Esempio n. 1
    'default': True,
    #'useDefault': True,
    'label': 'Merge all subpopulations',
    'description': '''Merge all subpopulations''',
    'allowedTypes': [BooleanType],
    'longarg': 'filename=',
    'label': 'Filename to save population',
    'default': 'init.pop',
    'useDefault': False,
    'description': '''Name of the population or an absolute path to
        a file. This parameter will be ignored if an empty string or None
        is given.''',
    'allowedTypes': [StringType],
    'validate': simuOpt.valueNotEqual('')

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import logging
    logger = logging.getLogger()
    pars = simuOpt.Params(options,
        'This script chooses specified markers from one or more HapMap\n'
        'populations and saves them in simuPOP format.\n',
    if not pars.getParam():
    names = []
    if pars.markerList != '':