Esempio n. 1
def plotCodeHash(fastq_file, numReads):
    codeHash = findIndexCode(fastq_file, numReads)
    f = pylab.figure(figsize=(10, 5))
    a = f.add_subplot(111),
          [codeHash[i] for i in qMS.sort_nicely(codeHash.keys())],
    a.set_xticklabels(qMS.sort_nicely(codeHash.keys()), rotation=90)
    a.set_xlim(-0.5, len(codeHash.keys()))
Esempio n. 2
 def writeSummaryCSV(self, path):
     csvDict = {}
     proteins = qMS.sort_nicely(sorted(set(self.dataFrame[PROTEINHEADER].values)))
     fractions = qMS.sort_nicely(sorted(set(self.dataFrame[FILENAMEHEADER].values)))
     for frac in fractions:
         csvDict[frac] = pandas.Series([self.dataFrame[(self.dataFrame[FILENAMEHEADER] == frac) & \
                                     (self.dataFrame[PROTEINHEADER] == i)] \
                                     ['currentCalc'].median() for i in proteins], index=proteins)
     summaryDF = pandas.DataFrame(csvDict, columns = fractions)
Esempio n. 3
 def calc_lists(self):
     self.savedListItems = numpy.array(qMS.sort_nicely(list(self.dataFrame[(self.dataFrame[FILENAMEHEADER] == self.currentRow[FILENAMEHEADER]) & \
                                                             (self.dataFrame['allClear'] == True)][UIDHEADER].values)))
     self.filteredListItems = numpy.array(qMS.sort_nicely(list(self.dataFrame[(self.dataFrame[FILENAMEHEADER] == self.currentRow[FILENAMEHEADER]) & \
                                                                 (self.dataFrame['allClear'] == False)][UIDHEADER].values)))
     self.datasetsListItems = qMS.sort_nicely(list(self.dataFrame[FILENAMEHEADER].unique()))
def plotPoolBar(data, keys, colors, title, figname=None, barNames=None, sortingKey=0, figSize=(10,4)):
    """plotPoolBar plots a poolSizDict datastructure as bar graphs
        A pointer to the figure is returned

    :param poolSizeDict: a dictionary of dictionaries of the values to be plotted. Example generated by fitPoolSizes
    :type poolSizeDict: a dict of dicts: Should be of the form {entry name : {valueName1 : entryValue1, valueName2 : entryValue2}
    :param keys: a list of keys to be plotted
    :type keys: list of strings
    :param colors: a list of colors to be plotted
    :type colors: list of strings
    :param title: the title of the plot
    :type title: string
    :param offset: a float offset factor if you want to alter the values uniformly
    :type offset: float
    :param figname: the full path/name to save the file
    :type figname: string
    :param barNames: a list of the keys from the dictionary to be plotted (if None, all will be plotted)
    :type barNames: a list of strings
    :param sortingKey: the index of the key to sort on (will be sorted highest to lowest in value)
    :type sortingKey: int
    :returns:  the figure generated. If figname!=None, a figure is also saved

    bar = pylab.figure(figsize=figSize)
    barax = bar.add_subplot(111)
    bars = len(barNames)
    ind = numpy.arange(bars)
    width = 0.9/len(keys)
    sortedTuples = []
    if barNames is None:
        barNames = data.keys()
    barNames = qMS.sort_nicely(barNames)
    for name in barNames:
        myTuple = [name]
        for k in keys:
    sortedTuples = sorted(sortedTuples, key=lambda pool:pool[sortingKey], reverse=True)
    names = [i[0] for i in sortedTuples]
    rects = []
    for b in range(0,len(keys)):
        vs = [i[b+1] for i in sortedTuples]
        xs = ind+width*b
        rects.append(, vs, width, color=colors[b]))
    barax.set_xticklabels([i[4:] for i in names], rotation='vertical', horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='top')    
    barax.set_ylabel('fit pool size (P)')
    barax.tick_params(axis='y', direction='out')
    barax.tick_params(axis='x', direction='out')
    if not (figname is None):
    return bar
Esempio n. 5
 def on_datasetsBoxClick(self, event):
     if not (self.datasetsList.GetStringSelection() is u''):
         pickedDataset = self.datasetsList.GetStringSelection()
         pickedUID = qMS.sort_nicely(list(self.dataFrame[(self.dataFrame[FILENAMEHEADER] == pickedDataset) & \
                                                    (self.dataFrame['allClear'] == True)][UIDHEADER].values))[0]            
         self.currentRow = self.dataFrame[self.dataFrame[UIDHEADER] == pickedUID].iloc[0]
Esempio n. 6
def plotMRMCsv(df, samples = None, sampleField='File Name', colors=None, labelHash=None, yAxisLabel=None, legendLoc = 'upper center', areaField = 'Area',
               num = ['light '], den = ['heavy '], proteins = None, alpha=1.0, markersize=10, title=None, legendBBox = (0.5, 1.0), proteinField = 'Protein Name',
               median = True, medianMarker = '-', legend=True, legendCols=5, normProtein=None, medianMarkerInc = 2.5, normSample=None,
               yAxis=None, yMin = 0.0, yMax = 10.0, yTicks=2, figSize=(15,5), grid=False, scaleProt=None, markeredgewidth=1.0):
    df.loc[:,'currentCalc'] = mrmTools.calcValue(df, num, den, field=areaField)
    #print 'running code'
    if scaleProt is None:
        scaleProt = {}
    if samples is None:
        samples = qMS.sort_nicely(list(df[sampleField].unique()))
    if colors is None:
        colors =[float(i)/float(len(samples)) for i in range(len(samples))])
    if proteins is None:
        proteins = qMS.sort_nicely(list(df[proteinField].unique()))
    if yAxis is None:
        interval = (yMax*1.0-yMin)/(yTicks+1.0)
        yAxis = [yMin+i*interval for i in range(0,yTicks+2)]
    if labelHash is None:
        labelHash = {i:i for i in samples}
    for i in proteins:
        if i not in scaleProt.keys():
            scaleProt[i] = 1.0
    if not normSample is None:
        sampDF = df[df[sampleField]==normSample]
        normValue = 1.0
        if not normProtein is None:
            normValue = sampDF[sampDF[proteinField]==normProtein]['currentCalc'].median()        
        for p in proteins:
            scaleProt[p] = (sampDF[sampDF[proteinField]==p]['currentCalc']/normValue).median()
    xOffset = 1.0/(len(samples)+1)
    f = pylab.figure(figsize=figSize)
    ax = f.add_subplot(111)
    for i, s in enumerate(samples):
        sampDF = df[df[sampleField]==s]
        ax.plot(numpy.NaN, numpy.NaN, marker = 'o', color=colors[i], label=labelHash[s], markersize=markersize*1.5, markeredgewidth=markeredgewidth)
        if not normProtein is None:
            normValue = sampDF[sampDF[proteinField]==normProtein]['currentCalc'].median()
            normValue = 1.0
        for j, p in enumerate(proteins):
                    'o', alpha=alpha, color=colors[i], markersize=markersize, markeredgewidth=markeredgewidth)
            if median:
                    ax.plot(float(j+(i+1)*xOffset), sampDF[sampDF[proteinField]==p]['currentCalc'].median()/(normValue*scaleProt[p]), marker='_', 
                            mew=markersize/3, color='black', markersize=markersize*medianMarkerInc)
                    #print str(s) + '\t' + str(p) + '\t' + str(sampDF[sampDF[proteinField]==p]['currentCalc'].median()/(normValue*scaleProt[p]))
                    print 'error'
    if legend:
        ax.legend(ncol=legendCols, loc=legendLoc, bbox_to_anchor=legendBBox,
                fancybox=True, shadow=False)
    ax.set_ylim(yMin, yMax)
    pylab.xticks(range(len(proteins)), proteins, rotation=45)
    pylab.xlim(0, len(proteins))
    if grid:
        cleanAxis(ax, ticksOnly=True)
    if not title is None:
    if not yAxisLabel is None:
    return ax
Esempio n. 7
def proteinScatterPlot(yDataDict, xData, xMin=0, xMax=None, yMin=-0.1, yMax=10,
                       title=None, xLabel=None, yLabel=None, colors=None, 
                       figSize=(10,10), markerSize=10, legend=False, alpha=1.0, marker='o',
                        linestyle=None, xTicks=None, legendLoc='upper left', legendCols=2, axes=None):
    """proteinScatterPlot is a  makes a scatter plot out of ydata with a fixed x. Useful for the standard curve stuff or gradients.

