class MyApp(ShowBase): def __init__(self): ShowBase.__init__(self) dlight = DirectionalLight('dlight') dlight.setColor(VBase4(0.8, 0.8, 0.5, 1)) dlnp = self.render.attachNewNode(dlight) dlnp.setHpr(0, -60, 0) self.render.setLight(dlnp) self.balls = [Ball(self) for x in range(NUMBALLS)] # Setup our physics world and the body = OdeWorld(), 0, -9.81) if 0: self.body = OdeBody( M = OdeMass() M.setSphere(7874, 1.0) self.body.setMass(M) self.body.setPosition(self.sphere.getPos(self.render)) self.body.setQuaternion(self.sphere.getQuat(self.render)) ## Set the camera position self.disableMouse() self.angle = 0.0, 1000, 1000), 0, 0) #self.enableMouse() # Create an accumulator to track the time since the sim # has been running self.deltaTimeAccumulator = 0.0 # This stepSize makes the simulation run at 60 frames per second self.stepSize = 1.0 / 60.0 taskMgr.doMethodLater(1.0, self.simulationTask, "Physics Simulation") def simulationTask(self, task): if 0: # Add the deltaTime for the task to the accumulator self.deltaTimeAccumulator += globalClock.getDt() while self.deltaTimeAccumulator > self.stepSize: # Remove a stepSize from the accumulator until # the accumulated time is less than the stepsize self.deltaTimeAccumulator -= self.stepSize # Step the simulation for ball in self.balls: ball.evolve() deltas = [ball.getdelta(self.balls) for ball in self.balls] for i, ball in enumerate(self.balls): dx, dy, dz = deltas[i] ball.move(dx, dy, dz) ball.update() #print "moved" + 2500 * math.sin(self.angle), CY + 2500 * math.cos(self.angle), CZ), CY, CZ) self.angle += 0.01 return task.cont
class MyApp(ShowBase): def __init__(self): ShowBase.__init__(self) dlight = DirectionalLight("dlight") dlight.setColor(VBase4(0.8, 0.8, 0.5, 1)) dlnp = self.render.attachNewNode(dlight) dlnp.setHpr(0, -60, 0) self.render.setLight(dlnp) self.balls = [Ball(self) for x in range(NUMBALLS)] # Setup our physics world and the body = OdeWorld(), 0, -9.81) if 0: self.body = OdeBody( M = OdeMass() M.setSphere(7874, 1.0) self.body.setMass(M) self.body.setPosition(self.sphere.getPos(self.render)) self.body.setQuaternion(self.sphere.getQuat(self.render)) ## Set the camera position self.disableMouse() self.angle = 0.0, 1000, 1000), 0, 0) # self.enableMouse() # Create an accumulator to track the time since the sim # has been running self.deltaTimeAccumulator = 0.0 # This stepSize makes the simulation run at 60 frames per second self.stepSize = 1.0 / 60.0 taskMgr.doMethodLater(1.0, self.simulationTask, "Physics Simulation") def simulationTask(self, task): if 0: # Add the deltaTime for the task to the accumulator self.deltaTimeAccumulator += globalClock.getDt() while self.deltaTimeAccumulator > self.stepSize: # Remove a stepSize from the accumulator until # the accumulated time is less than the stepsize self.deltaTimeAccumulator -= self.stepSize # Step the simulation for ball in self.balls: ball.evolve() deltas = [ball.getdelta(self.balls) for ball in self.balls] for i, ball in enumerate(self.balls): dx, dy, dz = deltas[i] ball.move(dx, dy, dz) ball.update() # print "moved" + 2500 * math.sin(self.angle), CY + 2500 * math.cos(self.angle), CZ), CY, CZ) self.angle += 0.01 return task.cont
# Add a random amount of boxes boxes = [] # Setup the geometry boxNP = box.copyTo(render) boxNP.setPos(randint(-10, 10), randint(-10, 10), 10 + random()) boxNP.setColor(random(), random(), random(), 1) boxNP.setHpr(0, 45, 0) # Create the body and set the mass boxBody = OdeBody(world) M = OdeMass() M.setBox(20, 1, 1, 1) boxBody.setMass(M) boxBody.setPosition(boxNP.getPos(render)) boxBody.setQuaternion(boxNP.getQuat(render)) # Create a BoxGeom boxGeom = OdeBoxGeom(space, 4, 4, 1) boxGeom.setCollideBits(BitMask32(0x00000002)) boxGeom.setCategoryBits(BitMask32(0x00000001)) boxGeom.setBody(boxBody) boxes.append((boxNP, boxBody)) boxNP2 = box.copyTo(render) boxNP2.reparentTo(boxNP) boxNP2.setPos(0.5, 0.5, 0) boxNP2.setScale(0.1, 0.1, 4) boxBody2 = OdeBody(world) M2 = OdeMass()
class Physical(Touchable): """ The Physical class is the base class for anything that responds to physics """ def __init__(self, world, mass, geom, model, loc = Point3(), rot = True): super(Physical, self).