def test_honeywell() -> None:
    token = os.getenv("HQS_AUTH")
    backend = HoneywellBackend(
        device_name="HQS-LT-1.0-APIVAL", machine_debug=skip_remote_tests
    c = Circuit(4, 4, "test 1")
    c.CX(0, 1)
    c.Rz(0.3, 2)
    c.CSWAP(0, 1, 2)
    c.CRz(0.4, 2, 3)
    c.CY(1, 3)
    c.ZZPhase(0.1, 2, 0)
    n_shots = 4
    handle = backend.process_circuits([c], n_shots)[0]
    correct_shots = np.zeros((4, 4))
    correct_counts = {(0, 0, 0, 0): 4}
    res = backend.get_result(handle, timeout=49)
    shots = res.get_shots()
    counts = res.get_counts()
    assert backend.circuit_status(handle).status is StatusEnum.COMPLETED
    assert np.all(shots == correct_shots)
    assert counts == correct_counts
    newshots = backend.get_shots(c, 4, timeout=49)
    assert np.all(newshots == correct_shots)
    newcounts = backend.get_counts(c, 4)
    assert newcounts == correct_counts
    if token is None:
        assert backend.device is None
def test_convert() -> None:
    circ = Circuit(4, 4)
    circ.H(0).CX(0, 1)
    circ.add_gate(OpType.noop, [1])
    circ.CRz(0.5, 1, 2)
    circ.ZZPhase(0.3, 2, 3).CX(3, 0).Tdg(1)
    circ.Measure(0, 0)
    circ.Measure(1, 2)
    circ.Measure(2, 3)
    circ.Measure(3, 1)

    circ_aqt = tk_to_aqt(circ)
    assert json.loads(circ_aqt[1]) == [0, 3, 1, 2]
    assert all(gate[0] in ["X", "Y", "MS"] for gate in circ_aqt[0])
Esempio n. 3
def test_convert() -> None:
    circ = Circuit(4)
    circ.H(0).CX(0, 1)
    circ.add_gate(OpType.noop, [1])
    circ.CRz(0.5, 1, 2)
    circ.ZZPhase(0.3, 2, 3).CX(3, 0).Tdg(1)

    circ_hqs = circuit_to_qasm_str(circ, header="hqslib1")
    qasm_str = circ_hqs.split("\n")[6:-1]
    test = True
    for com in qasm_str:
        test &= any(
            for gate in ("rz", "U1q", "ZZ", "measure", "barrier"))
    assert test
Esempio n. 4
def test_aqt() -> None:
    # Run a circuit on the noisy simulator.
    token = cast(str, os.getenv("AQT_AUTH"))
    b = AQTBackend(token, device_name="sim/noise-model-1", label="test 1")
    c = Circuit(4, 4)
    c.CX(0, 1)
    c.Rz(0.3, 2)
    c.CSWAP(0, 1, 2)
    c.CRz(0.4, 2, 3)
    c.CY(1, 3)
    c.add_barrier([0, 1])
    c.ZZPhase(0.1, 2, 0)
    n_shots = 10
    shots = b.get_shots(c, n_shots, seed=1, timeout=30)
    counts = b.get_counts(c, n_shots)
    assert len(shots) == n_shots
    assert sum(counts.values()) == n_shots
Esempio n. 5
c.Rz(a + b, 0)
c.symbol_substitution({b: 2 * a})

# ## Custom gates

# We can define custom parametrized gates in `pytket` by first setting up a circuit containing symbolic parameters and then converting this to a parametrized operation type:

from pytket.circuit import CustomGateDef

a = Symbol("a")
b = Symbol("b")
setup = Circuit(3)
setup.CX(0, 1)
setup.Rz(a + 0.5, 2)
setup.CRz(b, 0, 2)
my_gate = CustomGateDef.define("g", setup, [a, b])
c = Circuit(4)
c.add_custom_gate(my_gate, [0.2, 1.3], [0, 3, 1])

# Custom gates can also receive symbolic parameters:

x = Symbol("x")
c.add_custom_gate(my_gate, [x, 1.0], [0, 1, 2])

# ## Decomposing boxes and custom gates

# Having defined a circuit containing custom gates, we may now want to decompose it into elementary gates. The `DecomposeBoxes()` transform allows us to do this:
Esempio n. 6
# We will use Qiskit for circuit visualisation and for an example backend. For this it is necessary to have installed `pytket_qiskit` via `pip`.
# ## Passes

# The basic mechanism of compilation is the 'pass', which is a transform that can be applied to a circuit. There is an extensive library of passes in `pytket`, and several standard ways in which they can be combined to form new passes. For example:

from pytket.passes import DecomposeMultiQubitsIBM

pass1 = DecomposeMultiQubitsIBM()

# This pass converts all multi-qubit gates into CX and single-qubit gates. So let's create a circuit containing some non-CX multi-qubit gates:

from pytket.circuit import Circuit

circ = Circuit(3)
circ.CRz(0.5, 0, 1)
circ.CSWAP(2, 0, 1)

# In order to apply a pass to a circuit, we must first create a `CompilationUnit` from it. We can think of this as a 'bridge' between the circuit and the pass. The `CompilationUnit` is constructed from the circuit; the pass is applied to the `CompilationUnit`; and the transformed circuit is extracted from the `CompilationUnit`:

from pytket.predicates import CompilationUnit

cu = CompilationUnit(circ)
circ1 = cu.circuit

# Let's have a look at the result of the transformation:
