def disturb_pose(self, pose, noise): """ uniform disturb pose pose noise float, deviation angle in radius """ new_pose = pose.copy() noise3d = noise / np.sqrt(3) new_pose[:3] += uniform(-noise3d, noise3d, 3) for jstar, jdof in zip(self.pos_start, self.joint_dof): if jdof == 1: new_pose[jstar] += uniform(-noise, noise) elif jdof == 4: noise_quat = Quaternion.fromExpMap( uniform(-noise3d, noise3d, 3)) ori_quat = Quaternion.fromWXYZ(pose[jstar:jstar + 4]) new_quat = noise_quat.mul(ori_quat) new_pose[jstar:jstar + 4] = new_quat.wxyz() elif jdof == 0: pass else: assert (False and "not support jdof other than 1 and 4") return new_pose
def world_frame(self): """ position returns a 3x6 matrix where row is [x, y, z] column is m1 m2 m3 m4 origin h """ origin = self.state[0:3] quat = Quaternion(self.state[6:10]) rot = quat.as_rotation_matrix() wHb = np.r_[np.c_[rot, origin], np.array([[0, 0, 0, 1]])] quadBodyFrame = params.body_frame.T quadWorldFrame = world_frame = quadWorldFrame[0:3] return world_frame
def get_link_states(self): pose, vel = self.get_pose() self.skeleton.set_pose(pose) self.skeleton.set_vel(vel) states = self.get_link_states_by_ids(self.skeleton.get_link_ids()) pos_array = [] rot_array = [] for s in states: pos_array.append(s[0:3]) rot_array.append(s[3:7]) # belly #pos_root = np.array(pos_array[0]) #pos_chest = np.array(pos_array[1]) #pos_belly = 0.5*(pos_root + pos_chest) #states.append([pos_belly[0], pos_belly[1], pos_belly[2], 0, 0, 0, 1]) root_pos = np.array(self.skeleton.get_joint_global_pos(0)) root_rot = Quaternion.fromXYZW(rot_array[0]) root_pos += root_rot.rotate(np.array([0,0.205,0])) states.append(root_pos.tolist() + [0, 0, 0, 1]) # joints states.append(self.skeleton.get_joint_global_pos(3) + [0, 0, 0, 1]) states.append(self.skeleton.get_joint_global_pos(9) + [0, 0, 0, 1]) states.append(self.skeleton.get_joint_global_pos(6) + [0, 0, 0, 1]) states.append(self.skeleton.get_joint_global_pos(12) + [0, 0, 0, 1]) # states.append(self.skeleton.get_joint_global_pos(4) + [0, 0, 0, 1]) # states.append(self.skeleton.get_joint_global_pos(10) + [0, 0, 0, 1]) # states.append(self.skeleton.get_joint_global_pos(7) + [0, 0, 0, 1]) # states.append(self.skeleton.get_joint_global_pos(13) + [0, 0, 0, 1]) # neck neck_pos = np.array(self.skeleton.get_joint_global_pos(2)) head_rot = Quaternion.fromXYZW(rot_array[2]) neck_pos += head_rot.rotate(np.array([0,0.02,0])) states.append(neck_pos.tolist() + [0, 0, 0, 1]) # clavicle chest_rot = Quaternion.fromXYZW(rot_array[1]) j_chest_pos = np.array(self.skeleton.get_joint_global_pos(1)) r_clavicle_pos = chest_rot.rotate(np.array([-0.011, 0.24, 0.095])) + j_chest_pos r_clavicle_rot = chest_rot.mul(Quaternion.fromEulerZYX([-1.64, -0.21, 0.0338])).xyzw() states.append(r_clavicle_pos.tolist() + r_clavicle_rot.tolist()) l_clavicle_pos = chest_rot.rotate(np.array([-0.011, 0.24, -0.095])) + j_chest_pos l_clavicle_rot = chest_rot.mul(Quaternion.fromEulerZYX([1.64, 0.21, 0.0338])).xyzw() states.append(l_clavicle_pos.tolist() + l_clavicle_rot.tolist()) return states
def disturb_root_pose(self, pose, pos_noise, ori_noise): """ uniform disturb pose root """ new_pose = pose.copy() noise3d = pos_noise / np.sqrt(3) new_pose[:3] += uniform(-noise3d, noise3d, 3) noise3d = ori_noise / np.sqrt(3) noise_quat = Quaternion.fromExpMap(uniform(-noise3d, noise3d, 3)) ori_quat = Quaternion.fromWXYZ(pose[3:7]) new_quat = noise_quat.mul(ori_quat) new_pose[3:7] = new_quat.wxyz() return new_pose
def get_link_states(self): pos_stick1, rot_stick1 = self.sim_client.getBasePositionAndOrientation( self.stick1) pos_stick2, rot_stick2 = self.sim_client.getBasePositionAndOrientation( self.stick2) pos_bar, rot_bar = self.sim_client.getBasePositionAndOrientation( self.object_id) rot_bar = Quaternion.fromXYZW(rot_bar).mul( Quaternion.fromXYZW([np.sin(np.pi / 4), 0, 0, np.cos(np.pi / 4)])) return [ pos_stick1 + rot_stick1, pos_stick2 + rot_stick2, np.array(pos_bar).tolist() + rot_bar.xyzw().tolist(), ]
def change_dir(frames): # change direction to x+ axis, starting position at origin ori_pos = frames[0, 1:4].copy() ori_pos[1] = 0 vel_dir = frames[-1, 1:4] - frames[0, 1:4] heading_theta = np.arctan2(-vel_dir[2], vel_dir[0]) inv_rot = Quaternion.fromAngleAxis(-heading_theta, np.array([0, 1, 0])) for i in range(frames.shape[0]): frame = frames[i] frames[i, 1:4] = inv_rot.rotate(frame[1:4] - ori_pos) root_rot = Quaternion.fromWXYZ(frame[4:8]) new_rot = inv_rot.mul(root_rot) frames[i, 4:8] = new_rot.pos_wxyz() return frames
