コード例 #1
 def ao2mo(self, mo_coeffs, compact=True):
     if isinstance(mo_coeffs, numpy.ndarray) and mo_coeffs.ndim == 2:
         mo_coeffs = (mo_coeffs, ) * 4
     ijmosym, nij_pair, moij, ijslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[0],
                                                  mo_coeffs[1], compact)
     klmosym, nkl_pair, mokl, klslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[2],
                                                  mo_coeffs[3], compact)
     mo_eri = numpy.zeros((nij_pair, nkl_pair))
     sym = (iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[2])
            and iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[1], mo_coeffs[3]))
     Lij = Lkl = None
     for eri1 in self.loop():
         Lij = _ao2mo.nr_e2(eri1,
         if sym:
             Lkl = Lij
             Lkl = _ao2mo.nr_e2(eri1,
         lib.dot(Lij.T, Lkl, 1, mo_eri, 1)
     return mo_eri
コード例 #2
ファイル: df.py プロジェクト: eronca/pyscf
 def ao2mo(self, mo_coeffs, compact=True):
     if isinstance(mo_coeffs, numpy.ndarray) and mo_coeffs.ndim == 2:
         mo_coeffs = (mo_coeffs,) * 4
     ijmosym, nij_pair, moij, ijslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[1], compact)
     klmosym, nkl_pair, mokl, klslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[2], mo_coeffs[3], compact)
     mo_eri = numpy.zeros((nij_pair,nkl_pair))
     sym = (iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[2]) and
            iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[1], mo_coeffs[3]))
     Lij = Lkl = None
     for eri1 in self.loop():
         Lij = _ao2mo.nr_e2(eri1, moij, ijslice, aosym='s2', mosym=ijmosym, out=Lij)
         if sym:
             Lkl = Lij
             Lkl = _ao2mo.nr_e2(eri1, mokl, klslice, aosym='s2', mosym=klmosym, out=Lkl)
         lib.dot(Lij.T, Lkl, 1, mo_eri, 1)
     return mo_eri
コード例 #3
ファイル: casdm2_util.py プロジェクト: hebrewsnabla/mrh
def get_int3c_mo(mol,
                 compact=getattr(__config__, 'df_df_DF_ao2mo_compact', True),
    ''' Evaluate (P|uv) c_ui c_vj -> (P|ij)

        mol: gto.Mole
        auxmol: gto.Mole, contains auxbasis
        mo_coeff: ndarray, list, or tuple containing MO coefficients
            if two ndarrays mo_coeff = (mo0, mo1) are provided, mo0 and mo1 are
            used for the two AO dimensions

        compact: bool
            If true, will return only unique ERIs along the two MO dimensions.
            Does nothing if mo_coeff contains two different sets of orbitals.
        max_memory: int
            Maximum memory consumption in MB

        int3c: ndarray of shape (naux, nmo0, nmo1) or (naux, nmo*(nmo+1)//2) '''

    nao, naux, nbas, nauxbas = mol.nao, auxmol.nao, mol.nbas, auxmol.nbas
    npair = nao * (nao + 1) // 2
    if max_memory is None: max_memory = mol.max_memory

    # Separate mo_coeff
    if isinstance(mo_coeff, np.ndarray) and mo_coeff.ndim == 2:
        mo0 = mo1 = mo_coeff
        mo0, mo1 = mo_coeff[0], mo_coeff[1]
    nmo0, nmo1 = mo0.shape[-1], mo1.shape[-1]
    mosym, nmo_pair, mo_conc, mo_slice = _conc_mos(mo0, mo1, compact=compact)

    # (P|uv) -> (P|ij)
    get_int3c = _int3c_wrapper(mol, auxmol, 'int3c2e', 's2ij')
    int3c = np.zeros((naux, nmo_pair), dtype=mo0.dtype)
    max_memory -= lib.current_memory()[0]
    blksize = int(min(max(max_memory * 1e6 / 8 / (npair * 2), 20), 240))
    aux_loc = auxmol.ao_loc
    aux_ranges = balance_partition(aux_loc, blksize)
    for shl0, shl1, nL in aux_ranges:
        int3c_ao = get_int3c((0, nbas, 0, nbas, shl0, shl1))  # (uv|P)
        p0, p1 = aux_loc[shl0], aux_loc[shl1]
        int3c_ao = int3c_ao.T  # is apparently stored f-contiguous but in the actual memory order I need, so just transpose
        int3c[p0:p1] = _ao2mo.nr_e2(int3c_ao,
        int3c_ao = None

    # Shape and return
    if 's1' in mosym: int3c = int3c.reshape(naux, nmo0, nmo1)
    return int3c
コード例 #4
ファイル: mdf_ao2mo.py プロジェクト: zzy2014/pyscf
def ao2mo_7d(mydf, mo_coeff_kpts, kpts=None, factor=1, out=None):
    cell = mydf.cell
    if kpts is None:
        kpts = mydf.kpts
    nkpts = len(kpts)

    if isinstance(mo_coeff_kpts, numpy.ndarray) and mo_coeff_kpts.ndim == 3:
        mo_coeff_kpts = [mo_coeff_kpts] * 4
        mo_coeff_kpts = list(mo_coeff_kpts)

    # Shape of the orbitals can be different on different k-points. The
    # orbital coefficients must be formatted (padded by zeros) so that the
    # shape of the orbital coefficients are the same on all k-points. This can
    # be achieved by calling pbc.mp.kmp2.padded_mo_coeff function
    nmoi, nmoj, nmok, nmol = [x.shape[2] for x in mo_coeff_kpts]
    eri_shape = (nkpts, nkpts, nkpts, nmoi, nmoj, nmok, nmol)
    if gamma_point(kpts):
        dtype = numpy.result_type(*mo_coeff_kpts)
        dtype = numpy.complex128

    if out is None:
        out = numpy.empty(eri_shape, dtype=dtype)
        assert (out.shape == eri_shape)

    kptij_lst = numpy.array([(ki, kj) for ki in kpts for kj in kpts])
    kptis_lst = kptij_lst[:, 0]
    kptjs_lst = kptij_lst[:, 1]
    kpt_ji = kptjs_lst - kptis_lst
    uniq_kpts, uniq_index, uniq_inverse = unique(kpt_ji)
    ngrids = numpy.prod(mydf.mesh)
    nao = cell.nao_nr()
    max_memory = max(
        mydf.max_memory - lib.current_memory()[0] - nao**4 * 16 / 1e6) * .5

    fswap = lib.H5TmpFile()
    tao = []
    ao_loc = None
    kconserv = kpts_helper.get_kconserv(cell, kpts)
    for uniq_id, kpt in enumerate(uniq_kpts):
        q = uniq_kpts[uniq_id]
        adapted_ji_idx = numpy.where(uniq_inverse == uniq_id)[0]

        kptjs = kptjs_lst[adapted_ji_idx]
        coulG = mydf.weighted_coulG(q, False, mydf.mesh)
        coulG *= factor

        moij_list = []
        ijslice_list = []
        for ji, ji_idx in enumerate(adapted_ji_idx):
            ki = ji_idx // nkpts
            kj = ji_idx % nkpts
            moij, ijslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeff_kpts[0][ki],
            fswap.create_dataset('zij/' + str(ji), (ngrids, nmoi * nmoj), 'D')

        for aoaoks, p0, p1 in mydf.ft_loop(mydf.mesh,
            for ji, aoao in enumerate(aoaoks):
                ki = adapted_ji_idx[ji] // nkpts
                kj = adapted_ji_idx[ji] % nkpts
                buf = aoao.transpose(1, 2, 0).reshape(nao**2, p1 - p0)
                zij = _ao2mo.r_e2(lib.transpose(buf), moij_list[ji],
                                  ijslice_list[ji], tao, ao_loc)
                zij *= coulG[p0:p1, None]
                fswap['zij/' + str(ji)][p0:p1] = zij

        mokl_list = []
        klslice_list = []
        for kk in range(nkpts):
            kl = kconserv[ki, kj, kk]
            mokl, klslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeff_kpts[2][kk],
            fswap.create_dataset('zkl/' + str(kk), (ngrids, nmok * nmol), 'D')

        ki = adapted_ji_idx[0] // nkpts
        kj = adapted_ji_idx[0] % nkpts
        kptls = kpts[kconserv[ki, kj, :]]
        for aoaoks, p0, p1 in mydf.ft_loop(mydf.mesh,
            for kk, aoao in enumerate(aoaoks):
                buf = aoao.conj().transpose(1, 2, 0).reshape(nao**2, p1 - p0)
                zkl = _ao2mo.r_e2(lib.transpose(buf), mokl_list[kk],
                                  klslice_list[kk], tao, ao_loc)
                fswap['zkl/' + str(kk)][p0:p1] = zkl

        for ji, ji_idx in enumerate(adapted_ji_idx):
            ki = ji_idx // nkpts
            kj = ji_idx % nkpts

            moij, ijslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeff_kpts[0][ki],
            zij = []
            for LpqR, LpqI, sign in mydf.sr_loop(kpts[[ki, kj]], max_memory,
                                                 False, mydf.blockdim):
                    _ao2mo.r_e2(LpqR + LpqI * 1j, moij, ijslice, tao, ao_loc))

            for kk in range(nkpts):
                kl = kconserv[ki, kj, kk]
                eri_mo = lib.dot(
                    numpy.asarray(fswap['zij/' + str(ji)]).T,
                    numpy.asarray(fswap['zkl/' + str(kk)]))

                for i, (LrsR, LrsI, sign) in \
                        enumerate(mydf.sr_loop(kpts[[kk,kl]], max_memory, False, mydf.blockdim)):
                    zkl = _ao2mo.r_e2(LrsR + LrsI * 1j, mokl_list[kk],
                                      klslice_list[kk], tao, ao_loc)
                    lib.dot(zij[i].T, zkl, sign * factor, eri_mo, 1)

                if dtype == numpy.double:
                    eri_mo = eri_mo.real
                out[ki, kj, kk] = eri_mo.reshape(eri_shape[3:])
        del (fswap['zij'])
        del (fswap['zkl'])

    return out
コード例 #5
def general(mydf, mo_coeffs, kpts=None, compact=True):
    kptijkl = _format_kpts(kpts)
    kpti, kptj, kptk, kptl = kptijkl
    if isinstance(mo_coeffs, numpy.ndarray) and mo_coeffs.ndim == 2:
        mo_coeffs = (mo_coeffs, ) * 4
    q = kptj - kpti
    coulG = mydf.weighted_coulG(q, False, mydf.gs)
    all_real = not any(numpy.iscomplexobj(mo) for mo in mo_coeffs)
    max_memory = max(2000, (mydf.max_memory - lib.current_memory()[0]) * .5)

    # gamma point, the integral is real and with s4 symmetry
    if gamma_point(kptijkl) and all_real:
        ijmosym, nij_pair, moij, ijslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[0],
                                                     mo_coeffs[1], compact)
        klmosym, nkl_pair, mokl, klslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[2],
                                                     mo_coeffs[3], compact)
        eri_mo = numpy.zeros((nij_pair, nkl_pair))
        sym = (iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[2])
               and iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[1], mo_coeffs[3]))

        ijR = ijI = klR = klI = buf = None
        for pqkR, pqkI, p0, p1 \
                in mydf.pw_loop(mydf.gs, kptijkl[:2], q, max_memory=max_memory,
            vG = numpy.sqrt(coulG[p0:p1])
            pqkR *= vG
            pqkI *= vG
            buf = lib.transpose(pqkR, out=buf)
            ijR, klR = _dtrans(buf, ijR, ijmosym, moij, ijslice, buf, klR,
                               klmosym, mokl, klslice, sym)
            lib.ddot(ijR.T, klR, 1, eri_mo, 1)
            buf = lib.transpose(pqkI, out=buf)
            ijI, klI = _dtrans(buf, ijI, ijmosym, moij, ijslice, buf, klI,
                               klmosym, mokl, klslice, sym)
            lib.ddot(ijI.T, klI, 1, eri_mo, 1)
            pqkR = pqkI = None
        return eri_mo

# (kpt) i == j == k == l != 0
# (kpt) i == l && j == k && i != j && j != k  =>
    elif is_zero(kpti - kptl) and is_zero(kptj - kptk):
        mo_coeffs = _mo_as_complex(mo_coeffs)
        nij_pair, moij, ijslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[1])[1:]
        nlk_pair, molk, lkslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[3], mo_coeffs[2])[1:]
        eri_mo = numpy.zeros((nij_pair, nlk_pair), dtype=numpy.complex)
        sym = (iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[3])
               and iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[1], mo_coeffs[2]))

        zij = zlk = buf = None
        for pqkR, pqkI, p0, p1 \
                in mydf.pw_loop(mydf.gs, kptijkl[:2], q, max_memory=max_memory):
            buf = lib.transpose(pqkR + pqkI * 1j, out=buf)
            buf *= numpy.sqrt(coulG[p0:p1]).reshape(-1, 1)
            zij, zlk = _ztrans(buf, zij, moij, ijslice, buf, zlk, molk,
                               lkslice, sym)
            lib.dot(zij.T, zlk.conj(), 1, eri_mo, 1)
            pqkR = pqkI = None
        nmok = mo_coeffs[2].shape[1]
        nmol = mo_coeffs[3].shape[1]
        eri_mo = lib.transpose(eri_mo.reshape(-1, nmol, nmok), axes=(0, 2, 1))
        return eri_mo.reshape(nij_pair, nlk_pair)

# aosym = s1, complex integrals
# If kpti == kptj, (kptl-kptk)*a has to be multiples of 2pi because of the wave
# vector symmetry.  k is a fraction of reciprocal basis, 0 < k/b < 1, by definition.
# So  kptl/b - kptk/b  must be -1 < k/b < 1.  =>  kptl == kptk
        mo_coeffs = _mo_as_complex(mo_coeffs)
        nij_pair, moij, ijslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[1])[1:]
        nkl_pair, mokl, klslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[2], mo_coeffs[3])[1:]
        eri_mo = numpy.zeros((nij_pair, nkl_pair), dtype=numpy.complex)

        tao = []
        ao_loc = None
        zij = zkl = buf = None
        for (pqkR, pqkI, p0, p1), (rskR, rskI, q0, q1) in \
                lib.izip(mydf.pw_loop(mydf.gs, kptijkl[:2], q, max_memory=max_memory*.5),
                         mydf.pw_loop(mydf.gs,-kptijkl[2:], q, max_memory=max_memory*.5)):
            buf = lib.transpose(pqkR + pqkI * 1j, out=buf)
            zij = _ao2mo.r_e2(buf, moij, ijslice, tao, ao_loc, out=zij)
            buf = lib.transpose(rskR - rskI * 1j, out=buf)
            zkl = _ao2mo.r_e2(buf, mokl, klslice, tao, ao_loc, out=zkl)
            zij *= coulG[p0:p1].reshape(-1, 1)
            lib.dot(zij.T, zkl, 1, eri_mo, 1)
            pqkR = pqkI = rskR = rskI = None
        return eri_mo
コード例 #6
ファイル: pwdf_ao2mo.py プロジェクト: eronca/pyscf
def general(mydf, mo_coeffs, kpts=None, compact=True):
    cell = mydf.cell
    kptijkl = _format_kpts(kpts)
    kpti, kptj, kptk, kptl = kptijkl
    if isinstance(mo_coeffs, numpy.ndarray) and mo_coeffs.ndim == 2:
        mo_coeffs = (mo_coeffs,) * 4
    all_real = not any(numpy.iscomplexobj(mo) for mo in mo_coeffs)
    max_memory = max(2000, (mydf.max_memory - lib.current_memory()[0]) * .5)

# gamma point, the integral is real and with s4 symmetry
    if abs(kptijkl).sum() < KPT_DIFF_TOL and all_real:
        ijmosym, nij_pair, moij, ijslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[1], compact)
        klmosym, nkl_pair, mokl, klslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[2], mo_coeffs[3], compact)
        eri_mo = numpy.zeros((nij_pair,nkl_pair))
        sym = (iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[2]) and
               iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[1], mo_coeffs[3]))

        coulG = mydf.weighted_coulG(kptj-kpti, False, mydf.gs)
        ijR = ijI = klR = klI = buf = None
        for pqkR, pqkI, p0, p1 \
                in mydf.pw_loop(mydf.gs, kptijkl[:2], max_memory=max_memory,
            vG = numpy.sqrt(coulG[p0:p1])
            pqkR *= vG
            pqkI *= vG
            buf = lib.transpose(pqkR, out=buf)
            ijR, klR = _dtrans(buf, ijR, ijmosym, moij, ijslice,
                               buf, klR, klmosym, mokl, klslice, sym)
            lib.ddot(ijR.T, klR, 1, eri_mo, 1)
            buf = lib.transpose(pqkI, out=buf)
            ijI, klI = _dtrans(buf, ijI, ijmosym, moij, ijslice,
                               buf, klI, klmosym, mokl, klslice, sym)
            lib.ddot(ijI.T, klI, 1, eri_mo, 1)
            pqkR = pqkI = None
        return eri_mo

# (kpt) i == j == k == l != 0
# (kpt) i == l && j == k && i != j && j != k  =>
    elif (abs(kpti-kptl).sum() < KPT_DIFF_TOL) and (abs(kptj-kptk).sum() < KPT_DIFF_TOL):
        mo_coeffs = _mo_as_complex(mo_coeffs)
        nij_pair, moij, ijslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[1])[1:]
        nlk_pair, molk, lkslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[3], mo_coeffs[2])[1:]
        eri_mo = numpy.zeros((nij_pair,nlk_pair), dtype=numpy.complex)
        sym = (iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[3]) and
               iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[1], mo_coeffs[2]))

        coulG = mydf.weighted_coulG(kptj-kpti, False, mydf.gs)
        zij = zlk = buf = None
        for pqkR, pqkI, p0, p1 \
                in mydf.pw_loop(mydf.gs, kptijkl[:2], max_memory=max_memory):
            buf = lib.transpose(pqkR+pqkI*1j, out=buf)
            buf *= numpy.sqrt(coulG[p0:p1]).reshape(-1,1)
            zij, zlk = _ztrans(buf, zij, moij, ijslice,
                               buf, zlk, molk, lkslice, sym)
            lib.dot(zij.T, zlk.conj(), 1, eri_mo, 1)
            pqkR = pqkI = None
        nmok = mo_coeffs[2].shape[1]
        nmol = mo_coeffs[3].shape[1]
        eri_mo = lib.transpose(eri_mo.reshape(-1,nmol,nmok), axes=(0,2,1))
        return eri_mo.reshape(nij_pair,nlk_pair)

