class VistaCartas: # tamaño de la ventana X = 1000 Y = 700 def __init__(self, parentWindow): self.juego = JuegoCartas() self.fechaInicio ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') self.root = Toplevel() self.parentWindow = parentWindow self.root.title("FLEX. COGNITIVA.") self.root.config(heigh=self.Y, width=self.X) self.root.configure(bg='white') self.nivelActual = None self.terminado = False self.segundos = 0 self.root.resizable(width=False, height=False) self.hilo2 = threading.Thread(target=self.ejecutarCronometro) self.hilo2.start() self.imagesRoutes = [] for e in self.juego.cartasBase: self.imagesRoutes.append(e.ruta) self.imageOne = PhotoImage(file=self.imagesRoutes[0]) self.imageTwo = PhotoImage(file=self.imagesRoutes[1]) self.imageThree = PhotoImage(file=self.imagesRoutes[2]) self.imageFour = PhotoImage(file=self.imagesRoutes[3]) self.imageLevel = PhotoImage( file="game4/assets/images/circulo,azul,1.png") windowWidth = self.root.winfo_reqwidth() windowHeight = self.root.winfo_reqheight() positionRight = int(self.root.winfo_screenwidth() / 2 - windowWidth / 2) positionDown = int(self.root.winfo_screenheight() / 2 - windowHeight / 2) self.root.geometry("+{}+{}".format(positionRight, positionDown)) self.nivelActualStr = "Nivel 1" self.label1 = Label(self.root, text=self.nivelActualStr) self.label1.config(font=("Righteous", 30), bg="white") self.label1.pack(), x=self.X / 2, y=50) self.boton1 = Button(self.root, image=self.imageOne, relief=RAISED, bd=0, bg="white") self.boton1.configure( command=lambda: self.presionarBoton(self.imagesRoutes[0])) self.boton1.pack(), x=self.X / 2 - 250, y=self.Y / 2 - 100) self.boton2 = Button(self.root, image=self.imageTwo, relief=RAISED, bd=0, bg="white") self.boton2.configure( command=lambda: self.presionarBoton(self.imagesRoutes[1])) self.boton2.pack(), x=self.X / 2 - 85, y=self.Y / 2 - 100) self.boton3 = Button(self.root, image=self.imageThree, relief=RAISED, bd=0, bg="white") self.boton3.configure( command=lambda: self.presionarBoton(self.imagesRoutes[2])) self.boton3.pack(), x=self.X / 2 + 85, y=self.Y / 2 - 100) self.boton4 = Button(self.root, image=self.imageFour, relief=RAISED, bd=0, bg="white") self.boton4.configure( command=lambda: self.presionarBoton(self.imagesRoutes[3])) self.boton4.pack(), x=self.X / 2 + 250, y=self.Y / 2 - 100) self.label2 = Label(self.root, image=self.imageLevel, bd=0, bg="white") self.label2.configure() self.label2.pack(), x=self.X / 2, y=self.Y / 2 + 180) #Aciertos acumulados self.label3 = Label(self.root, text="Aciertos: ") self.label3.config(font=("Righteous", 20), bg="white") self.label3.pack(), x=self.X - 200, y=500) self.label4 = Label(self.root, text="2") self.label4.config(font=("Righteous", 20), bg="white") self.label4.pack(), x=self.X - 130, y=500) self.pintarNivel() self.root.mainloop() def pintarNivel(self): self.nivelActual = self.juego.obtenerNivel() if self.nivelActual is None: self.terminado = True self.crearResultados() else: self.pintarRonda() def crearResultados(self): segundos = self.segundos % 60 minutos = int(self.segundos / 60) aciertos, fallos = self.juego.calcularResultados() stringMBOX = "Total aciertos: " + str( aciertos) + ". \nTotal Errores: " + str( fallos) + "\nTiempo transcurrido: " + str( minutos) + "m:" + str(segundos) + "s." mbox.showinfo("Juego completado", stringMBOX) stringResultado = "[Nivel 1] Fecha: " + self.fechaInicio + ", Aciertos: " + str( aciertos) + ", Errores: " + str(fallos) + ", Minutos: " + str( minutos) + ", Segundos: " + str(segundos) + "\n" guardarLog(stringResultado) self.root.destroy() self.parentWindow.deiconify() def presionarBoton(self, ruta): self.nivelActual.validarJugada(ruta) if self.nivelActual.ganoNivel(): self.pintarNivel() else: self.pintarRonda() def pintarRonda(self): self.label1.configure(text="Nivel " + str(self.nivelActual.numNivel)) self.label4.configure(text=self.nivelActual.contAciertos) carta = self.nivelActual.cargarCarta() self.imageLevel.configure(file=carta.ruta) self.label2.configure(image=self.imageLevel) def iniciarHilo(self): self.hilo2 = threading.Thread(target=self.reproducir) self.hilo2.start() def ejecutarCronometro(self): while (not self.terminado): time.sleep(1) self.segundos += 1
