Esempio n. 1
    def __init__(self, bipartite_graphs, beta, k=4, lam_max=2.0, device=None):
        h0_c, g0_c, self.orthogonality = design_biorth_kernel(k)
        h0 = partial(polyval, torch.from_numpy(h0_c))
        h0.__name__ = "h0"
        g0 = partial(polyval, torch.from_numpy(g0_c))
        g0.__name__ = "g0"

        def h1(x):
            return g0(2 - x)

        def g1(x):
            return h0(2 - x)

        self.analysis_krn = np.array([[[h0], [h1]]])

        self.synthesis_krn = np.array([[[g0], [g1]]])

        ana_coeff = cheby_coeff(
            self.analysis_krn, K=2 * k, lam_max=lam_max
        ).squeeze_()  # (1,2,1,K) --> (2,K)
        syn_coeff = cheby_coeff(
            self.synthesis_krn, K=2 * k, lam_max=lam_max
        ).squeeze_()  # (1,2,1,K) --> (2,K)

        operator = QmfOperator.compute_basis(bipartite_graphs, ana_coeff, beta, lam_max)
        self.operator = SparseTensor.from_scipy(operator).to(device)

        inv_operator = QmfOperator.compute_basis(
            bipartite_graphs, syn_coeff, beta, lam_max
        self.inv_operator = SparseTensor.from_scipy(inv_operator).to(device)
    def init_adj(self, edge_index):
        """ cache normalized adjacency and normalized strict two-hop adjacency,
        neither has self loops
        n = self.num_nodes
        if isinstance(edge_index, SparseTensor):
            dev = adj_t.device
            adj_t = edge_index
            adj_t = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix(adj_t.to_scipy())
            adj_t[adj_t > 0] = 1
            adj_t[adj_t < 0] = 0
            adj_t = SparseTensor.from_scipy(adj_t).to(dev)
        elif isinstance(edge_index, torch.Tensor):
            row, col = edge_index
            adj_t = SparseTensor(row=col, col=row, value=None, sparse_sizes=(n, n))

        adj_t2 = matmul(adj_t, adj_t)
        adj_t = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix(adj_t.to_scipy())
        adj_t2 = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix(adj_t2.to_scipy())
        adj_t2 = adj_t2 - adj_t
        adj_t2[adj_t2 > 0] = 1
        adj_t2[adj_t2 < 0] = 0

        adj_t = SparseTensor.from_scipy(adj_t)
        adj_t2 = SparseTensor.from_scipy(adj_t2)
        adj_t = gcn_norm(adj_t, None, n, add_self_loops=False)
        adj_t2 = gcn_norm(adj_t2, None, n, add_self_loops=False)

        self.adj_t =
        self.adj_t2 =
Esempio n. 3
    def __init__(
        G: Graph,
        k: int = 8,
        in_channels: int = 1,
        order: int = 16,
        strategy: str = "admm",
        level: int = 1,
        lam_max: float = 2.0,
        zero_dc: bool = False,
        self.adj = G
        N = self.adj.size(-1)
        self.lam_max = lam_max
        self.strategy = strategy
        self.num_bgraph = level

        device = self.adj.device()
        dtype = self.adj.dtype()
        if strategy == "admm":
            if N < 80:
                bipartite_graphs_dense = admm_bga(
                    self.adj.to_dense().to(torch.double), M=level, **kwargs
                beta = bipartite_graphs_dense.new_zeros(N, level).to(torch.bool)
                bipartite_graphs = []
                bipartite_graphs_dense =
                for i, B in enumerate(bipartite_graphs_dense):
                    _, vtx_color, _ = is_bipartite_fix(B, fix_flag=True)
                    beta[:, i] = torch.as_tensor(vtx_color)

                bipartite_graphs, beta, self.partptr, self.perm = admm_lbga_ray(
                    self.adj, level, **kwargs
                bipartite_graphs = [
                    for B in bipartite_graphs

        elif strategy == "amfs":
            bipartite_graphs, beta = amfs(self.adj, level=self.num_bgraph, **kwargs)
            bipartite_graphs = [
                for B in bipartite_graphs

            raise RuntimeError(
                f"{strategy} is not a valid numerical decomposition "
                f"algorithm supported at present."

            bipartite_graphs, beta, k, in_channels, order, lam_max, zero_dc
Esempio n. 4
def prune_adj(oriadj, non_zero_idx: int, percent: int):
    original_prune_num = int(
        ((non_zero_idx - oriadj.size()[0]) / 2) * (percent / 100))
    adj = SparseTensor.from_torch_sparse_coo_tensor(oriadj).to_scipy()

