def modf(x): tmp = elemwise(np.modf, x) left = next(names) right = next(names) ldsk = dict(((left,) + key[1:], (getitem, key, 0)) for key in core.flatten(tmp._keys())) rdsk = dict(((right,) + key[1:], (getitem, key, 1)) for key in core.flatten(tmp._keys())) if x._dtype is not None: a = np.empty((1,), dtype=x._dtype) l, r = np.modf(a) ldt = l.dtype rdt = r.dtype else: ldt = None rdt = None L = Array(merge(tmp.dask, ldsk), left, blockdims=tmp.blockdims, dtype=ldt) R = Array(merge(tmp.dask, rdsk), right, blockdims=tmp.blockdims, dtype=rdt) return L, R
def compare_streams(db_engine, date_range, stream_names, allowed_parts_of_speech, max_num_words): """Compare tokens from each stream in the stream_names list""" ## Create token count dictionaries for each stream name count_dicts_dict = {} for stream_name in stream_names: count_dicts_dict[stream_name] = tz.pipe( get_content( db_engine, stream_name, date_range), parse_content_into_count(max_num_words, allowed_parts_of_speech)) ## Create cross-stream count dictionary all_streams_count_dict = reduce( lambda x,y: tz.merge_with(sum, x, y), count_dicts_dict.values()) ## Calculate posterior probabilities of the tokens posterior_probs = {} for stream_name in stream_names: posterior_probs[stream_name] = tz.pipe( get_posterior_probs_freq( 500, # limited to the 500 most frequent words in this stream, at this time all_streams_count_dict, count_dicts_dict[stream_name]), x: tz.merge({"stream":stream_name}, x)), tz.take(max_num_words), list, ) return posterior_probs
def __getitem__(self, index): # Field access, e.g. x['a'] or x[['a', 'b']] if (isinstance(index, (str, unicode)) or ( isinstance(index, list) and all(isinstance(i, (str, unicode)) for i in index))): if self._dtype is not None and isinstance(index, (str, unicode)): dt = self._dtype[index] elif self._dtype is not None and isinstance(index, list): dt = np.dtype([(name, self._dtype[name]) for name in index]) else: dt = None return elemwise(getitem, self, index, dtype=dt) # Slicing out = next(names) if not isinstance(index, tuple): index = (index,) if all(isinstance(i, slice) and i == slice(None) for i in index): return self dsk, blockdims = slice_array(out,, self.blockdims, index) return Array(merge(self.dask, dsk), out, blockdims=blockdims, dtype=self._dtype)
def compare_streams_across_time(db_engine, configuration): """Return distinct words for each considered stream at each time step in the given date range.""" def date_range_iterator(overall_date_range, time_step): """Returns an iterator of the time ranges being considered. time_step is assumed to be in minutes""" def get_time(overall_start, time_step, step): """Return the timestamp that is step time_step's beyond overall_start""" return (overall_start + (time_step*(step-1))).strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") overall_start = dt.datetime.strptime(overall_date_range[0], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") overall_end = dt.datetime.strptime(overall_date_range[1], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") time_step = dt.timedelta(minutes=time_step) return tz.pipe( # Number of steps to take (overall_end - overall_start).total_seconds() / time_step.total_seconds(), int, # Build range lambda x: range(1,x+2), # Convert to timestamps x: [ get_time(overall_start, time_step, x-1), get_time(overall_start, time_step, x)])) result = [] for date_range in date_range_iterator(configuration['overall_date_range'], configuration['time_step']): result.append( tz.pipe( # Stream comparison for a particular time period compare_streams( db_engine, date_range, configuration['stream_names'], configuration['allowed_parts_of_speech'], configuration['max_num_words']), lambda x: tz.merge(x, {'date_range': date_range}))) # add in date_range entry return result
def store(sources, targets, **kwargs): """ Store dask arrays in array-like objects, overwrite data in target This stores dask arrays into object that supports numpy-style setitem indexing. It stores values chunk by chunk so that it does not have to fill up memory. For best performance you can align the block size of the storage target with the block size of your array. If your data fits in memory then you may prefer calling ``np.array(myarray)`` instead. Parameters ---------- sources: Array or iterable of Arrays targets: array-like or iterable of array-likes These should support setitem syntax ``target[10:20] = ...`` Examples -------- >>> x = ... # doctest: +SKIP >>> import h5py # doctest: +SKIP >>> f = h5py.File('myfile.hdf5') # doctest: +SKIP >>> dset = f.create_dataset('/data', shape=x.shape, ... chunks=x.blockshape, ... dtype='f8') # doctest: +SKIP >>> store(x, dset) # doctest: +SKIP Alternatively store many arrays at the same time >>> store([x, y, z], [dset1, dset2, dset3]) # doctest: +SKIP """ single_output = True if not isinstance(sources, (list, tuple)): sources = [sources] if not isinstance(targets, (list, tuple)): targets = [targets] single_output = False if len(sources) != len(targets): raise ValueError("Different number of sources [%d] and targets [%d]" % (len(sources), len(targets))) updates = [insert_to_ooc(tgt, src) for tgt, src in zip(targets, sources)] dsk = merge([src.dask for src in sources] + updates) keys = [key for u in updates for key in u] get(dsk, keys, **kwargs) if single_output: targets = targets[0] return targets
def get_treant_data(treant): """Extract UUID, tags and categories as a dict from Treant. Args: treant: the treant to extract data from Returns: a dict of treant data """ return merge( dict(uuid=treant.uuid[:8], tags=list(treant.tags)), dict(treant.categories) )
def from_array(x, blockdims=None, blockshape=None, name=None, **kwargs): """ Create dask array from something that looks like an array Input must have a ``.shape`` and support numpy-style slicing. Example ------- >>> x = h5py.File('...')['/data/path'] # doctest: +SKIP >>> a = da.from_array(x, blockshape=(1000, 1000)) # doctest: +SKIP """ if blockdims is None: blockdims = blockdims_from_blockshape(x.shape, blockshape) name = name or next(names) dask = merge({name: x}, getem(name, blockdims=blockdims)) return Array(dask, name, blockdims=blockdims, dtype=x.dtype)
def render_j2(tpl_path, data, filters): """Render a Jinja template Args: tpl_path: path to the template data: the template data as a dictionary filters: any filter functions to apply as a dictionary Returns: rendered template as a string """ path, filename = os.path.split(tpl_path) loader = jinja2.FileSystemLoader(path or './') env = jinja2.Environment(loader=loader) env.filters = merge(env.filters, filters) return env.get_template(filename).render(**data)
