Esempio n. 1
 def test_clear_method_resets_objects(self):
     Tests that the clear() method properly resets all objects. Test for
     # Test with basic event object.
     e = Event(force_resource_id=False)
     e.event_type = "explosion"
     self.assertEqual(len(e.comments), 1)
     self.assertEqual(e.event_type, "explosion")
     self.assertEqual(e, Event(force_resource_id=False))
     self.assertEqual(len(e.comments), 0)
     self.assertEqual(e.event_type, None)
     # Test with pick object. Does not really fit in the event test case but
     # it tests the same thing...
     p = Pick()
     p.phase_hint = "p"
     self.assertEqual(len(p.comments), 1)
     self.assertEqual(p.phase_hint, "p")
     # Add some more random attributes. These should disappear upon
     # cleaning.
     p.test_1 = "a"
     p.test_2 = "b"
     self.assertEqual(p.test_1, "a")
     self.assertEqual(p.test_2, "b")
     self.assertEqual(len(p.comments), 0)
     self.assertEqual(p.phase_hint, None)
     self.assertFalse(hasattr(p, "test_1"))
     self.assertFalse(hasattr(p, "test_2"))
Esempio n. 2
 def test_clear_method_resets_objects(self):
     Tests that the clear() method properly resets all objects. Test for
     # Test with basic event object.
     e = Event(force_resource_id=False)
     e.event_type = "explosion"
     self.assertEqual(len(e.comments), 1)
     self.assertEqual(e.event_type, "explosion")
     self.assertEqual(e, Event(force_resource_id=False))
     self.assertEqual(len(e.comments), 0)
     self.assertEqual(e.event_type, None)
     # Test with pick object. Does not really fit in the event test case but
     # it tests the same thing...
     p = Pick()
     p.phase_hint = "p"
     self.assertEqual(len(p.comments), 1)
     self.assertEqual(p.phase_hint, "p")
     # Add some more random attributes. These should disappear upon
     # cleaning.
     p.test_1 = "a"
     p.test_2 = "b"
     self.assertEqual(p.test_1, "a")
     self.assertEqual(p.test_2, "b")
     self.assertEqual(len(p.comments), 0)
     self.assertEqual(p.phase_hint, None)
     self.assertFalse(hasattr(p, "test_1"))
     self.assertFalse(hasattr(p, "test_2"))
Esempio n. 3
 def test_clear_method_resets_objects(self):
     Tests that the clear() method properly resets all objects. Test for
     # Test with basic event object.
     e = Event(force_resource_id=False)
     e.event_type = "explosion"
     self.assertEqual(len(e.comments), 1)
     self.assertEqual(e.event_type, "explosion")
     self.assertEqual(e, Event(force_resource_id=False))
     self.assertEqual(len(e.comments), 0)
     self.assertEqual(e.event_type, None)
     # Test with pick object. Does not really fit in the event test case but
     # it tests the same thing...
     p = Pick()
     p.phase_hint = "p"
     self.assertEqual(len(p.comments), 1)
     self.assertEqual(p.phase_hint, "p")
     # Add some more random attributes. These should disappear upon
     # cleaning.
     with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
         p.test_1 = "a"
         p.test_2 = "b"
         # two warnings should have been issued by setting non-default keys
         self.assertEqual(len(w), 2)
     self.assertEqual(p.test_1, "a")
     self.assertEqual(p.test_2, "b")
     self.assertEqual(len(p.comments), 0)
     self.assertEqual(p.phase_hint, None)
     self.assertFalse(hasattr(p, "test_1"))
     self.assertFalse(hasattr(p, "test_2"))
Esempio n. 4
 def test_clear_method_resets_objects(self):
     Tests that the clear() method properly resets all objects. Test for
     # Test with basic event object.
     e = Event(force_resource_id=False)
     e.event_type = "explosion"
     self.assertEqual(len(e.comments), 1)
     self.assertEqual(e.event_type, "explosion")
     self.assertEqual(e, Event(force_resource_id=False))
     self.assertEqual(len(e.comments), 0)
     self.assertEqual(e.event_type, None)
     # Test with pick object. Does not really fit in the event test case but
     # it tests the same thing...
     p = Pick()
     p.phase_hint = "p"
     self.assertEqual(len(p.comments), 1)
     self.assertEqual(p.phase_hint, "p")
     # Add some more random attributes. These should disappear upon
     # cleaning.
     with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
         p.test_1 = "a"
         p.test_2 = "b"
         # two warnings should have been issued by setting non-default keys
         self.assertEqual(len(w), 2)
     self.assertEqual(p.test_1, "a")
     self.assertEqual(p.test_2, "b")
     self.assertEqual(len(p.comments), 0)
     self.assertEqual(p.phase_hint, None)
     self.assertFalse(hasattr(p, "test_1"))
     self.assertFalse(hasattr(p, "test_2"))
Esempio n. 5
 def test_clear_method_resets_objects(self):
     Tests that the clear() method properly resets all objects. Test for
     # Test with basic event object.
     e = Event(force_resource_id=False)
     e.event_type = "explosion"
     assert len(e.comments) == 1
     assert e.event_type == "explosion"
     assert e == Event(force_resource_id=False)
     assert len(e.comments) == 0
     assert e.event_type is None
     # Test with pick object. Does not really fit in the event test case but
     # it tests the same thing...
     p = Pick()
     p.phase_hint = "p"
     assert len(p.comments) == 1
     assert p.phase_hint == "p"
     # Add some more random attributes. These should disappear upon
     # cleaning.
     with WarningsCapture() as w:
         p.test_1 = "a"
         p.test_2 = "b"
         # two warnings should have been issued by setting non-default keys
         assert len(w) == 2
     assert p.test_1 == "a"
     assert p.test_2 == "b"
     assert len(p.comments) == 0
     assert p.phase_hint is None
     assert not hasattr(p, "test_1")
     assert not hasattr(p, "test_2")
largest_magnitude_events.write("/tmp/large_events.xml", format="QUAKEML")
# !ls -l /tmp/large_events.xml

