Esempio n. 1
 def ao2mo(self, mo_coeffs, compact=True):
     if isinstance(mo_coeffs, numpy.ndarray) and mo_coeffs.ndim == 2:
         mo_coeffs = (mo_coeffs, ) * 4
     ijmosym, nij_pair, moij, ijslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[0],
                                                  mo_coeffs[1], compact)
     klmosym, nkl_pair, mokl, klslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[2],
                                                  mo_coeffs[3], compact)
     mo_eri = numpy.zeros((nij_pair, nkl_pair))
     sym = (iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[2])
            and iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[1], mo_coeffs[3]))
     Lij = Lkl = None
     for eri1 in self.loop():
         Lij = _ao2mo.nr_e2(eri1,
         if sym:
             Lkl = Lij
             Lkl = _ao2mo.nr_e2(eri1,
                                out=Lkl), Lkl, 1, mo_eri, 1)
     return mo_eri
Esempio n. 2
File: Progetto: eronca/pyscf
 def ao2mo(self, mo_coeffs, compact=True):
     if isinstance(mo_coeffs, numpy.ndarray) and mo_coeffs.ndim == 2:
         mo_coeffs = (mo_coeffs,) * 4
     ijmosym, nij_pair, moij, ijslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[1], compact)
     klmosym, nkl_pair, mokl, klslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[2], mo_coeffs[3], compact)
     mo_eri = numpy.zeros((nij_pair,nkl_pair))
     sym = (iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[2]) and
            iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[1], mo_coeffs[3]))
     Lij = Lkl = None
     for eri1 in self.loop():
         Lij = _ao2mo.nr_e2(eri1, moij, ijslice, aosym='s2', mosym=ijmosym, out=Lij)
         if sym:
             Lkl = Lij
             Lkl = _ao2mo.nr_e2(eri1, mokl, klslice, aosym='s2', mosym=klmosym, out=Lkl), Lkl, 1, mo_eri, 1)
     return mo_eri
Esempio n. 3
def get_int3c_mo(mol,
                 compact=getattr(__config__, 'df_df_DF_ao2mo_compact', True),
    ''' Evaluate (P|uv) c_ui c_vj -> (P|ij)

        mol: gto.Mole
        auxmol: gto.Mole, contains auxbasis
        mo_coeff: ndarray, list, or tuple containing MO coefficients
            if two ndarrays mo_coeff = (mo0, mo1) are provided, mo0 and mo1 are
            used for the two AO dimensions

        compact: bool
            If true, will return only unique ERIs along the two MO dimensions.
            Does nothing if mo_coeff contains two different sets of orbitals.
        max_memory: int
            Maximum memory consumption in MB

        int3c: ndarray of shape (naux, nmo0, nmo1) or (naux, nmo*(nmo+1)//2) '''

    nao, naux, nbas, nauxbas = mol.nao, auxmol.nao, mol.nbas, auxmol.nbas
    npair = nao * (nao + 1) // 2
    if max_memory is None: max_memory = mol.max_memory

    # Separate mo_coeff
    if isinstance(mo_coeff, np.ndarray) and mo_coeff.ndim == 2:
        mo0 = mo1 = mo_coeff
        mo0, mo1 = mo_coeff[0], mo_coeff[1]
    nmo0, nmo1 = mo0.shape[-1], mo1.shape[-1]
    mosym, nmo_pair, mo_conc, mo_slice = _conc_mos(mo0, mo1, compact=compact)

    # (P|uv) -> (P|ij)
    get_int3c = _int3c_wrapper(mol, auxmol, 'int3c2e', 's2ij')
    int3c = np.zeros((naux, nmo_pair), dtype=mo0.dtype)
    max_memory -= lib.current_memory()[0]
    blksize = int(min(max(max_memory * 1e6 / 8 / (npair * 2), 20), 240))
    aux_loc = auxmol.ao_loc
    aux_ranges = balance_partition(aux_loc, blksize)
    for shl0, shl1, nL in aux_ranges:
        int3c_ao = get_int3c((0, nbas, 0, nbas, shl0, shl1))  # (uv|P)
        p0, p1 = aux_loc[shl0], aux_loc[shl1]
        int3c_ao = int3c_ao.T  # is apparently stored f-contiguous but in the actual memory order I need, so just transpose
        int3c[p0:p1] = _ao2mo.nr_e2(int3c_ao,
        int3c_ao = None

    # Shape and return
    if 's1' in mosym: int3c = int3c.reshape(naux, nmo0, nmo1)
    return int3c
Esempio n. 4
def ao2mo_7d(mydf, mo_coeff_kpts, kpts=None, factor=1, out=None):
    cell = mydf.cell
    if kpts is None:
        kpts = mydf.kpts
    nkpts = len(kpts)

    if isinstance(mo_coeff_kpts, numpy.ndarray) and mo_coeff_kpts.ndim == 3:
        mo_coeff_kpts = [mo_coeff_kpts] * 4
        mo_coeff_kpts = list(mo_coeff_kpts)

    # Shape of the orbitals can be different on different k-points. The
    # orbital coefficients must be formatted (padded by zeros) so that the
    # shape of the orbital coefficients are the same on all k-points. This can
    # be achieved by calling function
    nmoi, nmoj, nmok, nmol = [x.shape[2] for x in mo_coeff_kpts]
    eri_shape = (nkpts, nkpts, nkpts, nmoi, nmoj, nmok, nmol)
    if gamma_point(kpts):
        dtype = numpy.result_type(*mo_coeff_kpts)
        dtype = numpy.complex128

    if out is None:
        out = numpy.empty(eri_shape, dtype=dtype)
        assert (out.shape == eri_shape)

    kptij_lst = numpy.array([(ki, kj) for ki in kpts for kj in kpts])
    kptis_lst = kptij_lst[:, 0]
    kptjs_lst = kptij_lst[:, 1]
    kpt_ji = kptjs_lst - kptis_lst
    uniq_kpts, uniq_index, uniq_inverse = unique(kpt_ji)
    ngrids =
    nao = cell.nao_nr()
    max_memory = max(
        mydf.max_memory - lib.current_memory()[0] - nao**4 * 16 / 1e6) * .5

    fswap = lib.H5TmpFile()
    tao = []
    ao_loc = None
    kconserv = kpts_helper.get_kconserv(cell, kpts)
    for uniq_id, kpt in enumerate(uniq_kpts):
        q = uniq_kpts[uniq_id]
        adapted_ji_idx = numpy.where(uniq_inverse == uniq_id)[0]

        kptjs = kptjs_lst[adapted_ji_idx]
        coulG = mydf.weighted_coulG(q, False, mydf.mesh)
        coulG *= factor

        moij_list = []
        ijslice_list = []
        for ji, ji_idx in enumerate(adapted_ji_idx):
            ki = ji_idx // nkpts
            kj = ji_idx % nkpts
            moij, ijslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeff_kpts[0][ki],
            fswap.create_dataset('zij/' + str(ji), (ngrids, nmoi * nmoj), 'D')

        for aoaoks, p0, p1 in mydf.ft_loop(mydf.mesh,
            for ji, aoao in enumerate(aoaoks):
                ki = adapted_ji_idx[ji] // nkpts
                kj = adapted_ji_idx[ji] % nkpts
                buf = aoao.transpose(1, 2, 0).reshape(nao**2, p1 - p0)
                zij = _ao2mo.r_e2(lib.transpose(buf), moij_list[ji],
                                  ijslice_list[ji], tao, ao_loc)
                zij *= coulG[p0:p1, None]
                fswap['zij/' + str(ji)][p0:p1] = zij

        mokl_list = []
        klslice_list = []
        for kk in range(nkpts):
            kl = kconserv[ki, kj, kk]
            mokl, klslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeff_kpts[2][kk],
            fswap.create_dataset('zkl/' + str(kk), (ngrids, nmok * nmol), 'D')

        ki = adapted_ji_idx[0] // nkpts
        kj = adapted_ji_idx[0] % nkpts
        kptls = kpts[kconserv[ki, kj, :]]
        for aoaoks, p0, p1 in mydf.ft_loop(mydf.mesh,
            for kk, aoao in enumerate(aoaoks):
                buf = aoao.conj().transpose(1, 2, 0).reshape(nao**2, p1 - p0)
                zkl = _ao2mo.r_e2(lib.transpose(buf), mokl_list[kk],
                                  klslice_list[kk], tao, ao_loc)
                fswap['zkl/' + str(kk)][p0:p1] = zkl

        for ji, ji_idx in enumerate(adapted_ji_idx):
            ki = ji_idx // nkpts
            kj = ji_idx % nkpts

            moij, ijslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeff_kpts[0][ki],
            zij = []
            for LpqR, LpqI, sign in mydf.sr_loop(kpts[[ki, kj]], max_memory,
                                                 False, mydf.blockdim):
                    _ao2mo.r_e2(LpqR + LpqI * 1j, moij, ijslice, tao, ao_loc))

            for kk in range(nkpts):
                kl = kconserv[ki, kj, kk]
                eri_mo =
                    numpy.asarray(fswap['zij/' + str(ji)]).T,
                    numpy.asarray(fswap['zkl/' + str(kk)]))

                for i, (LrsR, LrsI, sign) in \
                        enumerate(mydf.sr_loop(kpts[[kk,kl]], max_memory, False, mydf.blockdim)):
                    zkl = _ao2mo.r_e2(LrsR + LrsI * 1j, mokl_list[kk],
                                      klslice_list[kk], tao, ao_loc)
          [i].T, zkl, sign * factor, eri_mo, 1)

                if dtype == numpy.double:
                    eri_mo = eri_mo.real
                out[ki, kj, kk] = eri_mo.reshape(eri_shape[3:])
        del (fswap['zij'])
        del (fswap['zkl'])

    return out
Esempio n. 5
def general(mydf, mo_coeffs, kpts=None, compact=True):
    kptijkl = _format_kpts(kpts)
    kpti, kptj, kptk, kptl = kptijkl
    if isinstance(mo_coeffs, numpy.ndarray) and mo_coeffs.ndim == 2:
        mo_coeffs = (mo_coeffs, ) * 4
    q = kptj - kpti
    coulG = mydf.weighted_coulG(q, False,
    all_real = not any(numpy.iscomplexobj(mo) for mo in mo_coeffs)
    max_memory = max(2000, (mydf.max_memory - lib.current_memory()[0]) * .5)

    # gamma point, the integral is real and with s4 symmetry
    if gamma_point(kptijkl) and all_real:
        ijmosym, nij_pair, moij, ijslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[0],
                                                     mo_coeffs[1], compact)
        klmosym, nkl_pair, mokl, klslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[2],
                                                     mo_coeffs[3], compact)
        eri_mo = numpy.zeros((nij_pair, nkl_pair))
        sym = (iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[2])
               and iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[1], mo_coeffs[3]))

        ijR = ijI = klR = klI = buf = None
        for pqkR, pqkI, p0, p1 \
                in mydf.pw_loop(, kptijkl[:2], q, max_memory=max_memory,
            vG = numpy.sqrt(coulG[p0:p1])
            pqkR *= vG
            pqkI *= vG
            buf = lib.transpose(pqkR, out=buf)
            ijR, klR = _dtrans(buf, ijR, ijmosym, moij, ijslice, buf, klR,
                               klmosym, mokl, klslice, sym)
            lib.ddot(ijR.T, klR, 1, eri_mo, 1)
            buf = lib.transpose(pqkI, out=buf)
            ijI, klI = _dtrans(buf, ijI, ijmosym, moij, ijslice, buf, klI,
                               klmosym, mokl, klslice, sym)
            lib.ddot(ijI.T, klI, 1, eri_mo, 1)
            pqkR = pqkI = None
        return eri_mo

# (kpt) i == j == k == l != 0
# (kpt) i == l && j == k && i != j && j != k  =>
    elif is_zero(kpti - kptl) and is_zero(kptj - kptk):
        mo_coeffs = _mo_as_complex(mo_coeffs)
        nij_pair, moij, ijslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[1])[1:]
        nlk_pair, molk, lkslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[3], mo_coeffs[2])[1:]
        eri_mo = numpy.zeros((nij_pair, nlk_pair), dtype=numpy.complex)
        sym = (iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[3])
               and iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[1], mo_coeffs[2]))

        zij = zlk = buf = None
        for pqkR, pqkI, p0, p1 \
                in mydf.pw_loop(, kptijkl[:2], q, max_memory=max_memory):
            buf = lib.transpose(pqkR + pqkI * 1j, out=buf)
            buf *= numpy.sqrt(coulG[p0:p1]).reshape(-1, 1)
            zij, zlk = _ztrans(buf, zij, moij, ijslice, buf, zlk, molk,
                               lkslice, sym)
  , zlk.conj(), 1, eri_mo, 1)
            pqkR = pqkI = None
        nmok = mo_coeffs[2].shape[1]
        nmol = mo_coeffs[3].shape[1]
        eri_mo = lib.transpose(eri_mo.reshape(-1, nmol, nmok), axes=(0, 2, 1))
        return eri_mo.reshape(nij_pair, nlk_pair)

# aosym = s1, complex integrals
# If kpti == kptj, (kptl-kptk)*a has to be multiples of 2pi because of the wave
# vector symmetry.  k is a fraction of reciprocal basis, 0 < k/b < 1, by definition.
# So  kptl/b - kptk/b  must be -1 < k/b < 1.  =>  kptl == kptk
        mo_coeffs = _mo_as_complex(mo_coeffs)
        nij_pair, moij, ijslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[1])[1:]
        nkl_pair, mokl, klslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[2], mo_coeffs[3])[1:]
        eri_mo = numpy.zeros((nij_pair, nkl_pair), dtype=numpy.complex)

        tao = []
        ao_loc = None
        zij = zkl = buf = None
        for (pqkR, pqkI, p0, p1), (rskR, rskI, q0, q1) in \
                lib.izip(mydf.pw_loop(, kptijkl[:2], q, max_memory=max_memory*.5),
                         mydf.pw_loop(,-kptijkl[2:], q, max_memory=max_memory*.5)):
            buf = lib.transpose(pqkR + pqkI * 1j, out=buf)
            zij = _ao2mo.r_e2(buf, moij, ijslice, tao, ao_loc, out=zij)
            buf = lib.transpose(rskR - rskI * 1j, out=buf)
            zkl = _ao2mo.r_e2(buf, mokl, klslice, tao, ao_loc, out=zkl)
            zij *= coulG[p0:p1].reshape(-1, 1)
  , zkl, 1, eri_mo, 1)
            pqkR = pqkI = rskR = rskI = None
        return eri_mo
Esempio n. 6
def general(mydf, mo_coeffs, kpts=None, compact=True):
    cell = mydf.cell
    kptijkl = _format_kpts(kpts)
    kpti, kptj, kptk, kptl = kptijkl
    if isinstance(mo_coeffs, numpy.ndarray) and mo_coeffs.ndim == 2:
        mo_coeffs = (mo_coeffs,) * 4
    all_real = not any(numpy.iscomplexobj(mo) for mo in mo_coeffs)
    max_memory = max(2000, (mydf.max_memory - lib.current_memory()[0]) * .5)

# gamma point, the integral is real and with s4 symmetry
    if abs(kptijkl).sum() < KPT_DIFF_TOL and all_real:
        ijmosym, nij_pair, moij, ijslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[1], compact)
        klmosym, nkl_pair, mokl, klslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[2], mo_coeffs[3], compact)
        eri_mo = numpy.zeros((nij_pair,nkl_pair))
        sym = (iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[2]) and
               iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[1], mo_coeffs[3]))

        coulG = mydf.weighted_coulG(kptj-kpti, False,
        ijR = ijI = klR = klI = buf = None
        for pqkR, pqkI, p0, p1 \
                in mydf.pw_loop(, kptijkl[:2], max_memory=max_memory,
            vG = numpy.sqrt(coulG[p0:p1])
            pqkR *= vG
            pqkI *= vG
            buf = lib.transpose(pqkR, out=buf)
            ijR, klR = _dtrans(buf, ijR, ijmosym, moij, ijslice,
                               buf, klR, klmosym, mokl, klslice, sym)
            lib.ddot(ijR.T, klR, 1, eri_mo, 1)
            buf = lib.transpose(pqkI, out=buf)
            ijI, klI = _dtrans(buf, ijI, ijmosym, moij, ijslice,
                               buf, klI, klmosym, mokl, klslice, sym)
            lib.ddot(ijI.T, klI, 1, eri_mo, 1)
            pqkR = pqkI = None
        return eri_mo

# (kpt) i == j == k == l != 0
# (kpt) i == l && j == k && i != j && j != k  =>
    elif (abs(kpti-kptl).sum() < KPT_DIFF_TOL) and (abs(kptj-kptk).sum() < KPT_DIFF_TOL):
        mo_coeffs = _mo_as_complex(mo_coeffs)
        nij_pair, moij, ijslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[1])[1:]
        nlk_pair, molk, lkslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[3], mo_coeffs[2])[1:]
        eri_mo = numpy.zeros((nij_pair,nlk_pair), dtype=numpy.complex)
        sym = (iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[3]) and
               iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[1], mo_coeffs[2]))

        coulG = mydf.weighted_coulG(kptj-kpti, False,
        zij = zlk = buf = None
        for pqkR, pqkI, p0, p1 \
                in mydf.pw_loop(, kptijkl[:2], max_memory=max_memory):
            buf = lib.transpose(pqkR+pqkI*1j, out=buf)
            buf *= numpy.sqrt(coulG[p0:p1]).reshape(-1,1)
            zij, zlk = _ztrans(buf, zij, moij, ijslice,
                               buf, zlk, molk, lkslice, sym)
  , zlk.conj(), 1, eri_mo, 1)
            pqkR = pqkI = None
        nmok = mo_coeffs[2].shape[1]
        nmol = mo_coeffs[3].shape[1]
        eri_mo = lib.transpose(eri_mo.reshape(-1,nmol,nmok), axes=(0,2,1))
        return eri_mo.reshape(nij_pair,nlk_pair)