class App(Tk): """ Main app. Put an icon in the system tray with a right click menu to create notes. """ def __init__(self): Tk.__init__(self) self.withdraw() self.notes = {} self.img = PhotoImage(file=cst.IM_ICON) self.icon = PhotoImage(master=self, file=cst.IM_ICON_48) self.iconphoto(True, self.icon) self.ewmh = ewmh.EWMH() style = Style(self) style.theme_use("clam") self.close1 = PhotoImage("img_close", file=cst.IM_CLOSE) self.close2 = PhotoImage("img_closeactive", file=cst.IM_CLOSE_ACTIVE) self.roll1 = PhotoImage("img_roll", file=cst.IM_ROLL) self.roll2 = PhotoImage("img_rollactive", file=cst.IM_ROLL_ACTIVE) self.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self.quit) self.icon = tktray.Icon(self, docked=True) # --- Menu self.menu_notes = Menu(, tearoff=False) self.hidden_notes = {cat: {} for cat in CONFIG.options("Categories")} self.menu_show_cat = Menu(, tearoff=False) self.menu_hide_cat = Menu(, tearoff=False) self.icon.configure(image=self.img)"New Note"),'Show All'), command=self.show_all)'Show Category'), menu=self.menu_show_cat)'Show Note'), menu=self.menu_notes, state="disabled")'Hide All'), command=self.hide_all)'Hide Category'), menu=self.menu_hide_cat)"Preferences"), command=self.config)"Note Manager"), command=self.manage)"Backup Notes"), command=self.backup)"Restore Backup"), command=self.restore)"Export"), command=self.export_notes)"Import"), command=self.import_notes)'Check for Updates'), command=lambda: UpdateChecker(self))'About'), command=lambda: About(self))'Quit'), command=self.quit) # --- Restore notes self.note_data = {} if os.path.exists(PATH_DATA): with open(PATH_DATA, "rb") as fich: dp = pickle.Unpickler(fich) note_data = dp.load() for i, key in enumerate(note_data): self.note_data["%i" % i] = note_data[key] backup() for key in self.note_data: data = self.note_data[key] cat = data["category"] if not CONFIG.has_option("Categories", cat): CONFIG.set("Categories", cat, data["color"]) if data["visible"]: self.notes[key] = Sticky(self, key, **data) else: self.add_note_to_menu(key, data["title"], cat) self.nb = len(self.note_data) self.update_menu() self.update_notes() self.make_notes_sticky() # --- class bindings # newline depending on mode self.bind_class("Text", "<Return>", self.insert_newline) # char deletion taking into account list type self.bind_class("Text", "<BackSpace>", self.delete_char) # change Ctrl+A to select all instead of go to the beginning of the line self.bind_class('Text', '<Control-a>', self.select_all_text) self.bind_class('TEntry', '<Control-a>', self.select_all_entry) # bind Ctrl+Y to redo self.bind_class('Text', '<Control-y>', self.redo_event) # unbind Ctrl+I and Ctrl+B self.bind_class('Text', '<Control-i>', lambda e: None) self.bind_class('Text', '<Control-b>', lambda e: None) # highlight checkboxes when inside text selection self.bind_class("Text", "<ButtonPress-1>", self.highlight_checkboxes, True) self.bind_class("Text", "<ButtonRelease-1>", self.highlight_checkboxes, True) self.bind_class("Text", "<B1-Motion>", self.highlight_checkboxes, True) evs = [ '<<SelectAll>>', '<<SelectLineEnd>>', '<<SelectLineStart>>', '<<SelectNextChar>>', '<<SelectNextLine>>', '<<SelectNextPara>>', '<<SelectNextWord>>', '<<SelectNone>>', '<<SelectPrevChar>>', '<<SelectPrevLine>>', '<<SelectPrevPara>>', '<<SelectPrevWord>>' ] for ev in evs: self.bind_class("Text", ev, self.highlight_checkboxes, True) # check for updates if CONFIG.getboolean("General", "check_update"): UpdateChecker(self) # --- class bindings methods def highlight_checkboxes(self, event): txt = event.widget try: deb = cst.sorting(txt.index("sel.first")) fin = cst.sorting(txt.index("sel.last")) for ch in txt.children.values(): try: i = cst.sorting(txt.index(ch)) if i >= deb and i <= fin: ch.configure(style="sel.TCheckbutton") else: ch.configure( + ".TCheckbutton") except TclError: pass except TclError: for ch in txt.children.values(): try: i = cst.sorting(txt.index(ch)) ch.configure( + ".TCheckbutton") except TclError: pass def redo_event(self, event): try: event.widget.edit_redo() except TclError: # nothing to redo pass def select_all_entry(self, event): event.widget.selection_range(0, "end") def select_all_text(self, event): event.widget.tag_add("sel", "1.0", "end-1c") self.highlight_checkboxes(event) def delete_char(self, event): txt = event.widget deb_line = txt.get("insert linestart", "insert") tags = txt.tag_names("insert") if txt.tag_ranges("sel"): if txt.tag_nextrange("enum", "sel.first", "sel.last"): update = True else: update = False txt.delete("sel.first", "sel.last") if update: txt.master.update_enum() elif txt.index("insert") != "1.0": if re.match('^\t[0-9]+\.\t$', deb_line) and 'enum' in tags: txt.delete("insert linestart", "insert") txt.insert("insert", "\t\t") txt.master.update_enum() elif deb_line == "\t•\t" and 'list' in tags: txt.delete("insert linestart", "insert") txt.insert("insert", "\t\t") elif deb_line == "\t\t": txt.delete("insert linestart", "insert") elif "todolist" in tags and txt.index("insert") == txt.index( "insert linestart+1c"): try: ch = txt.window_cget("insert-1c", "window") txt.delete("insert-1c") txt.children[ch.split('.')