    :param yDataDict: a dictionary of values to be plotted on the y axis (keys are protein names, values are numpy arrays of values)
    :type yDataDict: a dictionary of numpy arrays (keys=protein names)
    :param xData: a list of the xvalues (same for all proteins)
    :type xData: a list of floats
    :param xMin: float of minimum x value
    :type xMin: float
    :param yMin: float of minimum y value
    :type yMin: float
    :param xMax: float of maximum x value
    :type xMax: float
    :param yMax: float of maximum y value
    :type yMax: float
    :param title: the plot title
    :type title: string
    :param xlabel: the plot xlabel
    :type xlabel: string
    :param ylabel: the plot ylabel
    :type ylabel: string
    :param colors: a list of colors to be used
    :type colors: list of colors
    :param figSize: the figure size (list - (10,10))
    :type figSize: list of floats
    :param markerSize: the size of the dots
    :type markerSize: float
    :param legend: a bool of whether to have a legend
    :type legend: bool
    :param linestyle: the connector line style
    :type linestyle: the connector line style
    :param xTicks: a list of the xTicks
    :type xTicks: a list of floats
    :param legendloc: a string of where to locate the legend
    :type legendloc: string
    :param legendCols: the number of columns in the legend
    :type legendCols: int

    :returns: the plotted axis
    if xMax is None:
        xMax = max(xData)
    if colors is None:
        colors = [ for i in range(len(yDataDict))]
    if axes is None:
        scat = pylab.figure(figsize=figSize)
        scatAx = scat.add_subplot(111)
    for i,p in enumerate(qMS.sort_nicely(yDataDict.keys())):
        if not (linestyle is None):
            scatAx.plot(xData, yDataDict[p], c=colors[i], linestyle=linestyle, label=p, marker=marker, markersize=markerSize, alpha=alpha)
            scatAx.plot(xData, yDataDict[p], c=colors[i], markersize=markerSize, marker=marker, label=p, alpha=alpha)
    scatAx.set_title(title, multialignment='center')
    if xTicks is None:
    if legend:
        pylab.legend(loc=legendLoc, ncol=legendCols, scatterpoints=1)
    return scatAx
Esempio n. 8
def plotStatsDict(statsDict, name='', proteins=None, offset=0.0, markerSize=12, color='#e31a1c', yMax=1.5, alpha=1.0,
                  median=False, figSize = (22,5), noFill=False, mew=1, yMin=-0.05, highlightMed=False, hms=2, hmFilled=True,
    """plotStatsDataStruct plots the contents of a stats dictionary. proteins to be plotted are 
        listed in the non-redundent list, proteins. The data is in statsDict, the name is in in name.
        Decent colors are red (['#ae2221', '#d72c2b', '#e78180']) and blue (['#25557d', '#3170a4', '#5696cc'])

    :param statsDict: a dictionary (easily created by qMS.calcStatsDict)
    :type statsDict: dictionary with keys of proteins names and values of numpy arrays of calcValues
    :param name: the name of the dataset
    :type name: string
    :param proteins: a non-redudent list of the protein names to use (should be the IDs in dataByProtein).
        If none is given, all of the keys will be plotted.
    :type proteins: list
    :param offset: where to center the point (x axis), scales 0 (left edge; default) to 1.0 (right edge)
    :type offset: float
    :param markerSize: size of the dots (default = 12)
    :type markerSize: int
    :param color: color for the dataset (default #e31a1c)
    :type color: color
    :param yMax: the max value for the y axis
    :type yMax: float
    :param median: bool to plot only the median values
    :type median: bool

