Esempio n. 1
def stl_file_maker(file, interval=1.5, threshold=0.35, fname='test.stl', gaussian=1):
	This uses the stl_tools numpy2stl in order to convert an array into a 3D printable
	model. This cannot take xyz dimensions and cannot make the full 3D model. It makes the
	2D image 3D printable.


	file : str, name of the file, should be png

	interval : float, rate at which points are taken from the image

	threshold : float, minimum threshold for intensity value

	fname : str, name of exported file

	gaussian : int, number of loops of gaussian filtering data goes through

	earth_radius = 6371 #km

	scale_factor_percent = 0.3

	#Does not work with cropped image 
	#data = io.read_file('2014_05_27__14_38_31_12__SDO_AIA_AIA_304.jp2')	
	header = io.read_file_header(file+'.jp2')

	image = read_png(file+'.png')

	km_per_pixel = km_per_pixel(arcs_per_pix=header[0].__getitem__('IMSCL_MP'))

	#center points for the earth to scale figure

	earth_scale_y = 35
	earth_scale_x = image.shape[1] - 35 #px
	earth_box = 2
	earth_radius_px = earth_radius / km_per_pixel 
	for xpoint in range(data.shape[0]):
		for ypoint in range(data.shape[1]):
			if (np.sqrt((xpoint - earth_scale_x)**2 + (ypoint - earth_scale_y)**2) <= earth_radius_px):
				data[xpoint][ypoint] = 0.1
			elif (((np.absolute(xpoint - (earth_scale_x - earth_scale_y)) < earth_box) & (ypoint < (2. * earth_scale_y))) 
				or (((np.absolute(ypoint - (2. * earth_scale_y)) < earth_box)) & (xpoint > (earth_scale_x - earth_scale_y)))):
				data[xpoint][ypoint] = 0.05
			elif (data[xpoint][ypoint] <= threshold):
				data[xpoint][ypoint] = 0
				data[xpoint][ypoint] = (data[xpoint][ypoint] - threshold) / (1 - threshold)

	data = resize(data, (int(data.shape[0]/interval), int(data.shape[1]/interval)))
	data = gaussian_filter(data, gaussian)
	#dimensions in mm, if scale = 100, then the dimensions will be exact
	numpy2stl(data, fname, scale=100, solid=True, max_width=228.6, 
	max_depth=228.6, max_height=80, force_python=True)['bash', '', fname])
Esempio n. 2
File: Progetto: hbain/sunpy
    def read_header(cls, filepath):
        """Attempts to detect the datasource type and returns meta-information
        for that particular datasource."""
        header = read_file_header(filepath)

        for cls in Map.__subclasses__():
            if cls.is_datasource_for(header):
                properties = cls.get_properties(header)
                properties['header'] = header
                return properties
Esempio n. 3
    def read_header(cls, filepath):
        """Attempts to detect the datasource type and returns meta-information
        for that particular datasource."""
        header = read_file_header(filepath)

        for cls in Map.__subclasses__():
            if cls.is_datasource_for(header):
                properties = cls.get_properties(header)
                properties['header'] = header

                return properties
Esempio n. 4
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Creates a new MapHeader instance"""
        if isinstance(args[0], basestring):
            # filepath
            from import read_file_header
            tags = read_file_header(args[0])
            # dictionary
            tags = args[0]

        # Store all keys as upper-case to allow for case-insensitive indexing
        tags = dict((k.upper(), v) for k, v in tags.items())
        args = (tags,) + args[1:]

        dict.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
Esempio n. 5
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Creates a new MapHeader instance"""
        if isinstance(args[0], basestring):
            # filepath
            from import read_file_header
            tags = read_file_header(args[0])
            # dictionary
            tags = args[0]

        # Store all keys as upper-case to allow for case-insensitive indexing
        tags = dict((k.upper(), v) for k, v in tags.items())
        args = (tags, ) + args[1:]

        dict.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
Esempio n. 6
    def get_header(self, filepath):
        Reads the header from the file and sanitizes it to Fits standards.

        filepath : `str`
            The file to be read

        headers : list
            A list of headers read from the file

        sunpyhead = read_file_header(filepath)

        for subhead in sunpyhead:
            # Remove newlines from comment and history
            if 'comment' in subhead:
                subhead['comment'] = subhead['comment'].replace("\n", "")
            if 'history' in subhead:
                subhead['history'] = subhead['history'].replace("\n", "")

            badkeys = []

            # dumps header keywords that are NaN
            for key, value in subhead.items():
                if type(value) in (int, float):
                    if np.isnan(value):
                        badkeys += [key]

            for key in badkeys:
                subhead.pop(key, None)

        return sunpyhead
def file_finder(date, local=True, index=0):
	This function takes in the date from the It then uses this date to 
	access the website that contains all of the XRT images. It uses a bash 
	script that attempts to download images of a certain url. It attempts to match an 
	image with a date and if successful downloads the images for that date. It then turns
	the first image into an array and a header. If it was unsuccessful, it iterates 
	through dates until it finds a day with pictures

    date = date
    print("initial date is: %s" % date)
    dirname = []
    year_file = date[0:4]
    month_file = date[5:7]
    day_file = date[8:10]

    internet_dir = ''
    local_dir = '/archive/hinode/xrt/level2/synoptics/'

    if (local):
        dir = local_dir
        dir = internet_dir

    counter = 0
    while len(dirname) <= 0:
        #calling bash script
        if (not local):
                ['bash', '', year_file, month_file, day_file])
        date_file = year_file + '/' + month_file + '/' + day_file + '/'
        #loop through files in the directory of year, month, and day finding all files/dirs
        for dirnames in os.walk(dir + date_file):
            counter += 1

        print(year_file, month_file, day_file)

