Esempio n. 1
    def test_with_promotion(self):
        Illustrative examples showing how to access variables and subjacs.
        c1 = IndepVarComp('x')
        c2 = ExecComp('y=2*x')
        c3 = ExecComp('z=3*x')

        g = Group()
        g.add_subsystem('c1', c1, promotes=['*'])
        g.add_subsystem('c2', c2, promotes=['*'])
        g.add_subsystem('c3', c3, promotes=['*'])

        model = Group()
        model.add_subsystem('g', g, promotes=['*'])

        p = Problem(model)

        # -------------------------------------------------------------------

        # inputs
        p['g.c2.x'] = 5.0
        self.assertEqual(p['g.c2.x'], 5.0)

        # outputs
        p['g.c2.y'] = 5.0
        self.assertEqual(p['g.c2.y'], 5.0)
        p['y'] = 5.0
        self.assertEqual(p['y'], 5.0)

        # Conclude setup but don't run model.

        inputs, outputs, residuals = g.get_nonlinear_vectors()

        # inputs
        inputs['c2.x'] = 5.0
        self.assertEqual(inputs['c2.x'], 5.0)

        # outputs
        outputs['c2.y'] = 5.0
        self.assertEqual(outputs['c2.y'], 5.0)
        outputs['y'] = 5.0
        self.assertEqual(outputs['y'], 5.0)
Esempio n. 2
    def test_with_promotion(self):
        Illustrative examples showing how to access variables and subjacs.
        c1 = IndepVarComp('x')
        c2 = ExecComp('y=2*x')
        c3 = ExecComp('z=3*x')

        g = Group()
        g.add_subsystem('c1', c1, promotes=['*'])
        g.add_subsystem('c2', c2, promotes=['*'])
        g.add_subsystem('c3', c3, promotes=['*'])

        model = Group()
        model.add_subsystem('g', g, promotes=['*'])

        p = Problem(model)

        # -------------------------------------------------------------------

        # inputs
        p['g.c2.x'] = 5.0
        self.assertEqual(p['g.c2.x'], 5.0)

        # outputs
        p['g.c2.y'] = 5.0
        self.assertEqual(p['g.c2.y'], 5.0)
        p['y'] = 5.0
        self.assertEqual(p['y'], 5.0)

        # Conclude setup but don't run model.

        inputs, outputs, residuals = g.get_nonlinear_vectors()

        # inputs
        inputs['c2.x'] = 5.0
        self.assertEqual(inputs['c2.x'], 5.0)

        # outputs
        outputs['c2.y'] = 5.0
        self.assertEqual(outputs['c2.y'], 5.0)
        outputs['y'] = 5.0
        self.assertEqual(outputs['y'], 5.0)
Esempio n. 3
    def test_no_promotion(self):
        Illustrative examples showing how to access variables and subjacs.
        c = ExecComp('y=2*x')

        g = Group()
        g.add_subsystem('c', c)

        model = Group()
        model.add_subsystem('g', g)

        p = Problem(model)

        # -------------------------------------------------------------------

        # inputs
        p['g.c.x'] = 5.0
        self.assertEqual(p['g.c.x'], 5.0)

        # outputs
        p['g.c.y'] = 5.0
        self.assertEqual(p['g.c.y'], 5.0)

        # Conclude setup but don't run model.

        inputs, outputs, residuals = g.get_nonlinear_vectors()

        # inputs
        inputs['c.x'] = 5.0
        self.assertEqual(inputs['c.x'], 5.0)

        # outputs
        outputs['c.y'] = 5.0
        self.assertEqual(outputs['c.y'], 5.0)
Esempio n. 4
    def test_no_promotion(self):
        Illustrative examples showing how to access variables and subjacs.
        c = ExecComp('y=2*x')

        g = Group()
        g.add_subsystem('c', c)

        model = Group()
        model.add_subsystem('g', g)

        p = Problem(model)

        # -------------------------------------------------------------------

        # inputs
        p['g.c.x'] = 5.0
        self.assertEqual(p['g.c.x'], 5.0)

        # outputs
        p['g.c.y'] = 5.0
        self.assertEqual(p['g.c.y'], 5.0)

        # Conclude setup but don't run model.

        inputs, outputs, residuals = g.get_nonlinear_vectors()