[-1]].destroy() txt.insert("insert", "\t\t") except TclError: txt.delete("insert-1c") else: txt.delete("insert-1c") def insert_newline(self, event): mode = event.widget.master.mode.get() if mode == "list": event.widget.insert("insert", "\n\t•\t") event.widget.tag_add("list", "1.0", "end") elif mode == "todolist": event.widget.insert("insert", "\n") ch = Checkbutton(event.widget, takefocus=False, + ".TCheckbutton") event.widget.window_create("insert", window=ch) event.widget.tag_add("todolist", "1.0", "end") elif mode == "enum": event.widget.configure(autoseparators=False) event.widget.edit_separator() event.widget.insert("insert", "\n\t0.\t") event.widget.master.update_enum() event.widget.edit_separator() event.widget.configure(autoseparators=True) else: event.widget.insert("insert", "\n") def make_notes_sticky(self): for w in self.ewmh.getClientList(): if w.get_wm_name()[:7] == 'mynotes': self.ewmh.setWmState(w, 1, '_NET_WM_STATE_STICKY') self.ewmh.display.flush() def add_note_to_menu(self, nb, note_title, category): """add note to 'show notes' menu. """ try: name = self.menu_notes.entrycget(category.capitalize(), 'menu') if not isinstance(name, str): name = str(name) menu = self.menu_notes.children[name.split('.')[-1]] end = menu.index("end") if end is not None: # le menu n'est pas vide titles = self.hidden_notes[category].values() titles = [t for t in titles if t.split(" ~#")[0] == note_title] if titles: title = "%s ~#%i" % (note_title, len(titles) + 1) else: title = note_title else: title = note_title except TclError: # cat is not in the menu menu = Menu(self.menu_notes, tearoff=False) self.menu_notes.add_cascade(label=category.capitalize(), menu=menu) title = note_title menu.add_command(label=title, command=lambda: self.show_note(nb)), state="normal") self.hidden_notes[category][nb] = title def backup(self): """Create a backup at the location indicated by user.""" initialdir, initialfile = os.path.split(PATH_DATA_BACKUP % 0) fichier = asksaveasfilename(defaultextension=".backup", filetypes=[], initialdir=initialdir, initialfile="notes.backup0", title=_('Backup Notes')) if fichier: try: with open(fichier, "wb") as fich: dp = pickle.Pickler(fich) dp.dump(self.note_data) except Exception as e: report_msg = e.strerror != 'Permission denied' showerror(_("Error"), _("Backup failed."), traceback.format_exc(), report_msg) def restore(self, fichier=None, confirmation=True): """Restore notes from backup.""" if confirmation: rep = askokcancel( _("Warning"), _("Restoring a backup will erase the current notes."), icon="warning") else: rep = True if rep: if fichier is None: fichier = askopenfilename(defaultextension=".backup", filetypes=[], initialdir=LOCAL_PATH, initialfile="", title=_('Restore Backup')) if fichier: try: keys = list(self.note_data.keys()) for key in keys: self.delete_note(key) if not os.path.samefile(fichier, PATH_DATA): copy(fichier, PATH_DATA) with open(PATH_DATA, "rb") as myfich: dp = pickle.Unpickler(myfich) note_data = dp.load() for i, key in enumerate(note_data): data = note_data[key] note_id = "%i" % i self.note_data[note_id] = data cat = data["category"] if not CONFIG.has_option("Categories", cat): CONFIG.set("Categories", cat, data["color"]) if data["visible"]: self.notes[note_id] = Sticky(self, note_id, **data) self.nb = len(self.note_data) self.update_menu() self.update_notes() except FileNotFoundError: showerror( _("Error"), _("The file {filename} does not exists.").format( filename=fichier)) except Exception as e: showerror(_("Error"), str(e), traceback.format_exc(), True) def show_all(self): """Show all notes.""" for cat in self.hidden_notes.keys(): keys = list(self.hidden_notes[cat].keys()) for key in keys: self.show_note(key) def show_cat(self, category): """Show all notes belonging to category.""" keys = list(self.hidden_notes[category].keys()) for key in keys: self.show_note(key) def hide_all(self): """Hide all notes.""" keys = list(self.notes.keys()) for key in keys: self.notes[key].hide() def hide_cat(self, category): """Hide all notes belonging to category.""" keys = list(self.notes.keys()) for key in keys: if self.note_data[key]["category"] == category: self.notes[key].hide() def manage(self): """Launch note manager.""" Manager(self) def config(self): """Launch the setting manager.""" conf = Config(self) self.wait_window(conf) col_changes, name_changes = conf.get_changes() if col_changes or name_changes: self.update_notes(col_changes, name_changes) self.update_menu() alpha = CONFIG.getint("General", "opacity") / 100 for note in self.notes.values(): note.attributes("-alpha", alpha) note.update_title_font() note.update_text_font() note.update_titlebar() def delete_cat(self, category): """Delete all notes belonging to category.""" keys = list(self.notes.keys()) for key in keys: if self.note_data[key]["category"] == category: self.notes[key].delete(confirmation=False) def delete_note(self, nb): if self.note_data[nb]["visible"]: self.notes[nb].delete(confirmation=False) else: cat = self.note_data[nb]["category"] name = self.menu_notes.entrycget(cat.capitalize(), 'menu') if not isinstance(name, str): name = str(name) menu = self.menu_notes.children[name.split('.')