    :returns:  a pyplot axis with the data plotted
    if proteins is None:
        proteins = qMS.sort_nicely(statsDict.keys())

    if xTickLabels is None:
        xTickLabels = [item for item in proteins]

    if hmFilled:
    if noFill:
    xAxis = range(1,len(proteins)+1)
    fig = pylab.figure(figsize=figSize)
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)

    xs = []
    ys = []
    for x in xAxis:
        p = proteins[x-1]
        if p in statsDict.keys():
            if median:
                for v in statsDict[p]:

    pylab.grid(b=True, which='major', color='grey', linestyle='--', axis='y', linewidth=1.5, alpha=0.5)
    pylab.grid(b=True, which='major', color='grey', linestyle='-', axis='x', linewidth=1.5, alpha=0.75)
    ax.plot(xs, ys, 'o', mfc=color, markeredgecolor=edgeColor, mew=mew, markersize=markerSize, label=name, alpha=alpha)

    if highlightMed:
        mx = []
        my = []
        for x in xAxis:
            p = proteins[x-1]
            if p in statsDict.keys():
        ax.plot(mx, my, '_', color='black', markeredgecolor='black', mew=2, markersize=markerSize*hms)

    pylab.xticks(xAxis, xTickLabels, rotation=45)
    pylab.xlim(1, len(proteins)+1)
    if yMin == -0.05:
        sub = 0.0
        sub = yMin
    pylab.yticks([0, (yMax-sub)/5.0, 2*(yMax-sub)/5.0, 3*(yMax-sub)/5.0, 4*(yMax-sub)/5.0, (yMax-sub)])
    pylab.ylim(yMin, yMax)
    return ax
Esempio n. 9
def plotMRMScatterPlot(df, samples=None, labelHash=None, yAxisLabel=None, proteins=None, alpha=1.0, legend=True, legendCols=5, median=True,
                       grid=True, yAxis=None, num=['light '], den=['heavy '], yTicks=4, sampleLocations=None, sampleField='File Name', ax=None,
                       medianMarkerInc=1.25, colors=None, figSize=(10,10), markersize=10, fitLine=False, fitR2=False, medianColor='black',
                       yMin=0, yMax=10, xMin=None, xMax=None, title=None, zOrder=None, medianOnly=None, proteinNameHeader = 'Protein Name'):
    df.loc[:,'currentCalc'] = mrmTools.calcValue(df, num, den)
    if samples is None:
        samples = qMS.sort_nicely(list(df[sampleField].unique()))
    if proteins is None:
        proteins = qMS.sort_nicely(list(df[proteinNameHeader].unique()))
    if colors is None:
        colors =[float(i)/float(len(proteins)) for i in range(len(proteins))])
    if yAxis is None:
        interval = (yMax*1.0-yMin)/(yTicks+1.0)
        yAxis = [yMin+i*interval for i in range(0,yTicks+2)]
    if labelHash is None:
        labelHash = {i:i for i in proteins}
    if sampleLocations is None:
        sampleLocations = {samples[i]:i for i in range(len(samples))}
    if xMin is None:
        xMin = min(sampleLocations.values())
    if xMax is None:
        xMax = max(sampleLocations.values())
    if zOrder is None:
        zOrder = [i*2+1 for i in range(len(proteins))]
    if medianOnly is None:
        medianOnly = [False]*len(proteins)

    if ax is None:
        f = pylab.figure(figsize=figSize)
        ax = f.add_subplot(111)
    for i, p in enumerate(proteins):
        protDF = df[df[proteinNameHeader] == p]
        ax.plot(numpy.NaN, numpy.NaN, marker = 'o', color=colors[i], label=labelHash[p], markersize=markersize*1.5)
        ysFit = []
        xsFit = []
        for j, s in enumerate(samples):
            if not medianOnly[i]:
                ax.plot([float(sampleLocations[s])]*(len(protDF[protDF[sampleField] == s])),
                        'o', alpha=alpha, color=colors[i], markersize=markersize, zorder=zOrder[i])
            if median:
                if medianColor is None:
                    medianColor = colors[i]
                if medianOnly[i]:
                    mew = 0
                ax.plot(sampleLocations[s], protDF[protDF[sampleField]==s]['currentCalc'].median(), marker=marker, 
                        mew=mew, color=medianColor, markersize=markersize*medianMarkerInc, zorder=zorder)
        if fitLine:
            pFit = numpy.polyfit(xsFit, ysFit, 1)
            ax.plot(numpy.array(xsFit), pFit[0]*numpy.array(xsFit)+pFit[1], '-', color=colors[i], zorder=zOrder[i]-1)
    if legend:
        ax.legend(ncol=legendCols, loc='upper center', bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, 1.0),
                fancybox=True, shadow=False)
    ax.set_ylim(yMin, yMax)
    ax.set_xlim(xMin, xMax)
    if grid:
        cleanAxis(ax, ticksOnly=True)
    if not title is None:
    if not yAxisLabel is None:
    return ax
Esempio n. 10
    LargeSubunit = ['BSubL01', 'BSubL02', 'BSubL03', 'BSubL04', 'BSubL05', 'BSubL06', 'BSubL09', 'BSubL10', 'BSubL11',
                    'BSubL12', 'BSubL13', 'BSubL14', 'BSubL15', 'BSubL16', 'BSubL17', 'BSubL18', 'BSubL19', 'BSubL20', 'BSubL21',
                    'BSubL22', 'BSubL23', 'BSubL24', 'BSubL27', 'BSubL28', 'BSubL29', 'BSubL30', 'BSubL31a', 'BSubL32',
                    'BSubL33a', 'BSubL34', 'BSubL35', 'BSubL36']
    Inter45S =      ['BSubL01', 'BSubL02', 'BSubL03', 'BSubL04', 'BSubL05', 'BSubL06', 'BSubL10', 'BSubL11',
                    'BSubL12', 'BSubL13', 'BSubL14', 'BSubL15', 'BSubL17', 'BSubL18', 'BSubL19', 'BSubL20', 'BSubL21',
                    'BSubL22', 'BSubL23', 'BSubL24', 'BSubL29', 'BSubL30']
    AllSubunits = LargeSubunit + SmallSubunit
    rootPath = '/home/jhdavis/McMasterMSUDataSets/45Svs50S/'
    figWidth = 22
   ##########Open Files##########
    files50SIF2 = qMS.sort_nicely([i for i in glob.glob(rootPath+'45Sfiltered/*.csv')])
    files45S = qMS.sort_nicely([i for i in glob.glob(rootPath+'50Sfiltered/*.csv')])
    filesMy70S = qMS.sort_nicely([i for i in glob.glob(rootPath+'my70Sfiltered/*.csv')])
    filesMy50S = qMS.sort_nicely([i for i in glob.glob(rootPath+'my50Sfiltered/*.csv')])
    files50SIF2Pulse = qMS.sort_nicely([i for i in glob.glob(rootPath+'45Sfiltered/pulse/*.csv')])
    files45SPulse = qMS.sort_nicely([i for i in glob.glob(rootPath+'50Sfiltered/pulse/*.csv')])
    names50SIF2 = qMS.sort_nicely([i.split('/')[-1] for i in glob.glob(rootPath+'45Sfiltered/*.csv')])
    names45S = qMS.sort_nicely([i.split('/')[-1] for i in glob.glob(rootPath+'50Sfiltered/*.csv')])