    # find the lower half of the matrix
    low_adj = tril(adj, -1)
    non_zero_low_adj =[ != 0]

    low_pcen = np.percentile(abs(non_zero_low_adj), percent)
    under_threshold = abs( < low_pcen
    before = len(non_zero_low_adj)[under_threshold] = 0
    non_zero_low_adj =[ != 0]
    after = len(non_zero_low_adj)

    rest_pruned = original_prune_num - (before - after)
    if rest_pruned > 0:
        mask_low_adj = ( != 0)[ == 0] = 2000000
        flat_indices = np.argpartition(,
                                       rest_pruned - 1)[:rest_pruned] = np.multiply(, mask_low_adj)[flat_indices] = 0
    new_adj = low_adj + low_adj.transpose()
    new_adj = new_adj + sparse.eye(new_adj.shape[0])
    return SparseTensor.from_scipy(new_adj).to_torch_sparse_coo_tensor().to(
    def process(self):
        import pandas as pd

        x = sp.load_npz(self.raw_paths[0])
        if x.shape[-1] > 10000 or == 'mag':
            x = SparseTensor.from_scipy(x).to(torch.float)
            x = torch.from_numpy(x.todense()).to(torch.float)

        df = pd.read_csv(self.raw_paths[1],
        edge_index = torch.from_numpy(df.values).t().contiguous()

        with open(self.raw_paths[2], 'r') as f:
            ys ='\n')[:-1]
            ys = [[int(y) - 1 for y in row.split()[1:]] for row in ys]
            multilabel = max([len(y) for y in ys]) > 1

        if not multilabel:
            y = torch.tensor(ys).view(-1)
            num_classes = max([y for row in ys for y in row]) + 1
            y = torch.zeros((len(ys), num_classes), dtype=torch.float)
            for i, row in enumerate(ys):
                for j in row:
                    y[i, j] = 1.

        data = Data(x=x, edge_index=edge_index, y=y)
        data = data if self.pre_transform is None else self.pre_transform(data)[data]), self.processed_paths[0])
Esempio n. 6
def cheby_op_basis(L, coeff, lam_max=2.0, return_ts=False):
    assert coeff.ndim == 1
    K = len(coeff)
    if isinstance(L, SparseTensor):
        dt, dv, density, on_gpu = get_ddd(L)
        xp, xcipy, _ = get_array_module(on_gpu)
    elif isinstance(L, spmatrix):
        import scipy

        xcipy = scipy
        xp = np
        raise TypeError

    L = to_xcipy(L)
    N = L.shape[-1]

    coeff = xp.asarray(coeff)
    Im = xcipy.sparse.eye(N, dtype=L.dtype, format="csr")

    Ln = L * (2 / lam_max) - Im
    Tl_old = Im
    Tl_cur = Ln
    Hl = 0.5 * coeff[0] * Tl_old + coeff[1] * Tl_cur
    for k in range(2, K):
        Tl_new = 2 * Ln * Tl_cur - Tl_old
        Hl = Hl + coeff[k] * Tl_new
        Tl_old = Tl_cur
        Tl_cur = Tl_new

    if return_ts:
        result = SparseTensor.from_scipy(Hl) if xp == np else from_cpx(Hl)
        result = Hl
    return result
Esempio n. 7
    def get_bga(adj, strategy, num_bgraph, **kwargs):
        num_node = adj.size(-1)
        dv = adj.device()
        if strategy == "admm":
            if num_node < 80:
                bipartite_graphs_dense = admm_bga(
                    adj.to_dense().to(torch.double), M=num_bgraph, **kwargs
                beta = torch.zeros(num_node, num_bgraph, dtype=torch.bool, device=dv)
                bipartite_graphs = []
                for i, B in enumerate(bipartite_graphs_dense):
                    _, vtx_color, _ = is_bipartite_fix(B, fix_flag=True)
                    beta[:, i] = torch.as_tensor(vtx_color)
                return bipartite_graphs, beta

                bipartite_graphs, beta, partptr, perm = admm_lbga_ray(
                    adj, num_bgraph, **kwargs

        elif strategy == "amfs":
            bipartite_graphs, beta = amfs(adj, level=num_bgraph, **kwargs)

            raise RuntimeError(
                f"{str(strategy)} is not a valid numerical decomposition algorithm "
                f"supported at present."
        bipartite_graphs = [SparseTensor.from_scipy(B).to(dv) for B in bipartite_graphs]
        return bipartite_graphs, beta
Esempio n. 8
def rand_bipartite(N1, N2, p=0.2, dtype=None, device=None, return_partition=False):
    G = nx.bipartite.random_graph(N1, N2, p)
    csr_sci_adj = nx.adjacency_matrix(G)
    A = SparseTensor.from_scipy(csr_sci_adj).to(device, dtype)
    bpg = Graph(A)
    if return_partition:
        beta = [1 if d["bipartite"] == 1 else 0 for n, d in G.nodes(data=True)]
        beta = torch.as_tensor(beta, dtype=torch.bool)
        return bpg, beta
    return bpg
Esempio n. 9
    def __collate__(self, batch):