# aosym = s1, complex integrals
# If kpti == kptj, (kptl-kptk)*a has to be multiples of 2pi because of the wave
# vector symmetry.  k is a fraction of reciprocal basis, 0 < k/b < 1, by definition.
# So  kptl/b - kptk/b  must be -1 < k/b < 1.  =>  kptl == kptk
        mo_coeffs = _mo_as_complex(mo_coeffs)
        nij_pair, moij, ijslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[1])[1:]
        nkl_pair, mokl, klslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[2], mo_coeffs[3])[1:]
        eri_mo = numpy.zeros((nij_pair,nkl_pair), dtype=numpy.complex)

        tao = []
        ao_loc = None
        coulG = mydf.weighted_coulG(kptj-kpti, False, mydf.gs)
        zij = zkl = buf = None
        for (pqkR, pqkI, p0, p1), (rskR, rskI, q0, q1) in \
                lib.izip(mydf.pw_loop(mydf.gs, kptijkl[:2], max_memory=max_memory*.5),
                         mydf.pw_loop(mydf.gs,-kptijkl[2:], max_memory=max_memory*.5)):
            buf = lib.transpose(pqkR+pqkI*1j, out=buf)
            zij = _ao2mo.r_e2(buf, moij, ijslice, tao, ao_loc, out=zij)
            buf = lib.transpose(rskR-rskI*1j, out=buf)
            zkl = _ao2mo.r_e2(buf, mokl, klslice, tao, ao_loc, out=zkl)
            zij *= coulG[p0:p1].reshape(-1,1)
            lib.dot(zij.T, zkl, 1, eri_mo, 1)
            pqkR = pqkI = rskR = rskI = None
        return eri_mo
コード例 #7
ファイル: df_ao2mo.py プロジェクト: zzy2014/pyscf
def ao2mo_7d(mydf, mo_coeff_kpts, kpts=None, factor=1, out=None):
    cell = mydf.cell
    if kpts is None:
        kpts = mydf.kpts
    nkpts = len(kpts)

    if isinstance(mo_coeff_kpts, numpy.ndarray) and mo_coeff_kpts.ndim == 3:
        mo_coeff_kpts = [mo_coeff_kpts] * 4
        mo_coeff_kpts = list(mo_coeff_kpts)

    # Shape of the orbitals can be different on different k-points. The
    # orbital coefficients must be formatted (padded by zeros) so that the
    # shape of the orbital coefficients are the same on all k-points. This can
    # be achieved by calling pbc.mp.kmp2.padded_mo_coeff function
    nmoi, nmoj, nmok, nmol = [x.shape[2] for x in mo_coeff_kpts]
    eri_shape = (nkpts, nkpts, nkpts, nmoi, nmoj, nmok, nmol)
    if gamma_point(kpts):
        dtype = numpy.result_type(*mo_coeff_kpts)
        dtype = numpy.complex128

    if out is None:
        out = numpy.empty(eri_shape, dtype=dtype)
        assert(out.shape == eri_shape)

    kptij_lst = numpy.array([(ki, kj) for ki in kpts for kj in kpts])
    kptis_lst = kptij_lst[:,0]
    kptjs_lst = kptij_lst[:,1]
    kpt_ji = kptjs_lst - kptis_lst
    uniq_kpts, uniq_index, uniq_inverse = unique(kpt_ji)

    nao = cell.nao_nr()
    max_memory = max(2000, mydf.max_memory-lib.current_memory()[0]-nao**4*16/1e6) * .5

    tao = []
    ao_loc = None
    kconserv = kpts_helper.get_kconserv(cell, kpts)
    for uniq_id, kpt in enumerate(uniq_kpts):
        adapted_ji_idx = numpy.where(uniq_inverse == uniq_id)[0]

        for ji, ji_idx in enumerate(adapted_ji_idx):
            ki = ji_idx // nkpts
            kj = ji_idx % nkpts

            moij, ijslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeff_kpts[0][ki], mo_coeff_kpts[1][kj])[2:]
            zij = []
            for LpqR, LpqI, sign in mydf.sr_loop(kpts[[ki,kj]], max_memory, False, mydf.blockdim):
                zij.append(_ao2mo.r_e2(LpqR+LpqI*1j, moij, ijslice, tao, ao_loc))

            for kk in range(nkpts):
                kl = kconserv[ki, kj, kk]
                mokl, klslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeff_kpts[2][kk], mo_coeff_kpts[3][kl])[2:]
                eri_mo = numpy.zeros((nmoi*nmoj,nmok*nmol), dtype=numpy.complex128)
                for i, (LrsR, LrsI, sign) in \
                        enumerate(mydf.sr_loop(kpts[[kk,kl]], max_memory, False, mydf.blockdim)):
                    zkl = _ao2mo.r_e2(LrsR+LrsI*1j, mokl, klslice, tao, ao_loc)
                    lib.dot(zij[i].T, zkl, sign*factor, eri_mo, 1)

                if dtype == numpy.double:
                    eri_mo = eri_mo.real
                out[ki,kj,kk] = eri_mo.reshape(eri_shape[3:])
    return out
コード例 #8
ファイル: krgw_cd.py プロジェクト: pedersor/pyscf
def get_WmnI_diag(gw, orbs, kptlist, freqs, max_memory=8000):
    Compute GW correlation self-energy (diagonal elements)
    in MO basis on imaginary axis
    mo_energy = np.array(gw._scf.mo_energy)
    mo_coeff = np.array(gw._scf.mo_coeff)
    nocc = gw.nocc
    nmo = gw.nmo
    nkpts = gw.nkpts
    kpts = gw.kpts
    nklist = len(kptlist)
    nw = len(freqs)
    norbs = len(orbs)
    mydf = gw.with_df

    # possible kpts shift center
    kscaled = gw.mol.get_scaled_kpts(kpts)
    kscaled -= kscaled[0]

    Del_00, Del_P0, qij, q_abs = None, None, None, None
    if gw.fc:
        # Set up q mesh for q->0 finite size correction
        q_pts = np.array([1e-3, 0, 0]).reshape(1, 3)
        nq_pts = len(q_pts)
        q_abs = gw.mol.get_abs_kpts(q_pts)

        # Get qij = 1/sqrt(Omega) * < psi_{ik} | e^{iqr} | psi_{ak-q} > at q: (nkpts, nocc, nvir)
        qij = get_qij(gw, q_abs[0], mo_coeff)

    Wmn = np.zeros((nkpts, nklist, nmo, norbs, nw), dtype=np.complex128)
    if gw.fc:
        Del_P0 = np.zeros((nklist, norbs, nw), dtype=np.complex128)
        Del_00 = np.zeros(nw, dtype=np.complex128)
    for kL in range(nkpts):
        # Lij: (ki, L, i, j) for looping every kL
        Lij = []
        # kidx: save kj that conserves with kL and ki (-ki+kj+kL=G)
        # kidx_r: save ki that conserves with kL and kj (-ki+kj+kL=G)
        kidx = np.zeros((nkpts), dtype=np.int64)
        kidx_r = np.zeros((nkpts), dtype=np.int64)
        for i, kpti in enumerate(kpts):
            for j, kptj in enumerate(kpts):
                # Find (ki,kj) that satisfies momentum conservation with kL
                kconserv = -kscaled[i] + kscaled[j] + kscaled[kL]
                is_kconserv = np.linalg.norm(np.round(kconserv) -
                                             kconserv) < 1e-12
                if is_kconserv:
                    kidx[i] = j
                    kidx_r[j] = i
                        gw, "Read Lpq (kL: %s / %s, ki: %s, kj: %s)" %
                        (kL + 1, nkpts, i, j))
                    Lij_out = None
                    # Read (L|pq) and ao2mo transform to (L|ij)
                    Lpq = []
                    for LpqR, LpqI, sign in mydf.sr_loop([kpti, kptj],
                                                         max_memory=0.1 *
                        Lpq.append(LpqR + LpqI * 1.0j)
                    # support uneqaul naux on different k points
                    Lpq = np.vstack(Lpq).reshape(-1, nmo**2)
                    tao = []
                    ao_loc = None
                    moij, ijslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeff[i], mo_coeff[j])[2:]
                    Lij_out = _ao2mo.r_e2(Lpq,
                    Lij.append(Lij_out.reshape(-1, nmo, nmo))
        Lij = np.asarray(Lij)
        naux = Lij.shape[1]

        if kL == 0:
            for w in range(nw):
                # body dielectric matrix eps_body
                Pi = get_rho_response(gw, freqs[w], mo_energy, Lij, kL, kidx)
                eps_body_inv = np.linalg.inv(np.eye(naux) - Pi)

                if gw.fc:
                    # head dielectric matrix eps_00
                    Pi_00 = get_rho_response_head(gw, freqs[w], mo_energy, qij)
                    eps_00 = 1. - 4. * np.pi / np.linalg.norm(
                        q_abs[0])**2 * Pi_00

                    # wings dielectric matrix eps_P0
                    Pi_P0 = get_rho_response_wing(gw, freqs[w], mo_energy, Lij,
                    eps_P0 = -np.sqrt(4. * np.pi) / np.linalg.norm(
                        q_abs[0]) * Pi_P0

                    # inverse dielectric matrix
                    eps_inv_00 = 1. / (eps_00 - np.dot(
                        np.dot(eps_P0.conj(), eps_body_inv), eps_P0))
                    eps_inv_P0 = -eps_inv_00 * np.dot(eps_body_inv, eps_P0)

                    # head correction
                    Del_00[w] = 2. / np.pi * (6. * np.pi**2 / gw.mol.vol /
                                              nkpts)**(1. / 3.) * (eps_inv_00 -
                    wings_const = np.sqrt(gw.mol.vol / 4. / np.pi**3) * (
                        6. * np.pi**2 / gw.mol.vol / nkpts)**(2. / 3.)

                eps_inv_PQ = eps_body_inv

                for k in range(nklist):
                    kn = kptlist[k]
                    # Find km that conserves with kn and kL (-km+kn+kL=G)
                    km = kidx_r[kn]
                    Qmn = einsum('Pmn,PQ->Qmn', Lij[km][:, :, orbs].conj(),
                                 eps_inv_PQ - np.eye(naux))
                    Wmn[km, k, :, :, w] = 1. / nkpts * einsum(
                        'Qmn,Qmn->mn', Qmn, Lij[km][:, :, orbs])

                    if gw.fc:
                        # compute wing correction
                        Wn_P0 = einsum('Pnm,P->nm', Lij[kn],
                        Wn_P0 = Wn_P0.real * 2.
                        Del_P0[k, :, w] = wings_const * Wn_P0[orbs]
            for w in range(nw):
                Pi = get_rho_response(gw, freqs[w], mo_energy, Lij, kL, kidx)
                Pi_inv = np.linalg.inv(np.eye(naux) - Pi) - np.eye(naux)
                for k in range(nklist):
                    kn = kptlist[k]
                    # Find km that conserves with kn and kL (-km+kn+kL=G)
                    km = kidx_r[kn]
                    Qmn = einsum('Pmn,PQ->Qmn', Lij[km][:, :, orbs].conj(),
                    Wmn[km, k, :, :, w] = 1. / nkpts * einsum(
                        'Qmn,Qmn->mn', Qmn, Lij[km][:, :, orbs])

    return Wmn, Del_00, Del_P0, qij, q_abs
コード例 #9
ファイル: outcore.py プロジェクト: varunrishi/pyscf
def half_e1(mol, mo_coeffs, swapfile,
            intor='int2e', aosym='s4', comp=1,
            max_memory=MAX_MEMORY, ioblk_size=IOBLK_SIZE, verbose=logger.WARN,
            compact=True, ao2mopt=None):
    r'''Half transform arbitrary spherical AO integrals to MO integrals
    for the given two sets of orbitals

        mol : :class:`Mole` object
            AO integrals will be generated in terms of mol._atm, mol._bas, mol._env
        mo_coeff : ndarray
            Transform (ij|kl) with the same set of orbitals.
        swapfile : str or h5py File or h5py Group object
            To store the transformed integrals, in HDF5 format.  The transformed
            integrals are saved in blocks.

        intor : str
            Name of the 2-electron integral.  Ref to :func:`getints_by_shell`
            for the complete list of available 2-electron integral names
        aosym : int or str
            Permutation symmetry for the AO integrals

            | 4 or '4' or 's4': 4-fold symmetry (default)
            | '2ij' or 's2ij' : symmetry between i, j in (ij|kl)
            | '2kl' or 's2kl' : symmetry between k, l in (ij|kl)
            | 1 or '1' or 's1': no symmetry
            | 'a4ij' : 4-fold symmetry with anti-symmetry between i, j in (ij|kl) (TODO)
            | 'a4kl' : 4-fold symmetry with anti-symmetry between k, l in (ij|kl) (TODO)
            | 'a2ij' : anti-symmetry between i, j in (ij|kl) (TODO)
            | 'a2kl' : anti-symmetry between k, l in (ij|kl) (TODO)

        comp : int
            Components of the integrals, e.g. int2e_ip_sph has 3 components.
        verbose : int
            Print level
        max_memory : float or int
            The maximum size of cache to use (in MB), large cache may **not**
            improve performance.
        ioblk_size : float or int
            The block size for IO, large block size may **not** improve performance
        verbose : int
            Print level
        compact : bool
            When compact is True, depending on the four oribital sets, the
            returned MO integrals has (up to 4-fold) permutation symmetry.
            If it's False, the function will abandon any permutation symmetry,
            and return the "plain" MO integrals
        ao2mopt : :class:`AO2MOpt` object
            Precomputed data to improve perfomance


    if any(c.dtype == numpy.complex128 for c in mo_coeffs):
        raise NotImplementedError('Integral transformation for complex orbitals')

    intor = mol._add_suffix(intor)
    time0 = (logger.process_clock(), logger.perf_counter())
    log = logger.new_logger(mol, verbose)

    nao = mo_coeffs[0].shape[0]
    aosym = _stand_sym_code(aosym)
    if aosym in ('s4', 's2ij'):
        nao_pair = nao * (nao+1) // 2
        nao_pair = nao * nao

    ijmosym, nij_pair, moij, ijshape = \
            incore._conc_mos(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[1],
                             compact and aosym in ('s4', 's2ij'))

    e1buflen, mem_words, iobuf_words, ioblk_words = \
            guess_e1bufsize(max_memory, ioblk_size, nij_pair, nao_pair, comp)
    ioblk_size = ioblk_words * 8/1e6
# The buffer to hold AO integrals in C code, see line (@)
    aobuflen = max(int((mem_words - 2*comp*e1buflen*nij_pair) // (nao_pair*comp)),
    ao_loc = mol.ao_loc_nr('_cart' in intor)
    shranges = guess_shell_ranges(mol, (aosym in ('s4', 's2kl')), e1buflen,
                                  aobuflen, ao_loc)
    if ao2mopt is None:
        if intor == 'int2e_cart' or intor == 'int2e_sph':
            ao2mopt = _ao2mo.AO2MOpt(mol, intor, 'CVHFnr_schwarz_cond',
            ao2mopt = _ao2mo.AO2MOpt(mol, intor)

    if isinstance(swapfile, h5py.Group):
        fswap = swapfile
        fswap = lib.H5TmpFile(swapfile)
    for icomp in range(comp):
        fswap.create_group(str(icomp)) # for h5py old version

    log.debug('step1: tmpfile %s  %.8g MB', fswap.filename, nij_pair*nao_pair*8/1e6)
    log.debug('step1: (ij,kl) = (%d,%d), mem cache %.8g MB, iobuf %.8g MB',
              nij_pair, nao_pair, mem_words*8/1e6, iobuf_words*8/1e6)
    nstep = len(shranges)
    e1buflen = max([x[2] for x in shranges])

    e2buflen, chunks = guess_e2bufsize(ioblk_size, nij_pair, e1buflen)
    def save(istep, iobuf):
        for icomp in range(comp):
            _transpose_to_h5g(fswap, '%d/%d'%(icomp,istep), iobuf[icomp],
                              e2buflen, None)

    # transform e1
    ti0 = log.timer('Initializing ao2mo.outcore.half_e1', *time0)
    with lib.call_in_background(save) as async_write:
        buf1 = numpy.empty((comp*e1buflen,nao_pair))
        buf2 = numpy.empty((comp*e1buflen,nij_pair))
        buf_write = numpy.empty_like(buf2)
        fill = _ao2mo.nr_e1fill
        f_e1 = _ao2mo.nr_e1
        for istep,sh_range in enumerate(shranges):
            log.debug1('step 1 [%d/%d], AO [%d:%d], len(buf) = %d',
                       istep+1, nstep, *(sh_range[:3]))
            buflen = sh_range[2]
            iobuf = numpy.ndarray((comp,buflen,nij_pair), buffer=buf2)
            nmic = len(sh_range[3])
            p1 = 0
            for imic, aoshs in enumerate(sh_range[3]):
                log.debug2('      fill iobuf micro [%d/%d], AO [%d:%d], len(aobuf) = %d',
                           imic+1, nmic, *aoshs)
                buf = fill(intor, aoshs, mol._atm, mol._bas, mol._env,
                           aosym, comp, ao2mopt, out=buf1).reshape(-1,nao_pair)
                buf = f_e1(buf, moij, ijshape, aosym, ijmosym)
                p0, p1 = p1, p1 + aoshs[2]
                iobuf[:,p0:p1] = buf.reshape(comp,aoshs[2],nij_pair)
            ti0 = log.timer_debug1('gen AO/transform MO [%d/%d]'%(istep+1,nstep), *ti0)

            async_write(istep, iobuf)
            buf2, buf_write = buf_write, buf2

    fswap = None
    return swapfile
コード例 #10
def general(mydf, mo_coeffs, kpts=None, compact=True):
    if mydf._cderi is None:

    cell = mydf.cell
    kptijkl = _format_kpts(kpts)
    kpti, kptj, kptk, kptl = kptijkl
    if isinstance(mo_coeffs, numpy.ndarray) and mo_coeffs.ndim == 2:
        mo_coeffs = (mo_coeffs,) * 4
    all_real = not any(numpy.iscomplexobj(mo) for mo in mo_coeffs)
    max_memory = max(2000, (mydf.max_memory - lib.current_memory()[0]) * 0.5)

    # gamma point, the integral is real and with s4 symmetry
    if abs(kptijkl).sum() < KPT_DIFF_TOL and all_real:
        ijmosym, nij_pair, moij, ijslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[1], compact)
        klmosym, nkl_pair, mokl, klslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[2], mo_coeffs[3], compact)
        eri_mo = numpy.zeros((nij_pair, nkl_pair))
        sym = iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[2]) and iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[1], mo_coeffs[3])
        ijR = klR = None
        for LpqR, LpqI in mydf.sr_loop(kptijkl[:2], max_memory, True):
            ijR, klR = _dtrans(LpqR, ijR, ijmosym, moij, ijslice, LpqR, klR, klmosym, mokl, klslice, sym)
            lib.ddot(ijR.T, klR, 1, eri_mo, 1)
            LpqR = LpqI = None
        return eri_mo

    elif (abs(kpti - kptk).sum() < KPT_DIFF_TOL) and (abs(kptj - kptl).sum() < KPT_DIFF_TOL):
        mo_coeffs = _mo_as_complex(mo_coeffs)
        nij_pair, moij, ijslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[1])[1:]
        nkl_pair, mokl, klslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[2], mo_coeffs[3])[1:]
        eri_mo = numpy.zeros((nij_pair, nkl_pair), dtype=numpy.complex)
        sym = iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[2]) and iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[1], mo_coeffs[3])

        zij = zkl = None
        for LpqR, LpqI in mydf.sr_loop(kptijkl[:2], max_memory, False):
            buf = LpqR + LpqI * 1j
            zij, zkl = _ztrans(buf, zij, moij, ijslice, buf, zkl, mokl, klslice, sym)
            lib.dot(zij.T, zkl, 1, eri_mo, 1)
            LpqR = LpqI = buf = None
        return eri_mo

