Esempio n. 1
def map():
    global total, search_term
    search_term = request.form['search']
    numbers = norm_vals(job_search(search_term))
    total = numbers.pop()
    return render_template("demand_map.html", job_totals = numbers[0], date_avgs = numbers[1], numbers_list = numbers[2], total = total, query = search_term)
Esempio n. 2
def job_info(job_name):
## Initialize global variables
    date_list, state_list, expired_list, city_list, lat_list, long_list = [], [], [], [], [], []

    query_name = job_search(job_name)  

## Get a count of the total number of relevant jobs found
    job_total = num_pages(query_name)
    page_total = job_total/25        
    count = 1    
    for pages in range(page_total):
    #    #for now, the extract_data will only extract state_list
        state_list += extract_data(query_name, str(count), str(count * 25), date_list, state_list, expired_list, city_list, lat_list, long_list)
        count += 25
    ## Separate the states by uniqueness and count the number of each state with a job post        
    unique_states = list(set(state_list))
    state_counts = {i: state_list.count(i) for i in unique_states}
    state_info = [unique_states, state_counts]
    return state_info
Esempio n. 3
def top_cities():
    global total, search_term    
    state = request.form['state_name']
    if state == 'MI1' or state == 'MI2':
        cities = fifteen_per_state("MI")
        state = "MI"
        cities = fifteen_per_state(state)
    search_string = job_search(search_term)    
    number_jobs = city_numbers(search_string, cities, state) 
    sorted_city_indices = sorted(range(len(number_jobs)), key=lambda k: number_jobs[k])
    job_list, city_list = [], []
    for indices in sorted_city_indices:
    return render_template("top_cities.html", state = state, total = total, 
    jobnum_list = job_list, list_of_cities = city_list, query = search_term, search_string = search_string)
Esempio n. 4
import urllib2
import simplejson as json
from python_testing import job_search, norm_vals
from city_practice import city_numbers, fifteen_per_state

search = "executive chef"
number_jobs = norm_vals(job_search(search))
print number_jobs