def scan_xyN (fname, Nframe, tframe, stX, nX, dX, stY, nY, dY, nLoop, logname): ''' Usage: scan_xyN [fname] [Nframe] [tframe] [x0] [Nx] [dx] [y0] [Ny] [dy] [nLoop] [logname] ''' # define PVs to be recorded #p date(),GE_fname,GE_fnum,GE_tframe,GE_Nframe,S[0],S[1],S[2],S[8],S[9],S[10],S[11], # p1Hs,p1Vs,Iring,energy,energy_cal,preamp1,preamp2, # sammy_x,sammy_y,sammy_z,sammy_x2,sammy_z2,sammy_phi, # keyence1,keyence2,cross,load,mts3,mts4,temp1,temp2,temp3,temp4 mac.write_logging_header(logname) for iLoop in range(nLoop): spec.umv(spec.mts_y,stY) for yLoop in range(nY): spec.umv(spec.mts_x2,stX) for xLoop in range(nX): GE_expose(fname, Nframe, tframe) #record beamline and exposure data in parameter file after exposure mac.write_logging_parameters(logname) spec.umvr(spec.mts_x2,dX) spec.umvr(spec.mts_y,dY) mac.beep_dac()
def collect(*args): if len(args) == 0: print "Motors are listed with the innermost loop first." print "Press ^D (control D) to abort input\n" print ("Fastest moving motor (X0) is "+str(spec.GetMtrInfo(motor3)['symbol'])) X0 = macros.UserIn("X0",spec.wm(motor3),float) DX = macros.UserIn("DX",0.1,float) NX = macros.UserIn("NX",1,int) print ("Next fastest moving motor (PHI0) is "+str(spec.GetMtrInfo(motor2)['symbol'])) PHI0 = macros.UserIn("PHI0",spec.wm(motor2),float) DPHI = macros.UserIn("DPHI",0.1,float) NPHI = macros.UserIn("NPHI",1,int) print ("Slowest moving motor (Y0) is "+str(spec.GetMtrInfo(motor1)['symbol'])) Y0 = macros.UserIn("Y0",spec.wm(motor1),float) DY = macros.UserIn("DY",0.1,float) NY = macros.UserIn("NY",1,int) Count = macros.UserIn("count",1.0,float) frames = macros.UserIn("frames",1,int) filename = macros.UserIn("filename",None,str) elif len(args) == 12: X0, DX, NX, PHI0, DPHI, NPHI, Y0, DY, NY, Count, frames, filename = args else: print 'Wrong number of arguments' print ' collect(X0, DX, NX, PHI0, DPHI, NPHI, Y0, DY, NY, Count, frames, filename)' return # print 'NX = ', NX, ', NPH1 = ', NPHI, ', X0 = ', X0, ', DX = ', DX, ', PHI0 = ', PHI0, ', DPH1 = ', DPHI, ', File Name = ', filename, ', Time Per Frame = ', Count, ', Number of Frames = ', frames macros.write_logging_header(logfile) try: for IY in range(NY): Y = Y0 + (IY*DY) spec.umv(motor1,Y) for IPHI in range(NPHI): PHI = PHI0 + (IPHI*DPHI) spec.umv(motor2,PHI) for IX in range(NX): X = X0 + (IX*DX) spec.umv(motor3,X) macros.Copen() spec.count_em(Count*frames) AD.AD_acquire(det,filename,Count,frames,wait=True) spec.wait_count() spec.get_counts() macros.Cclose() macros.write_logging_parameters(logfile) except Exception,err: import traceback msg = "An error occurred at " + macros.specdate() msg += " in file " + __file__ + "\\n\\n" msg += str(traceback.format_exc()) macros.SendTextEmail(userlist, msg, '1-ID Beamline specpy Abort') print 'Error=',err print str(traceback.format_exc())