# aosym = s1, complex integrals
# If kpti == kptj, (kptl-kptk)*a has to be multiples of 2pi because of the wave
# vector symmetry.  k is a fraction of reciprocal basis, 0 < k/b < 1, by definition.
# So  kptl/b - kptk/b  must be -1 < k/b < 1.  =>  kptl == kptk
        mo_coeffs = _mo_as_complex(mo_coeffs)
        nij_pair, moij, ijslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[1])[1:]
        nkl_pair, mokl, klslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[2], mo_coeffs[3])[1:]
        eri_mo = numpy.zeros((nij_pair,nkl_pair), dtype=numpy.complex)

        tao = []
        ao_loc = None
        coulG = mydf.weighted_coulG(kptj-kpti, False,
        zij = zkl = buf = None
        for (pqkR, pqkI, p0, p1), (rskR, rskI, q0, q1) in \
                lib.izip(mydf.pw_loop(, kptijkl[:2], max_memory=max_memory*.5),
                         mydf.pw_loop(,-kptijkl[2:], max_memory=max_memory*.5)):
            buf = lib.transpose(pqkR+pqkI*1j, out=buf)
            zij = _ao2mo.r_e2(buf, moij, ijslice, tao, ao_loc, out=zij)
            buf = lib.transpose(rskR-rskI*1j, out=buf)
            zkl = _ao2mo.r_e2(buf, mokl, klslice, tao, ao_loc, out=zkl)
            zij *= coulG[p0:p1].reshape(-1,1)
  , zkl, 1, eri_mo, 1)
            pqkR = pqkI = rskR = rskI = None
        return eri_mo
Esempio n. 7
def ao2mo_7d(mydf, mo_coeff_kpts, kpts=None, factor=1, out=None):
    cell = mydf.cell
    if kpts is None:
        kpts = mydf.kpts
    nkpts = len(kpts)

    if isinstance(mo_coeff_kpts, numpy.ndarray) and mo_coeff_kpts.ndim == 3:
        mo_coeff_kpts = [mo_coeff_kpts] * 4
        mo_coeff_kpts = list(mo_coeff_kpts)

    # Shape of the orbitals can be different on different k-points. The
    # orbital coefficients must be formatted (padded by zeros) so that the
    # shape of the orbital coefficients are the same on all k-points. This can
    # be achieved by calling function
    nmoi, nmoj, nmok, nmol = [x.shape[2] for x in mo_coeff_kpts]
    eri_shape = (nkpts, nkpts, nkpts, nmoi, nmoj, nmok, nmol)
    if gamma_point(kpts):
        dtype = numpy.result_type(*mo_coeff_kpts)
        dtype = numpy.complex128

    if out is None:
        out = numpy.empty(eri_shape, dtype=dtype)
        assert(out.shape == eri_shape)

    kptij_lst = numpy.array([(ki, kj) for ki in kpts for kj in kpts])
    kptis_lst = kptij_lst[:,0]
    kptjs_lst = kptij_lst[:,1]
    kpt_ji = kptjs_lst - kptis_lst
    uniq_kpts, uniq_index, uniq_inverse = unique(kpt_ji)

    nao = cell.nao_nr()
    max_memory = max(2000, mydf.max_memory-lib.current_memory()[0]-nao**4*16/1e6) * .5

    tao = []
    ao_loc = None
    kconserv = kpts_helper.get_kconserv(cell, kpts)
    for uniq_id, kpt in enumerate(uniq_kpts):
        adapted_ji_idx = numpy.where(uniq_inverse == uniq_id)[0]

        for ji, ji_idx in enumerate(adapted_ji_idx):
            ki = ji_idx // nkpts
            kj = ji_idx % nkpts

            moij, ijslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeff_kpts[0][ki], mo_coeff_kpts[1][kj])[2:]
            zij = []
            for LpqR, LpqI, sign in mydf.sr_loop(kpts[[ki,kj]], max_memory, False, mydf.blockdim):
                zij.append(_ao2mo.r_e2(LpqR+LpqI*1j, moij, ijslice, tao, ao_loc))

            for kk in range(nkpts):
                kl = kconserv[ki, kj, kk]
                mokl, klslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeff_kpts[2][kk], mo_coeff_kpts[3][kl])[2:]
                eri_mo = numpy.zeros((nmoi*nmoj,nmok*nmol), dtype=numpy.complex128)
                for i, (LrsR, LrsI, sign) in \
                        enumerate(mydf.sr_loop(kpts[[kk,kl]], max_memory, False, mydf.blockdim)):
                    zkl = _ao2mo.r_e2(LrsR+LrsI*1j, mokl, klslice, tao, ao_loc)
          [i].T, zkl, sign*factor, eri_mo, 1)

                if dtype == numpy.double:
                    eri_mo = eri_mo.real
                out[ki,kj,kk] = eri_mo.reshape(eri_shape[3:])
    return out
Esempio n. 8
def get_WmnI_diag(gw, orbs, kptlist, freqs, max_memory=8000):
    Compute GW correlation self-energy (diagonal elements)
    in MO basis on imaginary axis
    mo_energy = np.array(gw._scf.mo_energy)
    mo_coeff = np.array(gw._scf.mo_coeff)
    nocc = gw.nocc
    nmo = gw.nmo
    nkpts = gw.nkpts
    kpts = gw.kpts
    nklist = len(kptlist)
    nw = len(freqs)
    norbs = len(orbs)
    mydf = gw.with_df

    # possible kpts shift center
    kscaled = gw.mol.get_scaled_kpts(kpts)
    kscaled -= kscaled[0]

    Del_00, Del_P0, qij, q_abs = None, None, None, None
    if gw.fc:
        # Set up q mesh for q->0 finite size correction
        q_pts = np.array([1e-3, 0, 0]).reshape(1, 3)
        nq_pts = len(q_pts)
        q_abs = gw.mol.get_abs_kpts(q_pts)

        # Get qij = 1/sqrt(Omega) * < psi_{ik} | e^{iqr} | psi_{ak-q} > at q: (nkpts, nocc, nvir)
        qij = get_qij(gw, q_abs[0], mo_coeff)

    Wmn = np.zeros((nkpts, nklist, nmo, norbs, nw), dtype=np.complex128)
    if gw.fc:
        Del_P0 = np.zeros((nklist, norbs, nw), dtype=np.complex128)
        Del_00 = np.zeros(nw, dtype=np.complex128)
    for kL in range(nkpts):
        # Lij: (ki, L, i, j) for looping every kL
        Lij = []
        # kidx: save kj that conserves with kL and ki (-ki+kj+kL=G)
        # kidx_r: save ki that conserves with kL and kj (-ki+kj+kL=G)
        kidx = np.zeros((nkpts), dtype=np.int64)
        kidx_r = np.zeros((nkpts), dtype=np.int64)
        for i, kpti in enumerate(kpts):
            for j, kptj in enumerate(kpts):
                # Find (ki,kj) that satisfies momentum conservation with kL
                kconserv = -kscaled[i] + kscaled[j] + kscaled[kL]
                is_kconserv = np.linalg.norm(np.round(kconserv) -
                                             kconserv) < 1e-12
                if is_kconserv:
                    kidx[i] = j
                    kidx_r[j] = i
                        gw, "Read Lpq (kL: %s / %s, ki: %s, kj: %s)" %
                        (kL + 1, nkpts, i, j))
                    Lij_out = None
                    # Read (L|pq) and ao2mo transform to (L|ij)
                    Lpq = []
                    for LpqR, LpqI, sign in mydf.sr_loop([kpti, kptj],
                                                         max_memory=0.1 *
                        Lpq.append(LpqR + LpqI * 1.0j)
                    # support uneqaul naux on different k points
                    Lpq = np.vstack(Lpq).reshape(-1, nmo**2)
                    tao = []
                    ao_loc = None
                    moij, ijslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeff[i], mo_coeff[j])[2:]
                    Lij_out = _ao2mo.r_e2(Lpq,
                    Lij.append(Lij_out.reshape(-1, nmo, nmo))
        Lij = np.asarray(Lij)
        naux = Lij.shape[1]

        if kL == 0:
            for w in range(nw):
                # body dielectric matrix eps_body
                Pi = get_rho_response(gw, freqs[w], mo_energy, Lij, kL, kidx)
                eps_body_inv = np.linalg.inv(np.eye(naux) - Pi)

                if gw.fc:
                    # head dielectric matrix eps_00
                    Pi_00 = get_rho_response_head(gw, freqs[w], mo_energy, qij)
                    eps_00 = 1. - 4. * np.pi / np.linalg.norm(
                        q_abs[0])**2 * Pi_00

                    # wings dielectric matrix eps_P0
                    Pi_P0 = get_rho_response_wing(gw, freqs[w], mo_energy, Lij,
                    eps_P0 = -np.sqrt(4. * np.pi) / np.linalg.norm(
                        q_abs[0]) * Pi_P0

                    # inverse dielectric matrix
                    eps_inv_00 = 1. / (eps_00 -
              , eps_body_inv), eps_P0))
                    eps_inv_P0 = -eps_inv_00 *, eps_P0)

                    # head correction
                    Del_00[w] = 2. / np.pi * (6. * np.pi**2 / gw.mol.vol /
                                              nkpts)**(1. / 3.) * (eps_inv_00 -
                    wings_const = np.sqrt(gw.mol.vol / 4. / np.pi**3) * (
                        6. * np.pi**2 / gw.mol.vol / nkpts)**(2. / 3.)

                eps_inv_PQ = eps_body_inv

                for k in range(nklist):
                    kn = kptlist[k]
                    # Find km that conserves with kn and kL (-km+kn+kL=G)
                    km = kidx_r[kn]
                    Qmn = einsum('Pmn,PQ->Qmn', Lij[km][:, :, orbs].conj(),
                                 eps_inv_PQ - np.eye(naux))
                    Wmn[km, k, :, :, w] = 1. / nkpts * einsum(
                        'Qmn,Qmn->mn', Qmn, Lij[km][:, :, orbs])

                    if gw.fc:
                        # compute wing correction
                        Wn_P0 = einsum('Pnm,P->nm', Lij[kn],
                        Wn_P0 = Wn_P0.real * 2.
                        Del_P0[k, :, w] = wings_const * Wn_P0[orbs]
            for w in range(nw):
                Pi = get_rho_response(gw, freqs[w], mo_energy, Lij, kL, kidx)
                Pi_inv = np.linalg.inv(np.eye(naux) - Pi) - np.eye(naux)
                for k in range(nklist):
                    kn = kptlist[k]
                    # Find km that conserves with kn and kL (-km+kn+kL=G)
                    km = kidx_r[kn]
                    Qmn = einsum('Pmn,PQ->Qmn', Lij[km][:, :, orbs].conj(),
                    Wmn[km, k, :, :, w] = 1. / nkpts * einsum(
                        'Qmn,Qmn->mn', Qmn, Lij[km][:, :, orbs])

    return Wmn, Del_00, Del_P0, qij, q_abs
Esempio n. 9
def half_e1(mol, mo_coeffs, swapfile,
            intor='int2e', aosym='s4', comp=1,
            max_memory=MAX_MEMORY, ioblk_size=IOBLK_SIZE, verbose=logger.WARN,
            compact=True, ao2mopt=None):
    r'''Half transform arbitrary spherical AO integrals to MO integrals
    for the given two sets of orbitals

        mol : :class:`Mole` object
            AO integrals will be generated in terms of mol._atm, mol._bas, mol._env
        mo_coeff : ndarray
            Transform (ij|kl) with the same set of orbitals.
        swapfile : str or h5py File or h5py Group object
            To store the transformed integrals, in HDF5 format.  The transformed
            integrals are saved in blocks.

        intor : str
            Name of the 2-electron integral.  Ref to :func:`getints_by_shell`
            for the complete list of available 2-electron integral names
        aosym : int or str
            Permutation symmetry for the AO integrals

            | 4 or '4' or 's4': 4-fold symmetry (default)
            | '2ij' or 's2ij' : symmetry between i, j in (ij|kl)
            | '2kl' or 's2kl' : symmetry between k, l in (ij|kl)
            | 1 or '1' or 's1': no symmetry
            | 'a4ij' : 4-fold symmetry with anti-symmetry between i, j in (ij|kl) (TODO)
            | 'a4kl' : 4-fold symmetry with anti-symmetry between k, l in (ij|kl) (TODO)
            | 'a2ij' : anti-symmetry between i, j in (ij|kl) (TODO)
            | 'a2kl' : anti-symmetry between k, l in (ij|kl) (TODO)

        comp : int
            Components of the integrals, e.g. int2e_ip_sph has 3 components.
        verbose : int
            Print level
        max_memory : float or int
            The maximum size of cache to use (in MB), large cache may **not**
            improve performance.
        ioblk_size : float or int
            The block size for IO, large block size may **not** improve performance
        verbose : int
            Print level
        compact : bool
            When compact is True, depending on the four oribital sets, the
            returned MO integrals has (up to 4-fold) permutation symmetry.
            If it's False, the function will abandon any permutation symmetry,
            and return the "plain" MO integrals
        ao2mopt : :class:`AO2MOpt` object
            Precomputed data to improve perfomance


    if any(c.dtype == numpy.complex128 for c in mo_coeffs):
        raise NotImplementedError('Integral transformation for complex orbitals')

    intor = mol._add_suffix(intor)
    time0 = (logger.process_clock(), logger.perf_counter())
    log = logger.new_logger(mol, verbose)

    nao = mo_coeffs[0].shape[0]
    aosym = _stand_sym_code(aosym)
    if aosym in ('s4', 's2ij'):
        nao_pair = nao * (nao+1) // 2
        nao_pair = nao * nao

    ijmosym, nij_pair, moij, ijshape = \
            incore._conc_mos(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[1],
                             compact and aosym in ('s4', 's2ij'))

    e1buflen, mem_words, iobuf_words, ioblk_words = \
            guess_e1bufsize(max_memory, ioblk_size, nij_pair, nao_pair, comp)
    ioblk_size = ioblk_words * 8/1e6
# The buffer to hold AO integrals in C code, see line (@)
    aobuflen = max(int((mem_words - 2*comp*e1buflen*nij_pair) // (nao_pair*comp)),
    ao_loc = mol.ao_loc_nr('_cart' in intor)
    shranges = guess_shell_ranges(mol, (aosym in ('s4', 's2kl')), e1buflen,
                                  aobuflen, ao_loc)
    if ao2mopt is None:
        if intor == 'int2e_cart' or intor == 'int2e_sph':
            ao2mopt = _ao2mo.AO2MOpt(mol, intor, 'CVHFnr_schwarz_cond',
            ao2mopt = _ao2mo.AO2MOpt(mol, intor)

    if isinstance(swapfile, h5py.Group):
        fswap = swapfile
        fswap = lib.H5TmpFile(swapfile)
    for icomp in range(comp):
        fswap.create_group(str(icomp)) # for h5py old version

    log.debug('step1: tmpfile %s  %.8g MB', fswap.filename, nij_pair*nao_pair*8/1e6)
    log.debug('step1: (ij,kl) = (%d,%d), mem cache %.8g MB, iobuf %.8g MB',
              nij_pair, nao_pair, mem_words*8/1e6, iobuf_words*8/1e6)
    nstep = len(shranges)
    e1buflen = max([x[2] for x in shranges])

    e2buflen, chunks = guess_e2bufsize(ioblk_size, nij_pair, e1buflen)
    def save(istep, iobuf):
        for icomp in range(comp):
            _transpose_to_h5g(fswap, '%d/%d'%(icomp,istep), iobuf[icomp],
                              e2buflen, None)

    # transform e1
    ti0 = log.timer('Initializing ao2mo.outcore.half_e1', *time0)
    with lib.call_in_background(save) as async_write:
        buf1 = numpy.empty((comp*e1buflen,nao_pair))
        buf2 = numpy.empty((comp*e1buflen,nij_pair))
        buf_write = numpy.empty_like(buf2)
        fill = _ao2mo.nr_e1fill
        f_e1 = _ao2mo.nr_e1
        for istep,sh_range in enumerate(shranges):
            log.debug1('step 1 [%d/%d], AO [%d:%d], len(buf) = %d',
                       istep+1, nstep, *(sh_range[:3]))
            buflen = sh_range[2]
            iobuf = numpy.ndarray((comp,buflen,nij_pair), buffer=buf2)
            nmic = len(sh_range[3])
            p1 = 0
            for imic, aoshs in enumerate(sh_range[3]):
                log.debug2('      fill iobuf micro [%d/%d], AO [%d:%d], len(aobuf) = %d',
                           imic+1, nmic, *aoshs)
                buf = fill(intor, aoshs, mol._atm, mol._bas, mol._env,
                           aosym, comp, ao2mopt, out=buf1).reshape(-1,nao_pair)
                buf = f_e1(buf, moij, ijshape, aosym, ijmosym)
                p0, p1 = p1, p1 + aoshs[2]
                iobuf[:,p0:p1] = buf.reshape(comp,aoshs[2],nij_pair)
            ti0 = log.timer_debug1('gen AO/transform MO [%d/%d]'%(istep+1,nstep), *ti0)

            async_write(istep, iobuf)
            buf2, buf_write = buf_write, buf2

    fswap = None
    return swapfile
Esempio n. 10
def general(mydf, mo_coeffs, kpts=None, compact=True):
    if mydf._cderi is None:

    cell = mydf.cell
    kptijkl = _format_kpts(kpts)
    kpti, kptj, kptk, kptl = kptijkl
    if isinstance(mo_coeffs, numpy.ndarray) and mo_coeffs.ndim == 2:
        mo_coeffs = (mo_coeffs,) * 4
    all_real = not any(numpy.iscomplexobj(mo) for mo in mo_coeffs)
    max_memory = max(2000, (mydf.max_memory - lib.current_memory()[0]) * 0.5)

    # gamma point, the integral is real and with s4 symmetry
    if abs(kptijkl).sum() < KPT_DIFF_TOL and all_real:
        ijmosym, nij_pair, moij, ijslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[1], compact)
        klmosym, nkl_pair, mokl, klslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[2], mo_coeffs[3], compact)
        eri_mo = numpy.zeros((nij_pair, nkl_pair))
        sym = iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[2]) and iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[1], mo_coeffs[3])
        ijR = klR = None
        for LpqR, LpqI in mydf.sr_loop(kptijkl[:2], max_memory, True):
            ijR, klR = _dtrans(LpqR, ijR, ijmosym, moij, ijslice, LpqR, klR, klmosym, mokl, klslice, sym)
            lib.ddot(ijR.T, klR, 1, eri_mo, 1)
            LpqR = LpqI = None
        return eri_mo

    elif (abs(kpti - kptk).sum() < KPT_DIFF_TOL) and (abs(kptj - kptl).sum() < KPT_DIFF_TOL):
        mo_coeffs = _mo_as_complex(mo_coeffs)
        nij_pair, moij, ijslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[1])[1:]
        nkl_pair, mokl, klslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[2], mo_coeffs[3])[1:]
        eri_mo = numpy.zeros((nij_pair, nkl_pair), dtype=numpy.complex)
        sym = iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[2]) and iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[1], mo_coeffs[3])

        zij = zkl = None
        for LpqR, LpqI in mydf.sr_loop(kptijkl[:2], max_memory, False):
            buf = LpqR + LpqI * 1j
            zij, zkl = _ztrans(buf, zij, moij, ijslice, buf, zkl, mokl, klslice, sym)
  , zkl, 1, eri_mo, 1)
            LpqR = LpqI = buf = None
        return eri_mo

