Esempio n. 1
def test_sparse_shared_memory():
    # Note : There are no inplace ops on sparse matrix yet. If one is
    # someday implemented, we could test it here.
    a = random_lil((3, 4), 'float32', 3).tocsr()
    m1 = random_lil((4, 4), 'float32', 3).tocsr()
    m2 = random_lil((4, 4), 'float32', 3).tocsr()
    x = SparseType('csr', dtype='float32')()
    y = SparseType('csr', dtype='float32')()

    sdot = theano.sparse.structured_dot
    z = sdot(x * 3, m1) + sdot(y * 2, m2)

    f = theano.function(
        [theano.In(x, mutable=True),
         theano.In(y, mutable=True)],

    def f_(x, y, m1=m1, m2=m2):
        return * 3, m1) + * 2, m2)

    assert SparseType.may_share_memory(a, a)  # This is trivial
    result = f(a, a)
    result_ = f_(a, a)
    assert (result_.todense() == result.todense()).all()
Esempio n. 2
def test_may_share_memory():
    a = scipy.sparse.csc_matrix(scipy.sparse.eye(5, 3))
    b = scipy.sparse.csc_matrix(scipy.sparse.eye(4, 3))
    as_ar = lambda a: theano._asarray(a, dtype="int32")
    for a_, b_, rep in [
        (a, a, True),
        (b, b, True),
        (a, b, False),
        (a,, True),
        (a, a.indptr, True),
        (a, a.indices, True),
        (a, as_ar(a.shape), False),
        (, a, True),
        (a.indptr, a, True),
        (a.indices, a, True),
        (as_ar(a.shape), a, False),
        (b,, True),
        (b, b.indptr, True),
        (b, b.indices, True),
        (b, as_ar(b.shape), False),
        (, b, True),
        (b.indptr, b, True),
        (b.indices, b, True),
        (as_ar(b.shape), b, False),
        (, a, False),
        (b.indptr, a, False),
        (b.indices, a, False),
        (as_ar(b.shape), a, False),

        assert SparseType.may_share_memory(a_, b_) == rep
Esempio n. 3
    def test_graph_bprop_rand(self):
        for i in range(10):
            xorig = numpy.random.rand(3, 2)
            for mtype in _mtypes:
                x = tensor.matrix('x')
                w = SparseType(dtype='float64',
                xw = dense_from_sparse(true_dot(w, x))
                y = dense_from_sparse(true_dot(w.T, xw))
                diff = x - y
                loss = tensor.sum(tensor.sqr(diff))
                gw = tensor.grad(loss, w)
                trainfn = compile.function([x, w], [y, loss, gw])

                x = xorig
                w = mtype((500, 3))
                w[(10, 1)] = 1
                w[(20, 2)] = 2
                lr = 0.001
                y, origloss, gw = trainfn(x, w)
                for epoch in xrange(50):
                    y, loss, gw = trainfn(x, w)
                    w = w - (lr * gw)

                self.assertTrue(origloss > loss)
Esempio n. 4
    def test_graph_bprop0(self):
        for mtype in _mtypes:
            x = tensor.matrix(
            )  #TensorType('float64', broadcastable=[False,False], name='x')
            w = SparseType(dtype='float64',
            xw = dense_from_sparse(true_dot(w, x))
            y = dense_from_sparse(true_dot(w.T, xw))
            diff = x - y
            loss = tensor.sum(tensor.sqr(diff))
            gw = tensor.grad(loss, w)
            trainfn = compile.function([x, w], [y, loss, gw])

            x = numpy.asarray([[1., 2], [3, 4], [2, 1]])
            w = mtype((500, 3))
            w[(10, 1)] = 1
            w[(20, 2)] = 2
            lr = 0.001
            y, origloss, gw = trainfn(x, w)
            for epoch in xrange(50):
                y, loss, gw = trainfn(x, w)
                w = w - (lr * gw)
                print loss

            self.assertTrue(origloss > loss)
            self.assertTrue('1.05191241115' == str(loss))
Esempio n. 5
    def function(self, name=None, repr_index=-1, sparse_input=False):
        Compile a function computing representations on given layers.

        name : string, optional
            name of the function
        repr_index : int, optional
            Index of the hidden representation to return.
            0 means the input, -1 the last output.
        sparse_input : bool, optional


        if sparse_input:
            inputs = SparseType('csr', dtype=theano.config.floatX)()
            inputs = tensor.matrix()

        return theano.function([inputs],
Esempio n. 6
    def test_upcast(self):

        typenames = ('float32', 'int64', 'int8', 'int32', 'int16', 'float64',
                     'complex64', 'complex128')
        for dense_dtype in typenames:
            for sparse_dtype in typenames:
                correct_dtype = theano.scalar.upcast(sparse_dtype, dense_dtype)
                a = SparseType('csc', dtype=sparse_dtype)()
                b = tensor.matrix(dtype=dense_dtype)
                d = structured_dot(a, b)
                assert d.type.dtype == correct_dtype