def map_blocks(x, func, blockshape=None, blockdims=None, dtype=None): """ Map a function across all blocks of a dask array You must also specify the blockdims/blockshape of the resulting array. If you don't then we assume that the resulting array has the same block structure as the input. >>> import dask.array as da >>> x = da.ones((8,), blockshape=(4,)) >>> np.array(x.map_blocks(lambda x: x + 1)) array([ 2., 2., 2., 2., 2., 2., 2., 2.]) If function changes shape of the blocks provide a blockshape >>> y = x.map_blocks(lambda x: x[::2], blockshape=(2,)) Or, if the result is ragged, provide a blockdims >>> y = x.map_blocks(lambda x: x[::2], blockdims=((2, 2),)) Your block function can learn where in the array it is if it supports a block_id keyword argument. This will receive entries like (2, 0, 1), the position of the block in the dask array. >>> def func(block, block_id=None): ... pass """ if blockshape is not None: blockdims = tuple([nb * (bs,) for nb, bs in zip(x.numblocks, blockshape)]) if blockdims is None: blockdims = x.blockdims name = next(names) try: spec = inspect.getargspec(func) except: spec = None if spec and 'block_id' in spec.args: dsk = dict(((name,) + k[1:], (partial(func, block_id=k[1:]), k)) for k in core.flatten(x._keys())) else: dsk = dict(((name,) + k[1:], (func, k)) for k in core.flatten(x._keys())) return Array(merge(dsk, x.dask), name, blockdims=blockdims, dtype=dtype)
def coarsen(reduction, x, axes): if not all(bd % div == 0 for i, div in axes.items() for bd in x.blockdims[i]): raise ValueError( "Coarsening factor does not align with block dimensions") if 'dask' in inspect.getfile(reduction): reduction = getattr(np, reduction.__name__) name = next(names) dsk = dict(((name,) + key[1:], (chunk.coarsen, reduction, key, axes)) for key in core.flatten(x._keys())) blockdims = tuple(tuple(int(bd / axes.get(i, 1)) for bd in bds) for i, bds in enumerate(x.blockdims)) if x._dtype is not None: dt = reduction(np.empty((1,) * x.ndim, dtype=x.dtype)).dtype else: dt = None return Array(merge(x.dask, dsk), name, blockdims=blockdims, dtype=dt)
def broadcast_to(x, shape): shape = tuple(shape) ndim_new = len(shape) - x.ndim if ndim_new < 0 or any(new != old for new, old in zip(shape[ndim_new:], x.shape) if old != 1): raise ValueError('cannot broadcast shape %s to shape %s' % (x.shape, shape)) name = next(names) blockdims = (tuple((s,) for s in shape[:ndim_new]) + tuple(bd if old > 1 else (new,) for bd, old, new in zip(x.blockdims, x.shape, shape[ndim_new:]))) dsk = dict(((name,) + (0,) * ndim_new + key[1:], (chunk.broadcast_to, key, shape[:ndim_new] + tuple(bd[i] for i, bd in zip(key[1:], blockdims[ndim_new:])))) for key in core.flatten(x._keys())) return Array(merge(dsk, x.dask), name, blockdims=blockdims, dtype=x.dtype)
def atop(func, out, out_ind, *args, **kwargs): """ Array object version of """ dtype = kwargs.get('dtype', None) arginds = list(partition(2, args)) # [x, ij, y, jk] -> [(x, ij), (y, jk)] numblocks = dict([(, a.numblocks) for a, ind in arginds]) argindsstr = list(concat([(, ind) for a, ind in arginds])) dsk = top(func, out, out_ind, *argindsstr, numblocks=numblocks) # Dictionary mapping {i: 3, j: 4, ...} for i, j, ... the dimensions shapes = dict((, a.shape) for a, _ in arginds) nameinds = [(, i) for a, i in arginds] dims = broadcast_dimensions(nameinds, shapes) shape = tuple(dims[i] for i in out_ind) blockdim_dict = dict((, a.blockdims) for a, _ in arginds) blockdimss = broadcast_dimensions(nameinds, blockdim_dict) blockdims = tuple(blockdimss[i] for i in out_ind) dsks = [a.dask for a, _ in arginds] return Array(merge(dsk, *dsks), out, shape, blockdims=blockdims, dtype=dtype)
def compute(*args, **kwargs): """ Evaluate several dask arrays at once The result of this function is always a tuple of numpy arrays. To evaluate a single dask array into a numpy array, use ``myarray.compute()`` or simply ``np.array(myarray)``. Example ------- >>> import dask.array as da >>> d = da.ones((4, 4), blockshape=(2, 2)) >>> a = d + 1 # two different dask arrays >>> b = d + 2 >>> A, B = da.compute(a, b) # Compute both simultaneously """ dsk = merge(*[arg.dask for arg in args]) keys = [arg._keys() for arg in args] results = get(dsk, keys, **kwargs) results2 = tuple(rec_concatenate(x) if arg.shape else unpack_singleton(x) for x, arg in zip(results, args)) return results2
def _get_formatted_sales_order(doc): return merge( pick( [ "name", "transaction_date", "delivery_date", "total", "grand_total", "rounding_adjustment", "rounded_total", ], doc.as_dict(), ), { "delivery_time": doc.le_delivery_time, "items": [ pick( [ "item_code", "item_name", "item_group", "qty", "rate", "amount", "net_amount", ], x.as_dict(), ) for x in doc.items ], "taxes": [ pick(["description", "tax_amount"], x.as_dict()) for x in doc.taxes ], }, )
def create_address(token, **kwargs): decoded_token = get_decoded_token(token) customer_id = frappe.db.exists( "Customer", {"le_firebase_uid": decoded_token["uid"]} ) if not customer_id: frappe.throw(frappe._("Customer does not exist on backend")) session_user = frappe.session.user settings = frappe.get_single("Leiteng Website Settings") if not settings.user: frappe.throw(frappe._("Site setup not complete")) frappe.set_user(settings.user) fields = ["address_line1", "address_line2", "city", "state", "country", "pincode"] args = pick(fields, kwargs,) doc = frappe.get_doc( merge({"doctype": "Address", "address_type": "Billing"}, args,) ) doc.append("links", {"link_doctype": "Customer", "link_name": customer_id}) doc.insert() frappe.set_user(session_user) return pick(["name"] + fields, doc.as_dict())
def generate_url_map(yaml_path=TOC_PATH) -> dict: """ Generates mapping from each URL to its previous and next URLs in the textbook. The dictionary looks like: { 'ch/10/some_page.html' : { 'prev': 'ch/09/foo.html', 'next': 'ch/10/bar.html', }, ... } """ with open(yaml_path) as f: data = yaml.load(f) pipeline = [ t.remove(_not_internal_link), flatmap(_flatten_sections),'url')), list, _sliding_three,, t.merge() ] return t.pipe(data, *pipeline)