        # Call parent's collate function
        data = super().__collate__(batch)

        # Get the node indexes from batch
        if not isinstance(batch, torch.Tensor):
            batch = torch.tensor(batch)

        start = self.cluster_data.partptr[batch].tolist()
        end = self.cluster_data.partptr[batch + 1].tolist()
        node_idx =[torch.arange(s, e) for s, e in zip(start, end)])

        # Convert edge_index to sparse adjacency matrix
        row, col = data.edge_index
        edge_attr = np.ones(row.size(0), dtype=np.float32)
        adj_matrix = coo_matrix((edge_attr, (row, col)),
                                (data.num_nodes, data.num_nodes))
        adj_matrix_tensor = SparseTensor.from_scipy(adj_matrix)
        # adj_matrix_tensor = SparseTensor(row=row, col = col, value = torch.ones(row.size(0), dtype=torch.float32), sparse_sizes = (data.num_nodes, data.num_nodes))

        # Normalize the adjacency matrix
        if self.normalize_adj_matrix == True:
            adj_matrix = aug_normalized_adjacency(adj_matrix)

        # Attach the adjacency matrix to the data
        data['adj_matrix'] = adj_matrix
        data['adj_t'] = adj_matrix_tensor

        # If the node features is a zero tensor with dimension one
        # re-create it here as a (num_nodes, num_nodes) sparse identity matrix
        if data.num_node_features == 1 and torch.equal(
                data['x'], torch.zeros(data.num_nodes,
            node_features = sp.identity(data.num_nodes)
            node_features = sparse_mx_to_torch_sparse_tensor(
            data['x'] = node_features

        # If the node features is a zero tensor with dimension one
        # re-create it here as a (num_nodes, num_nodes) sparse identity matrix
        if data.num_node_features == 1 and torch.equal(
                data['x'], torch.zeros(data.num_nodes,
            node_features = sp.identity(data.num_nodes)
            node_features = sparse_mx_to_torch_sparse_tensor(
            data['x'] = node_features

        # Return the enhanced data
        return data
Esempio n. 10
    def __init__(self, bipartite_graphs, beta, order=24, lam_max=2.0, device=None):
        N, M = beta.shape
        assert len(bipartite_graphs) == M

        self.num_node, self.num_bgraph = N, M
        self.order = order
        self.device = device
        self.lam_max = lam_max

        # 1(n_graph) x 2(Cout) x 1(Cin) kernel
        krn = np.array([[[meyer_kernel], [meyer_mirror_kernel]]])
        # (1,2,1,K) --> (2,K)
        coeff = cheby_coeff(krn, K=order, lam_max=lam_max).squeeze_()

        operator = self.compute_basis(bipartite_graphs, coeff, beta, lam_max)
        self.operator = SparseTensor.from_scipy(operator).to(device)

        self.dtype = self.operator.dtype()
        self.device = self.operator.device()
Esempio n. 11
def to_torch_sparse(mat):
    if isinstance(mat, torch.Tensor):
        if not mat.is_sparse:
            stm = SparseTensor.from_dense(mat)
            stm = SparseTensor.from_torch_sparse_coo_tensor(mat)

    elif isinstance(mat, np.ndarray):
        stm = SparseTensor.from_dense(torch.as_tensor(mat))

    elif isinstance(mat, spmatrix):
        stm = SparseTensor.from_scipy(mat)

    elif isinstance(mat, SparseTensor):
        stm = mat
        raise TypeError(f"{type(mat)} not supported now")

