Esempio n. 1
    def test_matrixexpressions(self):
        with open(os.path.join(TEST_DIR, ''), 'r') as f:
            txt =
        ast_tree = parser.parse(txt)
        casadi_model = gen_casadi.generate(ast_tree, 'MatrixExpressions')
        ref_model = Model()

        A = ca.MX.sym("A", 3, 3)
        b = ca.MX.sym("b", 3)
        c = ca.MX.sym("c", 3)
        d = ca.MX.sym("d", 3)
        C = ca.MX.sym("C", 2, 3)
        D = ca.MX.sym("D", 3, 2)
        E = ca.MX.sym("E", 2, 3)
        I = ca.MX.sym("I", 5, 5)
        F = ca.MX.sym("F", 3, 3)

        ref_model.alg_states = list(map(Variable, [A, b, c, d]))
        ref_model.constants = list(map(Variable, [C, D, E, I, F]))
        constant_values = [
            1.7 * ca.DM.ones(2, 3),
            ca.DM.zeros(3, 2),
            ca.DM.ones(2, 3),
            ca.DM.triplet([0, 1, 2], [0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 3], 3, 3)
        for const, val in zip(ref_model.constants, constant_values):
            const.value = val
        ref_model.equations = [
            ca.mtimes(A, b) - c,
            ca.mtimes(A.T, b) - d, F[1, 2]

        self.assert_model_equivalent_numeric(ref_model, casadi_model)
Esempio n. 2
    def test_simplify_all(self):
        # Create model, cache it, and load the cache
        compiler_options = \
            {'expand_vectors': True,
             'replace_constant_values': True,
             'replace_constant_expressions': True,
             'replace_parameter_values': True,
             'replace_parameter_expressions': True,
             'eliminate_constant_assignments': True,
             'detect_aliases': True,
             'eliminable_variable_expression': r'_\w+',
             'reduce_affine_expression': True}

        casadi_model = transfer_model(TEST_DIR, 'Simplify', compiler_options)

        ref_model = Model()

        p3 = ca.MX.sym('p3')
        x = ca.MX.sym('x')
        der_x = ca.MX.sym('der(x)')
        y = ca.MX.sym('y')

        ref_model.states = list(map(Variable, [x]))
        ref_model.states[0].min = 1
        ref_model.states[0].max = 2
        ref_model.states[0].nominal = 10
        ref_model.der_states = list(map(Variable, [der_x]))
        ref_model.alg_states = list(map(Variable, [y]))
        ref_model.inputs = list(map(Variable, []))
        ref_model.outputs = list(map(Variable, []))
        ref_model.constants = list(map(Variable, []))
        constant_values = []
        for _cst, v in zip(ref_model.constants, constant_values):
            _cst.value = v
        ref_model.parameters = list(map(Variable, [p3]))
        parameter_values = [np.nan]
        for par, v in zip(ref_model.parameters, parameter_values):
            par.value = v

        A = ca.MX(2, 3)
        A[0, 0] = -1.0
        A[0, 1] = 1.0
        A[1, 0] = -1.1
        A[1, 2] = 1.0
        b = ca.MX(2, 1)
        b[0] = -6 - 3 * p3
        b[1] = -7
        x = ca.vertcat(x, der_x, y)
        ref_model.equations = [ca.mtimes(A, x) + b]

        # Compare
        self.assert_model_equivalent_numeric(casadi_model, ref_model)
Esempio n. 3
    def test_attributes(self):
        with open(os.path.join(TEST_DIR, ''), 'r') as f:
            txt =
        ast_tree = parser.parse(txt)
        casadi_model = gen_casadi.generate(ast_tree, 'Attributes')
        ref_model = Model()

        nested_p1 = ca.MX.sym('nested.p1')
        nested_p = ca.MX.sym('nested.p')
        nested_s = ca.MX.sym('nested.s')
        i = ca.MX.sym("int")
        b = ca.MX.sym("bool")
        r = ca.MX.sym("real")
        der_r = ca.MX.sym("der(real)")
        test_state = ca.MX.sym("test_state")
        i1 = ca.MX.sym("i1")
        i2 = ca.MX.sym("i2")
        i3 = ca.MX.sym("i3")
        i4 = ca.MX.sym("i4")
        cst = ca.MX.sym("cst")
        prm = ca.MX.sym("prm")
        protected_variable = ca.MX.sym("protected_variable")

        ref_model.states = list(map(Variable, [r]))
        ref_model.states[0].start = 20
        ref_model.der_states = list(map(Variable, [der_r]))
        ref_model.alg_states = list(
                [nested_s, i, b, i4, test_state, protected_variable]))
        ref_model.alg_states[1].min = -5
        ref_model.alg_states[1].max = 10
        ref_model.inputs = list(map(Variable, [i1, i2, i3]))
        ref_model.inputs[0].fixed = True
        ref_model.outputs = list(map(Variable, [i4, protected_variable]))
        ref_model.constants = list(map(Variable, [cst]))
        constant_values = [1]
        for c, v in zip(ref_model.constants, constant_values):
            c.value = v
        ref_model.parameters = list(map(Variable, [nested_p1, nested_p, prm]))
        parameter_values = [1, 2 * nested_p1, 2]
        for c, v in zip(ref_model.parameters, parameter_values):
            c.value = v
        ref_model.equations = [
            i4 - ((i1 + i2) + i3),
            der_r - (i1 + ca.if_else(b, 1, 0, True) * i),
            protected_variable - (i1 + i2), nested_s - 3 * nested_p,
            test_state - r

