Esempio n. 1
def calculate_stuff(splits=10, start=0):
    Runs the spreadsheet, first splitting it into `splits` 
    spreadsheets and then joining them. 

    if type(splits) is not int or type(start) is not int:
        raise TypeError

# We are going to split this into 10 smaller pieces through the magic of mod operations! woo.

    split_data = []
    spreadsheets = []

    for i in range(start, splits):
        data_i = data.where(data.SOURCEID % splits == i)


        lookup_i = sp.base_lookup(data_i)

        # The parameter "-1" is the season that tells data_cut not to make
        # any cuts on the data.
        sp_i = sp.spreadsheet_write(data_i,
                                    path2 + 'sp%d.fits' % i,
        # EEEEE this is a flag to come and find this section of code

            now = datetime.datetime.strftime(,
                                             "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
            now = 'sometime'
        print "finished chunk %d at %s" % (i, now)
def calculate_stuff( splits = 10, start=0 ):
    Runs the spreadsheet, first splitting it into `splits` 
    spreadsheets and then joining them. 
    if type(splits) is not int or type(start) is not int:
        raise TypeError

# We are going to split this into 10 smaller pieces through the magic of mod operations! woo.
    split_data = []
    spreadsheets = []

    for i in range(start, splits):
        data_i = data.where(data.SOURCEID % splits == i)
        lookup_i = sp.base_lookup(data_i)
        # The parameter "-1" is the season that tells data_cut not to make 
        # any cuts on the data.
        sp_i = sp.spreadsheet_write(data_i, lookup_i, -1, 
                                    path2+'sp%d.fits'%i, flags=256,
                                    per=True, graded=False, rob=True,
        # EEEEE this is a flag to come and find this section of code
            now = datetime.datetime.strftime(,
                                             "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
            now = 'sometime'
        print "finished chunk %d at %s" % (i, now)
def test():
    ''' Runs spread_write_test. '''
    sp.spread_write_test (data, sp.base_lookup(data, sourceid_offset=44508700000000))
def test():
    ''' Runs spread_write_test. '''
    sp.spread_write_test (data, sp.base_lookup(data))
Esempio n. 5
def test():
    ''' Runs spread_write_test. '''
                         sp.base_lookup(data, sourceid_offset=44508700000000))
def calculate_color_slope_ratios_versus_time_baseline(delta_t_list=None, date_offset=0, shuffle_dates=False):
    Calculates the color slope ratios for each possible time baseline.


    autovars_photometry = variables_photometry.where(
        np.in1d(variables_photometry.SOURCEID, autovars_true.SOURCEID) & 
        (variables_photometry.MEANMJDOBS >= np.min(variables_photometry.MEANMJDOBS) + date_offset))

    date_list = np.sort(list(set(np.floor(autovars_photometry.MEANMJDOBS))))

    # I think this is the only place I need to shuffle? Maybe?
    if shuffle_dates:

    n_positive_slope_list = []
    n_negative_slope_list = []
    n_undef_slope_list = []

    n_variables_list = []

    # calculate these properties:
    # most basic
    properties = [{'name':'time_baseline',


    # how many variables, using different stetson cuts?
          'function':partial(get_n_variables_stetson, stetson=x),
          for x in (0.8, 1.0, 1.2) ] )

    # basic properties -- j, h, k amplitudes / deviations
         for x in ('j', 'h', 'k')
         for y1, y2 in zip(('amplitude', 'deviation'), (np.median, mad))] )

    # now broken down into Class
       [{'name':'{2}_median_{0}_{1}'.format(x,y1, z1),
         for x in ('j', 'h', 'k')
         for y1, y2 in zip(('amplitude', 'deviation'), (np.median, mad))
         for z1, z2 in zip(('protostar', 'disk', 'nondisk'), (protostar_IDs, disk_IDs, nondisk_IDs))] )

    # For a bunch of different obs_initial's...
    # (note: when we test this, we may want to only go from the FIRST observation, and then add in the complexity of all the other ones later)
    # also note: we'll probably want to truncate the MJDs to the nearest integer to avoid any complications from the whole four-exposures-per-band-per-night thing.
    last_n_obs = 0
    for obs_initial in date_list:

        print "Starting from: MJD %f" % obs_initial
        longest_time_separation = max(date_list) - obs_initial

        if delta_t_list == None:
            delta_t_list = range(int(np.ceil(longest_time_separation)))

        for delta_t in delta_t_list:

            relevant_data = autovars_photometry.where(
                (autovars_photometry.MEANMJDOBS >= obs_initial) &
                (autovars_photometry.MEANMJDOBS < obs_initial + delta_t) )

            n_obs = len(list(set(np.floor(relevant_data.MEANMJDOBS))))
            print "%d observations over %d (delta-t) days" % (n_obs, delta_t)

            if n_obs < 2:
                print "not enough observations for this to be called 'variability'. Continuing."
            elif n_obs == last_n_obs:
                print "No new observations have been added. Continuing."
                last_n_obs = n_obs

            # note: 
            # if you don't add any new observations between this delta-t 
            # and the last delta-t, DON'T COMPUTE A SPREADSHEET. just continue.  
            # if timespan_of_relevant_data <= (delta_t - 1):
            #     print timespan_of_relevant_data, delta_t, "timespan is too short to be considered in this delta_t bin. Continuing."
            #                continue

            relevant_lookup = spread3.base_lookup(relevant_data, 0 )
            relevant_spreadsheet = spread3.spreadsheet_write_efficient(
                20, relevant_data, relevant_lookup, -1, None,
                flags=0, colorslope=True, rob=True)

            # then run color_slope_filtering on it...
            relevant_khk_spreadsheet = filter_color_slopes(
                relevant_spreadsheet, 'hk', 
                lower_obs_limit=n_obs/3, upper_obs_limit=n_obs*1.5)
            relevant_khk_spreadsheet_no_slope_confidence = filter_color_slopes(
                relevant_spreadsheet, 'hk', slope_confidence=None,
                lower_obs_limit=n_obs/3, upper_obs_limit=n_obs*1.5)

            targets = {}
            targets['spreadsheet'] = relevant_spreadsheet
            targets['data'] = relevant_data

            # and extract which guys have colors in the relevant ranges!
            n_positive_slope = len(relevant_khk_spreadsheet[
                (np.degrees(np.arctan(relevant_khk_spreadsheet.khk_slope)) > 25) ])
            n_negative_slope = len(relevant_khk_spreadsheet[
                (np.degrees(np.arctan(relevant_khk_spreadsheet.khk_slope)) < -25) ])
            n_undef_slope = (len(relevant_khk_spreadsheet_no_slope_confidence) -
                                (n_positive_slope + n_negative_slope) )

            n_variables = len(relevant_spreadsheet[relevant_spreadsheet.Stetson >= 1.0])

            for prop in properties:
                prop['container'].append(prop['function'](targets[prop['target']]) )

            n_positive_slope_list.append( n_positive_slope )
            n_negative_slope_list.append( n_negative_slope )
            n_undef_slope_list.append( n_undef_slope )

            n_variables_list.append( n_variables)


    color_slope_ratios_table = atpy.Table()

    addc = color_slope_ratios_table.add_column

    addc("n_positive_slope", n_positive_slope_list)
    addc("n_negative_slope", n_negative_slope_list)
    addc("n_undef_slope", n_undef_slope_list)

    addc("n_variables", n_variables_list)

    for prop in properties:
        addc(prop['name'], prop['container'])

    return color_slope_ratios_table