def _set_freight_in_booking_orders(): freight = frappe.db.sql( """ SELECT, bo.creation, bo.modified, bo.modified_by, bo.owner, bo.docstatus, AS parent, 'freight' AS parentfield, 'Booking Order' AS parenttype, 1 AS idx, 'Packages' AS based_on, bo.item_description, bo.no_of_packages AS qty, boc.charge_amount / bo.no_of_packages AS rate, boc.charge_amount AS amount FROM `tabBooking Order Charge` AS boc LEFT JOIN `tabBooking Order` AS bo ON = boc.parent WHERE boc.charge_type = 'Freight' """, as_dict=1, ) for row in freight: _insert_freight( merge(row, { "name": frappe.generate_hash("Booking Order Freight Detail", 10) })) for row in freight: _remove_freight_from_charges(row.get("name"))
def compute(*args, **kwargs): """ Evaluate several dask arrays at once The result of this function is always a tuple of numpy arrays. To evaluate a single dask array into a numpy array, use ``myarray.compute()`` or simply ``np.array(myarray)``. Example ------- >>> import dask.array as da >>> d = da.ones((4, 4), blockshape=(2, 2)) >>> a = d + 1 # two different dask arrays >>> b = d + 2 >>> A, B = da.compute(a, b) # Compute both simultaneously """ dsk = merge(*[arg.dask for arg in args]) keys = [arg._keys() for arg in args] results = get(dsk, keys, **kwargs) results2 = tuple( rec_concatenate(x) if arg.shape else unpack_singleton(x) for x, arg in zip(results, args)) return results2
def get_notes(token, so_name): decoded_token = get_decoded_token(token) customer_id = frappe.db.exists( "Customer", {"le_firebase_uid": decoded_token["uid"]} ) if not customer_id: frappe.throw(frappe._("Customer does not exist on backend")) if customer_id != frappe.db.get_value("Sales Order", so_name, "customer"): frappe.throw(frappe._("Not allowed to view this document")) get_dn_fields = compose( keyfilter( lambda x: x in [ "name", "partner", "partner_name", "scheduled_datetime", "posting_datetime", "total", "total_taxes_and_charges", "grand_total", "rounding_adjustment", "rounded_total", "status", ] ), first, ) get_item_fields = compose( list, map( keyfilter( lambda x: x in [ "name", "item_code", "item_name", "item_group", "rate", "amount", "so_detail", ] ) ), map(lambda x: merge(x, {"name": x.get("child_name")})), ) get_deliveries = compose( lambda x: x.values(), valmap(lambda x: merge(get_dn_fields(x), {"items": get_item_fields(x)})), groupby("name"), lambda x: frappe.db.sql( """ SELECT, dn.sales_partner AS partner, sp.partner_name, dn.le_scheduled_datetime AS scheduled_datetime, TIMESTAMP(dn.posting_date, dn.posting_time) AS posting_datetime,, dn.total_taxes_and_charges, dn.grand_total, dn.rounding_adjustment, dn.rounded_total, dn.workflow_state AS status, AS child_name, dni.item_code, dni.item_name, dni.item_group, dni.qty, dni.rate, dni.amount, dni.so_detail FROM `tabDelivery Note Item` AS dni LEFT JOIN `tabDelivery Note` AS dn ON = dni.parent LEFT JOIN `tabSales Partner` AS sp ON = dn.sales_partner WHERE dn.status < 2 AND dn.workflow_state IN ('Pending', 'Completed') AND dni.against_sales_order = %(against_sales_order)s """, values={"against_sales_order": x}, as_dict=1, ), ) return get_deliveries(so_name)
def set_report_details(self): args = merge( keyfilter( lambda x: x in ["user", "pos_profile", "company"], self.as_dict() ), { "start_datetime": self.start_datetime or, "end_datetime": self.end_datetime or, }, ) sales, returns = _get_invoices(args) sales_payments, returns_payments = _get_si_payments(args) payin_payments, payout_payments = _get_pe_payments(args) def get_mop_amount(mode_of_payment=None, payments=[]): return compose( lambda x: x.get("amount"), excepts(StopIteration, first, lambda x: {"amount": 0}), filter(lambda x: x.get("mode_of_payment") == mode_of_payment), )(payments) get_sales_amount = partial(get_mop_amount, payments=sales_payments) get_returns_amount = partial(get_mop_amount, payments=returns_payments) get_payin_amount = partial(get_mop_amount, payments=payin_payments) get_payout_amount = partial(get_mop_amount, payments=payout_payments) def make_payment(mode_of_payment): sales_amount = get_sales_amount(mode_of_payment) returns_amount = get_returns_amount(mode_of_payment) payin_amount = get_payin_amount(mode_of_payment) payout_amount = get_payout_amount(mode_of_payment) return { "mode_of_payment": mode_of_payment, "sales_amount": sales_amount, "returns_amount": returns_amount, "payin_amount": payin_amount, "payout_amount": payout_amount, "total_amount": sales_amount + returns_amount + payin_amount + payout_amount, } sum_by_total = sumby("total") sum_by_net = sumby("net_total") sum_by_discount = compose(operator.neg, sumby("discount_amount")) sum_by_taxes = sumby("total_taxes_and_charges") sum_by_grand = sumby("grand_total") sum_by_rounded = sumby("rounded_total") get_cash = compose( sum, map(lambda x: x.get("amount")), filter(lambda x: x.get("type") == "Cash"), ) self.cash_sales = get_cash(sales_payments) self.cash_returns = get_cash(returns_payments) self.cash_payins = get_cash(payin_payments) self.cash_payouts = get_cash(payout_payments) self.sales__total = sum_by_total(sales) self.sales__discount_amount = sum_by_discount(sales) self.returns__net_total = sum_by_net(returns) self.total__net_total = sum_by_net(sales + returns) self.total__total_taxes_and_charges = sum_by_taxes(sales + returns) self.total__grand_total = sum_by_grand(sales + returns) self.total__rounded_total = sum_by_rounded(sales + returns) make_invoice = keyfilter( lambda x: x in [ "invoice", "total_taxes_and_charges", "rounded_total", "grand_total", "outstanding_amount", ] ) mops = compose(unique, pluck("mode_of_payment")) self.sales = [] for invoice in sales: self.append("sales", make_invoice(invoice)) self.returns = [] for invoice in returns: self.append("returns", make_invoice(invoice)) self.payments = [] for payment in mops( sales_payments + returns_payments + payin_payments + payout_payments ): self.append("payments", make_payment(payment))
def unique(x): name = next(names) dsk = dict( ((name, i), (np.unique, key)) for i, key in enumerate(x._keys())) parts = get(merge(dsk, x.dask), list(dsk.keys())) return np.unique(np.concatenate(parts))
def make_ag_row(row, label): return merge(row, {"voucher_type": label})
