
        fname = obj.file_map['image'].filename
        if fname:
            header['filename'] = fname
    elif hasattr(obj, 'data') and hasattr(obj, 'sform') and \
                                            hasattr(obj, 'getVolumeExtent'):
        # Duck-types to a pynifti object
        data     =
        affine   = obj.sform
        header   = obj.header
        filename = obj.getFilename()
        if filename != '':
            header['filename'] = filename
        raise ValueError('Invalid type (%s) passed in: cannot convert %s to '
                    'VolumeImg' % (type(obj), obj))

    if world_space is None and header.get('sform_code', 0) == 4:
        world_space = 'mni152'

    data    = np.asanyarray(data)
    affine  = np.asanyarray(affine)
    if copy:
        data    = data.copy()
        affine  = affine.copy()

    if squeeze:
        # Squeeze the dimensions above 3
        shape = [val for index, val in enumerate(data.shape)
                     if val !=1 or index < 3]
        data = np.reshape(data, shape)
    return VolumeImg(data, affine, world_space, metadata=header)
Esempio n. 9
    def to_image(self, fid=None, roi=False, method="mean", descrip=None):
        """Generates a label image that represents self.

        fid: str,
          Feature to be represented. If None, a binary image of the MROI
          domain will be we created.
        roi: bool,
          Whether or not to write the desired feature as a ROI one.
          (i.e. a ROI feature corresponding to `fid` will be looked upon,
          and if not found, a representative feature will be computed from
          the `fid` feature).
        method: str,
          If a feature is written as a ROI feature, this keyword tweaks
          the way the representative feature is computed.
        descrip: str,
          Description of the image, to be written in its header.

        Requires that self.dom is an ddom.NDGridDomain

        nim : nibabel nifti image
          Nifti image corresponding to the ROI feature to be written.

        if not isinstance(self.domain, ddom.NDGridDomain):
            print('self.domain is not an NDGridDomain; nothing was written.')
            return None

        if fid is None:
            # write a binary representation of the domain if no fid provided
            nim = self.domain.to_image(
                data=(self.label != -1).astype(np.int32))
            if descrip is None:
                descrip = 'binary representation of MROI'
            data = -np.ones(self.label.size, dtype=np.int32)
            tmp_image = self.domain.to_image()
            mask = tmp_image.get_data().copy().astype(bool)
            if not roi:
                # write a feature
                if fid not in self.features:
                    raise ValueError("`%s` feature could not be found" % fid)
                for i in self.get_id():
                    data[self.select_id(i, roi=False)] = \
                        self.get_feature(fid, i)
                # write a roi feature
                if fid in self.roi_features:
                    # write from existing roi feature
                    for i in self.get_id():
                        data[self.select_id(i, roi=False)] = \
                            fid, i)
                elif fid in self.features:
                    # write from representative feature
                    summary_feature = self.representative_feature(
                        fid, method=method)
                    for i in self.get_id():
                        data[self.select_id(i, roi=False)] = \
            # MROI object was defined on a masked image: we square it back.
            wdata = -np.ones(mask.shape, data.dtype)
            wdata[mask] = data
            nim = Nifti1Image(wdata, get_affine(tmp_image))
        # set description of the image
        if descrip is not None:
            get_header(nim)['descrip'] = descrip
        return nim
Esempio n. 10
File: Progetto: bmswgnp/nipy
    def contrast(self,
        """ Estimation of a contrast as fixed effects on all sessions

        contrasts : array or list of arrays of shape (n_col) or (n_dim, n_col)
            where ``n_col`` is the number of columns of the design matrix,
            numerical definition of the contrast (one array per run)
        con_id : str, optional
            name of the contrast
        contrast_type : {'t', 'F', 'tmin-conjunction'}, optional
            type of the contrast
        output_z : bool, optional
            Return or not the corresponding z-stat image
        output_stat : bool, optional
            Return or not the base (t/F) stat image
        output_effects : bool, optional
            Return or not the corresponding effect image
        output_variance : bool, optional
            Return or not the corresponding variance image

        output_images : list of nibabel images
            The required output images, in the following order:
            z image, stat(t/F) image, effects image, variance image
        if self.glms == []:
            raise ValueError('first run fit() to estimate the model')
        if isinstance(contrasts, np.ndarray):
            contrasts = [contrasts]
        if len(contrasts) != len(self.glms):
            raise ValueError(
                'contrasts must be a sequence of %d session contrasts' %

        contrast_ = None
        for i, (glm, con) in enumerate(zip(self.glms, contrasts)):
            if np.all(con == 0):
                warn('Contrast for session %d is null' % i)
            elif contrast_ is None:
                contrast_ = glm.contrast(con, contrast_type)
                contrast_ = contrast_ + glm.contrast(con, contrast_type)
        if output_z or output_stat:
            # compute the contrast and stat

        # Prepare the returned images
        mask = self.mask.get_data().astype(np.bool)
        do_outputs = [output_z, output_stat, output_effects, output_variance]
        estimates = ['z_score_', 'stat_', 'effect', 'variance']
        descrips = [
            'z statistic', 'Statistical value', 'Estimated effect',
            'Estimated variance'
        dims = [1, 1, contrast_.dim, contrast_.dim**2]
        n_vox = mask.sum()
        output_images = []
        for (do_output, estimate, descrip, dim) in zip(do_outputs, estimates,
                                                       descrips, dims):
            if do_output:
                if dim > 1:
                    result_map = np.tile(
                        mask.astype(np.float)[:, :, :, np.newaxis], dim)
                    result_map[mask] = np.reshape(
                        getattr(contrast_, estimate).T, (n_vox, dim))
                    result_map = mask.astype(np.float)
                    result_map[mask] = np.squeeze(getattr(contrast_, estimate))
                output = Nifti1Image(result_map, self.affine)
                get_header(output)['descrip'] = (
                    '%s associated with contrast %s' % (descrip, con_id))
        return output_images