    namesMy70S = qMS.sort_nicely([i.split('/')[-1] for i in glob.glob(rootPath+'my70Sfiltered/*.csv')])
    namesMy50S = qMS.sort_nicely([i.split('/')[-1] for i in glob.glob(rootPath+'my50Sfiltered/*.csv')])
    names50SIF2Pulse = qMS.sort_nicely([i.split('/')[-1] for i in glob.glob(rootPath+'45Sfiltered/pulse/*.csv')])
                    'BSubL12', 'BSubL13', 'BSubL14', 'BSubL15', 'BSubL17', 'BSubL18', 'BSubL19', 'BSubL20', 'BSubL21',
                    'BSubL22', 'BSubL23', 'BSubL24', 'BSubL29', 'BSubL30']
    AllSubunits = LargeSubunit + SmallSubunit
    doublingTime_10 = 92
    doublingTime_1000 = 47
    path = '/home/jhdavis/McMasterMSUDataSets/PulseLabeling/2013_05_28-MSUPulse/filtered/'
    figWidth = 11
    global currentPool
    currentPool = 0.0
   ##########Open Files##########
    files = qMS.sort_nicely([i.split('/')[-1] for i in glob.glob(path+'*.csv')])

    reds = ['#fee5d9', '#fcbba1', '#fc9272', '#fb6a4a', '#de2d26', '#a50f15']
    blues = ['#eff3ff', '#c6dbef', '#93cae1', '#6baed6', '#3182bd', '#08519c']
    names70S_10 = [path+n for n in files[0:6]]
    names70S_1000 = [path+n for n in files[6:12]]

    namesInter_10 = [path+n for n in files[12:17]]
    namesInter_1000 = [path+n for n in files[18:]]
    times10 = [22, 49, 66, 88, 110, 132]
    times1000 = [11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66]
    labels10 = ['10 $\mu$M, 22 min', '10 $\mu$M, 49 min', '10 $\mu$M, 66 min', '10 $\mu$M, 88 min', '10 $\mu$M, 110 min', '10 $\mu$M, 132 min']
    labels1000 = ['1 mM, 11 min', '1 mM, 22 min', '1 mM, 33 min', '1 mM, 44 min', '1 mM, 55 min', '1 mM, 66 min']
import matplotlib.pyplot as pylab
import glob
import qMS
import vizLib

path = '/home/jhdavis/muspulsePeaks/'

fileList = glob.glob(path+'*.txt')

fileList = qMS.sort_nicely(fileList)
print fileList


vizLib.plotMSSpectra3D(fileList, listOfNames=None, listOfColors=None, gridLines=False, yMin=0.5, yMax=5.5, legend=False, normalizeToN15=False, subtractRef=None, lw=3)
#vizLib.plotMSSpectra3D(fileList, listOfNames=None, listOfColors=None, gridLines=True, yMin=0.5, yMax=8.5, legend=False, normalizeToN15=False, subtractRef=7)

vizLib.plotMSSpectra3D(fileList, listOfNames=None, listOfColors=None, gridLines=False, yMin=0.5, yMax=5.5, legend=False, normalizeToN15=True, lw=3)
Esempio n. 13
def readMRMCSV(path, l="light ", h="heavy ", fileNameHeader="File Name"):
    fileName = path.split("/")[-1].split(".")
    dataFrame = pandas.read_csv(path)
    s = "_"
    dataFrame["shortName"] = dataFrame[fileNameHeader].str.split(".").str[0]
    dataFrame["UID"] = (
        + s
        + dataFrame["Protein"]
        + s
        + dataFrame["Begin Pos"].map(str)
        + s
        + dataFrame["End Pos"].map(str)
        + s
        + dataFrame[l + "Precursor Mz"].map(str).str.split(".").str[0]
        + s
        + dataFrame["Product Charge"].map(str)
        + s
        + dataFrame["Fragment Ion"].str[-3:]
    dataFrame["TID"] = (
        + s
        + dataFrame["Begin Pos"].map(str)
        + s
        + dataFrame["End Pos"].map(str)
        + s
        + dataFrame[l + "Precursor Mz"].map(str).str.split(".").str[0]
        + s
        + dataFrame["Product Charge"].map(str)
        + s
        + dataFrame["Fragment Ion"].str[-3:]
    dataFrame["PID"] = (
        + s
        + dataFrame["Protein"]
        + s
        + dataFrame["Begin Pos"].map(str)
        + s
        + dataFrame["End Pos"].map(str)
        + s
        + dataFrame[l + "Precursor Mz"].map(str).str.split(".").str[0]
    dataFrame[l + "AdjArea"] = dataFrame[l + "Area"] - dataFrame[l + "Background"]
    dataFrame.loc[dataFrame[l + "AdjArea"] < 0, l + "AdjArea"] = 0
    dataFrame[h + "AdjArea"] = dataFrame[h + "Area"] - dataFrame[h + "Background"]
    dataFrame.loc[dataFrame[h + "AdjArea"] < 0, h + "AdjArea"] = 0
    dataFrame["currentCalc"] = calcValue(dataFrame, [l], [h])
    dataFrame["ratio"] = calcValue(dataFrame, [l], [h])
    dataFrame = dataFrame[pandas.notnull(dataFrame[fileNameHeader])]