def prepare_output(world): valid_cfn = get_in(['valid_cfn'], world) metadata = callback_metadata(properties(world)) message_type = 'account-link-provisioned' if request_type(world) in { 'Create', 'Update' } else 'account-link-deprovisioned' visible_cloudtrail_arns_string = null_to_none( get_in(['Discovery', 'VisibleCloudTrailArns'], valid_cfn)) visible_cloudtrail_arns = visible_cloudtrail_arns_string.split( ',') if visible_cloudtrail_arns_string else None master_payer_billing_bucket_name = ( null_to_none( get_in(['Discovery', 'MasterPayerBillingBucketName'], valid_cfn)) or null_to_none( get_in(['MasterPayerAccount', 'ReportS3Bucket'], valid_cfn))) master_payer_billing_bucket_path = ( null_to_none( get_in(['Discovery', 'MasterPayerBillingBucketPath'], valid_cfn)) or null_to_none( get_in(['MasterPayerAccount', 'ReportS3Prefix'], valid_cfn))) output = { **default_metadata, 'message_type': message_type, 'data': { 'metadata': { 'cloud_region': metadata['Region'], 'external_id': metadata['ExternalId'], 'cloud_account_id': metadata['AccountId'], 'cz_account_name': metadata['AccountName'], 'reactor_id': metadata['ReactorId'], 'reactor_callback_url': metadata['ReactorCallbackUrl'], }, 'links': { 'audit': { 'role_arn': null_to_none(get_in(['AuditAccount', 'RoleArn'], valid_cfn)) }, 'cloudtrail_owner': { 'sqs_queue_arn': null_to_none( get_in(['CloudTrailOwnerAccount', 'SQSQueueArn'], valid_cfn)), 'sqs_queue_policy_name': null_to_none( get_in( ['CloudTrailOwnerAccount', 'SQSQueuePolicyName'], valid_cfn)), }, 'master_payer': { 'role_arn': null_to_none( get_in(['MasterPayerAccount', 'RoleArn'], valid_cfn)) }, 'resource_owner': { 'role_arn': null_to_none( get_in(['ResourceOwnerAccount', 'RoleArn'], valid_cfn)) }, 'legacy': { 'role_arn': null_to_none( get_in(['LegacyAccount', 'RoleArn'], valid_cfn)) }, }, 'discovery': { 'audit_cloudtrail_bucket_name': null_to_none( get_in(['Discovery', 'AuditCloudTrailBucketName'], valid_cfn)), 'audit_cloudtrail_bucket_prefix': null_to_none( get_in(['Discovery', 'AuditCloudTrailBucketPrefix'], valid_cfn)), 'cloudtrail_sns_topic_arn': null_to_none( get_in(['Discovery', 'CloudTrailSNSTopicArn'], valid_cfn)), 'cloudtrail_trail_arn': null_to_none( get_in(['Discovery', 'CloudTrailTrailArn'], valid_cfn)), 'is_audit_account': string_to_bool( get_in(['Discovery', 'IsAuditAccount'], valid_cfn)), 'is_cloudtrail_owner_account': string_to_bool( get_in(['Discovery', 'IsCloudTrailOwnerAccount'], valid_cfn)), 'is_master_payer_account': string_to_bool( get_in(['Discovery', 'IsMasterPayerAccount'], valid_cfn)), 'is_organization_master_account': string_to_bool( get_in(['Discovery', 'IsOrganizationMasterAccount'], valid_cfn)), 'is_organization_trail': string_to_bool( get_in(['Discovery', 'IsOrganizationTrail'], valid_cfn)), 'is_resource_owner_account': string_to_bool( get_in(['Discovery', 'IsResourceOwnerAccount'], valid_cfn)), 'master_payer_billing_bucket_name': master_payer_billing_bucket_name, 'master_payer_billing_bucket_path': master_payer_billing_bucket_path, 'remote_cloudtrail_bucket': string_to_bool( get_in(['Discovery', 'RemoteCloudTrailBucket'], valid_cfn)), 'visible_cloudtrail_arns': visible_cloudtrail_arns, } } } return update_in(world, ['output'], lambda x: merge(x or {}, output))
def fun(self, dic): return merge(pick(['_url'], dic), self.plet.parse(StringIO(dic['_body'])))
def lookup_mac(mac): return _.pipe( requests.get(f'{mac}'), __.maybe_json(default={}, _.get('result', default={}), lambda d: {'mac':mac, 'info': d}, ) @_.curry def mac_conv(split_char, mac): return _.pipe( mac.split(split_char), b: int(b, 16)),, h: h[2:]), h: h.zfill(2)), ':'.join, lookup_mac, ) win_mac_conv = mac_conv('-') macos_mac_conv = mac_conv(':') # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # ARP # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- arp_output_macos = _.partial(getoutput, 'arp -a') arp_macos_re = re.compile( fr'^(?P<name>[?.\w-]*)\s+\((?P<ip>{ip_re})\) at (?P<mac>.*?) on .*$' ) arp_output_macos = _.partial(getoutput, 'arp -a') arp_win_re = re.compile( fr'^\s+(?P<ip>{ip_re})\s+(?P<mac>.*?)\s+\w+\s*$' ) def get_arp_data(arp_output, regex, mac_conv): return _.pipe( arp_output.splitlines(),, _.filter(None),'groupdict')), larc.parallel.thread_map( lambda d: _merge(d, mac_conv(d['mac'])), max_workers=5, ), tuple, ) def get_arp(arp_output_f, regex, mac_conv): def arp(*args): return _.pipe( arp_output_f(*args), lambda output: get_arp_data(output, regex, mac_conv), ) retur arp get_arp_macos = get_arp(arp_output_macos, arp_macos_re, macos_mac_conv) get_arp_win = get_arp(arp_output_win, arp_win_re, win_mac_conv) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # ICMP ping # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- @_.curry def re_map(regex, map_d, content): match = if match: d = match.groupict() return _.merge(d, _.pipe( map_d, _.itemmap(__.vcall(lambda key, func: ( key, func(d[key]) ))), )) return {} ping_re_macos = { 'tick': re_map(re.compile( fr'\d+ bytes from (?P<ip>{ip_re}): icmp_seq=\d+' ttl=\d+' fr' time=(?P<ms>\d+(?:\.\d+)?) ms' ), {'ms': float}), } 'totals': re_map(re.compile( r'(?P<sent>\d+) packets transmitted,' r' (?P<received>\d+) packets received,' r' (?P<lost>\d+(?:\.\d+))% packet loss' ), {'sent': int, 'received ': int, 'lost': float}), 'stats': re_map(re.compile( fr'round-trip' min/avg/max/stddev =' fr' (?P<min>{float_re})/' fr'(?P<avg>{float_re})/' fr'(?P<max>{float_re})/' fr'(?P<std>{float_re}) ms' ), {'min': float, 'avg': float, 'max': float, 'std': float}), }
def get_freight_summary_rows(shipping_order): def get_amount(row): rate = row.get("rate") or 0 if row.get("based_on") == "Packages": return (row.get("cur_no_of_packages") or 0) * rate if row.get("based_on") == "Weight": return (row.get("cur_weight_actual") or 0) * rate return row.get("amount") or 0 freight_rows = frappe.db.sql( """ SELECT AS booking_order, bo.consignor_name, bo.consignee_name, bofd.item_description, SUM(lobo.no_of_packages) AS cur_no_of_packages, SUM(lobo.weight_actual) AS cur_weight_actual, bofd.based_on, bofd.rate FROM `tabLoading Operation Booking Order` AS lobo LEFT JOIN `tabLoading Operation` AS lo ON = lobo.parent LEFT JOIN `tabBooking Order` AS bo ON = lobo.booking_order LEFT JOIN `tabBooking Order Freight Detail` AS bofd ON = lobo.bo_detail WHERE lo.docstatus = 1 AND lobo.parentfield = 'on_loads' AND lo.shipping_order = %(shipping_order)s GROUP BY ORDER BY, lobo.idx """, values={"shipping_order": shipping_order}, as_dict=1, ) booking_orders = set([x.get("booking_order") for x in freight_rows]) get_first_loaded_booking_orders = compose( list, map(lambda x: x.get("booking_order")), frappe.db.sql, ) first_loaded_booking_orders = ( get_first_loaded_booking_orders( """ SELECT lobo.booking_order, lo.shipping_order FROM `tabLoading Operation Booking