Esempio n. 1
    def connect(self, address):
        asyncore.dispatcher.connect(self, address)
        # UDP sockets do not connect.

        if self.socket.type != SOCK_DGRAM and not self.connected:
            if not self.connectChannel:
                # Prefer the sender.  Do not block when sending, given that
                # there is a tasklet known to be waiting, this will happen.
                self.connectChannel = Channel(prefer_sender=True)
Esempio n. 2
    def connect(self, dst):
        """Returns sk_chan, the Channel() of the new established socket"""
        if dst not in self.neighbours:
            raise ENotNeigh, ENotNeigh.errstr

        sk = randint(1, 2**32 - 1)
        self.sk_out[sk] = Channel()
        self.sk_in[sk] = Channel()

        dst.accept_chan.send((self, sk, self.sk_in[sk], self.sk_out[sk]))
        return sk
Esempio n. 3
    def __init__(self, ip=None, neighs={}):

        # {Node: Link}
        self.neighbours = {}

        self.recv_chan = Channel()
        self.accept_chan = Channel()

        self.sk_in = {}  # {sk: sk_chan}
        self.sk_out = {}  # {sk: sk_chan}
Esempio n. 4
    def __init__(self, ip=None, neighs={}):

        # {Node: Link}
        self.neighbours = {}

        self.recv_chan = Channel()
        self.accept_chan = Channel()

        self.sk_in  = {} # {sk: sk_chan}
        self.sk_out = {} # {sk: sk_chan}
Esempio n. 5
 def sendto(self, sendData, sendAddress):
     waitChannel = None
     for idx, (data, address, channel, sentBytes) in enumerate(self.sendToBuffers):
         if address == sendAddress:
             self.sendToBuffers[idx] = (data + sendData, address, channel, sentBytes)
             waitChannel = channel
     if waitChannel is None:
         waitChannel = Channel(micro_send=True)
         self.sendToBuffers.append((sendData, sendAddress, waitChannel, 0))
     return waitChannel.recv()
Esempio n. 6
 def sendto(self, sendData, sendAddress):
     waitChannel = None
     for idx, (data, address, channel,
               sentBytes) in enumerate(self.sendToBuffers):
         if address == sendAddress:
             self.sendToBuffers[idx] = (data + sendData, address, channel,
             waitChannel = channel
     if waitChannel is None:
         waitChannel = Channel(micro_send=True)
         self.sendToBuffers.append((sendData, sendAddress, waitChannel, 0))
     return waitChannel.recv()
Esempio n. 7
class Simulator(object):
    """This is a Descrete Event Simulator
    Inside a simulated function, do not directly use `channel.send' of
    python stackless, because you'll mess with the schedule of the simulator.
    Use instead @microfunc(true/false), or Channel(True) (see lib/

    def __init__(self):
        self.curtime = 0
        self.queue = []

        self.looping = False
        self.simchan = Channel()
    def ev_add(self, ev):
        ev.abs_time = self.curtime+ev.exec_time
        heappush(self.queue, ev)
        if self.curtime > 0 and not self.looping:

    def ev_exec(self):
        ev = heappop(self.queue)
        self.curtime = ev.abs_time

    def loop(self):
        self.looping = True
        while self.queue != []:
        self.looping = False

    def _wake_up_wait(self, chan):

    def wait(self, t):
        """Waits the specified number of time units"""
        chan = Channel()
        self.ev_add( SimEvent(t, self._wake_up_wait, (chan,)) )

    def run(self):
        while 1:
Esempio n. 8
class Simulator(object):
    """This is a Descrete Event Simulator
    Inside a simulated function, do not directly use `channel.send' of
    python stackless, because you'll mess with the schedule of the simulator.
    Use instead @microfunc(true/false), or Channel(True) (see lib/
    def __init__(self):
        self.curtime = 0
        self.queue = []

        self.looping = False
        self.simchan = Channel()

    def ev_add(self, ev):
        ev.abs_time = self.curtime + ev.exec_time
        heappush(self.queue, ev)
        if self.curtime > 0 and not self.looping:

    def ev_exec(self):
        ev = heappop(self.queue)
        self.curtime = ev.abs_time

    def loop(self):
        self.looping = True
        while self.queue != []:
        self.looping = False

    def _wake_up_wait(self, chan):

    def wait(self, t):
        """Waits the specified number of time units"""
        chan = Channel()
        self.ev_add(SimEvent(t, self._wake_up_wait, (chan, )))

    def run(self):
        while 1:
Esempio n. 9
    def __init__(self, sock):
        # This is worth doing.  I was passing in an invalid socket which was
        # an instance of dispatcher and it was causing tasklet death.
        if not isinstance(sock, stdsocket.socket):
            raise StandardError("Invalid socket passed to dispatcher")
        asyncore.dispatcher.__init__(self, sock)

