Esempio n. 1
def main():
    Handles command line arguments and gets things started.
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Prints out the weights of a \
                                                  given model.",
    parser.add_argument('model_file', help='model file to load')
                        help='number of top features to print (0 for all)',
                        type=int, default=50)
    parser.add_argument('--version', action='version',
                        version='%(prog)s {0}'.format(__version__))
    args = parser.parse_args()

    # Make warnings from built-in warnings module get formatted more nicely
    logging.basicConfig(format=('%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - ' +

    k = args.k if args.k > 0 else None

    learner = Learner.from_file(args.model_file)
    weights = learner.model_params

    print("Number of nonzero features:", len(weights), file=sys.stderr)

    for feat, val in sorted(iteritems(weights), key=lambda x: -abs(x[1]))[:k]:
        print("{:.12f}\t{}".format(val, feat))
Esempio n. 2
def main():
    Handles command line arguments and gets things started.
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        description="Prints out the weights of a \
                                                  given model.",
    parser.add_argument('model_file', help='model file to load')
                        help='number of top features to print (0 for all)',
                        version='%(prog)s {0}'.format(__version__))
    args = parser.parse_args()

    # Make warnings from built-in warnings module get formatted more nicely
    logging.basicConfig(format=('%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - ' +

    k = args.k if args.k > 0 else None

    learner = Learner.from_file(args.model_file)
    weights = learner.model_params

    print("Number of nonzero features:", len(weights), file=sys.stderr)

    for feat, val in sorted(iteritems(weights), key=lambda x: -abs(x[1]))[:k]:
        print("{:.12f}\t{}".format(val, feat))
Esempio n. 3
def main(argv=None):
    Handles command line arguments and gets things started.

    :param argv: List of arguments, as if specified on the command-line.
                 If None, ``sys.argv[1:]`` is used instead.
    :type argv: list of str
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Prints out the weights of a \
                                                  given model.",
    parser.add_argument('model_file', help='model file to load')
                        help='number of top features to print (0 for all)',
                        type=int, default=50)
                        choices=['positive', 'negative', 'all'],
                        help='show only positive, only negative, ' +
                             'or all weights')
    parser.add_argument('--version', action='version',
                        version='%(prog)s {0}'.format(__version__))
    args = parser.parse_args(argv)

    # Make warnings from built-in warnings module get formatted more nicely
    logging.basicConfig(format=('%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - ' +

    k = args.k if args.k > 0 else None

    learner = Learner.from_file(args.model_file)
    (weights, intercept) = learner.model_params

    weight_items = iteritems(weights)
    if args.sign == 'positive':
        weight_items = (x for x in weight_items if x[1] > 0)
    elif args.sign == 'negative':
        weight_items = (x for x in weight_items if x[1] < 0)

    if intercept is not None:
        # subclass of LinearModel
        if '_intercept_' in intercept:
            # Some learners (e.g. LinearSVR) may return a list of intercepts
            if isinstance(intercept['_intercept_'], np.ndarray):
                intercept_list = ["%.12f" % i for i in intercept['_intercept_']]
                print("intercept = {}".format(intercept_list))
                print("intercept = {:.12f}".format(intercept['_intercept_']))
            print("== intercept values ==")
            for (label, val) in intercept.items():
                print("{:.12f}\t{}".format(val, label))

    print("Number of nonzero features:", len(weights), file=sys.stderr)
    for feat, val in sorted(weight_items, key=lambda x: -abs(x[1]))[:k]:
        print("{:.12f}\t{}".format(val, feat))
Esempio n. 4
def main(argv=None):
    Handles command line arguments and gets things started.

    :param argv: List of arguments, as if specified on the command-line.
                 If None, ``sys.argv[1:]`` is used instead.
    :type argv: list of str
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        description="Prints out the weights of a \
                                                  given model.",
    parser.add_argument("model_file", help="model file to load")
    parser.add_argument("--k", help="number of top features to print (0 for all)", type=int, default=50)
        choices=["positive", "negative", "all"],
        help="show only positive, only negative, " + "or all weights",
    parser.add_argument("--version", action="version", version="%(prog)s {0}".format(__version__))
    args = parser.parse_args(argv)