Order` AS lobo LEFT JOIN `tabLoading Operation` AS lo ON = lobo.parent LEFT JOIN `tabBooking Order Charge` AS boc ON boc.parent = lobo.booking_order WHERE lo.docstatus = 1 AND lobo.parentfield = 'on_loads' AND lobo.booking_order IN %(booking_orders)s GROUP by lobo.booking_order HAVING lo.shipping_order = %(shipping_order)s ORDER BY lo.posting_datetime """, values={"booking_orders": booking_orders, "shipping_order": shipping_order}, as_dict=1, ) if booking_orders else [] ) charges_rows = ( frappe.db.sql( """ SELECT AS booking_order, bo.consignor_name, bo.consignee_name, GROUP_CONCAT(boc.charge_type SEPARATOR ', ') AS item_description, 0 AS cur_no_of_packages, 0 AS cur_weight_actual, '' AS based_on, 0 AS rate, SUM(boc.charge_amount) AS amount FROM `tabBooking Order` AS bo LEFT JOIN `tabBooking Order Charge` AS boc ON boc.parent = WHERE IN %(booking_orders)s AND boc.charge_amount > 0 GROUP BY """, values={"booking_orders": first_loaded_booking_orders}, as_dict=1, ) if first_loaded_booking_orders else [] ) return sorted( [merge(x, {"amount": get_amount(x)}) for x in freight_rows + charges_rows], key=lambda x: x.get("booking_order"), )
def get_item_details(item_code, batch_no=None, price_list=None): return merge( {"price": _get_price(item_code, batch_no, price_list)}, _get_batch(batch_no), _get_barcode(item_code), )
def shell_iter(command, *, echo: bool = True, echo_func: Callable[[Any], None] = cprint(file=sys.stderr, end=''), timeout: int = None, **popen_kw): '''Execute a shell command, yield lines of output as they come possibly echoing command output to a given echo_func, and finally yields the status code of the process. This will run the shell command, yielding each line of output as it runs. When the process terminates, it will then yield the remainer of output, then finally the integer status code. It can also be terminated early via a timeout parameter. By default, the command will also echo to stderr. Args: command (str): Shell command to execute. Tilde (~) and shell variable completion provided echo (bool): Should the output be echoed to echo_func in addition to yielding lines of output? echo_func (Callable[[Any], None]): Function to use when echoing output. **Be warned**, this funciton is called __for each character__ of output. By default, this is `cprint(end='')` (i.e. print with end='') timeout (int): If set, the process will be killed after this many seconds (kill -9). Returns: generator of the form *output_lines, status_code = shell_iter(...) where output_lines is a sequence of strings of output and status_code is an integer status code Examples: >>> with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tempdir: ... root = Path(tempdir) ... _ = Path(root, 'a.txt').write_text('') ... _ = Path(root, 'b.txt').write_text('') ... # FYI, this echos to stderr, which doctests won't capture ... *lines, status = shell_iter(f'ls {root}') >>> lines ['a.txt', 'b.txt'] >>> status 0 >>> with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tempdir: ... root = Path(tempdir) ... _ = Path(root, 'c.txt').write_text('') ... _ = Path(root, 'd.txt').write_text('') ... *lines, _ = shell_iter(f'ls {root}', echo=False) >>> lines ['c.txt', 'd.txt'] >>> *lines, status = shell_iter( ... f'sleep 5', echo=False, timeout=0.01 ... ) >>> lines [] >>> status -9 ''' popen_kw = merge({ 'stdout': subprocess.PIPE, 'stderr': subprocess.PIPE, }, popen_kw) command_split = pipe( shlex.split(command), map(os.path.expanduser), map(os.path.expandvars), tuple, ) process = subprocess.Popen(command_split, **popen_kw) timer = None if timeout: timer = start_timeout(command_split, process, timeout) def process_running(): return process.poll() is None line = '' while process_running(): char ='utf-8', errors='ignore') if char: echo_func(char) if echo else '' if char == '\n': yield line line = '' else: line += char if timer: timer.cancel() rest ='utf-8', errors='ignore') for char in rest: echo_func(char) if echo else '' if char == '\n': yield line line = '' else: line += char if line: echo_func(char) if echo else '' yield line yield process.poll()
def stack(seq, axis=0): """ Stack arrays along a new axis Given a sequence of dask Arrays form a new dask Array by stacking them along a new dimension (axis=0 by default) Example ------- Create slices >>> import dask.array as da >>> import numpy as np >>> data = [from_array(np.ones((4, 4)), blockshape=(2, 2)) ... for i in range(3)] >>> x = da.stack(data, axis=0) >>> x.shape (3, 4, 4) >>> da.stack(data, axis=1).shape (4, 3, 4) >>> da.stack(data, axis=-1).shape (4, 4, 3) Result is a new dask Array See Also: concatenate """ n = len(seq) ndim = len(seq[0].shape) if axis < 0: axis = ndim + axis + 1 if axis > ndim: raise ValueError("Axis must not be greater than number of dimensions" "\nData has %d dimensions, but got axis=%d" % (ndim, axis)) assert len(set(a.blockdims for a in seq)) == 1 # same blockshape shape = seq[0].shape[:axis] + (len(seq), ) + seq[0].shape[axis:] blockdims = (seq[0].blockdims[:axis] + ((1, ) * n, ) + seq[0].blockdims[axis:]) name = next(stacked_names) keys = list(product([name], *[range(len(bd)) for bd in blockdims])) names = [ for a in seq] inputs = [(names[key[axis + 1]], ) + key[1:axis + 1] + key[axis + 2:] for key in keys] values = [(getitem, inp, (slice(None, None, None), ) * axis + (None, ) + (slice(None, None, None), ) * (ndim - axis)) for inp in inputs] dsk = dict(zip(keys, values)) dsk2 = merge(dsk, *[a.dask for a in seq]) if all(a._dtype is not None for a in seq): dt = reduce(np.promote_types, [a._dtype for a in seq]) else: dt = None return Array(dsk2, name, shape, blockdims=blockdims, dtype=dt)
def stack(seq, axis=0): """ Stack arrays along a new axis Given a sequence of dask Arrays form a new dask Array by stacking them along a new dimension (axis=0 by default) Example ------- Create slices >>> import dask.array as da >>> import numpy as np >>> data = [from_array(np.ones((4, 4)), blockshape=(2, 2)) ... for i in range(3)] >>> x = da.stack(data, axis=0) >>> x.shape (3, 4, 4) >>> da.stack(data, axis=1).shape (4, 3, 4) >>> da.stack(data, axis=-1).shape (4, 4, 3) Result is a new dask Array See Also: concatenate """ n = len(seq) ndim = len(seq[0].shape) if axis < 0: axis = ndim + axis + 1 if axis > ndim: raise ValueError("Axis must not be greater than number of dimensions" "\nData has %d dimensions, but got axis=%d" % (ndim, axis)) assert len(set(a.blockdims for a in seq)) == 1 # same blockshape shape = seq[0].shape[:axis] + (len(seq),) + seq[0].shape[axis:] blockdims = ( seq[0].blockdims[:axis] + ((1,) * n,) + seq[0].blockdims[axis:]) name = next(stacked_names) keys = list(product([name], *[range(len(bd)) for bd in blockdims])) names = [ for a in seq] inputs = [(names[key[axis+1]],) + key[1:axis + 1] + key[axis + 2:] for key in keys] values = [(getitem, inp, (slice(None, None, None),) * axis + (None,) + (slice(None, None, None),) * (ndim - axis)) for inp in inputs] dsk = dict(zip(keys, values)) dsk2 = merge(dsk, *[a.dask for a in seq]) if all(a._dtype is not None for a in seq): dt = reduce(np.promote_types, [a._dtype for a in seq]) else: dt = None return Array(dsk2, name, shape, blockdims=blockdims, dtype=dt)