    # (kpt) i == j == k == l != 0
    # (kpt) i == l && j == k && i != j && j != k  =>
    elif (abs(kpti - kptl).sum() < KPT_DIFF_TOL) and (abs(kptj - kptk).sum() < KPT_DIFF_TOL):
        mo_coeffs = _mo_as_complex(mo_coeffs)
        nij_pair, moij, ijslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[1])[1:]
        nlk_pair, molk, lkslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[3], mo_coeffs[2])[1:]
        eri_mo = numpy.zeros((nij_pair, nlk_pair), dtype=numpy.complex)
        sym = iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[3]) and iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[1], mo_coeffs[2])

        zij = zlk = None
        for LpqR, LpqI in mydf.sr_loop(kptijkl[:2], max_memory, False):
            buf = LpqR + LpqI * 1j
            zij, zlk = _ztrans(buf, zij, moij, ijslice, buf, zlk, molk, lkslice, sym)
  , zlk.conj(), 1, eri_mo, 1)
            LpqR = LpqI = buf = None
        nmok = mo_coeffs[2].shape[1]
        nmol = mo_coeffs[3].shape[1]
        eri_mo = lib.transpose(eri_mo.reshape(-1, nmol, nmok), axes=(0, 2, 1))
        return eri_mo.reshape(nij_pair, nlk_pair)

    # aosym = s1, complex integrals
    # If kpti == kptj, (kptl-kptk)*a has to be multiples of 2pi because of the wave
    # vector symmetry.  k is a fraction of reciprocal basis, 0 < k/b < 1, by definition.
    # So  kptl/b - kptk/b  must be -1 < k/b < 1.  =>  kptl == kptk
        mo_coeffs = _mo_as_complex(mo_coeffs)
        nij_pair, moij, ijslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[1])[1:]
        nkl_pair, mokl, klslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[2], mo_coeffs[3])[1:]
        eri_mo = numpy.zeros((nij_pair, nkl_pair), dtype=numpy.complex)

        zij = zkl = None
        for (LpqR, LpqI), (LrsR, LrsI) in lib.izip(
            mydf.sr_loop(kptijkl[:2], max_memory, False), mydf.sr_loop(kptijkl[2:], max_memory, False)
            zij, zkl = _ztrans(LpqR + LpqI * 1j, zij, moij, ijslice, LrsR + LrsI * 1j, zkl, mokl, klslice, False)
  , zkl, 1, eri_mo, 1)
            LpqR = LpqI = LrsR = LrsI = None
        return eri_mo
Esempio n. 11
def ao2mo_7d(mydf, mo_coeff_kpts, kpts=None, factor=1, out=None):
    cell = mydf.cell
    if kpts is None:
        kpts = mydf.kpts
    nkpts = len(kpts)

    if isinstance(mo_coeff_kpts, numpy.ndarray) and mo_coeff_kpts.ndim == 3:
        mo_coeff_kpts = [mo_coeff_kpts] * 4
        mo_coeff_kpts = list(mo_coeff_kpts)

    # Shape of the orbitals can be different on different k-points. The
    # orbital coefficients must be formatted (padded by zeros) so that the
    # shape of the orbital coefficients are the same on all k-points. This can
    # be achieved by calling function
    nmoi, nmoj, nmok, nmol = [x.shape[2] for x in mo_coeff_kpts]
    eri_shape = (nkpts, nkpts, nkpts, nmoi, nmoj, nmok, nmol)
    if gamma_point(kpts):
        dtype = numpy.result_type(*mo_coeff_kpts)
        dtype = numpy.complex128

    if out is None:
        out = numpy.empty(eri_shape, dtype=dtype)
        assert(out.shape == eri_shape)

    kptij_lst = numpy.array([(ki, kj) for ki in kpts for kj in kpts])
    kptis_lst = kptij_lst[:,0]
    kptjs_lst = kptij_lst[:,1]
    kpt_ji = kptjs_lst - kptis_lst
    uniq_kpts, uniq_index, uniq_inverse = unique(kpt_ji)
    ngrids =

    nao = cell.nao_nr()
    max_memory = max(2000, mydf.max_memory-lib.current_memory()[0]-nao**4*16/1e6) * .5

    fswap = lib.H5TmpFile()
    tao = []
    ao_loc = None
    kconserv = kpts_helper.get_kconserv(cell, kpts)
    for uniq_id, kpt in enumerate(uniq_kpts):
        q = uniq_kpts[uniq_id]
        adapted_ji_idx = numpy.where(uniq_inverse == uniq_id)[0]

        kptjs = kptjs_lst[adapted_ji_idx]
        coulG = mydf.weighted_coulG(q, False, mydf.mesh)
        coulG *= factor

        moij_list = []
        ijslice_list = []
        for ji, ji_idx in enumerate(adapted_ji_idx):
            ki = ji_idx // nkpts
            kj = ji_idx % nkpts
            moij, ijslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeff_kpts[0][ki], mo_coeff_kpts[1][kj])[2:]
            fswap.create_dataset('zij/'+str(ji), (ngrids,nmoi*nmoj), 'D')

        for aoaoks, p0, p1 in mydf.ft_loop(mydf.mesh, q, kptjs):
            for ji, aoao in enumerate(aoaoks):
                ki = adapted_ji_idx[ji] // nkpts
                kj = adapted_ji_idx[ji] %  nkpts
                buf = aoao.transpose(1,2,0).reshape(nao**2,ngrids)
                zij = _ao2mo.r_e2(lib.transpose(buf), moij_list[ji],
                                  ijslice_list[ji], tao, ao_loc)
                zij *= coulG[p0:p1,None]
                fswap['zij/'+str(ji)][p0:p1] = zij

        mokl_list = []
        klslice_list = []
        for kk in range(nkpts):
            kl = kconserv[ki, kj, kk]
            mokl, klslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeff_kpts[2][kk], mo_coeff_kpts[3][kl])[2:]
            fswap.create_dataset('zkl/'+str(kk), (ngrids,nmok*nmol), 'D')

        ki = adapted_ji_idx[0] // nkpts
        kj = adapted_ji_idx[0] % nkpts
        kptls = kpts[kconserv[ki, kj, :]]
        for aoaoks, p0, p1 in mydf.ft_loop(mydf.mesh, q, -kptls):
            for kk, aoao in enumerate(aoaoks):
                buf = aoao.conj().transpose(1,2,0).reshape(nao**2,ngrids)
                zkl = _ao2mo.r_e2(lib.transpose(buf), mokl_list[kk],
                                  klslice_list[kk], tao, ao_loc)
                fswap['zkl/'+str(kk)][p0:p1] = zkl

        for ji, ji_idx in enumerate(adapted_ji_idx):
            ki = ji_idx // nkpts
            kj = ji_idx % nkpts

            moij, ijslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeff_kpts[0][ki], mo_coeff_kpts[1][kj])[2:]
            zij = []
            for LpqR, LpqI, sign in mydf.sr_loop(kpts[[ki,kj]], max_memory, False, mydf.blockdim):
                zij.append(_ao2mo.r_e2(LpqR+LpqI*1j, moij, ijslice, tao, ao_loc))

            for kk in range(nkpts):
                kl = kconserv[ki, kj, kk]
                eri_mo =['zij/'+str(ji)]).T,

                for i, (LrsR, LrsI, sign) in \
                        enumerate(mydf.sr_loop(kpts[[kk,kl]], max_memory, False, mydf.blockdim)):
                    zkl = _ao2mo.r_e2(LrsR+LrsI*1j, mokl_list[kk],
                                      klslice_list[kk], tao, ao_loc)
          [i].T, zkl, sign*factor, eri_mo, 1)

                if dtype == numpy.double:
                    eri_mo = eri_mo.real
                out[ki,kj,kk] = eri_mo.reshape(eri_shape[3:])

    return out
Esempio n. 12
def half_e1(mol, mo_coeffs, swapfile,
            intor='cint2e_sph', aosym='s4', comp=1,
            max_memory=2000, ioblk_size=IOBLK_SIZE, verbose=logger.WARN, compact=True,
    r'''Half transform arbitrary spherical AO integrals to MO integrals
    for the given two sets of orbitals

        mol : :class:`Mole` object
            AO integrals will be generated in terms of mol._atm, mol._bas, mol._env
        mo_coeff : ndarray
            Transform (ij|kl) with the same set of orbitals.
        swapfile : str or h5py File or h5py Group object
            To store the transformed integrals, in HDF5 format.  The transformed
            integrals are saved in blocks.

        intor : str
            Name of the 2-electron integral.  Ref to :func:`getints_by_shell`
            for the complete list of available 2-electron integral names
        aosym : int or str
            Permutation symmetry for the AO integrals

            | 4 or '4' or 's4': 4-fold symmetry (default)
            | '2ij' or 's2ij' : symmetry between i, j in (ij|kl)
            | '2kl' or 's2kl' : symmetry between k, l in (ij|kl)
            | 1 or '1' or 's1': no symmetry
            | 'a4ij' : 4-fold symmetry with anti-symmetry between i, j in (ij|kl) (TODO)
            | 'a4kl' : 4-fold symmetry with anti-symmetry between k, l in (ij|kl) (TODO)
            | 'a2ij' : anti-symmetry between i, j in (ij|kl) (TODO)
            | 'a2kl' : anti-symmetry between k, l in (ij|kl) (TODO)

        comp : int
            Components of the integrals, e.g. cint2e_ip_sph has 3 components.
        verbose : int
            Print level
        max_memory : float or int
            The maximum size of cache to use (in MB), large cache may **not**
            improve performance.
        ioblk_size : float or int
            The block size for IO, large block size may **not** improve performance
        verbose : int
            Print level
        compact : bool
            When compact is True, depending on the four oribital sets, the
            returned MO integrals has (up to 4-fold) permutation symmetry.
            If it's False, the function will abandon any permutation symmetry,
            and return the "plain" MO integrals
        ao2mopt : :class:`AO2MOpt` object
            Precomputed data to improve perfomance


    time0 = (time.clock(), time.time())
    if isinstance(verbose, logger.Logger):
        log = verbose
        log = logger.Logger(mol.stdout, verbose)

    nao = mo_coeffs[0].shape[0]
    aosym = _stand_sym_code(aosym)
    if aosym in ('s4', 's2ij'):
        nao_pair = nao * (nao+1) // 2
        nao_pair = nao * nao

    ijmosym, nij_pair, moij, ijshape = \
            incore._conc_mos(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[1],
                             compact and aosym in ('s4', 's2ij'))

    e1buflen, mem_words, iobuf_words, ioblk_words = \
            guess_e1bufsize(max_memory, ioblk_size, nij_pair, nao_pair, comp)
# The buffer to hold AO integrals in C code, see line (@)
    aobuflen = int((mem_words - iobuf_words) // (nao_pair*comp))
    shranges = guess_shell_ranges(mol, (aosym in ('s4', 's2kl')), e1buflen, aobuflen)
    if ao2mopt is None:
        if intor == 'cint2e_sph':
            ao2mopt = _ao2mo.AO2MOpt(mol, intor, 'CVHFnr_schwarz_cond',
            ao2mopt = _ao2mo.AO2MOpt(mol, intor)

    if isinstance(swapfile, str):
        fswap = h5py.File(swapfile, 'w')
        fswap = swapfile
    for icomp in range(comp):
        g = fswap.create_group(str(icomp)) # for h5py old version

    log.debug('step1: tmpfile %s  %.8g MB', fswap.filename, nij_pair*nao_pair*8/1e6)
    log.debug('step1: (ij,kl) = (%d,%d), mem cache %.8g MB, iobuf %.8g MB',
              nij_pair, nao_pair, mem_words*8/1e6, iobuf_words*8/1e6)

    # transform e1
    ti0 = log.timer('Initializing ao2mo.outcore.half_e1', *time0)
    nstep = len(shranges)
    maxbuflen = max([x[2] for x in shranges])
    bufs1 = numpy.empty((comp*maxbuflen,nao_pair))
    bufs2 = numpy.empty((comp*maxbuflen,nij_pair))
    for istep,sh_range in enumerate(shranges):
        log.debug1('step 1 [%d/%d], AO [%d:%d], len(buf) = %d', \
                   istep+1, nstep, *(sh_range[:3]))
        buflen = sh_range[2]
        iobuf = bufs2[:comp*buflen].reshape(comp,buflen,nij_pair)
        nmic = len(sh_range[3])
        p0 = 0
        for imic, aoshs in enumerate(sh_range[3]):
            log.debug2('      fill iobuf micro [%d/%d], AO [%d:%d], len(aobuf) = %d', \
                       imic+1, nmic, *aoshs)
            buf = bufs1[:comp*aoshs[2]] # (@)
            _ao2mo.nr_e1fill(intor, aoshs, mol._atm, mol._bas, mol._env,
                             aosym, comp, ao2mopt, out=buf)
            buf = _ao2mo.nr_e1(buf, moij, ijshape, aosym, ijmosym)
            iobuf[:,p0:p0+aoshs[2]] = buf.reshape(comp,aoshs[2],-1)
            p0 += aoshs[2]
        ti2 = log.timer_debug1('gen AO/transform MO [%d/%d]'%(istep+1,nstep), *ti0)

        e2buflen, chunks = guess_e2bufsize(ioblk_size, nij_pair, buflen)
        for icomp in range(comp):
            _transpose_to_h5g(fswap, '%d/%d'%(icomp,istep), iobuf[icomp],
                              e2buflen, None)
        ti0 = log.timer_debug1('transposing to disk', *ti2)
    bufs1 = bufs2 = None
    if isinstance(swapfile, str):
    return swapfile
Esempio n. 13
def ao2mo_7d(mydf, mo_coeff_kpts, kpts=None, factor=1, out=None):
    cell = mydf.cell
    if kpts is None:
        kpts = mydf.kpts
    nkpts = len(kpts)

    if isinstance(mo_coeff_kpts, numpy.ndarray) and mo_coeff_kpts.ndim == 3:
        mo_coeff_kpts = [mo_coeff_kpts] * 4
        mo_coeff_kpts = list(mo_coeff_kpts)

    # Shape of the orbitals can be different on different k-points. The
    # orbital coefficients must be formatted (padded by zeros) so that the
    # shape of the orbital coefficients are the same on all k-points. This can
    # be achieved by calling function
    nmoi, nmoj, nmok, nmol = [x.shape[2] for x in mo_coeff_kpts]
    eri_shape = (nkpts, nkpts, nkpts, nmoi, nmoj, nmok, nmol)
    if gamma_point(kpts):
        dtype = numpy.result_type(*mo_coeff_kpts)
        dtype = numpy.complex128

    if out is None:
        out = numpy.empty(eri_shape, dtype=dtype)
        assert(out.shape == eri_shape)

    kptij_lst = numpy.array([(ki, kj) for ki in kpts for kj in kpts])
    kptis_lst = kptij_lst[:,0]
    kptjs_lst = kptij_lst[:,1]
    kpt_ji = kptjs_lst - kptis_lst
    uniq_kpts, uniq_index, uniq_inverse = unique(kpt_ji)
    ngrids =

    nao = cell.nao_nr()
    max_memory = max(2000, mydf.max_memory-lib.current_memory()[0]-nao**4*16/1e6) * .5

    tao = []
    ao_loc = None
    kconserv = kpts_helper.get_kconserv(cell, kpts)
    for uniq_id, kpt in enumerate(uniq_kpts):
        q = uniq_kpts[uniq_id]
        adapted_ji_idx = numpy.where(uniq_inverse == uniq_id)[0]

        for ji, ji_idx in enumerate(adapted_ji_idx):
            ki = ji_idx // nkpts
            kj = ji_idx % nkpts

            moij, ijslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeff_kpts[0][ki], mo_coeff_kpts[1][kj])[2:]
            zij = []
            for LpqR, LpqI, sign in mydf.sr_loop(kpts[[ki,kj]], max_memory, False, mydf.blockdim):
                zij.append(_ao2mo.r_e2(LpqR+LpqI*1j, moij, ijslice, tao, ao_loc))

            for kk in range(nkpts):
                kl = kconserv[ki, kj, kk]
                mokl, klslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeff_kpts[2][kk], mo_coeff_kpts[3][kl])[2:]
                eri_mo = numpy.zeros((nmoi*nmoj,nmok*nmol), dtype=numpy.complex128)
                for i, (LrsR, LrsI, sign) in \
                        enumerate(mydf.sr_loop(kpts[[kk,kl]], max_memory, False, mydf.blockdim)):
                    zkl = _ao2mo.r_e2(LrsR+LrsI*1j, mokl, klslice, tao, ao_loc)
          [i].T, zkl, sign*factor, eri_mo, 1)

                if dtype == numpy.double:
                    eri_mo = eri_mo.real
                out[ki,kj,kk] = eri_mo.reshape(eri_shape[3:])
    return out
Esempio n. 14
def general(mydf, mo_coeffs, kpts=None,
            compact=getattr(__config__, 'pbc_df_ao2mo_general_compact', True)):
    if mydf._cderi is None:

    cell = mydf.cell
    kptijkl = _format_kpts(kpts)
    kpti, kptj, kptk, kptl = kptijkl
    if isinstance(mo_coeffs, numpy.ndarray) and mo_coeffs.ndim == 2:
        mo_coeffs = (mo_coeffs,) * 4
    if not _iskconserv(cell, kptijkl):
        lib.logger.warn(cell, 'df_ao2mo: momentum conservation not found in '
                        'the given k-points %s', kptijkl)
        return numpy.zeros([mo.shape[1] for mo in mo_coeffs])

    all_real = not any(numpy.iscomplexobj(mo) for mo in mo_coeffs)
    max_memory = max(2000, (mydf.max_memory - lib.current_memory()[0]))

# gamma point, the integral is real and with s4 symmetry
    if gamma_point(kptijkl) and all_real:
        ijmosym, nij_pair, moij, ijslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[1], compact)
        klmosym, nkl_pair, mokl, klslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[2], mo_coeffs[3], compact)
        eri_mo = numpy.zeros((nij_pair,nkl_pair))
        sym = (iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[2]) and
               iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[1], mo_coeffs[3]))
        ijR = klR = None
        for LpqR, LpqI, sign in mydf.sr_loop(kptijkl[:2], max_memory, True):
            ijR, klR = _dtrans(LpqR, ijR, ijmosym, moij, ijslice,
                               LpqR, klR, klmosym, mokl, klslice, sym)
            lib.ddot(ijR.T, klR, sign, eri_mo, 1)
            LpqR = LpqI = None
        return eri_mo

    elif is_zero(kpti-kptk) and is_zero(kptj-kptl):
        mo_coeffs = _mo_as_complex(mo_coeffs)
        nij_pair, moij, ijslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[1])[1:]
        nkl_pair, mokl, klslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[2], mo_coeffs[3])[1:]
        eri_mo = numpy.zeros((nij_pair,nkl_pair), dtype=numpy.complex)
        sym = (iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[2]) and
               iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[1], mo_coeffs[3]))

        zij = zkl = None
        for LpqR, LpqI, sign in mydf.sr_loop(kptijkl[:2], max_memory, False):
            buf = LpqR+LpqI*1j
            zij, zkl = _ztrans(buf, zij, moij, ijslice,
                               buf, zkl, mokl, klslice, sym)
  , zkl, sign, eri_mo, 1)
            LpqR = LpqI = buf = None
        return eri_mo