        # if self.socket.type == SOCK_DGRAM:
        #    self.dgramRecvChannels = {}
        #    self.dgramReadBuffers = {}
        self.recvChannel = Channel(micro_send=True)
        self.readBufferString = ''
        self.readBufferList = []

        self.sendBuffer = ''
        self.sendToBuffers = []

        self.maxreceivebuf = 65536
Esempio n. 10
    def connect(self, address):
        asyncore.dispatcher.connect(self, address)
        # UDP sockets do not connect.

        if self.socket.type != SOCK_DGRAM and not self.connected:
            if not self.connectChannel:
                # Prefer the sender.  Do not block when sending, given that
                # there is a tasklet known to be waiting, this will happen.
                self.connectChannel = Channel(prefer_sender=True)
Esempio n. 11
    def __init__(self, sock):
        # This is worth doing.  I was passing in an invalid socket which was
        # an instance of dispatcher and it was causing tasklet death.
        if not isinstance(sock, stdsocket.socket):
            raise StandardError("Invalid socket passed to dispatcher")
        asyncore.dispatcher.__init__(self, sock)

        # if self.socket.type == SOCK_DGRAM:
        #    self.dgramRecvChannels = {}
        #    self.dgramReadBuffers = {}
        self.recvChannel = Channel(micro_send=True)
        self.readBufferString = ''
        self.readBufferList = []

        self.sendBuffer = ''
        self.sendToBuffers = []

Esempio n. 12
    micro(f, (8, 8))


F1 = foo(1)
F2 = foo(2)

def xf():
    print 'xf2', 1

c = Channel()
csend(c, 1)
crecv(c, 1)

#print '---Atomic test---'
def xf():
    print 'xf4', 3

c = Channel(prefer_sender=False)
crecv(c, 3)
csend_atomic(c, 3)
Esempio n. 13
 def wait(self, t):
     """Waits the specified number of time units"""
     chan = Channel()
     self.ev_add( SimEvent(t, self._wake_up_wait, (chan,)) )
Esempio n. 14
class Node(object):
    __slots__ = ['neighbours', 'recv_chan', 'accept_chan', 'sk_in', 'sk_out',
    def __init__(self, ip=None, neighs={}):

        # {Node: Link}
        self.neighbours = {}

        self.recv_chan = Channel()
        self.accept_chan = Channel()

        self.sk_in  = {} # {sk: sk_chan}
        self.sk_out = {} # {sk: sk_chan}

    def change_ip(self, newip=None):
        if self.ip == None:
                self.ip=randint(1, 2**32-1)

    def __hash__(self):
        return self.ip

    def neigh_add(self, n, link):
        n.neighbours[self]=link # the links are symmetric
    def neigh_del(self, n):
        if n in self.neighbours:
                del self.neighbours[n]
                del n.neighbours[self]

    def neigh_del_all(self):
        for n in self.neighbours:

    def calc_time(self, d, sz):
        """Return the time necessary to send a packet of 
           size `sz', from `self' to `d'"""
        return self.neighbours[d].rtt+float(sz)/self.neighbours[d].bw

## Non socket based

    def sendto(self, dst, msg):
        """dst: the destination neighbour
           msg: the packet itself. It must be a string!
           On error hell will be raised"""
        if not isinstance(msg, str):
                raise ESendMsg, ESendMsg.errstr

        if dst not in self.neighbours:
                raise ENotNeigh, ENotNeigh.errstr

        msglen = len(msg)
        ev = SimEvent(self.calc_time(dst, msglen), dst._sendto, (self, msg))
        return msglen

    def _sendto(self, sender, msg):
        """Send the msg to the recv channel"""
        self.recv_chan.sendq((sender, msg))
    def sendtoall(self, msg):
        """Send the msg to all neighbours"""
        for n in self.neighbours:
                self.sendto(n, msg)

    def recvfrom(self):
        """Returns the (sender, msg) pair"""
        return self.recv_chan.recvq()

