Esempio n. 1
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
# *****************************************************************
# **       PTS -- Python Toolkit for working with SKIRT          **
# **       © Astronomical Observatory, Ghent University          **
# *****************************************************************

# Import the relevant PTS classes and modules
from pts.core.basics.configuration import ConfigurationDefinition
from import find_host_ids

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create definition
definition = ConfigurationDefinition()

# Add optional settings
definition.add_positional_optional("remote", "string", "remote host on which to uninstall", choices=find_host_ids())
definition.add_positional_optional("skirt_and_or_pts", "string_list", "SKIRT and/or PTS", default=["skirt", "pts"], choices=["skirt", "pts"])

# Add flags
definition.add_flag("conda", "also remove conda installation")
definition.add_flag("qt", "also remove Qt installation")

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
Esempio n. 2
# **       © Astronomical Observatory, Ghent University          **
# *****************************************************************

# Import the relevant PTS classes and modules
from pts.core.basics.configuration import ConfigurationDefinition
from pts.magic.config.extract import definition as extraction_definition
from pts.magic.config.subtract_sky import definition as subtraction_definition
from import ncores

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create the configuration
definition = ConfigurationDefinition()

# The dataset or image
definition.add_positional_optional("dataset", "file_path",
                                   "name of the dataset file or image file")

# The maximum FWHM (minimum resolution that has to be retained in the convolved frames)
definition.add_optional("max_fwhm", "quantity", "maximum FWHM for convolution")

# The minimum pixel size (minimum resolution that has to be retained in the rebinned frames)
definition.add_optional("max_pixelscale", "quantity",
                        "maximum pixelscale for rebinning")

# Add input section
#definition.add_section("input", "the names of the input files")
#definition.sections["input"].add_required("image", "image_path", "name of the input image")
#definition.sections["input"].add_optional("galaxy_region", "file_path", "file with galaxy regions", "galaxies.reg")
#definition.sections["input"].add_optional("star_region", "file_path", "file with star regions", "stars.reg")
#definition.sections["input"].add_optional("saturation_region", "file_path", "file with regions for saturated stars", "saturation.reg")
#definition.sections["input"].add_optional("other_region", "file_path", "file with regions for other contaminating sources", "other_sources.reg")
Esempio n. 3
# Import the relevant PTS classes and modules
from import find_host_ids
from pts.core.basics.configuration import ConfigurationDefinition
from import introspection

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create the configuration definition
definition = ConfigurationDefinition()

# Add optional
host_ids = find_host_ids()
if len(host_ids) > 0:
                                       "remote host ids",
    definition.add_fixed("host_ids", "remote host_ids", [])

# Add optional
                        "PTS repository name to deploy remotely",
                        "SKIRT repository name to deploy remotely",
Esempio n. 4
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
# *****************************************************************
# **       PTS -- Python Toolkit for working with SKIRT          **
# **       © Astronomical Observatory, Ghent University          **
# *****************************************************************

# Import the relevant PTS classes and modules
from pts.core.basics.configuration import ConfigurationDefinition
from pts.magic.maps.colour.colour import colour_strings

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create the configuration
definition = ConfigurationDefinition()

# Add optional
definition.add_positional_optional("colours", "string_list", "colour maps to make", default=colour_strings, suggestions=colour_strings)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
Esempio n. 5
# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Ensure Python 3 compatibility
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

# Import the relevant PTS classes and modules
from import formatting as fmt
from pts.modeling.config.parameters import possible_parameter_types, possible_parameter_types_descriptions, default_units
from pts.core.units.stringify import represent_unit as ru
from pts.core.basics.configuration import ConfigurationDefinition

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

definition = ConfigurationDefinition()

definition.add_positional_optional("modeling_type", "string", "modeling type")


for parameter_types in possible_parameter_types:

    print( + fmt.bold + parameter_types + fmt.reset)

        " - Description: " +
        possible_parameter_types_descriptions[parameter_types].split(" (")[0])
    print(" - Default unit: " + ru(default_units[parameter_types]))

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
Esempio n. 6
# -----------------------------------------------------------------

if runs.empty: raise RuntimeError("No fitting runs are present (yet)")
elif runs.has_single:
    definition.add_fixed("fitting_run", "name of the fitting run",
                            "name of the fitting run",

# Generations
    "generations", "string_list",
    "name of the generations for which to check the database")

# Create the configuration
config = parse_arguments("check_database", definition)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Load the fitting run
fitting_run = FittingRun.from_name(modeling_path, config.fitting_run)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Get generation names
generations = config.generations if config.generations is not None else fitting_run.genetic_generations
Esempio n. 7
File: Progetto: rag9704/PTS
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
# *****************************************************************
# **       PTS -- Python Toolkit for working with SKIRT          **
# **       © Astronomical Observatory, Ghent University          **
# *****************************************************************

# Import the relevant PTS classes and modules
from pts.core.basics.configuration import ConfigurationDefinition
from pts.modeling.fitting.component import get_generation_names, get_last_finished_generation
from import filesystem as fs

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create the configuration
definition = ConfigurationDefinition(log_path="log", config_path="config")

# Add settings
definition.add_positional_optional("features", "string_list", "features to be plotted")
definition.add_positional_optional("generation", "string", "generation for which to plot the features", choices=get_generation_names(fs.cwd()), default=get_last_finished_generation(fs.cwd()))

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
Esempio n. 8
# Ensure Python 3 compatibility
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

# Import the relevant PTS classes and modules
from pts.core.basics.configuration import ConfigurationDefinition, parse_arguments
from import find_host_ids
from pts.core.remote.remote import Remote
from pts.core.basics.log import log

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create definition
definition = ConfigurationDefinition()
                                   "remote hosts on which to clear",

# Create setter
config = parse_arguments("clear_sessions_and_temp", definition)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Loop over the remote hosts
for host_id in config.remotes:

    # Setup the remote
    remote = Remote()
    if not remote.setup(host_id):
        log.warning("Could not connect to remote host '" + host_id + "'")
Esempio n. 9
# Import the relevant PTS classes and modules
from pts.core.basics.configuration import ConfigurationDefinition, parse_arguments
from import find_host_ids
from import formatting as fmt
from import introspection
from pts.core.remote.remote import Remote
from pts.core.basics.log import log
from pts.core.remote.python import RemotePythonSession

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create the configuration definition
definition = ConfigurationDefinition()
                                   "remote host ID",

# Read the command line arguments
config = parse_arguments(
    "Open a python session with PTS modules loaded, and with remote capabilities if requested."