    # Make warnings from built-in warnings module get formatted more nicely
    logging.basicConfig(format=("%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - " + "%(message)s"))

    k = args.k if args.k > 0 else None

    learner = Learner.from_file(args.model_file)
    (weights, intercept) = learner.model_params

    weight_items = iteritems(weights)
    if args.sign == "positive":
        weight_items = (x for x in weight_items if x[1] > 0)
    elif args.sign == "negative":
        weight_items = (x for x in weight_items if x[1] < 0)

    if intercept is not None:
        # subclass of LinearModel
        if "_intercept_" in intercept:
            # Some learners (e.g. LinearSVR) may return a list of intercepts
            if isinstance(intercept["_intercept_"], np.ndarray):
                intercept_list = ["%.12f" % i for i in intercept["_intercept_"]]
                print("intercept = {}".format(intercept_list))
                print("intercept = {:.12f}".format(intercept["_intercept_"]))
            print("== intercept values ==")
            for (label, val) in intercept.items():
                print("{:.12f}\t{}".format(val, label))

    print("Number of nonzero features:", len(weights), file=sys.stderr)
    for feat, val in sorted(weight_items, key=lambda x: -abs(x[1]))[:k]:
        print("{:.12f}\t{}".format(val, feat))
Esempio n. 5
def main(argv=None):
    Handles command line arguments and gets things started.

    :param argv: List of arguments, as if specified on the command-line.
                 If None, ``sys.argv[1:]`` is used instead.
    :type argv: list of str
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Prints out the weights of a \
                                                  given model.",
    parser.add_argument('model_file', help='model file to load')
                        help='number of top features to print (0 for all)',
                        type=int, default=50)
                        choices=['positive', 'negative', 'all'],
                        help='show only positive, only negative, ' +
                             'or all weights')
    parser.add_argument('--version', action='version',
                        version='%(prog)s {0}'.format(__version__))
    args = parser.parse_args(argv)

    # Make warnings from built-in warnings module get formatted more nicely
    logging.basicConfig(format=('%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - ' +

    k = args.k if args.k > 0 else None

    learner = Learner.from_file(args.model_file)
    (weights, intercept) = learner.model_params

    weight_items = iteritems(weights)
    if args.sign == 'positive':
        weight_items = (x for x in weight_items if x[1] > 0)
    elif args.sign == 'negative':
        weight_items = (x for x in weight_items if x[1] < 0)

    if intercept is not None:
        # subclass of LinearModel
        if '_intercept_' in intercept:
            print("intercept = {:.12f}".format(intercept['_intercept_']))
            print("== intercept values ==")
            for (label, val) in intercept.items():
                print("{:.12f}\t{}".format(val, label))

    print("Number of nonzero features:", len(weights), file=sys.stderr)
    for feat, val in sorted(weight_items, key=lambda x: -abs(x[1]))[:k]:
        print("{:.12f}\t{}".format(val, feat))
Esempio n. 6
def update_model(model_file):
    """Read in the model file and save it again."""
    model_dir = dirname(model_file)

    # get the list of current files so that we can
    # remove them later to ensure there are no stranded
    # .npy files
    npy_files = glob.glob(join(model_dir, '*.npy'))

    # now load the SKLL model
    model = Learner.from_file(model_file)

    # delete the existing npy files. The model file will get overwritten,
    # but we do not know the exact number of current .npy files.
    for npy_file in npy_files:
def update_model(model_file):
    ''' Read in the model file and save it again'''

    model_dir = dirname(model_file)

    # get the list of current files so that we can
    # remove them later to ensure there are no stranded
    # .npy files
    npy_files = glob.glob(join(model_dir, '*.npy'))

    # now load the SKLL model
    model = Learner.from_file(model_file)

    # delete the existing npy files. The model file will get overwritten,
    # but we do not know the exact number of current .npy files.
    for npy_file in npy_files:
Esempio n. 8
    def __init__(self, model_path, threshold=None, positive_class=1):
        Initialize the predictor.

        :param model_path: Path to use when loading trained model.
        :type model_path: str
        :param threshold: If the model we're using is generating probabilities
                          of the positive class, return 1 if it meets/exceeds
                          the given threshold and 0 otherwise.
        :type threshold: float
        :param positive_class: If the model is only being used to predict the
                               probability of a particular class, this
                               specifies the index of the class we're
                               predicting. 1 = second class, which is default
                               for binary classification.
        :type positive_class: int
        self._learner = Learner.from_file(model_path)
        self._pos_index = positive_class
        self.threshold = threshold
Esempio n. 9
    def __init__(self, model_path, threshold=None, positive_class=1):
        Initialize the predictor.

