def init(): configfile = assistant.SF("%s/filecrawler.conf" % (os.path.dirname(__file__))) print os.path.dirname(__file__) config = pysmartac.configer.openconfiger(configfile) #configer conf.pidfile = config.getstr("system", "pidfile", conf.pidfile) conf.threadCount = config.getint("system", "threadCount", conf.threadCount) conf.logLevel = config.getstr("system", "logLevel", conf.logLevel) conf.ftpServerMovieSource = config.getstr("system", "ftpServerMovieSource", conf.ftpServerMovieSource) conf.ftpServerAppSource = config.getstr("system", "ftpServerAppSource", conf.ftpServerAppSource) conf.ftpServerUser = config.getstr("system", "ftpServerUser", conf.ftpServerUser) conf.ftpServerPwd = config.getstr("system", "ftpServerPwd", conf.ftpServerPwd) conf.ftpJsonOutputPath = config.getstr("system", "ftpJsonOutputPath", conf.ftpJsonOutputPath) conf.movieOutputFile = config.getstr("system", "movieOutputFile", conf.movieOutputFile) conf.appOutputFile = config.getstr("system", "appOutputFile", conf.appOutputFile) conf.checkInterval = config.getint("system", "checkInterval", conf.checkInterval) #log settings PLOG.setlevel(conf.logLevel) PLOG.enableFilelog( assistant.SF("%s/log/FLCRAWLER_$(Date8)_$(filenumber2).log" % (os.path.dirname(__file__))))
def get(self): result = "" jsresult = {} cmdlist = self.get_query_arguments("cmd") for cmd in cmdlist: PLOG.debug("Receive msg %s"%cmd) if len(cmd) >0 : js = json.loads(cmd.decode('utf8')) if js.has_key('msgid') : msg = js["msgid"] if msg == "seturi": if js.has_key('body'): body = js["body"] if body.has_key('uri'): uri = body["uri"] if len(uri) >0: global lastpageuri lastpageuri = uri HandleSetURI(uri) jsresult["errmsg"] = "OK" else: jsresult["errmsg"] = "uri is empty!" else: jsresult["errmsg"] = "msg seturi body has no uri,invalid msg" else: jsresult["errmsg"] = "msg seturi has no body,invalid msg" else: jsresult["errmsg"] = "not support msgid " + msg self.write(json.dumps(jsresult))
def AddWebSocket(self, wsconn): wsname = wsconn.wsname if self.websockets.has_key(wsname): PLOG.debug("Already has ws connect %s,close old connect" % wsname) self.websockets[wsname].close() self.websockets[wsname] = wsconn PLOG.debug("ws manager add %s" % wsname)
def get(self): result = "" jsresult = {} cmdlist = self.get_query_arguments("cmd") for cmd in cmdlist: PLOG.debug("Receive msg %s" % cmd) if len(cmd) > 0: js = json.loads(cmd.decode('utf8')) if js.has_key('msgid'): msg = js["msgid"] if msg == "seturi": if js.has_key('body'): body = js["body"] if body.has_key('uri'): uri = body["uri"] if len(uri) > 0: global lastpageuri lastpageuri = uri HandleSetURI(uri) jsresult["errmsg"] = "OK" else: jsresult["errmsg"] = "uri is empty!" else: jsresult[ "errmsg"] = "msg seturi body has no uri,invalid msg" else: jsresult[ "errmsg"] = "msg seturi has no body,invalid msg" else: jsresult["errmsg"] = "not support msgid " + msg self.write(json.dumps(jsresult))
def scanFile(rootpath,filetype): PLOG.debug('Type["%s"] file start crawling...dir = %s ' %(filetype,rootpath)) outputjsfilename = "" rootDirname = "" if rootpath[-1] == '\\' or rootpath[-1] == '/' : rootpath = rootpath[:-1] rootDirname = os.path.split(rootpath)[-1] if filetype == "movie": outputjsfilename = conf.movieOutputFile elif filetype == "app": outputjsfilename = conf.appOutputFile outputjsfilename = outputjsfilename.decode('utf8') rootpath = rootpath.decode('utf8') dirlist = enumDir(rootpath) allJsonInfo = {} allJsonInfo["update"] ="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") allJsonInfo["source"] = conf.httpServerSite + rootDirname + '/' allJsonInfo["list"] =[] for subdir in dirlist: fileitems = enumFile(os.path.join(rootpath,subdir)) for fileitem in fileitems: if fileitem[-5:] == ".json" : addJsonInfo(fileitem,allJsonInfo) with open(outputjsfilename,"w") as f: json.dump(allJsonInfo, f,indent=4,ensure_ascii=False) PLOG.debug('Type["%s"] file crawl dir %s finished' %(filetype,rootpath))