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

class PTSConsole(InteractiveConsole):
default_color = "jet"
default_mask_color = "black"

scales = ["log", "sqrt"]
default_colour = "jet"
default_interval = "pts"

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create the configuration
definition = ConfigurationDefinition(log_path="log", config_path="config")
definition.add_flag("show", "show the page", False)

# Sigma levels
    "sigma_levels", "real_list",
    "different sigma levels for which to generate significance masks",
definition.add_optional("default_level", "real", "default sigma level",

# Flags
    "replot", "replot already existing figures",
    False)  # default False because prep data doesn't really change (normally)

    "nopen_files", "positive_integer",
    "number of open files necessary to make the script work", 1024)

# Image
Esempio n. 11
modeling_path = verify_modeling_cwd()
runs = FittingRuns(modeling_path)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create configuration definition
definition = ConfigurationDefinition()

if runs.empty: raise RuntimeError("No fitting runs are present (yet)")
elif runs.has_single: definition.add_fixed("fitting_run", "name of the fitting run", runs.single_name)
else: definition.add_required("fitting_run", "string", "name of the fitting run", runs.names)

# Generation
definition.add_positional_optional("generations", "string_list", "name of the generations for which to show the recurrence")

# Create the configuration
config = parse_arguments("show_recurrence", definition)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Load the modeling environment
environment = GalaxyModelingEnvironment(modeling_path)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Load the fitting run
fitting_run = FittingRun.from_name(modeling_path, config.fitting_run)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
Esempio n. 12
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
# *****************************************************************
# **       PTS -- Python Toolkit for working with SKIRT          **
# **       © Astronomical Observatory, Ghent University          **
# *****************************************************************

# Import the relevant PTS classes and modules
from pts.core.basics.configuration import ConfigurationDefinition
from pts.magic.maps.ssfr.colours import ssfr_colours

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create the configuration
definition = ConfigurationDefinition()

# Add optional
                                   "colours to use",

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
Esempio n. 13
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
# *****************************************************************
# **       PTS -- Python Toolkit for working with SKIRT          **
# **       © Astronomical Observatory, Ghent University          **
# *****************************************************************

# Import the relevant PTS classes and modules
from pts.core.basics.configuration import ConfigurationDefinition
from import filesystem as fs
from import find_host_ids

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create the configuration
definition = ConfigurationDefinition()

# Add required arguments
definition.add_required("ski", "file_path", "name/path of the ski file")
definition.add_required("fski", "file_path", "name/path of the fski file")

# Input and output
definition.add_optional("input", "directory_path", "input directory for the simulation(s)", letter="i")
definition.add_optional("output", "directory_path", "output directory for the simulation(s)", fs.cwd(), letter="o", convert_default=True)

# Add positional arguments
definition.add_positional_optional("remote", "string", "the remote host on which to run the simulation (if none is specified, the simulation is run locally", choices=find_host_ids())

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
Esempio n. 14
from import find_host_ids
from pts.magic.config.find_sources import definition as sources_definition
from pts.modeling.component.component import get_cache_host_id
from pts.modeling.core.environment import verify_modeling_cwd

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

modeling_path = verify_modeling_cwd()

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create the configuration definition
definition = ConfigurationDefinition(log_path="log", config_path="config")

# Add optional arguments
definition.add_positional_optional("image", "string", "the name of the image for which to run the initialization")

# Add flags
definition.add_flag("visualise", "make visualisations")

# Remote source detection
definition.add_optional("remote", "string", "remote host on which to run the source finder", choices=find_host_ids())
definition.add_flag("attached", "run remotely in attached mode")

# Add section for the source finder
definition.import_section("sources", "options for the source finder", sources_definition)

# Flags
default_catalogs = ["II/246"]
definition.add_optional("catalogs", "string_list", "catalogs for point sources", default_catalogs)
definition.add_flag("catalog_overlapping", "only fetch catalog data in the area where all images are overlapping", True)
Esempio n. 15
from pts.modeling.core.environment import GalaxyModelingEnvironment
from pts.magic.plot.imagegrid import StandardImageGridPlotter
from pts.modeling.core.environment import map_sub_names
from pts.modeling.maps.component import get_maps_sub_name
from pts.modeling.component.component import load_modeling_history
from pts.modeling.core.environment import verify_modeling_cwd

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create the configuration definition
definition = ConfigurationDefinition()

# Add settings
definition.add_required("sub_name", "string", "maps sub name for plotting",
definition.add_positional_optional("method", "string", "method for plotting")

# Get configuration
config = parse_arguments("plot_maps", definition)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

modeling_path = verify_modeling_cwd()

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Load the modeling environment
environment = GalaxyModelingEnvironment(modeling_path)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
Esempio n. 16
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
# *****************************************************************
# **       PTS -- Python Toolkit for working with SKIRT          **
# **       © Astronomical Observatory, Ghent University          **
# *****************************************************************

# Import the relevant PTS classes and modules
from pts.core.basics.configuration import ConfigurationDefinition

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create the configuration definition
definition = ConfigurationDefinition()

# Add required
definition.add_required("name", "string", "name of the simulation queue")
definition.add_required("walltime", "duration", "walltime for the jobs")
                                   "start with this run ID",

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
Esempio n. 17
# Import the relevant PTS classes and modules
from import filesystem as fs
from import introspection
from import time
from pts.evolve.optimize.stepwise import StepWiseOptimizer
from pts.evolve.optimize.optimizer import show_best
from pts.evolve.tests.TravelingSalesman.test import settings_optimize, input_optimize, eval_func
from pts.core.basics.configuration import ConfigurationDefinition, parse_arguments
from pts.core.basics.log import setup_log

