Esempio n. 1
    def test_from_model(self):
        process = ArmaProcess([1, -.8], [1, .3], 1000)
        t = 1000
        rs = np.random.RandomState(12345)
        y = process.generate_sample(t, burnin=100, distrvs=rs.standard_normal)
        res = ARMA(y, (1, 1)).fit(disp=False)
        process_model = ArmaProcess.from_estimation(res)
        process_coef = ArmaProcess.from_coeffs(res.arparams, res.maparams, t)

        assert_equal(process_model.arcoefs, process_coef.arcoefs)
        assert_equal(process_model.macoefs, process_coef.macoefs)
        assert_equal(process_model.nobs, process_coef.nobs)
        assert_equal(process_model.isinvertible, process_coef.isinvertible)
        assert_equal(process_model.isstationary, process_coef.isstationary)
Esempio n. 2
    def test_from_model(self):
        process = ArmaProcess([1, -.8], [1, .3], 1000)
        t = 1000
        rs = np.random.RandomState(12345)
        y = process.generate_sample(t, burnin=100, distrvs=rs.standard_normal)
        res = ARMA(y, (1, 1)).fit(disp=False)
        process_model = ArmaProcess.from_estimation(res)
        process_coef = ArmaProcess.from_coeffs(res.arparams, res.maparams, t)

        assert_equal(process_model.arcoefs, process_coef.arcoefs)
        assert_equal(process_model.macoefs, process_coef.macoefs)
        assert_equal(process_model.nobs, process_coef.nobs)
        assert_equal(process_model.isinvertible, process_coef.isinvertible)
        assert_equal(process_model.isstationary, process_coef.isstationary)
def test_from_estimation(d, seasonal):
    ar = [0.8] if not seasonal else [0.8, 0, 0, 0.2, -0.16]
    ma = [0.4] if not seasonal else [0.4, 0, 0, 0.2, -0.08]
    ap = ArmaProcess.from_coeffs(ar, ma, 500)
    idx = pd.date_range(dt.datetime(1900, 1, 1), periods=500, freq="Q")
    data = ap.generate_sample(500)
    if d == 1:
        data = np.cumsum(data)
    data = pd.Series(data, index=idx)
    seasonal_order = (1, 0, 1, 4) if seasonal else None
    mod = ARIMA(data, order=(1, d, 1), seasonal_order=seasonal_order)
    res =
    ap_from = ArmaProcess.from_estimation(res)
    shape = (5,) if seasonal else (1,)
    assert ap_from.arcoefs.shape == shape
    assert ap_from.macoefs.shape == shape
Esempio n. 4
def early_warnings_null_hypothesis(
    indicators=["var", "ac"],
    Function to estimate the significance of the early warnings analysis
    by performing a null hypothesis test. The function estimate distributions
    of trends in early warning indicators from different surrogate timeseries
    generated after fitting an ARMA(p,q) model on the original data.
    The trends are estimated by the nonparametric Kendall tau correlation
    coefficient and can be compared to the trends estimated in the original
    timeseries to produce probabilities of false positives. The function
    returns a dataframe that contains the Kendall tau rank correlation
    estimates for orignal data and surrogates.
    series : pandas Series
        Time series observations.
    indicators: list of strings
        The statistics (leading indicator) selected for which the sensitivity analysis is perfomed.
    roll_window: float
        Rolling window size as a proportion of the length of the time-series
    smooth : string
        Type of detrending. It can be {'Gaussian', 'Lowess', 'None'}.
    span: float
        Span of time-series data used for Lowess filtering. Taken as a
        proportion of time-series length if in (0,1), otherwise taken as
    band_width: float
        Bandwidth of Gaussian kernel. Taken as a proportion of time-series length if in (0,1),
        otherwise taken as absolute.
    lag_times: list of int
        List of lag times at which to compute autocorrelation.
    n_simulations: int
        The number of surrogate data. Default is 1000.
        A dataframe that contains the Kendall tau rank correlation estimates for each
        indicator estimated on each surrogate dataset.

    ews_dic = ewstools.core.ews_compute(

    from statsmodels.tsa.arima_model import ARIMA
    from statsmodels.tsa.arima_process import ArmaProcess

    # Use the short_series EWS if smooth='None'. Otherwise use reiduals.
    eval_series = ews_dic["EWS metrics"]["Residuals"]

