Esempio n. 1
    def __init__(self, obj, bone, params):
        """ Gather and validate data about the rig.
            Store any data or references to data that will be needed later on.
            In particular, store references to bones that will be needed, and
            store names of bones that will be needed.
            Do NOT change any data in the scene.  This is a gathering phase only.

        self.obj = obj
        self.params = params

        # Get the chain of 2 connected bones
        leg_bones = [bone] + connected_children_names(self.obj, bone)[:2]

        if len(leg_bones) != 2:
            raise MetarigError(
                "RIGIFY ERROR: Bone '%s': incorrect bone configuration for rig type -- leg bones != 2"
                % (strip_org(bone))

        # Get the foot and heel
        foot = None
        heel = None
        for b in[leg_bones[1]].children:
            if b.use_connect == True:
                if len(b.children) >= 1 and has_connected_children(b):
                    foot =
                    heel =

        if foot is None:
            raise MetarigError(
                "RIGIFY ERROR: Bone '%s': incorrect bone configuration for rig type -- could not find foot bone (that is, a bone with >1 children connected) attached to bone '%s'"
                % (strip_org(bone), strip_org(shin))
        if heel is None:
            raise MetarigError(
                "RIGIFY ERROR: Bone '%s': incorrect bone configuration for rig type -- could not find heel bone (that is, a bone with no childrenconnected) attached to bone '%s'"
                % (strip_org(bone), strip_org(shin))
        # Get the toe
        toe = None
        for b in[foot].children:
            if b.use_connect == True:
                toe =

        if toe is None:
            raise MetarigError(
                "RIGIFY ERROR: Bone '%s': incorrect bone configuration for rig type -- toe is None" % (strip_org(bone))

        self.org_bones = leg_bones + [foot, toe, heel]

        # Get rig parameters
        self.use_thigh_twist = params.use_thigh_twist
        self.use_shin_twist = params.use_shin_twist
Esempio n. 2
    def __init__(self, obj, bone, params):
        self.obj = obj
        self.params = params

        # Get the chain of 2 connected bones
        leg_bones = [bone] + connected_children_names(self.obj, bone)[:2]

        if len(leg_bones) != 2:
            raise MetarigError(
                "RIGIFY ERROR: Bone '%s': incorrect bone configuration for rig type -- leg bones != 2"
                % (strip_org(bone)))

        # Get the foot and heel
        foot = None
        heel = None
        for b in[leg_bones[1]].children:
            if b.use_connect is True:
                if len(b.children) >= 1 and has_connected_children(b):
                    foot =
                    heel =

        if foot is None:
            raise MetarigError(
                "RIGIFY ERROR: Bone '%s': incorrect bone configuration for rig type -- could not find foot bone (that is, a bone with >1 children connected) attached to bone '%s'"
                % (strip_org(bone), strip_org(leg_bones[1])))
        if heel is None:
            raise MetarigError(
                "RIGIFY ERROR: Bone '%s': incorrect bone configuration for rig type -- could not find heel bone (that is, a bone with no children connected) attached to bone '%s'"
                % (strip_org(bone), strip_org(leg_bones[1])))
        # Get the toe
        toe = None
        for b in[foot].children:
            if b.use_connect is True:
                toe =

        if toe is None:
            raise MetarigError(
                "RIGIFY ERROR: Bone '%s': incorrect bone configuration for rig type -- toe is None"
                % (strip_org(bone)))

        self.org_bones = leg_bones + [foot, toe, heel]

        # Get rig parameters
        if params.separate_hose_layers:
            layers = list(params.hose_layers)
            layers = None
        use_complex_rig = params.use_complex_leg
        knee_base_name = params.knee_base_name
        primary_rotation_axis = params.primary_rotation_axis_legacy

        # Based on common limb
        self.rubber_hose_limb = limb_common.RubberHoseLimb(
            obj, self.org_bones[0], self.org_bones[1], self.org_bones[2],
            use_complex_rig, knee_base_name, primary_rotation_axis, layers)
Esempio n. 3
    def __init__(self, obj, bone, params, ikfk_switch=False):
        """ Gather and validate data about the rig.
            Store any data or references to data that will be needed later on.
            In particular, store references to bones that will be needed, and
            store names of bones that will be needed.
            Do NOT change any data in the scene.  This is a gathering phase only.
        self.obj = obj
        self.params = params
        self.switch = ikfk_switch

