Esempio n. 1
 def _get_M_tns_product_type(self, psi_mtx):
     Returns the 4th order damage effect tensor 'M4' using product-type symmetrization
     n_dim = self.n_dim
     # Get the direction orthogonal to the principle damage coordinates (pdc):
     # @todo: is this direction orthogonal? Which one do we want?
     psi_eig_value, psi_eig_mtx = eigh(psi_mtx)
     psi_eig_value_real = array([pe.real for pe in psi_eig_value])
     # transform phi_mtx to PDC:
     # (assure that besides the diagonal the entries are exactly zero)
     psi_pdc_mtx = zeros((n_dim, n_dim), dtype=float)
     for i in range(n_dim):
         psi_pdc_mtx[i, i] = psi_eig_value_real[i]
     # second order damage effect tensor:
     w_hat_pdc_mtx = arr_sqrt(psi_pdc_mtx)
     #        print "w_hat_pdc_mtx", w_hat_pdc_mtx
     # transform the matrix w back to x-y-coordinates:
     w_hat_mtx = dot(dot(psi_eig_mtx, w_hat_pdc_mtx),
     #        print "w_hat_mtx", w_hat_mtx
     # M_ijkl = w_hat_ik * w_hat_lj (cf. Eq.(5.62) Script Prag Jirasek (2007))
     #        = w_hat_ik * w_hat_jl (w is a symmetric tensor)
     # Exploiting numpy-functionality using the
     # method 'outer' (returns M_ijkl = w_hat_ij * w_hat_kl),
     # therefore the axis j and k need to be swapped
     M4_ = outer(w_hat_mtx, w_hat_mtx).reshape(n_dim, n_dim, n_dim, n_dim)
     M4 = M4_.swapaxes(1, 2)
     return M4
Esempio n. 2
 def _get_beta_tns_product_type(self, phi_mtx):
     Returns the 4th order damage tensor 'beta4' using product-type symmetrization
     (cf. [Baz97], Eq.(87))
     n_dim = self.n_dim
     # Get the direction of the principle damage coordinates (pdc):
     phi_eig_value, phi_eig_mtx = eigh(phi_mtx)
     phi_eig_value_real = array([pe.real for pe in phi_eig_value])
     # transform phi_mtx to PDC:
     # (assure that besides the diagonal the entries are exactly zero)
     phi_pdc_mtx = zeros((n_dim, n_dim), dtype=float)
     for i in range(n_dim):
         phi_pdc_mtx[i, i] = phi_eig_value_real[i]
     # w_mtx = tensorial square root of the second order damage tensor:
     w_pdc_mtx = arr_sqrt(phi_pdc_mtx)
     #        print "w_pdc_mtx", w_pdc_mtx
     # transform the matrix w back to x-y-coordinates:
     w_mtx = dot(dot(phi_eig_mtx, w_pdc_mtx), transpose(phi_eig_mtx))
     # beta_ijkl = w_ik * w_jl (cf. [Baz 97])
     # exploiting numpy-functionality (faster).
     # Method 'outer' returns beta_ijkl = w_ij * w_kl,
     # therefore the axis j and k need to be swapped
     beta4_ = outer(w_mtx, w_mtx).reshape(n_dim, n_dim, n_dim, n_dim)
     beta4 = beta4_.swapaxes(1, 2)
     return beta4
Esempio n. 3
 def _get_e_T_arr(self, e_vct_arr):
     Returns a list of the microplane shear strains (scalar)
     based on the list of microplane strain vectors
     (Subsidary method for '_get_e_s_T_arr'.)
     # magnitude of the normal strain vector for each microplane
     e_N_arr = self._get_e_N_arr(e_vct_arr)
     # normal strain vector for each microplane
     e_N_vct_arr = array(
         [self._MPN[i, :] * e_N_arr[i] for i in range(0, self.n_mp)])
     # tangential strain vector for each microplane
     e_T_vct_arr = e_vct_arr - e_N_vct_arr
     # squared tangential strain vector for each microplane
     e_TT_arr = array([inner(e_T_vct, e_T_vct) for e_T_vct in e_T_vct_arr])
     # equivalent strain for each microplane
     e_T_arr = arr_sqrt(e_TT_arr)
     return e_T_arr
Esempio n. 4
 def _get_e_equiv_arr(self, e_vct_arr):
     Returns a list of the microplane equivalent strains
     based on the list of microplane strain vectors
     # magnitude of the normal strain vector for each microplane
     # @todo: faster numpy functionality possible?
     e_N_arr = array(
         [dot(e_vct, mpn) for e_vct, mpn in zip(e_vct_arr, self._MPN)])
     # positive part of the normal strain magnitude for each microplane
     e_N_pos_arr = (fabs(e_N_arr) + e_N_arr) / 2
     # normal strain vector for each microplane
     # @todo: faster numpy functionality possible?
     e_N_vct_arr = array(
         [self._MPN[i, :] * e_N_arr[i] for i in range(0, self.n_mp)])
     # tangent strain ratio
     c_T = self.c_T
     # tangential strain vector for each microplane
     e_T_vct_arr = e_vct_arr - e_N_vct_arr
     # squared tangential strain vector for each microplane
     e_TT_arr = array([inner(e_T_vct, e_T_vct) for e_T_vct in e_T_vct_arr])
     # equivalent strain for each microplane
     e_equiv_arr = arr_sqrt(e_N_pos_arr * e_N_pos_arr + c_T * e_TT_arr)
     return e_equiv_arr
Esempio n. 5
    def get_corr_pred( self, sctx, eps_app_eng, tn, tn1 ):
        Corrector predictor computation.
        @param eps_app_eng input variable - engineering strain
        #n_d = self.n_d
        n_mp = self.n_mp