# - the event type classes can be used to build up Events/Catalogs/Picks/.. from scratch in custom processing work flows and to share them with other researchers in the de facto standard format QuakeML

# +
from obspy import UTCDateTime
from obspy.core.event import Catalog, Event, Origin, Magnitude
from obspy.geodetics import FlinnEngdahl

# cat = Catalog()
cat.description = "Just a fictitious toy example catalog built from scratch"

e = Event()
e.event_type = "not existing"

o = Origin()
o.time = UTCDateTime(2014, 2, 23, 18, 0, 0)
o.latitude = 47.6
o.longitude = 12.0
o.depth = 10000
o.depth_type = "operator assigned"
o.evaluation_mode = "manual"
o.evaluation_status = "preliminary"
o.region = FlinnEngdahl().get_region(o.longitude, o.latitude)

m = Magnitude()
m.mag = 7.2
m.magnitude_type = "Mw"
Esempio n. 7
def par2quakeml(Par_filename,
                rotation_axis=[0.0, 1.0, 0.0],
                origin_time="2000-01-01 00:00:00.0",
                event_type="other event"):
    # initialise event
    ev = Event()

    # open and read Par file
    fid = open(Par_filename, 'r')


    lat_old = 90.0 - float(fid.readline().strip().split()[0])
    lon_old = float(fid.readline().strip().split()[0])
    depth = float(fid.readline().strip().split()[0])


    Mtt_old = float(fid.readline().strip().split()[0])
    Mpp_old = float(fid.readline().strip().split()[0])
    Mrr_old = float(fid.readline().strip().split()[0])
    Mtp_old = float(fid.readline().strip().split()[0])
    Mtr_old = float(fid.readline().strip().split()[0])
    Mpr_old = float(fid.readline().strip().split()[0])