        # Get the chain of 2 connected bones
        leg_bones = [bone] + connected_children_names(self.obj, bone)[:2]

        if len(leg_bones) != 2:
            raise MetarigError("RIGIFY ERROR: Bone '%s': incorrect bone configuration for rig type" % (strip_org(bone)))

        # Get the foot and heel
        foot = None
        heel = None
        rocker = None
        for b in[leg_bones[1]].children:
            if b.use_connect == True:
                if len(b.children) >= 1 and has_connected_children(b):
                    foot =
                    heel =
                    if len(b.children) > 0:
                        rocker = b.children[0].name

        if foot is None or heel is None:
            raise MetarigError("RIGIFY ERROR: Bone '%s': incorrect bone configuration for rig type" % (strip_org(bone)))

        # Get the toe
        toe = None
        for b in[foot].children:
            if b.use_connect == True:
                toe =

        # Get toe
        if toe is None:
            raise MetarigError("RIGIFY ERROR: Bone '%s': incorrect bone configuration for rig type" % (strip_org(bone)))

        self.org_bones = leg_bones + [foot, toe, heel, rocker]

        # Get rig parameters
        if params.separate_ik_layers:
            self.layers = list(params.ik_layers)
            self.layers = None

        self.bend_hint = params.bend_hint

        self.primary_rotation_axis = params.primary_rotation_axis
Esempio n. 4
    def __init__(self, obj, bone, params):
        """ Gather and validate data about the rig.
            Store any data or references to data that will be needed later on.
            In particular, store references to bones that will be needed, and
            store names of bones that will be needed.
            Do NOT change any data in the scene.  This is a gathering phase only.

        self.obj = obj
        self.params = params

        # Get the chain of 2 connected bones
        leg_bones = [bone] + connected_children_names(self.obj, bone)[:2]

        if len(leg_bones) != 2:
            raise MetarigError("RIGIFY ERROR: Bone '%s': incorrect bone configuration for rig type" % (strip_org(bone)))

        # Get the foot and heel
        foot = None
        heel = None
        for b in[leg_bones[1]].children:
            if b.use_connect is True:
                if len(b.children) >= 1 and has_connected_children(b):
                    foot =
                    heel =

        if foot is None or heel is None:
            raise MetarigError("RIGIFY ERROR: Bone '%s': incorrect bone configuration for rig type" % (strip_org(bone)))

        # Get the toe
        toe = None
        for b in[foot].children:
            if b.use_connect is True:
                toe =

        # Get the toe
        if toe is None:
            raise MetarigError("RIGIFY ERROR: Bone '%s': incorrect bone configuration for rig type" % (strip_org(bone)))

        self.org_bones = leg_bones + [foot, toe, heel]

        # Get (optional) parent
        if[bone].parent is None:
            self.org_parent = None
            self.org_parent =[bone]

        # Get rig parameters
        if "layers" in params:
            self.layers = get_layers(params["layers"])
            self.layers = None

        self.primary_rotation_axis = params.primary_rotation_axis
Esempio n. 5
    def __init__(self, obj, bone, params, ikfk_switch=False):
        """ Gather and validate data about the rig.
            Store any data or references to data that will be needed later on.
            In particular, store references to bones that will be needed, and
            store names of bones that will be needed.
            Do NOT change any data in the scene.  This is a gathering phase only.
        self.obj = obj
        self.params = params
        self.switch = ikfk_switch

        # Get the chain of 2 connected bones
        leg_bones = [bone] + connected_children_names(self.obj, bone)[:2]

        if len(leg_bones) != 2:
            raise MetarigError("RIGIFY ERROR: Bone '%s': incorrect bone configuration for rig type" % (strip_org(bone)))

        # Get the foot and heel
        foot = None
        heel = None
        rocker = None
        for b in[leg_bones[1]].children:
            if b.use_connect == True:
                if len(b.children) >= 1 and has_connected_children(b):
                    foot =
                    heel =
                    if len(b.children) > 0:
                        rocker = b.children[0].name

        if foot is None or heel is None:
            raise MetarigError("RIGIFY ERROR: Bone '%s': incorrect bone configuration for rig type" % (strip_org(bone)))