        # inputs
        inputs['c.x'] = 5.0
        self.assertEqual(inputs['c.x'], 5.0)

        # outputs
        outputs['c.y'] = 5.0
        self.assertEqual(outputs['c.y'], 5.0)
Esempio n. 5
    def test_vector_context_managers(self):
        g1 = Group()
        g1.add_subsystem('Indep', IndepVarComp('a', 5.0), promotes=['a'])
        g2 = g1.add_subsystem('G2', Group(), promotes=['*'])
        g2.add_subsystem('C1', ExecComp('b=2*a'), promotes=['a', 'b'])

        model = Group()
        model.add_subsystem('G1', g1, promotes=['b'])
        model.add_subsystem('Sink', ExecComp('c=2*b'), promotes=['b'])

        p = Problem(model=model)

        # Test pre-setup errors
        with self.assertRaises(Exception) as cm:
            inputs, outputs, residuals = model.get_nonlinear_vectors()
                         "<class Group>: Cannot get vectors because setup has not yet been called.")

        with self.assertRaises(Exception) as cm:
            d_inputs, d_outputs, d_residuals = model.get_linear_vectors()
                         "<class Group>: Cannot get vectors because setup has not yet been called.")


        # Test inputs with original values
        inputs, outputs, residuals = model.get_nonlinear_vectors()
        self.assertEqual(inputs['G1.G2.C1.a'], 5.)

        inputs, outputs, residuals = g1.get_nonlinear_vectors()
        self.assertEqual(inputs['G2.C1.a'], 5.)

        # Test inputs after setting a new value
        inputs, outputs, residuals = g2.get_nonlinear_vectors()
        inputs['C1.a'] = -1.

        inputs, outputs, residuals = model.get_nonlinear_vectors()
        self.assertEqual(inputs['G1.G2.C1.a'], -1.)

        inputs, outputs, residuals = g1.get_nonlinear_vectors()
        self.assertEqual(inputs['G2.C1.a'], -1.)

        # Test outputs with original values
        inputs, outputs, residuals = model.get_nonlinear_vectors()
        self.assertEqual(outputs['G1.G2.C1.b'], 10.)

        inputs, outputs, residuals = g2.get_nonlinear_vectors()

        # Test outputs after setting a new value
        inputs, outputs, residuals = model.get_nonlinear_vectors()
        outputs['G1.G2.C1.b'] = 123.
        self.assertEqual(outputs['G1.G2.C1.b'], 123.)

        inputs, outputs, residuals = g2.get_nonlinear_vectors()
        outputs['C1.b'] = 789.
        self.assertEqual(outputs['C1.b'], 789.)

        # Test residuals
        inputs, outputs, residuals = model.get_nonlinear_vectors()
        residuals['G1.G2.C1.b'] = 99.0
        self.assertEqual(residuals['G1.G2.C1.b'], 99.0)

        # Test linear
        d_inputs, d_outputs, d_residuals = model.get_linear_vectors()
        d_outputs['G1.G2.C1.b'] = 10.
        self.assertEqual(d_outputs['G1.G2.C1.b'], 10.)
Esempio n. 6
    def test_no_promotion_errors(self):
        Tests for error-handling for invalid variable names and keys.
        g = Group(assembled_jac_type='dense')
        g.linear_solver = DirectSolver(assemble_jac=True)
        g.add_subsystem('c', ExecComp('y=2*x'))

        p = Problem()
        model = p.model
        model.add_subsystem('g', g)

        # -------------------------------------------------------------------

        msg = 'Variable name "{}" not found.'

        # inputs
        with assertRaisesRegex(self, KeyError, msg.format('x')):
            p['x'] = 5.0
        p._initial_condition_cache = {}

        with assertRaisesRegex(self, KeyError, msg.format('x')):

        # outputs
        with assertRaisesRegex(self, KeyError, msg.format('y')):
            p['y'] = 5.0
        p._initial_condition_cache = {}

        with assertRaisesRegex(self, KeyError, msg.format('y')):

        msg = 'Variable name "{}" not found.'
        inputs, outputs, residuals = g.get_nonlinear_vectors()

        # inputs
        with assertRaisesRegex(self, KeyError, msg.format('x')):
            inputs['x'] = 5.0
        with assertRaisesRegex(self, KeyError, msg.format('x')):
        with assertRaisesRegex(self, KeyError, msg.format('g.c.x')):
            inputs['g.c.x'] = 5.0
        with assertRaisesRegex(self, KeyError, msg.format('g.c.x')):

