Esempio n. 1
def _parse_poly(f):
    from sage.all import SR, QQ, HyperplaneArrangements, Matrix
    if type(f) == str:
        f = SR(f)
    if f.base_ring() == SR:
        L = f.factor_list()
        K = QQ
        L = list(f.factor())
        K = f.base_ring()

    L = filter(lambda T: not T[0] in K, L)  # Remove constant factors
    F, M = list(zip(*L))

    # Verify that each polynomial factor is linear
    is_lin = lambda g: all(map(lambda x: <= 1, g.variables()))
    if not all(map(is_lin, F)):
        raise ValueError("Expected product of linear factors.")

    varbs = f.variables()
    varbs_str = tuple(map(lambda x: str(x), varbs))
    HH = HyperplaneArrangements(K, varbs_str)

    def poly_vec(g):
        c = K(g.subs({x: 0 for x in g.variables()}))
        return tuple([c] + [K(g.coefficient(x)) for x in varbs])

    F_vec = tuple(map(poly_vec, F))
    A = HH(Matrix(K, F_vec))

    # This scrambles the hyperplanes, so we need to scramble M in the same way.
    A_vec = tuple(map(lambda H: tuple(H.coefficients()), A.hyperplanes()))
    perm = tuple([F_vec.index(v) for v in A_vec])
    M_new = tuple([M[i] for i in perm])

    return A, M_new