        :param model_path: Path to use when loading trained model.
        :type model_path: str
        :param threshold: If the model we're using is generating probabilities
                          of the positive class, return 1 if it meets/exceeds
                          the given threshold and 0 otherwise.
        :type threshold: float
        :param positive_class: If the model is only being used to predict the
                               probability of a particular class, this
                               specifies the index of the class we're
                               predicting. 1 = second class, which is default
                               for binary classification.
        :type positive_class: int
        self._learner = Learner.from_file(model_path)
        self._pos_index = positive_class
        self.threshold = threshold
Esempio n. 10
def compute_and_save_predictions(config_file, output_file, feats_file):
    Generate predictions using the information in the config file
    and save them into the given output file.

    logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    # read in the main config file
    config_obj = read_json_file(config_file)
    config_obj = check_main_config(config_obj, context='rsmpredict')

    # get the directory where the config file lives
    # if this is the 'expm' directory, then go
    # up one level.
    configpath = dirname(config_file)

    # get the input file containing the feature values
    # for which we want to generate the predictions
    input_features_file = locate_file(config_obj['input_features_file'], configpath)
    if not input_features_file:
        raise FileNotFoundError('Input file {} does not exist'.format(config_obj['input_features_file']))

    # get the experiment ID
    experiment_id = config_obj['experiment_id']

    # get the column name that will hold the ID
    id_column = config_obj['id_column']

    # get the column name for human score (if any)
    human_score_column = config_obj['human_score_column']

    # get the column name for second human score (if any)
    second_human_score_column = config_obj['second_human_score_column']

    # get the column name for subgroups (if any)
    subgroups = config_obj['subgroups']

    # get the column names for flag columns (if any)
    flag_column_dict = check_flag_column(config_obj)

    # get the name for the candidate_column (if any)
    candidate_column = config_obj['candidate_column']

    # get the directory of the experiment
    experiment_dir = locate_file(config_obj['experiment_dir'], configpath)
    if not experiment_dir:
        raise FileNotFoundError('The directory {} does not exist.'.format(config_obj['experiment_dir']))
        experiment_output_dir = normpath(join(experiment_dir, 'output'))
        if not exists(experiment_output_dir):
            raise FileNotFoundError('The directory {} does not contain '
                                    'the output of an rsmtool experiment.'.format(experiment_dir))

    # find all the .model files in the experiment output directory
    model_files = glob.glob(join(experiment_output_dir, '*.model'))
    if not model_files:
        raise FileNotFoundError('The directory {} does not contain any rsmtool models.'.format(experiment_output_dir))

    experiment_ids = [splitext(basename(mf))[0] for mf in model_files]
    if experiment_id not in experiment_ids:
        raise FileNotFoundError('{} does not contain a model for the experiment "{}". '                                 'The following experiments are contained in this '
                                'directory: {}'.format(experiment_output_dir,

    # check that the directory contains outher required files
    required_file_types = ['feature', 'postprocessing_params']
    for file_type in required_file_types:
        expected_file_name = "{}_{}.csv".format(experiment_id, file_type)
        if not exists(join(experiment_output_dir, expected_file_name)):
            raise FileNotFoundError('{} does not contain the required file '
                                    '{} that was generated during the '
                                    'original model training'.format(experiment_output_dir,

    # read in the given features but make sure that the
    # `id_column`, `candidate_column` and subgroups are read in as a string'Reading features from {}'.format(input_features_file))
    string_columns = [id_column, candidate_column] + subgroups
    converter_dict = dict([(column, str) for column in string_columns if column])

    df_input = pd.read_csv(input_features_file, converters=converter_dict)

    # make sure that the columns specified in the config file actually exist
    columns_to_check = [id_column] + subgroups + list(flag_column_dict.keys())

    # add subgroups and the flag columns to the list of columns
    # that will be added to the final file
    columns_to_copy = subgroups + list(flag_column_dict.keys())