# (kpt) i == j == k == l != 0
# (kpt) i == l && j == k && i != j && j != k  =>
    elif is_zero(kpti-kptl) and is_zero(kptj-kptk):
        mo_coeffs = _mo_as_complex(mo_coeffs)
        nij_pair, moij, ijslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[1])[1:]
        nlk_pair, molk, lkslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[3], mo_coeffs[2])[1:]
        eri_mo = numpy.zeros((nij_pair,nlk_pair), dtype=numpy.complex)
        sym = (iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[3]) and
               iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[1], mo_coeffs[2]))

        zij = zlk = None
        for LpqR, LpqI, sign in mydf.sr_loop(kptijkl[:2], max_memory, False):
            buf = LpqR+LpqI*1j
            zij, zlk = _ztrans(buf, zij, moij, ijslice,
                               buf, zlk, molk, lkslice, sym)
  , zlk.conj(), sign, eri_mo, 1)
            LpqR = LpqI = buf = None
        nmok = mo_coeffs[2].shape[1]
        nmol = mo_coeffs[3].shape[1]
        eri_mo = lib.transpose(eri_mo.reshape(-1,nmol,nmok), axes=(0,2,1))
        return eri_mo.reshape(nij_pair,nlk_pair)

# aosym = s1, complex integrals
# If kpti == kptj, (kptl-kptk)*a has to be multiples of 2pi because of the wave
# vector symmetry.  k is a fraction of reciprocal basis, 0 < k/b < 1, by definition.
# So  kptl/b - kptk/b  must be -1 < k/b < 1.  =>  kptl == kptk
        mo_coeffs = _mo_as_complex(mo_coeffs)
        nij_pair, moij, ijslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[1])[1:]
        nkl_pair, mokl, klslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[2], mo_coeffs[3])[1:]
        nao = mo_coeffs[0].shape[0]
        eri_mo = numpy.zeros((nij_pair,nkl_pair), dtype=numpy.complex)

        blksize = int(min(max_memory*.3e6/16/nij_pair,
        zij = zkl = None
        for (LpqR, LpqI, sign), (LrsR, LrsI, sign1) in \
                lib.izip(mydf.sr_loop(kptijkl[:2], max_memory, False, blksize),
                         mydf.sr_loop(kptijkl[2:], max_memory, False, blksize)):
            zij, zkl = _ztrans(LpqR+LpqI*1j, zij, moij, ijslice,
                               LrsR+LrsI*1j, zkl, mokl, klslice, False)
  , zkl, sign, eri_mo, 1)
            LpqR = LpqI = LrsR = LrsI = None
        return eri_mo
Esempio n. 15
def general(mydf, mo_coeffs, kpts=None,
            compact=getattr(__config__, 'pbc_df_ao2mo_general_compact', True)):
    cell = mydf.cell
    kptijkl = _format_kpts(kpts)
    kpti, kptj, kptk, kptl = kptijkl
    if isinstance(mo_coeffs, numpy.ndarray) and mo_coeffs.ndim == 2:
        mo_coeffs = (mo_coeffs,) * 4
    if not _iskconserv(cell, kptijkl):
        lib.logger.warn(cell, 'aft_ao2mo: momentum conservation not found in '
                        'the given k-points %s', kptijkl)
        return numpy.zeros([mo.shape[1] for mo in mo_coeffs])

    q = kptj - kpti
    mesh = mydf.mesh
    coulG = mydf.weighted_coulG(q, False, mesh)
    all_real = not any(numpy.iscomplexobj(mo) for mo in mo_coeffs)
    max_memory = max(2000, (mydf.max_memory - lib.current_memory()[0]) * .5)

# gamma point, the integral is real and with s4 symmetry
    if gamma_point(kptijkl) and all_real:
        ijmosym, nij_pair, moij, ijslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[1], compact)
        klmosym, nkl_pair, mokl, klslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[2], mo_coeffs[3], compact)
        eri_mo = numpy.zeros((nij_pair,nkl_pair))
        sym = (iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[2]) and
               iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[1], mo_coeffs[3]))

        ijR = ijI = klR = klI = buf = None
        for pqkR, pqkI, p0, p1 \
                in mydf.pw_loop(mesh, kptijkl[:2], q, max_memory=max_memory,
            buf = lib.transpose(pqkR, out=buf)
            ijR, klR = _dtrans(buf, ijR, ijmosym, moij, ijslice,
                               buf, klR, klmosym, mokl, klslice, sym)
            lib.ddot(ijR.T, klR*coulG[p0:p1,None], 1, eri_mo, 1)
            buf = lib.transpose(pqkI, out=buf)
            ijI, klI = _dtrans(buf, ijI, ijmosym, moij, ijslice,
                               buf, klI, klmosym, mokl, klslice, sym)
            lib.ddot(ijI.T, klI*coulG[p0:p1,None], 1, eri_mo, 1)
            pqkR = pqkI = None
        return eri_mo

# (kpt) i == j == k == l != 0
# (kpt) i == l && j == k && i != j && j != k  =>
    elif is_zero(kpti-kptl) and is_zero(kptj-kptk):
        mo_coeffs = _mo_as_complex(mo_coeffs)
        nij_pair, moij, ijslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[1])[1:]
        nlk_pair, molk, lkslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[3], mo_coeffs[2])[1:]
        eri_mo = numpy.zeros((nij_pair,nlk_pair), dtype=numpy.complex)
        sym = (iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[3]) and
               iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[1], mo_coeffs[2]))

        zij = zlk = buf = None
        for pqkR, pqkI, p0, p1 \
                in mydf.pw_loop(mesh, kptijkl[:2], q, max_memory=max_memory):
            buf = lib.transpose(pqkR+pqkI*1j, out=buf)
            zij, zlk = _ztrans(buf, zij, moij, ijslice,
                               buf, zlk, molk, lkslice, sym)
  , zlk.conj()*coulG[p0:p1,None], 1, eri_mo, 1)
            pqkR = pqkI = None
        nmok = mo_coeffs[2].shape[1]
        nmol = mo_coeffs[3].shape[1]
        eri_mo = lib.transpose(eri_mo.reshape(-1,nmol,nmok), axes=(0,2,1))
        return eri_mo.reshape(nij_pair,nlk_pair)

# aosym = s1, complex integrals
# If kpti == kptj, (kptl-kptk)*a has to be multiples of 2pi because of the wave
# vector symmetry.  k is a fraction of reciprocal basis, 0 < k/b < 1, by definition.
# So  kptl/b - kptk/b  must be -1 < k/b < 1.  =>  kptl == kptk
        mo_coeffs = _mo_as_complex(mo_coeffs)
        nij_pair, moij, ijslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[1])[1:]
        nkl_pair, mokl, klslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[2], mo_coeffs[3])[1:]
        eri_mo = numpy.zeros((nij_pair,nkl_pair), dtype=numpy.complex)

        tao = []
        ao_loc = None
        zij = zkl = buf = None
        for (pqkR, pqkI, p0, p1), (rskR, rskI, q0, q1) in \
                lib.izip(mydf.pw_loop(mesh, kptijkl[:2], q, max_memory=max_memory*.5),
                         mydf.pw_loop(mesh,-kptijkl[2:], q, max_memory=max_memory*.5)):
            buf = lib.transpose(pqkR+pqkI*1j, out=buf)
            zij = _ao2mo.r_e2(buf, moij, ijslice, tao, ao_loc, out=zij)
            buf = lib.transpose(rskR-rskI*1j, out=buf)
            zkl = _ao2mo.r_e2(buf, mokl, klslice, tao, ao_loc, out=zkl)
            zij *= coulG[p0:p1,None]
  , zkl, 1, eri_mo, 1)
            pqkR = pqkI = rskR = rskI = None
        return eri_mo
Esempio n. 16
def general(mol, mo_coeffs, erifile, dataname='eri_mo', tmpdir=None,
            intor='int2e_sph', aosym='s4', comp=1,
            max_memory=2000, ioblk_size=IOBLK_SIZE, verbose=logger.WARN, compact=True):
    r'''For the given four sets of orbitals, transfer arbitrary spherical AO
    integrals to MO integrals on the fly.

        mol : :class:`Mole` object
            AO integrals will be generated in terms of mol._atm, mol._bas, mol._env
        mo_coeffs : 4-item list of ndarray
            Four sets of orbital coefficients, corresponding to the four
            indices of (ij|kl)
        erifile : str or h5py File or h5py Group object
            To store the transformed integrals, in HDF5 format.

        dataname : str
            The dataset name in the erifile (ref the hierarchy of HDF5 format
    By assigning
            different dataname, the existed integral file can be reused.  If
            the erifile contains the dataname, the new integrals data will
            overwrite the old one.
        tmpdir : str
            The directory where to temporarily store the intermediate data
            (the half-transformed integrals).  By default, it's controlled by
            shell environment variable ``TMPDIR``.  The disk space requirement
            is about  comp*mo_coeffs[0].shape[1]*mo_coeffs[1].shape[1]*nao**2
        intor : str
            Name of the 2-electron integral.  Ref to :func:`getints_by_shell`
            for the complete list of available 2-electron integral names
        aosym : int or str
            Permutation symmetry for the AO integrals

            | 4 or '4' or 's4': 4-fold symmetry (default)
            | '2ij' or 's2ij' : symmetry between i, j in (ij|kl)
            | '2kl' or 's2kl' : symmetry between k, l in (ij|kl)
            | 1 or '1' or 's1': no symmetry
            | 'a4ij' : 4-fold symmetry with anti-symmetry between i, j in (ij|kl) (TODO)
            | 'a4kl' : 4-fold symmetry with anti-symmetry between k, l in (ij|kl) (TODO)
            | 'a2ij' : anti-symmetry between i, j in (ij|kl) (TODO)
            | 'a2kl' : anti-symmetry between k, l in (ij|kl) (TODO)

        comp : int
            Components of the integrals, e.g. int2e_ip_sph has 3 components.
        max_memory : float or int
            The maximum size of cache to use (in MB), large cache may **not**
            improve performance.
        ioblk_size : float or int
            The block size for IO, large block size may **not** improve performance
        verbose : int
            Print level
        compact : bool
            When compact is True, depending on the four oribital sets, the
            returned MO integrals has (up to 4-fold) permutation symmetry.
            If it's False, the function will abandon any permutation symmetry,
            and return the "plain" MO integrals



    >>> from pyscf import gto
    >>> from pyscf import ao2mo
    >>> import h5py
    >>> def view(h5file, dataname='eri_mo'):
    ...     f5 = h5py.File(h5file)
    ...     print('dataset %s, shape %s' % (str(f5.keys()), str(f5[dataname].shape)))
    ...     f5.close()
    >>> mol = gto.M(atom='O 0 0 0; H 0 1 0; H 0 0 1', basis='sto3g')
    >>> mo1 = numpy.random.random((mol.nao_nr(), 10))
    >>> mo2 = numpy.random.random((mol.nao_nr(), 8))
    >>> mo3 = numpy.random.random((mol.nao_nr(), 6))
    >>> mo4 = numpy.random.random((mol.nao_nr(), 4))
    >>> ao2mo.outcore.general(mol, (mo1,mo2,mo3,mo4), 'oh2.h5')
    >>> view('oh2.h5')
    dataset ['eri_mo'], shape (80, 24)
    >>> ao2mo.outcore.general(mol, (mo1,mo2,mo3,mo3), 'oh2.h5')
    >>> view('oh2.h5')
    dataset ['eri_mo'], shape (80, 21)
    >>> ao2mo.outcore.general(mol, (mo1,mo2,mo3,mo3), 'oh2.h5', compact=False)
    >>> view('oh2.h5')
    dataset ['eri_mo'], shape (80, 36)
    >>> ao2mo.outcore.general(mol, (mo1,mo1,mo2,mo2), 'oh2.h5')
    >>> view('oh2.h5')
    dataset ['eri_mo'], shape (55, 36)
    >>> ao2mo.outcore.general(mol, (mo1,mo1,mo1,mo1), 'oh2.h5', dataname='new')
    >>> view('oh2.h5', 'new')
    dataset ['eri_mo', 'new'], shape (55, 55)
    >>> ao2mo.outcore.general(mol, (mo1,mo1,mo1,mo1), 'oh2.h5', intor='int2e_ip1_sph', aosym='s1', comp=3)
    >>> view('oh2.h5')
    dataset ['eri_mo', 'new'], shape (3, 100, 100)
    >>> ao2mo.outcore.general(mol, (mo1,mo1,mo1,mo1), 'oh2.h5', intor='int2e_ip1_sph', aosym='s2kl', comp=3)
    >>> view('oh2.h5')
    dataset ['eri_mo', 'new'], shape (3, 100, 55)
    time_0pass = (time.clock(), time.time())
    if isinstance(verbose, logger.Logger):
        log = verbose
        log = logger.Logger(mol.stdout, verbose)

    nmoi = mo_coeffs[0].shape[1]
    nmoj = mo_coeffs[1].shape[1]
    nmok = mo_coeffs[2].shape[1]
    nmol = mo_coeffs[3].shape[1]
    nao = mo_coeffs[0].shape[0]
    aosym = _stand_sym_code(aosym)
    if aosym in ('s4', 's2kl'):
        nao_pair = nao * (nao+1) // 2
        nao_pair = nao * nao

    if (compact and iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[1]) and
        aosym in ('s4', 's2ij')):
        nij_pair = nmoi*(nmoi+1) // 2
        nij_pair = nmoi*nmoj

    klmosym, nkl_pair, mokl, klshape = \
            incore._conc_mos(mo_coeffs[2], mo_coeffs[3],
                             compact and aosym in ('s4', 's2kl'))

#    if nij_pair > nkl_pair:
#        log.warn('low efficiency for AO to MO trans!')

    if isinstance(erifile, str):
        if h5py.is_hdf5(erifile):
            feri = h5py.File(erifile)
            if dataname in feri:
            feri = h5py.File(erifile, 'w')
        assert(isinstance(erifile, h5py.Group))
        feri = erifile
    if comp == 1:
        chunks = (nmoj,nmol)
        h5d_eri = feri.create_dataset(dataname, (nij_pair,nkl_pair),
                                      'f8', chunks=chunks)
        chunks = (1,nmoj,nmol)
        h5d_eri = feri.create_dataset(dataname, (comp,nij_pair,nkl_pair),
                                      'f8', chunks=chunks)

    if nij_pair == 0 or nkl_pair == 0:
        if isinstance(erifile, str):
        return erifile
    log.debug('MO integrals %s are saved in %s/%s', intor, erifile, dataname)
    log.debug('num. MO ints = %.8g, required disk %.8g MB',
              float(nij_pair)*nkl_pair*comp, nij_pair*nkl_pair*comp*8/1e6)

# transform e1
    if tmpdir is None:
        tmpdir = lib.param.TMPDIR
    swapfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=tmpdir)
    fswap = h5py.File(, 'w')
    half_e1(mol, mo_coeffs, fswap, intor, aosym, comp, max_memory, ioblk_size,
            log, compact)

    time_1pass = log.timer('AO->MO transformation for %s 1 pass'%intor,

    ioblk_size = max(max_memory*.1, ioblk_size)
    iobuflen = guess_e2bufsize(ioblk_size, nij_pair, max(nao_pair,nkl_pair))[0]
    reading_frame = [numpy.empty((iobuflen,nao_pair)),
    def prefetch(icomp, row0, row1, buf):
        if icomp+1 < comp:
            icomp += 1
            row0, row1 = row1, min(nij_pair, row1+iobuflen)
            icomp = 0
        if row0 < row1:
            _load_from_h5g(fswap['%d'%icomp], row0, row1, buf)
    def async_read(icomp, row0, row1, thread_read):
        buf_current, buf_prefetch = reading_frame
        reading_frame[:] = [buf_prefetch, buf_current]
        if thread_read is None:
            _load_from_h5g(fswap['%d'%icomp], row0, row1, buf_current)
        thread_read = lib.background_thread(prefetch, icomp, row0, row1, buf_prefetch)
        return buf_current[:row1-row0], thread_read

    def save(icomp, row0, row1, buf):
        if comp == 1:
            h5d_eri[row0:row1] = buf[:row1-row0]
            h5d_eri[icomp,row0:row1] = buf[:row1-row0]
    def async_write(icomp, row0, row1, buf, thread_io):
        if thread_io is not None:
        thread_io = lib.background_thread(save, icomp, row0, row1, buf)
        return thread_io

    log.debug('step2: kl-pair (ao %d, mo %d), mem %.8g MB, ioblock %.8g MB',
              nao_pair, nkl_pair, iobuflen*nao_pair*8/1e6,

    klaoblks = len(fswap['0'])
    ijmoblks = int(numpy.ceil(float(nij_pair)/iobuflen)) * comp
    ao_loc = mol.ao_loc_nr('cart' in intor)
    ti0 = time_1pass
    bufs1 = numpy.empty((iobuflen,nkl_pair))
    buf_write = numpy.empty_like(bufs1)
    istep = 0
    read_handler = write_handler = None

    for row0, row1 in prange(0, nij_pair, iobuflen):
        nrow = row1 - row0

        for icomp in range(comp):
            istep += 1
            log.debug1('step 2 [%d/%d], [%d,%d:%d], row = %d',
                       istep, ijmoblks, icomp, row0, row1, nrow)

            buf, read_handler = async_read(icomp, row0, row1, read_handler)
            _ao2mo.nr_e2(buf, mokl, klshape, aosym, klmosym,
                         ao_loc=ao_loc, out=bufs1)
            write_handler = async_write(icomp, row0, row1, bufs1, write_handler)
            bufs1, buf_write = buf_write, bufs1  # avoid flushing writing buffer

            ti1 = (time.clock(), time.time())
            log.debug1('step 2 [%d/%d] CPU time: %9.2f, Wall time: %9.2f',
                       istep, ijmoblks, ti1[0]-ti0[0], ti1[1]-ti0[1])
            ti0 = ti1
    if isinstance(erifile, str):

    log.timer('AO->MO transformation for %s 2 pass'%intor, *time_1pass)
    log.timer('AO->MO transformation for %s '%intor, *time_0pass)
    return erifile
Esempio n. 17
def general(mol, mo_coeffs, erifile, dataname='eri_mo',
            intor='int2e', aosym='s4', comp=None,
            max_memory=MAX_MEMORY, ioblk_size=IOBLK_SIZE, verbose=logger.WARN,
    r'''For the given four sets of orbitals, transfer arbitrary spherical AO
    integrals to MO integrals on the fly.

        mol : :class:`Mole` object
            AO integrals will be generated in terms of mol._atm, mol._bas, mol._env
        mo_coeffs : 4-item list of ndarray
            Four sets of orbital coefficients, corresponding to the four
            indices of (ij|kl)
        erifile : str or h5py File or h5py Group object
            To store the transformed integrals, in HDF5 format.