        self.assert_model_equivalent_numeric(ref_model, casadi_model)
Esempio n. 4
    def test_arrayexpressions(self):
        with open(os.path.join(TEST_DIR, ''), 'r') as f:
            txt =
        ast_tree = parser.parse(txt)
        casadi_model = gen_casadi.generate(ast_tree, 'ArrayExpressions')
        ref_model = Model()

        a = ca.MX.sym("a", 3)
        b = ca.MX.sym("b", 4)
        c = ca.MX.sym("c", 3)
        d = ca.MX.sym("d", 3)
        e = ca.MX.sym("e", 3)
        g = ca.MX.sym("g", 1)
        h = ca.MX.sym("h", 1)
        i = ca.MX.sym('i', 2, 3)
        B = ca.MX.sym("B", 3)
        C = ca.MX.sym("C", 2)
        D = ca.MX.sym("D", 3)
        E = ca.MX.sym("E", 2)
        arx = ca.MX.sym("ar.x", 3)
        arcy = ca.MX.sym("arc.y", 2)
        arcw = ca.MX.sym("arc.w", 2)
        nested1z = ca.MX.sym('nested1.z', 3)
        nested2z = ca.MX.sym('nested2.z', 2, 3)
        nested1n = ca.MX.sym('nested1.n', 1)
        nested2n = ca.MX.sym('nested2.n', 2)

        scalar_f = ca.MX.sym("scalar_f")
        c_dim = ca.MX.sym("c_dim")
        d_dim = ca.MX.sym("d_dim")

        ref_model.alg_states = list(map(Variable, [arx, arcy, arcw, nested1z, nested2z, a, c, d, e, scalar_f, g, h, i]))
        ref_model.alg_states[6].min = [0, 0, 0]
        ref_model.parameters = list(map(Variable, [nested2n, nested1n, d_dim]))
        parameter_values = [np.array([3, 3]), 3, 3]
        for const, val in zip(ref_model.parameters, parameter_values):
            const.value = val
        ref_model.outputs = list(map(Variable, [h]))
        ref_model.constants = list(map(Variable, [b, c_dim, B, C, D, E]))
        constant_values = [np.array([2.7, 3.7, 4.7, 5.7]), 2, ca.linspace(1., 2., 3), 1.7 * ca.DM.ones(2),
                                     ca.DM.zeros(3), ca.DM.ones(2)]
        for const, val in zip(ref_model.constants, constant_values):
            const.value = val
        ref_model.equations = [c - (a + b[0:3] * e), d - (ca.sin(a / b[1:4])), e - (d + scalar_f), g - ca.sum1(c),
                               h - B[1], arx[1] - scalar_f, nested1z - ca.DM.ones(3), nested2z[0, :].T - np.array([4, 5, 6]),
                               nested2z[1, 0] - 3, nested2z[1, 1] - 2, nested2z[1, 2] - 1, i[0, :] - ca.transpose(ca.DM.ones(3)), i[1, :] - ca.transpose(ca.DM.ones(3)), arcy[0] - arcy[1],
                               arcw[0] + arcw[1], a - np.array([1, 2, 3]), scalar_f - 1.3]

        self.assert_model_equivalent_numeric(ref_model, casadi_model)
Esempio n. 5
    def test_simplify_eliminate_constant_assignments(self):
        # Create model, cache it, and load the cache
        compiler_options = \
            {'eliminate_constant_assignments': True}

        casadi_model = transfer_model(TEST_DIR, 'Simplify', compiler_options)

        ref_model = Model()

        c = ca.MX.sym('c')
        p1 = ca.MX.sym('p1')
        p2 = ca.MX.sym('p2')
        p3 = ca.MX.sym('p3')
        p4 = ca.MX.sym('p4')
        x = ca.MX.sym('x')
        der_x = ca.MX.sym('der(x)')
        alias = ca.MX.sym('alias')
        y = ca.MX.sym('y')
        _tmp = ca.MX.sym('_tmp')
        cst = ca.MX.sym('cst')

        ref_model.states = list(map(Variable, [x]))
        ref_model.states[0].min = 0
        ref_model.states[0].max = 3
        ref_model.states[0].nominal = 10
        ref_model.der_states = list(map(Variable, [der_x]))
        ref_model.alg_states = list(map(Variable, [alias, y, _tmp]))
        ref_model.alg_states[0].min = 1
        ref_model.alg_states[0].max = 2
        ref_model.alg_states[0].nominal = 1
        ref_model.inputs = list(map(Variable, []))
        ref_model.outputs = list(map(Variable, []))
        ref_model.constants = list(map(Variable, [c, cst]))
        constant_values = [3, 4]
        for _cst, v in zip(ref_model.constants, constant_values):
            _cst.value = v
        ref_model.parameters = list(map(Variable, [p1, p2, p3, p4]))
        parameter_values = [2.0, 2 * p1, np.nan, 2 * p3]
        for par, v in zip(ref_model.parameters, parameter_values):
            par.value = v
        ref_model.equations = [
            der_x - x - p1 - p2 - p3 - p4, alias - x, y - x - c - _tmp - cst,
            _tmp - 0.1 * x