    # human_score_column will be set to sc1 by default
    # we only raise an error if it's set to something else.
    # However, since we cannot distinguish whether the column was set
    # to sc1 by default or specified as such in the config file
    # we append it to output anyway as long as
    # it is in the input file

    if human_score_column != 'sc1' or 'sc1' in df_input.columns:

    if candidate_column:

    if second_human_score_column:

    missing_columns = set(columns_to_check).difference(df_input.columns)
    if missing_columns:
        raise KeyError("Columns {} from the config file "
                       "do not exist in the data.".format(missing_columns))

    # rename all columns
    df_input = rename_default_columns(df_input,

    # check that the id_column contains unique values
    if df_input['spkitemid'].size != df_input['spkitemid'].unique().size:
        raise ValueError("The data contains repeated response IDs in {}. Please make sure all response IDs are unique and re-run the tool.".format(id_column))

    # now we need to pre-process these features using
    # the parameters that are already stored in the
    # _features.csv file.
    df_feature_info = pd.read_csv(join(experiment_output_dir,
    required_features = df_feature_info.index.tolist()

    # ensure that all the features that are needed by the model
    # are present in the input file
    input_feature_columns = [c for c in df_input if c != id_column]
    missing_features = set(required_features).difference(input_feature_columns)
    if missing_features:
        raise KeyError('{} is missing the following features: {}'.format(feats_file, missing_features))
    extra_features = set(input_feature_columns).difference(required_features + [id_column])
    if extra_features:
        logging.warning('The following extraenous features will be ignored: {}'.format(extra_features))

    # keep the required features plus the id
    features_to_keep = ['spkitemid'] + required_features

    # check if actually have the human scores for this data and add
    # sc1 to preprocessed features for consistency with other tools
    has_human_scores = 'sc1' in df_input
    if has_human_scores:

    df_features = df_input[features_to_keep]

    # preprocess the feature values'Pre-processing input features')

    # first we need to filter out NaNs and any other
    # weird features, the same way we did for rsmtool.
    df_filtered = df_features.copy()
    df_excluded = pd.DataFrame(columns=df_filtered.columns)

    for feature_name in required_features:
        newdf, newdf_excluded = filter_on_column(df_filtered, feature_name, 'spkitemid',
        del df_filtered
        df_filtered = newdf
        df_excluded = pd.merge(df_excluded, newdf_excluded, how='outer')

    # make sure that the remaining data frame is not empty
    if len(df_filtered) == 0:
        raise ValueError("There are no responses left after "
                         "filtering out non-numeric feature values. No analysis "
                         "will be run")

    df_features = df_filtered.copy()
    df_features_preprocessed = df_features.copy()
    for feature_name in required_features:

        feature_values = df_features[feature_name].values

        feature_transformation = df_feature_info.loc[feature_name]['transform']
        feature_weight = df_feature_info.loc[feature_name]['sign']

        train_feature_mean = df_feature_info.loc[feature_name]['train_mean']
        train_feature_sd = df_feature_info.loc[feature_name]['train_sd']

        train_transformed_mean = df_feature_info.loc[feature_name]['train_transformed_mean']
        train_transformed_sd = df_feature_info.loc[feature_name]['train_transformed_sd']

        # transform the feature values and remove outliers
        df_features_preprocessed[feature_name] = preprocess_feature(feature_values,

        # now standardize the feature values
        df_features_preprocessed[feature_name] = (df_features_preprocessed[feature_name] - train_transformed_mean) / train_transformed_sd

        # Multiply features by weight. Within the
        # current SR timeline, the mean of the transformed train
        # feature used to standardize test features has to be
        # computed before multiplying the train feature by the weight.
        df_features_preprocessed[feature_name] = df_features_preprocessed[feature_name] * feature_weight

    # save the pre-processed features to disk if we were asked to
    if feats_file:'Saving pre-processed feature values to {}'.format(feats_file))

        # create any directories needed for the output file
        os.makedirs(dirname(feats_file), exist_ok=True)
        df_features_preprocessed.to_csv(feats_file, index=False)

    # now load the SKLL model to generate the predictions
    model = Learner.from_file(join(experiment_output_dir, '{}.model'.format(experiment_id)))

    # now generate the predictions for the features using this model'Generating predictions')
    df_predictions = predict_with_model(model, df_features_preprocessed)