def unique(x): name = next(names) dsk = dict(((name, i), (np.unique, key)) for i, key in enumerate(x._keys())) parts = get(merge(dsk, x.dask), list(dsk.keys())) return np.unique(np.concatenate(parts))
def concatenate(seq, axis=0): """ Concatenate arrays along an existing axis Given a sequence of dask Arrays form a new dask Array by stacking them along an existing dimension (axis=0 by default) Example ------- Create slices >>> import dask.array as da >>> import numpy as np >>> data = [from_array(np.ones((4, 4)), blockshape=(2, 2)) ... for i in range(3)] >>> x = da.concatenate(data, axis=0) >>> x.shape (12, 4) >>> da.concatenate(data, axis=1).shape (4, 12) Result is a new dask Array See Also: stack """ n = len(seq) ndim = len(seq[0].shape) if axis < 0: axis = ndim + axis if axis >= ndim: raise ValueError("Axis must be less than than number of dimensions" "\nData has %d dimensions, but got axis=%d" % (ndim, axis)) bds = [a.blockdims for a in seq] if not all(len(set(bds[i][j] for i in range(n))) == 1 for j in range(len(bds[0])) if j != axis): raise ValueError("Block shapes do not align") shape = (seq[0].shape[:axis] + (sum(a.shape[axis] for a in seq),) + seq[0].shape[axis + 1:]) blockdims = ( seq[0].blockdims[:axis] + (sum([bd[axis] for bd in bds], ()),) + seq[0].blockdims[axis + 1:]) name = next(concatenate_names) keys = list(product([name], *[range(len(bd)) for bd in blockdims])) cum_dims = [0] + list(accumulate(add, [len(a.blockdims[axis]) for a in seq])) names = [ for a in seq] values = [(names[bisect(cum_dims, key[axis + 1]) - 1],) + key[1:axis + 1] + (key[axis + 1] - cum_dims[bisect(cum_dims, key[axis+1]) - 1],) + key[axis + 2:] for key in keys] dsk = dict(zip(keys, values)) dsk2 = merge(dsk, *[a.dask for a in seq]) if all(a._dtype is not None for a in seq): dt = reduce(np.promote_types, [a._dtype for a in seq]) else: dt = None return Array(dsk2, name, shape, blockdims=blockdims, dtype=dt)
from . import lib as lib from . import subcomponent as subcomponent from .popularity_contest import popularity_contest from .split_paths import split_paths from .lib import ( # references_graph_to_igraph debug, pick_attrs) funcs = tlz.merge( pick_attrs([ "flatten", "over", "split_every", "limit_layers", "remove_paths", "reverse" ], lib), pick_attrs([ "subcomponent_in", "subcomponent_out", ], subcomponent), { "split_paths": split_paths, "popularity_contest": popularity_contest, "map": }) @curry def nth_or_none(index, xs): try: return xs[index] except IndexError: return None
def _extend_data(filters, data): account_currency = frappe.db.get_value("Account", filters.account, "account_currency") def make_row(row, reverse): return merge( row, { "payment_document": "GL Payment", get_direction(row.payment_type, reverse): row.total_amount, get_direction(row.payment_type, reverse=(not reverse)): 0, "account_currency": account_currency, }, ) gl_payments = [ make_row(x, reverse=False) for x in frappe.db.sql( """ SELECT name AS payment_entry, reference_no, reference_date AS ref_date, payment_type, total_amount, posting_date, IFNULL(party, ( SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(gpi.account SEPARATOR ', ') FROM `tabGL Payment Item` AS gpi WHERE gpi.parent = )) AS against_account, clearance_date FROM `tabGL Payment` AS gp WHERE payment_account = %(account)s AND docstatus = 1 AND posting_date <= %(report_date)s AND IFNULL(clearance_date, '4000-01-01') > %(report_date)s """, values=filters, as_dict=1, ) ] gl_payment_items = [ make_row(x, reverse=True) for x in frappe.db.sql( """ SELECT AS payment_entry, gp.reference_no, gp.reference_date AS ref_date, gp.payment_type, (gpi.net_amount + gpi.tax_amount) AS total_amount, gp.posting_date, IFNULL(, gp.payment_account) AS against_account, gp.clearance_date FROM `tabGL Payment Item` AS gpi LEFT JOIN `tabGL Payment` AS gp ON = gpi.parent WHERE gpi.account = %(account)s AND gp.docstatus = 1 AND gp.posting_date <= %(report_date)s AND IFNULL(gp.clearance_date, '4000-01-01') > %(report_date)s """, values=filters, as_dict=1, ) ] items = data[:-6] summary = data[-6:] balance_per_gl = summary[0] outstanding = summary[2] incorrect = summary[3] balance_calculated = summary[5] total_debit = sum([x.get("debit", 0) for x in gl_payments]) + sum( [x.get("debit", 0) for x in gl_payment_items]) total_credit = sum([x.get("credit", 0) for x in gl_payments]) + sum( [x.get("credit", 0) for x in gl_payment_items]) amounts_not_reflected_in_system = _get_invalid_gl_payments(filters) return sorted( items + gl_payments + gl_payment_items, key=lambda k: k["posting_date"] or frappe.utils.getdate(frappe.utils. nowdate()), ) + [ balance_per_gl, {}, merge( outstanding, { "debit": outstanding.get("debit") + total_debit, "credit": outstanding.get("credit") + total_credit, }, ), get_balance_row( incorrect.get("payment_entry"), incorrect.get("debit") - incorrect.get("credit") + amounts_not_reflected_in_system, incorrect.get("account_currency"), ), {}, get_balance_row( balance_calculated.get("payment_entry"), balance_calculated.get("debit") - balance_calculated.get("credit") - total_debit + total_credit + amounts_not_reflected_in_system, balance_calculated.get("account_currency"), ), ]
def __init__(self, graph, selection, *function_spaces): self.graph = graph self.selection = selection self.function_space = _.merge(*function_spaces)