## Socket based 

    def connect(self, dst):
        """Returns sk_chan, the Channel() of the new established socket"""
        if dst not in self.neighbours:
                raise ENotNeigh, ENotNeigh.errstr

        sk      = randint(1, 2**32-1)

        dst.accept_chan.send((self, sk, self.sk_in[sk], self.sk_out[sk]))
        return sk

    def accept(self):
        """Returns (sk, src), where sk is the new established socket and 
          `src' is the instance of the source node"""

        src, sk, sk_out, sk_in = self.accept_chan.recv()
        self.sk_in[sk] =sk_in
        return sk, src

    def send(self, dst, sk, msg):
        if not isinstance(msg, str):
                raise ESendMsg, ESendMsg.errstr
                sk_chan = self.sk_out[sk]
        except KeyError:
                raise ESkt, ESkt.errstr

        msglen = len(msg)
        ev = SimEvent(self.calc_time(dst, msglen), dst._send, (sk_chan, msg))
        return msglen

    def _send(self, sk_chan, msg):

    def recv(self, sk):
                sk_chan = self.sk_in[sk]
        except KeyError:
                raise ESkt, ESkt.errstr
        return sk_chan.recvq()

    def close(self, dst, sk):
        if sk in dst.sk_in:
                del dst.sk_in[sk]
                del dst.sk_out[sk]
        if sk in self.sk_in:
                del self.sk_in[sk]
                del self.sk_out[sk]
Esempio n. 15
 def wait(self, t):
     """Waits the specified number of time units"""
     chan = Channel()
     self.ev_add(SimEvent(t, self._wake_up_wait, (chan, )))
Esempio n. 16
    def __init__(self):
        self.curtime = 0
        self.queue = []

        self.looping = False
        self.simchan = Channel()
Esempio n. 17
class dispatcher(asyncore.dispatcher):
    connectChannel = None
    acceptChannel = None
    recvChannel = None

    def __init__(self, sock):
        # This is worth doing.  I was passing in an invalid socket which was
        # an instance of dispatcher and it was causing tasklet death.
        if not isinstance(sock, stdsocket.socket):
            raise StandardError("Invalid socket passed to dispatcher")
        asyncore.dispatcher.__init__(self, sock)

        # if self.socket.type == SOCK_DGRAM:
        #    self.dgramRecvChannels = {}
        #    self.dgramReadBuffers = {}
        self.recvChannel = Channel(micro_send=True)
        self.readBufferString = ''
        self.readBufferList = []

        self.sendBuffer = ''
        self.sendToBuffers = []

        self.maxreceivebuf = 65536

    def writable(self):
        if self.socket.type != SOCK_DGRAM and not self.connected:
            return True
        return len(self.sendBuffer) or len(self.sendToBuffers)

    def accept(self):
        if not self.acceptChannel:
            self.acceptChannel = Channel(micro_send=True)
        return self.acceptChannel.recv()

    def connect(self, address):
        asyncore.dispatcher.connect(self, address)
        # UDP sockets do not connect.

        if self.socket.type != SOCK_DGRAM and not self.connected:
            if not self.connectChannel:
                # Prefer the sender.  Do not block when sending, given that
                # there is a tasklet known to be waiting, this will happen.
                self.connectChannel = Channel(prefer_sender=True)

    def send(self, data):
        self.sendBuffer += data
        return len(data)

    def sendall(self, data):
        # WARNING: this will busy wait until all data is sent
        # It should be possible to do away with the busy wait with
        # the use of a channel.
        self.sendBuffer += data
        while self.sendBuffer:
        return len(data)

    def sendto(self, sendData, sendAddress):
        waitChannel = None
        for idx, (data, address, channel,
                  sentBytes) in enumerate(self.sendToBuffers):
            if address == sendAddress:
                self.sendToBuffers[idx] = (data + sendData, address, channel,
                waitChannel = channel
        if waitChannel is None:
            waitChannel = Channel(micro_send=True)
            self.sendToBuffers.append((sendData, sendAddress, waitChannel, 0))
        return waitChannel.recv()