        E   = self.E
        nu  =

        phi_list, e_max_list = self._get_phi_list( sctx, eps_app_eng )
        MPN  = self._MPN
        MPW  = self._MPW
        MPNN = self._MPNN

        # TODO Put it into the parameters - this is a temporary hack
        if self.update_state_on:
            sctx.state_array[:] = e_max_list
            self.update_state_on = False
        # integration terms for each microplanes
        phi_vct_list = array( [ phi_list[i] * MPNN[i,:,:] * MPW[i]
                                for i in range(0,n_mp) ] )

        # integration terms for each microplanes
        psi_vct_list = array( [ 1. / phi_list[i] * MPNN[i,:,:] * MPW[i]
                                for i in range(0,n_mp) ] )

        # sum of contributions from all microplanes
        # sum over the first dimension (over the microplanes)
        phi_mtx2d = phi_vct_list.sum(0) 
        psi_mtx2d = psi_vct_list.sum(0) 

        phi_mtx = vstack( [hstack( [phi_mtx2d, [[0],[0]]] ), [[0,0,1]]] )
        psi_mtx = vstack( [hstack( [psi_mtx2d, [[0],[0]]] ), [[0,0,1]]] )

        # Lame constants calculated from E and nu
        # first Lame paramter calculated from E, nu
        la = E * nu / ( ( 1 + nu ) * ( 1 - 2 * nu ) )
        # second Lame parameter (shear modulus) calculated from E, nu
        mu = E / ( 2 + 2 * nu ) 

        n_d = 3

        # rank-four tensor including damage effect
        D4s_mdm = self.D4s_mdm
        C4c_mdm = self.C4c_mdm
        D4s_e = self.D4s_e
        C4c_e = self.C4c_e
        # rank-two tensor (matrix) including damage effect
        D2s_mdm = self.D2s_mdm
        C2c_mdm = self.C2c_mdm
        D2s_e = self.D2s_e
        C2c_e = self.C2c_e

        delta = identity(3)
        # Fill the rank-four matrices
        for i in range(0,n_d):
            for j in range(0,n_d):
                for k in range(0,n_d):
                    for l in range(0,n_d):
                        # Damaged material
                        D4s_mdm[i,j,k,l] = la * phi_mtx[i,j] * phi_mtx[k,l] + \
                                           mu * ( phi_mtx[i,k] * phi_mtx[j,l] + phi_mtx[i,l] * phi_mtx[j,k] )
                        C4c_mdm[i,j,k,l] = (1+nu)/(2*E) * \
                                           ( psi_mtx[i,k] * psi_mtx[j,l] + psi_mtx[i,l]* psi_mtx[j,k] ) - \
                                           nu / E * psi_mtx[i,j] * psi_mtx[k,l]
                        D2s_mdm[map3d_ijkl2mn(i,j,k,l)] =  D4s_mdm[i,j,k,l]
                        C2c_mdm[map3d_ijkl2mn(i,j,k,l)] =  C4c_mdm[i,j,k,l]
                        # Elastic material
                        D4s_e[i,j,k,l] = la * delta[i,j] * delta[k,l] + \
                                        mu * ( delta[i,k] * delta[j,l] + delta[i,l] * delta[j,k] )
                        C4c_e[i,j,k,l] = (1+nu)/(2*E) * \
                                         ( delta[i,k] * delta[j,l] + delta[i,l]* delta[j,k] ) - \
                                         nu / E * delta[i,j] * delta[k,l]
                        D2s_e[map3d_ijkl2mn(i,j,k,l)] =  D4s_e[i,j,k,l]
                        C2c_e[map3d_ijkl2mn(i,j,k,l)] =  C4c_e[i,j,k,l]

        if self.elastic_debug:
            C2cc_e = self._compliance_mapping( C2c_e )
            D2c_e = inv( C2cc_e )
            if self.stress_state == 'plane_stress':
                D2r_e = self._get_D_plane_stress( D2s_e )
            else: # plane strain
                D2r_e = self._get_D_plane_strain( D2s_e )
            sig_eng = tensordot( D2r_e, eps_app_eng, [[1],[0]])
            return sig_eng, D2r_e