def init(): configfile = assistant.SF("%s/filecrawler.conf" % (os.path.dirname(__file__))) print os.path.dirname(__file__) config = pysmartac.configer.openconfiger(configfile) #configer conf.pidfile = config.getstr("system", "pidfile", conf.pidfile) conf.threadCount = config.getint("system", "threadCount", conf.threadCount) conf.logLevel = config.getstr("system", "logLevel", conf.logLevel) conf.httpServerSite = config.getstr("system", "httpserversite", conf.httpServerSite) conf.movieDir = config.getstr("system", "movieDir", conf.movieDir) conf.appDir = config.getstr("system", "appDir", conf.appDir) conf.movieOutputFile = config.getstr("system", "movieOutputFile", conf.movieOutputFile) conf.appOutputFile = config.getstr("system", "appOutputFile", conf.appOutputFile) conf.checkInterval = config.getint("system", "checkInterval", conf.checkInterval) #log settings PLOG.setlevel(conf.logLevel) PLOG.enableFilelog("%s/log/FLCRAWLER_$(Date8)_$(filenumber2).log" % (os.path.dirname(__file__)))
def openmysqlconn(): dboperater =None try: dboperater = DBOperater() dboperater.createconnection(,user=sadb.dbuser,passwd=sadb.dbpwd,dbname=sadb.dbname) except MySQLdb.Error,e: PLOG.debug("Mysql Error %d: %s" %(e.args[0], e.args[1]))
def AddWebSocket(self,wsconn): wsname = wsconn.wsname if self.websockets.has_key(wsname) : PLOG.debug("Already has ws connect %s,close old connect"%wsname) self.websockets[wsname].close() self.websockets[wsname] = wsconn PLOG.debug("ws manager add %s"%wsname)
def scanFile(rootpath, filetype): PLOG.debug('Type["%s"] file start crawling...dir = %s ' % (filetype, rootpath)) outputjsfilename = "" rootDirname = "" if rootpath[-1] == '\\' or rootpath[-1] == '/': rootpath = rootpath[:-1] rootDirname = os.path.split(rootpath)[-1] if filetype == "movie": outputjsfilename = conf.movieOutputFile elif filetype == "app": outputjsfilename = conf.appOutputFile outputjsfilename = outputjsfilename.decode('utf8') rootpath = rootpath.decode('utf8') dirlist = enumDir(rootpath) allJsonInfo = {} allJsonInfo["update"] = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") allJsonInfo["source"] = conf.httpServerSite + rootDirname + '/' allJsonInfo["list"] = [] for subdir in dirlist: fileitems = enumFile(os.path.join(rootpath, subdir)) for fileitem in fileitems: if fileitem[-5:] == ".json": addJsonInfo(fileitem, allJsonInfo) with open(outputjsfilename, "w") as f: json.dump(allJsonInfo, f, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) PLOG.debug('Type["%s"] file crawl dir %s finished' % (filetype, rootpath))
def heartbeatCheck(self): if self.isTimeOut(): PLOG.debug("%s websocket timeout,disconnect it" % self.wsname) self.close() WSManager.RemoveWebSocket(self.wsname) else: PLOG.trace("send ping")"ping")
def heartbeatCheck(self): if self.isTimeOut(): PLOG.debug("%s websocket timeout,disconnect it"%self.wsname) self.close() WSManager.RemoveWebSocket(self.wsname) else: PLOG.trace("send ping")"ping")
def closeconnection(self): """ 关闭连接 """ if self.conn != None: self.conn.close() else: PLOG.error("DBOperater.closeconnection error, conn is none") return 0
def createconnection(self, host, user, passwd, dbname): """ 创建一个新连接 """ self.conn = MySQLdb.Connect(host, user, passwd, dbname, charset="utf8") if False == PLOG.error("DBOperater.createconnection error") return -1 return 0
def connection(): global ws while(True): ws = websocket.WebSocketApp("ws://", on_open = on_open, on_message = on_message, on_error = on_error, on_close = on_close) ws.run_forever() PLOG.debug("ws may break")
