def dePrintEntryInfo(self): """Print information about this directory entry.""" print rad50.rad50ToFilename(self.deName) + ":" print " status = " + statWordToStr(self.deStatus) print " length = " + str(self.deLength) print " start = " + str(self.deStart) print " date = " + rt11util.dateWordToStr(self.deDate) print " jobchan = " + str(self.deJobChan) print " extra = " + str(self.deExtra)
def dePrintDirEntry(self, long_format=False, omit_perm_flag=True): """Print directory listing line for this directory entry.""" dirline = ( rad50.rad50ToFilename(self.deName).ljust(12) + str(self.deLength).rjust(8) + rt11util.dateWordToStr(self.deDate).rjust(14) ) if long_format: dirline = dirline + str(self.deStart).rjust(8) + " " + statWordToStr(self.deStatus, omit_perm_flag) print dirline
def fsSaveFile(self, rtFilename, hostFilename=""): """Save permanent file with specified name to host filesystem. If hostFilename is not specified, RT-11 filename will be used and file will be saved in current directory. If host filename is specified, it may include a relative or absolute path.""" r50Name = rad50.filenameToRad50(rtFilename) rtFilename = rad50.rad50ToFilename(r50Name) savedFile = False for de in self.fsFileList: if (de.deStatus & deEPERM) and (de.deName == r50Name): savedFile = True de.deSaveFile(hostFilename) break rt11util.assertWarn(savedFile, "Could not find file " + rtFilename)
def deSaveFile(self, hostFilename=""): """Save to a file on the host computer filesystem. hostFilename argument specifies the filename to create on the host filesystem. If name for host file is not specified, RT-11 filename will be used, and the file will be saved in the current directory. If host filename is specified, it may include a relative or absolute path in order to save the file outside the current directory.""" if hostFilename == "": hostFilename = rad50.rad50ToFilename(self.deName) f = open(hostFilename, "wb") f.write(self.deData) f.close
def fsAddFile(self, hostFilename, rtFilename="", dateWord=None, statusWord=deEPERM): """Read file and add it to the RT-11 filesystem. hostFilename refers to a local file on the host's filesystem. If rtFilename is not specified, filename on RT-11 filesystem will be derived from hostFilename. If host file size is not a multiple of rtBlockSize, it will be padded with zeroes. Negative dateWord will be replaced with today's date.""" # Use host filename if RT-11 name not specified if rtFilename == "": rtFilename = hostFilename rad50Filename = rad50.filenameToRad50(rtFilename) rtFilename = rad50.rad50ToFilename(rad50Filename) if dateWord is None: dateWord = rt11util.todayWord(self.fsThisYear) # Read host file, pad if necessary f = open(hostFilename, "rb") buf = f.close pad = rt11util.rtBlockSize - (len(buf) % rt11util.rtBlockSize) if pad != 512: buf += "\000" * pad fileLen = len(buf) / rt11util.rtBlockSize # Delete existing file with same name self.fsDeleteFile(rtFilename) # Search for first empty block large enough to hold file addedFile = False for idx, de in enumerate(self.fsFileList): if (de.deStatus & deEMPTY) and (de.deLength >= fileLen): addedFile = True # If empty block is larger than new file, split it. if de.deLength > fileLen: ede = dirEntry( name=rad50.filenameToRad50(" EMPTY.FIL"), length=de.deLength - fileLen, start=de.deStart + fileLen, status=deEMPTY, date=rt11util.todayWord(self.fsThisYear), ) ede.deEmptyData() self.fsFileList.insert(idx + 1, ede) de.deStatus = statusWord de.deName = rad50Filename de.deLength = fileLen de.deJobChan = 0 de.deDate = dateWord de.deSetData(buf) self.fsFileList[idx] = de break rt11util.assertError(addedFile, "Could not find space for " + rtFilename)
def dePrintName(self): """Print the filename.""" print rad50.rad50ToFilename(self.deName)