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create configuration definition
definition = ConfigurationDefinition()
definition.add_positional_optional("ngenerations", "positive_integer", "number of generations (steps)", 10)

# Create the configuration
config = parse_arguments("test_tsp_steps", definition)

# Set logging
log = setup_log("DEBUG")

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

evaluator_kwargs = input_optimize["evaluator_kwargs"]

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Determine temporary directory
path = introspection.create_temp_dir(time.unique_name("optimize"))
Esempio n. 18
# -----------------------------------------------------------------

modeling_path = verify_modeling_cwd()
suite = ModelSuite.from_modeling_path(modeling_path)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create the configuration
definition = ConfigurationDefinition(log_path="log", config_path="config")

# Add settings
model_names = suite.model_names
if len(model_names) == 0:
                                       "name for the model",
                            "name for the model",

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Force overwrite
                    "overwrite possibly existing model with this name", False)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
Esempio n. 19
# Ensure Python 3 compatibility
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

# Import the relevant PTS classes and modules
from import introspection
from import filesystem as fs
from pts.core.basics.configuration import ConfigurationDefinition, parse_arguments
from import find_host_ids
from pts.core.remote.remote import Remote
from import time

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create definition
definition = ConfigurationDefinition()
definition.add_positional_optional("remote", "string", "remote host on which to clear the temporary directory", choices=find_host_ids())
definition.add_optional("names", "string_list", "remove temporary directories matching these names (e.g. 'installation' matches 'installation_2017-05-03--08-45-44-410', 'installation_2017-05-03--13-52-28-371', etc. and also exact matches")

# Create setter
config = parse_arguments("clear_temp", definition)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Remote
if config.remote is not None:

    # Create the remote
    remote = Remote(host_id=config.remote)

    # Check whether names are given
    if config.names is not None:
Esempio n. 20
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

# Import the relevant PTS classes and modules
from pts.core.basics.configuration import ConfigurationDefinition, parse_arguments
from pts.core.basics.log import log
from import filesystem as fs
from import find_host_ids
from pts.core.remote.remote import Remote

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create the configuration definition
definition = ConfigurationDefinition()

# Remote
definition.add_positional_optional("remote", "string", "remote host ID", choices=find_host_ids())
definition.add_positional_optional("remote_path", "string", "path of remote directory (absolute or relative w.r.t. home directory)")

# Add optional settings
definition.add_optional("contains", "string", "a string that should be contained in the file names")
definition.add_optional("not_contains", "string", "a string that should not be contained in the file names")
definition.add_optional("extension", "string", "the file extension")
definition.add_optional("exact_name", "string", "exact filename (for recursive search)")
definition.add_optional("exact_not_name", "string", "not files with exactly this name")
definition.add_optional("directory_not_contains", "string_list", "directory_not_contains")
definition.add_optional("directory_exact_not_name", "string_list", "directory_exact_not_name")

# Add flags
definition.add_flag("recursive", "search recursively", False)
definition.add_flag("full", "show the full paths", False)
definition.add_flag("remove", "remove the found files", False)
Esempio n. 21
# Import the relevant PTS classes and modules
from pts.core.basics.configuration import ConfigurationDefinition, parse_arguments
from import find_host_ids
from import introspection
from import filesystem as fs
from pts.core.simulation.simulation import RemoteSimulation
from pts.core.remote.remote import Remote
from pts.core.basics.log import log

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create the configuration definition
definition = ConfigurationDefinition()

# Add settings
definition.add_positional_optional("remotes", "string_list", "the IDs of the remote hosts for which to clear the simulations", choices=find_host_ids(), default=find_host_ids())
definition.add_positional_optional("ids", "integer_list", "the IDs of the simulations to clear")
definition.add_flag("full", "fully clear the simulations, also remove remote simulation directories")

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Parse the arguments into a configuration
config = parse_arguments("clear_tasks", definition, description="Clear PTS tasks for a certain remote host")

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Loop over the remote hosts
for host_id in config.remotes:

    # Check whether the remote is available
    if config.full:
Esempio n. 22
from pts.core.basics.configuration import ConfigurationDefinition, ConfigurationReader

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# TODO: work on this further

# Create the configuration
definition = ConfigurationDefinition()

# Add required arguments
definition.add_required("filename", "absolute_path",
                        "the name/path of the ski file")

# Add positional arguments
    "remote", str,
    "the remote host on which to run the simulation (if none is specified, the simulation is run locally"
                        "the simulation input directory",
                        "the simulation output directory",
definition.add_optional("cluster", str, "the name of the cluster", letter="c")
                        "the parallelization scheme (processes, threads)",
Esempio n. 23
# Create the configuration definition
definition = ConfigurationDefinition()

# Required arguments
    "ski_path", "file_path",
    "the name of the ski file to be used for the scaling test")
definition.add_required("remote", "string", "the name of the remote host")
                        "the parallelization mode for the scaling test",
                        choices=["mpi", "hybrid", "threads"])

# Optional arguments
definition.add_positional_optional("maxnodes", "real",
                                   "the maximum number of nodes", 1)
    "minnodes", "real",
    "the minimum number of nodes. In hybrid mode, this also defines the number of threads per process",
definition.add_optional("cluster", "string", "the name of the cluster", None)
definition.add_optional("wavelengths", "real",
                        "boost the number of wavelengths by a certain factor",
    "packages", "real",
    "boost the number of photon packages by a certain factor", None)

# Flags
definition.add_flag("manual", "launch and inspect job scripts manually")
Esempio n. 24
# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Ensure Python 3 compatibility
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

# Import the relevant PTS classes and modules
from import formatting as fmt
from pts.modeling.config.parameters import possible_parameter_types, possible_parameter_types_descriptions, default_units
from pts.core.units.stringify import represent_unit as ru
from pts.core.basics.configuration import ConfigurationDefinition

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

definition = ConfigurationDefinition()

definition.add_positional_optional("modeling_type", "string", "modeling type")


for parameter_types in possible_parameter_types:

    print( + fmt.bold + parameter_types + fmt.reset)

    print(" - Description: " + possible_parameter_types_descriptions[parameter_types].split(" (")[0])
    print(" - Default unit: " + ru(default_units[parameter_types]))