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__) parser.add_argument('-d', '--debug', action='store_true', default=False, help='Display debug messages') parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', default=False, help='Increase output verbosity') global args args = parser.parse_args() logging.basicConfig( level=logging.DEBUG if args.debug else (logging.INFO if args.verbose else logging.WARNING), stream=sys.stdout, ) if not os.path.isdir(json_dir_path): os.mkdir(json_dir_path) if not os.path.isdir(ast_dir_path): os.mkdir(ast_dir_path) # Load variables definitions tgvh_infos = list(load_tgvH_file()) # Write constants constant_by_name = pipe( tgvh_infos, filter(lambda val: val['type'] == 'variable_const'), map(lambda d: (d['name'], d['value'])), dict, ) write_json_file(data=constant_by_name, file_name='constants.json') # Write variables dependencies regles_nodes = list(mapcat(load_regles_nodes, iter_json_file_names('chap-*.json', 'res-ser*.json'))) dependencies_by_formula_name = dict(list(mapcat(dependencies_visitors.visit_node, regles_nodes))) write_json_file(data=dependencies_by_formula_name, file_name='formulas_dependencies.json') # Write variables definitions ast_infos_by_variable_name = {} for regle_node in regles_nodes: regle_infos = { 'regle_applications': regle_node['applications'], 'regle_linecol': regle_node['linecol'], 'regle_name': regle_node['name'], 'source_file_name': regle_node['source_file_name'], } regle_tags = list(pluck('value', regle_node.get('tags', []))) if regle_tags: regle_infos['regle_tags'] = regle_tags for formula_node in regle_node['formulas']: if formula_node['type'] == 'formula': ast_infos_by_variable_name[formula_node['name']] = assoc( regle_infos, 'formula_linecol', formula_node['linecol']) elif formula_node['type'] == 'pour_formula': for unlooped_formula_node in unloop_helpers.iter_unlooped_nodes( loop_variables_nodes=formula_node['loop_variables'], node=formula_node['formula'], unloop_keys=['name'], ): pour_formula_infos = merge(regle_infos, { 'pour_formula_linecol': formula_node['formula']['linecol'], 'pour_formula_name': formula_node['formula']['name'], }) ast_infos_by_variable_name[unlooped_formula_node['name']] = pour_formula_infos else: assert False, 'Unhandled formula_node type: {}'.format(formula_node) def rename_key(d, key_name, key_new_name): return assoc(dissoc(d, key_name), key_new_name, d[key_name]) tgvh_infos_by_variable_name = pipe( tgvh_infos, filter(lambda d: d['type'] in ('variable_calculee', 'variable_saisie')), map(lambda d: rename_key(d, 'linecol', 'tgvh_linecol')), map(lambda d: (d['name'], d)), # Index by name dict, ) definition_by_variable_name = merge_with(merge, ast_infos_by_variable_name, tgvh_infos_by_variable_name) write_json_file(data=definition_by_variable_name, file_name='variables_definitions.json') return 0
mem = Memory(cachedir='cache', verbose=0) # import tsutils.stan_utility_betan as stan_utility # from sub_utils import eda_utes as eu; reload(eu) # import tsutils.mutes as mt; from tsutils import lrn_utes as lu; reload(lu) import myutils as mu reload(mu) import pandas_utils as pu import pandas_utils3 as p3 from faster_pandas import MyPandas as fp ap = mu.dmap import dask.dataframe as dd import dask dd.DataFrame.q = lambda self, q, local_dict={}, **kw: self.query( q, local_dict=z.merge(local_dict, kw)) import altair as A from altair import Chart, expr as E, datum as D vc = z.compose(Series, Counter) from plotnine import ggplot, qplot, aes, theme, ggtitle, xlab, ylab import plotnine as p9 def mk_geom(p9, pref='geom_'): geoms = [c for c in dir(p9) if c.startswith(pref)] geom = lambda: None geom.__dict__.update( {name[len(pref):]: getattr(p9, name)
def parse_tables(lines): table_lines = pipe( enumerate(lines), vmap(lambda i, l: (i, TABLE_RE.match(l))), vfilter(lambda i, m: m), tuple, ) # log.debug(table_lines) ntables = 0 for start_index, match in table_lines: table = {'start_index': start_index} log.debug(f'start index: {start_index}') attr = attr_dict(match.groupdict()['attrib']) table['caption'] = attr.pop('caption', '') table['attr'] = attr for i, line in enumerate(lines[start_index + 1:], start_index + 1): th_match = TH_RE.match(line) tr_match = TR_RE.match(line) if th_match: match_dict = th_match.groupdict() table['header'] = { 'line': i, 'tr': pipe( th_match.groupdict()['th'].split('|'), map(lambda s: s.strip()), map(lambda s: (, ATTR_RE.sub('', s))), vmap(lambda m, s: (merge( {'scope': 'col'}, attr_dict(m.groupdict()['a']) if m else {}, ), s)), vmap(lambda attr, td: {'td': td, 'attr': attr}), tuple, ), 'attr': pipe( ['ra1', 'ra2'], map(lambda k: match_dict.get(k, '')), filter(None), map(attr_dict), merge, ), } elif tr_match: match_dict = tr_match.groupdict() row = { 'line': i, 'tr': pipe( match_dict['tr'].split('|'), map(lambda s: s.strip()), map(lambda s: (, ATTR_RE.sub('', s))), vmap(lambda m, s: ( attr_dict(m.groupdict()['a']) if m else {}, s )), vmap(lambda attr, td: {'attr': attr, 'td': td}), tuple, ), 'attr': pipe( ['ra1', 'ra2'], map(lambda k: match_dict.get(k, '')), filter(None), map(attr_dict), merge, ) } table.setdefault('rows', []).append(row) else: # This is the case where we have gotten to a non-table # line of content, thus we are done with the table table['end_index'] = i log.debug(f'table end: {i}') ntables += 1 yield table break if ntables < len(table_lines): # This is the case where the last line of content is a table # line log.debug('finishing table') table['end_index'] = i + 1 yield table
def list_orders(token, page="1", page_length="10", status=None): decoded_token = get_decoded_token(token) customer_id = frappe.db.exists( "Customer", {"le_firebase_uid": decoded_token["uid"]} ) if not customer_id: frappe.throw(frappe._("Customer does not exist on backend")) get_conditions = compose(lambda x: " AND ".join(x), filter(None)) conditions = get_conditions( [ "docstatus = 1", "customer = %(customer)s", "status IN %(statuses)s" if status else None, ] ) statuses = json.loads(status) if status else None get_count = compose( lambda x: x[0][0], lambda x: frappe.db.sql( """ SELECT COUNT(name) FROM `tabSales Order` WHERE {conditions} """.format( conditions=conditions ), values={"customer": x, "statuses": statuses}, ), ) orders = frappe.db.sql( """ SELECT name, transaction_date, status, total, total_taxes_and_charges, grand_total, rounding_adjustment, rounded_total FROM `tabSales Order` WHERE {conditions} ORDER BY transaction_date DESC, creation DESC LIMIT %(start)s, %(page_length)s """.format( conditions=conditions ), values={ "customer": customer_id, "statuses": statuses, "start": (frappe.utils.cint(page) - 1) * frappe.utils.cint(page_length), "page_length": frappe.utils.cint(page_length), }, as_dict=1, ) items = ( groupby( "parent", frappe.db.sql( """ SELECT parent, name, item_code, item_name, item_group, qty, rate, amount FROM `tabSales Order Item` WHERE parent IN %(parents)s """, values={"parents": [x.get("name") for x in orders]}, as_dict=1, ), ) if orders else {} ) return { "count": get_count(customer_id), "items": [merge(x, {"items": items.get(x.get("name"), [])}) for x in orders], }