def getPIDForString(self, s): pid = None try: processList = assistant.getProcessList() for p in processList: if p[1].find(s) != -1: pid = p[0] break del processList except Exception, e: PLOG.error("%s getPIDForString except:%s" % (, e))
def addJsonInfo(jsonSourcefile,destJson): filedir = os.path.dirname(jsonSourcefile) parentDirName = os.path.split(filedir)[-1] primaryFilename = "" jsSourceFileInfo = None with open(jsonSourcefile,"r") as f: jsSourceFileInfo = json.load(f,'utf8') if jsSourceFileInfo !=None and isinstance(jsSourceFileInfo,dict): if jsSourceFileInfo.has_key("file"): primaryFilename = jsSourceFileInfo["file"] if primaryFilename != "": jsSourceFileInfo["id"] = str(uuid.uuid1()) if primaryFilename.startswith("https:") : # ios info file filetimestamp = time.localtime( os.path.getmtime(jsonSourcefile)) primaryFileTime = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',filetimestamp) jsSourceFileInfo["filetime"] = primaryFileTime if not jsSourceFileInfo.has_key("filesize") : jsSourceFileInfo["filesize"] = "0" #destJson["list"].append(jsSourceFileInfo) else: try: primaryFileSize = os.path.getsize(os.path.join(filedir,primaryFilename)) filetimestamp = time.localtime( os.path.getmtime(os.path.join(filedir,primaryFilename)) ) primaryFileTime = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',filetimestamp) jsSourceFileInfo["filesize"] = str(primaryFileSize) jsSourceFileInfo["filetime"] = primaryFileTime if jsSourceFileInfo.has_key("file") : jsSourceFileInfo["file"] = parentDirName +'/' + jsSourceFileInfo["file"] except:"generate file info of dir %s failed,primary File %s not find,skip it"% (filedir,primaryFilename)) return if jsSourceFileInfo.has_key("poster") : jsSourceFileInfo["poster"] = parentDirName +'/' + jsSourceFileInfo["poster"] if jsSourceFileInfo.has_key("thumbnail") : jsSourceFileInfo["thumbnail"] = parentDirName +'/' + jsSourceFileInfo["thumbnail"] if jsSourceFileInfo.has_key("extend") : jsextend = jsSourceFileInfo["extend"] if jsextend.has_key("screenshot") : jsscreenshottmp = [] for picture in jsextend["screenshot"] : picture = parentDirName +'/' + picture jsscreenshottmp.append(picture) jsextend["screenshot"] =jsscreenshottmp destJson["list"].append(jsSourceFileInfo) PLOG.debug('generate file info of dir "%s" success'%(filedir)) else: PLOG.debug("generate file info of dir %s failed,primary File name is empty"% (filedir)) else : PLOG.debug('not find "file" node in info file %s , skip it' %(jsonSourcefile)) else: PLOG.warn('js file %s is null,maybe path error! skip it' %(jsonSourcefile))
def getCommandForPID(self, pid): cmd = None try: processList = assistant.getProcessList() for p in processList: if p[0] == pid: cmd = p[1] break del processList except Exception, e: PLOG.error("%s getCommandForPID except:%s" % (, e))
def on_message(ws, message): PLOG.debug( "Recv: "+message) msgJson = json.loads(message) global logined if msgJson["msgid"] == "login": if msgJson["errcode"] == 0: logined = True else: PLOG.debug("Userid is wrong,exit") #ws.close() sys.exit(0)
def login(self): try: FTP.connect(self,,timeout=10) except: PLOG.warn('Can not connect to ftp server "%s"' % return False try: FTP.login(self,self.user,self.pwd) except: PLOG.warn('Login ftp server "%s" failed ,username or password error' % return False return True
def reloadStop(self): querystopsql = 'SELECT a.innerid,a.`name` FROM sa_region AS a LEFT JOIN sa_region AS b ON b.parentid=a.innerid WHERE b.parentid IS NULL' stopresultls = SAPeakDataPublic.querysql(querystopsql) if stopresultls != None and len(stopresultls) > 0: for row in stopresultls: stop = Stop(row[0], row[1]) if stop != None: self.stops[row[0]] = stop PLOG.debug("load stop %s,id=%s" % (row[1], row[0])) else: PLOG.debug("load stop failed!") return False return True