    # (kpt) i == j == k == l != 0
    # (kpt) i == l && j == k && i != j && j != k  =>
    elif (abs(kpti - kptl).sum() < KPT_DIFF_TOL) and (abs(kptj - kptk).sum() < KPT_DIFF_TOL):
        mo_coeffs = _mo_as_complex(mo_coeffs)
        nij_pair, moij, ijslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[1])[1:]
        nlk_pair, molk, lkslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[3], mo_coeffs[2])[1:]
        eri_mo = numpy.zeros((nij_pair, nlk_pair), dtype=numpy.complex)
        sym = iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[3]) and iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[1], mo_coeffs[2])

        zij = zlk = None
        for LpqR, LpqI in mydf.sr_loop(kptijkl[:2], max_memory, False):
            buf = LpqR + LpqI * 1j
            zij, zlk = _ztrans(buf, zij, moij, ijslice, buf, zlk, molk, lkslice, sym)
            lib.dot(zij.T, zlk.conj(), 1, eri_mo, 1)
            LpqR = LpqI = buf = None
        nmok = mo_coeffs[2].shape[1]
        nmol = mo_coeffs[3].shape[1]
        eri_mo = lib.transpose(eri_mo.reshape(-1, nmol, nmok), axes=(0, 2, 1))
        return eri_mo.reshape(nij_pair, nlk_pair)

    # aosym = s1, complex integrals
    # If kpti == kptj, (kptl-kptk)*a has to be multiples of 2pi because of the wave
    # vector symmetry.  k is a fraction of reciprocal basis, 0 < k/b < 1, by definition.
    # So  kptl/b - kptk/b  must be -1 < k/b < 1.  =>  kptl == kptk
        mo_coeffs = _mo_as_complex(mo_coeffs)
        nij_pair, moij, ijslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[1])[1:]
        nkl_pair, mokl, klslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[2], mo_coeffs[3])[1:]
        eri_mo = numpy.zeros((nij_pair, nkl_pair), dtype=numpy.complex)

        zij = zkl = None
        for (LpqR, LpqI), (LrsR, LrsI) in lib.izip(
            mydf.sr_loop(kptijkl[:2], max_memory, False), mydf.sr_loop(kptijkl[2:], max_memory, False)
            zij, zkl = _ztrans(LpqR + LpqI * 1j, zij, moij, ijslice, LrsR + LrsI * 1j, zkl, mokl, klslice, False)
            lib.dot(zij.T, zkl, 1, eri_mo, 1)
            LpqR = LpqI = LrsR = LrsI = None
        return eri_mo
コード例 #11
ファイル: mdf_ao2mo.py プロジェクト: chrinide/pyscf
def ao2mo_7d(mydf, mo_coeff_kpts, kpts=None, factor=1, out=None):
    cell = mydf.cell
    if kpts is None:
        kpts = mydf.kpts
    nkpts = len(kpts)

    if isinstance(mo_coeff_kpts, numpy.ndarray) and mo_coeff_kpts.ndim == 3:
        mo_coeff_kpts = [mo_coeff_kpts] * 4
        mo_coeff_kpts = list(mo_coeff_kpts)

    # Shape of the orbitals can be different on different k-points. The
    # orbital coefficients must be formatted (padded by zeros) so that the
    # shape of the orbital coefficients are the same on all k-points. This can
    # be achieved by calling pbc.mp.kmp2.padded_mo_coeff function
    nmoi, nmoj, nmok, nmol = [x.shape[2] for x in mo_coeff_kpts]
    eri_shape = (nkpts, nkpts, nkpts, nmoi, nmoj, nmok, nmol)
    if gamma_point(kpts):
        dtype = numpy.result_type(*mo_coeff_kpts)
        dtype = numpy.complex128

    if out is None:
        out = numpy.empty(eri_shape, dtype=dtype)
        assert(out.shape == eri_shape)

    kptij_lst = numpy.array([(ki, kj) for ki in kpts for kj in kpts])
    kptis_lst = kptij_lst[:,0]
    kptjs_lst = kptij_lst[:,1]
    kpt_ji = kptjs_lst - kptis_lst
    uniq_kpts, uniq_index, uniq_inverse = unique(kpt_ji)
    ngrids = numpy.prod(mydf.mesh)

    nao = cell.nao_nr()
    max_memory = max(2000, mydf.max_memory-lib.current_memory()[0]-nao**4*16/1e6) * .5

    fswap = lib.H5TmpFile()
    tao = []
    ao_loc = None
    kconserv = kpts_helper.get_kconserv(cell, kpts)
    for uniq_id, kpt in enumerate(uniq_kpts):
        q = uniq_kpts[uniq_id]
        adapted_ji_idx = numpy.where(uniq_inverse == uniq_id)[0]

        kptjs = kptjs_lst[adapted_ji_idx]
        coulG = mydf.weighted_coulG(q, False, mydf.mesh)
        coulG *= factor

        moij_list = []
        ijslice_list = []
        for ji, ji_idx in enumerate(adapted_ji_idx):
            ki = ji_idx // nkpts
            kj = ji_idx % nkpts
            moij, ijslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeff_kpts[0][ki], mo_coeff_kpts[1][kj])[2:]
            fswap.create_dataset('zij/'+str(ji), (ngrids,nmoi*nmoj), 'D')

        for aoaoks, p0, p1 in mydf.ft_loop(mydf.mesh, q, kptjs):
            for ji, aoao in enumerate(aoaoks):
                ki = adapted_ji_idx[ji] // nkpts
                kj = adapted_ji_idx[ji] %  nkpts
                buf = aoao.transpose(1,2,0).reshape(nao**2,ngrids)
                zij = _ao2mo.r_e2(lib.transpose(buf), moij_list[ji],
                                  ijslice_list[ji], tao, ao_loc)
                zij *= coulG[p0:p1,None]
                fswap['zij/'+str(ji)][p0:p1] = zij

        mokl_list = []
        klslice_list = []
        for kk in range(nkpts):
            kl = kconserv[ki, kj, kk]
            mokl, klslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeff_kpts[2][kk], mo_coeff_kpts[3][kl])[2:]
            fswap.create_dataset('zkl/'+str(kk), (ngrids,nmok*nmol), 'D')

        ki = adapted_ji_idx[0] // nkpts
        kj = adapted_ji_idx[0] % nkpts
        kptls = kpts[kconserv[ki, kj, :]]
        for aoaoks, p0, p1 in mydf.ft_loop(mydf.mesh, q, -kptls):
            for kk, aoao in enumerate(aoaoks):
                buf = aoao.conj().transpose(1,2,0).reshape(nao**2,ngrids)
                zkl = _ao2mo.r_e2(lib.transpose(buf), mokl_list[kk],
                                  klslice_list[kk], tao, ao_loc)
                fswap['zkl/'+str(kk)][p0:p1] = zkl

        for ji, ji_idx in enumerate(adapted_ji_idx):
            ki = ji_idx // nkpts
            kj = ji_idx % nkpts

            moij, ijslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeff_kpts[0][ki], mo_coeff_kpts[1][kj])[2:]
            zij = []
            for LpqR, LpqI, sign in mydf.sr_loop(kpts[[ki,kj]], max_memory, False, mydf.blockdim):
                zij.append(_ao2mo.r_e2(LpqR+LpqI*1j, moij, ijslice, tao, ao_loc))

            for kk in range(nkpts):
                kl = kconserv[ki, kj, kk]
                eri_mo = lib.dot(numpy.asarray(fswap['zij/'+str(ji)]).T,

                for i, (LrsR, LrsI, sign) in \
                        enumerate(mydf.sr_loop(kpts[[kk,kl]], max_memory, False, mydf.blockdim)):
                    zkl = _ao2mo.r_e2(LrsR+LrsI*1j, mokl_list[kk],
                                      klslice_list[kk], tao, ao_loc)
                    lib.dot(zij[i].T, zkl, sign*factor, eri_mo, 1)

                if dtype == numpy.double:
                    eri_mo = eri_mo.real
                out[ki,kj,kk] = eri_mo.reshape(eri_shape[3:])

    return out
コード例 #12
ファイル: outcore.py プロジェクト: pengdl/pyscf
def half_e1(mol, mo_coeffs, swapfile,
            intor='cint2e_sph', aosym='s4', comp=1,
            max_memory=2000, ioblk_size=IOBLK_SIZE, verbose=logger.WARN, compact=True,
    r'''Half transform arbitrary spherical AO integrals to MO integrals
    for the given two sets of orbitals

        mol : :class:`Mole` object
            AO integrals will be generated in terms of mol._atm, mol._bas, mol._env
        mo_coeff : ndarray
            Transform (ij|kl) with the same set of orbitals.
        swapfile : str or h5py File or h5py Group object
            To store the transformed integrals, in HDF5 format.  The transformed
            integrals are saved in blocks.

        intor : str
            Name of the 2-electron integral.  Ref to :func:`getints_by_shell`
            for the complete list of available 2-electron integral names
        aosym : int or str
            Permutation symmetry for the AO integrals

            | 4 or '4' or 's4': 4-fold symmetry (default)
            | '2ij' or 's2ij' : symmetry between i, j in (ij|kl)
            | '2kl' or 's2kl' : symmetry between k, l in (ij|kl)
            | 1 or '1' or 's1': no symmetry
            | 'a4ij' : 4-fold symmetry with anti-symmetry between i, j in (ij|kl) (TODO)
            | 'a4kl' : 4-fold symmetry with anti-symmetry between k, l in (ij|kl) (TODO)
            | 'a2ij' : anti-symmetry between i, j in (ij|kl) (TODO)
            | 'a2kl' : anti-symmetry between k, l in (ij|kl) (TODO)

        comp : int
            Components of the integrals, e.g. cint2e_ip_sph has 3 components.
        verbose : int
            Print level
        max_memory : float or int
            The maximum size of cache to use (in MB), large cache may **not**
            improve performance.
        ioblk_size : float or int
            The block size for IO, large block size may **not** improve performance
        verbose : int
            Print level
        compact : bool
            When compact is True, depending on the four oribital sets, the
            returned MO integrals has (up to 4-fold) permutation symmetry.
            If it's False, the function will abandon any permutation symmetry,
            and return the "plain" MO integrals
        ao2mopt : :class:`AO2MOpt` object
            Precomputed data to improve perfomance


    time0 = (time.clock(), time.time())
    if isinstance(verbose, logger.Logger):
        log = verbose
        log = logger.Logger(mol.stdout, verbose)

    nao = mo_coeffs[0].shape[0]
    aosym = _stand_sym_code(aosym)
    if aosym in ('s4', 's2ij'):
        nao_pair = nao * (nao+1) // 2
        nao_pair = nao * nao

    ijmosym, nij_pair, moij, ijshape = \
            incore._conc_mos(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[1],
                             compact and aosym in ('s4', 's2ij'))

    e1buflen, mem_words, iobuf_words, ioblk_words = \
            guess_e1bufsize(max_memory, ioblk_size, nij_pair, nao_pair, comp)
# The buffer to hold AO integrals in C code, see line (@)
    aobuflen = int((mem_words - iobuf_words) // (nao_pair*comp))
    shranges = guess_shell_ranges(mol, (aosym in ('s4', 's2kl')), e1buflen, aobuflen)
    if ao2mopt is None:
        if intor == 'cint2e_sph':
            ao2mopt = _ao2mo.AO2MOpt(mol, intor, 'CVHFnr_schwarz_cond',
            ao2mopt = _ao2mo.AO2MOpt(mol, intor)

    if isinstance(swapfile, str):
        fswap = h5py.File(swapfile, 'w')
        fswap = swapfile
    for icomp in range(comp):
        g = fswap.create_group(str(icomp)) # for h5py old version

    log.debug('step1: tmpfile %s  %.8g MB', fswap.filename, nij_pair*nao_pair*8/1e6)
    log.debug('step1: (ij,kl) = (%d,%d), mem cache %.8g MB, iobuf %.8g MB',
              nij_pair, nao_pair, mem_words*8/1e6, iobuf_words*8/1e6)

    # transform e1
    ti0 = log.timer('Initializing ao2mo.outcore.half_e1', *time0)
    nstep = len(shranges)
    maxbuflen = max([x[2] for x in shranges])
    bufs1 = numpy.empty((comp*maxbuflen,nao_pair))
    bufs2 = numpy.empty((comp*maxbuflen,nij_pair))
    for istep,sh_range in enumerate(shranges):
        log.debug1('step 1 [%d/%d], AO [%d:%d], len(buf) = %d', \
                   istep+1, nstep, *(sh_range[:3]))
        buflen = sh_range[2]
        iobuf = bufs2[:comp*buflen].reshape(comp,buflen,nij_pair)
        nmic = len(sh_range[3])
        p0 = 0
        for imic, aoshs in enumerate(sh_range[3]):
            log.debug2('      fill iobuf micro [%d/%d], AO [%d:%d], len(aobuf) = %d', \
                       imic+1, nmic, *aoshs)
            buf = bufs1[:comp*aoshs[2]] # (@)
            _ao2mo.nr_e1fill(intor, aoshs, mol._atm, mol._bas, mol._env,
                             aosym, comp, ao2mopt, out=buf)
            buf = _ao2mo.nr_e1(buf, moij, ijshape, aosym, ijmosym)
            iobuf[:,p0:p0+aoshs[2]] = buf.reshape(comp,aoshs[2],-1)
            p0 += aoshs[2]
        ti2 = log.timer_debug1('gen AO/transform MO [%d/%d]'%(istep+1,nstep), *ti0)

        e2buflen, chunks = guess_e2bufsize(ioblk_size, nij_pair, buflen)
        for icomp in range(comp):
            _transpose_to_h5g(fswap, '%d/%d'%(icomp,istep), iobuf[icomp],
                              e2buflen, None)
        ti0 = log.timer_debug1('transposing to disk', *ti2)
    bufs1 = bufs2 = None
    if isinstance(swapfile, str):
    return swapfile
コード例 #13
ファイル: df_ao2mo.py プロジェクト: chrinide/pyscf
def ao2mo_7d(mydf, mo_coeff_kpts, kpts=None, factor=1, out=None):
    cell = mydf.cell
    if kpts is None:
        kpts = mydf.kpts
    nkpts = len(kpts)

    if isinstance(mo_coeff_kpts, numpy.ndarray) and mo_coeff_kpts.ndim == 3:
        mo_coeff_kpts = [mo_coeff_kpts] * 4
        mo_coeff_kpts = list(mo_coeff_kpts)

    # Shape of the orbitals can be different on different k-points. The
    # orbital coefficients must be formatted (padded by zeros) so that the
    # shape of the orbital coefficients are the same on all k-points. This can
    # be achieved by calling pbc.mp.kmp2.padded_mo_coeff function
    nmoi, nmoj, nmok, nmol = [x.shape[2] for x in mo_coeff_kpts]
    eri_shape = (nkpts, nkpts, nkpts, nmoi, nmoj, nmok, nmol)
    if gamma_point(kpts):
        dtype = numpy.result_type(*mo_coeff_kpts)
        dtype = numpy.complex128

    if out is None:
        out = numpy.empty(eri_shape, dtype=dtype)
        assert(out.shape == eri_shape)

    kptij_lst = numpy.array([(ki, kj) for ki in kpts for kj in kpts])
    kptis_lst = kptij_lst[:,0]
    kptjs_lst = kptij_lst[:,1]
    kpt_ji = kptjs_lst - kptis_lst
    uniq_kpts, uniq_index, uniq_inverse = unique(kpt_ji)
    ngrids = numpy.prod(mydf.mesh)

    nao = cell.nao_nr()
    max_memory = max(2000, mydf.max_memory-lib.current_memory()[0]-nao**4*16/1e6) * .5

    tao = []
    ao_loc = None
    kconserv = kpts_helper.get_kconserv(cell, kpts)
    for uniq_id, kpt in enumerate(uniq_kpts):
        q = uniq_kpts[uniq_id]
        adapted_ji_idx = numpy.where(uniq_inverse == uniq_id)[0]

        for ji, ji_idx in enumerate(adapted_ji_idx):
            ki = ji_idx // nkpts
            kj = ji_idx % nkpts

            moij, ijslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeff_kpts[0][ki], mo_coeff_kpts[1][kj])[2:]
            zij = []
            for LpqR, LpqI, sign in mydf.sr_loop(kpts[[ki,kj]], max_memory, False, mydf.blockdim):
                zij.append(_ao2mo.r_e2(LpqR+LpqI*1j, moij, ijslice, tao, ao_loc))

            for kk in range(nkpts):
                kl = kconserv[ki, kj, kk]
                mokl, klslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeff_kpts[2][kk], mo_coeff_kpts[3][kl])[2:]
                eri_mo = numpy.zeros((nmoi*nmoj,nmok*nmol), dtype=numpy.complex128)
                for i, (LrsR, LrsI, sign) in \
                        enumerate(mydf.sr_loop(kpts[[kk,kl]], max_memory, False, mydf.blockdim)):
                    zkl = _ao2mo.r_e2(LrsR+LrsI*1j, mokl, klslice, tao, ao_loc)
                    lib.dot(zij[i].T, zkl, sign*factor, eri_mo, 1)

                if dtype == numpy.double:
                    eri_mo = eri_mo.real
                out[ki,kj,kk] = eri_mo.reshape(eri_shape[3:])
    return out
コード例 #14
ファイル: df_ao2mo.py プロジェクト: chrinide/pyscf
def general(mydf, mo_coeffs, kpts=None,
            compact=getattr(__config__, 'pbc_df_ao2mo_general_compact', True)):
    if mydf._cderi is None:

    cell = mydf.cell
    kptijkl = _format_kpts(kpts)
    kpti, kptj, kptk, kptl = kptijkl
    if isinstance(mo_coeffs, numpy.ndarray) and mo_coeffs.ndim == 2:
        mo_coeffs = (mo_coeffs,) * 4
    if not _iskconserv(cell, kptijkl):
        lib.logger.warn(cell, 'df_ao2mo: momentum conservation not found in '
                        'the given k-points %s', kptijkl)
        return numpy.zeros([mo.shape[1] for mo in mo_coeffs])

    all_real = not any(numpy.iscomplexobj(mo) for mo in mo_coeffs)
    max_memory = max(2000, (mydf.max_memory - lib.current_memory()[0]))

# gamma point, the integral is real and with s4 symmetry
    if gamma_point(kptijkl) and all_real:
        ijmosym, nij_pair, moij, ijslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[1], compact)
        klmosym, nkl_pair, mokl, klslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[2], mo_coeffs[3], compact)
        eri_mo = numpy.zeros((nij_pair,nkl_pair))
        sym = (iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[2]) and
               iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[1], mo_coeffs[3]))
        ijR = klR = None
        for LpqR, LpqI, sign in mydf.sr_loop(kptijkl[:2], max_memory, True):
            ijR, klR = _dtrans(LpqR, ijR, ijmosym, moij, ijslice,
                               LpqR, klR, klmosym, mokl, klslice, sym)
            lib.ddot(ijR.T, klR, sign, eri_mo, 1)
            LpqR = LpqI = None
        return eri_mo

    elif is_zero(kpti-kptk) and is_zero(kptj-kptl):
        mo_coeffs = _mo_as_complex(mo_coeffs)
        nij_pair, moij, ijslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[1])[1:]
        nkl_pair, mokl, klslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[2], mo_coeffs[3])[1:]
        eri_mo = numpy.zeros((nij_pair,nkl_pair), dtype=numpy.complex)
        sym = (iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[2]) and
               iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[1], mo_coeffs[3]))

        zij = zkl = None
        for LpqR, LpqI, sign in mydf.sr_loop(kptijkl[:2], max_memory, False):
            buf = LpqR+LpqI*1j
            zij, zkl = _ztrans(buf, zij, moij, ijslice,
                               buf, zkl, mokl, klslice, sym)
            lib.dot(zij.T, zkl, sign, eri_mo, 1)
            LpqR = LpqI = buf = None
        return eri_mo

