Esempio n. 1
 def test_recarray_conversion(self):
     # automatic recarray conversion for backward compatibility
     imt = PGA()
     gsim = AbrahamsonGulerce2020SInter()
     ctx = RuptureContext()
     ctx.mag = 5.
     ctx.sids = [0, 1]
     ctx.vs30 = [760., 760.]
     ctx.rrup = [100., 110.]
     ctx.occurrence_rate = .000001
     mean, _stddevs = gsim.get_mean_and_stddevs(ctx, ctx, ctx, imt, [])
     numpy.testing.assert_allclose(mean, [-5.81116004, -6.00192455])
 def test_rhypo_smaller_than_15(self):
     # test the calculation in case of rhypo distances less than 15 km
     # (for rhypo=0 the distance term has a singularity). In this case the
     # method should return values equal to the ones obtained by clipping
     # distances at 15 km.
     ctx = RuptureContext()
     ctx.sids = [0, 1, 2]
     ctx.vs30 = numpy.array([800.0, 800.0, 800.0])
     ctx.mag = 5.0
     ctx.rake = 0
     ctx.occurrence_rate = .0001
     ctx.rhypo = numpy.array([0.0, 10.0, 16.0])
     ctx.rhypo.flags.writeable = False
     mean_0, stds_0 = self.GSIM_CLASS().get_mean_and_stddevs(
         ctx, ctx, ctx, PGA(), [StdDev.TOTAL])
     mean_15, stds_15 = self.GSIM_CLASS().get_mean_and_stddevs(
         ctx, ctx, ctx, PGA(), [StdDev.TOTAL])
     numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(mean_0, mean_15)
     numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(stds_0, stds_15)
Esempio n. 3
 def test_zero_distance(self):
     # test the calculation in case of zero rrup distance (for rrup=0
     # the slab correction term has a singularity). In this case the
     # method should return values equal to the ones obtained by
     # replacing 0 values with 0.1
     ctx = RuptureContext()
     ctx.sids = [0, 1]
     ctx.vs30 = numpy.array([800.0, 800.0])
     ctx.mag = 5.0
     ctx.rake = 0.0
     ctx.hypo_depth = 0.0
     ctx.rrup = numpy.array([0.0, 0.2])
     ctx.occurrence_rate = .0001
     mean_0, stds_0 = self.GSIM_CLASS().get_mean_and_stddevs(
         ctx, ctx, ctx, PGA(), [StdDev.TOTAL])
     ctx.rrup = numpy.array([0.1, 0.2])
     mean_01, stds_01 = self.GSIM_CLASS().get_mean_and_stddevs(
         ctx, ctx, ctx, PGA(), [StdDev.TOTAL])
     numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(mean_0, mean_01)
     numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(stds_0, stds_01)