    return stm
Esempio n. 12
 def get_bga(self, adj, strategy, vtx_color, **kwargs):
     dv = adj.device()
     if strategy == "harary":
         bipartite_graphs, beta, beta_dist, new_vtx_color, mapper = harary(
             adj, vtx_color=vtx_color, **kwargs
     elif strategy == "osglm":
         bipartite_graphs, beta, append_nodes, new_vtx_color = osglm(
             adj, vtx_color=vtx_color, **kwargs
         self.append_nodes = append_nodes  # noqa
         raise RuntimeError(
             f"{strategy} is not a valid color-based decomposition algorithm."
     self.vtx_color = new_vtx_color  # noqa
     self.num_node = adj.size(-1)  # noqa
     self.strategy = strategy  # noqa
     self.dtype = adj.dtype()  # noqa
     bipartite_graphs = [SparseTensor.from_scipy(B).to(dv) for B in bipartite_graphs]
     return bipartite_graphs, beta
import torch
from torch_sparse import SparseTensor
import scipy.sparse as sp

import torch_sparse_utils as tsu

n = 10
b = 5
a = sp.rand(n, n, density=0.5, format='csr')
a[a > 0] = 1
adj = SparseTensor.from_scipy(a).type_as(torch.FloatTensor())
batch_nodes = torch.randperm(n)[:b]

num_neighbors = 10
num_proc = 2

sa = tsu.sample_neighbors(adj,
def tree_decomposition(mol, return_vocab=False):
    r"""The tree decomposition algorithm of molecules from the
    `"Junction Tree Variational Autoencoder for Molecular Graph Generation"
    <>`_ paper.
    Returns the graph connectivity of the junction tree, the assignment
    mapping of each atom to the clique in the junction tree, and the number
    of cliques.

        mol (rdkit.Chem.Mol): A :obj:`rdkit` molecule.
        return_vocab (bool, optional): If set to :obj:`True`, will return an
            identifier for each clique (ring, bond, bridged compounds, single).
            (default: :obj:`False`)

    :rtype: (LongTensor, LongTensor, int)
    import rdkit.Chem as Chem

    # Cliques = rings and bonds.
    cliques = [list(x) for x in Chem.GetSymmSSSR(mol)]
    xs = [0] * len(cliques)
    for bond in mol.GetBonds():
        if not bond.IsInRing():
            cliques.append([bond.GetBeginAtomIdx(), bond.GetEndAtomIdx()])

    # Generate `atom2clique` mappings.
    atom2clique = [[] for i in range(mol.GetNumAtoms())]
    for c in range(len(cliques)):
        for atom in cliques[c]:

    # Merge rings that share more than 2 atoms as they form bridged compounds.
    for c1 in range(len(cliques)):
        for atom in cliques[c1]:
            for c2 in atom2clique[atom]:
                if c1 >= c2 or len(cliques[c1]) <= 2 or len(cliques[c2]) <= 2:
                if len(set(cliques[c1]) & set(cliques[c2])) > 2:
                    cliques[c1] = set(cliques[c1]) | set(cliques[c2])
                    xs[c1] = 2
                    cliques[c2] = []
                    xs[c2] = -1
    cliques = [c for c in cliques if len(c) > 0]
    xs = [x for x in xs if x >= 0]

    # Update `atom2clique` mappings.
    atom2clique = [[] for i in range(mol.GetNumAtoms())]
    for c in range(len(cliques)):
        for atom in cliques[c]:

    # Add singleton cliques in case there are more than 2 intersecting
    # cliques. We further compute the "initial" clique graph.
    edges = {}
    for atom in range(mol.GetNumAtoms()):
        cs = atom2clique[atom]
        if len(cs) <= 1:

        # Number of bond clusters that the atom lies in.
        bonds = [c for c in cs if len(cliques[c]) == 2]
        # Number of ring clusters that the atom lies in.
        rings = [c for c in cs if len(cliques[c]) > 4]

        if len(bonds) > 2 or (len(bonds) == 2 and len(cs) > 2):
            c2 = len(cliques) - 1
            for c1 in cs:
                edges[(c1, c2)] = 1

        elif len(rings) > 2:
            c2 = len(cliques) - 1
            for c1 in cs:
                edges[(c1, c2)] = 99

            for i in range(len(cs)):
                for j in range(i + 1, len(cs)):
                    c1, c2 = cs[i], cs[j]
                    count = len(set(cliques[c1]) & set(cliques[c2]))
                    edges[(c1, c2)] = min(count, edges.get((c1, c2), 99))