        dataname : str
            The dataset name in the erifile (ref the hierarchy of HDF5 format
    By assigning
            different dataname, the existed integral file can be reused.  If
            the erifile contains the dataname, the new integrals data will
            overwrite the old one.
        intor : str
            Name of the 2-electron integral.  Ref to :func:`getints_by_shell`
            for the complete list of available 2-electron integral names
        aosym : int or str
            Permutation symmetry for the AO integrals

            | 4 or '4' or 's4': 4-fold symmetry (default)
            | '2ij' or 's2ij' : symmetry between i, j in (ij|kl)
            | '2kl' or 's2kl' : symmetry between k, l in (ij|kl)
            | 1 or '1' or 's1': no symmetry
            | 'a4ij' : 4-fold symmetry with anti-symmetry between i, j in (ij|kl) (TODO)
            | 'a4kl' : 4-fold symmetry with anti-symmetry between k, l in (ij|kl) (TODO)
            | 'a2ij' : anti-symmetry between i, j in (ij|kl) (TODO)
            | 'a2kl' : anti-symmetry between k, l in (ij|kl) (TODO)

        comp : int
            Components of the integrals, e.g. int2e_ip_sph has 3 components.
        max_memory : float or int
            The maximum size of cache to use (in MB), large cache may **not**
            improve performance.
        ioblk_size : float or int
            The block size for IO, large block size may **not** improve performance
        verbose : int
            Print level
        compact : bool
            When compact is True, depending on the four oribital sets, the
            returned MO integrals has (up to 4-fold) permutation symmetry.
            If it's False, the function will abandon any permutation symmetry,
            and return the "plain" MO integrals



    >>> from pyscf import gto
    >>> from pyscf import ao2mo
    >>> import h5py
    >>> def view(h5file, dataname='eri_mo'):
    ...     f5 = h5py.File(h5file, 'r')
    ...     print('dataset %s, shape %s' % (str(f5.keys()), str(f5[dataname].shape)))
    ...     f5.close()
    >>> mol = gto.M(atom='O 0 0 0; H 0 1 0; H 0 0 1', basis='sto3g')
    >>> mo1 = numpy.random.random((mol.nao_nr(), 10))
    >>> mo2 = numpy.random.random((mol.nao_nr(), 8))
    >>> mo3 = numpy.random.random((mol.nao_nr(), 6))
    >>> mo4 = numpy.random.random((mol.nao_nr(), 4))
    >>> ao2mo.outcore.general(mol, (mo1,mo2,mo3,mo4), 'oh2.h5')
    >>> view('oh2.h5')
    dataset ['eri_mo'], shape (80, 24)
    >>> ao2mo.outcore.general(mol, (mo1,mo2,mo3,mo3), 'oh2.h5')
    >>> view('oh2.h5')
    dataset ['eri_mo'], shape (80, 21)
    >>> ao2mo.outcore.general(mol, (mo1,mo2,mo3,mo3), 'oh2.h5', compact=False)
    >>> view('oh2.h5')
    dataset ['eri_mo'], shape (80, 36)
    >>> ao2mo.outcore.general(mol, (mo1,mo1,mo2,mo2), 'oh2.h5')
    >>> view('oh2.h5')
    dataset ['eri_mo'], shape (55, 36)
    >>> ao2mo.outcore.general(mol, (mo1,mo1,mo1,mo1), 'oh2.h5', dataname='new')
    >>> view('oh2.h5', 'new')
    dataset ['eri_mo', 'new'], shape (55, 55)
    >>> ao2mo.outcore.general(mol, (mo1,mo1,mo1,mo1), 'oh2.h5', intor='int2e_ip1_sph', aosym='s1', comp=3)
    >>> view('oh2.h5')
    dataset ['eri_mo', 'new'], shape (3, 100, 100)
    >>> ao2mo.outcore.general(mol, (mo1,mo1,mo1,mo1), 'oh2.h5', intor='int2e_ip1_sph', aosym='s2kl', comp=3)
    >>> view('oh2.h5')
    dataset ['eri_mo', 'new'], shape (3, 100, 55)
    if any(c.dtype == numpy.complex128 for c in mo_coeffs):
        raise NotImplementedError('Integral transformation for complex orbitals')

    time_0pass = (logger.process_clock(), logger.perf_counter())
    log = logger.new_logger(mol, verbose)

    nmoi = mo_coeffs[0].shape[1]
    nmoj = mo_coeffs[1].shape[1]
    nmol = mo_coeffs[3].shape[1]
    nao = mo_coeffs[0].shape[0]

    intor, comp = gto.moleintor._get_intor_and_comp(mol._add_suffix(intor), comp)
    assert(nao == mol.nao_nr('_cart' in intor))

    aosym = _stand_sym_code(aosym)
    if aosym in ('s4', 's2kl'):
        nao_pair = nao * (nao+1) // 2
        nao_pair = nao * nao

    if (compact and iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[1]) and
        aosym in ('s4', 's2ij')):
        nij_pair = nmoi*(nmoi+1) // 2
        nij_pair = nmoi*nmoj

    klmosym, nkl_pair, mokl, klshape = \
            incore._conc_mos(mo_coeffs[2], mo_coeffs[3],
                             compact and aosym in ('s4', 's2kl'))

#    if nij_pair > nkl_pair:
#        log.warn('low efficiency for AO to MO trans!')

    if isinstance(erifile, str):
        if h5py.is_hdf5(erifile):
            feri = h5py.File(erifile, 'a')
            if dataname in feri:
            feri = h5py.File(erifile, 'w')
        assert(isinstance(erifile, h5py.Group))
        feri = erifile

    if comp == 1:
        chunks = (nmoj, nmol)
        shape = (nij_pair, nkl_pair)
        chunks = (1, nmoj, nmol)
        shape = (comp, nij_pair, nkl_pair)

    if nij_pair == 0 or nkl_pair == 0:
        feri.create_dataset(dataname, shape, 'f8')
        if isinstance(erifile, str):
        return erifile
        h5d_eri = feri.create_dataset(dataname, shape, 'f8', chunks=chunks)

    log.debug('MO integrals %s are saved in %s/%s', intor, erifile, dataname)
    log.debug('num. MO ints = %.8g, required disk %.8g MB',
              float(nij_pair)*nkl_pair*comp, nij_pair*nkl_pair*comp*8/1e6)

# transform e1
    fswap = lib.H5TmpFile()
    half_e1(mol, mo_coeffs, fswap, intor, aosym, comp, max_memory, ioblk_size,
            log, compact)

    time_1pass = log.timer('AO->MO transformation for %s 1 pass'%intor,

    def load(icomp, row0, row1, buf):
        if icomp+1 < comp:
            icomp += 1
        else:  # move to next row-block
            row0, row1 = row1, min(nij_pair, row1+iobuflen)
            icomp = 0
        if row0 < row1:
            _load_from_h5g(fswap['%d'%icomp], row0, row1, buf)

    def save(icomp, row0, row1, buf):
        if comp == 1:
            h5d_eri[row0:row1] = buf[:row1-row0]
            h5d_eri[icomp,row0:row1] = buf[:row1-row0]

    ioblk_size = max(max_memory*.1, ioblk_size)
    iobuflen = guess_e2bufsize(ioblk_size, nij_pair, max(nao_pair,nkl_pair))[0]
    buf = numpy.empty((iobuflen,nao_pair))
    buf_prefetch = numpy.empty_like(buf)
    outbuf = numpy.empty((iobuflen,nkl_pair))
    buf_write = numpy.empty_like(outbuf)

    log.debug('step2: kl-pair (ao %d, mo %d), mem %.8g MB, ioblock %.8g MB',
              nao_pair, nkl_pair, iobuflen*nao_pair*8/1e6,

    #klaoblks = len(fswap['0'])
    ijmoblks = int(numpy.ceil(float(nij_pair)/iobuflen)) * comp
    ao_loc = mol.ao_loc_nr('_cart' in intor)
    ti0 = time_1pass
    istep = 0
    with lib.call_in_background(load) as prefetch:
        with lib.call_in_background(save) as async_write:
            _load_from_h5g(fswap['0'], 0, min(nij_pair, iobuflen), buf_prefetch)

            for row0, row1 in prange(0, nij_pair, iobuflen):
                nrow = row1 - row0

                for icomp in range(comp):
                    istep += 1
                    log.debug1('step 2 [%d/%d], [%d,%d:%d], row = %d',
                               istep, ijmoblks, icomp, row0, row1, nrow)

                    buf, buf_prefetch = buf_prefetch, buf
                    prefetch(icomp, row0, row1, buf_prefetch)
                    _ao2mo.nr_e2(buf[:nrow], mokl, klshape, aosym, klmosym,
                                 ao_loc=ao_loc, out=outbuf)
                    async_write(icomp, row0, row1, outbuf)
                    outbuf, buf_write = buf_write, outbuf  # avoid flushing writing buffer

                    ti1 = (logger.process_clock(), logger.perf_counter())
                    log.debug1('step 2 [%d/%d] CPU time: %9.2f, Wall time: %9.2f',
                               istep, ijmoblks, ti1[0]-ti0[0], ti1[1]-ti0[1])
                    ti0 = ti1

    fswap = None
    if isinstance(erifile, str):

    log.timer('AO->MO transformation for %s 2 pass'%intor, *time_1pass)
    log.timer('AO->MO transformation for %s '%intor, *time_0pass)
    return erifile
Esempio n. 18
def general(eri, mo_coeffs, erifile, dataname='eri_mo',
            ioblk_size=IOBLK_SIZE, compact=True, verbose=logger.NOTE):
    '''For the given four sets of orbitals, transfer arbitrary spherical AO
    integrals to MO integrals on disk.
        eri : 8-fold reduced eri vector
        mo_coeffs : 4-item list of ndarray
            Four sets of orbital coefficients, corresponding to the four
            indices of (ij|kl)
        erifile : str or h5py File or h5py Group object
            To store the transformed integrals, in HDF5 format.
        dataname : str
            The dataset name in the erifile (ref the hierarchy of HDF5 format
    By assigning
            different dataname, the existed integral file can be reused.  If
            the erifile contains the dataname, the new integrals data will
            overwrite the old one.
        ioblk_size : float or int
            The block size for IO, large block size may **not** improve performance
        compact : bool
            When compact is True, depending on the four oribital sets, the
            returned MO integrals has (up to 4-fold) permutation symmetry.
            If it's False, the function will abandon any permutation symmetry,
            and return the "plain" MO integrals

    Pseudocode / algorithm:
        u = mu
        v = nu
        l = lambda
        o = sigma

        Assume eri's are 8-fold reduced.
        nij/nkl_pair = npair or i*j/k*l if only transforming a subset

        First half transform:
            Initialize half_eri of size (nij_pair,npair)
                For lo = 1 -> npair
                    Unpack row lo
                    Unpack row lo to matrix E_{uv}^{lo}
                    Transform C_ui^+*E*C_nj -> E_{ij}^{lo}
                    Ravel or pack E_{ij}^{lo}
                    Save E_{ij}^{lo} -> half_eri[:,lo]

        Second half transform:
            Initialize h5d_eri of size (nij_pair,nkl_pair)
                For ij = 1 -> nij_pair
                    Load and unpack half_eri[ij,:] -> E_{lo}^{ij}
                    Transform C_{lk}E_{lo}^{ij}C_{ol} -> E_{kl}^{ij}
                    Repack E_{kl}^{ij}
                    Save E_{kl}^{ij} -> h5d_eri[ij,:]

        Each matrix is indexed by the composite index ij x kl, where ij/kl is
        either npair or ixj/kxl, if only a subset of MOs are being transformed.
        Since entire rows or columns need to be read in, the arrays are chunked
        such that IOBLK_SIZE = row/col x chunking col/row. For example, for the
        first half transform, we would save in nij_pair x IOBLK_SIZE/nij_pair,
        then load in IOBLK_SIZE/nkl_pair x npair for the second half transform.

        ------ kl ----->

        As a first guess, the chunking size is jxl. If the super-rows/cols are
        larger than IOBLK_SIZE, then the chunk rectangle jxl is trimmed
        accordingly. The pathological limiting case is where the dimensions
        nao_pair, nij_pair, or nkl_pair are so large that the arrays are
        chunked 1x1, in which case IOBLK_SIZE needs to be increased.

    log = logger.new_logger(None, verbose)'******** ao2mo disk, custom eri ********')

    eri_ao = numpy.asarray(eri, order='C')
    nao, nmoi = mo_coeffs[0].shape
    nmoj = mo_coeffs[1].shape[1]
    nao_pair = nao*(nao+1)//2
    ijmosym, nij_pair, moij, ijshape = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[1], compact)
    klmosym, nkl_pair, mokl, klshape = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[2], mo_coeffs[3], compact)
    ijshape = (ijshape[0], ijshape[1]-ijshape[0],
               ijshape[2], ijshape[3]-ijshape[2])
    dtype = numpy.result_type(eri, *mo_coeffs)
    typesize = dtype.itemsize/1e6 # in MB

    if nij_pair == 0:
        return numpy.empty((nij_pair,nkl_pair))

    ij_red = ijmosym == 's1'
    kl_red = klmosym == 's1'

    if isinstance(erifile, str):
        if h5py.is_hdf5(erifile):
            feri = h5py.File(erifile, 'a')
            if dataname in feri:
            feri = h5py.File(erifile,'w',libver='latest')
        assert(isinstance(erifile, h5py.Group))
        feri = erifile

    h5d_eri = feri.create_dataset(dataname,(nij_pair,nkl_pair), dtype.char)
    feri_swap = lib.H5TmpFile(libver='latest')
    chunk_size = min(nao_pair, max(4, int(ioblk_size*1e6/8/nao_pair)))

    log.debug('Memory information:')
    log.debug('  IOBLK_SIZE (MB): {}  chunk_size: {}'
              .format(ioblk_size, chunk_size))
    log.debug('  Final disk eri size (MB): {:.3g}'
    log.debug('  Half transformed eri size (MB): {:.3g}'
    log.debug('  RAM buffer (MB): {:.3g}'

    if eri_ao.size == nao_pair**2: # 4-fold symmetry
        # half_e1 first transforms the indices which are contiguous in memory
        # transpose the 4-fold integrals to make ij the contiguous indices
        eri_ao = lib.transpose(eri_ao)
        ftrans = _ao2mo.libao2mo.AO2MOtranse1_incore_s4
    elif eri_ao.size == nao_pair*(nao_pair+1)//2:
        ftrans = _ao2mo.libao2mo.AO2MOtranse1_incore_s8
        raise NotImplementedError

    if ijmosym == 's2':
        fmmm = _ao2mo.libao2mo.AO2MOmmm_nr_s2_s2
    elif nmoi <= nmoj:
        fmmm = _ao2mo.libao2mo.AO2MOmmm_nr_s2_iltj
        fmmm = _ao2mo.libao2mo.AO2MOmmm_nr_s2_igtj
    fdrv = getattr(_ao2mo.libao2mo, 'AO2MOnr_e1incore_drv')

    def save(piece, buf):
        feri_swap[str(piece)] = buf.T

    # transform \mu\nu -> ij
    cput0 = time.clock(), time.time()
    with lib.call_in_background(save) as async_write:
        for istep, (p0, p1) in enumerate(lib.prange(0, nao_pair, chunk_size)):
            if dtype == numpy.double:
                buf = numpy.empty((p1-p0, nij_pair))
                fdrv(ftrans, fmmm,
                     ctypes.c_int(p0), ctypes.c_int(p1-p0),
                     ctypes.c_int(ijshape[0]), ctypes.c_int(ijshape[1]),
                     ctypes.c_int(ijshape[2]), ctypes.c_int(ijshape[3]))
            else:  # complex
                tmp = numpy.empty((p1-p0, nao_pair))
                if eri_ao.size == nao_pair**2: # 4-fold symmetry
                    tmp = eri_ao[p0:p1]
                else: # 8-fold symmetry
                    for i in range(p0, p1):
                        tmp[i-p0] = lib.unpack_row(eri_ao, i)
                tmp = lib.unpack_tril(tmp, filltriu=lib.SYMMETRIC)
                buf = lib.einsum('xpq,pi,qj->xij', tmp, mo_coeffs[0].conj(), mo_coeffs[1])
                if ij_red:
                    buf = buf.reshape(p1-p0,-1) # grabs by row
                    buf = lib.pack_tril(buf)

            async_write(istep, buf)

    log.timer('(uv|lo) -> (ij|lo)', *cput0)

    # transform \lambda\sigma -> kl
    cput1 = time.clock(), time.time()
    Cklam = mo_coeffs[2].conj()
    buf_read = numpy.empty((chunk_size,nao_pair), dtype=dtype)
    buf_prefetch = numpy.empty_like(buf_read)

    def load(start, stop, buf):
        if start < stop:
            _load_from_h5g(feri_swap, start, stop, buf)

    def save(start, stop, buf):
        if start < stop:
            h5d_eri[start:stop] = buf[:stop-start]

    with lib.call_in_background(save,load) as (async_write, prefetch):
        for p0, p1 in lib.prange(0, nij_pair, chunk_size):
            if p0 == 0:
                load(p0, p1, buf_prefetch)

            buf_read, buf_prefetch = buf_prefetch, buf_read
            prefetch(p1, min(p1+chunk_size, nij_pair), buf_prefetch)

            lo = lib.unpack_tril(buf_read[:p1-p0], filltriu=lib.SYMMETRIC)
            lo = lib.einsum('xpq,pi,qj->xij', lo, Cklam, mo_coeffs[3])
            if kl_red:
                kl = lo.reshape(p1-p0,-1)
                kl = lib.pack_tril(lo)
            async_write(p0, p1, kl)

    log.timer('(ij|lo) -> (ij|kl)', *cput1)

    if isinstance(erifile, str):
    return erifile
Esempio n. 19
def general(mydf, mo_coeffs, kpts=None, compact=True):
    if mydf._cderi is None:

    cell = mydf.cell
    kptijkl = _format_kpts(kpts)
    kpti, kptj, kptk, kptl = kptijkl
    if isinstance(mo_coeffs, numpy.ndarray) and mo_coeffs.ndim == 2:
        mo_coeffs = (mo_coeffs,) * 4
    all_real = not any(numpy.iscomplexobj(mo) for mo in mo_coeffs)
    max_memory = max(2000, (mydf.max_memory - lib.current_memory()[0]) * .5)