        # outputs
        with assertRaisesRegex(self, KeyError, msg.format('y')):
            outputs['y'] = 5.0
        with assertRaisesRegex(self, KeyError, msg.format('y')):
        with assertRaisesRegex(self, KeyError, msg.format('g.c.y')):
            outputs['g.c.y'] = 5.0
        with assertRaisesRegex(self, KeyError, msg.format('g.c.y')):

        msg = r'Variable name pair \("{}", "{}"\) not found.'
        jac = g.linear_solver._assembled_jac

        # d(output)/d(input)
        with assertRaisesRegex(self, KeyError, msg.format('y', 'x')):
            jac['y', 'x'] = 5.0
        with assertRaisesRegex(self, KeyError, msg.format('y', 'x')):
            jac['y', 'x']
        # allow absolute keys now
        # with assertRaisesRegex(self, KeyError, msg.format('g.c.y', 'g.c.x')):
        #     jac['g.c.y', 'g.c.x'] = 5.0
        # with assertRaisesRegex(self, KeyError, msg.format('g.c.y', 'g.c.x')):
        #     deriv = jac['g.c.y', 'g.c.x']

        # d(output)/d(output)
        with assertRaisesRegex(self, KeyError, msg.format('y', 'y')):
            jac['y', 'y'] = 5.0
        with assertRaisesRegex(self, KeyError, msg.format('y', 'y')):
            jac['y', 'y']
Esempio n. 7
    def test_with_promotion_errors(self):
        Tests for error-handling for invalid variable names and keys.
        c1 = IndepVarComp('x')
        c2 = ExecComp('y=2*x')
        c3 = ExecComp('z=3*x')

        g = Group(assembled_jac_type='dense')
        g.add_subsystem('c1', c1, promotes=['*'])
        g.add_subsystem('c2', c2, promotes=['*'])
        g.add_subsystem('c3', c3, promotes=['*'])
        g.linear_solver = DirectSolver(assemble_jac=True)

        model = Group()
        model.add_subsystem('g', g, promotes=['*'])

        p = Problem(model)

        # Conclude setup but don't run model.

        # -------------------------------------------------------------------

        msg1 = 'Variable name "{}" not found.'
        msg2 = "The promoted name x is invalid because it refers to multiple inputs: " \
               "[g.c2.x ,g.c3.x]. Access the value from the connected output variable x instead."

        inputs, outputs, residuals = g.get_nonlinear_vectors()

        # inputs
        with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context:
            inputs['x'] = 5.0
        self.assertEqual(str(context.exception), msg2)
        with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context:
            self.assertEqual(inputs['x'], 5.0)
        self.assertEqual(str(context.exception), msg2)

        with assertRaisesRegex(self, KeyError, msg1.format('g.c2.x')):
            inputs['g.c2.x'] = 5.0
        with assertRaisesRegex(self, KeyError, msg1.format('g.c2.x')):
            self.assertEqual(inputs['g.c2.x'], 5.0)

        # outputs
        with assertRaisesRegex(self, KeyError, msg1.format('g.c2.y')):
            outputs['g.c2.y'] = 5.0
        with assertRaisesRegex(self, KeyError, msg1.format('g.c2.y')):
            self.assertEqual(outputs['g.c2.y'], 5.0)

        msg1 = r'Variable name pair \("{}", "{}"\) not found.'

        jac = g.linear_solver._assembled_jac

        # d(outputs)/d(inputs)
        with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context:
            jac['y', 'x'] = 5.0
        self.assertEqual(str(context.exception), msg2)

        with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context:
            self.assertEqual(jac['y', 'x'], 5.0)
        self.assertEqual(str(context.exception), msg2)
    def test_recording_remote_voi(self):
        # Create a parallel model
        model = Group()

        model.add_subsystem('par', ParallelGroup())
        model.par.add_subsystem('G1', Mygroup())
        model.par.add_subsystem('G2', Mygroup())
        model.connect('par.G1.y', 'Obj.y1')
        model.connect('par.G2.y', 'Obj.y2')

        model.add_subsystem('Obj', ExecComp('obj=y1+y2'))

        # Configure driver to record VOIs on both procs
        driver = ScipyOptimizeDriver(disp=False)

        driver.recording_options['record_desvars'] = True
        driver.recording_options['record_responses'] = True
        driver.recording_options['record_objectives'] = True
        driver.recording_options['record_constraints'] = True
        driver.recording_options['includes'] = ['par.G1.y', 'par.G2.y']


        # Create problem and run driver
        prob = Problem(model, driver)
        t0, t1 = run_driver(prob)

        # Since the test will compare the last case recorded, just check the
        # current values in the problem. This next section is about getting those values