    # rotate event into physical domain

    lat, lon = rot.rotate_lat_lon(lat_old, lon_old, rotation_axis,
    Mrr, Mtt, Mpp, Mtr, Mpr, Mtp = rot.rotate_moment_tensor(
        Mrr_old, Mtt_old, Mpp_old, Mtr_old, Mpr_old, Mtp_old, lat_old, lon_old,
        rotation_axis, rotation_angle)

    # populate event origin data
    ev.event_type = event_type

    ev_origin = Origin()
    ev_origin.time = UTCDateTime(origin_time)
    ev_origin.latitude = lat
    ev_origin.longitude = lon
    ev_origin.depth = depth

    # populte event moment tensor

    ev_tensor = Tensor()
    ev_tensor.m_rr = Mrr
    ev_tensor.m_tt = Mtt
    ev_tensor.m_pp = Mpp
    ev_tensor.m_rt = Mtr
    ev_tensor.m_rp = Mpr
    ev_tensor.m_tp = Mtp

    ev_momenttensor = MomentTensor()
    ev_momenttensor.tensor = ev_tensor
    ev_momenttensor.scalar_moment = np.sqrt(Mrr**2 + Mtt**2 + Mpp**2 + Mtr**2 +
                                            Mpr**2 + Mtp**2)

    ev_focalmechanism = FocalMechanism()
    ev_focalmechanism.moment_tensor = ev_momenttensor
    ev_focalmechanism.nodal_planes = NodalPlanes().setdefault(0, 0)


    # populate event magnitude
    ev_magnitude = Magnitude()
    ev_magnitude.mag = 0.667 * (np.log10(ev_momenttensor.scalar_moment) - 9.1)
    ev_magnitude.magnitude_type = 'Mw'

    # write QuakeML file
    cat = Catalog()
    cat.write(QuakeML_filename, format="quakeml")

    # clean up
def readSeishubEventFile(filename):
    Reads a Seishub event file and returns a ObsPy Catalog object.

    .. warning::
        This function should NOT be called directly, it registers via the
        ObsPy :func:`~obspy.core.event.readEvents` function, call this instead.

    :type filename: str
    :param filename: Seishub event file to be read.
    :rtype: :class:`~obspy.core.event.Catalog`
    :return: A ObsPy Catalog object.

    .. rubric:: Example
    global CURRENT_TYPE

    base_name = os.path.basename(filename)

    if base_name.lower().startswith("baynet"):
        CURRENT_TYPE = "baynet"
    elif base_name.lower().startswith("earthworm"):
        CURRENT_TYPE = "earthworm"
    elif base_name.lower().startswith("gof"):
        CURRENT_TYPE = "seiscomp3"
    elif base_name.lower().startswith("obspyck") or base_name == "5622":
        CURRENT_TYPE = "obspyck"
    elif base_name.lower().startswith("toni"):
        CURRENT_TYPE = "toni"
        raise Exception

    # Just init the parser, the SeisHub event file format has no namespaces.
    parser = XMLParser(filename)
    # Create new Event object.
    public_id = parser.xpath('event_id/value')[0].text

    # A Seishub event just specifies a single event so Catalog information is
    # not really given.
    catalog = Catalog()
    catalog.resource_id = "/".join([RESOURCE_ROOT, "catalog", public_id])

    # Read the event_type tag.
    account = parser.xpath2obj('event_type/account', parser, str)
    user = parser.xpath2obj('event_type/user', parser, str)
    global_evaluation_mode = parser.xpath2obj('event_type/value', parser, str)
    public = parser.xpath2obj('event_type/public', parser, str)
    public = {"True": True, "False": False}.get(public, None)
    if account is not None and account.lower() != "sysop":
        public = False
    # The author will be stored in the CreationInfo object. This will be the
    # creation info of the event as well as on all picks.
    author = user
    if CURRENT_TYPE in ["seiscomp3", "earthworm"]:
        author = CURRENT_TYPE
    creation_info = {"author": author,
        "agency_id": "Erdbebendienst Bayern",
        "agency_uri": "%s/agency" % RESOURCE_ROOT,
        "creation_time": NOW}

