Esempio n. 1
class Move:
    def __init__(self, robotAddress="arduino.chuntao"):
        self._connection = RestClient(robotAddress)
        self._cmd = ""

    def setRobAddr(self, changedAddr):

    def stop(self):
        self._cmd = "/arduino/stop/usless"

    def fullfw(self, factor=0.8):
        self._cmd = "/arduino/fullfw/" + str(factor)

    def back(self):
        self._cmd = "/arduino/back/usless"

    def right(self, factor=0.8):
        self._cmd = "/arduino/turnright/" + str(factor)

    def left(self, factor=0.8):
        self._cmd = "/arduino/turnleft/" + str(factor)

    def rotateright(self, factor=0.8):
        self._cmd = "/arduino/rotateright/" + str(factor)

    def rotateleft(self, factor=0.8):
        self._cmd = "/arduino/rotateleft/" + str(factor)

    def stepright(self, factor=0.8):
        self._cmd = "/arduino/stepright/" + str(factor)

    def stepleft(self, factor=0.8):
        self._cmd = "/arduino/stepleft/" + str(factor)

    def sendResponse(self, cmd=None):
        if cmd:
            self._cmd = cmd
        # print self._cmd

    def isEqualTo(self, move):
          for attr in dir(move):
              attrOnget = getattr(move, attr)
              if not attrOnget.__class__ == types.MethodType \
                 and not attrOnget.__class__ == types.InstanceType:
                 print ">>>>> move >>", attrOnget
                 print ">>>>> self >>", getattr(self, attr)
                 print "=====result==",attrOnget == getattr(self, attr)
                 if not attrOnget == getattr(self, attr):
                    return False
          return True

        if move and move._cmd == self._cmd:
            return True
        return False
Esempio n. 2
 def __init__(self, robotAddress="arduino.chuntao"):
     self._connection = RestClient(robotAddress)
     self._cmd = ""