# (kpt) i == j == k == l != 0
# (kpt) i == l && j == k && i != j && j != k  =>
    elif is_zero(kpti-kptl) and is_zero(kptj-kptk):
        mo_coeffs = _mo_as_complex(mo_coeffs)
        nij_pair, moij, ijslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[1])[1:]
        nlk_pair, molk, lkslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[3], mo_coeffs[2])[1:]
        eri_mo = numpy.zeros((nij_pair,nlk_pair), dtype=numpy.complex)
        sym = (iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[3]) and
               iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[1], mo_coeffs[2]))

        zij = zlk = None
        for LpqR, LpqI, sign in mydf.sr_loop(kptijkl[:2], max_memory, False):
            buf = LpqR+LpqI*1j
            zij, zlk = _ztrans(buf, zij, moij, ijslice,
                               buf, zlk, molk, lkslice, sym)
            lib.dot(zij.T, zlk.conj(), sign, eri_mo, 1)
            LpqR = LpqI = buf = None
        nmok = mo_coeffs[2].shape[1]
        nmol = mo_coeffs[3].shape[1]
        eri_mo = lib.transpose(eri_mo.reshape(-1,nmol,nmok), axes=(0,2,1))
        return eri_mo.reshape(nij_pair,nlk_pair)

# aosym = s1, complex integrals
# If kpti == kptj, (kptl-kptk)*a has to be multiples of 2pi because of the wave
# vector symmetry.  k is a fraction of reciprocal basis, 0 < k/b < 1, by definition.
# So  kptl/b - kptk/b  must be -1 < k/b < 1.  =>  kptl == kptk
        mo_coeffs = _mo_as_complex(mo_coeffs)
        nij_pair, moij, ijslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[1])[1:]
        nkl_pair, mokl, klslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[2], mo_coeffs[3])[1:]
        nao = mo_coeffs[0].shape[0]
        eri_mo = numpy.zeros((nij_pair,nkl_pair), dtype=numpy.complex)

        blksize = int(min(max_memory*.3e6/16/nij_pair,
        zij = zkl = None
        for (LpqR, LpqI, sign), (LrsR, LrsI, sign1) in \
                lib.izip(mydf.sr_loop(kptijkl[:2], max_memory, False, blksize),
                         mydf.sr_loop(kptijkl[2:], max_memory, False, blksize)):
            zij, zkl = _ztrans(LpqR+LpqI*1j, zij, moij, ijslice,
                               LrsR+LrsI*1j, zkl, mokl, klslice, False)
            lib.dot(zij.T, zkl, sign, eri_mo, 1)
            LpqR = LpqI = LrsR = LrsI = None
        return eri_mo
コード例 #15
ファイル: aft_ao2mo.py プロジェクト: chrinide/pyscf
def general(mydf, mo_coeffs, kpts=None,
            compact=getattr(__config__, 'pbc_df_ao2mo_general_compact', True)):
    cell = mydf.cell
    kptijkl = _format_kpts(kpts)
    kpti, kptj, kptk, kptl = kptijkl
    if isinstance(mo_coeffs, numpy.ndarray) and mo_coeffs.ndim == 2:
        mo_coeffs = (mo_coeffs,) * 4
    if not _iskconserv(cell, kptijkl):
        lib.logger.warn(cell, 'aft_ao2mo: momentum conservation not found in '
                        'the given k-points %s', kptijkl)
        return numpy.zeros([mo.shape[1] for mo in mo_coeffs])

    q = kptj - kpti
    mesh = mydf.mesh
    coulG = mydf.weighted_coulG(q, False, mesh)
    all_real = not any(numpy.iscomplexobj(mo) for mo in mo_coeffs)
    max_memory = max(2000, (mydf.max_memory - lib.current_memory()[0]) * .5)

# gamma point, the integral is real and with s4 symmetry
    if gamma_point(kptijkl) and all_real:
        ijmosym, nij_pair, moij, ijslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[1], compact)
        klmosym, nkl_pair, mokl, klslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[2], mo_coeffs[3], compact)
        eri_mo = numpy.zeros((nij_pair,nkl_pair))
        sym = (iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[2]) and
               iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[1], mo_coeffs[3]))

        ijR = ijI = klR = klI = buf = None
        for pqkR, pqkI, p0, p1 \
                in mydf.pw_loop(mesh, kptijkl[:2], q, max_memory=max_memory,
            buf = lib.transpose(pqkR, out=buf)
            ijR, klR = _dtrans(buf, ijR, ijmosym, moij, ijslice,
                               buf, klR, klmosym, mokl, klslice, sym)
            lib.ddot(ijR.T, klR*coulG[p0:p1,None], 1, eri_mo, 1)
            buf = lib.transpose(pqkI, out=buf)
            ijI, klI = _dtrans(buf, ijI, ijmosym, moij, ijslice,
                               buf, klI, klmosym, mokl, klslice, sym)
            lib.ddot(ijI.T, klI*coulG[p0:p1,None], 1, eri_mo, 1)
            pqkR = pqkI = None
        return eri_mo

# (kpt) i == j == k == l != 0
# (kpt) i == l && j == k && i != j && j != k  =>
    elif is_zero(kpti-kptl) and is_zero(kptj-kptk):
        mo_coeffs = _mo_as_complex(mo_coeffs)
        nij_pair, moij, ijslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[1])[1:]
        nlk_pair, molk, lkslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[3], mo_coeffs[2])[1:]
        eri_mo = numpy.zeros((nij_pair,nlk_pair), dtype=numpy.complex)
        sym = (iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[3]) and
               iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[1], mo_coeffs[2]))

        zij = zlk = buf = None
        for pqkR, pqkI, p0, p1 \
                in mydf.pw_loop(mesh, kptijkl[:2], q, max_memory=max_memory):
            buf = lib.transpose(pqkR+pqkI*1j, out=buf)
            zij, zlk = _ztrans(buf, zij, moij, ijslice,
                               buf, zlk, molk, lkslice, sym)
            lib.dot(zij.T, zlk.conj()*coulG[p0:p1,None], 1, eri_mo, 1)
            pqkR = pqkI = None
        nmok = mo_coeffs[2].shape[1]
        nmol = mo_coeffs[3].shape[1]
        eri_mo = lib.transpose(eri_mo.reshape(-1,nmol,nmok), axes=(0,2,1))
        return eri_mo.reshape(nij_pair,nlk_pair)

# aosym = s1, complex integrals
# If kpti == kptj, (kptl-kptk)*a has to be multiples of 2pi because of the wave
# vector symmetry.  k is a fraction of reciprocal basis, 0 < k/b < 1, by definition.
# So  kptl/b - kptk/b  must be -1 < k/b < 1.  =>  kptl == kptk
        mo_coeffs = _mo_as_complex(mo_coeffs)
        nij_pair, moij, ijslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[1])[1:]
        nkl_pair, mokl, klslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[2], mo_coeffs[3])[1:]
        eri_mo = numpy.zeros((nij_pair,nkl_pair), dtype=numpy.complex)

        tao = []
        ao_loc = None
        zij = zkl = buf = None
        for (pqkR, pqkI, p0, p1), (rskR, rskI, q0, q1) in \
                lib.izip(mydf.pw_loop(mesh, kptijkl[:2], q, max_memory=max_memory*.5),
                         mydf.pw_loop(mesh,-kptijkl[2:], q, max_memory=max_memory*.5)):
            buf = lib.transpose(pqkR+pqkI*1j, out=buf)
            zij = _ao2mo.r_e2(buf, moij, ijslice, tao, ao_loc, out=zij)
            buf = lib.transpose(rskR-rskI*1j, out=buf)
            zkl = _ao2mo.r_e2(buf, mokl, klslice, tao, ao_loc, out=zkl)
            zij *= coulG[p0:p1,None]
            lib.dot(zij.T, zkl, 1, eri_mo, 1)
            pqkR = pqkI = rskR = rskI = None
        return eri_mo
コード例 #16
def general(mol, mo_coeffs, erifile, dataname='eri_mo', tmpdir=None,
            intor='int2e_sph', aosym='s4', comp=1,
            max_memory=2000, ioblk_size=IOBLK_SIZE, verbose=logger.WARN, compact=True):
    r'''For the given four sets of orbitals, transfer arbitrary spherical AO
    integrals to MO integrals on the fly.

        mol : :class:`Mole` object
            AO integrals will be generated in terms of mol._atm, mol._bas, mol._env
        mo_coeffs : 4-item list of ndarray
            Four sets of orbital coefficients, corresponding to the four
            indices of (ij|kl)
        erifile : str or h5py File or h5py Group object
            To store the transformed integrals, in HDF5 format.

        dataname : str
            The dataset name in the erifile (ref the hierarchy of HDF5 format
            http://www.hdfgroup.org/HDF5/doc1.6/UG/09_Groups.html).  By assigning
            different dataname, the existed integral file can be reused.  If
            the erifile contains the dataname, the new integrals data will
            overwrite the old one.
        tmpdir : str
            The directory where to temporarily store the intermediate data
            (the half-transformed integrals).  By default, it's controlled by
            shell environment variable ``TMPDIR``.  The disk space requirement
            is about  comp*mo_coeffs[0].shape[1]*mo_coeffs[1].shape[1]*nao**2
        intor : str
            Name of the 2-electron integral.  Ref to :func:`getints_by_shell`
            for the complete list of available 2-electron integral names
        aosym : int or str
            Permutation symmetry for the AO integrals

            | 4 or '4' or 's4': 4-fold symmetry (default)
            | '2ij' or 's2ij' : symmetry between i, j in (ij|kl)
            | '2kl' or 's2kl' : symmetry between k, l in (ij|kl)
            | 1 or '1' or 's1': no symmetry
            | 'a4ij' : 4-fold symmetry with anti-symmetry between i, j in (ij|kl) (TODO)
            | 'a4kl' : 4-fold symmetry with anti-symmetry between k, l in (ij|kl) (TODO)
            | 'a2ij' : anti-symmetry between i, j in (ij|kl) (TODO)
            | 'a2kl' : anti-symmetry between k, l in (ij|kl) (TODO)

        comp : int
            Components of the integrals, e.g. int2e_ip_sph has 3 components.
        max_memory : float or int
            The maximum size of cache to use (in MB), large cache may **not**
            improve performance.
        ioblk_size : float or int
            The block size for IO, large block size may **not** improve performance
        verbose : int
            Print level
        compact : bool
            When compact is True, depending on the four oribital sets, the
            returned MO integrals has (up to 4-fold) permutation symmetry.
            If it's False, the function will abandon any permutation symmetry,
            and return the "plain" MO integrals



    >>> from pyscf import gto
    >>> from pyscf import ao2mo
    >>> import h5py
    >>> def view(h5file, dataname='eri_mo'):
    ...     f5 = h5py.File(h5file)
    ...     print('dataset %s, shape %s' % (str(f5.keys()), str(f5[dataname].shape)))
    ...     f5.close()
    >>> mol = gto.M(atom='O 0 0 0; H 0 1 0; H 0 0 1', basis='sto3g')
    >>> mo1 = numpy.random.random((mol.nao_nr(), 10))
    >>> mo2 = numpy.random.random((mol.nao_nr(), 8))
    >>> mo3 = numpy.random.random((mol.nao_nr(), 6))
    >>> mo4 = numpy.random.random((mol.nao_nr(), 4))
    >>> ao2mo.outcore.general(mol, (mo1,mo2,mo3,mo4), 'oh2.h5')
    >>> view('oh2.h5')
    dataset ['eri_mo'], shape (80, 24)
    >>> ao2mo.outcore.general(mol, (mo1,mo2,mo3,mo3), 'oh2.h5')
    >>> view('oh2.h5')
    dataset ['eri_mo'], shape (80, 21)
    >>> ao2mo.outcore.general(mol, (mo1,mo2,mo3,mo3), 'oh2.h5', compact=False)
    >>> view('oh2.h5')
    dataset ['eri_mo'], shape (80, 36)
    >>> ao2mo.outcore.general(mol, (mo1,mo1,mo2,mo2), 'oh2.h5')
    >>> view('oh2.h5')
    dataset ['eri_mo'], shape (55, 36)
    >>> ao2mo.outcore.general(mol, (mo1,mo1,mo1,mo1), 'oh2.h5', dataname='new')
    >>> view('oh2.h5', 'new')
    dataset ['eri_mo', 'new'], shape (55, 55)
    >>> ao2mo.outcore.general(mol, (mo1,mo1,mo1,mo1), 'oh2.h5', intor='int2e_ip1_sph', aosym='s1', comp=3)
    >>> view('oh2.h5')
    dataset ['eri_mo', 'new'], shape (3, 100, 100)
    >>> ao2mo.outcore.general(mol, (mo1,mo1,mo1,mo1), 'oh2.h5', intor='int2e_ip1_sph', aosym='s2kl', comp=3)
    >>> view('oh2.h5')
    dataset ['eri_mo', 'new'], shape (3, 100, 55)
    time_0pass = (time.clock(), time.time())
    if isinstance(verbose, logger.Logger):
        log = verbose
        log = logger.Logger(mol.stdout, verbose)

    nmoi = mo_coeffs[0].shape[1]
    nmoj = mo_coeffs[1].shape[1]
    nmok = mo_coeffs[2].shape[1]
    nmol = mo_coeffs[3].shape[1]
    nao = mo_coeffs[0].shape[0]
    aosym = _stand_sym_code(aosym)
    if aosym in ('s4', 's2kl'):
        nao_pair = nao * (nao+1) // 2
        nao_pair = nao * nao

    if (compact and iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[1]) and
        aosym in ('s4', 's2ij')):
        nij_pair = nmoi*(nmoi+1) // 2
        nij_pair = nmoi*nmoj

    klmosym, nkl_pair, mokl, klshape = \
            incore._conc_mos(mo_coeffs[2], mo_coeffs[3],
                             compact and aosym in ('s4', 's2kl'))

#    if nij_pair > nkl_pair:
#        log.warn('low efficiency for AO to MO trans!')

    if isinstance(erifile, str):
        if h5py.is_hdf5(erifile):
            feri = h5py.File(erifile)
            if dataname in feri:
            feri = h5py.File(erifile, 'w')
        assert(isinstance(erifile, h5py.Group))
        feri = erifile
    if comp == 1:
        chunks = (nmoj,nmol)
        h5d_eri = feri.create_dataset(dataname, (nij_pair,nkl_pair),
                                      'f8', chunks=chunks)
        chunks = (1,nmoj,nmol)
        h5d_eri = feri.create_dataset(dataname, (comp,nij_pair,nkl_pair),
                                      'f8', chunks=chunks)

    if nij_pair == 0 or nkl_pair == 0:
        if isinstance(erifile, str):
        return erifile
    log.debug('MO integrals %s are saved in %s/%s', intor, erifile, dataname)
    log.debug('num. MO ints = %.8g, required disk %.8g MB',
              float(nij_pair)*nkl_pair*comp, nij_pair*nkl_pair*comp*8/1e6)

# transform e1
    if tmpdir is None:
        tmpdir = lib.param.TMPDIR
    swapfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=tmpdir)
    fswap = h5py.File(swapfile.name, 'w')
    half_e1(mol, mo_coeffs, fswap, intor, aosym, comp, max_memory, ioblk_size,
            log, compact)

    time_1pass = log.timer('AO->MO transformation for %s 1 pass'%intor,

    ioblk_size = max(max_memory*.1, ioblk_size)
    iobuflen = guess_e2bufsize(ioblk_size, nij_pair, max(nao_pair,nkl_pair))[0]
    reading_frame = [numpy.empty((iobuflen,nao_pair)),
    def prefetch(icomp, row0, row1, buf):
        if icomp+1 < comp:
            icomp += 1
            row0, row1 = row1, min(nij_pair, row1+iobuflen)
            icomp = 0
        if row0 < row1:
            _load_from_h5g(fswap['%d'%icomp], row0, row1, buf)
    def async_read(icomp, row0, row1, thread_read):
        buf_current, buf_prefetch = reading_frame
        reading_frame[:] = [buf_prefetch, buf_current]
        if thread_read is None:
            _load_from_h5g(fswap['%d'%icomp], row0, row1, buf_current)
        thread_read = lib.background_thread(prefetch, icomp, row0, row1, buf_prefetch)
        return buf_current[:row1-row0], thread_read

    def save(icomp, row0, row1, buf):
        if comp == 1:
            h5d_eri[row0:row1] = buf[:row1-row0]
            h5d_eri[icomp,row0:row1] = buf[:row1-row0]
    def async_write(icomp, row0, row1, buf, thread_io):
        if thread_io is not None:
        thread_io = lib.background_thread(save, icomp, row0, row1, buf)
        return thread_io

    log.debug('step2: kl-pair (ao %d, mo %d), mem %.8g MB, ioblock %.8g MB',
              nao_pair, nkl_pair, iobuflen*nao_pair*8/1e6,

    klaoblks = len(fswap['0'])
    ijmoblks = int(numpy.ceil(float(nij_pair)/iobuflen)) * comp
    ao_loc = mol.ao_loc_nr('cart' in intor)
    ti0 = time_1pass
    bufs1 = numpy.empty((iobuflen,nkl_pair))
    buf_write = numpy.empty_like(bufs1)
    istep = 0
    read_handler = write_handler = None

    for row0, row1 in prange(0, nij_pair, iobuflen):
        nrow = row1 - row0

        for icomp in range(comp):
            istep += 1
            log.debug1('step 2 [%d/%d], [%d,%d:%d], row = %d',
                       istep, ijmoblks, icomp, row0, row1, nrow)

            buf, read_handler = async_read(icomp, row0, row1, read_handler)
            _ao2mo.nr_e2(buf, mokl, klshape, aosym, klmosym,
                         ao_loc=ao_loc, out=bufs1)
            write_handler = async_write(icomp, row0, row1, bufs1, write_handler)
            bufs1, buf_write = buf_write, bufs1  # avoid flushing writing buffer

            ti1 = (time.clock(), time.time())
            log.debug1('step 2 [%d/%d] CPU time: %9.2f, Wall time: %9.2f',
                       istep, ijmoblks, ti1[0]-ti0[0], ti1[1]-ti0[1])
            ti0 = ti1
    if isinstance(erifile, str):

    log.timer('AO->MO transformation for %s 2 pass'%intor, *time_1pass)
    log.timer('AO->MO transformation for %s '%intor, *time_0pass)
    return erifile
コード例 #17
ファイル: outcore.py プロジェクト: varunrishi/pyscf
def general(mol, mo_coeffs, erifile, dataname='eri_mo',
            intor='int2e', aosym='s4', comp=None,
            max_memory=MAX_MEMORY, ioblk_size=IOBLK_SIZE, verbose=logger.WARN,
    r'''For the given four sets of orbitals, transfer arbitrary spherical AO
    integrals to MO integrals on the fly.