[-1]] index = menu.index(self.hidden_notes[cat][nb]) menu.delete(index) if menu.index("end") is None: # the menu is empty self.menu_notes.delete(cat.capitalize()) if self.menu_notes.index('end') is None:, state="disabled") del (self.hidden_notes[cat][nb]) del (self.note_data[nb]) def show_note(self, nb): """Display the note corresponding to the 'nb' key in self.note_data.""" self.note_data[nb]["visible"] = True cat = self.note_data[nb]["category"] name = self.menu_notes.entrycget(cat.capitalize(), 'menu') if not isinstance(name, str): name = str(name) menu = self.menu_notes.children[name.split('.')[-1]] index = menu.index(self.hidden_notes[cat][nb]) del (self.hidden_notes[cat][nb]) self.notes[nb] = Sticky(self, nb, **self.note_data[nb]) menu.delete(index) if menu.index("end") is None: # the menu is empty self.menu_notes.delete(cat.capitalize()) if self.menu_notes.index('end') is None:, state="disabled") self.make_notes_sticky() def update_notes(self, col_changes={}, name_changes={}): """Update the notes after changes in the categories.""" categories = CONFIG.options("Categories") categories.sort() self.menu_notes.delete(0, "end") self.hidden_notes = {cat: {} for cat in categories} for key in self.note_data: cat = self.note_data[key]["category"] if cat in name_changes: cat = name_changes[cat] self.note_data[key]["category"] = cat if self.note_data[key]["visible"]: self.notes[key].change_category(cat) elif cat not in categories: default = CONFIG.get("General", "default_category") default_color = CONFIG.get("Categories", default) if self.note_data[key]["visible"]: self.notes[key].change_category(default) self.note_data[key]["category"] = default self.note_data[key]["color"] = default_color cat = default if cat in col_changes: old_color, new_color = col_changes[cat] if self.note_data[key]["color"] == old_color: self.note_data[key]["color"] = new_color if self.note_data[key]["visible"]: self.notes[key].change_color(cst.INV_COLORS[new_color]) if not self.note_data[key]['visible']: self.add_note_to_menu(key, self.note_data[key]["title"], self.note_data[key]['category']) else: self.notes[key].update_menu_cat(categories) if self.menu_notes.index("end") is not None:, state="normal") else:, state="disabled") def update_menu(self): """Populate self.menu_show_cat and self.menu_hide_cat with the categories.""" self.menu_hide_cat.delete(0, "end") self.menu_show_cat.delete(0, "end") categories = CONFIG.options("Categories") categories.sort() for cat in categories: self.menu_show_cat.add_command( label=cat.capitalize(), command=lambda c=cat: self.show_cat(c)) self.menu_hide_cat.add_command( label=cat.capitalize(), command=lambda c=cat: self.hide_cat(c)) def save(self): """Save the data.""" with open(PATH_DATA, "wb") as fich: dp = pickle.Pickler(fich) dp.dump(self.note_data) def new(self): """Create a new note.""" key = "%i" % self.nb self.notes[key] = Sticky(self, key) data = self.notes[key].save_info() data["visible"] = True self.note_data[key] = data self.nb += 1 self.make_notes_sticky() def export_notes(self): export = Export(self) self.wait_window(export) categories_to_export, only_visible = export.get_export() if categories_to_export: initialdir, initialfile = os.path.split(PATH_DATA_BACKUP % 0) fichier = asksaveasfilename(defaultextension=".html", filetypes=[ (_("HTML file (.html)"), "*.html"), (_("Text file (.txt)"), "*.txt"), (_("All files"), "*") ], initialdir=initialdir, initialfile="", title=_('Export Notes As')) if fichier: try: if os.path.splitext(fichier)[-1] == ".html": # --- html export cats = {cat: [] for cat in categories_to_export} for key in self.note_data: cat = self.note_data[key]["category"] if cat in cats and ( (not only_visible) or self.note_data[key]["visible"]): cats[cat].append( (self.note_data[key]["title"], cst.note_to_html(self.note_data[key], self))) text = "" for cat in cats: cat_txt = "<h1 style='text-align:center'>" + _( "Category: {category}").format( category=cat) + "<h1/>\n" text += cat_txt text += "<br>" for title, txt in cats[cat]: text += "<h2 style='text-align:center'>%s</h2>\n" % title text += txt text += "<br>\n" text += "<hr />" text += "<br>\n" text += '<hr style="height: 8px;background-color:grey" />' text += "<br>\n" with open(fichier, "w") as