    # Read at most byteCount bytes.
    def recv(self, byteCount):
        self.maxreceivebuf = byteCount
        if len(self.readBufferString) < byteCount:
            # If our buffer is empty, we must block for more data we also
            # aggressively request more if it's available.
            if len(self.readBufferString
                   ) == 0 or > 0:
                self.readBufferString += self.recvChannel.recv()
        # Disabling this because I believe it is the onus of the application
        # to be aware of the need to run the scheduler to give other tasklets
        # leeway to run.
        # stackless.schedule()
        ret = self.readBufferString[:byteCount]
        self.readBufferString = self.readBufferString[byteCount:]
        return ret

    def recvfrom(self, byteCount):
        ret = ""
        address = None
        self.maxreceivebuf = byteCount
        return self.recvChannel.recv()

    def close(self):
        self.connected = False
        self.accepting = False
        self.sendBuffer = ''  # breaks the loop in sendall

        # Clear out all the channels with relevant errors.

        if self.acceptChannel is not None:
            while self.acceptChannel and < 0:
                self.acceptChannel.send_exception(error, 9,
                                                  'Bad file descriptor')
        if self.connectChannel is not None:
            while self.connectChannel and < 0:
                self.connectChannel.send_exception(error, 10061,
                                                   'Connection refused')
        if self.recvChannel is not None:
            while self.recvChannel and < 0:
                # The closing of a socket is indicted by receiving nothing.  The
                # exception would have been sent if the server was killed, rather
                # than closed down gracefully.
                #self.recvChannel.send_exception(error, 10054, 'Connection reset by peer')

    # asyncore doesn't support this.  Why not?
    def fileno(self):
        # XXX: self.socket.fileno() raises a Bad file descriptor error.
        #      Therefore, we're using _fileno as a hack. This has to be
        #      cleaned.
        # return self.socket.fileno()
        return self._fileno

    def handle_accept(self):
        if self.acceptChannel and < 0:
            currentSocket, clientAddress = asyncore.dispatcher.accept(self)
            currentSocket.setsockopt(SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
            # Give them the asyncore based socket, not the standard one.
            currentSocket = self.wrap_accept_socket(currentSocket)
            self.acceptChannel.send((currentSocket, clientAddress))

    # Inform the blocked connect call that the connection has been made.
    def handle_connect(self):
        if self.socket.type != SOCK_DGRAM and self.connectChannel is not None:

    # Asyncore says its done but self.readBuffer may be non-empty
    # so can't close yet.  Do nothing and let 'recv' trigger the close.
    def handle_close(self):

    # Some error, just close the channel and let that raise errors to
    # blocked calls.
    def handle_expt(self):

    def handle_read(self):
            if self.socket.type == SOCK_DGRAM:
                ret, address = self.socket.recvfrom(self.maxreceivebuf)
                self.recvChannel.send((ret, address))
                ret = asyncore.dispatcher.recv(self, self.maxreceivebuf)
                # Not sure this is correct, but it seems to give the
                # right behaviour.  Namely removing the socket from
                # asyncore.
                if not ret:
        except stdsocket.error, err:
            # XXX Is this correct?
            # If there's a read error assume the connection is
            # broken and drop any pending output
            if self.sendBuffer:
                self.sendBuffer = ""
            # Why can't I pass the 'err' by itself?
  , err)
Esempio n. 18
 def accept(self):
     if not self.acceptChannel:
         self.acceptChannel = Channel(micro_send=True)
     return self.acceptChannel.recv()
Esempio n. 19
class Node(object):
    __slots__ = [
        'neighbours', 'recv_chan', 'accept_chan', 'sk_in', 'sk_out', 'ip'

    def __init__(self, ip=None, neighs={}):

        # {Node: Link}
        self.neighbours = {}

        self.recv_chan = Channel()
        self.accept_chan = Channel()

        self.sk_in = {}  # {sk: sk_chan}
        self.sk_out = {}  # {sk: sk_chan}

    def change_ip(self, newip=None):
        self.ip = newip
        if self.ip == None:
            self.ip = randint(1, 2**32 - 1)

    def __hash__(self):
        return self.ip

    def neigh_add(self, n, link):
        self.neighbours[n] = link
        n.neighbours[self] = link  # the links are symmetric

    def neigh_del(self, n):
        if n in self.neighbours:
            del self.neighbours[n]
            del n.neighbours[self]

    def neigh_del_all(self):
        for n in self.neighbours:

    def calc_time(self, d, sz):
        """Return the time necessary to send a packet of 
           size `sz', from `self' to `d'"""
        return self.neighbours[d].rtt + float(sz) / self.neighbours[d].bw