        # These involve collective gathers so all ranks need to run this
        expected_outputs = prob.driver.get_design_var_values()

        # includes for outputs are specified as promoted names but we need absolute names
        prom2abs = model._var_allprocs_prom2abs_list['output']
        abs_includes = [
            prom2abs[n][0] for n in prob.driver.recording_options['includes']

        # Absolute path names of includes on this rank
        rrank = model.comm.rank
        rowned = model._owning_rank
        local_includes = [n for n in abs_includes if rrank == rowned[n]]

        # Get values for all vars on this rank
        inputs, outputs, residuals = model.get_nonlinear_vectors()

        # Get values for includes on this rank
        local_vars = {n: outputs[n] for n in local_includes}

        # Gather values for includes on all ranks
        all_vars = model.comm.gather(local_vars, root=0)

        if prob.comm.rank == 0:
            # Only on rank 0 do we have all the values. The all_vars variable is a list of
            # dicts from all ranks 0,1,... In this case, just ranks 0 and 1
            dct = all_vars[-1]
            for d in all_vars[:-1]:

            expected_includes = {
                'par.G1.Cy.y': dct['par.G1.Cy.y'],
                'par.G2.Cy.y': dct['par.G2.Cy.y'],


            coordinate = [0, 'ScipyOptimize_SLSQP', (driver.iter_count - 1, )]

            expected_data = ((coordinate, (t0, t1), expected_outputs, None), )
            assertDriverIterDataRecorded(self, expected_data, self.eps)
Esempio n. 9
    def test_no_promotion_errors(self):
        Tests for error-handling for invalid variable names and keys.
        g = Group(assembled_jac_type='dense')
        g.linear_solver = DirectSolver(assemble_jac=True)
        g.add_subsystem('c', ExecComp('y=2*x'))

        p = Problem()
        model = p.model
        model.add_subsystem('g', g)

        # -------------------------------------------------------------------

        msg = '\'Group (<model>): Variable "{}" not found.\''

        # inputs
        with self.assertRaises(KeyError) as ctx:
            p['x'] = 5.0
        self.assertEqual(str(ctx.exception), msg.format('x'))
        p._initial_condition_cache = {}

        with self.assertRaises(KeyError) as ctx:
        self.assertEqual(str(ctx.exception), msg.format('x'))

        # outputs
        with self.assertRaises(KeyError) as ctx:
            p['y'] = 5.0
        self.assertEqual(str(ctx.exception), msg.format('y'))
        p._initial_condition_cache = {}

        with self.assertRaises(KeyError) as ctx:
        self.assertEqual(str(ctx.exception), msg.format('y'))


        msg = "Group (g): Variable name '{}' not found."
        inputs, outputs, residuals = g.get_nonlinear_vectors()

        # inputs
        for vname in ['x', 'g.c.x']:
            with self.assertRaises(KeyError) as cm:
                inputs[vname] = 5.0
                             f"Group (g): Variable name '{vname}' not found.")

            with self.assertRaises(KeyError) as cm:
                             f"Group (g): Variable name '{vname}' not found.")

        # outputs
        for vname in ['y', 'g.c.y']:
            with self.assertRaises(KeyError) as cm:
                outputs[vname] = 5.0
                             f"Group (g): Variable name '{vname}' not found.")

            with self.assertRaises(KeyError) as cm:
                             f"Group (g): Variable name '{vname}' not found.")

        msg = r'Variable name pair \("{}", "{}"\) not found.'
        jac = g.linear_solver._assembled_jac

        # d(output)/d(input)
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(KeyError, msg.format('y', 'x')):
            jac['y', 'x'] = 5.0
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(KeyError, msg.format('y', 'x')):
            jac['y', 'x']
        # allow absolute keys now
        # with self.assertRaisesRegex(KeyError, msg.format('g.c.y', 'g.c.x')):
        #     jac['g.c.y', 'g.c.x'] = 5.0
        # with self.assertRaisesRegex(KeyError, msg.format('g.c.y', 'g.c.x')):
        #     deriv = jac['g.c.y', 'g.c.x']

        # d(output)/d(output)
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(KeyError, msg.format('y', 'y')):
            jac['y', 'y'] = 5.0
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(KeyError, msg.format('y', 'y')):
            jac['y', 'y']
    def test_recording_remote_voi(self):
        # Create a parallel model
        model = Group()

        model.add_subsystem('par', ParallelGroup())
        model.par.add_subsystem('G1', Mygroup())
        model.par.add_subsystem('G2', Mygroup())
        model.connect('par.G1.y', 'Obj.y1')
        model.connect('par.G2.y', 'Obj.y2')

        model.add_subsystem('Obj', ExecComp('obj=y1+y2'))