    # read in the post-processing parameters from disk
    df_postproc_params = pd.read_csv(join(experiment_output_dir, '{}_postprocessing_params.csv'.format(experiment_id)))
    trim_min = df_postproc_params['trim_min'].values[0]
    trim_max = df_postproc_params['trim_max'].values[0]
    h1_mean = df_postproc_params['h1_mean'].values[0]
    h1_sd = df_postproc_params['h1_sd'].values[0]
    train_predictions_mean = df_postproc_params['train_predictions_mean'].values[0]
    train_predictions_sd = df_postproc_params['train_predictions_sd'].values[0]

    # now scale the predictions'Rescaling predictions')
    scaled_predictions = (df_predictions['raw'] - train_predictions_mean) / train_predictions_sd
    scaled_predictions = scaled_predictions * h1_sd + h1_mean
    df_predictions['scale'] = scaled_predictions

    # trim and round the predictions'Trimming and rounding predictions')
    df_predictions['raw_trim'] = trim(df_predictions['raw'], trim_min, trim_max)
    df_predictions['raw_trim_round'] = np.rint(df_predictions['raw_trim']).astype('int64')
    df_predictions['scale_trim'] = trim(df_predictions['scale'], trim_min, trim_max)
    df_predictions['scale_trim_round'] = np.rint(df_predictions['scale_trim']).astype('int64')

    # add back the columns that we were requested to copy if any
    if columns_to_copy:
        df_predictions_with_metadata = pd.merge(df_predictions,
                                                df_input[['spkitemid'] + columns_to_copy])
        assert(len(df_predictions) == len(df_predictions_with_metadata))
        df_predictions_with_metadata = df_predictions.copy()

    # create any directories needed for the output file
    os.makedirs(dirname(output_file), exist_ok=True)

    # save the predictions to disk'Saving predictions to {}'.format(output_file))
    df_predictions_with_metadata.to_csv(output_file, index=False)

    # save excluded responses to disk
    if not df_excluded.empty:
        excluded_output_file = '{}_excluded_responses{}'.format(*splitext(output_file))'Saving excluded responses to {}'.format(excluded_output_file))
        df_excluded.to_csv(excluded_output_file, index=False)
Esempio n. 11
def main(argv=None):
    Handles command line arguments and gets things started.

    argv : list of str
        List of arguments, as if specified on the command-line.
        If None, ``sys.argv[1:]`` is used instead.

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        description="Prints out the weights of a \
                                                  given model.",
    parser.add_argument('model_file', help='model file to load')
    group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
                       help='number of top features to print (0 for all)',
                       help="order the features by classes")
        choices=['positive', 'negative', 'all'],
        help='show only positive, only negative or all weights')
                        version='%(prog)s {0}'.format(__version__))
    args = parser.parse_args(argv)

    # Make warnings from built-in warnings module get formatted more nicely
    logging.basicConfig(format=('%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - '

    k = args.k if args.k > 0 else None

    learner = Learner.from_file(args.model_file)
    (weights, intercept) = learner.model_params

    multiclass = False
    model = learner._model
    if (isinstance(model, LinearSVC) or
        (isinstance(model, LogisticRegression) and len(learner.label_list) > 2)
            or (isinstance(model, SVC) and model.kernel == 'linear')):
        multiclass = True
    weight_items = weights.items()
    if args.sign == 'positive':
        weight_items = (x for x in weight_items if x[1] > 0)
    elif args.sign == 'negative':
        weight_items = (x for x in weight_items if x[1] < 0)

    if intercept is not None:
        # subclass of LinearModel
        if '_intercept_' in intercept:
            # Some learners (e.g. LinearSVR) may return an array of intercepts but
            # sometimes that array is of length 1 so we don't need to print that
            # as an array/list. First, let's normalize these cases.
            model_intercepts = intercept['_intercept_']
            intercept_is_array = isinstance(model_intercepts, np.ndarray)
            num_intercepts = len(model_intercepts) if intercept_is_array else 1
            if intercept_is_array and num_intercepts == 1:
                model_intercepts = model_intercepts[0]
                intercept_is_array = False

