Esempio n. 1
def test_get_multi_podcasts_by_url_missing_model(monkeypatch):
    """Test that get_multi_podcasts_by_url loads and returns the correct podcasts, fetching any missing podcasts."""
    # Set up 4 podcasts: 2 in the db, and 2 to be fetched.
    url1 = ""
    url2 = ""
    url3 = ""
    url4 = ""
    podcast1 = get_valid_podcast_model(url1)
    podcast2 = get_valid_podcast_model(url2)
    podcast3 = get_valid_podcast_model(url3)
    podcast4 = get_valid_podcast_model(url4)
    in_bulk_mock = Mock(return_value={
        url1: podcast1,
        url2: podcast2
    parsed_podcast_mock_1 = Mock(spec=parsed_podcasts.ParsedPodcast())
    parsed_podcast_mock_2 = Mock(spec=parsed_podcasts.ParsedPodcast())
    parsed_podcast_mock_1.save_to_db.return_value = podcast3
    parsed_podcast_mock_2.save_to_db.return_value = podcast4
    fetch_mock = Mock(side_effect=lambda url: {url3: parsed_podcast_mock_1, url4: parsed_podcast_mock_2}[url])
    monkeypatch.setattr(fetcher, "fetch", fetch_mock)
    monkeypatch.setattr(models.Podcast.objects, "in_bulk", in_bulk_mock)

    result = services.get_multi_podcasts_by_url([url1, url2, url3, url4])

    assert result == {
        url1: podcast1,
        url2: podcast2,
        url3: podcast3,
        url4: podcast4
Esempio n. 2
def test_get_multi_podcasts_by_url(monkeypatch):
    """Test that get_multi_podcasts_by_url loads and returns the correct podcasts"""
    url1 = ""
    url2 = ""
    podcast1 = get_valid_podcast_model(url1)
    podcast2 = get_valid_podcast_model(url2)
    in_bulk_mock = Mock(return_value={
        url1: podcast1,
        url2: podcast2
    monkeypatch.setattr(models.Podcast.objects, "in_bulk", in_bulk_mock)

    result = services.get_multi_podcasts_by_url([url1, url2])

    assert result == {url1: podcast1, url2: podcast2}