    positionOtherDict = {
        key: int(value) + 1 for value, key in enumerate(qMS.sort_nicely(sorted(set(dataFrame["Protein"].values))))
    positionLookupOther = pandas.Series(positionOtherDict)
    dataFrame["otherpos"] = positionLookupOther[dataFrame["Protein"]].values
    dataFrame["handDelete"] = False
    dataFrame["handSave"] = False
    dataFrame["PPMtranLH"] = abs(dataFrame[l + "Mass Error PPM"] - dataFrame[h + "Mass Error PPM"])
    dataFrame["PPMtranTRANALL_light"] = abs(dataFrame[l + "Mass Error PPM"] - dataFrame[l + "Average Mass Error PPM"])
    dataFrame["PPMtranTRANALL_heavy"] = abs(dataFrame[h + "Mass Error PPM"] - dataFrame[h + "Average Mass Error PPM"])
    dataFrame["PPMtranTRANALL"] = dataFrame[["PPMtranTRANALL_light", "PPMtranTRANALL_heavy"]].max(axis=1)

    dataFrame["RTdsLH"] = abs(dataFrame[l + "Retention Time"] - dataFrame[h + "Retention Time"])
    dataFrame["RTdsTRANALL_light"] = abs(dataFrame[l + "Retention Time"] - dataFrame[l + "Best Retention Time"])
    dataFrame["RTdsTRANALL_heavy"] = abs(dataFrame[h + "Retention Time"] - dataFrame[h + "Best Retention Time"])
    dataFrame["RTdsTRANALL"] = dataFrame[["RTdsTRANALL_light", "RTdsTRANALL_heavy"]].max(axis=1)

    dataFrame["RTpepTRANALL_light"] = abs(
        dataFrame[l + "Retention Time"] - dataFrame["Average Measured Retention Time"]
    dataFrame["RTpepTRANALL_heavy"] = abs(
        dataFrame[h + "Retention Time"] - dataFrame["Average Measured Retention Time"]
    dataFrame["RTpepTRANALL"] = dataFrame[["RTpepTRANALL_light", "RTpepTRANALL_heavy"]].max(axis=1)
    if not "priorFilter" in dataFrame.columns:
        dataFrame["priorFilter"] = True
    if not "allClear" in dataFrame.columns:
        dataFrame["allClear"] = dataFrame["priorFilter"]

    for p in list(dataFrame["Protein"].unique()):
        peptides = list(dataFrame.loc[dataFrame["Protein"] == p, "Peptide Modified Sequence"].unique())
        for n, pep in enumerate(peptides):
            l = float(len(peptides))
            ind = n / l
            dataFrame.loc[(dataFrame["Peptide Modified Sequence"] == pep) & (dataFrame["Protein"] == p), "colOff"] = ind

    dataFrame["currentPosDataset"] = dataFrame["otherpos"]
    positionFileDict = {
        key: int(value) + 1 for value, key in enumerate(qMS.sort_nicely(sorted(dataFrame[fileNameHeader].unique())))
    positionFileLookup = pandas.Series(positionFileDict)
    dataFrame["currentPosProtein"] = positionFileLookup[dataFrame[fileNameHeader]].values
    dataFrame.loc[dataFrame["currentCalc"] == numpy.inf, "allClear"] = False
    return dataFrame
                                              namesList=None, normalization=normalization, 
                                              offset=offset, normProtein=normProtein)
    namesList = [[filesToPlot[i], plotNames[i]] for i in range(0, len(plotNames))]
    plotDataSetsStatsDictDict(correctedStats, yLabel, subunits=subunits, saveName=saveName,
                   yMax=yMax, median=median, namesList=namesList, colors=colors,
                   figSize=figSize, markerSize=markerSize, noFill=noFill, mew=mew,
                   legendLoc=legendLoc, legendCols=legendcols, title=title, legend=legend)

##################Initialize Varibles###########################    
if __name__ == "__main__":
    vizLib.setRcs(scale=15, legendScale=15)
    rootPath = '/home/jhdavis/data/2013_08_08-JStokesESITOFAnalysis/'    
    filesRefSet = qMS.sort_nicely([i for i in glob.glob(rootPath+'refSets/*.csv')])
    filesStdCurve = qMS.sort_nicely([i for i in glob.glob(rootPath+'stdCurve/*.csv')])
    filesWTGrad = qMS.sort_nicely([i for i in glob.glob(rootPath+'wtGradient/*.csv')])
    files1hrGrad = qMS.sort_nicely([i for i in glob.glob(rootPath+'1hrGradient/*.csv')])
    files6hrGrad = qMS.sort_nicely([i for i in glob.glob(rootPath+'6hrGradient/*.csv')])

    print [i.split('/')[-1] for i in filesRefSet]
    print [i.split('/')[-1] for i in filesStdCurve]
    print [i.split('/')[-1] for i in filesWTGrad]
    print [i.split('/')[-1] for i in files1hrGrad]
    print [i.split('/')[-1] for i in files6hrGrad]