fich: fich.write('<body style="max-width:30em">\n') fich.write( text.encode( 'ascii', 'xmlcharrefreplace').decode("utf-8")) fich.write("\n</body>") # if os.path.splitext(fichier)[-1] == ".txt": else: # --- txt export # export notes to .txt: all formatting is lost cats = {cat: [] for cat in categories_to_export} for key in self.note_data: cat = self.note_data[key]["category"] if cat in cats and ( (not only_visible) or self.note_data[key]["visible"]): cats[cat].append( (self.note_data[key]["title"], cst.note_to_txt(self.note_data[key]))) text = "" for cat in cats: cat_txt = _("Category: {category}").format( category=cat) + "\n" text += cat_txt text += "=" * len(cat_txt) text += "\n\n" for title, txt in cats[cat]: text += title text += "\n" text += "-" * len(title) text += "\n\n" text += txt text += "\n\n" text += "-" * 30 text += "\n\n" text += "#" * 30 text += "\n\n" with open(fichier, "w") as fich: fich.write(text) # else: # # --- pickle export # note_data = {} # for key in self.note_data: # if self.note_data[key]["category"] in categories_to_export: # if (not only_visible) or self.note_data[key]["visible"]: # note_data[key] = self.note_data[key] # # with open(fichier, "wb") as fich: # dp = pickle.Pickler(fich) # dp.dump(note_data) except Exception as e: report_msg = e.strerror != 'Permission denied' showerror(_("Error"), str(e), traceback.format_exc(), report_msg) def import_notes(self): fichier = askopenfilename(defaultextension=".backup", filetypes=[(_("Notes (.notes)"), "*.notes"), (_("All files"), "*")], initialdir=LOCAL_PATH, initialfile="", title=_('Import')) if fichier: try: with open(fichier, "rb") as fich: dp = pickle.Unpickler(fich) note_data = dp.load() for i, key in enumerate(note_data): data = note_data[key] note_id = "%i" % (i + self.nb) self.note_data[note_id] = data cat = data["category"] if not CONFIG.has_option("Categories", cat): CONFIG.set("Categories", cat, data["color"]) self.hidden_notes[cat] = {} if data["visible"]: self.notes[note_id] = Sticky(self, note_id, **data) self.nb = int(max(self.note_data.keys(), key=lambda x: int(x))) + 1 self.update_menu() self.update_notes() except Exception: message = _("The file {file} is not a valid .notes file." ).format(file=fichier) showerror(_("Error"), message, traceback.format_exc()) def cleanup(self): """Remove unused latex images.""" img_stored = os.listdir(cst.PATH_LATEX) img_used = [] for data in self.note_data.values(): img_used.extend(list(data.get("latex", {}).keys())) for img in img_stored: if img not in img_used: os.remove(os.path.join(cst.PATH_LATEX, img)) def quit(self): self.destroy()
class VistaJuegoGlobos: # tamaño de la ventana X = 1000 Y = 710 TIEMPO_RESP = 3 # 3000ms def __init__(self, parentWindow): self.juego = JuegoGlobos() print(str(len(self.juego.niveles))) self.fechaInicio ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') self.root = Toplevel() self.parentWindow = parentWindow self.root.title("Control Inhibitorio") self.root.config(heigh=self.Y, width=self.X) self.root.configure(bg='white') self.nivelActual = None #Objeto de tipo nivel self.segundos = 0 self.terminado = False self.hilo2 = threading.Thread(target=self.ejecutarCronometro) self.hilo2.start() self.root.resizable(width=False, height=False) windowWidth = self.root.winfo_reqwidth() windowHeight = self.root.winfo_reqheight() positionRight = int(self.root.winfo_screenwidth() / 2 - windowWidth / 2) positionDown = int(self.root.winfo_screenheight() / 2 - windowHeight / 2) self.root.geometry("+{}+{}".format(positionRight, positionDown)) self.nivelActualStr = "Nivel " self.label1 = Label(self.root, text=self.nivelActualStr) self.label1.config(font=("Righteous", 30), bg="white") self.label1.pack(), x=self.X / 2, y=50) self.img1 = PhotoImage(file="game1/assets/blue.png") self.img2 = PhotoImage(file="game1/assets/blue.png") self.img3 = PhotoImage(file="game1/assets/blue.png") self.img4 = PhotoImage(file="game1/assets/blue.png") self.img5 = PhotoImage(file="game1/assets/blue.png") self.img6 = PhotoImage(file="game1/assets/blue.png") self.img7 = PhotoImage(file="game1/assets/blue.png") self.img8 = PhotoImage(file="game1/assets/blue.png") self.cuadro1 = Label(self.root, image=self.img1, bg="white") self.cuadro1.pack(), x=(self.X / 2) - 225, y=200) self.cuadro2 = Label(self.root, image=self.img2, bg="white") self.cuadro2.pack(), x=(self.X / 2) - 75, y=200) self.cuadro3 = Label(self.root, image=self.img3, bg="white") self.cuadro3.pack(), x=(self.X / 2) + 75, y=200) self.cuadro4 = Label(self.root, image=self.img4, bg="white") self.cuadro4.pack(), x=(self.X / 2) + 225, y=200) self.cuadro5 = Label(self.root, image=self.img5, bg="white") self.cuadro5.pack(), x=(self.X / 2) - 