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
Esempio n. 25
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

# Import standard modules
import StringIO

# Import the relevant PTS classes and modules
from import SKIRTSmileSchema
from import formatting as fmt
from import stringify
from pts.core.basics.configuration import ConfigurationDefinition, write_definition, parse_arguments

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create the configuration
definition = ConfigurationDefinition()
definition.add_positional_optional("match", "string", "only show types with names that contain this string")
definition.add_flag("definitions", "format the properties for each item as a configuration definition")

# Parse
config = parse_arguments("skirt_items", definition)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create the SKIRT smile schema
smile = SKIRTSmileSchema()


# Loop over the concrete types
for name in smile.concrete_types:
Esempio n. 26
File: Progetto: SKIRT/PTS
# *****************************************************************
# **       PTS -- Python Toolkit for working with SKIRT          **
# **       © Astronomical Observatory, Ghent University          **
# *****************************************************************

# Import the relevant PTS classes and modules
from pts.core.basics.configuration import ConfigurationDefinition
from pts.core.test.pts import subprojects_with_tests

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create configuration definition
definition = ConfigurationDefinition()

# Add optional
definition.add_positional_optional("subprojects", "string_list", "update on a remote system", subprojects_with_tests(), choices=subprojects_with_tests())
definition.add_positional_optional("tests", "string_list", "test(s) to perform (when one subproject is specified)")

# Flags
definition.add_flag("check_imports", "check import statements", True)
definition.add_flag("check_commands", "check commands", True)
definition.add_flag("check_configurations", "check configurations", True)
definition.add_flag("check_packages", "check package definitions", True)
definition.add_flag("only_checks", "only performs checks, no actual test cases", False)
definition.add_flag("only_tests", "only perform the test cases, not internal checks", False)

# Add flags
definition.add_flag("keep", "keep the output")
definition.add_flag("show", "show results")
definition.add_flag("write", "write results")
definition.add_flag("open_output", "open the output directory after each test for manual inspection")
Esempio n. 27
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
# *****************************************************************
# **       PTS -- Python Toolkit for working with SKIRT          **
# **       © Astronomical Observatory, Ghent University          **
# *****************************************************************

# Import the relevant PTS classes and modules
from pts.core.basics.configuration import ConfigurationDefinition
from import find_host_ids

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create the configuration definition
definition = ConfigurationDefinition()

# Add required
definition.add_required("remote", "string", "name of the remote host", choices=find_host_ids())
definition.add_positional_optional("id", "positive_integer", "simulation ID")
definition.add_optional("name", "string", "simulation name")

# Additional relative error
definition.add_optional("additional_error", "percentage", "additional percentual error for the observed flux points")

# Flags
definition.add_flag("write", "write the results", True)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
Esempio n. 28
# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Ensure Python 3 compatibility
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

# Import the relevant PTS classes and modules
from pts.core.simulation.simulation import createsimulations
from pts.core.plot.grids import plotgrids
from pts.core.basics.configuration import ConfigurationDefinition, parse_arguments

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create configuration definition
definition = ConfigurationDefinition()
definition.add_positional_optional("simulation", "string", "simulation specification", default="")
definition.add_optional("linewidth", "positive_real", "line width", 0.1)
definition.add_optional("maxlevel", "positive_integer", "maximum tree level")

# Read the command line arguments
config = parse_arguments("plotgrids", definition, description="Unmount a remote mounted with PTS")

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

print("Starting plotgrids...")

# construct the list of simulation objects and make the plots
for simulation in createsimulations(config.simulation): plotgrids(simulation, linewidth=config.linewidth, maxlevel=config.maxlevel)

print("Finished plotgrids")
Esempio n. 29
                        "remote host on which to make the observed images",
definition.add_flag("attached", "launch remote executions in attached mode",
                    "show all simulation output when in debugging mode", False)

if runs.empty: raise RuntimeError("No analysis runs are present (yet)")
elif runs.has_single:
    definition.add_fixed("run", "name of the analysis run", runs.single_name)
    definition.add_positional_optional("run", "string",
                                       "name of the analysis run",
                                       runs.last_name, runs.names)

# Parallelization options
#definition.add_optional("nnodes", "integer", "number of nodes to use for the simulations (for scheduler)", 4)
#definition.add_optional("cores_per_process", "integer", "number of cores per process (for non-scheduler)", 10)
#definition.add_flag("data_parallel", "data parallelization mode", False)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Simulation options
definition.add_optional("npackages", "real",
                        "the number of photon packages per wavelength", 1e7)
definition.add_flag("selfabsorption", "dust self-absorption", True)
definition.add_flag("transient_heating", "transient (non-LTE) dust heating",
Esempio n. 30
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
# *****************************************************************
# **       PTS -- Python Toolkit for working with SKIRT          **
# **       © Astronomical Observatory, Ghent University          **
# *****************************************************************

# Import the relevant PTS classes and modules
from pts.core.basics.configuration import ConfigurationDefinition
from import AnalysisRuns
from pts.modeling.core.environment import verify_modeling_cwd

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

modeling_path = verify_modeling_cwd()
runs = AnalysisRuns(modeling_path)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create the configuration
definition = ConfigurationDefinition(log_path="log", config_path="config")

# Positional optional
if runs.empty: raise ValueError("No analysis runs present (yet)")
elif runs.has_single: definition.add_fixed("run", "name of the analysis run", runs.single_name)
else: definition.add_positional_optional("run", "string", "name of the analysis run for which to launch the heating simulations", runs.last_name, runs.names)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
Esempio n. 31
File: Progetto: SKIRT/PTS
from pts.core.basics.configuration import ConfigurationDefinition, parse_arguments
from pts.core.remote.load import show_status
from pts.core.basics.log import log, setup_log

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

all_host_ids = find_host_ids()
all_hosts = find_hosts()

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create configuration definition
definition = ConfigurationDefinition()