    figWidth = 22
    largeSubunit = qMSDefs.positionLabels50S[1:]
Esempio n. 15
    def create_main_panel(self, df, dp, fn, pulse=False, varLab=False, fsize=1.0, size=1.0):
        """ Creates the main panel with all the controls on it:
             * mpl canvas 
             * mpl navigation toolbar
             * Control panel for interaction
        self.lastHistField = 'rtDiff'
        if pulse:
            self.lastHistField = 'FRC_NX'
        self.fsize = fsize
        self.size = size
        self.SetFont(wx.Font(10*size, wx.SWISS, wx.NORMAL, wx.NORMAL, False,'MS Shell Dlg 2'))
        self.calcNum = ["AMP_U"]
        self.calcDen = ["AMP_U", "AMP_S"]
        self.currentDirectory = os.getcwd()
        self.dataFrame = df
        self.dataFrame['minIntensity'].replace([-numpy.inf, numpy.inf], numpy.nan, inplace=True)
        self.dataFrame['minIntensity'].fillna(0, inplace=True)
        self.dataFrame['currentPosDataset'] = self.dataFrame['currentPos']
        frh = {'ppmDiff_low':-100, 'ppmDiff_high':100, 'ppm_n14_low':-100, 'ppm_n14_high':100,
               'ppm_n15_low':-100, 'ppm_n15_high':100, 'resid':100, 'ratio_low': 0, 'ratio_high':1000} 
        self.filterRangeHash = {i:frh for i in list(self.dataFrame[FILENAMEHEADER].unique())}
        positionFileDict = {key:int(value)+1 for value,key in enumerate(qMS.sort_nicely(sorted(self.dataFrame[FILENAMEHEADER].unique())))}
        positionFileLookup = pandas.Series(positionFileDict)

        self.positionLabelsDataset = [i[:3] for i in qMS.sort_nicely(sorted(set(self.dataFrame[PROTEINHEADER].values)))]
        self.positionLabelsProtein = [i.split('.')[0] for i in qMS.sort_nicely(sorted(set(self.dataFrame[FILENAMEHEADER].values)))]
        startDataset = qMS.sort_nicely(sorted(self.dataFrame[FILENAMEHEADER].unique()))[0]
        self.datasetView = self.dataFrame[self.dataFrame[FILENAMEHEADER] == startDataset]
        startUID = qMS.sort_nicely(list(self.datasetView[self.datasetView['allClear'] == True][UIDHEADER].values))[0]
        self.currentRow = self.datasetView[self.datasetView[UIDHEADER] == startUID].iloc[0]

        self.proteinView = self.dataFrame[self.dataFrame[PROTEINHEADER] == self.currentRow[PROTEINHEADER]]

        self.datapath = dp
        self.datafile = fn
        self.figdim = FIGSIZE*fsize
        self.panel = wx.Panel(self)
        '''Create the figure panels'''
        self.figLeft = Figure((self.figdim, self.figdim))
        self.canvasLeft = FigCanvas(self.panel, wx.ID_ANY, self.figLeft)
        self.figRight = Figure((self.figdim, self.figdim))
        self.canvasRight = FigCanvas(self.panel, wx.ID_ANY, self.figRight)
        gsLeft = gridspec.GridSpec(6,3)
        gsRight = gridspec.GridSpec(5,25)
        self.PLPlotDataset = self.figLeft.add_subplot(gsLeft[:4, :])
        self.hist1 = self.figLeft.add_subplot(gsLeft[4,0])
        self.hist2 = self.figLeft.add_subplot(gsLeft[4,1])
        self.hist3 = self.figLeft.add_subplot(gsLeft[5,0])
        self.hist4 = self.figLeft.add_subplot(gsLeft[5,1])
        self.hist5 = self.figLeft.add_subplot(gsLeft[4,2])
        self.hist6 = self.figLeft.add_subplot(gsLeft[5,2])
        self.PNGPlot = self.figRight.add_subplot(gsRight[:3, 1:])
        self.PLPlotProtein = self.figRight.add_subplot(gsRight[3:, :])
        '''Create the list boxes'''
        self.datasetsList = wx.ListBox(self.panel, id=26, choices=[], style=wx.LB_SINGLE, name='Dataset', size=(100*size,100*size))
        self.savedList = wx.ListBox(self.panel, id=26, choices=[], style=wx.LB_SINGLE, name='Saved', size=(100*size,100*size))
        self.filteredList = wx.ListBox(self.panel, id=26, choices=[], style=wx.LB_SINGLE, name='Filtered', size=(100*size,100*size))
        '''Create the buttons'''
        self.toolbarLeft = NavigationToolbar(self.canvasLeft)
        self.toolbarRight = NavigationToolbar(self.canvasRight)
        self.cb_grid = wx.CheckBox(self.panel, wx.ID_ANY, label="Grid", style=wx.ALIGN_RIGHT)        
        self.hideCheck = wx.CheckBox(self.panel, wx.ID_ANY, label="Hide", style=wx.ALIGN_RIGHT)        
        self.zoomCheck = wx.CheckBox(self.panel, wx.ID_ANY, label="Zoom", style=wx.ALIGN_RIGHT)        
        self.priorFilters = wx.CheckBox(self.panel, wx.ID_ANY, label="oFilt")        
        self.exportButton = wx.Button(self.panel, wx.ID_ANY, "Export")
        self.openButton = wx.Button(self.panel, wx.ID_ANY, "Open")
        self.calcButton = wx.Button(self.panel, wx.ID_ANY, "Calc", size=(57*size,40))
        self.lowCheckNum = wx.CheckBox(self.panel, wx.ID_ANY, label="low")
        if self.pulse:
            self.midCheckNum = wx.CheckBox(self.panel, wx.ID_ANY, label="mid")
        self.highCheckNum = wx.CheckBox(self.panel, wx.ID_ANY, label="high")
        self.lowCheckDen = wx.CheckBox(self.panel, wx.ID_ANY, label="low")
        if self.pulse:
            self.midCheckDen = wx.CheckBox(self.panel, wx.ID_ANY, label="mid")
        self.highCheckDen = wx.CheckBox(self.panel, wx.ID_ANY, label="high")
        self.proteinZoomOn = wx.CheckBox(self.panel, wx.ID_ANY, label="pZoom", style=wx.ALIGN_RIGHT)
        self.proteinZoomRangeBypass = wx.TextCtrl(self.panel, size=(75*size,-1),style=wx.TE_PROCESS_ENTER)
        self.handSaveOn = wx.CheckBox(self.panel, wx.ID_ANY, label="save")
        self.handDeleteOn = wx.CheckBox(self.panel, wx.ID_ANY, label="delete")