def querysql(sqltext,dboperater=None,how = 0): resultls = [] try: if dboperater == None: dboperater = DBOperater() if dboperater.conn == None: dboperater.createconnection(,user=sadb.dbuser,passwd=sadb.dbpwd,dbname=sadb.dbname) #数据库连接 rowNum, result = dboperater.query(sqltext) PLOG.trace("%s query finish"%(sqltext)) resultls = dboperater.fetch_queryresult(result,rowNum, how = how) except MySQLdb.Error,e: PLOG.debug("Mysql Error %d: %s,sql=%s" %(e.args[0], e.args[1],sqltext)) return None
def executeproc(procsqlname,dboperater=None,args=None): resultls = [] try: if dboperater == None: dboperater = DBOperater() if dboperater.conn == None: dboperater.createconnection(,user=sadb.dbuser,passwd=sadb.dbpwd,dbname=sadb.dbname) #数据库连接 cur = dboperater.conn.cursor() cur.callproc(procsqlname,args) dboperater.conn.commit() #提交SQL语句 cur.close() except MySQLdb.Error,e: PLOG.debug("Mysql Error %d: %s,sql=%s" %(e.args[0], e.args[1],procsqlname))
def processRPC(self, msg): ret = """RPC:\n%s" % msg) if msg == "status": ret = "alwayson working...\n" items = [] for p in self.programlist: items.append((, p.status)) fmt = '%-40s %9s' ret = '\n'.join([fmt % (x, '[%s]' % y) for x, y in items])"report runing status:\n%s" % ret) elif msg == "stop": pass return ret
def run(): init() # radius 日志检查 beforeInvoketime = currentLogFile = getCurrentLogfile() beforeInvokeLogFileSize = os.path.getsize(currentLogFile) # radius auth请求检查 ret = InvokeProc() # radius auth请求检查 end if (ret == 1): # radius 运行状态正常,检查log afterInvoketime = if == if os.path.getsize(currentLogFile) > beforeInvokeLogFileSize:"radius log status is ok") else:"radius log status error,no growth,stop radius") InvokeStopRadius() else: # 调用前后不是同一天(可能写入新日志,也可能写入旧日志,or判断) logfile = getCurrentLogfile() if (logfile != None and len(logfile) > 0 and os.path.getsize(logfile) > 0 ) or os.path.getsize(currentLogFile) > beforeInvokeLogFileSize:"radius log status is ok") else: "radius log status error,no growth or no new log,stop radius" ) InvokeStopRadius()
def run(): init() # radius 日志检查 beforeInvoketime = currentLogFile = getCurrentLogfile() beforeInvokeLogFileSize = os.path.getsize(currentLogFile) # radius auth请求检查 ret = InvokeProc() # radius auth请求检查 end if (ret == 1) : # radius 运行状态正常,检查log afterInvoketime = if == if os.path.getsize(currentLogFile) > beforeInvokeLogFileSize :"radius log status is ok") else:"radius log status error,no growth,stop radius") InvokeStopRadius() else: # 调用前后不是同一天(可能写入新日志,也可能写入旧日志,or判断) logfile = getCurrentLogfile() if ( logfile != None and len(logfile) >0 and os.path.getsize(logfile) > 0 ) or os.path.getsize(currentLogFile) > beforeInvokeLogFileSize:"radius log status is ok") else:"radius log status error,no growth or no new log,stop radius") InvokeStopRadius()
def login(self): try: FTP.connect(self,, timeout=10) except: PLOG.warn('Can not connect to ftp server "%s"' % return False try: FTP.login(self, self.user, self.pwd) except: PLOG.warn( 'Login ftp server "%s" failed ,username or password error' % return False return True
def init(): configfile=assistant.SF("%s/radiusCheck.conf"%(os.path.dirname(__file__))) print os.path.dirname(__file__) config=pysmartac.configer.openconfiger(configfile) #configer conf.logLevel=config.getstr("system","logLevel",conf.logLevel) conf.clientPath=config.getstr("system","clientPath",conf.clientPath) conf.logDir=config.getstr("system","logDir",conf.logDir) conf.radiusIP=config.getstr("system","radiusIP",conf.radiusIP) conf.reponseTimeout=config.getint("system","reponseTimeout",conf.reponseTimeout) conf.secret=config.getstr("system","secret",conf.secret) #log settings PLOG.setlevel(conf.logLevel) PLOG.enableFilelog("%s/log/RADCK_$(Date8).log"%(os.path.dirname(__file__)))