# Remote hosts
definition.add_positional_optional("hosts", "host_list", "remote hosts", default=all_hosts, choices=all_host_ids)

# Flags
definition.add_flag("clusters", "show the clusters")

# Create the configuration
config = parse_arguments("remotes", definition, "Check the status of the remotes")

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Set log level in a special way
if config.debug: setup_log("DEBUG")
else: setup_log("ERROR")

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
Esempio n. 32
File: Progetto: rag9704/PTS
# Import the relevant PTS classes and modules
from pts.core.basics.configuration import ConfigurationDefinition, parse_arguments
from pts.core.remote.mounter import RemoteMounter
from import all_host_ids
from import filesystem as fs

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create the configuration definition
definition = ConfigurationDefinition()
                        "remote host to mount",
    "path", "directory_path",
    "path of directory in which to create the mount point")

# Read the command line arguments
config = parse_arguments(
    description="Mount a remote configured in PTS into the local filesystem")

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create the mounter
mounter = RemoteMounter()

# Mount and get the mount path
path = mounter.mount(config.remote, config.path)
Esempio n. 33
from pts.core.basics.configuration import ConfigurationDefinition
from import find_host_ids
from pts.core.launch.analyser import all_steps
from pts.core.config.analyse_simulation import definition as analysis_definition

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

host_ids = find_host_ids()

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create the configuration definition
definition = ConfigurationDefinition()

# Assignment file
definition.add_positional_optional("assignment", "file_path", "path of assignment file")

# Status file
definition.add_optional("status", "file_path", "path of status file")

# Remotes for which to find corresponding simulations
definition.add_optional("remotes", "string_list", "remote hosts for which to look for matching simulations (not necessary when assignment is specified)", default=host_ids, choices=host_ids)

# To specify the simulations
definition.add_optional("simulation_names", "string_list", "names of the simulations to look for")
definition.add_optional("simulation_ids", "integer_list", "IDs of the simulations (only if one remote host is specified)")
definition.add_flag("from_directories", "use directory names as simulation names")

# Timing and memory table
definition.add_optional("timing", "file_path", "timing table path")
definition.add_optional("memory", "file_path", "memory table path")
Esempio n. 34
# *****************************************************************
# **       PTS -- Python Toolkit for working with SKIRT          **
# **       © Astronomical Observatory, Ghent University          **
# *****************************************************************

# Import the relevant PTS classes and modules
from pts.core.basics.configuration import ConfigurationDefinition
from import find_host_ids

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create the configuration definition
definition = ConfigurationDefinition()
                                   "remote host(s)",

# Add optional
                        "skip these remote hosts",

# Add flag
definition.add_flag("show", "show the versions on the terminal", True)
                    "only perform one attempt at connecting to a remote")

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
Esempio n. 35
# **       © Astronomical Observatory, Ghent University          **
# *****************************************************************

# Import the relevant PTS classes and modules
from pts.core.basics.configuration import ConfigurationDefinition
from import find_host_ids
from pts.core.config.analyse_basic import definition as basic_definition
from pts.core.config.analyse_batch import definition as batch_definition

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create the configuration definition
definition = ConfigurationDefinition()

# Add required
definition.add_positional_optional("remote", "string", "ID of the remote host", choices=find_host_ids())
definition.add_positional_optional("id", "integer", "ID of the simulation")

# Add flags
definition.add_flag("ignore_missing_data", "ignore missing data when analysing the simulations", False)

# Analyse
definition.add_flag("do_basic", "do basic analysis", True)
definition.add_flag("do_batch", "do batch analysis", True)
definition.add_flag("do_scaling", "do scaling analysis", True)
definition.add_flag("do_extra", "do extra analysis", True)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Import settings for basic, batch analysis
definition.import_section("basic", "basic analysis options", basic_definition)
Esempio n. 36
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
# *****************************************************************
# **       PTS -- Python Toolkit for working with SKIRT          **
# **       © Astronomical Observatory, Ghent University          **
# *****************************************************************

# Import the relevant PTS classes and modules
from pts.core.basics.configuration import ConfigurationDefinition

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create the configuration definition
definition = ConfigurationDefinition()

# Positional optional
definition.add_positional_optional("directories", "directorypath_list",
                                   "input directories to search in")

# Flags
                    "look for simulations in directories recursively", True)
definition.add_flag("list", "list the found simulations", True)

definition.add_flag("output", "list the simulation output", False)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
Esempio n. 37
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
# *****************************************************************
# **       PTS -- Python Toolkit for working with SKIRT          **
# **       © Astronomical Observatory, Ghent University          **
# *****************************************************************

# Import the relevant PTS classes and modules
from pts.core.basics.configuration import ConfigurationDefinition
from pts.modeling.plotting.preparation import PreparationPlotter

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create the configuration
definition = ConfigurationDefinition(log_path="log", config_path="config")

# Add settings
definition.add_positional_optional("features", "string_list", "features to be plotted", choices=PreparationPlotter.features())

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
Esempio n. 38
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
# *****************************************************************
# **       PTS -- Python Toolkit for working with SKIRT          **
# **       © Astronomical Observatory, Ghent University          **
# *****************************************************************

# Import the relevant PTS classes and modules
from pts.core.basics.configuration import ConfigurationDefinition
from pts.magic.config.extract import definition as extraction_definition
from pts.magic.config.subtract_sky import definition as subtraction_definition
from import ncores

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create the configuration
definition = ConfigurationDefinition()

# The dataset or image
definition.add_positional_optional("dataset", "file_path", "name of the dataset file or image file")

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
Esempio n. 39
File: Progetto: SKIRT/PTS
# **       PTS -- Python Toolkit for working with SKIRT          **
# **       © Astronomical Observatory, Ghent University          **
# *****************************************************************

# Import the relevant PTS classes and modules
from pts.core.basics.configuration import ConfigurationDefinition
from import find_host_ids
from pts.core.config.analyse_simulation import definition as analysis_definition

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create the configuration
definition = ConfigurationDefinition(write_config=False)