        # Get the toe
        toe = None
        for b in[foot].children:
            if b.use_connect == True:
                toe =

        # Get toe
        if toe is None:
            raise MetarigError("RIGIFY ERROR: Bone '%s': incorrect bone configuration for rig type" % (strip_org(bone)))

        self.org_bones = leg_bones + [foot, toe, heel, rocker]

        # Get rig parameters
        if params.separate_ik_layers:
            self.layers = list(params.ik_layers)
            self.layers = None

        self.bend_hint = params.bend_hint

        self.primary_rotation_axis = params.primary_rotation_axis
Esempio n. 6
    def __init__(self, obj, bone, params):
        """ Gather and validate data about the rig.
            Store any data or references to data that will be needed later on.
            In particular, store references to bones that will be needed, and
            store names of bones that will be needed.
            Do NOT change any data in the scene.  This is a gathering phase only.

        self.obj = obj
        self.params = params

        # Get the chain of 2 connected bones
        leg_bones = [bone] + connected_children_names(self.obj, bone)[:2]

        if len(leg_bones) != 2:
            raise MetarigError(
                "RIGIFY ERROR: Bone '%s': incorrect bone configuration for rig type"
                % (strip_org(bone)))

        # Get the foot and heel
        foot = None
        heel = None
        for b in[leg_bones[1]].children:
            if b.use_connect == True:
                if len(b.children) >= 1 and has_connected_children(b):
                    foot =
                    heel =

        if foot is None or heel is None:
            raise MetarigError(
                "RIGIFY ERROR: Bone '%s': incorrect bone configuration for rig type"
                % (strip_org(bone)))

        # Get the toe
        toe = None
        for b in[foot].children:
            if b.use_connect == True:
                toe =

        if toe is None:
            raise MetarigError(
                "RIGIFY ERROR: Bone '%s': incorrect bone configuration for rig type"
                % (strip_org(bone)))

        self.org_bones = leg_bones + [foot, toe, heel]

        # Get rig parameters
        self.use_thigh_twist = params.use_thigh_twist
        self.use_shin_twist = params.use_shin_twist
Esempio n. 7
    def __init__(self, obj, bone, params):
        """ Gather and validate data about the rig.
            Store any data or references to data that will be needed later on.
            In particular, store references to bones that will be needed, and
            store names of bones that will be needed.
            Do NOT change any data in the scene.  This is a gathering phase only.

        self.obj = obj
        self.params = params

        # Get the chain of 2 connected bones
        leg_bones = [bone] + connected_children_names(self.obj, bone)[:2]

        if len(leg_bones) != 2:
            raise MetarigError(
                "RIGIFY ERROR: Bone '%s': incorrect bone configuration for rig type"
                % (strip_org(bone)))

        # Get the foot and heel
        foot = None
        heel = None
        for b in[leg_bones[1]].children:
            if b.use_connect is True:
                if len(b.children) >= 1 and has_connected_children(b):
                    foot =
                    heel =

        if foot is None or heel is None:
            raise MetarigError(
                "RIGIFY ERROR: Bone '%s': incorrect bone configuration for rig type"
                % (strip_org(bone)))

        # Get the toe
        toe = None
        for b in[foot].children:
            if b.use_connect is True:
                toe =

        # Get the toe
        if toe is None:
            raise MetarigError(
                "RIGIFY ERROR: Bone '%s': incorrect bone configuration for rig type"
                % (strip_org(bone)))

        self.org_bones = leg_bones + [foot, toe, heel]

        # Get (optional) parent
        if[bone].parent is None:
            self.org_parent = None
            self.org_parent =[bone]

        # Get rig parameters
        if "layers" in params:
            layers = get_layers(params["layers"])
            layers = None

        primary_rotation_axis = params.primary_rotation_axis_cessen

        # Leg is based on common limb
        self.fk_limb = limb_common.FKLimb(obj, self.org_bones[0],
                                          self.org_bones[1], self.org_bones[2],
                                          primary_rotation_axis, layers)