def discover_connected_account(world): output = { 'IsResourceOwnerAccount': True, } return update_in(world, ['output'], lambda x: merge(x or {}, output))
def concatenate(seq, axis=0): """ Concatenate arrays along an existing axis Given a sequence of dask Arrays form a new dask Array by stacking them along an existing dimension (axis=0 by default) Example ------- Create slices >>> import dask.array as da >>> import numpy as np >>> data = [from_array(np.ones((4, 4)), blockshape=(2, 2)) ... for i in range(3)] >>> x = da.concatenate(data, axis=0) >>> x.shape (12, 4) >>> da.concatenate(data, axis=1).shape (4, 12) Result is a new dask Array See Also: stack """ n = len(seq) ndim = len(seq[0].shape) if axis < 0: axis = ndim + axis if axis >= ndim: raise ValueError("Axis must be less than than number of dimensions" "\nData has %d dimensions, but got axis=%d" % (ndim, axis)) bds = [a.blockdims for a in seq] if not all( len(set(bds[i][j] for i in range(n))) == 1 for j in range(len(bds[0])) if j != axis): raise ValueError("Block shapes do not align") shape = (seq[0].shape[:axis] + (sum(a.shape[axis] for a in seq), ) + seq[0].shape[axis + 1:]) blockdims = (seq[0].blockdims[:axis] + (sum([bd[axis] for bd in bds], ()), ) + seq[0].blockdims[axis + 1:]) name = next(concatenate_names) keys = list(product([name], *[range(len(bd)) for bd in blockdims])) cum_dims = [0] + list( accumulate(add, [len(a.blockdims[axis]) for a in seq])) names = [ for a in seq] values = [ (names[bisect(cum_dims, key[axis + 1]) - 1], ) + key[1:axis + 1] + (key[axis + 1] - cum_dims[bisect(cum_dims, key[axis + 1]) - 1], ) + key[axis + 2:] for key in keys ] dsk = dict(zip(keys, values)) dsk2 = merge(dsk, *[a.dask for a in seq]) if all(a._dtype is not None for a in seq): dt = reduce(np.promote_types, [a._dtype for a in seq]) else: dt = None return Array(dsk2, name, shape, blockdims=blockdims, dtype=dt)
def __call__(self, *parts, **kw): return Endpoint(self, parts, **merge(self.method_kw, kw))
def get_items(page="1", field_filters=None, attribute_filters=None, search=None): other_fieldnames = ["item_group", "thumbnail", "has_variants"] price_list = frappe.db.get_single_value("Shopping Cart Settings", "price_list") products_per_page = frappe.db.get_single_value("Products Settings", "products_per_page") get_item_groups = compose( list, unique, map(lambda x: x.get("name")), concat, map(lambda x: get_child_nodes("Item Group", x) if x and frappe.db.exists("Item Group", x, cache=True) else []), ) get_other_fields = compose( valmap(excepts(StopIteration, first, lambda _: {})), groupby("name"), lambda item_codes: frappe.db.sql( """ SELECT name, {other_fieldnames} FROM `tabItem` WHERE name IN %(item_codes)s """.format(other_fieldnames=", ".join(other_fieldnames)), values={"item_codes": item_codes}, as_dict=1, ), lambda items: [x.get("name") for x in items], ) get_page_count = compose( lambda x: frappe.utils.ceil(x[0][0] / products_per_page), lambda x: frappe.db.sql( """ SELECT COUNT(name) FROM `tabItem` WHERE show_in_website = 1 AND item_group IN %(item_groups)s """, values={"item_groups": x}, ), ) field_dict = (frappe.parse_json(field_filters) if isinstance( field_filters, str) else field_filters) or {} item_groups = (get_item_groups(field_dict.get("item_group")) if field_dict.get("item_group") else None) frappe.form_dict.start = (frappe.utils.cint(page) - 1) * products_per_page items = get_products_for_website( field_filters=merge( field_dict, {"item_group": item_groups} if item_groups else {}), attribute_filters=frappe.parse_json(attribute_filters), search=search, ) other_fields = get_other_fields(items) if items else {} item_prices = _get_item_prices(price_list, items) if items else {} get_rates = _rate_getter(price_list, item_prices) return { "page_count": get_page_count(item_groups) if item_groups else 0, "items": [ merge( x, { "route": transform_route(x), "description": frappe.utils.strip_html_tags(x.get("description") or ""), }, get_rates(x.get("name")), { k: other_fields.get(x.get("name"), {}).get(k) for k in other_fieldnames }, ) for x in items ], }
def set_qty(row): qty = get_qty(row) return merge(row, {"qty": qty, "available": qty})
def sync_assignment_from_path(course: IdResourceEndpoint, course_root: str, path: Union[str, Path]): @curry def do_log(logger, msg): return logger('[sync_assignment_from_path] ' + msg) log_info = do_log( log_error = do_log(log.error) html = templates.common.render_markdown_path(course, course_root, path) assign_data = html.meta.copy() name = assign_data.get('name') if not name: log_error(f'The Canvas assignment at {path} does not have a ' '"name:" specified.') return False group_ep = maybe_pipe( assign_data.pop('assignment_group', None), find_assignment_group(course), ) # rubric = assign_data.pop('rubric', None) # if rubric: # if 'use_rubric_for_grading' not in assign_data: # assign_data['use_rubric_for_grading'] = True assignment = find_assignment(course, name) if not assignment: # Need to create new log_info(f'Creating new assignment: "{name}" from {path}') assignment = new_assignment( course, merge(assign_data, {'description': str(html)}), ) assign_md = get_metadata(assignment) path = resolve_path(course_root, path) content_hash = hash_from_content(path.read_text()) extant_hash = assign_md.get('hash') if not content_hash == extant_hash: if group_ep: log_info( f"Found assignment group for {name}: {['name']}") assign_data['assignment_group_id'] =['id'] # log_info(f'Hashes different:' # f' {content_hash} {extant_hash}') log_info(f'Updating assignment "{name}" at {path}:\n' f'{pprint.pformat(assign_data)}') assign_md['hash'] = content_hash set_metadata(assignment, assign_md) return update_assignment( assignment, merge(assign_data, {'description': str(html)}), # do_refresh=False, ) return assignment
def test_merge(): assert merge(factory=lambda: defaultdict(int))({1: 1}) == {1: 1} assert merge({1: 1}) == {1: 1} assert merge({1: 1}, factory=lambda: defaultdict(int)) == {1: 1}
def signature_to_dict(sig): return merge(sig._asdict(), {'python': dict(sig.python._asdict())})