Esempio n. 1
def main():
    model = create_model()
    nlp = PyomoNLP(model)

    # initial guesses
    x = nlp.init_primals()
    lam = nlp.init_duals()


    # NLP function evaluations
    f = nlp.evaluate_objective()
    print("Objective Function\n", f)
    df = nlp.evaluate_grad_objective()
    print("Gradient of Objective Function:\n", df)
    c = nlp.evaluate_constraints()
    print("Constraint Values:\n", c)
    c_eq = nlp.evaluate_eq_constraints()
    print("Equality Constraint Values:\n", c_eq)
    c_ineq = nlp.evaluate_ineq_constraints()
    print("Inequality Constraint Values:\n", c_ineq)
    jac = nlp.evaluate_jacobian()
    print("Jacobian of Constraints:\n", jac.toarray())
    jac_eq = nlp.evaluate_jacobian_eq()
    print("Jacobian of Equality Constraints:\n", jac_eq.toarray())
    jac_ineq = nlp.evaluate_jacobian_ineq()
    print("Jacobian of Inequality Constraints:\n", jac_ineq.toarray())
    hess_lag = nlp.evaluate_hessian_lag()
    print("Hessian of Lagrangian\n", hess_lag.toarray())
Esempio n. 2
res_xu = compressed_xu - Cx_xu * x0
print("Residuals lower bounds x-xl:", res_xl)
print("Residuals upper bounds xu-x:", res_xu)

# set the value of the primals (we can skip the duals)
# here we set them to the initial values, but we could
# set them to anything

# evaluate residual of equality constraints
res_eq = nlp.evaluate_eq_constraints()
print("Residuals of equality constraints:", res_eq)

# evaluate residual of inequality constraints
res_ineq = nlp.evaluate_ineq_constraints()

# demonstrate the use of compression from full set of
# lower and upper bounds on the inequality constraints
# to only the finite values using masks
ineqlb_mask = build_bounds_mask(nlp.ineq_lb())
inequb_mask = build_bounds_mask(nlp.ineq_ub())
# get the compressed vector
compressed_ineq_lb = full_to_compressed(nlp.ineq_lb(), ineqlb_mask)
compressed_ineq_ub = full_to_compressed(nlp.ineq_ub(), inequb_mask)
# we can also build compression matrices
Cineq_ineqlb = build_compression_matrix(ineqlb_mask)
Cineq_inequb = build_compression_matrix(inequb_mask)

# lower and upper inequalities residual
res_ineq_lb = Cineq_ineqlb * res_ineq - compressed_ineq_lb
Esempio n. 3
def main():
    model = create_basic_model()
    solver = pyo.SolverFactory('ipopt')
    solver.solve(model, tee=True)

    # build nlp initialized at the solution
    nlp = PyomoNLP(model)

    # get initial point
    x0 = nlp.get_primals()

    # vectors of lower and upper bounds
    xl = nlp.primals_lb()
    xu = nlp.primals_ub()

    # demonstrate use of compression from full set of bounds
    # to only finite bounds using masks
    xlb_mask = build_bounds_mask(xl)
    xub_mask = build_bounds_mask(xu)
    # get the compressed vector
    compressed_xl = full_to_compressed(xl, xlb_mask)
    compressed_xu = full_to_compressed(xu, xub_mask)
    # we can also build compression matrices
    Cx_xl = build_compression_matrix(xlb_mask)
    Cx_xu = build_compression_matrix(xub_mask)

    # lower and upper bounds residual
    res_xl = Cx_xl * x0 - compressed_xl
    res_xu = compressed_xu - Cx_xu * x0
    print("Residuals lower bounds x-xl:", res_xl)
    print("Residuals upper bounds xu-x:", res_xu)

    # set the value of the primals (we can skip the duals)
    # here we set them to the initial values, but we could
    # set them to anything

    # evaluate residual of equality constraints
    res_eq = nlp.evaluate_eq_constraints()
    print("Residuals of equality constraints:", res_eq)

    # evaluate residual of inequality constraints
    res_ineq = nlp.evaluate_ineq_constraints()

    # demonstrate the use of compression from full set of
    # lower and upper bounds on the inequality constraints
    # to only the finite values using masks
    ineqlb_mask = build_bounds_mask(nlp.ineq_lb())
    inequb_mask = build_bounds_mask(nlp.ineq_ub())
    # get the compressed vector
    compressed_ineq_lb = full_to_compressed(nlp.ineq_lb(), ineqlb_mask)
    compressed_ineq_ub = full_to_compressed(nlp.ineq_ub(), inequb_mask)
    # we can also build compression matrices
    Cineq_ineqlb = build_compression_matrix(ineqlb_mask)
    Cineq_inequb = build_compression_matrix(inequb_mask)

    # lower and upper inequalities residual
    res_ineq_lb = Cineq_ineqlb * res_ineq - compressed_ineq_lb
    res_ineq_ub = compressed_ineq_ub - Cineq_inequb * res_ineq
    print("Residuals of inequality constraints lower bounds:", res_ineq_lb)
    print("Residuals of inequality constraints upper bounds:", res_ineq_ub)

    feasible = False
    if np.all(res_xl >= 0) and np.all(res_xu >= 0) \
        and np.all(res_ineq_lb >= 0) and np.all(res_ineq_ub >= 0) and \
        np.allclose(res_eq, np.zeros(nlp.n_eq_constraints()), atol=1e-5):
        feasible = True

    print("Is x0 feasible:", feasible)

    return feasible