## Non socket based

    def sendto(self, dst, msg):
        """dst: the destination neighbour
           msg: the packet itself. It must be a string!
           On error hell will be raised"""
        if not isinstance(msg, str):
            raise ESendMsg, ESendMsg.errstr

        if dst not in self.neighbours:
            raise ENotNeigh, ENotNeigh.errstr

        msglen = len(msg)
        ev = SimEvent(self.calc_time(dst, msglen), dst._sendto, (self, msg))
        return msglen

    def _sendto(self, sender, msg):
        """Send the msg to the recv channel"""
        self.recv_chan.sendq((sender, msg))

    def sendtoall(self, msg):
        """Send the msg to all neighbours"""
        for n in self.neighbours:
            self.sendto(n, msg)

    def recvfrom(self):
        """Returns the (sender, msg) pair"""
        return self.recv_chan.recvq()

## Socket based

    def connect(self, dst):
        """Returns sk_chan, the Channel() of the new established socket"""
        if dst not in self.neighbours:
            raise ENotNeigh, ENotNeigh.errstr

        sk = randint(1, 2**32 - 1)
        self.sk_out[sk] = Channel()
        self.sk_in[sk] = Channel()

        dst.accept_chan.send((self, sk, self.sk_in[sk], self.sk_out[sk]))
        return sk

    def accept(self):
        """Returns (sk, src), where sk is the new established socket and 
          `src' is the instance of the source node"""

        src, sk, sk_out, sk_in = self.accept_chan.recv()
        self.sk_out[sk] = sk_out
        self.sk_in[sk] = sk_in
        return sk, src

    def send(self, dst, sk, msg):
        if not isinstance(msg, str):
            raise ESendMsg, ESendMsg.errstr
            sk_chan = self.sk_out[sk]
        except KeyError:
            raise ESkt, ESkt.errstr

        msglen = len(msg)
        ev = SimEvent(self.calc_time(dst, msglen), dst._send, (sk_chan, msg))
        return msglen

    def _send(self, sk_chan, msg):

    def recv(self, sk):
            sk_chan = self.sk_in[sk]
        except KeyError:
            raise ESkt, ESkt.errstr
        return sk_chan.recvq()

    def close(self, dst, sk):
        if sk in dst.sk_in:
            del dst.sk_in[sk]
            del dst.sk_out[sk]
        if sk in self.sk_in:
            del self.sk_in[sk]
            del self.sk_out[sk]
Esempio n. 20
class dispatcher(asyncore.dispatcher):
    connectChannel = None
    acceptChannel = None
    recvChannel = None

    def __init__(self, sock):
        # This is worth doing.  I was passing in an invalid socket which was
        # an instance of dispatcher and it was causing tasklet death.
        if not isinstance(sock, stdsocket.socket):
            raise StandardError("Invalid socket passed to dispatcher")
        asyncore.dispatcher.__init__(self, sock)

        # if self.socket.type == SOCK_DGRAM:
        #    self.dgramRecvChannels = {}
        #    self.dgramReadBuffers = {}
        self.recvChannel = Channel(micro_send=True)
        self.readBufferString = ''
        self.readBufferList = []

        self.sendBuffer = ''
        self.sendToBuffers = []


    def writable(self):
        if self.socket.type != SOCK_DGRAM and not self.connected:
            return True
        return len(self.sendBuffer) or len(self.sendToBuffers)

    def accept(self):
        if not self.acceptChannel:
            self.acceptChannel = Channel(micro_send=True)
        return self.acceptChannel.recv()

    def connect(self, address):
        asyncore.dispatcher.connect(self, address)
        # UDP sockets do not connect.

        if self.socket.type != SOCK_DGRAM and not self.connected:
            if not self.connectChannel:
                # Prefer the sender.  Do not block when sending, given that
                # there is a tasklet known to be waiting, this will happen.
                self.connectChannel = Channel(prefer_sender=True)

    def send(self, data):
        self.sendBuffer += data
        return len(data)

    def sendall(self, data):
        # WARNING: this will busy wait until all data is sent
        # It should be possible to do away with the busy wait with
        # the use of a channel.
        self.sendBuffer += data
        while self.sendBuffer:
        return len(data)

    def sendto(self, sendData, sendAddress):
        waitChannel = None
        for idx, (data, address, channel, sentBytes) in enumerate(self.sendToBuffers):
            if address == sendAddress:
                self.sendToBuffers[idx] = (data + sendData, address, channel, sentBytes)
                waitChannel = channel
        if waitChannel is None:
            waitChannel = Channel(micro_send=True)
            self.sendToBuffers.append((sendData, sendAddress, waitChannel, 0))
        return waitChannel.recv()