                # compile and run a function

                f = theano.function([a, b], d)

                M, N, K, nnz = (4, 3, 5, 3)
                spmat = sp.csc_matrix(random_lil((M, N), sparse_dtype, nnz))
                # the following madness is necessary to workaround
                # an intc vs. int32 bug.
                # The lil makes an intc on my computer when sparse_dtype
                # is int32.
                spmat.dtype = numpy.dtype(sparse_dtype)
                mat = numpy.asarray(numpy.random.randn(N, K) * 9,
                print 'DTYPES', sparse_dtype, dense_dtype
                print 'sym types', a.type, b.type
                print 'dtype strings', spmat.dtype, mat.dtype
                print 'numpy dtype num', mat.dtype.num
                print 'scipy dtype num',
                theano_result = f(spmat, mat)
                scipy_result = spmat * mat
                assert theano_result.shape == scipy_result.shape
                assert theano_result.dtype == scipy_result.dtype
                assert _allclose(theano_result, scipy_result)
Esempio n. 7
def test_may_share_memory():
    a = scipy.sparse.csc_matrix(scipy.sparse.eye(5, 3))
    b = scipy.sparse.csc_matrix(scipy.sparse.eye(4, 3))
    as_ar = lambda a: theano._asarray(a, dtype='int32')
    for a_, b_, rep in [
        (a, a, True),
        (b, b, True),
        (a, b, False),
        (a,, True),
        (a, a.indptr, True),
        (a, a.indices, True),
        (a, as_ar(a.shape), False),
        (, a, True),
        (a.indptr, a, True),
        (a.indices, a, True),
        (as_ar(a.shape), a, False),
        (b,, True),
        (b, b.indptr, True),
        (b, b.indices, True),
        (b, as_ar(b.shape), False),
        (, b, True),
        (b.indptr, b, True),
        (b.indices, b, True),
        (as_ar(b.shape), b, False),
        (, a, False),
        (b.indptr, a, False),
        (b.indices, a, False),
        (as_ar(b.shape), a, False),

        assert SparseType.may_share_memory(a_, b_) == rep
Esempio n. 8
    def function(self, name=None):
        Returns a compiled theano function to compute a representation

        name : str
        inputs = SparseType('csr', dtype=theano.config.floatX)()
        return theano.function([inputs], self(inputs), name=name)
Esempio n. 9
    def test_dot_sparse_sparse(self):
        #test dot for 2 input sparse matrix
        sparse_dtype = 'float64'
        sp_mat = {'csc': sp.csc_matrix, 'csr': sp.csr_matrix}

        for sparse_format_a in ['csc', 'csr']:
            for sparse_format_b in ['csc', 'csr']:
                a = SparseType(sparse_format_a, dtype=sparse_dtype)()
                b = SparseType(sparse_format_b, dtype=sparse_dtype)()
                d =, b)
                f = theano.function([a, b], theano.Out(d, borrow=True))
                topo = f.maker.env.toposort()
                for M, N, K, nnz in [
                    (4, 3, 2, 3),
                    (40, 30, 20, 3),
                    (40, 30, 20, 30),
                    (400, 3000, 200, 6000),
                    a_val = sp_mat[sparse_format_a](random_lil(
                        (M, N), sparse_dtype, nnz))
                    b_val = sp_mat[sparse_format_b](random_lil(
                        (N, K), sparse_dtype, nnz))
                    f(a_val, b_val)
Esempio n. 10
def test_shape():
    # Test that getting the shape of a sparse variable
    # does not actually create a dense tensor in the process.
    sparse_dtype = 'float32'

    a = SparseType('csr', dtype=sparse_dtype)()
    f = theano.function([a], a.shape)
    assert numpy.all(
        f(sp.csr_matrix(random_lil((100, 10), sparse_dtype, 3))) == (100, 10))
    if theano.config.mode != 'FAST_COMPILE':
        topo = f.maker.env.toposort()
        assert len(topo) == 3
        assert isinstance(topo[0].op, tensor.opt.Shape_i)
        assert isinstance(topo[1].op, tensor.opt.Shape_i)
        assert isinstance(topo[2].op, tensor.opt.MakeVector)
Esempio n. 11
    def test_csc_correct_output_faster_than_scipy(self):
        sparse_dtype = 'float64'
        dense_dtype = 'float64'

        a = SparseType('csc', dtype=sparse_dtype)()
        b = tensor.matrix(dtype=dense_dtype)
        d =, b)
        f = theano.function([a, b], theano.Out(d, borrow=True))