        mol : :class:`Mole` object
            AO integrals will be generated in terms of mol._atm, mol._bas, mol._env
        mo_coeffs : 4-item list of ndarray
            Four sets of orbital coefficients, corresponding to the four
            indices of (ij|kl)
        erifile : str or h5py File or h5py Group object
            To store the transformed integrals, in HDF5 format.

        dataname : str
            The dataset name in the erifile (ref the hierarchy of HDF5 format
            http://www.hdfgroup.org/HDF5/doc1.6/UG/09_Groups.html).  By assigning
            different dataname, the existed integral file can be reused.  If
            the erifile contains the dataname, the new integrals data will
            overwrite the old one.
        intor : str
            Name of the 2-electron integral.  Ref to :func:`getints_by_shell`
            for the complete list of available 2-electron integral names
        aosym : int or str
            Permutation symmetry for the AO integrals

            | 4 or '4' or 's4': 4-fold symmetry (default)
            | '2ij' or 's2ij' : symmetry between i, j in (ij|kl)
            | '2kl' or 's2kl' : symmetry between k, l in (ij|kl)
            | 1 or '1' or 's1': no symmetry
            | 'a4ij' : 4-fold symmetry with anti-symmetry between i, j in (ij|kl) (TODO)
            | 'a4kl' : 4-fold symmetry with anti-symmetry between k, l in (ij|kl) (TODO)
            | 'a2ij' : anti-symmetry between i, j in (ij|kl) (TODO)
            | 'a2kl' : anti-symmetry between k, l in (ij|kl) (TODO)

        comp : int
            Components of the integrals, e.g. int2e_ip_sph has 3 components.
        max_memory : float or int
            The maximum size of cache to use (in MB), large cache may **not**
            improve performance.
        ioblk_size : float or int
            The block size for IO, large block size may **not** improve performance
        verbose : int
            Print level
        compact : bool
            When compact is True, depending on the four oribital sets, the
            returned MO integrals has (up to 4-fold) permutation symmetry.
            If it's False, the function will abandon any permutation symmetry,
            and return the "plain" MO integrals



    >>> from pyscf import gto
    >>> from pyscf import ao2mo
    >>> import h5py
    >>> def view(h5file, dataname='eri_mo'):
    ...     f5 = h5py.File(h5file, 'r')
    ...     print('dataset %s, shape %s' % (str(f5.keys()), str(f5[dataname].shape)))
    ...     f5.close()
    >>> mol = gto.M(atom='O 0 0 0; H 0 1 0; H 0 0 1', basis='sto3g')
    >>> mo1 = numpy.random.random((mol.nao_nr(), 10))
    >>> mo2 = numpy.random.random((mol.nao_nr(), 8))
    >>> mo3 = numpy.random.random((mol.nao_nr(), 6))
    >>> mo4 = numpy.random.random((mol.nao_nr(), 4))
    >>> ao2mo.outcore.general(mol, (mo1,mo2,mo3,mo4), 'oh2.h5')
    >>> view('oh2.h5')
    dataset ['eri_mo'], shape (80, 24)
    >>> ao2mo.outcore.general(mol, (mo1,mo2,mo3,mo3), 'oh2.h5')
    >>> view('oh2.h5')
    dataset ['eri_mo'], shape (80, 21)
    >>> ao2mo.outcore.general(mol, (mo1,mo2,mo3,mo3), 'oh2.h5', compact=False)
    >>> view('oh2.h5')
    dataset ['eri_mo'], shape (80, 36)
    >>> ao2mo.outcore.general(mol, (mo1,mo1,mo2,mo2), 'oh2.h5')
    >>> view('oh2.h5')
    dataset ['eri_mo'], shape (55, 36)
    >>> ao2mo.outcore.general(mol, (mo1,mo1,mo1,mo1), 'oh2.h5', dataname='new')
    >>> view('oh2.h5', 'new')
    dataset ['eri_mo', 'new'], shape (55, 55)
    >>> ao2mo.outcore.general(mol, (mo1,mo1,mo1,mo1), 'oh2.h5', intor='int2e_ip1_sph', aosym='s1', comp=3)
    >>> view('oh2.h5')
    dataset ['eri_mo', 'new'], shape (3, 100, 100)
    >>> ao2mo.outcore.general(mol, (mo1,mo1,mo1,mo1), 'oh2.h5', intor='int2e_ip1_sph', aosym='s2kl', comp=3)
    >>> view('oh2.h5')
    dataset ['eri_mo', 'new'], shape (3, 100, 55)
    if any(c.dtype == numpy.complex128 for c in mo_coeffs):
        raise NotImplementedError('Integral transformation for complex orbitals')

    time_0pass = (logger.process_clock(), logger.perf_counter())
    log = logger.new_logger(mol, verbose)

    nmoi = mo_coeffs[0].shape[1]
    nmoj = mo_coeffs[1].shape[1]
    nmol = mo_coeffs[3].shape[1]
    nao = mo_coeffs[0].shape[0]

    intor, comp = gto.moleintor._get_intor_and_comp(mol._add_suffix(intor), comp)
    assert(nao == mol.nao_nr('_cart' in intor))

    aosym = _stand_sym_code(aosym)
    if aosym in ('s4', 's2kl'):
        nao_pair = nao * (nao+1) // 2
        nao_pair = nao * nao

    if (compact and iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[1]) and
        aosym in ('s4', 's2ij')):
        nij_pair = nmoi*(nmoi+1) // 2
        nij_pair = nmoi*nmoj

    klmosym, nkl_pair, mokl, klshape = \
            incore._conc_mos(mo_coeffs[2], mo_coeffs[3],
                             compact and aosym in ('s4', 's2kl'))

#    if nij_pair > nkl_pair:
#        log.warn('low efficiency for AO to MO trans!')

    if isinstance(erifile, str):
        if h5py.is_hdf5(erifile):
            feri = h5py.File(erifile, 'a')
            if dataname in feri:
            feri = h5py.File(erifile, 'w')
        assert(isinstance(erifile, h5py.Group))
        feri = erifile

    if comp == 1:
        chunks = (nmoj, nmol)
        shape = (nij_pair, nkl_pair)
        chunks = (1, nmoj, nmol)
        shape = (comp, nij_pair, nkl_pair)

    if nij_pair == 0 or nkl_pair == 0:
        feri.create_dataset(dataname, shape, 'f8')
        if isinstance(erifile, str):
        return erifile
        h5d_eri = feri.create_dataset(dataname, shape, 'f8', chunks=chunks)

    log.debug('MO integrals %s are saved in %s/%s', intor, erifile, dataname)
    log.debug('num. MO ints = %.8g, required disk %.8g MB',
              float(nij_pair)*nkl_pair*comp, nij_pair*nkl_pair*comp*8/1e6)

# transform e1
    fswap = lib.H5TmpFile()
    half_e1(mol, mo_coeffs, fswap, intor, aosym, comp, max_memory, ioblk_size,
            log, compact)

    time_1pass = log.timer('AO->MO transformation for %s 1 pass'%intor,

    def load(icomp, row0, row1, buf):
        if icomp+1 < comp:
            icomp += 1
        else:  # move to next row-block
            row0, row1 = row1, min(nij_pair, row1+iobuflen)
            icomp = 0
        if row0 < row1:
            _load_from_h5g(fswap['%d'%icomp], row0, row1, buf)

    def save(icomp, row0, row1, buf):
        if comp == 1:
            h5d_eri[row0:row1] = buf[:row1-row0]
            h5d_eri[icomp,row0:row1] = buf[:row1-row0]

    ioblk_size = max(max_memory*.1, ioblk_size)
    iobuflen = guess_e2bufsize(ioblk_size, nij_pair, max(nao_pair,nkl_pair))[0]
    buf = numpy.empty((iobuflen,nao_pair))
    buf_prefetch = numpy.empty_like(buf)
    outbuf = numpy.empty((iobuflen,nkl_pair))
    buf_write = numpy.empty_like(outbuf)

    log.debug('step2: kl-pair (ao %d, mo %d), mem %.8g MB, ioblock %.8g MB',
              nao_pair, nkl_pair, iobuflen*nao_pair*8/1e6,

    #klaoblks = len(fswap['0'])
    ijmoblks = int(numpy.ceil(float(nij_pair)/iobuflen)) * comp
    ao_loc = mol.ao_loc_nr('_cart' in intor)
    ti0 = time_1pass
    istep = 0
    with lib.call_in_background(load) as prefetch:
        with lib.call_in_background(save) as async_write:
            _load_from_h5g(fswap['0'], 0, min(nij_pair, iobuflen), buf_prefetch)

            for row0, row1 in prange(0, nij_pair, iobuflen):
                nrow = row1 - row0

                for icomp in range(comp):
                    istep += 1
                    log.debug1('step 2 [%d/%d], [%d,%d:%d], row = %d',
                               istep, ijmoblks, icomp, row0, row1, nrow)

                    buf, buf_prefetch = buf_prefetch, buf
                    prefetch(icomp, row0, row1, buf_prefetch)
                    _ao2mo.nr_e2(buf[:nrow], mokl, klshape, aosym, klmosym,
                                 ao_loc=ao_loc, out=outbuf)
                    async_write(icomp, row0, row1, outbuf)
                    outbuf, buf_write = buf_write, outbuf  # avoid flushing writing buffer

                    ti1 = (logger.process_clock(), logger.perf_counter())
                    log.debug1('step 2 [%d/%d] CPU time: %9.2f, Wall time: %9.2f',
                               istep, ijmoblks, ti1[0]-ti0[0], ti1[1]-ti0[1])
                    ti0 = ti1

    fswap = None
    if isinstance(erifile, str):

    log.timer('AO->MO transformation for %s 2 pass'%intor, *time_1pass)
    log.timer('AO->MO transformation for %s '%intor, *time_0pass)
    return erifile
コード例 #18
ファイル: semi_incore.py プロジェクト: y1xiaoc/pyscf
def general(eri, mo_coeffs, erifile, dataname='eri_mo',
            ioblk_size=IOBLK_SIZE, compact=True, verbose=logger.NOTE):
    '''For the given four sets of orbitals, transfer arbitrary spherical AO
    integrals to MO integrals on disk.
        eri : 8-fold reduced eri vector
        mo_coeffs : 4-item list of ndarray
            Four sets of orbital coefficients, corresponding to the four
            indices of (ij|kl)
        erifile : str or h5py File or h5py Group object
            To store the transformed integrals, in HDF5 format.
        dataname : str
            The dataset name in the erifile (ref the hierarchy of HDF5 format
            http://www.hdfgroup.org/HDF5/doc1.6/UG/09_Groups.html).  By assigning
            different dataname, the existed integral file can be reused.  If
            the erifile contains the dataname, the new integrals data will
            overwrite the old one.
        ioblk_size : float or int
            The block size for IO, large block size may **not** improve performance
        compact : bool
            When compact is True, depending on the four oribital sets, the
            returned MO integrals has (up to 4-fold) permutation symmetry.
            If it's False, the function will abandon any permutation symmetry,
            and return the "plain" MO integrals

    Pseudocode / algorithm:
        u = mu
        v = nu
        l = lambda
        o = sigma

        Assume eri's are 8-fold reduced.
        nij/nkl_pair = npair or i*j/k*l if only transforming a subset

        First half transform:
            Initialize half_eri of size (nij_pair,npair)
                For lo = 1 -> npair
                    Unpack row lo
                    Unpack row lo to matrix E_{uv}^{lo}
                    Transform C_ui^+*E*C_nj -> E_{ij}^{lo}
                    Ravel or pack E_{ij}^{lo}
                    Save E_{ij}^{lo} -> half_eri[:,lo]

        Second half transform:
            Initialize h5d_eri of size (nij_pair,nkl_pair)
                For ij = 1 -> nij_pair
                    Load and unpack half_eri[ij,:] -> E_{lo}^{ij}
                    Transform C_{lk}E_{lo}^{ij}C_{ol} -> E_{kl}^{ij}
                    Repack E_{kl}^{ij}
                    Save E_{kl}^{ij} -> h5d_eri[ij,:]

        Each matrix is indexed by the composite index ij x kl, where ij/kl is
        either npair or ixj/kxl, if only a subset of MOs are being transformed.
        Since entire rows or columns need to be read in, the arrays are chunked
        such that IOBLK_SIZE = row/col x chunking col/row. For example, for the
        first half transform, we would save in nij_pair x IOBLK_SIZE/nij_pair,
        then load in IOBLK_SIZE/nkl_pair x npair for the second half transform.

        ------ kl ----->

        As a first guess, the chunking size is jxl. If the super-rows/cols are
        larger than IOBLK_SIZE, then the chunk rectangle jxl is trimmed
        accordingly. The pathological limiting case is where the dimensions
        nao_pair, nij_pair, or nkl_pair are so large that the arrays are
        chunked 1x1, in which case IOBLK_SIZE needs to be increased.

    log = logger.new_logger(None, verbose)
    log.info('******** ao2mo disk, custom eri ********')

    eri_ao = numpy.asarray(eri, order='C')
    nao, nmoi = mo_coeffs[0].shape
    nmoj = mo_coeffs[1].shape[1]
    nao_pair = nao*(nao+1)//2
    ijmosym, nij_pair, moij, ijshape = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[1], compact)
    klmosym, nkl_pair, mokl, klshape = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[2], mo_coeffs[3], compact)
    ijshape = (ijshape[0], ijshape[1]-ijshape[0],
               ijshape[2], ijshape[3]-ijshape[2])
    dtype = numpy.result_type(eri, *mo_coeffs)
    typesize = dtype.itemsize/1e6 # in MB

    if nij_pair == 0:
        return numpy.empty((nij_pair,nkl_pair))

    ij_red = ijmosym == 's1'
    kl_red = klmosym == 's1'

    if isinstance(erifile, str):
        if h5py.is_hdf5(erifile):
            feri = h5py.File(erifile, 'a')
            if dataname in feri:
            feri = h5py.File(erifile,'w',libver='latest')
        assert(isinstance(erifile, h5py.Group))
        feri = erifile

    h5d_eri = feri.create_dataset(dataname,(nij_pair,nkl_pair), dtype.char)
    feri_swap = lib.H5TmpFile(libver='latest')
    chunk_size = min(nao_pair, max(4, int(ioblk_size*1e6/8/nao_pair)))

    log.debug('Memory information:')
    log.debug('  IOBLK_SIZE (MB): {}  chunk_size: {}'
              .format(ioblk_size, chunk_size))
    log.debug('  Final disk eri size (MB): {:.3g}'
    log.debug('  Half transformed eri size (MB): {:.3g}'
    log.debug('  RAM buffer (MB): {:.3g}'

    if eri_ao.size == nao_pair**2: # 4-fold symmetry
        # half_e1 first transforms the indices which are contiguous in memory
        # transpose the 4-fold integrals to make ij the contiguous indices
        eri_ao = lib.transpose(eri_ao)
        ftrans = _ao2mo.libao2mo.AO2MOtranse1_incore_s4
    elif eri_ao.size == nao_pair*(nao_pair+1)//2:
        ftrans = _ao2mo.libao2mo.AO2MOtranse1_incore_s8
        raise NotImplementedError

    if ijmosym == 's2':
        fmmm = _ao2mo.libao2mo.AO2MOmmm_nr_s2_s2
    elif nmoi <= nmoj:
        fmmm = _ao2mo.libao2mo.AO2MOmmm_nr_s2_iltj
        fmmm = _ao2mo.libao2mo.AO2MOmmm_nr_s2_igtj
    fdrv = getattr(_ao2mo.libao2mo, 'AO2MOnr_e1incore_drv')

    def save(piece, buf):
        feri_swap[str(piece)] = buf.T

    # transform \mu\nu -> ij
    cput0 = time.clock(), time.time()
    with lib.call_in_background(save) as async_write:
        for istep, (p0, p1) in enumerate(lib.prange(0, nao_pair, chunk_size)):
            if dtype == numpy.double:
                buf = numpy.empty((p1-p0, nij_pair))
                fdrv(ftrans, fmmm,
                     ctypes.c_int(p0), ctypes.c_int(p1-p0),
                     ctypes.c_int(ijshape[0]), ctypes.c_int(ijshape[1]),
                     ctypes.c_int(ijshape[2]), ctypes.c_int(ijshape[3]))
            else:  # complex
                tmp = numpy.empty((p1-p0, nao_pair))
                if eri_ao.size == nao_pair**2: # 4-fold symmetry
                    tmp = eri_ao[p0:p1]
                else: # 8-fold symmetry
                    for i in range(p0, p1):
                        tmp[i-p0] = lib.unpack_row(eri_ao, i)
                tmp = lib.unpack_tril(tmp, filltriu=lib.SYMMETRIC)
                buf = lib.einsum('xpq,pi,qj->xij', tmp, mo_coeffs[0].conj(), mo_coeffs[1])
                if ij_red:
                    buf = buf.reshape(p1-p0,-1) # grabs by row
                    buf = lib.pack_tril(buf)

            async_write(istep, buf)

    log.timer('(uv|lo) -> (ij|lo)', *cput0)

    # transform \lambda\sigma -> kl
    cput1 = time.clock(), time.time()
    Cklam = mo_coeffs[2].conj()
    buf_read = numpy.empty((chunk_size,nao_pair), dtype=dtype)
    buf_prefetch = numpy.empty_like(buf_read)

    def load(start, stop, buf):
        if start < stop:
            _load_from_h5g(feri_swap, start, stop, buf)

    def save(start, stop, buf):
        if start < stop:
            h5d_eri[start:stop] = buf[:stop-start]

    with lib.call_in_background(save,load) as (async_write, prefetch):
        for p0, p1 in lib.prange(0, nij_pair, chunk_size):
            if p0 == 0:
                load(p0, p1, buf_prefetch)

            buf_read, buf_prefetch = buf_prefetch, buf_read
            prefetch(p1, min(p1+chunk_size, nij_pair), buf_prefetch)

            lo = lib.unpack_tril(buf_read[:p1-p0], filltriu=lib.SYMMETRIC)
            lo = lib.einsum('xpq,pi,qj->xij', lo, Cklam, mo_coeffs[3])
            if kl_red:
                kl = lo.reshape(p1-p0,-1)
                kl = lib.pack_tril(lo)
            async_write(p0, p1, kl)

    log.timer('(ij|lo) -> (ij|kl)', *cput1)

    if isinstance(erifile, str):
    return erifile
コード例 #19
def general(mydf, mo_coeffs, kpts=None, compact=True):
    if mydf._cderi is None:

    cell = mydf.cell
    kptijkl = _format_kpts(kpts)
    kpti, kptj, kptk, kptl = kptijkl
    if isinstance(mo_coeffs, numpy.ndarray) and mo_coeffs.ndim == 2:
        mo_coeffs = (mo_coeffs,) * 4
    all_real = not any(numpy.iscomplexobj(mo) for mo in mo_coeffs)
    max_memory = max(2000, (mydf.max_memory - lib.current_memory()[0]) * .5)