    # Update `atom2clique` mappings.
    atom2clique = [[] for i in range(mol.GetNumAtoms())]
    for c in range(len(cliques)):
        for atom in cliques[c]:

    if len(edges) > 0:
        edge_index_T, weight = zip(*edges.items())
        row, col = torch.tensor(edge_index_T).t()
        inv_weight = 100 - torch.tensor(weight)
        clique_graph = SparseTensor(row=row,
                                    sparse_sizes=(len(cliques), len(cliques)))
        junc_tree = minimum_spanning_tree(clique_graph.to_scipy('csr'))
        row, col, _ = SparseTensor.from_scipy(junc_tree).coo()
        edge_index = torch.stack([row, col], dim=0)
        edge_index = to_undirected(edge_index, num_nodes=len(cliques))
        edge_index = torch.empty((2, 0), dtype=torch.long)

    rows = [[i] * len(atom2clique[i]) for i in range(mol.GetNumAtoms())]
    row = torch.tensor(list(chain.from_iterable(rows)))
    col = torch.tensor(list(chain.from_iterable(atom2clique)))
    atom2clique = torch.stack([row, col], dim=0).to(torch.long)

    if return_vocab:
        vocab = torch.tensor(xs, dtype=torch.long)
        return edge_index, atom2clique, len(cliques), vocab
        return edge_index, atom2clique, len(cliques)
Esempio n. 15
def img2graph(img, threshold: int = None, grid=False):
    img = np.asarray(img)
    shape = img.shape
    if len(shape) == 2:
        H, W = shape
        pixels = img.reshape(-1)
    elif len(shape) == 3:
        weights = np.array([0.3, 0.59, 0.11]).reshape(3, 1)
        C, H, W = shape
        pixels = img.reshape(C, -1)
        pixels = (weights * pixels).sum(0)
        raise RuntimeError(
            "RGB(3-dim) or Gray(2-dim) expected, but got {} array(or tensor)".

    def filter_edges(r, c):
        if threshold:
            diff = pixels[r] - pixels[c]
            idx = abs(diff) < threshold
            r = r[idx]
            c = c[idx]

        i = np.concatenate([r, c])
        j = np.concatenate([c, r])
        return coo_matrix((np.ones(i.shape), (i, j)), shape=(N, N))

    N = H * W
    pixel_order = np.arange(N).reshape(H, W)
    row_h = pixel_order[:, :-1].reshape(-1)
    col_h = row_h + 1
    row_v = pixel_order[:-1, :].reshape(-1)
    col_v = row_v + W
    row_r = np.concatenate([row_h, row_v])
    col_r = np.concatenate([col_h, col_v])

    Ar = filter_edges(row_r, col_r)

    row_br = pixel_order[:-1, :-1].reshape(-1)
    col_br = row_br + W + 1

    row_bl = pixel_order[:-1, 1:].reshape(-1)
    col_bl = row_bl + W - 1

    row_d = np.concatenate([row_br, row_bl])
    col_d = np.concatenate([col_br, col_bl])
    Ad = filter_edges(row_d, col_d)

    Ar = SparseTensor.from_scipy(Ar)
    Ad = SparseTensor.from_scipy(Ad)

    beta_r = np.zeros((H, W), dtype=bool)
    beta_r[::2, ::2] = 1
    beta_r[1::2, 1::2] = 1
    beta_r = beta_r.reshape(-1)

    beta_d = np.zeros((H, W), dtype=bool)
    beta_d[::2] = 1
    beta_d = beta_d.reshape(-1)

    xy = None
    if grid:
        x, y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(W), np.arange(H - 1, -1, -1))
        xy = np.hstack([x.reshape(-1, 1), y.reshape(-1, 1)])

    return Ar, Ad, beta_r, beta_d, pixels, xy
Esempio n. 16
from thgsp import loadmat
from thgsp.sampling.rsbs import recon_rsbs
from thgsp.utils import mse, snr

def snr_and_mse(x, target):
    s, m = snr(x, target), mse(x, target)
    print(f"SNR: {s:.4f} | MSE: {m:.4e}")
    return s, m

num_sig = 10  # repeat the signal for num_sig times

# Load Data captured from one trial of official code
# with the official code, the reconstruction SNR is about 30 dB, which is consistent
# with `rsbs` reconstruction in thgsp.

data = loadmat("rsbs.mat")
coh1 = data["weight"].ravel()  # distribution of nodes being sampled
S1 = data["ind_obs"].ravel().astype(int) - 1  # sampling node set
mu1 = data["mu"].item()  # the factor of regularization term
f = torch.as_tensor(data["x"])  # the original bandlimited signal
y = torch.as_tensor(data["ynoise_init"]).repeat(
    1, num_sig)  # the contaminated signal

L1 = SparseTensor.from_scipy(data["L"])  # the combinatorial laplacian used

f_hat = recon_rsbs(y, S=S1, L=L1, cum_coh=coh1, mu=mu1, reg_order=1)
s, m = snr_and_mse(f_hat.view(-1, num_sig), f)