            # now print out the intercepts
            print("intercept = {:.12f}".format(model_intercepts))
            print("== intercept values ==")
            for (label, val) in intercept.items():
                print("{: .12f}\t{}".format(val, label))

    print("Number of nonzero features:", len(weights), file=sys.stderr)
    weight_by_class = defaultdict(dict)
    if multiclass and args.sort_by_labels:
        for label_feature, weight in weight_items:
            label, feature = label_feature.split()
            weight_by_class[label][feature] = weight
        for label in sorted(weight_by_class):
            for feat, val in sorted(weight_by_class[label].items(),
                                    key=lambda x: -abs(x[1])):
                print("{: .12f}\t{}\t{}".format(val, label, feat))
        for feat, val in sorted(weight_items, key=lambda x: -abs(x[1]))[:k]:
            print("{: .12f}\t{}".format(val, feat))
Esempio n. 12
def compute_and_save_predictions(config_file, output_file, feats_file):
    Generate predictions using the information in the config file
    and save them into the given output file.

    logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    # read in the main config file
    config_obj = read_json_file(config_file)
    config_obj = check_main_config(config_obj, context='rsmpredict')

    # get the directory where the config file lives
    # if this is the 'expm' directory, then go
    # up one level.
    configpath = dirname(config_file)

    # get the input file containing the feature values
    # for which we want to generate the predictions
    input_features_file = locate_file(config_obj['input_features_file'],
    if not input_features_file:
        raise FileNotFoundError('Input file {} does not exist'.format(

    # get the experiment ID
    experiment_id = config_obj['experiment_id']

    # get the column name that will hold the ID
    id_column = config_obj['id_column']

    # get the column name for human score (if any)
    human_score_column = config_obj['human_score_column']

    # get the column name for second human score (if any)
    second_human_score_column = config_obj['second_human_score_column']

    # get the column name for subgroups (if any)
    subgroups = config_obj['subgroups']

    # get the column names for flag columns (if any)
    flag_column_dict = check_flag_column(config_obj)

    # get the name for the candidate_column (if any)
    candidate_column = config_obj['candidate_column']

    # get the directory of the experiment
    experiment_dir = locate_file(config_obj['experiment_dir'], configpath)
    if not experiment_dir:
        raise FileNotFoundError('The directory {} does not exist.'.format(
        experiment_output_dir = normpath(join(experiment_dir, 'output'))
        if not exists(experiment_output_dir):
            raise FileNotFoundError(
                'The directory {} does not contain '
                'the output of an rsmtool experiment.'.format(experiment_dir))

    # find all the .model files in the experiment output directory
    model_files = glob.glob(join(experiment_output_dir, '*.model'))
    if not model_files:
        raise FileNotFoundError(
            'The directory {} does not contain any rsmtool models.'.format(

    experiment_ids = [splitext(basename(mf))[0] for mf in model_files]
    if experiment_id not in experiment_ids:
        raise FileNotFoundError(
            '{} does not contain a model for the experiment "{}". '
            'The following experiments are contained in this '
            'directory: {}'.format(experiment_output_dir, experiment_id,

    # check that the directory contains outher required files
    required_file_types = ['feature', 'postprocessing_params']
    for file_type in required_file_types:
        expected_file_name = "{}_{}.csv".format(experiment_id, file_type)
        if not exists(join(experiment_output_dir, expected_file_name)):
            raise FileNotFoundError('{} does not contain the required file '
                                    '{} that was generated during the '
                                    'original model training'.format(

    # read in the given features but make sure that the
    # `id_column`, `candidate_column` and subgroups are read in as a string'Reading features from {}'.format(input_features_file))
    string_columns = [id_column, candidate_column] + subgroups
    converter_dict = dict([(column, str) for column in string_columns
                           if column])

    df_input = pd.read_csv(input_features_file, converters=converter_dict)

    # make sure that the columns specified in the config file actually exist
    columns_to_check = [id_column] + subgroups + list(flag_column_dict.keys())

    # add subgroups and the flag columns to the list of columns
    # that will be added to the final file
    columns_to_copy = subgroups + list(flag_column_dict.keys())

    # human_score_column will be set to sc1 by default
    # we only raise an error if it's set to something else.
    # However, since we cannot distinguish whether the column was set
    # to sc1 by default or specified as such in the config file
    # we append it to output anyway as long as
    # it is in the input file

    if human_score_column != 'sc1' or 'sc1' in df_input.columns:

    if candidate_column:

    if second_human_score_column:

    missing_columns = set(columns_to_check).difference(df_input.columns)
    if missing_columns:
        raise KeyError("Columns {} from the config file "
                       "do not exist in the data.".format(missing_columns))

    # rename all columns
    df_input = rename_default_columns(df_input, [],

    # check that the id_column contains unique values
    if df_input['spkitemid'].size != df_input['spkitemid'].unique().size:
        raise ValueError(
            "The data contains repeated response IDs in {}. Please make sure all response IDs are unique and re-run the tool."