# gamma point, the integral is real and with s4 symmetry
    if abs(kptijkl).sum() < KPT_DIFF_TOL and all_real:
        ijmosym, nij_pair, moij, ijslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[1], compact)
        klmosym, nkl_pair, mokl, klslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[2], mo_coeffs[3], compact)
        eri_mo = numpy.zeros((nij_pair,nkl_pair))
        sym = (iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[2]) and
               iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[1], mo_coeffs[3]))
        ijR = klR = None
        for LpqR, LpqI in mydf.sr_loop(kptijkl[:2], max_memory, True):
            ijR, klR = _dtrans(LpqR, ijR, ijmosym, moij, ijslice,
                               LpqR, klR, klmosym, mokl, klslice, sym)
            lib.ddot(ijR.T, klR, 1, eri_mo, 1)
            LpqR = LpqI = None
        return eri_mo

    elif (abs(kpti-kptk).sum() < KPT_DIFF_TOL) and (abs(kptj-kptl).sum() < KPT_DIFF_TOL):
        mo_coeffs = _mo_as_complex(mo_coeffs)
        nij_pair, moij, ijslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[1])[1:]
        nkl_pair, mokl, klslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[2], mo_coeffs[3])[1:]
        eri_mo = numpy.zeros((nij_pair,nkl_pair), dtype=numpy.complex)
        sym = (iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[2]) and
               iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[1], mo_coeffs[3]))

        zij = zkl = None
        for LpqR, LpqI in mydf.sr_loop(kptijkl[:2], max_memory, False):
            buf = LpqR+LpqI*1j
            zij, zkl = _ztrans(buf, zij, moij, ijslice,
                               buf, zkl, mokl, klslice, sym)
            lib.dot(zij.T, zkl, 1, eri_mo, 1)
            LpqR = LpqI = buf = None
        return eri_mo

# (kpt) i == j == k == l != 0
# (kpt) i == l && j == k && i != j && j != k  =>
    elif (abs(kpti-kptl).sum() < KPT_DIFF_TOL) and (abs(kptj-kptk).sum() < KPT_DIFF_TOL):
        mo_coeffs = _mo_as_complex(mo_coeffs)
        nij_pair, moij, ijslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[1])[1:]
        nlk_pair, molk, lkslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[3], mo_coeffs[2])[1:]
        eri_mo = numpy.zeros((nij_pair,nlk_pair), dtype=numpy.complex)
        sym = (iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[3]) and
               iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[1], mo_coeffs[2]))

        zij = zlk = None
        for LpqR, LpqI in mydf.sr_loop(kptijkl[:2], max_memory, False):
            buf = LpqR+LpqI*1j
            zij, zlk = _ztrans(buf, zij, moij, ijslice,
                               buf, zlk, molk, lkslice, sym)
            lib.dot(zij.T, zlk.conj(), 1, eri_mo, 1)
            LpqR = LpqI = buf = None
        nmok = mo_coeffs[2].shape[1]
        nmol = mo_coeffs[3].shape[1]
        eri_mo = lib.transpose(eri_mo.reshape(-1,nmol,nmok), axes=(0,2,1))
        return eri_mo.reshape(nij_pair,nlk_pair)

# aosym = s1, complex integrals
# If kpti == kptj, (kptl-kptk)*a has to be multiples of 2pi because of the wave
# vector symmetry.  k is a fraction of reciprocal basis, 0 < k/b < 1, by definition.
# So  kptl/b - kptk/b  must be -1 < k/b < 1.  =>  kptl == kptk
        mo_coeffs = _mo_as_complex(mo_coeffs)
        nij_pair, moij, ijslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[1])[1:]
        nkl_pair, mokl, klslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[2], mo_coeffs[3])[1:]
        eri_mo = numpy.zeros((nij_pair,nkl_pair), dtype=numpy.complex)

        zij = zkl = None
        for (LpqR, LpqI), (LrsR, LrsI) in \
                lib.izip(mydf.sr_loop(kptijkl[:2], max_memory, False),
                         mydf.sr_loop(kptijkl[2:], max_memory, False)):
            zij, zkl = _ztrans(LpqR+LpqI*1j, zij, moij, ijslice,
                               LrsR+LrsI*1j, zkl, mokl, klslice, False)
            lib.dot(zij.T, zkl, 1, eri_mo, 1)
            LpqR = LpqI = LrsR = LrsI = None
        return eri_mo
コード例 #20
ファイル: outcore.py プロジェクト: berquist/pyscf
def general(mol, mo_coeffs, erifile, dataname='eri_mo', tmpdir=None,
            intor='cint2e_sph', aosym='s4', comp=1,
            max_memory=2000, ioblk_size=IOBLK_SIZE, verbose=logger.WARN, compact=True):
    r'''For the given four sets of orbitals, transfer arbitrary spherical AO
    integrals to MO integrals on the fly.

        mol : :class:`Mole` object
            AO integrals will be generated in terms of mol._atm, mol._bas, mol._env
        mo_coeffs : 4-item list of ndarray
            Four sets of orbital coefficients, corresponding to the four
            indices of (ij|kl)
        erifile : str or h5py File or h5py Group object
            To store the transformed integrals, in HDF5 format.

        dataname : str
            The dataset name in the erifile (ref the hierarchy of HDF5 format
            http://www.hdfgroup.org/HDF5/doc1.6/UG/09_Groups.html).  By assigning
            different dataname, the existed integral file can be reused.  If
            the erifile contains the dataname, the new integrals data will
            overwrite the old one.
        tmpdir : str
            The directory where to temporarily store the intermediate data
            (the half-transformed integrals).  By default, it's controlled by
            shell environment variable ``TMPDIR``.  The disk space requirement
            is about  comp*mo_coeffs[0].shape[1]*mo_coeffs[1].shape[1]*nao**2
        intor : str
            Name of the 2-electron integral.  Ref to :func:`getints_by_shell`
            for the complete list of available 2-electron integral names
        aosym : int or str
            Permutation symmetry for the AO integrals

            | 4 or '4' or 's4': 4-fold symmetry (default)
            | '2ij' or 's2ij' : symmetry between i, j in (ij|kl)
            | '2kl' or 's2kl' : symmetry between k, l in (ij|kl)
            | 1 or '1' or 's1': no symmetry
            | 'a4ij' : 4-fold symmetry with anti-symmetry between i, j in (ij|kl) (TODO)
            | 'a4kl' : 4-fold symmetry with anti-symmetry between k, l in (ij|kl) (TODO)
            | 'a2ij' : anti-symmetry between i, j in (ij|kl) (TODO)
            | 'a2kl' : anti-symmetry between k, l in (ij|kl) (TODO)

        comp : int
            Components of the integrals, e.g. cint2e_ip_sph has 3 components.
        max_memory : float or int
            The maximum size of cache to use (in MB), large cache may **not**
            improve performance.
        ioblk_size : float or int
            The block size for IO, large block size may **not** improve performance
        verbose : int
            Print level
        compact : bool
            When compact is True, depending on the four oribital sets, the
            returned MO integrals has (up to 4-fold) permutation symmetry.
            If it's False, the function will abandon any permutation symmetry,
            and return the "plain" MO integrals



    >>> from pyscf import gto
    >>> from pyscf import ao2mo
    >>> import h5py
    >>> def view(h5file, dataname='eri_mo'):
    ...     f5 = h5py.File(h5file)
    ...     print('dataset %s, shape %s' % (str(f5.keys()), str(f5[dataname].shape)))
    ...     f5.close()
    >>> mol = gto.M(atom='O 0 0 0; H 0 1 0; H 0 0 1', basis='sto3g')
    >>> mo1 = numpy.random.random((mol.nao_nr(), 10))
    >>> mo2 = numpy.random.random((mol.nao_nr(), 8))
    >>> mo3 = numpy.random.random((mol.nao_nr(), 6))
    >>> mo4 = numpy.random.random((mol.nao_nr(), 4))
    >>> ao2mo.outcore.general(mol, (mo1,mo2,mo3,mo4), 'oh2.h5')
    >>> view('oh2.h5')
    dataset ['eri_mo'], shape (80, 24)
    >>> ao2mo.outcore.general(mol, (mo1,mo2,mo3,mo3), 'oh2.h5')
    >>> view('oh2.h5')
    dataset ['eri_mo'], shape (80, 21)
    >>> ao2mo.outcore.general(mol, (mo1,mo2,mo3,mo3), 'oh2.h5', compact=False)
    >>> view('oh2.h5')
    dataset ['eri_mo'], shape (80, 36)
    >>> ao2mo.outcore.general(mol, (mo1,mo1,mo2,mo2), 'oh2.h5')
    >>> view('oh2.h5')
    dataset ['eri_mo'], shape (55, 36)
    >>> ao2mo.outcore.general(mol, (mo1,mo1,mo1,mo1), 'oh2.h5', dataname='new')
    >>> view('oh2.h5', 'new')
    dataset ['eri_mo', 'new'], shape (55, 55)
    >>> ao2mo.outcore.general(mol, (mo1,mo1,mo1,mo1), 'oh2.h5', intor='cint2e_ip1_sph', aosym='s1', comp=3)
    >>> view('oh2.h5')
    dataset ['eri_mo', 'new'], shape (3, 100, 100)
    >>> ao2mo.outcore.general(mol, (mo1,mo1,mo1,mo1), 'oh2.h5', intor='cint2e_ip1_sph', aosym='s2kl', comp=3)
    >>> view('oh2.h5')
    dataset ['eri_mo', 'new'], shape (3, 100, 55)
    time_0pass = (time.clock(), time.time())
    if isinstance(verbose, logger.Logger):
        log = verbose
        log = logger.Logger(mol.stdout, verbose)

    nmoi = mo_coeffs[0].shape[1]
    nmoj = mo_coeffs[1].shape[1]
    nmok = mo_coeffs[2].shape[1]
    nmol = mo_coeffs[3].shape[1]
    nao = mo_coeffs[0].shape[0]
    aosym = _stand_sym_code(aosym)
    if aosym in ('s4', 's2kl'):
        nao_pair = nao * (nao+1) // 2
        nao_pair = nao * nao

    if (compact and iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[1]) and
        aosym in ('s4', 's2ij')):
        nij_pair = nmoi*(nmoi+1) // 2
        nij_pair = nmoi*nmoj

    klmosym, nkl_pair, mokl, klshape = \
            incore._conc_mos(mo_coeffs[2], mo_coeffs[3],
                             compact and aosym in ('s4', 's2kl'))

#    if nij_pair > nkl_pair:
#        log.warn('low efficiency for AO to MO trans!')

    if isinstance(erifile, str):
        if h5py.is_hdf5(erifile):
            feri = h5py.File(erifile)
            if dataname in feri:
            feri = h5py.File(erifile, 'w')
        assert(isinstance(erifile, h5py.Group))
        feri = erifile
    if comp == 1:
        chunks = (nmoj,nmol)
        h5d_eri = feri.create_dataset(dataname, (nij_pair,nkl_pair),
                                      'f8', chunks=chunks)
        chunks = (1,nmoj,nmol)
        h5d_eri = feri.create_dataset(dataname, (comp,nij_pair,nkl_pair),
                                      'f8', chunks=chunks)

    if nij_pair == 0 or nkl_pair == 0:
        if isinstance(erifile, str):
        return erifile
    log.debug('MO integrals %s are saved in %s/%s', intor, erifile, dataname)
    log.debug('num. MO ints = %.8g, required disk %.8g MB',
              float(nij_pair)*nkl_pair*comp, nij_pair*nkl_pair*comp*8/1e6)

# transform e1
    swapfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=tmpdir)
    fswap = h5py.File(swapfile.name, 'w')
    half_e1(mol, mo_coeffs, fswap, intor, aosym, comp, max_memory, ioblk_size,
            log, compact)

    time_1pass = log.timer('AO->MO transformation for %s 1 pass'%intor,

    ioblk_size = max(max_memory*.2, ioblk_size)
    iobuflen = guess_e2bufsize(ioblk_size, nij_pair, max(nao_pair,nkl_pair))[0]
    reading_frame = [numpy.empty((iobuflen,nao_pair)),
    def prefetch(icomp, row0, row1, buf):
        if icomp+1 < comp:
            icomp += 1
            row0, row1 = row1, min(nij_pair, row1+iobuflen)
            icomp = 0
        if row0 < row1:
            _load_from_h5g(fswap['%d'%icomp], row0, row1, buf)
    def async_read(icomp, row0, row1, thread_read):
        buf_current, buf_prefetch = reading_frame
        reading_frame[:] = [buf_prefetch, buf_current]
        if thread_read is None:
            _load_from_h5g(fswap['%d'%icomp], row0, row1, buf_current)
        thread_read = lib.background_thread(prefetch, icomp, row0, row1, buf_prefetch)
        return buf_current[:row1-row0], thread_read

    def save(icomp, row0, row1, buf):
        if comp == 1:
            h5d_eri[row0:row1] = buf[:row1-row0]
            h5d_eri[icomp,row0:row1] = buf[:row1-row0]
    def async_write(icomp, row0, row1, buf, thread_io):
        if thread_io is not None:
        thread_io = lib.background_thread(save, icomp, row0, row1, buf)
        return thread_io

    log.debug('step2: kl-pair (ao %d, mo %d), mem %.8g MB, ioblock %.8g MB',
              nao_pair, nkl_pair, iobuflen*nao_pair*8/1e6,

    klaoblks = len(fswap['0'])
    ijmoblks = int(numpy.ceil(float(nij_pair)/iobuflen)) * comp
    ao_loc = mol.ao_loc_nr('cart' in intor)
    ti0 = time_1pass
    bufs1 = numpy.empty((iobuflen,nkl_pair))
    buf_write = numpy.empty_like(bufs1)
    istep = 0
    read_handler = write_handler = None

    for row0, row1 in prange(0, nij_pair, iobuflen):
        nrow = row1 - row0

        for icomp in range(comp):
            istep += 1
            log.debug1('step 2 [%d/%d], [%d,%d:%d], row = %d',
                       istep, ijmoblks, icomp, row0, row1, nrow)

            buf, read_handler = async_read(icomp, row0, row1, read_handler)
            _ao2mo.nr_e2(buf, mokl, klshape, aosym, klmosym,
                         ao_loc=ao_loc, out=bufs1)
            write_handler = async_write(icomp, row0, row1, bufs1, write_handler)
            bufs1, buf_write = buf_write, bufs1  # avoid flushing writing buffer

            ti1 = (time.clock(), time.time())
            log.debug1('step 2 [%d/%d] CPU time: %9.2f, Wall time: %9.2f',
                       istep, ijmoblks, ti1[0]-ti0[0], ti1[1]-ti0[1])
            ti0 = ti1
    if isinstance(erifile, str):

    log.timer('AO->MO transformation for %s 2 pass'%intor, *time_1pass)
    log.timer('AO->MO transformation for %s '%intor, *time_0pass)
    return erifile
コード例 #21
ファイル: krgw_cd.py プロジェクト: pedersor/pyscf
def get_sigmaR_diag(gw, omega, kn, orbp, ef, freqs, qij, q_abs):
    Compute self-energy for poles inside coutour
    (more and more expensive away from Fermi surface)
    mo_energy = np.array(gw._scf.mo_energy)
    mo_coeff = np.array(gw._scf.mo_coeff)
    nocc = gw.nocc
    nmo = gw.nmo
    nkpts = gw.nkpts
    kpts = gw.kpts
    nw = len(freqs)
    mydf = gw.with_df

    # possible kpts shift center
    kscaled = gw.mol.get_scaled_kpts(kpts)
    kscaled -= kscaled[0]

    idx = []
    for k in range(nkpts):
        if omega > ef:
            fm = 1.0
                np.where((mo_energy[k] < omega) & (mo_energy[k] > ef))[0])
            fm = -1.0
                np.where((mo_energy[k] > omega) & (mo_energy[k] < ef))[0])

    sigmaR = 0j
    for kL in range(nkpts):
        # Lij: (ki, L, i, j) for looping every kL
        Lij = []
        # kidx: save kj that conserves with kL and ki (-ki+kj+kL=G)
        # kidx_r: save ki that conserves with kL and kj (-ki+kj+kL=G)
        kidx = np.zeros((nkpts), dtype=np.int64)
        kidx_r = np.zeros((nkpts), dtype=np.int64)
        for i, kpti in enumerate(kpts):
            for j, kptj in enumerate(kpts):
                # Find (ki,kj) that satisfies momentum conservation with kL
                kconserv = -kscaled[i] + kscaled[j] + kscaled[kL]
                is_kconserv = np.linalg.norm(np.round(kconserv) -
                                             kconserv) < 1e-12
                if is_kconserv:
                    kidx[i] = j
                    kidx_r[j] = i
        km = kidx_r[kn]
        if len(idx[km]) > 0:
            for i, kpti in enumerate(kpts):
                for j, kptj in enumerate(kpts):
                    # Find (ki,kj) that satisfies momentum conservation with kL
                    kconserv = -kscaled[i] + kscaled[j] + kscaled[kL]
                    is_kconserv = np.linalg.norm(
                        np.round(kconserv) - kconserv) < 1e-12
                    if is_kconserv:
                        kidx[i] = j
                        kidx_r[j] = i
                        #logger.debug(gw, "Read Lpq (kL: %s / %s, ki: %s, kj: %s)"%(kL+1, nkpts, i, j))
                        Lij_out = None
                        # Read (L|pq) and ao2mo transform to (L|ij)
                        Lpq = []
                        for LpqR, LpqI, sign in mydf.sr_loop(
                            [kpti, kptj],
                                max_memory=0.1 * gw._scf.max_memory,
                            Lpq.append(LpqR + LpqI * 1.0j)
                        # support uneqaul naux on different k points
                        Lpq = np.vstack(Lpq).reshape(-1, nmo**2)
                        tao = []
                        ao_loc = None
                        moij, ijslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeff[i], mo_coeff[j])[2:]
                        Lij_out = _ao2mo.r_e2(Lpq,
                        Lij.append(Lij_out.reshape(-1, nmo, nmo))
            Lij = np.asarray(Lij)
            naux = Lij.shape[1]

            if kL == 0:
                km = kidx_r[kn]
                if len(idx[km]) > 0:
                    for m in idx[km]:
                        em = mo_energy[km][m] - omega

                        # body dielectric matrix eps_body
                        Pi = get_rho_response_R(gw, abs(em), mo_energy, Lij,
                                                kL, kidx)
                        eps_body_inv = np.linalg.inv(np.eye(naux) - Pi)

                        if gw.fc and m == orbp:
                            # head dielectric matrix eps_00
                            Pi_00 = get_rho_response_head_R(
                                gw, abs(em), mo_energy, qij)
                            eps_00 = 1. - 4. * np.pi / np.linalg.norm(
                                q_abs[0])**2 * Pi_00

                            # wings dielectric matrix eps_P0
                            Pi_P0 = get_rho_response_wing_R(
                                gw, abs(em), mo_energy, Lij, qij)
                            eps_P0 = -np.sqrt(4. * np.pi) / np.linalg.norm(
                                q_abs[0]) * Pi_P0

                            # inverse dielectric matrix
                            eps_inv_00 = 1. / (eps_00 - np.dot(
                                np.dot(eps_P0.conj(), eps_body_inv), eps_P0))
                            eps_inv_P0 = -eps_inv_00 * np.dot(
                                eps_body_inv, eps_P0)

                        eps_inv_PQ = eps_body_inv

                        # body
                        Qmn = einsum('P,PQ->Q', Lij[km][:, m, orbp].conj(),
                                     eps_inv_PQ - np.eye(naux))
                        Wmn = 1. / nkpts * einsum('Q,Q->', Qmn, Lij[km][:, m,
                        sigmaR += fm * Wmn

                        if gw.fc and m == orbp:
                            # head correction
                            Del_00 = 2. / np.pi * (6. * np.pi**2 / gw.mol.vol /
                                                   nkpts)**(1. / 3.) * (
                                                       eps_inv_00 - 1.)
                            sigmaR += fm * Del_00

                            # wings correction
                            wings_const = np.sqrt(
                                gw.mol.vol / 4. /
                                np.pi**3) * (6. * np.pi**2 / gw.mol.vol /
                                             nkpts)**(2. / 3.)
                            Wn_P0 = einsum('P,P->', Lij[kn][:, m, orbp].conj(),
                            Wn_P0 = Wn_P0.real * 2.
                            sigmaR += fm * wings_const * Wn_P0
                km = kidx_r[kn]
                if len(idx[km]) > 0:
                    for m in idx[km]:
                        em = mo_energy[km][m] - omega
                        Pi = get_rho_response_R(gw, abs(em), mo_energy, Lij,
                                                kL, kidx)
                        Pi_inv = np.linalg.inv(np.eye(naux) -
                                               Pi) - np.eye(naux)
                        Qmn = einsum('P,PQ->Q', Lij[km][:, m, orbp].conj(),
                        Wmn = 1. / nkpts * einsum('Q,Q->', Qmn, Lij[km][:, m,
                        sigmaR += fm * Wmn

    return sigmaR
コード例 #22
ファイル: outcore.py プロジェクト: berquist/pyscf
def half_e1(mol, mo_coeffs, swapfile,
            intor='cint2e_sph', aosym='s4', comp=1,
            max_memory=2000, ioblk_size=IOBLK_SIZE, verbose=logger.WARN, compact=True,
    r'''Half transform arbitrary spherical AO integrals to MO integrals
    for the given two sets of orbitals

        mol : :class:`Mole` object
            AO integrals will be generated in terms of mol._atm, mol._bas, mol._env
        mo_coeff : ndarray
            Transform (ij|kl) with the same set of orbitals.
        swapfile : str or h5py File or h5py Group object
            To store the transformed integrals, in HDF5 format.  The transformed
            integrals are saved in blocks.

        intor : str
            Name of the 2-electron integral.  Ref to :func:`getints_by_shell`
            for the complete list of available 2-electron integral names
        aosym : int or str
            Permutation symmetry for the AO integrals

            | 4 or '4' or 's4': 4-fold symmetry (default)
            | '2ij' or 's2ij' : symmetry between i, j in (ij|kl)
            | '2kl' or 's2kl' : symmetry between k, l in (ij|kl)
            | 1 or '1' or 's1': no symmetry
            | 'a4ij' : 4-fold symmetry with anti-symmetry between i, j in (ij|kl) (TODO)
            | 'a4kl' : 4-fold symmetry with anti-symmetry between k, l in (ij|kl) (TODO)
            | 'a2ij' : anti-symmetry between i, j in (ij|kl) (TODO)
            | 'a2kl' : anti-symmetry between k, l in (ij|kl) (TODO)

        comp : int
            Components of the integrals, e.g. cint2e_ip_sph has 3 components.
        verbose : int
            Print level
        max_memory : float or int
            The maximum size of cache to use (in MB), large cache may **not**
            improve performance.
        ioblk_size : float or int
            The block size for IO, large block size may **not** improve performance
        verbose : int
            Print level
        compact : bool
            When compact is True, depending on the four oribital sets, the
            returned MO integrals has (up to 4-fold) permutation symmetry.
            If it's False, the function will abandon any permutation symmetry,
            and return the "plain" MO integrals
        ao2mopt : :class:`AO2MOpt` object
            Precomputed data to improve perfomance


    time0 = (time.clock(), time.time())
    if isinstance(verbose, logger.Logger):
        log = verbose
        log = logger.Logger(mol.stdout, verbose)

    nao = mo_coeffs[0].shape[0]
    aosym = _stand_sym_code(aosym)
    if aosym in ('s4', 's2ij'):
        nao_pair = nao * (nao+1) // 2
        nao_pair = nao * nao

    ijmosym, nij_pair, moij, ijshape = \
            incore._conc_mos(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[1],
                             compact and aosym in ('s4', 's2ij'))

    e1buflen, mem_words, iobuf_words, ioblk_words = \
            guess_e1bufsize(max_memory, ioblk_size, nij_pair, nao_pair, comp)
    ioblk_size = ioblk_words * 8/1e6
# The buffer to hold AO integrals in C code, see line (@)
    aobuflen = max(int((mem_words - 2*comp*e1buflen*nij_pair) // (nao_pair*comp)),
    shranges = guess_shell_ranges(mol, (aosym in ('s4', 's2kl')), e1buflen, aobuflen)
    if ao2mopt is None:
        if intor == 'cint2e_sph':
            ao2mopt = _ao2mo.AO2MOpt(mol, intor, 'CVHFnr_schwarz_cond',
            ao2mopt = _ao2mo.AO2MOpt(mol, intor)

    if isinstance(swapfile, str):
        fswap = h5py.File(swapfile, 'w')
        fswap = swapfile
    for icomp in range(comp):
        g = fswap.create_group(str(icomp)) # for h5py old version

    log.debug('step1: tmpfile %s  %.8g MB', fswap.filename, nij_pair*nao_pair*8/1e6)
    log.debug('step1: (ij,kl) = (%d,%d), mem cache %.8g MB, iobuf %.8g MB',
              nij_pair, nao_pair, mem_words*8/1e6, iobuf_words*8/1e6)
    nstep = len(shranges)
    e1buflen = max([x[2] for x in shranges])

    e2buflen, chunks = guess_e2bufsize(ioblk_size, nij_pair, e1buflen)
    def save(istep, iobuf):
        for icomp in range(comp):
            _transpose_to_h5g(fswap, '%d/%d'%(icomp,istep), iobuf[icomp],
                              e2buflen, None)
    def async_write(istep, iobuf, thread_io):
        if thread_io is not None:
        thread_io = lib.background_thread(save, istep, iobuf)
        return thread_io

    # transform e1
    ti0 = log.timer('Initializing ao2mo.outcore.half_e1', *time0)
    bufs1 = numpy.empty((comp*e1buflen,nao_pair))
    bufs2 = numpy.empty((comp*e1buflen,nij_pair))
    buf_write = numpy.empty_like(bufs2)
    write_handler = None
    for istep,sh_range in enumerate(shranges):
        log.debug1('step 1 [%d/%d], AO [%d:%d], len(buf) = %d', \
                   istep+1, nstep, *(sh_range[:3]))
        buflen = sh_range[2]
        iobuf = numpy.ndarray((comp,buflen,nij_pair), buffer=bufs2)
        nmic = len(sh_range[3])
        p0 = 0
        for imic, aoshs in enumerate(sh_range[3]):
            log.debug2('      fill iobuf micro [%d/%d], AO [%d:%d], len(aobuf) = %d', \
                       imic+1, nmic, *aoshs)
            buf = numpy.ndarray((comp*aoshs[2],nao_pair), buffer=bufs1) # (@)
            _ao2mo.nr_e1fill(intor, aoshs, mol._atm, mol._bas, mol._env,
                             aosym, comp, ao2mopt, out=buf)
            buf = _ao2mo.nr_e1(buf, moij, ijshape, aosym, ijmosym)
            iobuf[:,p0:p0+aoshs[2]] = buf.reshape(comp,aoshs[2],-1)
            p0 += aoshs[2]
        ti0 = log.timer_debug1('gen AO/transform MO [%d/%d]'%(istep+1,nstep), *ti0)

        write_handler = async_write(istep, iobuf, write_handler)
        bufs2, buf_write = buf_write, bufs2  # avoid flushing writing buffer
    bufs1 = bufs2 = None
    if isinstance(swapfile, str):
    return swapfile
コード例 #23
ファイル: df_ao2mo.py プロジェクト: zzy2014/pyscf
def general(mydf, mo_coeffs, kpts=None,
            compact=getattr(__config__, 'pbc_df_ao2mo_general_compact', True)):
    if mydf._cderi is None:

    cell = mydf.cell
    kptijkl = _format_kpts(kpts)
    kpti, kptj, kptk, kptl = kptijkl
    if isinstance(mo_coeffs, numpy.ndarray) and mo_coeffs.ndim == 2:
        mo_coeffs = (mo_coeffs,) * 4
    if not _iskconserv(cell, kptijkl):
        lib.logger.warn(cell, 'df_ao2mo: momentum conservation not found in '
                        'the given k-points %s', kptijkl)
        return numpy.zeros([mo.shape[1] for mo in mo_coeffs])

    all_real = not any(numpy.iscomplexobj(mo) for mo in mo_coeffs)
    max_memory = max(2000, (mydf.max_memory - lib.current_memory()[0]))

# gamma point, the integral is real and with s4 symmetry
    if gamma_point(kptijkl) and all_real:
        ijmosym, nij_pair, moij, ijslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[1], compact)
        klmosym, nkl_pair, mokl, klslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[2], mo_coeffs[3], compact)
        eri_mo = numpy.zeros((nij_pair,nkl_pair))
        sym = (iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[2]) and
               iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[1], mo_coeffs[3]))
        ijR = klR = None
        for LpqR, LpqI, sign in mydf.sr_loop(kptijkl[:2], max_memory, True):
            ijR, klR = _dtrans(LpqR, ijR, ijmosym, moij, ijslice,
                               LpqR, klR, klmosym, mokl, klslice, sym)
            lib.ddot(ijR.T, klR, sign, eri_mo, 1)
            LpqR = LpqI = None
        return eri_mo

    elif is_zero(kpti-kptk) and is_zero(kptj-kptl):
        mo_coeffs = _mo_as_complex(mo_coeffs)
        nij_pair, moij, ijslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[1])[1:]
        nkl_pair, mokl, klslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[2], mo_coeffs[3])[1:]
        eri_mo = numpy.zeros((nij_pair,nkl_pair), dtype=numpy.complex)
        sym = (iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[2]) and
               iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[1], mo_coeffs[3]))

        zij = zkl = None
        for LpqR, LpqI, sign in mydf.sr_loop(kptijkl[:2], max_memory, False):
            buf = LpqR+LpqI*1j
            zij, zkl = _ztrans(buf, zij, moij, ijslice,
                               buf, zkl, mokl, klslice, sym)
            lib.dot(zij.T, zkl, sign, eri_mo, 1)
            LpqR = LpqI = buf = None
        return eri_mo

# (kpt) i == j == k == l != 0
# (kpt) i == l && j == k && i != j && j != k  =>
    elif is_zero(kpti-kptl) and is_zero(kptj-kptk):
        mo_coeffs = _mo_as_complex(mo_coeffs)
        nij_pair, moij, ijslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[1])[1:]
        nlk_pair, molk, lkslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[3], mo_coeffs[2])[1:]
        eri_mo = numpy.zeros((nij_pair,nlk_pair), dtype=numpy.complex)
        sym = (iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[3]) and
               iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[1], mo_coeffs[2]))

        zij = zlk = None
        for LpqR, LpqI, sign in mydf.sr_loop(kptijkl[:2], max_memory, False):
            buf = LpqR+LpqI*1j
            zij, zlk = _ztrans(buf, zij, moij, ijslice,
                               buf, zlk, molk, lkslice, sym)
            lib.dot(zij.T, zlk.conj(), sign, eri_mo, 1)
            LpqR = LpqI = buf = None
        nmok = mo_coeffs[2].shape[1]
        nmol = mo_coeffs[3].shape[1]
        eri_mo = lib.transpose(eri_mo.reshape(-1,nmol,nmok), axes=(0,2,1))
        return eri_mo.reshape(nij_pair,nlk_pair)

# aosym = s1, complex integrals
# If kpti == kptj, (kptl-kptk)*a has to be multiples of 2pi because of the wave
# vector symmetry.  k is a fraction of reciprocal basis, 0 < k/b < 1, by definition.
# So  kptl/b - kptk/b  must be -1 < k/b < 1.  =>  kptl == kptk
        mo_coeffs = _mo_as_complex(mo_coeffs)
        nij_pair, moij, ijslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[1])[1:]
        nkl_pair, mokl, klslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[2], mo_coeffs[3])[1:]
        nao = mo_coeffs[0].shape[0]
        eri_mo = numpy.zeros((nij_pair,nkl_pair), dtype=numpy.complex)

        blksize = int(min(max_memory*.3e6/16/nij_pair,
        zij = zkl = None
        for (LpqR, LpqI, sign), (LrsR, LrsI, sign1) in \
                lib.izip(mydf.sr_loop(kptijkl[:2], max_memory, False, blksize),
                         mydf.sr_loop(kptijkl[2:], max_memory, False, blksize)):
            zij, zkl = _ztrans(LpqR+LpqI*1j, zij, moij, ijslice,
                               LrsR+LrsI*1j, zkl, mokl, klslice, False)
            lib.dot(zij.T, zkl, sign, eri_mo, 1)
            LpqR = LpqI = LrsR = LrsI = None
        return eri_mo
コード例 #24
def grad_elec_auxresponse_dferi (mc_grad, mo_cas=None, ci=None, dfcasdm2=None, casdm2=None, atmlst=None, max_memory=None, dferi=None, incl_2c=True):
    ''' Evaluate the [(P'|ij) + (P'|Q) g_Qij] d_Pij contribution to the electronic gradient, where d_Pij is
    the DF-2RDM obtained by solve_df_rdm2 and g_Qij solves (P|Q) g_Qij = (P|ij). The caller must symmetrize
    if necessary (i.e., (P|Q) d_Qij = (P|kl) d_ijkl <-> (P|Q) d_Qkl = (P|ij) d_ijkl in order to get at Q').
        mc_grad: MC-SCF gradients method object

        mc_cas: ndarray, list, or tuple containing active-space MO coefficients
            If a tuple of length 2, the same pair of MO sets are assumed to apply to
            the internally-contracted and externally-contracted indices of the DF-2rdm:
            (P|Q)d_Qij = (P|kl)d_ijkl -> (P|Q)d_Qij = (P|ij)d_ijij
            If a tuple of length 4, the 4 MO sets are applied to ijkl above in that order
            (first two external, last two internal).
        ci: ndarray, tuple, or list containing CI coefficients in mo_cas basis.
            Not used if dfcasdm2 is provided.
        dfcasdm2: ndarray, tuple, or list containing DF-2rdm in mo_cas basis.
            Computed by solve_df_rdm2 if omitted.
        casdm2: ndarray, tuple, or list containing rdm2 in mo_cas basis.
            Computed by mc_grad.fcisolver.make_rdm12 (ci,...) if omitted.
        atmlst: list of integers
            List of nonfrozen atoms, as in grad_elec functions.
            Defaults to list (range (mol.natm))
        max_memory: int
            Maximum memory usage in MB
        dferi: ndarray containing g_Pij for optional precalculation
        incl_2c: bool
            If False, omit the terms depending on (P'|Q)

        dE: list of ndarray of shape (len (atmlst), 3) '''

    if isinstance (mc_grad, GradientsBasics):
        mc = mc_grad.base
        mc = mc_grad
    mol = mc_grad.mol
    auxmol = mc.with_df.auxmol
    ncore, ncas, nao, naux, nbas = mc.ncore, mc.ncas, mol.nao, auxmol.nao, mol.nbas
    nocc = ncore + ncas
    npair = nao * (nao + 1) // 2
    if mo_cas is None: mo_cas = mc.mo_coeff[:,ncore:nocc]
    if max_memory is None: max_memory = mc.max_memory
    if isinstance (mo_cas, np.ndarray) and mo_cas.ndim == 2:
        mo_cas = (mo_cas,)*4
    elif len (mo_cas) == 2:
        mo_cas = (mo_cas[0], mo_cas[1], mo_cas[0], mo_cas[1])
    elif len (mo_cas) == 4:
        mo_cas = tuple (mo_cas)
        raise RuntimeError ('Invalid shape of np.asarray (mo_cas): {}'.format (mo_cas.shape))
    nmo = [mo.shape[1] for mo in mo_cas]
    if atmlst is None: atmlst = list (range (mol.natm))
    if ci is None: ci = mc.ci
    if dfcasdm2 is None: dfcasdm2 = solve_df_rdm2 (mc, mo_cas=mo_cas[2:], ci=ci, casdm2=casdm2) # d_Pij = (P|Q)^{-1} (Q|kl) d_ijkl
    nset = len (dfcasdm2)
    dE = np.zeros ((nset, naux, 3))
    dfcasdm2 = np.array (dfcasdm2)

    # Shape dfcasdm2
    mosym, nmo_pair, mo_conc, mo_slice = _conc_mos(mo_cas[0], mo_cas[1], compact=True)
    if 's2' in mosym:
        assert (nmo[0] == nmo[1]), 'How did I get {} with nmo[0] = {} and nmo[1] = {}'.format (mosym, nmo[0], nmo[1])
        dfcasdm2 = dfcasdm2.reshape (nset*naux, nmo[0], nmo[1])
        dfcasdm2 += dfcasdm2.transpose (0,2,1)
        diag_idx = np.arange(nmo[0])
        diag_idx = diag_idx * (diag_idx+1) // 2 + diag_idx
        dfcasdm2 = lib.pack_tril (np.ascontiguousarray (dfcasdm2))
        dfcasdm2[:,diag_idx] *= 0.5
    dfcasdm2 = dfcasdm2.reshape (nset, naux, nmo_pair)

    # Do 2c part. Assume memory is no object
    if incl_2c: 
        int2c = auxmol.intor('int2c2e_ip1')
        if (dferi is None): dferi = solve_df_eri (mc, mo_cas=mo_cas[:2]).reshape (naux, nmo_pair) # g_Pij = (P|Q)^{-1} (Q|ij)
        int3c = np.dot (int2c, dferi) # (P'|Q) g_Qij
        dE += lib.einsum ('npi,xpi->npx', dfcasdm2, int3c) # d_Pij (P'|Q) g_Qij
        int2c = int3c = dferi = None

    # Set up 3c part
    get_int3c = _int3c_wrapper(mol, auxmol, 'int3c2e_ip2', 's2ij')
    max_memory -= lib.current_memory()[0]  
    blklen = 6*npair
    blksize = int (min (max (max_memory * 1e6 / 8 / blklen, 20), 240))
    aux_loc = auxmol.ao_loc
    aux_ranges = balance_partition(aux_loc, blksize)

    # Iterate over auxbasis range and do 3c part
    for shl0, shl1, nL in aux_ranges:
        p0, p1 = aux_loc[shl0], aux_loc[shl1]
        int3c = get_int3c ((0, nbas, 0, nbas, shl0, shl1))  # (uv|P'); shape = (3,npair,p1-p0)
        int3c = np.ascontiguousarray (int3c.transpose (0,2,1).reshape (3*(p1-p0), npair))
        int3c = _ao2mo.nr_e2(int3c, mo_conc, mo_slice, aosym='s2', mosym=mosym)
        int3c = int3c.reshape (3,p1-p0,nmo_pair)
        int3c = np.ascontiguousarray (int3c)
        dE[:,p0:p1,:] -= lib.einsum ('npi,xpi->npx', dfcasdm2[:,p0:p1,:], int3c)

    # Ravel to atoms
    auxslices = auxmol.aoslice_by_atom ()
    dE = np.array ([dE[:,p0:p1].sum (axis=1) for p0, p1 in auxslices[:,2:]]).transpose (1,0,2)
    return np.ascontiguousarray (dE)
コード例 #25
def get_sigma_diag(gw,
    Compute GW correlation self-energy (diagonal elements) in MO basis
    on imaginary axis
    mo_energy = np.array(gw._scf.mo_energy)
    mo_coeff = np.array(gw._scf.mo_coeff)
    nocca, noccb = gw.nocc
    nmoa, nmob = gw.nmo
    nkpts = gw.nkpts
    kpts = gw.kpts
    nklist = len(kptlist)
    nw = len(freqs)
    norbs = len(orbs)
    mydf = gw.with_df

    # possible kpts shift
    kscaled = gw.mol.get_scaled_kpts(kpts)
    kscaled -= kscaled[0]

    # This code does not support metals
    h**o = -99.
    lumo = 99.
    for k in range(nkpts):
        if h**o < max(mo_energy[0, k][nocca - 1], mo_energy[1, k][noccb - 1]):
            h**o = max(mo_energy[0, k][nocca - 1], mo_energy[1, k][noccb - 1])
        if lumo > min(mo_energy[0, k][nocca], mo_energy[1, k][noccb]):
            lumo = min(mo_energy[0, k][nocca], mo_energy[1, k][noccb])
    if (lumo - h**o) < 1e-3:
        logger.warn(gw, 'Current KUGW is not supporting metals!')
    ef = (h**o + lumo) / 2.