def loadconfig(): config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() configfile = assistant.SF("%s/SAPeakData.conf" % (os.path.dirname(__file__)))"Load configer file:%s" % configfile) config.readfp(open(configfile, "rb")) = config.get("system", "loglevel") = config.getint("system", "queryunit") = config.getint("system", "queryrepeattimes") if != 0: PLOG.debug("queryunit is invalid,please check config!") sys.exit(2) = config.get("system", "datasource") SAPeakDataPublic.sadb.dbuser = config.get("system", "dbuser") SAPeakDataPublic.sadb.dbpwd = config.get("system", "dbpwd") SAPeakDataPublic.sadb.dbname = config.get("system", "dbname") SAPeakDataPublic.sadb.tablename = config.get("system", "tablename")
def init(): configfile=assistant.SF("%s/filecrawler.conf"%(os.path.dirname(__file__))) print os.path.dirname(__file__) config=pysmartac.configer.openconfiger(configfile) #configer conf.logLevel=config.getstr("system","logLevel",conf.logLevel) conf.httpServerSite=config.getstr("system","httpserversite",conf.httpServerSite) conf.movieDir=config.getstr("system","movieDir",conf.movieDir) conf.iosDir=config.getstr("system","iosDir",conf.iosDir) conf.androidDir=config.getstr("system","androidDir",conf.androidDir) conf.movieOutputFile=config.getstr("system","movieOutputFile",conf.movieOutputFile) conf.iosOutputFile=config.getstr("system","iosOutputFile",conf.iosOutputFile) conf.androidOutputFile=config.getstr("system","androidOutputFile",conf.androidOutputFile) #log settings PLOG.setlevel(conf.logLevel) PLOG.enableFilelog("%s/log/FLCRAWLER_$(Date8)_$(filenumber2).log"%(os.path.dirname(__file__)))
def query(self, sqltext, mode = STORE_RESULT_MODE): """ 作用:使用connection对象的query方法,并返回一个元组(影响行数(int),结果集(result)) 参数:sqltext:sql语句 mode=STORE_RESULT_MODE(0) 表示返回store_result,mode=USESTORE_RESULT_MODE(1) 表示返回use_result 返回:元组(影响行数(int),结果集(result) """ if None == self.conn or False == return -1 self.conn.query(sqltext) if 0 == mode: result = self.conn.store_result() elif 1 == mode: result = self.conn.use_result() else: PLOG.error("DBOperater.closeconnection error, mode value is wrong") return -1 return (self.conn.affected_rows(), result)
def loadconfig(): config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() configfile = assistant.SF("%s/SAPeakData.conf" % (os.path.dirname(__file__)))"Load configer file:%s" % configfile) config.readfp(open(configfile, "rb")) = config.get("system", "loglevel") = config.getint("system", "queryunit") = config.getint( "system", "queryrepeattimes") if 24 % != 0: PLOG.debug("queryunit is invalid,please check config!") sys.exit(2) = config.get("system", "datasource") SAPeakDataPublic.sadb.dbuser = config.get("system", "dbuser") SAPeakDataPublic.sadb.dbpwd = config.get("system", "dbpwd") SAPeakDataPublic.sadb.dbname = config.get("system", "dbname") SAPeakDataPublic.sadb.tablename = config.get("system", "tablename")
def init(): configfile=assistant.SF("%s/filecrawler.conf"%(os.path.dirname(__file__))) print os.path.dirname(__file__) config=pysmartac.configer.openconfiger(configfile) #configer conf.pidfile=config.getstr("system","pidfile",conf.pidfile) conf.threadCount=config.getint("system","threadCount",conf.threadCount) conf.logLevel=config.getstr("system","logLevel",conf.logLevel) conf.httpServerSite=config.getstr("system","httpserversite",conf.httpServerSite) conf.movieDir=config.getstr("system","movieDir",conf.movieDir) conf.appDir=config.getstr("system","appDir",conf.appDir) conf.movieOutputFile=config.getstr("system","movieOutputFile",conf.movieOutputFile) conf.appOutputFile=config.getstr("system","appOutputFile",conf.appOutputFile) conf.checkInterval=config.getint("system","checkInterval",conf.checkInterval) #log settings PLOG.setlevel(conf.logLevel) PLOG.enableFilelog("%s/log/FLCRAWLER_$(Date8)_$(filenumber2).log"%(os.path.dirname(__file__)))