    # Create the event object.
    event = Event(resource_id="/".join([RESOURCE_ROOT, "event", public_id]),
    # If account is None or 'sysop' and public is true, write 'public in the
    # comment, 'private' otherwise.
    event.extra = AttribDict()
    event.extra.public = {'value': public, 'namespace': NAMESPACE}
    event.extra.evaluationMode = {'value': global_evaluation_mode, 'namespace': NAMESPACE}

    event_type = parser.xpath2obj('type', parser, str)
    if event_type is not None:
        if event_type == "induced earthquake":
            event_type = "induced or triggered event"
        if event_type != "null":
            event.event_type = event_type

    # Parse the origins.
    origins = parser.xpath("origin")
    if len(origins) > 1:
        msg = "Only files with a single origin are currently supported"
        raise Exception(msg)
    for origin_el in parser.xpath("origin"):
        origin = __toOrigin(parser, origin_el)
    # Parse the magnitudes.
    for magnitude_el in parser.xpath("magnitude"):
        magnitude = __toMagnitude(parser, magnitude_el, origin)
        if magnitude.mag is None:
    # Parse the picks. Pass the global evaluation mode (automatic, manual)
    for pick_el in parser.xpath("pick"):
        pick = __toPick(parser, pick_el, global_evaluation_mode)
        if pick is None:
        # The arrival object gets the following things from the Seishub.pick
        # objects
        # arrival.time_weight = pick.phase_weight
        # arrival.time_residual = pick.phase_res
        # arrival.azimuth = pick.azimuth
        # arrival.take_off_angle = pick.incident
        # arrival.distance = hyp_dist
        arrival = __toArrival(parser, pick_el, global_evaluation_mode, pick)

    for mag in event.station_magnitudes:
        mag.origin_id =[0].resource_id

    # Parse the station magnitudes.
    for stat_magnitude_el in parser.xpath("stationMagnitude"):
        stat_magnitude = __toStationMagnitude(parser, stat_magnitude_el)

    # Parse the amplitudes
    # we don't reference their id in the corresponding station magnitude,
    # because we use one amplitude measurement for each component
    for el in parser.xpath("stationMagnitude/amplitude"):
        event.amplitudes.append(__toAmplitude(parser, el))

    for mag in event.station_magnitudes:
        mag.origin_id =[0].resource_id

    for _i, stat_mag in enumerate(event.station_magnitudes):
        contrib = StationMagnitudeContribution()
        weight = None
        # The order of station magnitude objects is the same as in the xml
        # file.
        weight = parser.xpath2obj("weight",
            parser.xpath("stationMagnitude")[_i], float)
        if weight is not None:
            contrib.weight = weight
        contrib.station_magnitude_id = stat_mag.resource_id

    for foc_mec_el in parser.xpath("focalMechanism"):
        foc_mec = __toFocalMechanism(parser, foc_mec_el)
        if foc_mec is not None:

    # Set the origin id for the focal mechanisms. There is only one origin per
    # SeisHub event file.
    for focmec in event.focal_mechanisms:
        focmec.triggering_origin_id =[0].resource_id

    # Add the event to the catalog

    return catalog
Esempio n. 9
def par2quakeml(Par_filename, QuakeML_filename, rotation_axis=[0.0, 1.0, 0.0],
                rotation_angle=-57.5, origin_time="2000-01-01 00:00:00.0",
                event_type="other event"):
    # initialise event
    ev = Event()

    # open and read Par file
    fid = open(Par_filename, 'r')


    lat_old = 90.0 - float(fid.readline().strip().split()[0])
    lon_old = float(fid.readline().strip().split()[0])
    depth = float(fid.readline().strip().split()[0])