        C2cc_mdm = self._compliance_mapping( C2c_mdm )
        D2c_mdm = inv( C2cc_mdm )

        # Product symmetrization using explicitly expressed beta tensor
        phi_eig_val, phi_eig_mtx = eig( phi_mtx )
        phi_eig = array([ pe.real for pe in phi_eig_val] )

        # verify the transformation
        #phi_pdc_mtx = tensordot( tensordot( phi_eig_mtx, phi_mtx, [[0],[0]] ), phi_eig_mtx, [[1],[0]] )
        phi_pdc_mtx = tensordot( tensordot( phi_mtx, phi_eig_mtx, [[0],[0]] ), phi_eig_mtx, [[1],[0]] )
        w_mtx = arr_sqrt( phi_pdc_mtx )

        beta4_tns = zeros([n_d,n_d,n_d,n_d])
        for i in range(0,n_d):
            for j in range(0,n_d):
                for k in range(0,n_d):
                    for l in range(0,n_d):
                        beta4_tns[i,j,k,l] = w_mtx[i,k] * w_mtx[j,l]

        D4_bb_mdm = tensordot( tensordot( D4s_e, beta4_tns, [[0,1],[2,3]] ), beta4_tns, [[2,3],[2,3]] )

        # Postprocess the material stiffness according to the
        # specified configuration
        if self.model_version == 'stiffness' :
            D2_mdm = D2s_mdm
        else: # compliance
            D2_mdm = D2c_mdm

        if self.stress_state == 'plane_stress':
            D2r_mdm = self._get_D_plane_stress( D2_mdm )
        else: # plane strain
            D2r_mdm = self._get_D_plane_strain( D2_mdm )

        sig_eng = tensordot( D2r_mdm, eps_app_eng, [[1],[0]])
        return sig_eng, D2r_mdm
    # ---
    n_dim = 2
    phi_mtx = phi
    phi_eig_value, phi_eig_mtx = eigh( phi_mtx )
    print 'phi_eig_value, phi_eig_mtx', phi_eig_value, phi_eig_mtx
    phi_eig_value_real = array([ pe.real for pe in phi_eig_value] )                
    # transform phi_mtx to PDC:
    # (assure that besides the diagonal the entries are exactly zero)
    phi_pdc_mtx = zeros((n_dim,n_dim),dtype=float)
    for i in range(n_dim):
        phi_pdc_mtx[i,i] = phi_eig_value_real[i]
    print 'phi_pdc_mtx', phi_pdc_mtx
    # w_mtx = tensorial square root of the second order damage tensor:
    w_pdc_mtx = arr_sqrt( phi_pdc_mtx )
    print "w_pdc_mtx", w_pdc_mtx
    # transform the matrix w back to x-y-coordinates:
    w_mtx = dot(dot(phi_eig_mtx, w_pdc_mtx),transpose(phi_eig_mtx))
    print "w_mtx", w_mtx
    # ---
#    M4 = mats2D_explore.mats2D_eval._get_M_tns_sum_type(phi)
    M4 = mats2D_explore.mats2D_eval._get_M_tns_product_type(psi)
    print 'M4'
    print M4
    C4_e = mats2D_explore.mats2D_eval.C4_e
    print 'elastic tensor'
    print C4_e
# use 'tensordot (correct):
phi_pdc_mtx_ten = tensordot( tensordot( phi_eig_mtx, phi_mtx, [[0],[0]] ), phi_eig_mtx, [[1],[0]] )

## # verify the transformation
## #phi_pdc_mtx = tensordot( tensordot( phi_eig_mtx, phi_mtx, [[0],[0]] ), phi_eig_mtx, [[1],[0]] )
##     phi_pdc_mtx = tensordot( tensordot( phi_mtx, phi_eig_mtx, [[0],[0]] ), phi_eig_mtx, [[1],[0]] )
## w_mtx = arr_sqrt( phi_pdc_mtx )

n_d = 3
phi_pdc_mtx_v = identity(n_d)
for i in range(0,n_d):

w_mtx_pdc = arr_sqrt( phi_pdc_mtx_v )
w_mtx = dot(dot(phi_eig_mtx,w_mtx_pdc),transpose(phi_eig_mtx))

print "\n"

print "phi_mtx = ", phi_mtx ,"\n"
print "phi_eig_val = ", phi_eig_val ,"\n"
print "phi_eig = ", phi_eig ,"\n"
print "phi_eig_mtx = ", phi_eig_mtx ,"\n"
print "use dot: phi_pdc_mtx = ", phi_pdc_mtx, "\n"
print "use tensordot (correct order of arguments): phi_pdc_mtx_ten = ", phi_pdc_mtx_ten, "\n"
print "construct phi_pdc based on the eigen-values: phi_pdc_mtx_v = ", phi_pdc_mtx_v, "\n"
print "tensorial squareroot: w_mtx_pdc = ", w_mtx_pdc, "\n"