Esempio n. 1
class SynchronizedResourceAccessor:
    def __init__(self, lockfile, lock_expiry):
        self.lock = HdfsLock(lockfile, lock_expiry)

    def lock_execute_unlock(self, obj, function_name, *function_args):

        Obtains a lock then executes given function and finally releases lock.
            obj: object or module
            function_name: name of the function to be executed. Must be a string.
            function_args: arguments to the function
            status: 0 on successful execution 
                    1 on failure
                   -1 on partially successful execution. E.g. given function was executed successfully but error occurred during lock release
            result: return value of given function executed on given object
            errors: list of errors occurred during executing the method in order of their occurrence.
                    contains exceptions thrown during the execution


        status,result,errors = 1,'',''
        errors = []
        lockAquired = False
            lockAquired = self.lock.acquire()
            if lockAquired:
                result = getattr(obj, function_name)(*function_args)
                status = 0
        except Exception as e:
            if lockAquired:
                except HdfsLockException as e:
                    status = -1 if status == 0 else status
        if not lockAquired:
            errors.append(Exception('could not acquire lock while executing ' + function_name))
        return status,result,errors
Esempio n. 2
 def __init__(self, lockfile, lock_expiry):
     self.lock = HdfsLock(lockfile, lock_expiry)