225, y=450) self.cuadro6 = Label(self.root, image=self.img6, bg="white") self.cuadro6.pack(), x=(self.X / 2) - 75, y=450) self.cuadro7 = Label(self.root, image=self.img7, bg="white") self.cuadro7.pack(), x=(self.X / 2) + 75, y=450) self.cuadro8 = Label(self.root, image=self.img8, bg="white") self.cuadro8.pack(), x=(self.X / 2) + 225, y=450) self.botonGo = Button(self.root, text="Go", bd=1, relief=GROOVE, bg=BLUE, fg="white", font=("Arial", 16), command=self.accionBoton) self.botonGo.pack(), x=self.X / 2, y=620, width=150, heigh=50) self.pintarNivel() self.root.mainloop() def pintarNivel(self): self.nivelActual = self.juego.obtenerNivel() if self.nivelActual is None: self.terminado = True self.crearResultados() else: self.label1.configure(text="Nivel " + str(self.juego.nivelActual)) self.img1.configure(file=self.nivelActual.globos[0].ruta) self.img2.configure(file=self.nivelActual.globos[1].ruta) self.img3.configure(file=self.nivelActual.globos[2].ruta) self.img4.configure(file=self.nivelActual.globos[3].ruta) self.img5.configure(file=self.nivelActual.globos[4].ruta) self.img6.configure(file=self.nivelActual.globos[5].ruta) self.img7.configure(file=self.nivelActual.globos[6].ruta) self.img8.configure(file=self.nivelActual.globos[7].ruta) self.cuadro1.configure(image=self.img1) self.cuadro2.configure(image=self.img2) self.cuadro3.configure(image=self.img3) self.cuadro4.configure(image=self.img4) self.cuadro5.configure(image=self.img5) self.cuadro6.configure(image=self.img6) self.cuadro7.configure(image=self.img7) self.cuadro8.configure(image=self.img8) def crearResultados(self): aciertos, fallos = self.juego.calcularResultados() stringMBOX = "Total aciertos: " + str( aciertos) + ". \nTotal Errores: " + str(fallos) + "." mbox.showinfo("Juego completado", stringMBOX) stringResultado = "[Nivel 1] Fecha: " + self.fechaInicio + ", Aciertos: " + str( aciertos) + ", Errores: " + str(fallos) + "\n" guardarLog(stringResultado) self.root.destroy() self.parentWindow.deiconify() def accionBoton(self): self.nivelActual.presionarBotonGo() self.reiniciar() def reiniciar(self): self.segundos = 0 self.pintarNivel() def ejecutarCronometro(self): while (not self.terminado): time.sleep(0.1) self.segundos += 0.1 if self.segundos >= self.TIEMPO_RESP: self.reiniciar()
class DiceGenerator(EasyFrame): def __init__(self): EasyFrame.__init__(self, "Kismet") self.dice = ['d1.png', 'd2.png', 'd3.png', 'd4.png', 'd5.png', 'd6.png'] g = '#1B5E20' w = '#FFFFFF' self.setResizable(True) self.setSize(600, 600) self.setBackground(g) self.c1 = self.addButton(text = ' 1 ', row = 0, column = 0, command = self.c1.configure(width = 5, font = 5) self.dieone = 0 self.c2 = self.addButton(text = '2', row = 0, column = 1, command = self.two) self.c2.configure(width = 5, font = 5) self.dietwo = 0 self.c3 = self.addButton(text = '3', row = 0, column = 2, command = self.three) self.c3.configure(width = 5, font = 5) self.diethree = 0 self.c4 = self.addButton(text = '4', row = 0, column = 3, command = self.four) self.c4.configure(width = 5, font = 5) self.diefour = 0 self.c5 = self.addButton(text = '5', row = 0, column = 4, command = self.five) self.c5.configure(width = 5, font = 5) self.diefive = 0 self.die1 = self.addLabel(text = '-', row = 1, column = 0, sticky = 'E' + 'W', foreground = g, background = g) self.die2 = self.addLabel(text = '-', row = 1, column = 1, sticky = 'E' + 'W', foreground = g, background = g) self.die3 = self.addLabel(text = '-', row = 1, column = 2, sticky = 'E' + 'W', foreground = g, background = g) self.die4 = self.addLabel(text = '-', row = 1, column = 3, sticky = 'E' + 'W', foreground = g, background = g) self.die5 = self.addLabel(text = '-', row = 1, column = 4, sticky = 'E' + 'W', foreground = g, background = g) self.image1 = PhotoImage(file = self.dice[5]) self.image2 = PhotoImage(file = self.dice[5]) self.image3 = PhotoImage(file = self.dice[5]) self.image4 = PhotoImage(file = self.dice[5]) self.image5 = PhotoImage(file = self.dice[5]) self.die1["image"] = self.image1 self.die2["image"] = self.image2 self.die3["image"] = self.image3 self.die4["image"] = self.image4 self.die5["image"] = self.image5 self.generate = self.addButton(text = 'Roll!', row = 2, column = 0, columnspan = 2, command = self.generate) self.generate.configure(height = 2, width = 10) self.tot = self.addLabel(text = "Total:", row = 2, column = 2, sticky = "E", foreground = '#000000', background = g) self.tot.configure(font = 10) = self.addIntegerField(value = 0, row = 2, column = 3, sticky = "W", width = 5, state="disabled") = 10) self.generate.configure(width = 10) '''SCORECARD''' self.aceslabel = self.addLabel(text = 'Aces', row = 3, column = 0, background = w, sticky = 