        # Compare
        self.assert_model_equivalent_numeric(casadi_model, ref_model)
Esempio n. 6
    def test_simplify_replace_parameter_values_and_expressions(self):
        # Create model, cache it, and load the cache
        compiler_options = \
            {'replace_parameter_values': True,
             'replace_parameter_expressions': True}

        casadi_model = transfer_model(TEST_DIR, 'Simplify', compiler_options)

        ref_model = Model()

        c = ca.MX.sym('c')
        p3 = ca.MX.sym('p3')
        x = ca.MX.sym('x')
        der_x = ca.MX.sym('der(x)')
        alias = ca.MX.sym('alias')
        y = ca.MX.sym('y')
        _tmp = ca.MX.sym('_tmp')
        cst = ca.MX.sym('cst')

        ref_model.states = list(map(Variable, [x]))
        ref_model.states[0].min = 0
        ref_model.states[0].max = 3
        ref_model.states[0].nominal = 10
        ref_model.der_states = list(map(Variable, [der_x]))
        ref_model.alg_states = list(map(Variable, [alias, y, _tmp, cst]))
        ref_model.alg_states[0].min = 1
        ref_model.alg_states[0].max = 2
        ref_model.alg_states[0].nominal = 1
        ref_model.inputs = list(map(Variable, []))
        ref_model.outputs = list(map(Variable, []))
        ref_model.constants = list(map(Variable, [c]))
        constant_values = [3]
        for _cst, v in zip(ref_model.constants, constant_values):
            _cst.value = v
        ref_model.parameters = list(map(Variable, [p3]))
        parameter_values = [np.nan]
        for par, v in zip(ref_model.parameters, parameter_values):
            par.value = v
        ref_model.equations = [
            der_x - x - 6 - 3 * p3, alias - x, y - x - c - _tmp - cst,
            _tmp - 0.1 * x, cst - 4

        # Compare
        self.assert_model_equivalent_numeric(casadi_model, ref_model)
Esempio n. 7
    def test_simplify_reduce_affine_expression(self):
        # Create model, cache it, and load the cache
        compiler_options = \
            {'reduce_affine_expression': True}

        casadi_model = transfer_model(TEST_DIR, 'Simplify', compiler_options)

        ref_model = Model()

        c = ca.MX.sym('c')
        p1 = ca.MX.sym('p1')
        p2 = ca.MX.sym('p2')
        p3 = ca.MX.sym('p3')
        p4 = ca.MX.sym('p4')
        x = ca.MX.sym('x')
        der_x = ca.MX.sym('der(x)')
        alias = ca.MX.sym('alias')
        y = ca.MX.sym('y')
        _tmp = ca.MX.sym('_tmp')
        cst = ca.MX.sym('cst')

        ref_model.states = list(map(Variable, [x]))
        ref_model.states[0].min = 0
        ref_model.states[0].max = 3
        ref_model.states[0].nominal = 10
        ref_model.der_states = list(map(Variable, [der_x]))
        ref_model.alg_states = list(map(Variable, [alias, y, _tmp, cst]))
        ref_model.alg_states[0].min = 1
        ref_model.alg_states[0].max = 2
        ref_model.alg_states[0].nominal = 1
        ref_model.inputs = list(map(Variable, []))
        ref_model.outputs = list(map(Variable, []))
        ref_model.constants = list(map(Variable, [c]))
        constant_values = [3]
        for _cst, v in zip(ref_model.constants, constant_values):
            _cst.value = v
        ref_model.parameters = list(map(Variable, [p1, p2, p3, p4]))
        parameter_values = [2.0, 2 * p1, np.nan, 2 * p3]
        for par, v in zip(ref_model.parameters, parameter_values):
            par.value = v

        A = ca.MX(5, 6)
        A[0, 0] = -1.0
        A[0, 1] = 1.0
        A[1, 2] = 1.0
        A[1, 0] = -1.0
        A[2, 0] = -1.0
        A[2, 3] = 1.0
        A[2, 4] = -1.0
        A[2, 5] = -1.0
        A[3, 0] = -0.1
        A[3, 4] = 1.0
        A[4, 5] = 1.0
        b = ca.MX(5, 1)
        b[0] = -p1 - p2 - p3 - p4
        b[2] = -c
        b[4] = -4
        x = ca.vertcat(x, der_x, alias, y, _tmp, cst)
        ref_model.equations = [ca.mtimes(A, x) + b]

        # Compare
        self.assert_model_equivalent_numeric(casadi_model, ref_model)