def init(): configfile = assistant.SF("%s/radiusCheck.conf" % (os.path.dirname(__file__))) print os.path.dirname(__file__) config = pysmartac.configer.openconfiger(configfile) #configer conf.logLevel = config.getstr("system", "logLevel", conf.logLevel) conf.clientPath = config.getstr("system", "clientPath", conf.clientPath) conf.logDir = config.getstr("system", "logDir", conf.logDir) conf.radiusIP = config.getstr("system", "radiusIP", conf.radiusIP) conf.reponseTimeout = config.getint("system", "reponseTimeout", conf.reponseTimeout) conf.secret = config.getstr("system", "secret", conf.secret) #log settings PLOG.setlevel(conf.logLevel) PLOG.enableFilelog("%s/log/RADCK_$(Date8).log" % (os.path.dirname(__file__)))
def run(): time.sleep(5) global logined if logined: global ser while (ser.isOpen()): text = ser.readline() # read one, with timout if text: # check if not timeout n = ser.inWaiting() while n >0: # look if there is more to read text = text + ser.readline() #get it n = ser.inWaiting() PLOG.debug( text) if logined : processData(text) # 50ms 读取一次数据 time.sleep(0.05) ser.close()
def init(): configfile = assistant.SF("%s/filecrawler.conf" % (os.path.dirname(__file__))) print os.path.dirname(__file__) config = pysmartac.configer.openconfiger(configfile) # configer conf.pidfile = config.getstr("system", "pidfile", conf.pidfile) conf.threadCount = config.getint("system", "threadCount", conf.threadCount) conf.logLevel = config.getstr("system", "logLevel", conf.logLevel) conf.ftpServerMovieSource = config.getstr("system", "ftpServerMovieSource", conf.ftpServerMovieSource) conf.ftpServerAppSource = config.getstr("system", "ftpServerAppSource", conf.ftpServerAppSource) conf.ftpServerUser = config.getstr("system", "ftpServerUser", conf.ftpServerUser) conf.ftpServerPwd = config.getstr("system", "ftpServerPwd", conf.ftpServerPwd) conf.ftpJsonOutputPath = config.getstr("system", "ftpJsonOutputPath", conf.ftpJsonOutputPath) conf.movieOutputFile = config.getstr("system", "movieOutputFile", conf.movieOutputFile) conf.appOutputFile = config.getstr("system", "appOutputFile", conf.appOutputFile) conf.checkInterval = config.getint("system", "checkInterval", conf.checkInterval) # log settings PLOG.setlevel(conf.logLevel) PLOG.enableFilelog(assistant.SF("%s/log/FLCRAWLER_$(Date8)_$(filenumber2).log" % (os.path.dirname(__file__))))
def load(self): config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() conf1 = assistant.SF("%s/alwayson.conf" % (os.path.dirname(__file__))) conf2 = assistant.SF("%s/alwayson.conf" % (os.getcwd())) conf3 = "/etc/alwayson.conf" if os.path.isfile(conf1):conf = conf1 elif os.path.isfile(conf2):conf = conf2 else:conf = conf3"using configer file:%s" % conf) config.readfp(open(conf1, "rb")) checkinterval = config.getint("alwayson", "interval") for section in config.sections(): try: if section == "alwayson":continue name = section newprog = program(name) newprog.command = config.get(section, "command") newprog.runpath = config.get(section, "runpath") # newprog.matchingregular=config.get(section, "matchingregular") newprog.matchingstring = config.get(section, "matchingstring") newprog.pidfile = config.get(section, "pidfile") newprog.bootwait = config.getint(section, "bootwait") newprog.rebootwait = config.getint(section, "rebootwait") newprog.enabled = config.getboolean(section, "enabled") newprog.init(self);"confim:%s" % name) except: PLOG.error("read configerfile failed!program=%s,Pass!" % name) continue self.programlist.append(newprog)