    Mtt_old = float(fid.readline().strip().split()[0])
    Mpp_old = float(fid.readline().strip().split()[0])
    Mrr_old = float(fid.readline().strip().split()[0])
    Mtp_old = float(fid.readline().strip().split()[0])
    Mtr_old = float(fid.readline().strip().split()[0])
    Mpr_old = float(fid.readline().strip().split()[0])

    # rotate event into physical domain

    lat, lon = rot.rotate_lat_lon(lat_old, lon_old, rotation_axis,
    Mrr, Mtt, Mpp, Mtr, Mpr, Mtp = rot.rotate_moment_tensor(
        Mrr_old, Mtt_old, Mpp_old, Mtr_old, Mpr_old, Mtp_old, lat_old, lon_old,
        rotation_axis, rotation_angle)

    # populate event origin data
    ev.event_type = event_type

    ev_origin = Origin()
    ev_origin.time = UTCDateTime(origin_time)
    ev_origin.latitude = lat
    ev_origin.longitude = lon
    ev_origin.depth = depth

    # populte event moment tensor

    ev_tensor = Tensor()
    ev_tensor.m_rr = Mrr
    ev_tensor.m_tt = Mtt
    ev_tensor.m_pp = Mpp
    ev_tensor.m_rt = Mtr
    ev_tensor.m_rp = Mpr
    ev_tensor.m_tp = Mtp

    ev_momenttensor = MomentTensor()
    ev_momenttensor.tensor = ev_tensor
    ev_momenttensor.scalar_moment = np.sqrt(Mrr ** 2 + Mtt ** 2 + Mpp ** 2 +
                                            Mtr ** 2 + Mpr ** 2 + Mtp ** 2)

    ev_focalmechanism = FocalMechanism()
    ev_focalmechanism.moment_tensor = ev_momenttensor
    ev_focalmechanism.nodal_planes = NodalPlanes().setdefault(0, 0)


    # populate event magnitude
    ev_magnitude = Magnitude()
    ev_magnitude.mag = 0.667 * (np.log10(ev_momenttensor.scalar_moment) - 9.1)
    ev_magnitude.magnitude_type = 'Mw'

    # write QuakeML file
    cat = Catalog()
    cat.write(QuakeML_filename, format="quakeml")

    # clean up
def readSeishubEventFile(filename):
    Reads a Seishub event file and returns a ObsPy Catalog object.

    .. warning::
        This function should NOT be called directly, it registers via the
        ObsPy :func:`~obspy.core.event.readEvents` function, call this instead.

    :type filename: str
    :param filename: Seishub event file to be read.
    :rtype: :class:`~obspy.core.event.Catalog`
    :return: A ObsPy Catalog object.

    .. rubric:: Example
    global CURRENT_TYPE

    base_name = os.path.basename(filename)

    if base_name.lower().startswith("baynet"):
        CURRENT_TYPE = "baynet"
    elif base_name.lower().startswith("earthworm"):
        CURRENT_TYPE = "earthworm"
    elif base_name.lower().startswith("gof"):
        CURRENT_TYPE = "seiscomp3"
    elif base_name.lower().startswith("obspyck") or base_name == "5622":
        CURRENT_TYPE = "obspyck"
    elif base_name.lower().startswith("toni"):
        CURRENT_TYPE = "toni"
        raise Exception

    # Just init the parser, the SeisHub event file format has no namespaces.
    parser = XMLParser(filename)
    # Create new Event object.
    public_id = parser.xpath('event_id/value')[0].text

    # A Seishub event just specifies a single event so Catalog information is
    # not really given.
    catalog = Catalog()
    catalog.resource_id = "/".join([RESOURCE_ROOT, "catalog", public_id])