        self.ppmDiff_range_button = wx.Button(self.panel, wx.ID_ANY, "PPM diff",size=(75*size,-1))
        self.N14_range_button = wx.Button(self.panel, wx.ID_ANY, "14N PPM", size=(75*size,-1))
        self.N15_range_button = wx.Button(self.panel, wx.ID_ANY, "15N PPM", size=(75*size,-1))
        self.resid_range_button = wx.Button(self.panel, wx.ID_ANY, "resid.", size=(70*size,-1))
        self.ratio_range_button = wx.Button(self.panel, wx.ID_ANY, "cc", size=(80*size,-1))
        self.minInt_range_button = wx.Button(self.panel, wx.ID_ANY, "minInt", size=(80*size,-1))
        self.lastHist_range_button = wx.Button(self.panel, wx.ID_ANY, self.lastHistField, size=(80*size,-1))

        self.ppmDiffRangeBypass = wx.TextCtrl(self.panel, size=(75*size,-1),style=wx.TE_PROCESS_ENTER)
        self.N14RangeBypass = wx.TextCtrl(self.panel, size=(75*size,-1),style=wx.TE_PROCESS_ENTER)
        self.N15RangeBypass = wx.TextCtrl(self.panel, size=(75*size,-1),style=wx.TE_PROCESS_ENTER)
        self.residRangeBypass = wx.TextCtrl(self.panel, size=(75*size,-1),style=wx.TE_PROCESS_ENTER)
        self.ratioLimBypass = wx.TextCtrl(self.panel, size=(75*size,-1),style=wx.TE_PROCESS_ENTER)
        self.minIntLimBypass = wx.TextCtrl(self.panel, size=(75*size,-1),style=wx.TE_PROCESS_ENTER)
        self.lastHistLimBypass = wx.TextCtrl(self.panel, size=(75*size,-1),style=wx.TE_PROCESS_ENTER)
        '''lay out the buttons'''
        self.vbox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
        self.figbox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
        self.figbox.Add(self.canvasLeft, 0)
        self.listBox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
        self.datasetsListBox = wx.StaticBoxSizer(wx.StaticBox(self.panel,wx.ID_ANY,'datasets'), wx.HORIZONTAL)
        self.datasetsListBox.Add(self.datasetsList, 1, flag=wx.GROW)            
        self.savedListBox = wx.StaticBoxSizer(wx.StaticBox(self.panel,wx.ID_ANY,'saved fits'), wx.HORIZONTAL)
        self.savedListBox.Add(self.savedList, 1, flag=wx.GROW)        
        self.filteredListBox = wx.StaticBoxSizer(wx.StaticBox(self.panel,wx.ID_ANY,'filtered fits'), wx.HORIZONTAL)
        self.filteredListBox.Add(self.filteredList, 1, flag=wx.GROW)
        self.listBox.Add(self.datasetsListBox, 1, flag=wx.GROW)                
        self.listBox.Add(self.savedListBox, 1, flag=wx.GROW)        
        self.listBox.Add(self.filteredListBox, 1, flag=wx.GROW)
        self.figbox.Add(self.listBox, 1, flag=wx.GROW)
        self.figbox.Add(self.canvasRight, 0)
        self.vbox.Add(self.figbox, 0, flag = wx.GROW)

        #new horizontal box    
        self.toolNumBox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
        #add toolbar, draw, grid and exportto hbox
        self.imageToolsBoxL = wx.StaticBoxSizer(wx.StaticBox(self.panel,wx.ID_ANY,'image tools'), wx.HORIZONTAL)
        self.toolbarSubunits = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
        self.toolbarSubunits.Add(self.toolbarLeft, 0, flag=wx.ALIGN_LEFT)
        self.imageToolsBoxL.Add(self.toolbarSubunits, 0, flag=wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.ALIGN_CENTER)
        self.imageCheckToolsBox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)        
        self.imageCheckToolsBox.Add(self.cb_grid, 0, flag=wx.ALIGN_RIGHT)
        self.imageCheckToolsBox.Add(self.hideCheck, 0, flag=wx.ALIGN_RIGHT)
        self.imageCheckToolsBox.Add(self.zoomCheck, 0, flag=wx.ALIGN_RIGHT)
        self.imageToolsBoxL.Add(self.imageCheckToolsBox, 0, flag=wx.ALIGN_RIGHT | wx.ALIGN_CENTER)
        self.toolNumBox.Add(self.imageToolsBoxL, 0, flag=wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.ALIGN_CENTER)