def load(self): config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() conf1 = assistant.SF("%s/alwayson.conf" % (os.path.dirname(__file__))) conf2 = assistant.SF("%s/alwayson.conf" % (os.getcwd())) conf3 = "/etc/alwayson.conf" if os.path.isfile(conf1): conf = conf1 elif os.path.isfile(conf2): conf = conf2 else: conf = conf3"using configer file:%s" % conf) config.readfp(open(conf1, "rb")) checkinterval = config.getint("alwayson", "interval") for section in config.sections(): try: if section == "alwayson": continue name = section newprog = program(name) newprog.command = config.get(section, "command") newprog.runpath = config.get(section, "runpath") # newprog.matchingregular=config.get(section, "matchingregular") newprog.matchingstring = config.get(section, "matchingstring") newprog.pidfile = config.get(section, "pidfile") newprog.bootwait = config.getint(section, "bootwait") newprog.rebootwait = config.getint(section, "rebootwait") newprog.enabled = config.getboolean(section, "enabled") newprog.init(self)"confim:%s" % name) except: PLOG.error("read configerfile failed!program=%s,Pass!" % name) continue self.programlist.append(newprog)
def InvokeStopRadius(): strStopradiusCMD = "service radiusd stop" try:"call:%s\n"%(strStopradiusCMD)) stopret = os.popen(strStopradiusCMD).read() PLOG.debug("output:%s\n"%(stopret) ) except Exception, e:"执行命令失败,CMD=%s\nError=%s\n"%(strStopradiusCMD,e.args[1])) exit(1)
def InvokeStopRadius(): strStopradiusCMD = "service radiusd stop" try:"call:%s\n" % (strStopradiusCMD)) stopret = os.popen(strStopradiusCMD).read() PLOG.debug("output:%s\n" % (stopret)) except Exception, e:"执行命令失败,CMD=%s\nError=%s\n" % (strStopradiusCMD, e.args[1])) exit(1)
def execute(self, sqltext, args = None, mode = CURSOR_MODE, many = False): """ 作用:使用游标(cursor)的execute 执行query 参数:sqltext: 表示sql语句 args: sqltext的参数 mode:以何种方式返回数据集 CURSOR_MODE = 0 :store_result , tuple DICTCURSOR_MODE = 1 : store_result , dict SSCURSOR_MODE = 2 : use_result , tuple SSDICTCURSOR_MODE = 3 : use_result , dict many:是否执行多行操作(executemany) 返回:元组(影响行数(int),游标(Cursor)) """ if CURSOR_MODE == mode: curclass = MySQLdb.cursors.Cursor elif DICTCURSOR_MODE == mode : curclass = MySQLdb.cursors.DictCursor elif SSCURSOR_MODE == mode: curclass = MySQLdb.cursors.SSCursor elif SSDICTCURSOR_MODE == mode: curclass = MySQLdb.cursors.SSDictCursor else : PLOG.error("DBOperater.closeconnection error, mode value is wrong") return -1 cur = self.conn.cursor(cursorclass=curclass) line = 0 if False == many: if None == args: line = cur.execute(sqltext) else : line = cur.execute(sqltext,args) else : if None == args: line = cur.executemany(sqltext) else : line = cur.executemany(sqltext,args) return (line , cur)
def executearrsql(sqltext,dboperater=None,arrsql=None,sqlnum=100,mode = DBHelper.CURSOR_MODE): try: if dboperater == None: dboperater = DBOperater() if dboperater.conn == None: dboperater.createconnection(,user=sadb.dbuser,passwd=sadb.dbpwd,dbname=sadb.dbname) #数据库连接 if arrsql!=None and len(arrsql)>0: totalnum = len(arrsql) if totalnum%sqlnum == 0: foocount = totalnum/sqlnum else: foocount = totalnum/sqlnum+1 i = 0 while i<foocount: arr = arrsql[i*sqlnum:(i+1)*sqlnum] dboperater.execute(sqltext,args=arr,mode=mode,many=True)#执行SQL语句 dboperater.conn.commit() #提交SQL语句 i+=1 else: # 执行单条sql语句 dboperater.execute(sqltext,mode=mode) dboperater.conn.commit() except MySQLdb.Error,e: PLOG.debug("Mysql Error %d: %s,sql=%s" %(e.args[0], e.args[1],sqltext))