# gamma point, the integral is real and with s4 symmetry
    if abs(kptijkl).sum() < KPT_DIFF_TOL and all_real:
        ijmosym, nij_pair, moij, ijslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[1], compact)
        klmosym, nkl_pair, mokl, klslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[2], mo_coeffs[3], compact)
        eri_mo = numpy.zeros((nij_pair,nkl_pair))
        sym = (iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[2]) and
               iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[1], mo_coeffs[3]))
        ijR = klR = None
        for LpqR, LpqI in mydf.sr_loop(kptijkl[:2], max_memory, True):
            ijR, klR = _dtrans(LpqR, ijR, ijmosym, moij, ijslice,
                               LpqR, klR, klmosym, mokl, klslice, sym)
            lib.ddot(ijR.T, klR, 1, eri_mo, 1)
            LpqR = LpqI = None
        return eri_mo

    elif (abs(kpti-kptk).sum() < KPT_DIFF_TOL) and (abs(kptj-kptl).sum() < KPT_DIFF_TOL):
        mo_coeffs = _mo_as_complex(mo_coeffs)
        nij_pair, moij, ijslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[1])[1:]
        nkl_pair, mokl, klslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[2], mo_coeffs[3])[1:]
        eri_mo = numpy.zeros((nij_pair,nkl_pair), dtype=numpy.complex)
        sym = (iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[2]) and
               iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[1], mo_coeffs[3]))

        zij = zkl = None
        for LpqR, LpqI in mydf.sr_loop(kptijkl[:2], max_memory, False):
            buf = LpqR+LpqI*1j
            zij, zkl = _ztrans(buf, zij, moij, ijslice,
                               buf, zkl, mokl, klslice, sym)
  , zkl, 1, eri_mo, 1)
            LpqR = LpqI = buf = None
        return eri_mo

# (kpt) i == j == k == l != 0
# (kpt) i == l && j == k && i != j && j != k  =>
    elif (abs(kpti-kptl).sum() < KPT_DIFF_TOL) and (abs(kptj-kptk).sum() < KPT_DIFF_TOL):
        mo_coeffs = _mo_as_complex(mo_coeffs)
        nij_pair, moij, ijslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[1])[1:]
        nlk_pair, molk, lkslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[3], mo_coeffs[2])[1:]
        eri_mo = numpy.zeros((nij_pair,nlk_pair), dtype=numpy.complex)
        sym = (iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[3]) and
               iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[1], mo_coeffs[2]))

        zij = zlk = None
        for LpqR, LpqI in mydf.sr_loop(kptijkl[:2], max_memory, False):
            buf = LpqR+LpqI*1j
            zij, zlk = _ztrans(buf, zij, moij, ijslice,
                               buf, zlk, molk, lkslice, sym)
  , zlk.conj(), 1, eri_mo, 1)
            LpqR = LpqI = buf = None
        nmok = mo_coeffs[2].shape[1]
        nmol = mo_coeffs[3].shape[1]
        eri_mo = lib.transpose(eri_mo.reshape(-1,nmol,nmok), axes=(0,2,1))
        return eri_mo.reshape(nij_pair,nlk_pair)

# aosym = s1, complex integrals
# If kpti == kptj, (kptl-kptk)*a has to be multiples of 2pi because of the wave
# vector symmetry.  k is a fraction of reciprocal basis, 0 < k/b < 1, by definition.
# So  kptl/b - kptk/b  must be -1 < k/b < 1.  =>  kptl == kptk
        mo_coeffs = _mo_as_complex(mo_coeffs)
        nij_pair, moij, ijslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[1])[1:]
        nkl_pair, mokl, klslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[2], mo_coeffs[3])[1:]
        eri_mo = numpy.zeros((nij_pair,nkl_pair), dtype=numpy.complex)

        zij = zkl = None
        for (LpqR, LpqI), (LrsR, LrsI) in \
                lib.izip(mydf.sr_loop(kptijkl[:2], max_memory, False),
                         mydf.sr_loop(kptijkl[2:], max_memory, False)):
            zij, zkl = _ztrans(LpqR+LpqI*1j, zij, moij, ijslice,
                               LrsR+LrsI*1j, zkl, mokl, klslice, False)
  , zkl, 1, eri_mo, 1)
            LpqR = LpqI = LrsR = LrsI = None
        return eri_mo
Esempio n. 20
def general(mol, mo_coeffs, erifile, dataname='eri_mo', tmpdir=None,
            intor='cint2e_sph', aosym='s4', comp=1,
            max_memory=2000, ioblk_size=IOBLK_SIZE, verbose=logger.WARN, compact=True):
    r'''For the given four sets of orbitals, transfer arbitrary spherical AO
    integrals to MO integrals on the fly.

        mol : :class:`Mole` object
            AO integrals will be generated in terms of mol._atm, mol._bas, mol._env
        mo_coeffs : 4-item list of ndarray
            Four sets of orbital coefficients, corresponding to the four
            indices of (ij|kl)
        erifile : str or h5py File or h5py Group object
            To store the transformed integrals, in HDF5 format.

        dataname : str
            The dataset name in the erifile (ref the hierarchy of HDF5 format
    By assigning
            different dataname, the existed integral file can be reused.  If
            the erifile contains the dataname, the new integrals data will
            overwrite the old one.
        tmpdir : str
            The directory where to temporarily store the intermediate data
            (the half-transformed integrals).  By default, it's controlled by
            shell environment variable ``TMPDIR``.  The disk space requirement
            is about  comp*mo_coeffs[0].shape[1]*mo_coeffs[1].shape[1]*nao**2
        intor : str
            Name of the 2-electron integral.  Ref to :func:`getints_by_shell`
            for the complete list of available 2-electron integral names
        aosym : int or str
            Permutation symmetry for the AO integrals

            | 4 or '4' or 's4': 4-fold symmetry (default)
            | '2ij' or 's2ij' : symmetry between i, j in (ij|kl)
            | '2kl' or 's2kl' : symmetry between k, l in (ij|kl)
            | 1 or '1' or 's1': no symmetry
            | 'a4ij' : 4-fold symmetry with anti-symmetry between i, j in (ij|kl) (TODO)
            | 'a4kl' : 4-fold symmetry with anti-symmetry between k, l in (ij|kl) (TODO)
            | 'a2ij' : anti-symmetry between i, j in (ij|kl) (TODO)
            | 'a2kl' : anti-symmetry between k, l in (ij|kl) (TODO)

        comp : int
            Components of the integrals, e.g. cint2e_ip_sph has 3 components.
        max_memory : float or int
            The maximum size of cache to use (in MB), large cache may **not**
            improve performance.
        ioblk_size : float or int
            The block size for IO, large block size may **not** improve performance
        verbose : int
            Print level
        compact : bool
            When compact is True, depending on the four oribital sets, the
            returned MO integrals has (up to 4-fold) permutation symmetry.
            If it's False, the function will abandon any permutation symmetry,
            and return the "plain" MO integrals



    >>> from pyscf import gto
    >>> from pyscf import ao2mo
    >>> import h5py
    >>> def view(h5file, dataname='eri_mo'):
    ...     f5 = h5py.File(h5file)
    ...     print('dataset %s, shape %s' % (str(f5.keys()), str(f5[dataname].shape)))
    ...     f5.close()
    >>> mol = gto.M(atom='O 0 0 0; H 0 1 0; H 0 0 1', basis='sto3g')
    >>> mo1 = numpy.random.random((mol.nao_nr(), 10))
    >>> mo2 = numpy.random.random((mol.nao_nr(), 8))
    >>> mo3 = numpy.random.random((mol.nao_nr(), 6))
    >>> mo4 = numpy.random.random((mol.nao_nr(), 4))
    >>> ao2mo.outcore.general(mol, (mo1,mo2,mo3,mo4), 'oh2.h5')
    >>> view('oh2.h5')
    dataset ['eri_mo'], shape (80, 24)
    >>> ao2mo.outcore.general(mol, (mo1,mo2,mo3,mo3), 'oh2.h5')
    >>> view('oh2.h5')
    dataset ['eri_mo'], shape (80, 21)
    >>> ao2mo.outcore.general(mol, (mo1,mo2,mo3,mo3), 'oh2.h5', compact=False)
    >>> view('oh2.h5')
    dataset ['eri_mo'], shape (80, 36)
    >>> ao2mo.outcore.general(mol, (mo1,mo1,mo2,mo2), 'oh2.h5')
    >>> view('oh2.h5')
    dataset ['eri_mo'], shape (55, 36)
    >>> ao2mo.outcore.general(mol, (mo1,mo1,mo1,mo1), 'oh2.h5', dataname='new')
    >>> view('oh2.h5', 'new')
    dataset ['eri_mo', 'new'], shape (55, 55)
    >>> ao2mo.outcore.general(mol, (mo1,mo1,mo1,mo1), 'oh2.h5', intor='cint2e_ip1_sph', aosym='s1', comp=3)
    >>> view('oh2.h5')
    dataset ['eri_mo', 'new'], shape (3, 100, 100)
    >>> ao2mo.outcore.general(mol, (mo1,mo1,mo1,mo1), 'oh2.h5', intor='cint2e_ip1_sph', aosym='s2kl', comp=3)
    >>> view('oh2.h5')
    dataset ['eri_mo', 'new'], shape (3, 100, 55)
    time_0pass = (time.clock(), time.time())
    if isinstance(verbose, logger.Logger):
        log = verbose
        log = logger.Logger(mol.stdout, verbose)

    nmoi = mo_coeffs[0].shape[1]
    nmoj = mo_coeffs[1].shape[1]
    nmok = mo_coeffs[2].shape[1]
    nmol = mo_coeffs[3].shape[1]
    nao = mo_coeffs[0].shape[0]
    aosym = _stand_sym_code(aosym)
    if aosym in ('s4', 's2kl'):
        nao_pair = nao * (nao+1) // 2
        nao_pair = nao * nao

    if (compact and iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[1]) and
        aosym in ('s4', 's2ij')):
        nij_pair = nmoi*(nmoi+1) // 2
        nij_pair = nmoi*nmoj

    klmosym, nkl_pair, mokl, klshape = \
            incore._conc_mos(mo_coeffs[2], mo_coeffs[3],
                             compact and aosym in ('s4', 's2kl'))

#    if nij_pair > nkl_pair:
#        log.warn('low efficiency for AO to MO trans!')

    if isinstance(erifile, str):
        if h5py.is_hdf5(erifile):
            feri = h5py.File(erifile)
            if dataname in feri:
            feri = h5py.File(erifile, 'w')
        assert(isinstance(erifile, h5py.Group))
        feri = erifile
    if comp == 1:
        chunks = (nmoj,nmol)
        h5d_eri = feri.create_dataset(dataname, (nij_pair,nkl_pair),
                                      'f8', chunks=chunks)
        chunks = (1,nmoj,nmol)
        h5d_eri = feri.create_dataset(dataname, (comp,nij_pair,nkl_pair),
                                      'f8', chunks=chunks)

    if nij_pair == 0 or nkl_pair == 0:
        if isinstance(erifile, str):
        return erifile
    log.debug('MO integrals %s are saved in %s/%s', intor, erifile, dataname)
    log.debug('num. MO ints = %.8g, required disk %.8g MB',
              float(nij_pair)*nkl_pair*comp, nij_pair*nkl_pair*comp*8/1e6)

# transform e1
    swapfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=tmpdir)
    fswap = h5py.File(, 'w')
    half_e1(mol, mo_coeffs, fswap, intor, aosym, comp, max_memory, ioblk_size,
            log, compact)

    time_1pass = log.timer('AO->MO transformation for %s 1 pass'%intor,

    ioblk_size = max(max_memory*.2, ioblk_size)
    iobuflen = guess_e2bufsize(ioblk_size, nij_pair, max(nao_pair,nkl_pair))[0]
    reading_frame = [numpy.empty((iobuflen,nao_pair)),
    def prefetch(icomp, row0, row1, buf):
        if icomp+1 < comp:
            icomp += 1
            row0, row1 = row1, min(nij_pair, row1+iobuflen)
            icomp = 0
        if row0 < row1:
            _load_from_h5g(fswap['%d'%icomp], row0, row1, buf)
    def async_read(icomp, row0, row1, thread_read):
        buf_current, buf_prefetch = reading_frame
        reading_frame[:] = [buf_prefetch, buf_current]
        if thread_read is None:
            _load_from_h5g(fswap['%d'%icomp], row0, row1, buf_current)
        thread_read = lib.background_thread(prefetch, icomp, row0, row1, buf_prefetch)
        return buf_current[:row1-row0], thread_read

    def save(icomp, row0, row1, buf):
        if comp == 1:
            h5d_eri[row0:row1] = buf[:row1-row0]
            h5d_eri[icomp,row0:row1] = buf[:row1-row0]
    def async_write(icomp, row0, row1, buf, thread_io):
        if thread_io is not None:
        thread_io = lib.background_thread(save, icomp, row0, row1, buf)
        return thread_io

    log.debug('step2: kl-pair (ao %d, mo %d), mem %.8g MB, ioblock %.8g MB',
              nao_pair, nkl_pair, iobuflen*nao_pair*8/1e6,

    klaoblks = len(fswap['0'])
    ijmoblks = int(numpy.ceil(float(nij_pair)/iobuflen)) * comp
    ao_loc = mol.ao_loc_nr('cart' in intor)
    ti0 = time_1pass
    bufs1 = numpy.empty((iobuflen,nkl_pair))
    buf_write = numpy.empty_like(bufs1)
    istep = 0
    read_handler = write_handler = None

    for row0, row1 in prange(0, nij_pair, iobuflen):
        nrow = row1 - row0

        for icomp in range(comp):
            istep += 1
            log.debug1('step 2 [%d/%d], [%d,%d:%d], row = %d',
                       istep, ijmoblks, icomp, row0, row1, nrow)

            buf, read_handler = async_read(icomp, row0, row1, read_handler)
            _ao2mo.nr_e2(buf, mokl, klshape, aosym, klmosym,
                         ao_loc=ao_loc, out=bufs1)
            write_handler = async_write(icomp, row0, row1, bufs1, write_handler)
            bufs1, buf_write = buf_write, bufs1  # avoid flushing writing buffer

            ti1 = (time.clock(), time.time())
            log.debug1('step 2 [%d/%d] CPU time: %9.2f, Wall time: %9.2f',
                       istep, ijmoblks, ti1[0]-ti0[0], ti1[1]-ti0[1])
            ti0 = ti1
    if isinstance(erifile, str):

    log.timer('AO->MO transformation for %s 2 pass'%intor, *time_1pass)
    log.timer('AO->MO transformation for %s '%intor, *time_0pass)
    return erifile
Esempio n. 21
def get_sigmaR_diag(gw, omega, kn, orbp, ef, freqs, qij, q_abs):
    Compute self-energy for poles inside coutour
    (more and more expensive away from Fermi surface)
    mo_energy = np.array(gw._scf.mo_energy)
    mo_coeff = np.array(gw._scf.mo_coeff)
    nocc = gw.nocc
    nmo = gw.nmo
    nkpts = gw.nkpts
    kpts = gw.kpts
    nw = len(freqs)
    mydf = gw.with_df

    # possible kpts shift center
    kscaled = gw.mol.get_scaled_kpts(kpts)
    kscaled -= kscaled[0]

    idx = []
    for k in range(nkpts):
        if omega > ef:
            fm = 1.0
                np.where((mo_energy[k] < omega) & (mo_energy[k] > ef))[0])
            fm = -1.0
                np.where((mo_energy[k] > omega) & (mo_energy[k] < ef))[0])

    sigmaR = 0j
    for kL in range(nkpts):
        # Lij: (ki, L, i, j) for looping every kL
        Lij = []
        # kidx: save kj that conserves with kL and ki (-ki+kj+kL=G)
        # kidx_r: save ki that conserves with kL and kj (-ki+kj+kL=G)
        kidx = np.zeros((nkpts), dtype=np.int64)
        kidx_r = np.zeros((nkpts), dtype=np.int64)
        for i, kpti in enumerate(kpts):
            for j, kptj in enumerate(kpts):
                # Find (ki,kj) that satisfies momentum conservation with kL
                kconserv = -kscaled[i] + kscaled[j] + kscaled[kL]
                is_kconserv = np.linalg.norm(np.round(kconserv) -
                                             kconserv) < 1e-12
                if is_kconserv:
                    kidx[i] = j
                    kidx_r[j] = i
        km = kidx_r[kn]
        if len(idx[km]) > 0:
            for i, kpti in enumerate(kpts):
                for j, kptj in enumerate(kpts):
                    # Find (ki,kj) that satisfies momentum conservation with kL
                    kconserv = -kscaled[i] + kscaled[j] + kscaled[kL]
                    is_kconserv = np.linalg.norm(
                        np.round(kconserv) - kconserv) < 1e-12
                    if is_kconserv:
                        kidx[i] = j
                        kidx_r[j] = i
                        #logger.debug(gw, "Read Lpq (kL: %s / %s, ki: %s, kj: %s)"%(kL+1, nkpts, i, j))
                        Lij_out = None
                        # Read (L|pq) and ao2mo transform to (L|ij)
                        Lpq = []
                        for LpqR, LpqI, sign in mydf.sr_loop(
                            [kpti, kptj],
                                max_memory=0.1 * gw._scf.max_memory,
                            Lpq.append(LpqR + LpqI * 1.0j)
                        # support uneqaul naux on different k points
                        Lpq = np.vstack(Lpq).reshape(-1, nmo**2)
                        tao = []
                        ao_loc = None
                        moij, ijslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeff[i], mo_coeff[j])[2:]
                        Lij_out = _ao2mo.r_e2(Lpq,
                        Lij.append(Lij_out.reshape(-1, nmo, nmo))
            Lij = np.asarray(Lij)
            naux = Lij.shape[1]

            if kL == 0:
                km = kidx_r[kn]
                if len(idx[km]) > 0:
                    for m in idx[km]:
                        em = mo_energy[km][m] - omega

                        # body dielectric matrix eps_body
                        Pi = get_rho_response_R(gw, abs(em), mo_energy, Lij,
                                                kL, kidx)
                        eps_body_inv = np.linalg.inv(np.eye(naux) - Pi)

                        if gw.fc and m == orbp:
                            # head dielectric matrix eps_00
                            Pi_00 = get_rho_response_head_R(
                                gw, abs(em), mo_energy, qij)
                            eps_00 = 1. - 4. * np.pi / np.linalg.norm(
                                q_abs[0])**2 * Pi_00

                            # wings dielectric matrix eps_P0
                            Pi_P0 = get_rho_response_wing_R(
                                gw, abs(em), mo_energy, Lij, qij)
                            eps_P0 = -np.sqrt(4. * np.pi) / np.linalg.norm(
                                q_abs[0]) * Pi_P0

                            # inverse dielectric matrix
                            eps_inv_00 = 1. / (eps_00 -
                      , eps_body_inv), eps_P0))
                            eps_inv_P0 = -eps_inv_00 *
                                eps_body_inv, eps_P0)

                        eps_inv_PQ = eps_body_inv

                        # body
                        Qmn = einsum('P,PQ->Q', Lij[km][:, m, orbp].conj(),
                                     eps_inv_PQ - np.eye(naux))
                        Wmn = 1. / nkpts * einsum('Q,Q->', Qmn, Lij[km][:, m,
                        sigmaR += fm * Wmn

                        if gw.fc and m == orbp:
                            # head correction
                            Del_00 = 2. / np.pi * (6. * np.pi**2 / gw.mol.vol /
                                                   nkpts)**(1. / 3.) * (
                                                       eps_inv_00 - 1.)
                            sigmaR += fm * Del_00