        # Configure driver to record VOIs on both procs
        driver = ScipyOptimizeDriver(disp=False)

        driver.recording_options['record_desvars'] = True
        driver.recording_options['record_responses'] = True
        driver.recording_options['record_objectives'] = True
        driver.recording_options['record_constraints'] = True
        driver.recording_options['includes'] = ['par.G1.y', 'par.G2.y']


        # Create problem and run driver
        prob = Problem(model, driver)

        t0, t1 = run_driver(prob)
        t2 = time()


        # Since the test will compare the last case recorded, just check the
        # current values in the problem. This next section is about getting those values

        # These involve collective gathers so all ranks need to run this
        expected_outputs = driver.get_design_var_values()

        # includes for outputs are specified as promoted names but we need absolute names
        prom2abs = model._var_allprocs_prom2abs_list['output']
        abs_includes = [prom2abs[n][0] for n in prob.driver.recording_options['includes']]

        # Absolute path names of includes on this rank
        rrank = model.comm.rank
        rowned = model._owning_rank
        local_includes = [n for n in abs_includes if rrank == rowned[n]]

        # Get values for all vars on this rank
        inputs, outputs, residuals = model.get_nonlinear_vectors()

        # Get values for includes on this rank
        local_vars = {n: outputs[n] for n in local_includes}

        # Gather values for includes on all ranks
        all_vars = model.comm.gather(local_vars, root=0)

        if prob.comm.rank == 0:
            # Only on rank 0 do we have all the values. The all_vars variable is a list of
            # dicts from all ranks 0,1,... In this case, just ranks 0 and 1
            dct = all_vars[-1]
            for d in all_vars[:-1]:

            expected_includes = {
                'par.G1.Cy.y': dct['par.G1.Cy.y'],
                'par.G2.Cy.y': dct['par.G2.Cy.y'],


            coordinate = [0, 'ScipyOptimize_SLSQP', (driver.iter_count-1,)]

            expected_data = ((coordinate, (t0, t1), expected_outputs, None),)
            assertDriverIterDataRecorded(self, expected_data, self.eps)

            expected_data = (('final', (t1, t2), expected_outputs),)
            assertProblemDataRecorded(self, expected_data, self.eps)
Esempio n. 11
    def test_with_promotion_errors(self):
        Tests for error-handling for invalid variable names and keys.
        c1 = IndepVarComp('x')
        c2 = ExecComp('y=2*x')
        c3 = ExecComp('z=3*x')

        g = Group()
        g.add_subsystem('c1', c1, promotes=['*'])
        g.add_subsystem('c2', c2, promotes=['*'])
        g.add_subsystem('c3', c3, promotes=['*'])

        model = Group()
        model.add_subsystem('g', g, promotes=['*'])

        p = Problem(model)

        # Conclude setup but don't run model.

        # -------------------------------------------------------------------

        msg1 = 'Variable name "{}" not found.'
        msg2 = "The promoted name x is invalid because it refers to multiple inputs: [g.c2.x ,g.c3.x]. Access the value from the connected output variable x instead."

        inputs, outputs, residuals = g.get_nonlinear_vectors()

        # inputs
        with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context:
            inputs['x'] = 5.0
        self.assertEqual(str(context.exception), msg2)
        with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context:
            self.assertEqual(inputs['x'], 5.0)
        self.assertEqual(str(context.exception), msg2)

        with assertRaisesRegex(self, KeyError, msg1.format('g.c2.x')):
            inputs['g.c2.x'] = 5.0
        with assertRaisesRegex(self, KeyError, msg1.format('g.c2.x')):
            self.assertEqual(inputs['g.c2.x'], 5.0)

        # outputs
        with assertRaisesRegex(self, KeyError, msg1.format('g.c2.y')):
            outputs['g.c2.y'] = 5.0
        with assertRaisesRegex(self, KeyError, msg1.format('g.c2.y')):
            self.assertEqual(outputs['g.c2.y'], 5.0)

        msg1 = 'Variable name pair \("{}", "{}"\) not found.'
        with g.jacobian_context() as jac:

            # d(outputs)/d(inputs)
            with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context:
                jac['y', 'x'] = 5.0
            self.assertEqual(str(context.exception), msg2)
            with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context:
                self.assertEqual(jac['y', 'x'], 5.0)
            self.assertEqual(str(context.exception), msg2)

            with assertRaisesRegex(self, KeyError, msg1.format('g.c2.y', 'g.c2.x')):
                jac['g.c2.y', 'g.c2.x'] = 5.0
            with assertRaisesRegex(self, KeyError, msg1.format('g.c2.y', 'g.c2.x')):
                self.assertEqual(jac['g.c2.y', 'g.c2.x'], 5.0)

            # d(outputs)/d(outputs)
            with assertRaisesRegex(self, KeyError, msg1.format('g.c2.y', 'g.c2.y')):
                jac['g.c2.y', 'g.c2.y'] = 5.0
            with assertRaisesRegex(self, KeyError, msg1.format('g.c2.y', 'g.c2.y')):
                self.assertEqual(jac['g.c2.y', 'g.c2.y'], 5.0)
Esempio n. 12
    def test_no_promotion_errors(self):
        Tests for error-handling for invalid variable names and keys.
        c = ExecComp('y=2*x')

        g = Group()
        g.add_subsystem('c', c)

        model = Group()
        model.add_subsystem('g', g)

        p = Problem(model)

        # -------------------------------------------------------------------

        msg = 'Variable name "{}" not found.'

        # inputs
        with assertRaisesRegex(self, KeyError, msg.format('x')):
            p['x'] = 5.0
        p._initial_condition_cache = {}

        with assertRaisesRegex(self, KeyError, msg.format('x')):
            self.assertEqual(p['x'], 5.0)

        # outputs
        with assertRaisesRegex(self, KeyError, msg.format('y')):
            p['y'] = 5.0
        p._initial_condition_cache = {}

        with assertRaisesRegex(self, KeyError, msg.format('y')):
            self.assertEqual(p['y'], 5.0)

        msg = 'Variable name "{}" not found.'
        inputs, outputs, residuals = g.get_nonlinear_vectors()

        # inputs
        with assertRaisesRegex(self, KeyError, msg.format('x')):
            inputs['x'] = 5.0
        with assertRaisesRegex(self, KeyError, msg.format('x')):
            self.assertEqual(inputs['x'], 5.0)
        with assertRaisesRegex(self, KeyError, msg.format('g.c.x')):
            inputs['g.c.x'] = 5.0
        with assertRaisesRegex(self, KeyError, msg.format('g.c.x')):
            self.assertEqual(inputs['g.c.x'], 5.0)

        # outputs
        with assertRaisesRegex(self, KeyError, msg.format('y')):
            outputs['y'] = 5.0
        with assertRaisesRegex(self, KeyError, msg.format('y')):
            self.assertEqual(outputs['y'], 5.0)
        with assertRaisesRegex(self, KeyError, msg.format('g.c.y')):
            outputs['g.c.y'] = 5.0
        with assertRaisesRegex(self, KeyError, msg.format('g.c.y')):
            self.assertEqual(outputs['g.c.y'], 5.0)

        msg = 'Variable name pair \("{}", "{}"\) not found.'
        with g.jacobian_context() as jac:

            # d(output)/d(input)
            with assertRaisesRegex(self, KeyError, msg.format('y', 'x')):
                jac['y', 'x'] = 5.0
            with assertRaisesRegex(self, KeyError, msg.format('y', 'x')):
                self.assertEqual(jac['y', 'x'], 5.0)
            with assertRaisesRegex(self, KeyError, msg.format('g.c.y', 'g.c.x')):
                jac['g.c.y', 'g.c.x'] = 5.0
            with assertRaisesRegex(self, KeyError, msg.format('g.c.y', 'g.c.x')):
                self.assertEqual(jac['g.c.y', 'g.c.x'], 5.0)

            # d(output)/d(output)
            with assertRaisesRegex(self, KeyError, msg.format('y', 'y')):
                jac['y', 'y'] = 5.0
            with assertRaisesRegex(self, KeyError, msg.format('y', 'y')):
                self.assertEqual(jac['y', 'y'], 5.0)
            with assertRaisesRegex(self, KeyError, msg.format('g.c.y', 'g.c.y')):
                jac['g.c.y', 'g.c.y'] = 5.0
            with assertRaisesRegex(self, KeyError, msg.format('g.c.y', 'g.c.y')):
                self.assertEqual(jac['g.c.y', 'g.c.y'], 5.0)
Esempio n. 13
    def test_with_promotion_errors(self):
        Tests for error-handling for invalid variable names and keys.
        c1 = IndepVarComp('x')
        c2 = ExecComp('y=2*x')
        c3 = ExecComp('z=3*x')

        g = Group()
        g.add_subsystem('c1', c1, promotes=['*'])
        g.add_subsystem('c2', c2, promotes=['*'])
        g.add_subsystem('c3', c3, promotes=['*'])

        model = Group()
        model.add_subsystem('g', g, promotes=['*'])

        p = Problem(model)