        #add open and export buttons
        self.fileToolsBox = wx.StaticBoxSizer(wx.StaticBox(self.panel,wx.ID_ANY,'file tools'), wx.VERTICAL)
        self.fileToolsBox.Add(self.openButton, 0, flag=wx.ALIGN_LEFT)
        self.fileToolsBox.Add(self.exportButton, 0, flag=wx.ALIGN_LEFT)        
        self.toolNumBox.Add(self.fileToolsBox, 0, flag=wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.GROW)
        #add calculate button
        self.calcNBox = wx.StaticBoxSizer(wx.StaticBox(self.panel,wx.ID_ANY,'calcDist'), wx.VERTICAL)
        self.calcNBox.Add(self.calcButton, flag=wx.ALIGN_TOP)
        self.calcNBox.Add(self.priorFilters, 0, flag=wx.ALIGN_LEFT)
        self.toolNumBox.Add(self.calcNBox, 0, flag=wx.ALIGN_RIGHT | wx.GROW)
        #add numerator box to hbox
        self.numBox = wx.StaticBoxSizer(wx.StaticBox(self.panel,wx.ID_ANY,'num'), wx.VERTICAL)
        self.numBox.Add(self.lowCheckNum, 0, flag=wx.ALIGN_RIGHT | wx.ALIGN_CENTER)
        if self.pulse:
            self.numBox.Add(self.midCheckNum, 0, flag=wx.ALIGN_RIGHT | wx.ALIGN_CENTER)
        self.numBox.Add(self.highCheckNum, 0,flag=wx.ALIGN_RIGHT | wx.ALIGN_CENTER)
        self.toolNumBox.Add(self.numBox, 0, flag=wx.ALIGN_RIGHT | wx.GROW)
        #add denominator box to hbox
        self.denBox = wx.StaticBoxSizer(wx.StaticBox(self.panel,wx.ID_ANY,'den'), wx.VERTICAL)
        self.denBox.Add(self.lowCheckDen, 0, flag=wx.ALIGN_RIGHT | wx.ALIGN_CENTER)
        if self.pulse:
            self.denBox.Add(self.midCheckDen, 0, flag=wx.ALIGN_RIGHT | wx.ALIGN_CENTER)
        self.denBox.Add(self.highCheckDen, 0,flag=wx.ALIGN_RIGHT | wx.ALIGN_CENTER)
        self.toolNumBox.Add(self.denBox, 0, flag=wx.ALIGN_RIGHT | wx.GROW)
        self.imageToolsBoxR = wx.StaticBoxSizer(wx.StaticBox(self.panel,wx.ID_ANY,'image tools'), wx.HORIZONTAL)
        self.imageToolsBoxR.Add(self.toolbarRight, 0, flag=wx.ALIGN_RIGHT)
        self.zoomBox = wx.StaticBoxSizer(wx.StaticBox(self.panel,wx.ID_ANY,'zoom tools'), wx.VERTICAL)
        self.zoomBox.Add(self.proteinZoomOn, 0, flag=wx.ALIGN_LEFT)
        self.zoomBox.Add(self.proteinZoomRangeBypass, 0, flag=wx.ALIGN_LEFT)

        self.handBox = wx.StaticBoxSizer(wx.StaticBox(self.panel,wx.ID_ANY,'hand tools'), wx.VERTICAL)
        self.handBox.Add(self.handSaveOn, 0, flag=wx.ALIGN_LEFT)
        self.handBox.Add(self.handDeleteOn, 0, flag=wx.ALIGN_LEFT)

        self.expandBox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
        self.toolNumBox.Add(self.handBox, 0, flag=wx.ALIGN_LEFT)
        self.toolNumBox.Add(self.zoomBox, 0, flag=wx.ALIGN_LEFT)
        self.toolNumBox.Add(self.expandBox, 1, flag=wx.GROW)
        self.toolNumBox.Add(self.imageToolsBoxR, 0, flag=wx.ALIGN_RIGHT | wx.GROW)
        #add hbox to vbox
        self.vbox.Add(self.toolNumBox, 0, flag = wx.GROW)
        # Sliders for setting the various cutoffs
        self.filterBox = wx.StaticBoxSizer(wx.StaticBox(self.panel,wx.ID_ANY,), wx.HORIZONTAL)
        flags = wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.ALIGN_CENTER
        self.filterBox.Add(self.ppmDiff_range_button, 0, flag=flags)
        self.filterBox.Add(self.ppmDiffRangeBypass, 0, flag=flags)
        self.filterBox.Add(self.N14_range_button, 0, flag=flags)
        self.filterBox.Add(self.N14RangeBypass, 0, flag=flags)
        self.filterBox.Add(self.N15_range_button, 0, flag=flags)
        self.filterBox.Add(self.N15RangeBypass, 0, flag = flags)
        self.filterBox.Add(self.resid_range_button, 0, flag=flags)
        self.filterBox.Add(self.residRangeBypass, 0, flag = flags)
        self.filterBox.Add(self.ratio_range_button, 0, flag=flags)
        self.filterBox.Add(self.ratioLimBypass, 0, flag = flags)
        self.filterBox.Add(self.minInt_range_button, 0, flag=flags)
        self.filterBox.Add(self.minIntLimBypass, 0, flag = flags)
        self.filterBox.Add(self.lastHist_range_button, 0, flag=flags)
        self.filterBox.Add(self.lastHistLimBypass, 0, flag = flags)
        self.vbox.Add(self.filterBox, 0, flag = wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.TOP)

        '''bind events for buttons'''
        self.canvasLeft.mpl_connect('pick_event', self.pickScatterPointDataset)
        self.canvasRight.mpl_connect('pick_event', self.pickScatterPointProtein)

        self.exportButton.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.on_export_button)
        self.openButton.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.on_open_button)
        self.calcButton.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.on_recalc)
        self.cb_grid.Bind(wx.EVT_CHECKBOX, self.on_redraw)
        self.hideCheck.Bind(wx.EVT_CHECKBOX, self.on_redraw)
        self.zoomCheck.Bind(wx.EVT_CHECKBOX, self.on_redraw)
        self.proteinZoomOn.Bind(wx.EVT_CHECKBOX, self.on_redraw)
        self.priorFilters.Bind(wx.EVT_CHECKBOX, self.on_recalc)
        self.ppmDiff_range_button.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.on_filt_button)
        self.N14_range_button.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.on_filt_button)
        self.N15_range_button.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.on_filt_button)
        self.resid_range_button.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.on_filt_button)
        self.ratio_range_button.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.on_filt_button)
        self.minInt_range_button.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.on_filt_button)
        self.lastHist_range_button.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.on_filt_button)
        self.handSaveOn.Bind(wx.EVT_CHECKBOX, self.on_filt_button)
        self.handDeleteOn.Bind(wx.EVT_CHECKBOX, self.on_filt_button)
        self.datasetsList.Bind(wx.EVT_LISTBOX, self.on_datasetsBoxClick)        
        self.savedList.Bind(wx.EVT_LISTBOX, self.on_savedBoxClick)
        self.filteredList.Bind(wx.EVT_LISTBOX, self.on_filteredBoxClick)
        self.panel.Bind(wx.EVT_KEY_UP, self.on_key_press)