                            # wings correction
                            wings_const = np.sqrt(
                                gw.mol.vol / 4. /
                                np.pi**3) * (6. * np.pi**2 / gw.mol.vol /
                                             nkpts)**(2. / 3.)
                            Wn_P0 = einsum('P,P->', Lij[kn][:, m, orbp].conj(),
                            Wn_P0 = Wn_P0.real * 2.
                            sigmaR += fm * wings_const * Wn_P0
                km = kidx_r[kn]
                if len(idx[km]) > 0:
                    for m in idx[km]:
                        em = mo_energy[km][m] - omega
                        Pi = get_rho_response_R(gw, abs(em), mo_energy, Lij,
                                                kL, kidx)
                        Pi_inv = np.linalg.inv(np.eye(naux) -
                                               Pi) - np.eye(naux)
                        Qmn = einsum('P,PQ->Q', Lij[km][:, m, orbp].conj(),
                        Wmn = 1. / nkpts * einsum('Q,Q->', Qmn, Lij[km][:, m,
                        sigmaR += fm * Wmn

    return sigmaR
Esempio n. 22
def half_e1(mol, mo_coeffs, swapfile,
            intor='cint2e_sph', aosym='s4', comp=1,
            max_memory=2000, ioblk_size=IOBLK_SIZE, verbose=logger.WARN, compact=True,
    r'''Half transform arbitrary spherical AO integrals to MO integrals
    for the given two sets of orbitals

        mol : :class:`Mole` object
            AO integrals will be generated in terms of mol._atm, mol._bas, mol._env
        mo_coeff : ndarray
            Transform (ij|kl) with the same set of orbitals.
        swapfile : str or h5py File or h5py Group object
            To store the transformed integrals, in HDF5 format.  The transformed
            integrals are saved in blocks.

        intor : str
            Name of the 2-electron integral.  Ref to :func:`getints_by_shell`
            for the complete list of available 2-electron integral names
        aosym : int or str
            Permutation symmetry for the AO integrals

            | 4 or '4' or 's4': 4-fold symmetry (default)
            | '2ij' or 's2ij' : symmetry between i, j in (ij|kl)
            | '2kl' or 's2kl' : symmetry between k, l in (ij|kl)
            | 1 or '1' or 's1': no symmetry
            | 'a4ij' : 4-fold symmetry with anti-symmetry between i, j in (ij|kl) (TODO)
            | 'a4kl' : 4-fold symmetry with anti-symmetry between k, l in (ij|kl) (TODO)
            | 'a2ij' : anti-symmetry between i, j in (ij|kl) (TODO)
            | 'a2kl' : anti-symmetry between k, l in (ij|kl) (TODO)

        comp : int
            Components of the integrals, e.g. cint2e_ip_sph has 3 components.
        verbose : int
            Print level
        max_memory : float or int
            The maximum size of cache to use (in MB), large cache may **not**
            improve performance.
        ioblk_size : float or int
            The block size for IO, large block size may **not** improve performance
        verbose : int
            Print level
        compact : bool
            When compact is True, depending on the four oribital sets, the
            returned MO integrals has (up to 4-fold) permutation symmetry.
            If it's False, the function will abandon any permutation symmetry,
            and return the "plain" MO integrals
        ao2mopt : :class:`AO2MOpt` object
            Precomputed data to improve perfomance


    time0 = (time.clock(), time.time())
    if isinstance(verbose, logger.Logger):
        log = verbose
        log = logger.Logger(mol.stdout, verbose)

    nao = mo_coeffs[0].shape[0]
    aosym = _stand_sym_code(aosym)
    if aosym in ('s4', 's2ij'):
        nao_pair = nao * (nao+1) // 2
        nao_pair = nao * nao

    ijmosym, nij_pair, moij, ijshape = \
            incore._conc_mos(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[1],
                             compact and aosym in ('s4', 's2ij'))

    e1buflen, mem_words, iobuf_words, ioblk_words = \
            guess_e1bufsize(max_memory, ioblk_size, nij_pair, nao_pair, comp)
    ioblk_size = ioblk_words * 8/1e6
# The buffer to hold AO integrals in C code, see line (@)
    aobuflen = max(int((mem_words - 2*comp*e1buflen*nij_pair) // (nao_pair*comp)),
    shranges = guess_shell_ranges(mol, (aosym in ('s4', 's2kl')), e1buflen, aobuflen)
    if ao2mopt is None:
        if intor == 'cint2e_sph':
            ao2mopt = _ao2mo.AO2MOpt(mol, intor, 'CVHFnr_schwarz_cond',
            ao2mopt = _ao2mo.AO2MOpt(mol, intor)

    if isinstance(swapfile, str):
        fswap = h5py.File(swapfile, 'w')
        fswap = swapfile
    for icomp in range(comp):
        g = fswap.create_group(str(icomp)) # for h5py old version

    log.debug('step1: tmpfile %s  %.8g MB', fswap.filename, nij_pair*nao_pair*8/1e6)
    log.debug('step1: (ij,kl) = (%d,%d), mem cache %.8g MB, iobuf %.8g MB',
              nij_pair, nao_pair, mem_words*8/1e6, iobuf_words*8/1e6)
    nstep = len(shranges)
    e1buflen = max([x[2] for x in shranges])

    e2buflen, chunks = guess_e2bufsize(ioblk_size, nij_pair, e1buflen)
    def save(istep, iobuf):
        for icomp in range(comp):
            _transpose_to_h5g(fswap, '%d/%d'%(icomp,istep), iobuf[icomp],
                              e2buflen, None)
    def async_write(istep, iobuf, thread_io):
        if thread_io is not None:
        thread_io = lib.background_thread(save, istep, iobuf)
        return thread_io

    # transform e1
    ti0 = log.timer('Initializing ao2mo.outcore.half_e1', *time0)
    bufs1 = numpy.empty((comp*e1buflen,nao_pair))
    bufs2 = numpy.empty((comp*e1buflen,nij_pair))
    buf_write = numpy.empty_like(bufs2)
    write_handler = None
    for istep,sh_range in enumerate(shranges):
        log.debug1('step 1 [%d/%d], AO [%d:%d], len(buf) = %d', \
                   istep+1, nstep, *(sh_range[:3]))
        buflen = sh_range[2]
        iobuf = numpy.ndarray((comp,buflen,nij_pair), buffer=bufs2)
        nmic = len(sh_range[3])
        p0 = 0
        for imic, aoshs in enumerate(sh_range[3]):
            log.debug2('      fill iobuf micro [%d/%d], AO [%d:%d], len(aobuf) = %d', \
                       imic+1, nmic, *aoshs)
            buf = numpy.ndarray((comp*aoshs[2],nao_pair), buffer=bufs1) # (@)
            _ao2mo.nr_e1fill(intor, aoshs, mol._atm, mol._bas, mol._env,
                             aosym, comp, ao2mopt, out=buf)
            buf = _ao2mo.nr_e1(buf, moij, ijshape, aosym, ijmosym)
            iobuf[:,p0:p0+aoshs[2]] = buf.reshape(comp,aoshs[2],-1)
            p0 += aoshs[2]
        ti0 = log.timer_debug1('gen AO/transform MO [%d/%d]'%(istep+1,nstep), *ti0)

        write_handler = async_write(istep, iobuf, write_handler)
        bufs2, buf_write = buf_write, bufs2  # avoid flushing writing buffer
    bufs1 = bufs2 = None
    if isinstance(swapfile, str):
    return swapfile
Esempio n. 23
def general(mydf, mo_coeffs, kpts=None,
            compact=getattr(__config__, 'pbc_df_ao2mo_general_compact', True)):
    if mydf._cderi is None:

    cell = mydf.cell
    kptijkl = _format_kpts(kpts)
    kpti, kptj, kptk, kptl = kptijkl
    if isinstance(mo_coeffs, numpy.ndarray) and mo_coeffs.ndim == 2:
        mo_coeffs = (mo_coeffs,) * 4
    if not _iskconserv(cell, kptijkl):
        lib.logger.warn(cell, 'df_ao2mo: momentum conservation not found in '
                        'the given k-points %s', kptijkl)
        return numpy.zeros([mo.shape[1] for mo in mo_coeffs])

    all_real = not any(numpy.iscomplexobj(mo) for mo in mo_coeffs)
    max_memory = max(2000, (mydf.max_memory - lib.current_memory()[0]))

# gamma point, the integral is real and with s4 symmetry
    if gamma_point(kptijkl) and all_real:
        ijmosym, nij_pair, moij, ijslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[1], compact)
        klmosym, nkl_pair, mokl, klslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[2], mo_coeffs[3], compact)
        eri_mo = numpy.zeros((nij_pair,nkl_pair))
        sym = (iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[2]) and
               iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[1], mo_coeffs[3]))
        ijR = klR = None
        for LpqR, LpqI, sign in mydf.sr_loop(kptijkl[:2], max_memory, True):
            ijR, klR = _dtrans(LpqR, ijR, ijmosym, moij, ijslice,
                               LpqR, klR, klmosym, mokl, klslice, sym)
            lib.ddot(ijR.T, klR, sign, eri_mo, 1)
            LpqR = LpqI = None
        return eri_mo

    elif is_zero(kpti-kptk) and is_zero(kptj-kptl):
        mo_coeffs = _mo_as_complex(mo_coeffs)
        nij_pair, moij, ijslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[1])[1:]
        nkl_pair, mokl, klslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[2], mo_coeffs[3])[1:]
        eri_mo = numpy.zeros((nij_pair,nkl_pair), dtype=numpy.complex)
        sym = (iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[2]) and
               iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[1], mo_coeffs[3]))

        zij = zkl = None
        for LpqR, LpqI, sign in mydf.sr_loop(kptijkl[:2], max_memory, False):
            buf = LpqR+LpqI*1j
            zij, zkl = _ztrans(buf, zij, moij, ijslice,
                               buf, zkl, mokl, klslice, sym)
  , zkl, sign, eri_mo, 1)
            LpqR = LpqI = buf = None
        return eri_mo

# (kpt) i == j == k == l != 0
# (kpt) i == l && j == k && i != j && j != k  =>
    elif is_zero(kpti-kptl) and is_zero(kptj-kptk):
        mo_coeffs = _mo_as_complex(mo_coeffs)
        nij_pair, moij, ijslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[1])[1:]
        nlk_pair, molk, lkslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[3], mo_coeffs[2])[1:]
        eri_mo = numpy.zeros((nij_pair,nlk_pair), dtype=numpy.complex)
        sym = (iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[3]) and
               iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[1], mo_coeffs[2]))

        zij = zlk = None
        for LpqR, LpqI, sign in mydf.sr_loop(kptijkl[:2], max_memory, False):
            buf = LpqR+LpqI*1j
            zij, zlk = _ztrans(buf, zij, moij, ijslice,
                               buf, zlk, molk, lkslice, sym)
  , zlk.conj(), sign, eri_mo, 1)
            LpqR = LpqI = buf = None
        nmok = mo_coeffs[2].shape[1]
        nmol = mo_coeffs[3].shape[1]
        eri_mo = lib.transpose(eri_mo.reshape(-1,nmol,nmok), axes=(0,2,1))
        return eri_mo.reshape(nij_pair,nlk_pair)

# aosym = s1, complex integrals
# If kpti == kptj, (kptl-kptk)*a has to be multiples of 2pi because of the wave
# vector symmetry.  k is a fraction of reciprocal basis, 0 < k/b < 1, by definition.
# So  kptl/b - kptk/b  must be -1 < k/b < 1.  =>  kptl == kptk
        mo_coeffs = _mo_as_complex(mo_coeffs)
        nij_pair, moij, ijslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[1])[1:]
        nkl_pair, mokl, klslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[2], mo_coeffs[3])[1:]
        nao = mo_coeffs[0].shape[0]
        eri_mo = numpy.zeros((nij_pair,nkl_pair), dtype=numpy.complex)

        blksize = int(min(max_memory*.3e6/16/nij_pair,
        zij = zkl = None
        for (LpqR, LpqI, sign), (LrsR, LrsI, sign1) in \
                lib.izip(mydf.sr_loop(kptijkl[:2], max_memory, False, blksize),
                         mydf.sr_loop(kptijkl[2:], max_memory, False, blksize)):
            zij, zkl = _ztrans(LpqR+LpqI*1j, zij, moij, ijslice,
                               LrsR+LrsI*1j, zkl, mokl, klslice, False)
  , zkl, sign, eri_mo, 1)
            LpqR = LpqI = LrsR = LrsI = None
        return eri_mo
Esempio n. 24
def grad_elec_auxresponse_dferi (mc_grad, mo_cas=None, ci=None, dfcasdm2=None, casdm2=None, atmlst=None, max_memory=None, dferi=None, incl_2c=True):
    ''' Evaluate the [(P'|ij) + (P'|Q) g_Qij] d_Pij contribution to the electronic gradient, where d_Pij is
    the DF-2RDM obtained by solve_df_rdm2 and g_Qij solves (P|Q) g_Qij = (P|ij). The caller must symmetrize
    if necessary (i.e., (P|Q) d_Qij = (P|kl) d_ijkl <-> (P|Q) d_Qkl = (P|ij) d_ijkl in order to get at Q').
        mc_grad: MC-SCF gradients method object

        mc_cas: ndarray, list, or tuple containing active-space MO coefficients
            If a tuple of length 2, the same pair of MO sets are assumed to apply to
            the internally-contracted and externally-contracted indices of the DF-2rdm:
            (P|Q)d_Qij = (P|kl)d_ijkl -> (P|Q)d_Qij = (P|ij)d_ijij
            If a tuple of length 4, the 4 MO sets are applied to ijkl above in that order
            (first two external, last two internal).
        ci: ndarray, tuple, or list containing CI coefficients in mo_cas basis.
            Not used if dfcasdm2 is provided.
        dfcasdm2: ndarray, tuple, or list containing DF-2rdm in mo_cas basis.
            Computed by solve_df_rdm2 if omitted.
        casdm2: ndarray, tuple, or list containing rdm2 in mo_cas basis.
            Computed by mc_grad.fcisolver.make_rdm12 (ci,...) if omitted.
        atmlst: list of integers
            List of nonfrozen atoms, as in grad_elec functions.
            Defaults to list (range (mol.natm))
        max_memory: int
            Maximum memory usage in MB
        dferi: ndarray containing g_Pij for optional precalculation
        incl_2c: bool
            If False, omit the terms depending on (P'|Q)

        dE: list of ndarray of shape (len (atmlst), 3) '''

    if isinstance (mc_grad, GradientsBasics):
        mc = mc_grad.base
        mc = mc_grad
    mol = mc_grad.mol
    auxmol = mc.with_df.auxmol
    ncore, ncas, nao, naux, nbas = mc.ncore, mc.ncas, mol.nao, auxmol.nao, mol.nbas
    nocc = ncore + ncas
    npair = nao * (nao + 1) // 2
    if mo_cas is None: mo_cas = mc.mo_coeff[:,ncore:nocc]
    if max_memory is None: max_memory = mc.max_memory
    if isinstance (mo_cas, np.ndarray) and mo_cas.ndim == 2:
        mo_cas = (mo_cas,)*4
    elif len (mo_cas) == 2:
        mo_cas = (mo_cas[0], mo_cas[1], mo_cas[0], mo_cas[1])
    elif len (mo_cas) == 4:
        mo_cas = tuple (mo_cas)
        raise RuntimeError ('Invalid shape of np.asarray (mo_cas): {}'.format (mo_cas.shape))
    nmo = [mo.shape[1] for mo in mo_cas]
    if atmlst is None: atmlst = list (range (mol.natm))
    if ci is None: ci =
    if dfcasdm2 is None: dfcasdm2 = solve_df_rdm2 (mc, mo_cas=mo_cas[2:], ci=ci, casdm2=casdm2) # d_Pij = (P|Q)^{-1} (Q|kl) d_ijkl
    nset = len (dfcasdm2)
    dE = np.zeros ((nset, naux, 3))
    dfcasdm2 = np.array (dfcasdm2)

    # Shape dfcasdm2
    mosym, nmo_pair, mo_conc, mo_slice = _conc_mos(mo_cas[0], mo_cas[1], compact=True)
    if 's2' in mosym:
        assert (nmo[0] == nmo[1]), 'How did I get {} with nmo[0] = {} and nmo[1] = {}'.format (mosym, nmo[0], nmo[1])
        dfcasdm2 = dfcasdm2.reshape (nset*naux, nmo[0], nmo[1])
        dfcasdm2 += dfcasdm2.transpose (0,2,1)
        diag_idx = np.arange(nmo[0])
        diag_idx = diag_idx * (diag_idx+1) // 2 + diag_idx
        dfcasdm2 = lib.pack_tril (np.ascontiguousarray (dfcasdm2))
        dfcasdm2[:,diag_idx] *= 0.5
    dfcasdm2 = dfcasdm2.reshape (nset, naux, nmo_pair)

    # Do 2c part. Assume memory is no object
    if incl_2c: 
        int2c = auxmol.intor('int2c2e_ip1')
        if (dferi is None): dferi = solve_df_eri (mc, mo_cas=mo_cas[:2]).reshape (naux, nmo_pair) # g_Pij = (P|Q)^{-1} (Q|ij)
        int3c = (int2c, dferi) # (P'|Q) g_Qij
        dE += lib.einsum ('npi,xpi->npx', dfcasdm2, int3c) # d_Pij (P'|Q) g_Qij
        int2c = int3c = dferi = None

    # Set up 3c part
    get_int3c = _int3c_wrapper(mol, auxmol, 'int3c2e_ip2', 's2ij')
    max_memory -= lib.current_memory()[0]  
    blklen = 6*npair
    blksize = int (min (max (max_memory * 1e6 / 8 / blklen, 20), 240))
    aux_loc = auxmol.ao_loc
    aux_ranges = balance_partition(aux_loc, blksize)

    # Iterate over auxbasis range and do 3c part
    for shl0, shl1, nL in aux_ranges:
        p0, p1 = aux_loc[shl0], aux_loc[shl1]
        int3c = get_int3c ((0, nbas, 0, nbas, shl0, shl1))  # (uv|P'); shape = (3,npair,p1-p0)
        int3c = np.ascontiguousarray (int3c.transpose (0,2,1).reshape (3*(p1-p0), npair))
        int3c = _ao2mo.nr_e2(int3c, mo_conc, mo_slice, aosym='s2', mosym=mosym)
        int3c = int3c.reshape (3,p1-p0,nmo_pair)
        int3c = np.ascontiguousarray (int3c)
        dE[:,p0:p1,:] -= lib.einsum ('npi,xpi->npx', dfcasdm2[:,p0:p1,:], int3c)

    # Ravel to atoms
    auxslices = auxmol.aoslice_by_atom ()
    dE = np.array ([dE[:,p0:p1].sum (axis=1) for p0, p1 in auxslices[:,2:]]).transpose (1,0,2)
    return np.ascontiguousarray (dE)
Esempio n. 25
def get_sigma_diag(gw,
    Compute GW correlation self-energy (diagonal elements) in MO basis
    on imaginary axis
    mo_energy = np.array(gw._scf.mo_energy)
    mo_coeff = np.array(gw._scf.mo_coeff)
    nocca, noccb = gw.nocc
    nmoa, nmob = gw.nmo
    nkpts = gw.nkpts
    kpts = gw.kpts
    nklist = len(kptlist)
    nw = len(freqs)
    norbs = len(orbs)
    mydf = gw.with_df

    # possible kpts shift
    kscaled = gw.mol.get_scaled_kpts(kpts)
    kscaled -= kscaled[0]

    # This code does not support metals
    h**o = -99.
    lumo = 99.
    for k in range(nkpts):
        if h**o < max(mo_energy[0, k][nocca - 1], mo_energy[1, k][noccb - 1]):
            h**o = max(mo_energy[0, k][nocca - 1], mo_energy[1, k][noccb - 1])
        if lumo > min(mo_energy[0, k][nocca], mo_energy[1, k][noccb]):
            lumo = min(mo_energy[0, k][nocca], mo_energy[1, k][noccb])
    if (lumo - h**o) < 1e-3:
        logger.warn(gw, 'Current KUGW is not supporting metals!')
    ef = (h**o + lumo) / 2.

    # Integration on numerical grids
    if iw_cutoff is not None:
        nw_sigma = sum(iw < iw_cutoff for iw in freqs) + 1
        nw_sigma = nw + 1

    # Compute occ for -iw and vir for iw separately
    # to avoid branch cuts in analytic continuation
    omega_occ = np.zeros((nw_sigma), dtype=np.complex128)
    omega_vir = np.zeros((nw_sigma), dtype=np.complex128)
    omega_occ[0] = 1j * 0.
    omega_occ[1:] = -1j * freqs[:(nw_sigma - 1)]
    omega_vir[0] = 1j * 0.
    omega_vir[1:] = 1j * freqs[:(nw_sigma - 1)]
    orbs_occ_a = [i for i in orbs if i < nocca]
    orbs_occ_b = [i for i in orbs if i < noccb]
    norbs_occ_a = len(orbs_occ_a)
    norbs_occ_b = len(orbs_occ_b)

    emo_occ_a = np.zeros((nkpts, nmoa, nw_sigma), dtype=np.complex128)
    emo_occ_b = np.zeros((nkpts, nmob, nw_sigma), dtype=np.complex128)
    emo_vir_a = np.zeros((nkpts, nmoa, nw_sigma), dtype=np.complex128)
    emo_vir_b = np.zeros((nkpts, nmob, nw_sigma), dtype=np.complex128)
    for k in range(nkpts):
        emo_occ_a[k] = omega_occ[None, :] + ef - mo_energy[0, k][:, None]
        emo_occ_b[k] = omega_occ[None, :] + ef - mo_energy[1, k][:, None]
        emo_vir_a[k] = omega_vir[None, :] + ef - mo_energy[0, k][:, None]
        emo_vir_b[k] = omega_vir[None, :] + ef - mo_energy[1, k][:, None]

    sigma = np.zeros((2, nklist, norbs, nw_sigma), dtype=np.complex128)
    omega = np.zeros((2, norbs, nw_sigma), dtype=np.complex128)
    for s in range(2):
        for p in range(norbs):
            orbp = orbs[p]
            if orbp < gw.nocc[s]:
                omega[s, p] = omega_occ.copy()
                omega[s, p] = omega_vir.copy()

    if gw.fc:
        # Set up q mesh for q->0 finite size correction
        q_pts = np.array([1e-3, 0, 0]).reshape(1, 3)
        nq_pts = len(q_pts)
        q_abs = gw.mol.get_abs_kpts(q_pts)

        # Get qij = 1/sqrt(Omega) * < psi_{ik} | e^{iqr} | psi_{ak-q} > at q: (nkpts, nocc, nvir)
        qij = get_qij(gw, q_abs[0], mo_coeff)

    for kL in range(nkpts):
        # Lij: (2, ki, L, i, j) for looping every kL
        #Lij = np.zeros((2,nkpts,naux,nmoa,nmoa),dtype=np.complex128)
        Lij = []
        # kidx: save kj that conserves with kL and ki (-ki+kj+kL=G)
        # kidx_r: save ki that conserves with kL and kj (-ki+kj+kL=G)
        kidx = np.zeros((nkpts), dtype=np.int64)
        kidx_r = np.zeros((nkpts), dtype=np.int64)
        for i, kpti in enumerate(kpts):
            for j, kptj in enumerate(kpts):
                # Find (ki,kj) that satisfies momentum conservation with kL
                kconserv = -kscaled[i] + kscaled[j] + kscaled[kL]
                is_kconserv = np.linalg.norm(np.round(kconserv) -
                                             kconserv) < 1e-12
                if is_kconserv:
                    kidx[i] = j
                    kidx_r[j] = i
                        gw, "Read Lpq (kL: %s / %s, ki: %s, kj: %s)" %
                        (kL + 1, nkpts, i, j))
                    Lij_out_a = None
                    Lij_out_b = None
                    # Read (L|pq) and ao2mo transform to (L|ij)
                    Lpq = []
                    for LpqR, LpqI, sign in mydf.sr_loop([kpti, kptj],
                                                         max_memory=0.1 *
                        Lpq.append(LpqR + LpqI * 1.0j)
                    Lpq = np.vstack(Lpq).reshape(-1, nmoa**2)
                    moija, ijslicea = _conc_mos(mo_coeff[0, i],
                                                mo_coeff[0, j])[2:]
                    moijb, ijsliceb = _conc_mos(mo_coeff[1, i],
                                                mo_coeff[1, j])[2:]
                    tao = []
                    ao_loc = None
                    Lij_out_a = _ao2mo.r_e2(Lpq,
                    tao = []
                    ao_loc = None
                    Lij_out_b = _ao2mo.r_e2(Lpq,
                        np.asarray((Lij_out_a.reshape(-1, nmoa, nmoa),
                                    Lij_out_b.reshape(-1, nmob, nmob))))

        Lij = np.asarray(Lij)
        Lij = Lij.transpose(1, 0, 2, 3, 4)
        naux = Lij.shape[2]

        if kL == 0:
            for w in range(nw):
                # body dielectric matrix eps_body
                Pi = get_rho_response(gw, freqs[w], mo_energy, Lij, kL, kidx)
                eps_body_inv = np.linalg.inv(np.eye(naux) - Pi)

                if gw.fc:
                    # head dielectric matrix eps_00
                    Pi_00 = get_rho_response_head(gw, freqs[w], mo_energy, qij)
                    eps_00 = 1. - 4. * np.pi / np.linalg.norm(
                        q_abs[0])**2 * Pi_00

                    # wings dielectric matrix eps_P0
                    Pi_P0 = get_rho_response_wing(gw, freqs[w], mo_energy, Lij,
                    eps_P0 = -np.sqrt(4. * np.pi) / np.linalg.norm(
                        q_abs[0]) * Pi_P0

                    # inverse dielectric matrix
                    eps_inv_00 = 1. / (eps_00 -
              , eps_body_inv), eps_P0))
                    eps_inv_P0 = -eps_inv_00 *, eps_P0)

                    # head correction
                    Del_00 = 2. / np.pi * (6. * np.pi**2 / gw.mol.vol / nkpts
                                           )**(1. / 3.) * (eps_inv_00 - 1.)

                eps_inv_PQ = eps_body_inv
                g0_occ_a = wts[w] * emo_occ_a / (emo_occ_a**2 + freqs[w]**2)
                g0_occ_b = wts[w] * emo_occ_b / (emo_occ_b**2 + freqs[w]**2)
                g0_vir_a = wts[w] * emo_vir_a / (emo_vir_a**2 + freqs[w]**2)
                g0_vir_b = wts[w] * emo_vir_b / (emo_vir_b**2 + freqs[w]**2)
                for k in range(nklist):
                    kn = kptlist[k]
                    # Find km that conserves with kn and kL (-km+kn+kL=G)
                    km = kidx_r[kn]
                    Qmn_a = einsum('Pmn,PQ->Qmn', Lij[0, km][:, :,
                                   eps_inv_PQ - np.eye(naux))
                    Qmn_b = einsum('Pmn,PQ->Qmn', Lij[1, km][:, :,
                                   eps_inv_PQ - np.eye(naux))
                    Wmn_a = 1. / nkpts * einsum('Qmn,Qmn->mn', Qmn_a,
                                                Lij[0, km][:, :, orbs])
                    Wmn_b = 1. / nkpts * einsum('Qmn,Qmn->mn', Qmn_b,
                                                Lij[1, km][:, :, orbs])

                    sigma[0, k][:norbs_occ_a] += -einsum(
                        'mn,mw->nw', Wmn_a[:, :norbs_occ_a],
                        g0_occ_a[km]) / np.pi
                    sigma[1, k][:norbs_occ_b] += -einsum(
                        'mn,mw->nw', Wmn_b[:, :norbs_occ_b],
                        g0_occ_b[km]) / np.pi
                    sigma[0, k][norbs_occ_a:] += -einsum(
                        'mn,mw->nw', Wmn_a[:, norbs_occ_a:],
                        g0_vir_a[km]) / np.pi
                    sigma[1, k][norbs_occ_b:] += -einsum(
                        'mn,mw->nw', Wmn_b[:, norbs_occ_b:],
                        g0_vir_b[km]) / np.pi

                    if gw.fc:
                        # apply head correction
                        assert (kn == km)
                        sigma[0, k][:norbs_occ_a] += -Del_00 * g0_occ_a[kn][
                            orbs][:norbs_occ_a] / np.pi
                        sigma[0, k][norbs_occ_a:] += -Del_00 * g0_vir_a[kn][
                            orbs][norbs_occ_a:] / np.pi
                        sigma[1, k][:norbs_occ_b] += -Del_00 * g0_occ_b[kn][
                            orbs][:norbs_occ_b] / np.pi
                        sigma[1, k][norbs_occ_b:] += -Del_00 * g0_vir_b[kn][
                            orbs][norbs_occ_b:] / np.pi

                        # apply wing correction
                        Wn_P0_a = einsum('Pnm,P->nm', Lij[0, kn],
                        Wn_P0_b = einsum('Pnm,P->nm', Lij[1, kn],
                        Wn_P0_a = Wn_P0_a.real * 2.
                        Wn_P0_b = Wn_P0_b.real * 2.
                        Del_P0_a = np.sqrt(gw.mol.vol / 4. / np.pi**3) * (
                            6. * np.pi**2 / gw.mol.vol /
                            nkpts)**(2. / 3.) * Wn_P0_a[orbs]
                        Del_P0_b = np.sqrt(gw.mol.vol / 4. / np.pi**3) * (
                            6. * np.pi**2 / gw.mol.vol /
                            nkpts)**(2. / 3.) * Wn_P0_b[orbs]
                        sigma[0, k][:norbs_occ_a] += -einsum(
                            'n,nw->nw', Del_P0_a[:norbs_occ_a],
                            g0_occ_a[kn][orbs][:norbs_occ_a]) / np.pi
                        sigma[0, k][norbs_occ_a:] += -einsum(
                            'n,nw->nw', Del_P0_a[norbs_occ_a:],
                            g0_vir_a[kn][orbs][norbs_occ_a:]) / np.pi
                        sigma[1, k][:norbs_occ_b] += -einsum(
                            'n,nw->nw', Del_P0_b[:norbs_occ_b],
                            g0_occ_b[kn][orbs][:norbs_occ_b]) / np.pi
                        sigma[1, k][norbs_occ_b:] += -einsum(
                            'n,nw->nw', Del_P0_b[norbs_occ_b:],
                            g0_vir_b[kn][orbs][norbs_occ_b:]) / np.pi
            for w in range(nw):
                Pi = get_rho_response(gw, freqs[w], mo_energy, Lij, kL, kidx)
                Pi_inv = np.linalg.inv(np.eye(naux) - Pi) - np.eye(naux)
                g0_occ_a = wts[w] * emo_occ_a / (emo_occ_a**2 + freqs[w]**2)
                g0_occ_b = wts[w] * emo_occ_b / (emo_occ_b**2 + freqs[w]**2)
                g0_vir_a = wts[w] * emo_vir_a / (emo_vir_a**2 + freqs[w]**2)
                g0_vir_b = wts[w] * emo_vir_b / (emo_vir_b**2 + freqs[w]**2)
                for k in range(nklist):
                    kn = kptlist[k]
                    # Find km that conserves with kn and kL (-km+kn+kL=G)
                    km = kidx_r[kn]
                    Qmn_a = einsum('Pmn,PQ->Qmn',
                                   Lij[0, km][:, :, orbs].conj(), Pi_inv)
                    Qmn_b = einsum('Pmn,PQ->Qmn',
                                   Lij[1, km][:, :, orbs].conj(), Pi_inv)
                    Wmn_a = 1. / nkpts * einsum('Qmn,Qmn->mn', Qmn_a,
                                                Lij[0, km][:, :, orbs])
                    Wmn_b = 1. / nkpts * einsum('Qmn,Qmn->mn', Qmn_b,
                                                Lij[1, km][:, :, orbs])

                    sigma[0, k][:norbs_occ_a] += -einsum(
                        'mn,mw->nw', Wmn_a[:, :norbs_occ_a],
                        g0_occ_a[km]) / np.pi
                    sigma[1, k][:norbs_occ_b] += -einsum(
                        'mn,mw->nw', Wmn_b[:, :norbs_occ_b],
                        g0_occ_b[km]) / np.pi
                    sigma[0, k][norbs_occ_a:] += -einsum(
                        'mn,mw->nw', Wmn_a[:, norbs_occ_a:],
                        g0_vir_a[km]) / np.pi
                    sigma[1, k][norbs_occ_b:] += -einsum(
                        'mn,mw->nw', Wmn_b[:, norbs_occ_b:],
                        g0_vir_b[km]) / np.pi

    return sigma, omega
Esempio n. 26
def general(mydf, mo_coeffs, kpts=None, compact=True):
    if mydf._cderi is None:

    cell = mydf.cell
    kptijkl = _format_kpts(kpts)
    kpti, kptj, kptk, kptl = kptijkl
    if isinstance(mo_coeffs, numpy.ndarray) and mo_coeffs.ndim == 2:
        mo_coeffs = (mo_coeffs,) * 4
    eri_mo = pwdf_ao2mo.general(mydf, mo_coeffs, kptijkl, compact)

    all_real = not any(numpy.iscomplexobj(mo) for mo in mo_coeffs)
    max_memory = max(2000, (mydf.max_memory - lib.current_memory()[0]) * .5)

# gamma point, the integral is real and with s4 symmetry
    if abs(kptijkl).sum() < KPT_DIFF_TOL and all_real:
        ijmosym, nij_pair, moij, ijslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[1], compact)
        klmosym, nkl_pair, mokl, klslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[2], mo_coeffs[3], compact)
        sym = (iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[2]) and
               iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[1], mo_coeffs[3]))
        if sym:
            eri_mo *= .5  # because we'll do +cc later

        ijR = klR = None
        for LpqR, LpqI, j3cR, j3cI in mydf.sr_loop(kptijkl[:2], max_memory, True):
            ijR, klR = _dtrans(LpqR, ijR, ijmosym, moij, ijslice,
                               j3cR, klR, klmosym, mokl, klslice, False)
            lib.ddot(ijR.T, klR, 1, eri_mo, 1)
            if not sym:
                ijR, klR = _dtrans(j3cR, ijR, ijmosym, moij, ijslice,
                                   LpqR, klR, klmosym, mokl, klslice, False)
                lib.ddot(ijR.T, klR, 1, eri_mo, 1)
            LpqR = LpqI = j3cR = j3cI = None
        if sym:
            eri_mo = lib.transpose_sum(eri_mo, inplace=True)
        return eri_mo

# (kpt) i == j == k == l != 0
# (kpt) i == l && j == k && i != j && j != k  =>
# both vbar and ovlp are zero. It corresponds to the exchange integral.
# complex integrals, N^4 elements
    elif (abs(kpti-kptl).sum() < KPT_DIFF_TOL) and (abs(kptj-kptk).sum() < KPT_DIFF_TOL):
        mo_coeffs = _mo_as_complex(mo_coeffs)
        nij_pair, moij, ijslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[1])[1:]
        nlk_pair, molk, lkslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[3], mo_coeffs[2])[1:]
        eri_lk = numpy.zeros((nij_pair,nlk_pair), dtype=numpy.complex)
        sym = (iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[3]) and
               iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[1], mo_coeffs[2]))

        zij = zlk = buf = None
        for LpqR, LpqI, j3cR, j3cI in mydf.sr_loop(kptijkl[:2], max_memory, False):
            bufL = LpqR+LpqI*1j
            bufj = j3cR+j3cI*1j
            zij, zlk = _ztrans(bufL, zij, moij, ijslice,
                               bufj, zlk, molk, lkslice, False)
  , zlk.conj(), 1, eri_lk, 1)
            if not sym:
                zij, zlk = _ztrans(bufj, zij, moij, ijslice,
                                   bufL, zlk, molk, lkslice, False)
      , zlk.conj(), 1, eri_lk, 1)
            LpqR = LpqI = j3cR = j3cI = bufL = bufj = None
        if sym:
            eri_lk += lib.transpose(eri_lk).conj()

        nmok = mo_coeffs[2].shape[1]
        nmol = mo_coeffs[3].shape[1]
        eri_lk = lib.transpose(eri_lk.reshape(-1,nmol,nmok), axes=(0,2,1))
        eri_mo += eri_lk.reshape(nij_pair,nlk_pair)
        return eri_mo

# aosym = s1, complex integrals
# kpti == kptj  =>  kptl == kptk
# If kpti == kptj, (kptl-kptk)*a has to be multiples of 2pi because of the wave
# vector symmetry.  k is a fraction of reciprocal basis, 0 < k/b < 1, by definition.
# So  kptl/b - kptk/b  must be -1 < k/b < 1.
        mo_coeffs = _mo_as_complex(mo_coeffs)
        nij_pair, moij, ijslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[1])[1:]
        nkl_pair, mokl, klslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[2], mo_coeffs[3])[1:]
        max_memory *= .5

        zij = zkl = None
        for (LpqR, LpqI, jpqR, jpqI), (LrsR, LrsI, jrsR, jrsI) in \
                lib.izip(mydf.sr_loop(kptijkl[:2], max_memory, False),
                         mydf.sr_loop(kptijkl[2:], max_memory, False)):
            zij, zkl = _ztrans(LpqR+LpqI*1j, zij, moij, ijslice,
                               jrsR+jrsI*1j, zkl, mokl, klslice, False)
  , zkl, 1, eri_mo, 1)
            zij, zkl = _ztrans(jpqR+jpqI*1j, zij, moij, ijslice,
                               LrsR+LrsI*1j, zkl, mokl, klslice, False)
  , zkl, 1, eri_mo, 1)
            LpqR = LpqI = jpqR = jpqI = LrsR = LrsI = jrsR = jrsI = None
        return eri_mo