    # now we need to pre-process these features using
    # the parameters that are already stored in the
    # _features.csv file.
    df_feature_info = pd.read_csv(join(experiment_output_dir,
    required_features = df_feature_info.index.tolist()

    # ensure that all the features that are needed by the model
    # are present in the input file
    input_feature_columns = [c for c in df_input if c != id_column]
    missing_features = set(required_features).difference(input_feature_columns)
    if missing_features:
        raise KeyError('{} is missing the following features: {}'.format(
            feats_file, missing_features))
    extra_features = set(input_feature_columns).difference(required_features +
    if extra_features:
            'The following extraenous features will be ignored: {}'.format(

    # keep the required features plus the id
    features_to_keep = ['spkitemid'] + required_features

    # check if actually have the human scores for this data and add
    # sc1 to preprocessed features for consistency with other tools
    has_human_scores = 'sc1' in df_input
    if has_human_scores:

    df_features = df_input[features_to_keep]

    # preprocess the feature values'Pre-processing input features')

    # first we need to filter out NaNs and any other
    # weird features, the same way we did for rsmtool.
    df_filtered = df_features.copy()
    df_excluded = pd.DataFrame(columns=df_filtered.columns)

    for feature_name in required_features:
        newdf, newdf_excluded = filter_on_column(df_filtered,
        del df_filtered
        df_filtered = newdf
        df_excluded = pd.merge(df_excluded, newdf_excluded, how='outer')

    # make sure that the remaining data frame is not empty
    if len(df_filtered) == 0:
        raise ValueError(
            "There are no responses left after "
            "filtering out non-numeric feature values. No analysis "
            "will be run")

    df_features = df_filtered.copy()
    df_features_preprocessed = df_features.copy()
    for feature_name in required_features:

        feature_values = df_features[feature_name].values

        feature_transformation = df_feature_info.loc[feature_name]['transform']
        feature_weight = df_feature_info.loc[feature_name]['sign']

        train_feature_mean = df_feature_info.loc[feature_name]['train_mean']
        train_feature_sd = df_feature_info.loc[feature_name]['train_sd']

        train_transformed_mean = df_feature_info.loc[feature_name][
        train_transformed_sd = df_feature_info.loc[feature_name][

        # transform the feature values and remove outliers
        df_features_preprocessed[feature_name] = preprocess_feature(

        # now standardize the feature values
        df_features_preprocessed[feature_name] = (
            df_features_preprocessed[feature_name] -
            train_transformed_mean) / train_transformed_sd

        # Multiply features by weight. Within the
        # current SR timeline, the mean of the transformed train
        # feature used to standardize test features has to be
        # computed before multiplying the train feature by the weight.
        df_features_preprocessed[feature_name] = df_features_preprocessed[
            feature_name] * feature_weight

    # save the pre-processed features to disk if we were asked to
    if feats_file:
            'Saving pre-processed feature values to {}'.format(feats_file))

        # create any directories needed for the output file
        os.makedirs(dirname(feats_file), exist_ok=True)
        df_features_preprocessed.to_csv(feats_file, index=False)

    # now load the SKLL model to generate the predictions
    model = Learner.from_file(
        join(experiment_output_dir, '{}.model'.format(experiment_id)))

    # now generate the predictions for the features using this model'Generating predictions')
    df_predictions = predict_with_model(model, df_features_preprocessed)

    # read in the post-processing parameters from disk
    df_postproc_params = pd.read_csv(
    trim_min = df_postproc_params['trim_min'].values[0]
    trim_max = df_postproc_params['trim_max'].values[0]
    h1_mean = df_postproc_params['h1_mean'].values[0]
    h1_sd = df_postproc_params['h1_sd'].values[0]
    train_predictions_mean = df_postproc_params[
    train_predictions_sd = df_postproc_params['train_predictions_sd'].values[0]

