def simulate(self): """ Start a simulation. """ self.system = System(self.gui_domain()) for tab in range(self.gui_group.count()): module = self.gui_group.widget(tab) self.system.add(module()) # Set minimum and maximum to zero, progress bar shows a busy indicator: progress = QtGui.QProgressDialog( "Running simulation...", "OK", 0, 0, self) progress.setWindowTitle("Simulation progress") progress.setWindowModality(QtCore.Qt.WindowModal) progress.setAutoReset(False) progress.setAutoClose(False) # Change to busy cursor to indicate waiting: QtGui.QApplication.setOverrideCursor( QtGui.QCursor(QtCore.Qt.WaitCursor)) QtGui.qApp.processEvents() time.sleep(0.5) # Set progress bar to maximum (deactivates busy indicator): progress.setMaximum(100) progress.setValue(0) progress.setValue(100) progress.setLabelText("Simulation complete.") QtGui.QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor()
class GuiSystem(QtGui.QMainWindow): """ Wrapper for pyofss.system. """ def __init__(self): super(GuiSystem, self).__init__() self.setWindowTitle("Pyofss-gui") self.gui_domain = GuiDomain() self.gui_group = GuiGroup() self.setCentralWidget(self.gui_group) self.init_menubar_and_toolbar() self.init_module_toolbar() self.statusBar() self.system = None # Path of file to save simulation parameters: self.output_file = None def init_menubar_and_toolbar(self): """ Generate actions and use to initialise a menubar and toolbar. """ file_new_action = self.make_action( "&New", shortcut="Ctrl+N", icon="document-new", tip="Create a new parameter file", slot=self.new_file) file_open_action = self.make_action( "&Open", shortcut="Ctrl+O", icon="document-open", tip="Open a parameter file", slot=self.open_file) file_save_action = self.make_action( "&Save", shortcut="Ctrl+S", icon="document-save", tip="Save system to parameter file", slot=self.save_file) file_save_as_action = self.make_action( "Save &As", icon="document-save-as", tip="Select file name for save", slot=self.save_file_as) file_quit_action = self.make_action( "&Quit", shortcut="Ctrl+Q", icon="application-exit", tip="Quit the program", slot=self.quit_program) tools_domain_action = self.make_action( "&Domain", icon="document-properties", tip="Configure domain settings", slot=self.configure_domain) tools_simulate_action = self.make_action( "&Simulate", icon="system-run", tip="Start simulation", slot=self.simulate) tools_plot_action = self.make_action( "&Plot", icon="document-page-setup", tip="Generate plots", slot=self.plot) help_about_action = self.make_action( "&About", icon="help-about", tip="About this program...", slot=self.about) menubar = self.menuBar() file_menu = menubar.addMenu("&File") tools_menu = menubar.addMenu("&Tools") help_menu = menubar.addMenu("&Help") self.add_actions( file_menu, [file_new_action, file_open_action, file_save_action, file_save_as_action, None, file_quit_action]) self.add_actions( tools_menu, [tools_domain_action, tools_simulate_action, tools_plot_action]) help_menu.addAction(help_about_action) toolbar = QtGui.QToolBar() toolbar.setToolButtonStyle(QtCore.Qt.ToolButtonTextUnderIcon) self.add_actions( toolbar, [file_new_action, file_open_action, file_save_action, None, tools_domain_action, tools_simulate_action, tools_plot_action, None, file_quit_action]) self.addToolBar(toolbar) def init_module_toolbar(self): """ Generate toolbar with buttons representing optical modules. """ module_toolbar = QtGui.QToolBar() gaussian_action = self.make_action( "Gaussian", slot=functools.partial(self.gui_group.add_module, "Gaussian")) sech_action = self.make_action( "Sech", slot=functools.partial(self.gui_group.add_module, "Sech")) fibre_action = self.make_action( "Fibre", slot=functools.partial(self.gui_group.add_module, "Fibre")) self.add_actions( module_toolbar, [gaussian_action, sech_action, fibre_action]) self.addToolBar(QtCore.Qt.LeftToolBarArea, module_toolbar) def make_action(self, text, shortcut=None, icon=None, tip=None, slot=None, signal="triggered()"): """ Helper function to make actions for menu and toolbar. """ action = QtGui.QAction(text, self) if shortcut is not None: action.setShortcut(shortcut) if icon is not None: action.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon.fromTheme(icon)) if tip is not None: action.setToolTip(tip) action.setStatusTip(tip) if slot is not None: self.connect(action, QtCore.SIGNAL(signal), slot) return action @staticmethod def add_actions(target, actions): """ Helper function to add a list of actions to target. """ for action in actions: if action is None: target.addSeparator() else: target.addAction(action) def new_file(self): """ Create a new simulation. """ self.gui_domain = GuiDomain() self.gui_group.clear() self.output_file = None def open_file(self): """ Open an existing simulation. """ # Clear existing domain, modules, and output file: self.new_file() filename = QtGui.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName( self, "Open simulation parameters file", "pyofss_simulation.txt", "*.txt") if filename: with open(filename) as infile: self.gui_domain.set_data(pickle.load(infile)) # Use remaining file data to add modules: while True: try: data = pickle.load(infile) self.gui_group.add_module(data["id"], data) except EOFError: break print "Opened simulation parameters from %s" % filename def save_file(self): """ Save current simulation. """ # Make sure the output file path has been set: if self.output_file is None: self.save_file_as() # Save data for gui_domain and each module in the module browser: with open(self.output_file, 'wb') as outfile: pickle.dump(self.gui_domain.get_data(), outfile) for tab in range(self.gui_group.count()): module = self.gui_group.widget(tab) pickle.dump(module.get_data(), outfile) print "Saved simulation parameters to %s" % self.output_file def save_file_as(self): """ Set location for saving current simulation. """ filename = QtGui.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName( self, "Enter filename for saving simulation:", "pyofss_simulation.txt", "*.txt") # Does not evaluate to True if "Cancel" was clicked: if filename: self.output_file = filename @staticmethod def quit_program(): """ Exit pyofss-gui. """ QtGui.qApp.quit() def configure_domain(self): """ Configure domain settings for the simulation. """ self.gui_domain.exec_() def simulate(self): """ Start a simulation. """ self.system = System(self.gui_domain()) for tab in range(self.gui_group.count()): module = self.gui_group.widget(tab) self.system.add(module()) # Set minimum and maximum to zero, progress bar shows a busy indicator: progress = QtGui.QProgressDialog( "Running simulation...", "OK", 0, 0, self) progress.setWindowTitle("Simulation progress") progress.setWindowModality(QtCore.Qt.WindowModal) progress.setAutoReset(False) progress.setAutoClose(False) # Change to busy cursor to indicate waiting: QtGui.QApplication.setOverrideCursor( QtGui.QCursor(QtCore.Qt.WaitCursor)) QtGui.qApp.processEvents() time.sleep(0.5) # Set progress bar to maximum (deactivates busy indicator): progress.setMaximum(100) progress.setValue(0) progress.setValue(100) progress.setLabelText("Simulation complete.") QtGui.QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() def plot(self): """ Open a plotting dialog. """ gui_plotter = GuiPlotter(self.system) gui_plotter.exec_() def about(self): """ Open an about dialog. """ QtGui.QMessageBox.about( self, "About pyofss-gui", "Pyofss-gui is a graphical front-end for pyofss, " "the python-based optical fibre system simulator.")