    # Read the event_type tag.
    account = parser.xpath2obj('event_type/account', parser, str)
    user = parser.xpath2obj('event_type/user', parser, str)
    global_evaluation_mode = parser.xpath2obj('event_type/value', parser, str)
    public = parser.xpath2obj('event_type/public', parser, str)
    public = {
        "True": True,
        "False": False,
        "true": True,
        "false": False
    }.get(public, None)
    if account is not None and account.lower() != "sysop":
        public = False
    # The author will be stored in the CreationInfo object. This will be the
    # creation info of the event as well as on all picks.
    author = user
    if CURRENT_TYPE in ["seiscomp3", "earthworm"]:
        public = False
        author = CURRENT_TYPE
        global_evaluation_mode = "automatic"
    elif CURRENT_TYPE in ["baynet", "toni"]:
        public = True
        author = CURRENT_TYPE
        global_evaluation_mode = "manual"
    creation_info = {
        "author": author,
        "agency_id": "Erdbebendienst Bayern",
        "agency_uri": "%s/agency" % RESOURCE_ROOT,
        "creation_time": NOW

    # Create the event object.
    event = Event(resource_id="/".join([RESOURCE_ROOT, "event", public_id]),
    # If account is None or 'sysop' and public is true, write 'public in the
    # comment, 'private' otherwise.
    event.extra = AttribDict()
    event.extra.public = {'value': public, 'namespace': NAMESPACE}
    event.extra.evaluationMode = {
        'value': global_evaluation_mode,
        'namespace': NAMESPACE

    event_type = parser.xpath2obj('type', parser, str)
    if event_type is not None:
        if event_type == "induced earthquake":
            event_type = "induced or triggered event"
        if event_type != "null":
            event.event_type = event_type

    # Parse the origins.
    origins = parser.xpath("origin")
    if len(origins) > 1:
        msg = "Only files with a single origin are currently supported"
        raise Exception(msg)
    for origin_el in parser.xpath("origin"):
        origin = __toOrigin(parser, origin_el)
    # Parse the magnitudes.
    for magnitude_el in parser.xpath("magnitude"):
        magnitude = __toMagnitude(parser, magnitude_el, origin)
        if magnitude.mag is None:
    # Parse the picks. Pass the global evaluation mode (automatic, manual)
    for pick_el in parser.xpath("pick"):
        pick = __toPick(parser, pick_el, global_evaluation_mode)
        if pick is None:
        # The arrival object gets the following things from the Seishub.pick
        # objects
        # arrival.time_weight = pick.phase_weight
        # arrival.time_residual = pick.phase_res
        # arrival.azimuth = pick.azimuth
        # arrival.take_off_angle = pick.incident
        # arrival.distance = hyp_dist
        arrival = __toArrival(parser, pick_el, global_evaluation_mode, pick)

    for mag in event.station_magnitudes:
        mag.origin_id =[0].resource_id

    # Parse the station magnitudes.
    for stat_magnitude_el in parser.xpath("stationMagnitude"):
        stat_magnitude = __toStationMagnitude(parser, stat_magnitude_el)

    # Parse the amplitudes
    # we don't reference their id in the corresponding station magnitude,
    # because we use one amplitude measurement for each component
    for el in parser.xpath("stationMagnitude/amplitude"):
        event.amplitudes.append(__toAmplitude(parser, el))

    for mag in event.station_magnitudes:
        mag.origin_id =[0].resource_id

    for _i, stat_mag in enumerate(event.station_magnitudes):
        contrib = StationMagnitudeContribution()
        weight = None
        # The order of station magnitude objects is the same as in the xml
        # file.
        weight = parser.xpath2obj("weight",
                                  parser.xpath("stationMagnitude")[_i], float)
        if weight is not None:
            contrib.weight = weight
        contrib.station_magnitude_id = stat_mag.resource_id

    for foc_mec_el in parser.xpath("focalMechanism"):
        foc_mec = __toFocalMechanism(parser, foc_mec_el)
        if foc_mec is not None:

    # Set the origin id for the focal mechanisms. There is only one origin per
    # SeisHub event file.
    for focmec in event.focal_mechanisms:
        focmec.triggering_origin_id =[0].resource_id

    # Add the event to the catalog

    return catalog