__init__(world, geom, model, loc) self.toRevert['rot'] = self.setRot self.toSave['rot'] = self.getRot self.toRevert['vel'] = self.setVel self.toSave['vel'] = self.getVel self.toRevert['angVel'] = self.setAngVel self.toSave['angVel'] = self.getAngVel self.setRevertable(True) self.body = OdeBody( self.mass = mass self.body.setMass(self.mass) self.body.setPosition(self.model.getPos()) self.body.setQuaternion(self.model.getQuat()) self.geom.setBody(self.body) self.rot = rot def constrainQuat(self): """keep the object rotating in the correct plane""" #FIXME is there a better way than fixing at every instant? if not self.rot: self.body.setQuaternion(Quat.identQuat()) return q = self.body.getQuaternion() q[1] = 0 q[2] = 0 q.normalize() self.body.setQuaternion(Quat(q)) def getPos(self): return self.body.getPosition() def setPos(self, pos): return self.body.setPosition(pos) def setRot(self, rot): self.body.setQuaternion(Quat(rot)) def getRot(self): return self.body.getQuaternion() def setVel(self, vel): self.body.setLinearVel(vel) def getVel(self): return self.body.getLinearVel() def setAngVel(self, angVel): self.body.setAngularVel(angVel) def getAngVel(self): return self.body.getAngularVel()
# Add a random amount of boxes boxes = [] for i in range(randint(5, 10)): # Setup the geometry boxNP = box.copyTo(render) # boxNP.setPos(randint(-10, 10), randint(-10, 10), 10 + random()) boxNP.setPos(random() * 10, random() * 10, 10 + random()) boxNP.setColor(random(), random(), random(), 1) boxNP.setHpr(randint(-45, 45), randint(-45, 45), randint(-45, 45)) # Create the body and set the mass boxBody = OdeBody(world) M = OdeMass() M.setBox(5, 1, 1, 1) boxBody.setMass(M) boxBody.setPosition(boxNP.getPos(render)) boxBody.setQuaternion(boxNP.getQuat(render)) # Create a BoxGeom boxGeom = OdeBoxGeom(space, 1, 1, 1) # boxGeom = OdeTriMeshGeom(space, OdeTriMeshData(boxNP, True)) boxGeom.setCollideBits(BitMask32(0x00000002)) boxGeom.setCategoryBits(BitMask32(0x00000001)) boxGeom.setBody(boxBody) boxes.append((boxNP, boxBody)) # Add a plane to collide with cm = CardMaker("ground") cm.setFrame(-20, 20, -20, 20) ground = render.attachNewNode(cm.generate()) ground.setPos(0, 0, 0) ground.lookAt(0, 0, -1) groundGeom = OdePlaneGeom(space, Vec4(0, 0, 1, 0))
# Load the smiley model which will act as our iron ball sphere = loader.loadModel("smiley.egg") sphere.reparentTo(render) sphere.setPos(10, 1, 21) sphere.setColor(0.7, 0.4, 0.4) # Setup our physics world and the body world = OdeWorld() world.setGravity(0, 0, -9.81) body = OdeBody(world) M = OdeMass() M.setSphere(7874, 1.0) body.setMass(M) body.setPosition(sphere.getPos()) body.setQuaternion(sphere.getQuat()) # Set the camera position base.disableMouse(), -20, 40), 0, 10) # Create an accumulator to track the time since the sim # has been running deltaTimeAccumulator = 0.0 # This stepSize makes the simulation run at 90 frames per second stepSize = 1.0 / 90.0 # The task for our simulation def simulationTask(task): global deltaTimeAccumulator
new_box.set_pos( np.array([random() * 10 - 5, random() * 10 - 5, 1 + random()])) new_box.set_rgba([random(), random(), random(), 1]) new_box.set_rotmat( rm.rotmat_from_euler(random() * math.pi / 4, random() * math.pi / 4, random() * math.pi / 4)) new_box.attach_to(base) # Create the body and set the mass boxBody = OdeBody(world) M = OdeMass() M.setBox(3, .3, .3, .3) boxBody.setMass(M) boxBody.setPosition(da.npv3_to_pdv3(new_box.get_pos())) boxBody.setQuaternion(da.npmat3_to_pdquat(new_box.get_rotmat())) # Create a BoxGeom boxGeom = OdeBoxGeom(space, .3, .3, .3) # boxGeom = OdeTriMeshGeom(space, OdeTriMeshData(new_box.objpdnp, True)) boxGeom.setCollideBits(BitMask32(0x00000002)) boxGeom.setCategoryBits(BitMask32(0x00000001)) boxGeom.setBody(boxBody) boxes.append((new_box, boxBody)) # Add a plane to collide with ground = cm.gen_box(extent=[20, 20, 1], rgba=[.3, .3, .3, 1]) ground.set_pos(np.array([0, 0, -1.5])) ground.attach_to(base) # groundGeom = OdeTriMeshGeom(space, OdeTriMeshData(ground.objpdnp, True)) groundGeom = OdePlaneGeom(space, Vec4(0, 0, 1, -1)) groundGeom.setCollideBits(BitMask32(0x00000001))