def update_pid(self): try: self._pid = 0 if len(self.pidfile) > 0: pidfile = open(self.pidfile, 'r') pid = int(pidfile.readline()) if pid != 0: if self.getCommandForPID(pid) != None: self._pid = pid"%s PID confim for pid:%d" % (, pid)) elif len(self.matchingstring) > 0: pid = self.getPIDForString(self.matchingstring) if pid != None: self._pid = pid"%s PID confim for regular:%d" % (, pid)) else: PLOG.error("%s Unknow check type!!!" % except Exception, e: PLOG.error("%s update_pid except!err=%s" % (, e))
def run(): init() if conf.httpServerSite[-1] != '/' : conf.httpServerSite += '/' # 爬取文件,生成最终json文件 start if len(conf.movieDir) != 0 : scanFile(conf.movieDir,"movie") else: PLOG.warn("moviedir is empty,please check config file") if len(conf.androidDir) != 0 : scanFile(conf.androidDir,"android") else: PLOG.warn("androiddir is empty,please check config file") if len(conf.iosDir) != 0 : scanFile(conf.iosDir,"ios") else: PLOG.warn("iosdir is empty,please check config file")
def processData(text): #提取最后一次摇杆位置坐标 index = text.rfind("(") indexEnd = text.rfind(")") PLOG.debug( "last location is "+text[index:indexEnd+1]) text = text[index:indexEnd+1] text = text.replace("(","") text = text.replace(")","") arr = text.split(',') x = int(arr[0]) y = int(arr[1]) z = int(arr[2]) #根据坐标判断是哪种运动状态 vx = x - 512 vy = y - 512 active_operation = "" if abs(vx) < admissibleError and abs(vy) < admissibleError: active_operation = "stop" PLOG.debug( "stop") elif abs(vx) < 512*1.414/2: if vy >0 and vy -admissibleError > 0: active_operation = "up" PLOG.debug( "up") else: active_operation = "down" PLOG.debug( "down" ) elif abs(vy) < 512*1.414/2: if vx >0 and vx -admissibleError > 0: active_operation = "spin_right" PLOG.debug( "spin_right") else: active_operation = "spin_left" PLOG.debug( "spin_left") """ { "invoke_id":"调用ID", // 消息ID "msgid":"active_robot", // 机器人id "robot_id":"1212", // 运动模式 "active_mode":{ "operation":"spin", // up-前进,down-后退,spin_up-调头前进,spin_left-左旋转,spin_right-右旋转 "distance":10, // 单位cm 移动距离(up和down时有此参数) "angle":180 // 旋转角度 (spin时有此参数) } }""" if active_operation is not "": now = int(time.time()*1000) global lastSendTime global lastActive if active_operation != lastActive or now - lastSendTime >= 950: global logined if not logined: login() msg = {} msg["invoke_id"] = "1" msg["msgid"] = "active_robot" msg["robot_id"] = "37bf0a26359e37d" msg["active_mode"] = {} msg["active_mode"]["operation"] = active_operation strmsg = json.dumps(msg) global ws ws.send(strmsg) PLOG.debug( "Send: "+strmsg ) lastSendTime = now lastActive = active_operation
def on_close(ws): PLOG.debug("### closed ###" )
def InvokeProc(): #echo "User-Name = radiusSelfCheck, User-Password = radiusSelfCheck" | ./radclient -xxxx auth testing123 strCMD="echo \"User-Name = radiusSelfCheck,User-Password = radiusSelfCheck\" | %s -xxxx %s:1812 auth %s" % \ (conf.clientPath,conf.radiusIP,conf.secret) try:"call:%s\n" % (strCMD)) beforeInvokeAuth = int(time.time()) retstr = os.popen(strCMD).read() afterInvokeAuth = int(time.time()) PLOG.debug("output:%s\n" % (retstr)) if (afterInvokeAuth - beforeInvokeAuth > conf.reponseTimeout):"radius auth reponse timeout,stop radius") InvokeStopRadius() return 0 if (retstr.find("rad_recv:") != -1 and retstr.find("Reply-Message") != -1): # 收到回应 if (retstr.find("radius status is ok") != -1): # radius运行正常"radius run status is ok") return 1 else: # radius状态不正确,关掉radius repmsg = "" repMsgpattern = re.compile( 'Reply-Message\s*=\s*(?P<repmsg>.*)\s*') m = if (m != None and'repmsg') != None): repmsg ='repmsg')"radius run status error,errmsg = %s ,stop radius" % repmsg) InvokeStopRadius() return 0 else: # radius状态不正确,关掉radius"radius run status error,no response,stop radius") InvokeStopRadius() return 0 except Exception, e:"执行命令失败,CMD=%s\nError=%s\n" % (strCMD, e.args[1])) exit(1)