# Add positional optional
definition.add_positional_optional("host_ids", "string_list", "name of the remote host(s) for which to show/retrieve simulations and tasks", choices=find_host_ids())
definition.add_positional_optional("ids", "string_integer_list_dictionary", "simulation IDs for the different remote hosts")

# Add flag
definition.add_flag("show_progress", "show the progress of the simulation that is still running (only if there is just one)", False)
definition.add_flag("debug_output", "show all simulation output in debug mode")

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

definition.add_flag("retrieve", "retrieve finished simulations", True)
definition.add_flag("analyse", "analyse retrieved simulations", True)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Crashed
definition.add_flag("check_crashed", "check whether crashed simulations have the necessary output, if so, retrieve them")
Esempio n. 40
default_instruments_loc = "lower center"
default_observations_loc = "upper left"
default_models_loc = "upper right"

# Locations
locations = sequences.get_lists_combinations(["upper", "center", "lower"], ["left", "center", "right"], combine=lambda x: " ".join(x) if x[0] != x[1] else x[0])

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create configuration definition
definition = ConfigurationDefinition()

#definition.add_flag("old", "old plotting methods", False)

# SEDs from file
definition.add_positional_optional("seds", "filepath_list_or_string_filepath_dictionary", "SED files to be plotted")
definition.add_flag("multi", "look for multiple SEDs per file", False)
definition.add_optional("wavelength_unit_file", "length_unit", "wavelength unit in SED file")
definition.add_optional("unit_file", "photometric_unit", "photometric unit in SED file")
definition.add_optional("distance", "length_quantity", "object distance (for flux <> luminosity unit conversion")

# Add plotting options
definition.import_section("plot", "plotting options", plot_definition)

# Add optional
definition.add_optional("output", "string", "output directory")
definition.add_optional("format", "string", "plotting format", default=default_format, choices=formats)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# The unit in which to plot
Esempio n. 41
File: Progetto: SKIRT/PTS
# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
# *****************************************************************
# **       PTS -- Python Toolkit for working with SKIRT          **
# **       © Astronomical Observatory, Ghent University          **
# *****************************************************************

# Import the relevant PTS classes and modules
from pts.core.basics.configuration import ConfigurationDefinition

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create configuration definition
definition = ConfigurationDefinition()

# Add optional arguments
definition.add_positional_optional("host_id", "string", "install SKIRT/PTS remotely")
definition.add_optional("repository", "string", "repository name from which to clone (only possible when installing remotely and SKIRT/PTS is already installed locally)")

# Add flags
definition.add_flag("private", "use the private SKIRT/PTS repository")

# Advanced
definition.add_flag("force", "force re-installation when already present", letter="f")
definition.add_flag("force_conda", "force installation of conda and creation of a conda environment even when it is already present")

definition.add_flag("finish", "finish previously initiated installation")

# Add flag
#definition.add_flag("all_remotes", "update on all remote hosts")

# For PTS:
Esempio n. 42
# Ensure Python 3 compatibility
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

# Import the relevant PTS classes and modules
from pts.core.basics.configuration import ConfigurationDefinition, parse_arguments
from import GalacticAttenuation
from pts.core.basics.plot import MPLFigure
from pts.core.filter.broad import categorize_filters, categorized_filters_sorted_labels, get_filters_for_regimes
from pts.magic.basics.coordinatesystem import CoordinateSystem

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create the configuration definition
definition = ConfigurationDefinition()
definition.add_positional_optional("galaxy_name", "string", "galaxy name")
definition.add_optional("image", "file_path", "image path")

# Get the configuration
config = parse_arguments("attenuation", definition)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create attenuation object
if config.image is not None:
    wcs = CoordinateSystem.from_file(config.image)
    attenuation = GalacticAttenuation(
    # or attenuation = GalacticAttenuation(wcs.center_sky)
    attenuation = GalacticAttenuation(config.galaxy_name)
Esempio n. 43
from pts.core.config.plot import definition as plot_definition
from pts.core.basics.plot import plotting_libraries, mpl

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

formats = ["pdf", "png"]
default_format = "pdf"
normalizations = ["max", "sum"]

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create configuration definition
definition = ConfigurationDefinition()

# Distributions
definition.add_positional_optional("distributions", "filepath_list", "distribution files to be plotted")
definition.add_flag("panels", "plot the distributions in separate panels")
definition.add_flag("recursive", "search distribution files recursively in the working directory")
definition.add_optional("normalize", "string", "normalize all distributions by a certain method", choices=normalizations)
definition.add_optional("normalization_value", "real", "value for normalization", 1.)

# Add plotting options
definition.import_section("plot", "plotting options", plot_definition)
definition.sections["plot"].optional["xsize"].default = 8
definition.sections["plot"].optional["ysize"].default = 4
definition.add_flag("logscale", "use value log scale")
definition.add_flag("logfrequency", "use log scale for frequency")
definition.add_optional("bar_width", "positive_real", "relative width of the bars (1 means edges touch)", 1.)
definition.add_flag("use_name_xlabel", "use the distribution name(s) for the x labels of the panels")
definition.add_flag("colours_per_panel", "reuse the same colours for each panel")
Esempio n. 44
from pts.core.basics.configuration import ConfigurationDefinition, parse_arguments
from import Sun
from import filesystem as fs
from import SED
from pts.core.simulation.wavelengthgrid import WavelengthGrid

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create definition
definition = ConfigurationDefinition()

# Filter
definition.add_required("filter", "filter", "filter in which to calculate the luminosity")

definition.add_positional_optional("sfr", "quantity", "star formation rate", "1. Msun/yr", convert_default=True)

# MAPPINGS parameters
definition.add_optional("metallicity", "positive_real", "metallicity", 0.02)
definition.add_optional("compactness", "positive_real", "compactness", 6)
definition.add_optional("pressure", "quantity", "pressure", 1e12 * u("K/m3"))
definition.add_optional("covering_factor", "positive_real", "covering factor", 0.2) # fPDR