'E', font = 5) self.aceslabel.configure(width = 10) self.twoslabel = self.addLabel(text = 'Deuces', row = 4, column = 0, background = w, sticky = 'E', font = 3) self.twoslabel.configure(width = 10) self.threeslabel = self.addLabel(text = 'Treys', row = 5, column = 0, background = w, sticky = 'E', font = 3) self.threeslabel.configure(width = 10) self.fourslabel = self.addLabel(text = 'Fours', row = 6, column = 0, background = w, sticky = 'E', font = 3) self.fourslabel.configure(width = 10) self.fiveslabel = self.addLabel(text = 'Fives', row = 7, column = 0, background = w, sticky = 'E', font = 3) self.fiveslabel.configure(width = 10) self.sixeslabel = self.addLabel(text = 'Sixes', row = 8, column = 0, background = w, sticky = 'E', font = 3) self.sixeslabel.configure(width = 10) self.totallabel = self.addLabel(text = 'Total-->', row = 9, column = 0, columnspan = 1, sticky = "E", background = w, font = 5) self.totallabel.configure(width = 10) self.bonuslabel = self.addLabel(text = 'BONUS', row = 10, column = 0, columnspan = 1, background = '#000000', foreground = '#FFFFFF', font = 10, sticky = 'E') self.bonuslabel.configure(width = 10) self.ones = self.addIntegerField(value = 0, row = 3, column = 1, state = 'disable', sticky = 'W') self.ones.configure(width = 3, font = 5) self.twos = self.addIntegerField(value = 0, row = 4, column = 1, state = 'disable', sticky = 'W') self.twos.configure(width = 3, font = 5) self.threes = self.addIntegerField(value = 0, row = 5, column = 1, state = 'disable', sticky = 'W') self.threes.configure(width = 3, font = 5) self.fours = self.addIntegerField(value = 0, row = 6, column = 1, state = 'disable', sticky = 'W') self.fours.configure(width = 3, font = 5) self.fives = self.addIntegerField(value = 0, row = 7, column = 1, state = 'disable', sticky = 'W') self.fives.configure(width = 3, font = 5) self.sixes = self.addIntegerField(value = 0, row = 8, column = 1, state = 'disable', sticky = 'W') self.sixes.configure(width = 3, font = 5) self.totalscore = self.addIntegerField(value = 0, row = 9, column = 1, state = 'disable', sticky = 'W') self.totalscore.configure(width = 3, font = 5) self.bonus = self.addIntegerField(value = 0, row = 10, column = 1, state = 'disable', sticky = 'W') self.bonus.configure(width = 3, font = 5) def generate(self): dielist = [self.dieone, self.dietwo, self.diethree, self.diefour, self.diefive] imagelist = [self.image1, self.image2, self.image3, self.image4, self.image5] for i in range(10): x1 = random.randint(0, 5) y1 = random.randint(0, 5) z1 = random.randint(0, 5) a1 = random.randint(0, 5) b1 = random.randint(0, 5) # shakelist = [x1, y1, z1, a1, b1] # for i in range(5): # if dielist[i] == 0: # imagelist[i].configure(file = self.dice[shakelist[i]]) # time.sleep(.05) # self.update() if self.dieone == 0: self.image1.configure(file = self.dice[x1]) if self.dietwo == 0: self.image2.configure(file = self.dice[y1]) if self.diethree == 0: self.image3.configure(file = self.dice[z1]) if self.diefour == 0: self.image4.configure(file = self.dice[a1]) if self.diefive == 0: self.image5.configure(file = self.dice[b1]) time.sleep(.02) self.update() if self.dieone == 0: self.x = random.randint(0, 5) if self.dietwo == 0: self.y = random.randint(0, 5) if self.diethree == 0: self.z = random.randint(0, 5) if self.diefour == 0: self.a = random.randint(0, 5) if self.diefive == 0: self.b = random.randint(0, 5) lyst = [self.x, self.y, self.z, self.a, self.b] ones = 0 twos = 0 threes = 0 fours = 0 fives = 0 sixes = 0 for i in lyst: if i == 0: ones += 1 elif i == 1: twos += 2 elif i == 2: threes += 3 elif i == 3: fours += 4 elif i == 4: fives += 5 elif i == 5: sixes += 6 self.ones.setValue(ones) self.twos.setValue(twos) self.threes.setValue(threes) self.fours.setValue(fours) self.fives.setValue(fives) self.sixes.setValue(sixes) for i in range(5): if dielist[i] == 0: imagelist[i].configure(file = self.dice[lyst[i]]) lyst[i] = lyst[i] + 1 elif self.dieone > 0: lyst[i] = 0 tot = 0 for i in lyst: tot += i def one(self): if self.dieone == 0: self.dieone += 1 self.die1.configure(state = "disable") elif self.dieone > 0: self.dieone = 0 self.die1.configure(state = "normal") def two(self): if self.dietwo == 0: self.dietwo += 1 self.die2.configure(state = "disable") elif self.dietwo > 0: self.dietwo = 0 self.die2.configure(state = "normal") def three(self): if self.diethree == 0: self.diethree += 1 self.die3.configure(state = "disable") elif self.diethree > 0: self.diethree = 0 self.die3.configure(state = "normal") def four(self): if self.diefour == 0: self.diefour += 1 self.die4.configure(state = "disable") elif self.diefour > 0: self.diefour = 0 self.die4.configure(state = "normal") def five(self): if self.diefive == 0: self.diefive += 1 self.die5.configure(state = "disable") elif self.diefive > 0: self.diefive = 0 self.die5.configure(state = "normal")
