def _execute(self, x, *args, **kwargs): """run the clustering on a set of observations""" # init self._labels = sp.zeros((len(self.crange) * self.repeats, x.shape[0]), dtype=int) - 1 self._gof = sp.zeros(len(self.crange) * self.repeats, dtype=self.dtype) self._ll = sp.zeros(len(self.crange) * self.repeats, dtype=self.dtype) self._parameters = [None] * len(self.crange) * self.repeats # clustering fit_func = { 'kmeans': self._fit_kmeans, 'gmm': self._fit_gmm, #'vbgmm': self._fit_vbgmm, 'dpgmm': self._fit_dpgmm, 'spectral': self._fit_spectral, 'meanshift': self._fit_mean_shift, 'dbscan': self._fit_dbscan }[self.clus_type](x) self._winner = sp.nanargmin(self._gof) self.parameters = self._parameters[self._winner] self.labels = self._labels[self._winner]
def matrix_argmin(M): """returns the indices (row,col) of the minimum in M :type M: ndarray :param M: matrix :returns: tuple: indices of the min in M """ idx = sp.nanargmin(M) j = int(idx % M.shape[1]) i = int(sp.floor(idx / M.shape[1])) return i, j
def matrix_argmin(mat): """returns the indices (row,col) of the minimum value in :mat: :type mat: ndarray :param mat: input matrix :returns: tuple - (row,col) of the minimum value in :mat: """ idx = sp.nanargmin(mat) j = int(idx % mat.shape[1]) i = int(sp.floor(idx / mat.shape[1])) return i, j
def get_idx(idxset, append=False): """yields the first free index in a positive integer index set :type append: bool :param append: if True, returns max(:idxset:)+1, else find the first free index in :idxset: :returns: int - the first free index """ try: idxmax = max(idxset) + 1 if append is True: return idxmax idxrange = sp.arange(idxmax) return idxrange[sp.nanargmin(sp.in1d(idxrange, idxset))] except: return 0
def _execute(self, x, *args, **kwargs): """run the clustering on a set of observations""" # init self._labels = sp.zeros( (len(self.crange) * self.repeats, x.shape[0]), dtype=int) - 1 self._gof = sp.zeros(len(self.crange) * self.repeats, dtype=self.dtype) self._ll = sp.zeros(len(self.crange) * self.repeats, dtype=self.dtype) self._parameters = [None] * len(self.crange) * self.repeats # clustering fit_func = { 'kmeans': self._fit_kmeans, 'gmm': self._fit_gmm, #'vbgmm': self._fit_vbgmm, 'dpgmm': self._fit_dpgmm, 'spectral': self._fit_spectral, 'meanshift': self._fit_mean_shift, 'dbscan': self._fit_dbscan }[self.clus_type](x) self._winner = sp.nanargmin(self._gof) self.parameters = self._parameters[self._winner] self.labels = self._labels[self._winner]
def pred_plot(data_flag): # Load specs file data and object list_dict = read_specs_file(data_flag) vars_to_pass = compile_all_run_vars(list_dict) scF = single_cell_FRET(**vars_to_pass) # If stim and meas were not imported, then data was saved as data_flag if scF.stim_file is None: scF.stim_file = data_flag if scF.meas_file is None: scF.meas_file = data_flag scF.set_stim() scF.set_meas_data() # Initalize estimation; set the estimation and prediction windows scF.set_est_pred_windows() # Load all of the prediction data and estimation object and dicts pred_dict = load_pred_data(data_flag) opt_IC = sp.nanargmin(pred_dict['errors']) opt_pred_path = pred_dict['pred_path'][:, :, opt_IC] est_path = pred_dict['est_path'][:, :, opt_IC] est_params = pred_dict['params'][:, opt_IC] est_range = scF.est_wind_idxs pred_range = scF.pred_wind_idxs full_range = sp.arange(scF.est_wind_idxs[0], scF.pred_wind_idxs[-1]) est_Tt = scF.Tt[est_range] pred_Tt = scF.Tt[pred_range] full_Tt = scF.Tt[full_range] # Load true data if using synthetic data true_states = None try: true_states = load_true_file(data_flag)[:, 1:] except: pass num_plots = scF.nD + 1 # Plot the stimulus plt.subplot(num_plots, 1, 1) plt.plot(full_Tt, scF.stim[full_range], color='r', lw=2) plt.xlim(full_Tt[0], full_Tt[-1]) plt.ylim(80, 160) # Plot the estimates iL_idx = 0 for iD in range(scF.nD): plt.subplot(num_plots, 1, iD + 2) plt.xlim(full_Tt[0], full_Tt[-1]) if iD in scF.L_idxs: # Plot measured data plt.plot(est_Tt, scF.meas_data[scF.est_wind_idxs, iL_idx], color='g') plt.plot(pred_Tt, scF.meas_data[scF.pred_wind_idxs, iL_idx], color='g') # Plot estimation and prediction plt.plot(est_Tt, est_path[:, iD], color='r', lw=3) plt.plot(pred_Tt, opt_pred_path[:, iD], color='r', lw=3) # Plot true states if this uses fake data if true_states is not None: plt.plot(scF.Tt, true_states[:, iD], color='k') iL_idx += 1 else: plt.plot(est_Tt, est_path[:, iD], color='r', lw=3) plt.plot(pred_Tt, opt_pred_path[:, iD], color='r', lw=3) if true_states is not None: plt.plot(scF.Tt, true_states[:, iD], color='k') save_opt_pred_plots(data_flag) # Save all the optimal predictions, measurement and stimuli to txt files stim_to_save = sp.vstack((full_Tt.T, scF.stim[full_range].T)).T meas_to_save = sp.vstack((full_Tt.T, scF.meas_data[full_range].T)).T est_to_save = sp.vstack((est_Tt.T, est_path.T)).T pred_to_save = sp.vstack((pred_Tt.T, opt_pred_path.T)).T params_to_save = sp.vstack((scF.model.param_names, est_params)).T save_opt_pred_data(data_flag, stim_to_save, meas_to_save, est_to_save, pred_to_save, params_to_save)