# Flags
definition.add_flag("plot", "plot the SEDs", False)
definition.add_flag("skirt", "use SKIRT", True)
definition.add_flag("pts", "use PTS", True)
definition.add_flag("sampled", "use SKIRT luminosities already sampled on a wavelength grid", True)
definition.add_flag("only_skirt", "only SKIRT", False)
definition.add_flag("only_pts", "only PTS", False)
definition.add_flag("only_sampled", "only sampled", False)
Esempio n. 45
File: Progetto: SKIRT/PTS
# *****************************************************************

## \package Mount a remote configured in PTS into a local directory.

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Ensure Python 3 compatibility
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

# Import the relevant PTS classes and modules
from pts.core.basics.configuration import ConfigurationDefinition, parse_arguments
from pts.core.remote.mounter import mount_and_open
from import all_host_ids

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create the configuration definition
definition = ConfigurationDefinition()
definition.add_required("remote", "string", "remote host to mount", choices=all_host_ids())
definition.add_positional_optional("path", "directory_path", "path of directory in which to create the mount point")

# Read the command line arguments
config = parse_arguments("mount", definition, description="Mount a remote configured in PTS into the local filesystem")

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Mount and open
mount_and_open(config.remote, path=config.path)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
Esempio n. 46
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
# *****************************************************************
# **       PTS -- Python Toolkit for working with SKIRT          **
# **       © Astronomical Observatory, Ghent University          **
# *****************************************************************

# Import the relevant PTS classes and modules
from pts.core.basics.configuration import ConfigurationDefinition

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create configuration definition
definition = ConfigurationDefinition()

# Add optional
definition.add_positional_optional("host_id", "string", "update on a remote system")

# Add flags
definition.add_flag("dependencies", "also update the dependencies", False)

# Add flag
#definition.add_flag("all_remotes", "update on all remote hosts")

definition.add_flag("conda", "update conda", False)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
Esempio n. 47
from import find_host_ids
from import introspection
from import filesystem as fs
from pts.core.simulation.simulation import RemoteSimulation
from pts.core.remote.remote import Remote
from pts.core.basics.log import log

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create the configuration definition
definition = ConfigurationDefinition()

# Add settings
    "the IDs of the remote hosts for which to clear the simulations",
definition.add_positional_optional("ids", "integer_list",
                                   "the IDs of the simulations to clear")
    "fully clear the simulations, also remove remote simulation directories")

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Parse the arguments into a configuration
config = parse_arguments(
    description="Clear PTS tasks for a certain remote host")
Esempio n. 48
File: Progetto: SKIRT/PTS
# Import the relevant PTS classes and modules
from pts.core.basics.configuration import ConfigurationDefinition, parse_arguments
from import all_regimes, regimes_in_range, wavelength_range_for_regime
from import physical_regimes, physical_ranges, physical_regimes_in_range
from import formatting as fmt
from pts.core.filter.broad import get_filters as get_broad_band_filters
from import tostr, stringify_list_fancy

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create the definition
definition = ConfigurationDefinition()

# Wavelength range
definition.add_positional_optional("wavelength_range", "quantity_range", "wavelength range")

# Flags
definition.add_flag("filters", "show filters in regimes", False)
definition.add_flag("physical", "use physical regimes (star formation, stellar emission, aromatic features, dust thermal emission, microwave)", False)

# Parse the command line arguments
config = parse_arguments("regimes", definition)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Physical
if config.physical:

    # Get the list of regimes
    if config.wavelength_range is not None: regimes = physical_regimes_in_range(config.wavelength_range)
Esempio n. 49
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

# Import the relevant PTS classes and modules
from pts.core.basics.configuration import ConfigurationDefinition, parse_arguments
from import all_host_ids
from pts.core.simulation.remote import get_simulation_for_host
from pts.core.launch.analyser import reanalyse_simulation, all_steps
from pts.core.basics.log import log

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create the configuration definition
definition = ConfigurationDefinition()
definition.add_required("remote", "string", "remote host to mount", choices=all_host_ids())
definition.add_required("ids", "integer_list", "simulation IDs")
definition.add_positional_optional("steps", "string_list", "re-analyse only certain steps", choices=all_steps, default=all_steps)
definition.add_positional_optional("features", "string_list", "re-analyse only certain features (if a single step is defined)")
definition.add_optional("not_steps", "string_list", "don't analyse these steps", choices=all_steps)
definition.add_optional("not_features", "string_list", "don't analyse these features (if a single not_step is defined)")

# Read the command line arguments
config = parse_arguments("reanalyse", definition, description="Re-analyse a certain simulation")

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Loop over the simulations
for simulation_id in config.ids:

    # Load the simulation
    simulation = get_simulation_for_host(config.remote,
Esempio n. 50
File: Progetto: SKIRT/PTS
# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
# *****************************************************************
# **       PTS -- Python Toolkit for working with SKIRT          **
# **       © Astronomical Observatory, Ghent University          **
# *****************************************************************

# Import the relevant PTS classes and modules
from pts.core.basics.configuration import ConfigurationDefinition

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create configuration definition
definition = ConfigurationDefinition()

# Commands to be run
definition.add_positional_optional("commands", "string_list", "commands to be run in interactive mode")

# Interactive mode
definition.add_flag("interactive", "use interactive mode", True)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Caching
definition.add_optional("cache_volume", "string", "name of the volume to be used for caching")

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Set plotting backend
definition.add_optional("mpl_backend", "string", "set the matplotlib backend")

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
Esempio n. 51
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
# *****************************************************************
# **       PTS -- Python Toolkit for working with SKIRT          **
# **       © Astronomical Observatory, Ghent University          **
# *****************************************************************

# Import the relevant PTS classes and modules
from pts.core.basics.configuration import ConfigurationDefinition
from import find_host_ids

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create configuration definition
definition = ConfigurationDefinition()

# Add optional
definition.add_positional_optional("ski", "file_path", "ski file to be used (if not specified, all ski files in the current directory will be used)")

# Add flag
definition.add_flag("recursive", "look for ski files recursively")

# Add optional
definition.add_optional("remote", "string", "the remote host (no schedulers) on which to launch the simulations", choices=find_host_ids(schedulers=False))

# Add optional
definition.add_optional("nprocesses", "integer", "number of processes to use", 1)
definition.add_flag("data_parallel", "use data parallelization mode")