class VistaJuegoVelPro: # tamaño de la ventana X = 1280 Y = 710 def __init__(self, parentWindow, tipo): self.juego = VelocidadProcesamiento(tipo) self.fechaInicio ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') self.root = Toplevel() self.parentWindow = parentWindow self.root.title("Velocidad Procesamiento") self.root.config(heigh=self.Y, width=self.X) self.root.configure(bg='white') self.nivelActual = None self.segundos = 0 self.terminado = False self.hilo2 = threading.Thread(target=self.ejecutarCronometro) self.hilo2.start() self.root.resizable(width=False, height=False) windowWidth = self.root.winfo_reqwidth() windowHeight = self.root.winfo_reqheight() positionRight = int(self.root.winfo_screenwidth() / 2 - windowWidth / 2) positionDown = int(self.root.winfo_screenheight() / 2 - windowHeight / 2) self.root.geometry("+{}+{}".format(positionRight, positionDown)) self.nivelActualStr = "Nivel " self.label1 = Label(self.root, text=self.nivelActualStr) self.label1.config(font=("Righteous", 30), bg="white") self.label1.pack(), x=self.X / 2, y=50) self.img1 = PhotoImage(file="game2/assets/images/Avion.png") self.img2 = PhotoImage(file="game2/assets/images/Avion.png") self.img3 = PhotoImage(file="game2/assets/images/Avion.png") self.cuadro1 = Label(self.root, image=self.img1) self.cuadro1.pack(), x=(self.X / 2) - 420, y=250) self.cuadro2 = Label(self.root, image=self.img2) self.cuadro2.pack(), x=self.X / 2, y=250) self.cuadro3 = Label(self.root, image=self.img3) self.cuadro3.pack(), x=(self.X / 2) + 420, y=250) self.cuadroOpcion = None if self.juego.tipoJuego == VelocidadProcesamiento.JUEGO_UNO: self.imgOpcion = PhotoImage(file="game2/assets/icons/Avion.png") self.smaller_image = self.imgOpcion.subsample( 2, 2) #Resize del objeto PhotoImage self.cuadroOpcion = Label(self.root, image=self.smaller_image) else: self.txtOpcion = "_" self.cuadroOpcion = Label(self.root, text=self.txtOpcion, font=("Righteous", 50)) self.cuadroOpcion.configure(bg="white") self.cuadroOpcion.pack(), x=self.X / 2, y=445) self.botonZ = Button(self.root, text="Z", bd=1, relief=GROOVE, bg=BLUE, fg="white", font=("Arial", 16), command=lambda: self.accionBoton(1)) self.botonZ.pack(), x=300, y=self.Y - 150, width=150, heigh=50) self.botonG = Button(self.root, text="-", bd=1, relief=GROOVE, bg=BLUE, fg="white", font=("Arial", 16), command=lambda: self.accionBoton(2)) self.botonG.pack(), x=self.X - 300, y=self.Y - 150, width=150, heigh=50) self.pintarNivel() self.root.mainloop() def accionBoton(self, tBoton): if tBoton == 1: self.nivelActual.resultado = self.nivelActual.RES_SI else: self.nivelActual.resultado = self.nivelActual.RES_NO self.pintarNivel() def pintarNivel(self): self.nivelActual = self.juego.obtenerNivel() if self.nivelActual is None: self.terminado = True self.crearResultados() else: #self.hack() #Trampa self.label1.configure(text="Nivel " + str(self.nivelActual.numNivel + 1)) self.img1.configure(file=self.nivelActual.ilustraciones[0].ruta) self.img2.configure(file=self.nivelActual.ilustraciones[1].ruta) self.img3.configure(file=self.nivelActual.ilustraciones[2].ruta) self.cuadro1.configure(image=self.img1) self.cuadro2.configure(image=self.img2) self.cuadro3.configure(image=self.img3) if self.juego.tipoJuego == VelocidadProcesamiento.JUEGO_UNO: self.imgOpcion.configure(file=self.nivelActual.icono.ruta) self.smaller_image = self.imgOpcion.subsample( 2, 2) #Resize del objeto PhotoImage self.cuadroOpcion.configure(image=self.smaller_image) else: self.cuadroOpcion.configure( text=self.nivelActual.icono.palabra[0]) def ejecutarCronometro(self): while (not self.terminado): time.sleep(1) self.segundos += 1 def crearResultados(self): segundos = self.segundos % 60 minutos = int(self.segundos / 60) aciertos, fallos = self.juego.calcularResultados() stringMBOX = "Total aciertos: " + str( aciertos) + ". \nTotal Errores: " + str( fallos) + "\nTiempo transcurrido: " + str( minutos) + "m:" + str(segundos) + "s." mbox.showinfo("Juego completado", stringMBOX) stringResultado = "[Nivel " + str( self.juego.tipoJuego ) + "] Fecha: " + self.fechaInicio + ", Aciertos: " + str( aciertos) + ", Errores: " + str(fallos) + ", Minutos: " + str( minutos) + ", Segundos: " + str(segundos) + "\n" guardarLog(stringResultado) self.root.destroy() self.parentWindow.deiconify() def hack(self): os.system('cls') print( str(self.nivelActual.ilustraciones[0].palabras) + " " + str(self.nivelActual.ilustraciones[1].palabras) + " " + str(self.nivelActual.ilustraciones[2].palabras) + " ======== " + self.nivelActual.icono.palabra)