    # Fit ARMA model based on AIC
    aic_max = 10000

    for i in range(0, 2):
        for j in range(0, 2):

            model = ARIMA(eval_series, order=(i, j, 0))
            model_fit =
            aic = model_fit.aic

            print("AR", "MA", "AIC")
            print(i, j, aic)

            if aic < aic_max:
                aic_max = aic
                result = model_fit

    def compute_indicators(series):
        Rolling window indicators computation based on the ewstools.core.ews_compute function from

        df_ews = pd.DataFrame()
        # Compute the rolling window size (integer value)
        rw_size = int(np.floor(roll_window * series.shape[0]))

        # ------------ Compute temporal EWS---------------#

        # Compute standard deviation as a Series and add to the DataFrame
        if "sd" in indicators:
            roll_sd = series.rolling(window=rw_size).std()
            df_ews["Standard deviation"] = roll_sd

        # Compute variance as a Series and add to the DataFrame
        if "var" in indicators:
            roll_var = series.rolling(window=rw_size).var()
            df_ews["Variance"] = roll_var

        # Compute autocorrelation for each lag in lag_times and add to the DataFrame
        if "ac" in indicators:
            for i in range(len(lag_times)):
                roll_ac = series.rolling(window=rw_size).apply(
                    func=lambda x: pd.Series(x).autocorr(lag=lag_times[i]),
                df_ews["Lag-" + str(lag_times[i]) + " AC"] = roll_ac

        # Compute Coefficient of Variation (C.V) and add to the DataFrame
        if "cv" in indicators:
            # mean of raw_series
            roll_mean = series.rolling(window=rw_size).mean()
            # standard deviation of residuals
            roll_std = series.rolling(window=rw_size).std()
            # coefficient of variation
            roll_cv = roll_std.divide(roll_mean)
            df_ews["Coefficient of variation"] = roll_cv

        # Compute skewness and add to the DataFrame
        if "skew" in indicators:
            roll_skew = series.rolling(window=rw_size).skew()
            df_ews["Skewness"] = roll_skew

        # Compute Kurtosis and add to DataFrame
        if "kurt" in indicators:
            roll_kurt = series.rolling(window=rw_size).kurt()
            df_ews["Kurtosis"] = roll_kurt

        # ------------Compute Kendall tau coefficients----------------#
        """ In this section we compute the kendall correlation coefficients for each EWS
            with respect to time. Values close to one indicate high correlation (i.e. EWS
            increasing with time), values close to zero indicate no significant correlation,
            and values close to negative one indicate high negative correlation (i.e. EWS
            decreasing with time)."""

        # Put time values as their own series for correlation computation
        time_vals = pd.Series(df_ews.index, index=df_ews.index)

        # List of EWS that can be used for Kendall tau computation
        ktau_metrics = [
            "Standard deviation",
            "Coefficient of variation",
        ] + ["Lag-" + str(i) + " AC" for i in lag_times]
        # Find intersection with this list and EWS computed
        ews_list = df_ews.columns.values.tolist()
        ktau_metrics = list(set(ews_list) & set(ktau_metrics))

        # Find Kendall tau for each EWS and store in a DataFrame
        dic_ktau = {
            x: df_ews[x].corr(time_vals, method="kendall")
            for x in ktau_metrics
        }  # temporary dictionary
        df_ktau = pd.DataFrame(
            index=[0])  # DataFrame (easier for concatenation purposes)

        # -------------Organise final output and return--------------#

        # Ouptut a dictionary containing EWS DataFrame, power spectra DataFrame, and Kendall tau values
        output_dic = {"EWS metrics": df_ews, "Kendall tau": df_ktau}

        return output_dic

    process = ArmaProcess.from_estimation(result)

    # run simulations on best fitted ARIMA process and get values
    kendall_tau = []
    for i in range(n_simulations):
        ts = process.generate_sample(len(eval_series))

        kendall_tau.append(compute_indicators(pd.Series(ts))["Kendall tau"])

    surrogates_kendall_tau_df = pd.concat(kendall_tau)
    surrogates_kendall_tau_df["true_data"] = False

    # get results for true data
    data_kendall_tau_df = compute_indicators(eval_series)["Kendall tau"]
    data_kendall_tau_df["true_data"] = True

    # return dataframe with both surrogates and true data
    kendall_tau_df = pd.concat(
        [data_kendall_tau_df, surrogates_kendall_tau_df])

    return kendall_tau_df