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
Esempio n. 52
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
# *****************************************************************
# **       PTS -- Python Toolkit for working with SKIRT          **
# **       © Astronomical Observatory, Ghent University          **
# *****************************************************************

# Import the relevant PTS classes and modules
from pts.core.basics.configuration import ConfigurationDefinition
from import instruments

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Configuration
definition = ConfigurationDefinition()

# Galaxy name
definition.add_required("galaxy_name", "string", "the name of the galaxy")

# Database
definition.add_section("database", "DustPedia database credentials")
definition.add_optional("username", "string", "username")
definition.add_optional("password", "string", "password")

# Other options
definition.add_positional_optional("instruments", "string_list", "instruments for which to download the images", choices=instruments, default=instruments)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
Esempio n. 53
# Import the relevant PTS classes and modules
from pts.core.basics.configuration import ConfigurationDefinition, parse_arguments
from import introspection
from pts.core.prep.update import PTSUpdater

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Configuration definition
definition = ConfigurationDefinition()

# Required parameters
definition.add_required("message", "string", "the commit message")

# Optional parameters
                                   "the remote(s) to commit to",
definition.add_optional("remote", "string",
                        "the remote on which to pull the changes")

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Get the configuration
config = parse_arguments(
    "Add all, commit and push to remote repositories, and pull again on remote systems"

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
Esempio n. 54
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
# *****************************************************************
# **       PTS -- Python Toolkit for working with SKIRT          **
# **       © Astronomical Observatory, Ghent University          **
# *****************************************************************

# Import the relevant PTS classes and modules
from pts.core.basics.configuration import ConfigurationDefinition
from pts.modeling.plotting.photometry import PhotometryPlotter

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create the configuration
definition = ConfigurationDefinition(log_path="log", config_path="config")

# Add settings
                                   "features to be plotted",

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
Esempio n. 55
# *****************************************************************
# **       PTS -- Python Toolkit for working with SKIRT          **
# **       © Astronomical Observatory, Ghent University          **
# *****************************************************************

# Import the relevant PTS classes and modules
from pts.core.basics.configuration import ConfigurationDefinition
from import find_host_ids

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create the configuration definition
definition = ConfigurationDefinition()

# Add required
definition.add_positional_optional("remote", "string", "name of the remote host", choices=find_host_ids())
definition.add_positional_optional("matching", "string", "only adapt settings with a name matching this string", suggestions=["remote"])
definition.add_positional_optional("ids", "integer_list", "simulation IDs")
definition.add_optional("names", "string_list", "simulation names")
definition.add_flag("from_directories", "use directory names as simulation names")

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Select certain properties
definition.add_optional("contains", "string", "only adapt properties containing this string in their name")
definition.add_optional("not_contains", "string", "don't adapt properties containing this string in their name")
definition.add_optional("exact_name", "string", "only adapt properties with this exact string as their name")
definition.add_optional("exact_not_name", "string", "don't adapt properties with this exact string as their name")
definition.add_optional("startswith", "string", "only adapt properties whose name starts with this string")
definition.add_optional("endswith", "string", "only adapt properties whose name starts with this string")
Esempio n. 56
# Ensure Python 3 compatibility
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

# Import the relevant PTS classes and modules
from pts.core.prep.uninstaller import Uninstaller
from import find_host_ids
from pts.core.basics.log import log
from pts.core.remote.remote import Remote
from pts.core.basics.configuration import ConfigurationDefinition, parse_arguments

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create definition
definition = ConfigurationDefinition()
definition.add_positional_optional("skirt_and_or_pts", "string_list", "SKIRT and/or PTS", default=["skirt", "pts"], choices=["skirt", "pts"])

# Add flags
definition.add_flag("conda", "also remove conda installation")
definition.add_flag("qt", "also remove Qt installation")
definition.add_flag("one_attempt", "only perform one attempt at connecting to a remote")

# Get the config
config = parse_arguments("deinstall_all", definition)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Loop over the remote hosts
for host_id in find_host_ids():

    # Setup
Esempio n. 57
# *****************************************************************
# **       PTS -- Python Toolkit for working with SKIRT          **
# **       © Astronomical Observatory, Ghent University          **
# *****************************************************************

# Import the relevant PTS classes and modules
from pts.core.basics.configuration import ConfigurationDefinition
from import find_host_ids

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create the configuration definition
definition = ConfigurationDefinition()

# Add required
definition.add_positional_optional("remote", "string", "name of the remote host", choices=find_host_ids())
definition.add_positional_optional("matching", "string", "only adapt settings with a name matching this string")
definition.add_positional_optional("ids", "integer_list", "simulation IDs (if none specified, all simulation IDs will be used)")
definition.add_optional("names", "string_list", "simulation names")
definition.add_flag("from_directories", "use directory names as simulation names")

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Select certain properties
definition.add_optional("contains", "string", "only adapt properties containing this string in their name")
definition.add_optional("not_contains", "string", "don't adapt properties containing this string in their name")
definition.add_optional("exact_name", "string", "only adapt properties with this exact string as their name")
definition.add_optional("exact_not_name", "string", "don't adapt properties with this exact string as their name")
definition.add_optional("startswith", "string", "only adapt properties whose name starts with this string")
definition.add_optional("endswith", "string", "only adapt properties whose name starts with this string")
Esempio n. 58
# **       © Astronomical Observatory, Ghent University          **
# *****************************************************************

# Import the relevant PTS classes and modules
from pts.core.basics.configuration import ConfigurationDefinition
from pts.core.test.pts import subprojects_with_tests

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create configuration definition
definition = ConfigurationDefinition()

# Add optional
                                   "update on a remote system",
    "tests", "string_list",
    "test(s) to perform (when one subproject is specified)")

# Flags
definition.add_flag("check_imports", "check import statements", True)
definition.add_flag("check_commands", "check commands", True)
definition.add_flag("check_configurations", "check configurations", True)
definition.add_flag("check_packages", "check package definitions", True)
                    "only performs checks, no actual test cases", False)
                    "only perform the test cases, not internal checks", False)