        #iterates through dates if initial date is unsuccessful
        if counter <= 0:
            if ((int(month_file) == 2) & (int(day_file) >= 28)):
                day_file = '0' + str(1)
                month_file = '0' + str(3)
            elif (((int(month_file) == 1) or (int(month_file) == 3) or
                   (int(month_file) == 5) or (int(month_file) == 7) or
                   (int(month_file) == 8) or (int(month_file) == 10))
                  & (int(day_file) >= 31)):
                day_file = '0' + str(1)
                if (int(month_file) < 9):
                    month_file = '0' + str(int(month_file) + 1)
                    month_file = str(int(month_file) + 1)
            elif (((int(month_file) == 4) or (int(month_file) == 6) or
                   (int(month_file) == 9) or (int(month_file) == 11)) &
                  (int(day_file) >= 30)):
                day_file = '0' + str(1)
                if (int(month_file) < 9):
                    month_file = '0' + str(int(month_file) + 1)
                    month_file = str(int(month_file) + 1)
            elif ((int(month_file) == 12) and (int(day_file) >= 31)):
                day_file = '0' + str(1)
                month_file = '0' + str(1)
                year_file = str(int(year_file) + 1)
                if (int(day_file) < 9):
                    day_file = '0' + str(int(day_file) + 1)
                    day_file = str(int(day_file) + 1)

    date_file = year_file + '/' + month_file + '/' + day_file + '/'
    print('date of image: %s' % date_file)

    if (local):
        index = 3 * index + 2

    #picks first image in first directory
    Hname = str(dirname[0][1][0])
    filename = str(dirname[1][2][index])
    #uses sunpy to read .jp2 file into data and header
    data = io.read_file(dir + date_file + Hname + '/' + filename)
    header = io.read_file_header(dir + date_file + Hname + '/' + filename)
    return data, header
Esempio n. 8
def file_finder(date, local=True, index=0):
	This function takes in the date from the It then uses this date to 
	access the website that contains all of the XRT images. It uses a bash 
	script that attempts to download images of a certain url. It attempts to match an 
	image with a date and if successful downloads the images for that date. It then turns
	the first image into an array and a header. If it was unsuccessful, it iterates 
	through dates until it finds a day with pictures

    date = date
    print("initial date is: %s" % date)
    dirname = []

    year_file = date[0:4]
    month_file = date[5:7]
    day_file = date[8:10]

    #This is the path that the file is in and that the image will download to
    dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))

    internet_dir = ''
    local_dir = '/archive/hinode/xrt/level2/synoptics/'

    if (local):
        dir = local_dir
        dir = internet_dir

    counter = 0
    while len(dirname) <= 0:
        #calling bash script
        if (not local):
            #This uses the wget function to access the web page.
            #-r means it does so recursively so that it gets all the files in the directory
            #-np means no parent, so that it does not ascend to the parent directory and download all the images
            #-A means accept list
            #3 inputs from are given that specify the date and name of the image
            command = 'wget -r -np -A .jp2' + year_file + '/' + month_file + '/' + day_file + '/'


        date_file = year_file + '/' + month_file + '/' + day_file + '/'
        #loop through files in the directory of year, month, and day finding all files/dirs
        for dirnames in os.walk(dir + date_file):
            counter += 1

        print(year_file, month_file, day_file)

        #iterates through dates if initial date is unsuccessful
        if counter <= 0:
            if ((int(month_file) == 2) & (int(day_file) >= 28)):
                day_file = '0' + str(1)
                month_file = '0' + str(3)
            elif (((int(month_file) == 1) or (int(month_file) == 3) or
                   (int(month_file) == 5) or (int(month_file) == 7) or
                   (int(month_file) == 8) or (int(month_file) == 10))
                  & (int(day_file) >= 31)):
                day_file = '0' + str(1)
                if (int(month_file) < 9):
                    month_file = '0' + str(int(month_file) + 1)
                    month_file = str(int(month_file) + 1)
            elif (((int(month_file) == 4) or (int(month_file) == 6) or
                   (int(month_file) == 9) or (int(month_file) == 11)) &
                  (int(day_file) >= 30)):
                day_file = '0' + str(1)
                if (int(month_file) < 9):
                    month_file = '0' + str(int(month_file) + 1)
                    month_file = str(int(month_file) + 1)
            elif ((int(month_file) == 12) and (int(day_file) >= 31)):
                day_file = '0' + str(1)
                month_file = '0' + str(1)
                year_file = str(int(year_file) + 1)
                if (int(day_file) < 9):
                    day_file = '0' + str(int(day_file) + 1)
                    day_file = str(int(day_file) + 1)

    date_file = year_file + '/' + month_file + '/' + day_file + '/'
    print('date of image: %s' % date_file)

    if (local):
        index = 3 * index + 2

    #picks first image in first directory
    Hname = str(dirname[0][1][0])
    filename = str(dirname[1][2][index])
    #uses sunpy to read .jp2 file into data and header
    data = io.read_file(dir + date_file + Hname + '/' + filename)
    header = io.read_file_header(dir + date_file + Hname + '/' + filename)
    #removes the downloaded files from the online archive
    os.system('rm -r')
    os.system('rm -r wget-log')
    return data, header