        for M, N, K, nnz in [
            (4, 3, 2, 3),
            (40, 30, 20, 3),
            (40, 30, 20, 30),
            (400, 3000, 200, 6000),
            spmat = sp.csc_matrix(random_lil((M, N), sparse_dtype, nnz))
            mat = numpy.asarray(numpy.random.randn(N, K), dense_dtype)
            theano_times = []
            scipy_times = []
            for i in xrange(5):
                t0 = time.time()
                theano_result = f(spmat, mat)
                t1 = time.time()
                scipy_result = spmat * mat
                t2 = time.time()

                theano_times.append(t1 - t0)
                scipy_times.append(t2 - t1)

            theano_time = numpy.min(theano_times)
            scipy_time = numpy.min(scipy_times)

            speedup = scipy_time / theano_time
            print scipy_times
            print theano_times
                'M=%(M)s N=%(N)s K=%(K)s nnz=%(nnz)s theano_time'
                '=%(theano_time)s speedup=%(speedup)s') % locals()

            # fail if Theano is slower than scipy by more than a certain amount
            overhead_tol = 0.003  # seconds overall
            overhead_rtol = 1.2  # times as long
            self.assertTrue(numpy.allclose(theano_result, scipy_result))
            if not theano.config.mode in ["DebugMode", "DEBUG_MODE"]:
                    theano_time > overhead_rtol * scipy_time + overhead_tol)
Esempio n. 12
def test_sparse_shared_memory():
    # Note : There are no inplace ops on sparse matrix yet. If  one is someday implemented, we could test it here.
    a = random_lil((3,4), 'float32', 3).tocsr()
    m1 = random_lil((4,4), 'float32', 3).tocsr()
    m2 = random_lil((4,4), 'float32', 3).tocsr()
    x = SparseType('csr', dtype='float32')()
    y = SparseType('csr', dtype='float32')()

    sdot = theano.sparse.structured_dot
    z = sdot(x*3,m1) + sdot(y*2, m2)

    f = theano.function([theano.In(x,mutable=True),theano.In(y,mutable = True)],z, mode='FAST_RUN')

    def f_(x,y,m1=m1,m2=m2):
        return*3,m1) +*2,m2)

    assert SparseType.may_share_memory(a,a) #This is trivial
    result  = f(a,a)
    result_ = f_(a,a)
    assert (result_.todense() == result.todense()).all()
Esempio n. 13
    def test_csr_correct_output_faster_than_scipy(self):

        #contrast with test_grad, we put csr in float32, csc in float64

        sparse_dtype = 'float32'
        dense_dtype = 'float32'

        a = SparseType('csr', dtype=sparse_dtype)()
        b = tensor.matrix(dtype=dense_dtype)
        d =, b)
        f = theano.function([a, b], d)

        for M, N, K, nnz in [
            (4, 3, 2, 3),
            (40, 30, 20, 3),
            (40, 30, 20, 30),
            (400, 3000, 200, 6000),
            spmat = sp.csr_matrix(random_lil((M, N), sparse_dtype, nnz))
            mat = numpy.asarray(numpy.random.randn(N, K), dense_dtype)
            t0 = time.time()
            theano_result = f(spmat, mat)
            t1 = time.time()
            scipy_result = spmat * mat
            t2 = time.time()

            theano_time = t1 - t0
            scipy_time = t2 - t1
            #print theano_result
            #print scipy_result
            print 'theano took', theano_time,
            print 'scipy took', scipy_time
            overhead_tol = 0.002  # seconds
            overhead_rtol = 1.1  # times as long
            self.assertTrue(numpy.allclose(theano_result, scipy_result))
            if not theano.config.mode in ["DebugMode", "DEBUG_MODE"]:
                    theano_time > overhead_rtol * scipy_time + overhead_tol)
Esempio n. 14
    def make_node(self, x, y):
        :note: Because of trickiness of implementing, we assume that the left argument x is SparseVariable (not dense)
        if x.type.dtype != y.type.dtype:
            raise NotImplementedError()

        if not _is_sparse_variable(x):
            raise TypeError(x)

        # These are the conversions performed by
        if x.type.format == "csc" or x.type.format == "coo":
            myformat = "csc"
        elif x.type.format == "csr":
            myformat = "csr"
            raise NotImplementedError()

        inputs = [x, y]  # Need to convert? e.g. assparse
        outputs = [
            SparseType(dtype=x.type.dtype, format=myformat).make_variable()
        return gof.Apply(self, inputs, outputs)
Esempio n. 15
def test_shape_i():
    sparse_dtype = 'float32'

    a = SparseType('csr', dtype=sparse_dtype)()
    f = theano.function([a], a.shape[1])
    assert f(sp.csr_matrix(random_lil((100, 10), sparse_dtype, 3))) == 10