        # Conclude setup but don't run model.

        # -------------------------------------------------------------------

        msg1 = 'Variable name "{}" not found.'
        msg2 = (
            'The promoted name "{}" is invalid because it is non-unique. '
            'Access the value from the connected output variable "{}" instead.'
        inputs, outputs, residuals = g.get_nonlinear_vectors()

        # inputs
        with assertRaisesRegex(self, KeyError, msg2.format('x', 'x')):
            inputs['x'] = 5.0
        with assertRaisesRegex(self, KeyError, msg2.format('x', 'x')):
            self.assertEqual(inputs['x'], 5.0)
        with assertRaisesRegex(self, KeyError, msg1.format('g.c2.x')):
            inputs['g.c2.x'] = 5.0
        with assertRaisesRegex(self, KeyError, msg1.format('g.c2.x')):
            self.assertEqual(inputs['g.c2.x'], 5.0)

        # outputs
        with assertRaisesRegex(self, KeyError, msg1.format('g.c2.y')):
            outputs['g.c2.y'] = 5.0
        with assertRaisesRegex(self, KeyError, msg1.format('g.c2.y')):
            self.assertEqual(outputs['g.c2.y'], 5.0)

        msg1 = 'Variable name pair \("{}", "{}"\) not found.'
        with g.jacobian_context() as jac:

            # d(outputs)/d(inputs)
            with assertRaisesRegex(self, KeyError, msg2.format('x', 'x')):
                jac['y', 'x'] = 5.0
            with assertRaisesRegex(self, KeyError, msg2.format('x', 'x')):
                self.assertEqual(jac['y', 'x'], 5.0)
            with assertRaisesRegex(self, KeyError,
                                   msg1.format('g.c2.y', 'g.c2.x')):
                jac['g.c2.y', 'g.c2.x'] = 5.0
            with assertRaisesRegex(self, KeyError,
                                   msg1.format('g.c2.y', 'g.c2.x')):
                self.assertEqual(jac['g.c2.y', 'g.c2.x'], 5.0)

            # d(outputs)/d(outputs)
            with assertRaisesRegex(self, KeyError,
                                   msg1.format('g.c2.y', 'g.c2.y')):
                jac['g.c2.y', 'g.c2.y'] = 5.0
            with assertRaisesRegex(self, KeyError,
                                   msg1.format('g.c2.y', 'g.c2.y')):
                self.assertEqual(jac['g.c2.y', 'g.c2.y'], 5.0)
Esempio n. 14
    def test_vector_context_managers(self):
        g1 = Group()
        g1.add_subsystem('Indep', IndepVarComp('a', 5.0), promotes=['a'])
        g2 = g1.add_subsystem('G2', Group(), promotes=['*'])
        g2.add_subsystem('C1', ExecComp('b=2*a'), promotes=['a', 'b'])

        model = Group()
        model.add_subsystem('G1', g1, promotes=['b'])
        model.add_subsystem('Sink', ExecComp('c=2*b'), promotes=['b'])

        p = Problem(model=model)

        # Test pre-setup errors
        with self.assertRaises(Exception) as cm:
            inputs, outputs, residuals = model.get_nonlinear_vectors()
                         "Cannot get vectors because setup has not yet been called.")

        with self.assertRaises(Exception) as cm:
            d_inputs, d_outputs, d_residuals = model.get_linear_vectors('vec')
                         "Cannot get vectors because setup has not yet been called.")


        # Test inputs with original values
        inputs, outputs, residuals = model.get_nonlinear_vectors()
        self.assertEqual(inputs['G1.G2.C1.a'], 5.)

        inputs, outputs, residuals = g1.get_nonlinear_vectors()
        self.assertEqual(inputs['G2.C1.a'], 5.)