    # Integration on numerical grids
    if iw_cutoff is not None:
        nw_sigma = sum(iw < iw_cutoff for iw in freqs) + 1
        nw_sigma = nw + 1

    # Compute occ for -iw and vir for iw separately
    # to avoid branch cuts in analytic continuation
    omega_occ = np.zeros((nw_sigma), dtype=np.complex128)
    omega_vir = np.zeros((nw_sigma), dtype=np.complex128)
    omega_occ[0] = 1j * 0.
    omega_occ[1:] = -1j * freqs[:(nw_sigma - 1)]
    omega_vir[0] = 1j * 0.
    omega_vir[1:] = 1j * freqs[:(nw_sigma - 1)]
    orbs_occ_a = [i for i in orbs if i < nocca]
    orbs_occ_b = [i for i in orbs if i < noccb]
    norbs_occ_a = len(orbs_occ_a)
    norbs_occ_b = len(orbs_occ_b)

    emo_occ_a = np.zeros((nkpts, nmoa, nw_sigma), dtype=np.complex128)
    emo_occ_b = np.zeros((nkpts, nmob, nw_sigma), dtype=np.complex128)
    emo_vir_a = np.zeros((nkpts, nmoa, nw_sigma), dtype=np.complex128)
    emo_vir_b = np.zeros((nkpts, nmob, nw_sigma), dtype=np.complex128)
    for k in range(nkpts):
        emo_occ_a[k] = omega_occ[None, :] + ef - mo_energy[0, k][:, None]
        emo_occ_b[k] = omega_occ[None, :] + ef - mo_energy[1, k][:, None]
        emo_vir_a[k] = omega_vir[None, :] + ef - mo_energy[0, k][:, None]
        emo_vir_b[k] = omega_vir[None, :] + ef - mo_energy[1, k][:, None]

    sigma = np.zeros((2, nklist, norbs, nw_sigma), dtype=np.complex128)
    omega = np.zeros((2, norbs, nw_sigma), dtype=np.complex128)
    for s in range(2):
        for p in range(norbs):
            orbp = orbs[p]
            if orbp < gw.nocc[s]:
                omega[s, p] = omega_occ.copy()
                omega[s, p] = omega_vir.copy()

    if gw.fc:
        # Set up q mesh for q->0 finite size correction
        q_pts = np.array([1e-3, 0, 0]).reshape(1, 3)
        nq_pts = len(q_pts)
        q_abs = gw.mol.get_abs_kpts(q_pts)

        # Get qij = 1/sqrt(Omega) * < psi_{ik} | e^{iqr} | psi_{ak-q} > at q: (nkpts, nocc, nvir)
        qij = get_qij(gw, q_abs[0], mo_coeff)

    for kL in range(nkpts):
        # Lij: (2, ki, L, i, j) for looping every kL
        #Lij = np.zeros((2,nkpts,naux,nmoa,nmoa),dtype=np.complex128)
        Lij = []
        # kidx: save kj that conserves with kL and ki (-ki+kj+kL=G)
        # kidx_r: save ki that conserves with kL and kj (-ki+kj+kL=G)
        kidx = np.zeros((nkpts), dtype=np.int64)
        kidx_r = np.zeros((nkpts), dtype=np.int64)
        for i, kpti in enumerate(kpts):
            for j, kptj in enumerate(kpts):
                # Find (ki,kj) that satisfies momentum conservation with kL
                kconserv = -kscaled[i] + kscaled[j] + kscaled[kL]
                is_kconserv = np.linalg.norm(np.round(kconserv) -
                                             kconserv) < 1e-12
                if is_kconserv:
                    kidx[i] = j
                    kidx_r[j] = i
                        gw, "Read Lpq (kL: %s / %s, ki: %s, kj: %s)" %
                        (kL + 1, nkpts, i, j))
                    Lij_out_a = None
                    Lij_out_b = None
                    # Read (L|pq) and ao2mo transform to (L|ij)
                    Lpq = []
                    for LpqR, LpqI, sign in mydf.sr_loop([kpti, kptj],
                                                         max_memory=0.1 *
                        Lpq.append(LpqR + LpqI * 1.0j)
                    Lpq = np.vstack(Lpq).reshape(-1, nmoa**2)
                    moija, ijslicea = _conc_mos(mo_coeff[0, i],
                                                mo_coeff[0, j])[2:]
                    moijb, ijsliceb = _conc_mos(mo_coeff[1, i],
                                                mo_coeff[1, j])[2:]
                    tao = []
                    ao_loc = None
                    Lij_out_a = _ao2mo.r_e2(Lpq,
                    tao = []
                    ao_loc = None
                    Lij_out_b = _ao2mo.r_e2(Lpq,
                        np.asarray((Lij_out_a.reshape(-1, nmoa, nmoa),
                                    Lij_out_b.reshape(-1, nmob, nmob))))

        Lij = np.asarray(Lij)
        Lij = Lij.transpose(1, 0, 2, 3, 4)
        naux = Lij.shape[2]

        if kL == 0:
            for w in range(nw):
                # body dielectric matrix eps_body
                Pi = get_rho_response(gw, freqs[w], mo_energy, Lij, kL, kidx)
                eps_body_inv = np.linalg.inv(np.eye(naux) - Pi)

                if gw.fc:
                    # head dielectric matrix eps_00
                    Pi_00 = get_rho_response_head(gw, freqs[w], mo_energy, qij)
                    eps_00 = 1. - 4. * np.pi / np.linalg.norm(
                        q_abs[0])**2 * Pi_00

                    # wings dielectric matrix eps_P0
                    Pi_P0 = get_rho_response_wing(gw, freqs[w], mo_energy, Lij,
                    eps_P0 = -np.sqrt(4. * np.pi) / np.linalg.norm(
                        q_abs[0]) * Pi_P0

                    # inverse dielectric matrix
                    eps_inv_00 = 1. / (eps_00 - np.dot(
                        np.dot(eps_P0.conj(), eps_body_inv), eps_P0))
                    eps_inv_P0 = -eps_inv_00 * np.dot(eps_body_inv, eps_P0)

                    # head correction
                    Del_00 = 2. / np.pi * (6. * np.pi**2 / gw.mol.vol / nkpts
                                           )**(1. / 3.) * (eps_inv_00 - 1.)

                eps_inv_PQ = eps_body_inv
                g0_occ_a = wts[w] * emo_occ_a / (emo_occ_a**2 + freqs[w]**2)
                g0_occ_b = wts[w] * emo_occ_b / (emo_occ_b**2 + freqs[w]**2)
                g0_vir_a = wts[w] * emo_vir_a / (emo_vir_a**2 + freqs[w]**2)
                g0_vir_b = wts[w] * emo_vir_b / (emo_vir_b**2 + freqs[w]**2)
                for k in range(nklist):
                    kn = kptlist[k]
                    # Find km that conserves with kn and kL (-km+kn+kL=G)
                    km = kidx_r[kn]
                    Qmn_a = einsum('Pmn,PQ->Qmn', Lij[0, km][:, :,
                                   eps_inv_PQ - np.eye(naux))
                    Qmn_b = einsum('Pmn,PQ->Qmn', Lij[1, km][:, :,
                                   eps_inv_PQ - np.eye(naux))
                    Wmn_a = 1. / nkpts * einsum('Qmn,Qmn->mn', Qmn_a,
                                                Lij[0, km][:, :, orbs])
                    Wmn_b = 1. / nkpts * einsum('Qmn,Qmn->mn', Qmn_b,
                                                Lij[1, km][:, :, orbs])

                    sigma[0, k][:norbs_occ_a] += -einsum(
                        'mn,mw->nw', Wmn_a[:, :norbs_occ_a],
                        g0_occ_a[km]) / np.pi
                    sigma[1, k][:norbs_occ_b] += -einsum(
                        'mn,mw->nw', Wmn_b[:, :norbs_occ_b],
                        g0_occ_b[km]) / np.pi
                    sigma[0, k][norbs_occ_a:] += -einsum(
                        'mn,mw->nw', Wmn_a[:, norbs_occ_a:],
                        g0_vir_a[km]) / np.pi
                    sigma[1, k][norbs_occ_b:] += -einsum(
                        'mn,mw->nw', Wmn_b[:, norbs_occ_b:],
                        g0_vir_b[km]) / np.pi

                    if gw.fc:
                        # apply head correction
                        assert (kn == km)
                        sigma[0, k][:norbs_occ_a] += -Del_00 * g0_occ_a[kn][
                            orbs][:norbs_occ_a] / np.pi
                        sigma[0, k][norbs_occ_a:] += -Del_00 * g0_vir_a[kn][
                            orbs][norbs_occ_a:] / np.pi
                        sigma[1, k][:norbs_occ_b] += -Del_00 * g0_occ_b[kn][
                            orbs][:norbs_occ_b] / np.pi
                        sigma[1, k][norbs_occ_b:] += -Del_00 * g0_vir_b[kn][
                            orbs][norbs_occ_b:] / np.pi

                        # apply wing correction
                        Wn_P0_a = einsum('Pnm,P->nm', Lij[0, kn],
                        Wn_P0_b = einsum('Pnm,P->nm', Lij[1, kn],
                        Wn_P0_a = Wn_P0_a.real * 2.
                        Wn_P0_b = Wn_P0_b.real * 2.
                        Del_P0_a = np.sqrt(gw.mol.vol / 4. / np.pi**3) * (
                            6. * np.pi**2 / gw.mol.vol /
                            nkpts)**(2. / 3.) * Wn_P0_a[orbs]
                        Del_P0_b = np.sqrt(gw.mol.vol / 4. / np.pi**3) * (
                            6. * np.pi**2 / gw.mol.vol /
                            nkpts)**(2. / 3.) * Wn_P0_b[orbs]
                        sigma[0, k][:norbs_occ_a] += -einsum(
                            'n,nw->nw', Del_P0_a[:norbs_occ_a],
                            g0_occ_a[kn][orbs][:norbs_occ_a]) / np.pi
                        sigma[0, k][norbs_occ_a:] += -einsum(
                            'n,nw->nw', Del_P0_a[norbs_occ_a:],
                            g0_vir_a[kn][orbs][norbs_occ_a:]) / np.pi
                        sigma[1, k][:norbs_occ_b] += -einsum(
                            'n,nw->nw', Del_P0_b[:norbs_occ_b],
                            g0_occ_b[kn][orbs][:norbs_occ_b]) / np.pi
                        sigma[1, k][norbs_occ_b:] += -einsum(
                            'n,nw->nw', Del_P0_b[norbs_occ_b:],
                            g0_vir_b[kn][orbs][norbs_occ_b:]) / np.pi
            for w in range(nw):
                Pi = get_rho_response(gw, freqs[w], mo_energy, Lij, kL, kidx)
                Pi_inv = np.linalg.inv(np.eye(naux) - Pi) - np.eye(naux)
                g0_occ_a = wts[w] * emo_occ_a / (emo_occ_a**2 + freqs[w]**2)
                g0_occ_b = wts[w] * emo_occ_b / (emo_occ_b**2 + freqs[w]**2)
                g0_vir_a = wts[w] * emo_vir_a / (emo_vir_a**2 + freqs[w]**2)
                g0_vir_b = wts[w] * emo_vir_b / (emo_vir_b**2 + freqs[w]**2)
                for k in range(nklist):
                    kn = kptlist[k]
                    # Find km that conserves with kn and kL (-km+kn+kL=G)
                    km = kidx_r[kn]
                    Qmn_a = einsum('Pmn,PQ->Qmn',
                                   Lij[0, km][:, :, orbs].conj(), Pi_inv)
                    Qmn_b = einsum('Pmn,PQ->Qmn',
                                   Lij[1, km][:, :, orbs].conj(), Pi_inv)
                    Wmn_a = 1. / nkpts * einsum('Qmn,Qmn->mn', Qmn_a,
                                                Lij[0, km][:, :, orbs])
                    Wmn_b = 1. / nkpts * einsum('Qmn,Qmn->mn', Qmn_b,
                                                Lij[1, km][:, :, orbs])

                    sigma[0, k][:norbs_occ_a] += -einsum(
                        'mn,mw->nw', Wmn_a[:, :norbs_occ_a],
                        g0_occ_a[km]) / np.pi
                    sigma[1, k][:norbs_occ_b] += -einsum(
                        'mn,mw->nw', Wmn_b[:, :norbs_occ_b],
                        g0_occ_b[km]) / np.pi
                    sigma[0, k][norbs_occ_a:] += -einsum(
                        'mn,mw->nw', Wmn_a[:, norbs_occ_a:],
                        g0_vir_a[km]) / np.pi
                    sigma[1, k][norbs_occ_b:] += -einsum(
                        'mn,mw->nw', Wmn_b[:, norbs_occ_b:],
                        g0_vir_b[km]) / np.pi

    return sigma, omega
コード例 #26
ファイル: mdf_ao2mo.py プロジェクト: mattwelborn/pyscf
def general(mydf, mo_coeffs, kpts=None, compact=True):
    if mydf._cderi is None:

    cell = mydf.cell
    kptijkl = _format_kpts(kpts)
    kpti, kptj, kptk, kptl = kptijkl
    if isinstance(mo_coeffs, numpy.ndarray) and mo_coeffs.ndim == 2:
        mo_coeffs = (mo_coeffs,) * 4
    eri_mo = pwdf_ao2mo.general(mydf, mo_coeffs, kptijkl, compact)

    all_real = not any(numpy.iscomplexobj(mo) for mo in mo_coeffs)
    max_memory = max(2000, (mydf.max_memory - lib.current_memory()[0]) * .5)

# gamma point, the integral is real and with s4 symmetry
    if abs(kptijkl).sum() < KPT_DIFF_TOL and all_real:
        ijmosym, nij_pair, moij, ijslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[1], compact)
        klmosym, nkl_pair, mokl, klslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[2], mo_coeffs[3], compact)
        sym = (iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[2]) and
               iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[1], mo_coeffs[3]))
        if sym:
            eri_mo *= .5  # because we'll do +cc later

        ijR = klR = None
        for LpqR, LpqI, j3cR, j3cI in mydf.sr_loop(kptijkl[:2], max_memory, True):
            ijR, klR = _dtrans(LpqR, ijR, ijmosym, moij, ijslice,
                               j3cR, klR, klmosym, mokl, klslice, False)
            lib.ddot(ijR.T, klR, 1, eri_mo, 1)
            if not sym:
                ijR, klR = _dtrans(j3cR, ijR, ijmosym, moij, ijslice,
                                   LpqR, klR, klmosym, mokl, klslice, False)
                lib.ddot(ijR.T, klR, 1, eri_mo, 1)
            LpqR = LpqI = j3cR = j3cI = None
        if sym:
            eri_mo = lib.transpose_sum(eri_mo, inplace=True)
        return eri_mo

# (kpt) i == j == k == l != 0
# (kpt) i == l && j == k && i != j && j != k  =>
# both vbar and ovlp are zero. It corresponds to the exchange integral.
# complex integrals, N^4 elements
    elif (abs(kpti-kptl).sum() < KPT_DIFF_TOL) and (abs(kptj-kptk).sum() < KPT_DIFF_TOL):
        mo_coeffs = _mo_as_complex(mo_coeffs)
        nij_pair, moij, ijslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[1])[1:]
        nlk_pair, molk, lkslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[3], mo_coeffs[2])[1:]
        eri_lk = numpy.zeros((nij_pair,nlk_pair), dtype=numpy.complex)
        sym = (iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[3]) and
               iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[1], mo_coeffs[2]))

        zij = zlk = buf = None
        for LpqR, LpqI, j3cR, j3cI in mydf.sr_loop(kptijkl[:2], max_memory, False):
            bufL = LpqR+LpqI*1j
            bufj = j3cR+j3cI*1j
            zij, zlk = _ztrans(bufL, zij, moij, ijslice,
                               bufj, zlk, molk, lkslice, False)
            lib.dot(zij.T, zlk.conj(), 1, eri_lk, 1)
            if not sym:
                zij, zlk = _ztrans(bufj, zij, moij, ijslice,
                                   bufL, zlk, molk, lkslice, False)
                lib.dot(zij.T, zlk.conj(), 1, eri_lk, 1)
            LpqR = LpqI = j3cR = j3cI = bufL = bufj = None
        if sym:
            eri_lk += lib.transpose(eri_lk).conj()

        nmok = mo_coeffs[2].shape[1]
        nmol = mo_coeffs[3].shape[1]
        eri_lk = lib.transpose(eri_lk.reshape(-1,nmol,nmok), axes=(0,2,1))
        eri_mo += eri_lk.reshape(nij_pair,nlk_pair)
        return eri_mo

# aosym = s1, complex integrals
# kpti == kptj  =>  kptl == kptk
# If kpti == kptj, (kptl-kptk)*a has to be multiples of 2pi because of the wave
# vector symmetry.  k is a fraction of reciprocal basis, 0 < k/b < 1, by definition.
# So  kptl/b - kptk/b  must be -1 < k/b < 1.
        mo_coeffs = _mo_as_complex(mo_coeffs)
        nij_pair, moij, ijslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[1])[1:]
        nkl_pair, mokl, klslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[2], mo_coeffs[3])[1:]
        max_memory *= .5

        zij = zkl = None
        for (LpqR, LpqI, jpqR, jpqI), (LrsR, LrsI, jrsR, jrsI) in \
                lib.izip(mydf.sr_loop(kptijkl[:2], max_memory, False),
                         mydf.sr_loop(kptijkl[2:], max_memory, False)):
            zij, zkl = _ztrans(LpqR+LpqI*1j, zij, moij, ijslice,
                               jrsR+jrsI*1j, zkl, mokl, klslice, False)
            lib.dot(zij.T, zkl, 1, eri_mo, 1)
            zij, zkl = _ztrans(jpqR+jpqI*1j, zij, moij, ijslice,
                               LrsR+LrsI*1j, zkl, mokl, klslice, False)
            lib.dot(zij.T, zkl, 1, eri_mo, 1)
            LpqR = LpqI = jpqR = jpqI = LrsR = LrsI = jrsR = jrsI = None
        return eri_mo