    # now scale the predictions'Rescaling predictions')
    scaled_predictions = (df_predictions['raw'] -
                          train_predictions_mean) / train_predictions_sd
    scaled_predictions = scaled_predictions * h1_sd + h1_mean
    df_predictions['scale'] = scaled_predictions

    # trim and round the predictions'Trimming and rounding predictions')
    df_predictions['raw_trim'] = trim(df_predictions['raw'], trim_min,
    df_predictions['raw_trim_round'] = np.rint(
    df_predictions['scale_trim'] = trim(df_predictions['scale'], trim_min,
    df_predictions['scale_trim_round'] = np.rint(

    # add back the columns that we were requested to copy if any
    if columns_to_copy:
        df_predictions_with_metadata = pd.merge(
            df_predictions, df_input[['spkitemid'] + columns_to_copy])
        assert (len(df_predictions) == len(df_predictions_with_metadata))
        df_predictions_with_metadata = df_predictions.copy()

    # create any directories needed for the output file
    os.makedirs(dirname(output_file), exist_ok=True)

    # save the predictions to disk'Saving predictions to {}'.format(output_file))
    df_predictions_with_metadata.to_csv(output_file, index=False)

    # save excluded responses to disk
    if not df_excluded.empty:
        excluded_output_file = '{}_excluded_responses{}'.format(
            'Saving excluded responses to {}'.format(excluded_output_file))
        df_excluded.to_csv(excluded_output_file, index=False)
def main(argv=None):
    Handles command line arguments and gets things started.

    argv : list of str
        List of arguments, as if specified on the command-line.
        If None, ``sys.argv[1:]`` is used instead.

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Prints out the weights of a \
                                                  given model.",
    parser.add_argument('model_file', help='model file to load')
    group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
                       help='number of top features to print (0 for all)',
                       type=int, default=50)
    group.add_argument("--sort_by_labels", '-s', action='store_true',
                       default=False, help="order the features by classes")
                        choices=['positive', 'negative', 'all'],
                        help='show only positive, only negative, ' +
                             'or all weights')
    parser.add_argument('--version', action='version',
                        version='%(prog)s {0}'.format(__version__))
    args = parser.parse_args(argv)

    # Make warnings from built-in warnings module get formatted more nicely
    logging.basicConfig(format=('%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - ' +

    k = args.k if args.k > 0 else None

    learner = Learner.from_file(args.model_file)
    (weights, intercept) = learner.model_params

    multiclass = False
    model = learner._model
    if (isinstance(model, LinearSVC) or
        (isinstance(model, LogisticRegression) and
            len(learner.label_list) > 2) or
        (isinstance(model, SVC) and
            model.kernel == 'linear')):
        multiclass = True
    weight_items = iteritems(weights)
    if args.sign == 'positive':
        weight_items = (x for x in weight_items if x[1] > 0)
    elif args.sign == 'negative':
        weight_items = (x for x in weight_items if x[1] < 0)

    if intercept is not None:
        # subclass of LinearModel
        if '_intercept_' in intercept:
            # Some learners (e.g. LinearSVR) may return an array of intercepts but
            # sometimes that array is of length 1 so we don't need to print that
            # as an array/list. First, let's normalize these cases.
            model_intercepts = intercept['_intercept_']
            intercept_is_array = isinstance(model_intercepts, np.ndarray)
            num_intercepts = len(model_intercepts) if intercept_is_array else 1
            if intercept_is_array and num_intercepts == 1:
                model_intercepts = model_intercepts[0]
                intercept_is_array = False

            # now print out the intercepts
            print("intercept = {:.12f}".format(model_intercepts))
            print("== intercept values ==")
            for (label, val) in intercept.items():
                print("{: .12f}\t{}".format(val, label))

    print("Number of nonzero features:", len(weights), file=sys.stderr)
    weight_by_class = defaultdict(dict)
    if multiclass and args.sort_by_labels:
        for label_feature, weight in weight_items:
            label, feature = label_feature.split()
            weight_by_class[label][feature] = weight
        for label in sorted(weight_by_class):
            for feat, val in sorted(weight_by_class[label].items(), key=lambda x: -abs(x[1])):
                print("{: .12f}\t{}\t{}".format(val, label, feat))
        for feat, val in sorted(weight_items, key=lambda x: -abs(x[1]))[:k]:
            print("{: .12f}\t{}".format(val, feat))