        # Test inputs after setting a new value
        inputs, outputs, residuals = g2.get_nonlinear_vectors()
        inputs['C1.a'] = -1.

        inputs, outputs, residuals = model.get_nonlinear_vectors()
        self.assertEqual(inputs['G1.G2.C1.a'], -1.)

        inputs, outputs, residuals = g1.get_nonlinear_vectors()
        self.assertEqual(inputs['G2.C1.a'], -1.)

        # Test outputs with original values
        inputs, outputs, residuals = model.get_nonlinear_vectors()
        self.assertEqual(outputs['G1.G2.C1.b'], 10.)

        inputs, outputs, residuals = g2.get_nonlinear_vectors()

        # Test outputs after setting a new value
        inputs, outputs, residuals = model.get_nonlinear_vectors()
        outputs['G1.G2.C1.b'] = 123.
        self.assertEqual(outputs['G1.G2.C1.b'], 123.)

        inputs, outputs, residuals = g2.get_nonlinear_vectors()
        outputs['C1.b'] = 789.
        self.assertEqual(outputs['C1.b'], 789.)

        # Test residuals
        inputs, outputs, residuals = model.get_nonlinear_vectors()
        residuals['G1.G2.C1.b'] = 99.0
        self.assertEqual(residuals['G1.G2.C1.b'], 99.0)

        # Test linear
        d_inputs, d_outputs, d_residuals = model.get_linear_vectors('linear')
        d_outputs['G1.G2.C1.b'] = 10.
        self.assertEqual(d_outputs['G1.G2.C1.b'], 10.)

        # Test linear with invalid vec_name
        with self.assertRaises(Exception) as cm:
            d_inputs, d_outputs, d_residuals = model.get_linear_vectors('bad_name')
                         "There is no linear vector named %s" % 'bad_name')
Esempio n. 15
    def test_no_promotion_errors(self):
        Tests for error-handling for invalid variable names and keys.
        g = Group(assembled_jac_type='dense')
        g.linear_solver = DirectSolver(assemble_jac=True)
        g.add_subsystem('c', ExecComp('y=2*x'))

        p = Problem()
        model = p.model
        model.add_subsystem('g', g)

        # -------------------------------------------------------------------

        msg = 'Variable name "{}" not found.'

        # inputs
        with assertRaisesRegex(self, KeyError, msg.format('x')):
            p['x'] = 5.0
        p._initial_condition_cache = {}

        with assertRaisesRegex(self, KeyError, msg.format('x')):

        # outputs
        with assertRaisesRegex(self, KeyError, msg.format('y')):
            p['y'] = 5.0
        p._initial_condition_cache = {}

        with assertRaisesRegex(self, KeyError, msg.format('y')):

        msg = 'Variable name "{}" not found.'
        inputs, outputs, residuals = g.get_nonlinear_vectors()

        # inputs
        with assertRaisesRegex(self, KeyError, msg.format('x')):
            inputs['x'] = 5.0
        with assertRaisesRegex(self, KeyError, msg.format('x')):
        with assertRaisesRegex(self, KeyError, msg.format('g.c.x')):
            inputs['g.c.x'] = 5.0
        with assertRaisesRegex(self, KeyError, msg.format('g.c.x')):

        # outputs
        with assertRaisesRegex(self, KeyError, msg.format('y')):
            outputs['y'] = 5.0
        with assertRaisesRegex(self, KeyError, msg.format('y')):
        with assertRaisesRegex(self, KeyError, msg.format('g.c.y')):
            outputs['g.c.y'] = 5.0
        with assertRaisesRegex(self, KeyError, msg.format('g.c.y')):

        msg = r'Variable name pair \("{}", "{}"\) not found.'
        jac = g.linear_solver._assembled_jac

        # d(output)/d(input)
        with assertRaisesRegex(self, KeyError, msg.format('y', 'x')):
            jac['y', 'x'] = 5.0
        with assertRaisesRegex(self, KeyError, msg.format('y', 'x')):
            jac['y', 'x']
        # allow absolute keys now
        # with assertRaisesRegex(self, KeyError, msg.format('g.c.y', 'g.c.x')):
        #     jac['g.c.y', 'g.c.x'] = 5.0
        # with assertRaisesRegex(self, KeyError, msg.format('g.c.y', 'g.c.x')):
        #     deriv = jac['g.c.y', 'g.c.x']

        # d(output)/d(output)
        with assertRaisesRegex(self, KeyError, msg.format('y', 'y')):
            jac['y', 'y'] = 5.0
        with assertRaisesRegex(self, KeyError, msg.format('y', 'y')):
            jac['y', 'y']