Esempio n. 1
def test_custom_metric_api_experiment_with_kappa_filename():
    """Test API with metric defined in a file named kappa"""

    # register a dummy metric that just returns 1 from
    # a file called ''
    input_dir = join(_my_dir, "other")
    custom_metrics_file = join(input_dir, "")
    register_custom_metric(custom_metrics_file, "dummy_metric")

    # read in some train/test data
    train_file = join(input_dir, "examples_train.jsonlines")
    test_file = join(input_dir, "examples_test.jsonlines")

    train_fs = NDJReader.for_path(train_file).read()
    test_fs = NDJReader.for_path(test_file).read()

    # set up a learner to tune using our usual kappa metric
    # and evaluate it using the dummy metric we loaded
    # this should work as there should be no confict between
    # the two "kappa" names
    learner = Learner("LogisticRegression")
    _ = learner.train(train_fs, grid_objective="unweighted_kappa")
    results = learner.evaluate(
        output_metrics=["balanced_accuracy", "dummy_metric"])
    test_objective_value = results[-2]
    test_output_metrics_dict = results[-1]
    test_accuracy_value = test_output_metrics_dict["balanced_accuracy"]
    test_dummy_metric_value = test_output_metrics_dict["dummy_metric"]

    # check that the values are as expected
    assert_almost_equal(test_objective_value, 0.9699, places=4)
    assert_almost_equal(test_accuracy_value, 0.9792, places=4)
    eq_(test_dummy_metric_value, 1.0)
Esempio n. 2
def test_custom_metric_api_experiment():
    """Test API with custom metrics"""

    # register two different metrics from two files
    input_dir = join(_my_dir, "other")
    custom_metrics_file1 = join(input_dir, "")
    register_custom_metric(custom_metrics_file1, "f075_macro")
    custom_metrics_file2 = join(input_dir, "")
    register_custom_metric(custom_metrics_file2, "f06_micro")

    # read in some train/test data
    train_file = join(input_dir, "examples_train.jsonlines")
    test_file = join(input_dir, "examples_test.jsonlines")

    train_fs = NDJReader.for_path(train_file).read()
    test_fs = NDJReader.for_path(test_file).read()

    # set up a learner to tune using one of the custom metrics
    # and evaluate it using the other one
    learner = Learner("LogisticRegression")
    _ = learner.train(train_fs, grid_objective="f075_macro")
    results = learner.evaluate(
        output_metrics=["balanced_accuracy", "f06_micro"])
    test_objective_value = results[-2]
    test_output_metrics_dict = results[-1]
    test_accuracy_value = test_output_metrics_dict["balanced_accuracy"]
    test_f06_micro_value = test_output_metrics_dict["f06_micro"]

    # check that the values are as expected
    assert_almost_equal(test_objective_value, 0.9785, places=4)
    assert_almost_equal(test_accuracy_value, 0.9792, places=4)
    assert_almost_equal(test_f06_micro_value, 0.98, places=4)