    # Read at most byteCount bytes.
    def recv(self, byteCount):
        if len(self.readBufferString) < byteCount:
            # If our buffer is empty, we must block for more data we also
            # aggressively request more if it's available.
            if len(self.readBufferString) == 0 or > 0:
                self.readBufferString += self.recvChannel.recv()
        # Disabling this because I believe it is the onus of the application
        # to be aware of the need to run the scheduler to give other tasklets
        # leeway to run.
        # stackless.schedule()
        ret = self.readBufferString[:byteCount]
        self.readBufferString = self.readBufferString[byteCount:]
        return ret

    def recvfrom(self, byteCount):
        ret = ""
        address = None
        return self.recvChannel.recv()

    def close(self):
        self.connected = False
        self.accepting = False
        self.sendBuffer = ''  # breaks the loop in sendall

        # Clear out all the channels with relevant errors.

        if self.acceptChannel is not None:
            while self.acceptChannel and < 0:
                self.acceptChannel.send_exception(error, 9, 'Bad file descriptor')
        if self.connectChannel is not None:
            while self.connectChannel and < 0:
                self.connectChannel.send_exception(error, 10061, 'Connection refused')
        if self.recvChannel is not None:
            while self.recvChannel and < 0:
                # The closing of a socket is indicted by receiving nothing.  The
                # exception would have been sent if the server was killed, rather
                # than closed down gracefully.
                #self.recvChannel.send_exception(error, 10054, 'Connection reset by peer')

    # asyncore doesn't support this.  Why not?
    def fileno(self):
            # XXX: self.socket.fileno() raises a Bad file descriptor error.
            #      Therefore, we're using _fileno as a hack. This has to be
            #      cleaned.
            # return self.socket.fileno() 
        return self._fileno

    def handle_accept(self):
        if self.acceptChannel and < 0:
            currentSocket, clientAddress = asyncore.dispatcher.accept(self)
            currentSocket.setsockopt(SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
            # Give them the asyncore based socket, not the standard one.
            currentSocket = self.wrap_accept_socket(currentSocket)
            self.acceptChannel.send((currentSocket, clientAddress))

    # Inform the blocked connect call that the connection has been made.
    def handle_connect(self):
        if self.socket.type != SOCK_DGRAM and self.connectChannel is not None:

    # Asyncore says its done but self.readBuffer may be non-empty
    # so can't close yet.  Do nothing and let 'recv' trigger the close.
    def handle_close(self):

    # Some error, just close the channel and let that raise errors to
    # blocked calls.
    def handle_expt(self):

    def handle_read(self):
            if self.socket.type == SOCK_DGRAM:
                ret, address = self.socket.recvfrom(self.maxreceivebuf)
                self.recvChannel.send((ret, address))
                ret = asyncore.dispatcher.recv(self, self.maxreceivebuf)
                # Not sure this is correct, but it seems to give the
                # right behaviour.  Namely removing the socket from
                # asyncore.
                if not ret:
        except stdsocket.error, err:
            # XXX Is this correct?
            # If there's a read error assume the connection is
            # broken and drop any pending output
            if self.sendBuffer:
                self.sendBuffer = ""
            # Why can't I pass the 'err' by itself?
  , err)
Esempio n. 21
import sys


import traceback
import random
from random import randint
import pdb

from import Net
import ntk.sim.sim as sim
import ntk.sim.wrap.xtime as xtime
from ntk.lib.micro import micro, microfunc, allmicro_run, Channel

ch = Channel()
ch2 = Channel(True)
ch3 = Channel()

T = []

def myxtime():
    t = xtime.time()
    return t

def f(x):
    print 'ch2'
Esempio n. 22
    def __init__(self):
        self.curtime = 0
        self.queue = []

        self.looping = False
        self.simchan = Channel()
Esempio n. 23
 def accept(self):
     if not self.acceptChannel:
         self.acceptChannel = Channel(micro_send=True)
     return self.acceptChannel.recv()