def buildHeadingTrans(self, rot): """ Build the rotation that rotate to local coordinate rot np.array of float, 4 dim, (w, x, y, z) quat of coordinate orientation """ theta = self._kin_core.getHeadingTheta(rot) inv_rot = Quaternion.fromExpMap(np.array([0, -theta, 0])) return inv_rot
def imageDataCallback(self, msg): trans_msg = msg.relative_pose.position # NED translation rot_msg = msg.relative_pose.orientation # orientation in quaternion # these come in as body to body, need camera to camera translation = np.array([trans_msg.x, trans_msg.y, trans_msg.z]) rotation = Quaternion( np.array([rot_msg.w, rot_msg.x, rot_msg.y, rot_msg.z])) # convert from body to camera frame translation = self.R_bc @ translation features_next = np.array(msg.features_next).reshape(-1, 2).T features_prev = np.array(msg.features_prev).reshape(-1, 2).T #dt = msg.dt if np.linalg.norm(translation) > 0.05: # points in the next camera frame p_next = vt.triangulate_points(features_prev, features_next, translation, rotation, self.triang_method, self.Kc_inv) p_inertial = self.current_att.R.T @ self.R_bc.T @ p_next + self.current_pos.reshape( (3, 1)) self.publish_pointCloud(p_inertial.T)
def __init__(self, profile=False): self.profile = profile self.update_frequency = 20.0 self.datum = coordinates.Simulation_Datum # displacement in x (East), y (North), z (Altitude) self.displacement = np.array((0.0, 0.0, -5)) self.velocity = np.array((0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) # Rotation applied from East,North,Altitude coordinate system to the vehicle # euler angles = (pitch, roll, -yaw) self.orientation = Quaternion.fromEuler( (math.radians(0), math.radians(0), math.radians(0))) #print math.degrees(calculatePitch(self.orientation)) #assert(44 < math.degrees(calculatePitch(self.orientation)) < 46) #print math.degrees(calculateYaw(self.orientation)) #assert(89 < math.degrees(calculateYaw(self.orientation)) < 91) # In the vehicle-local coordinate system: self.angular_velocity = np.array( (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) # about x, about y, about z self.motor_states = MotorStates() self.update_lock = threading.Lock() self.thread = threading.Thread(target=self.runLoopWrapper) self.thread.daemon = True self.keep_going = True rospy.Subscriber("/control/motors", ctrl_msgs.MotorDemand, self.onMotorStateMessage)
def action_to_targ_pose(self, action): """ Converte action to PD controller target pose Inputs: action np.array of float, action which DeepMimicSim can take in Outputs: pose np.array of float, pose of character """ assert (action.size == self.dof - 7) targ_pose = np.zeros(self.dof) targ_pose[3] = 1 for i in range(1, self.num_joints): dof = self.joint_dof[i] p_off = self.pos_start[i] a_off = self.act_start[i] if dof == 1: # revolute targ_pose[p_off] = action[a_off] elif dof == 4: # spherical angle = action[a_off] axis = action[a_off + 1:a_off + 4] quata = Quaternion.fromAngleAxis(angle, axis) targ_pose[p_off:p_off + 4] = quata.wxyz() assert (np.isfinite(sum(targ_pose))), embed() #(action, targ_pose) return targ_pose
def post_update(self): self.t += self._sim_step if self.checkpoint: pose, vel = self.character.get_pose() self.recorder.append('character', pose) if self.checkpoint and self.t > self.cut_off: pose, vel = self.character.get_pose() pose, vel = self._skeleton.toLocalFrame(pose, vel) with open('data/states/%s.npy' %, 'wb') as f:, pose), vel) frames = self.recorder.get('character') last_frame = frames[-1] inv_ori_rot = self._skeleton.buildHeadingTrans( np.array(last_frame[3:7])) offset = np.array(last_frame[0:3]) offset[1] = 0 for frame in frames: pos = np.array(frame[0:3]) rot = Quaternion.fromWXYZ(np.array(frame[3:7])) newpos = inv_ori_rot.rotate(pos - offset) newrot = inv_ori_rot.mul(rot) frame[0:3] = newpos.tolist() frame[3:7] = newrot.wxyz().tolist()'data/records/%s.yaml' % print(self.t) print(pose) print(vel) print('finish data saving') input()
def stateCallback(self, msg): position = msg.pose.pose.position # NED position in i frame orient = msg.pose.pose.orientation # orientation in quaternion self.current_pos = np.array([position.x, position.y, position.z]) self.current_att = Quaternion( np.array([orient.w, orient.x, orient.y, orient.z]))
def targ_pose_to_exp(self, pose): """ Convert target pose to exponential map, used as initialization of Actor reference memory Inputs: pose np.array of float, pose of character Outputs: exp np.array of float, action represented in exponential map """ assert (pose.size == self.dof) expmap = np.zeros(self.expdof) for i in range(1, self.num_joints): dof = self.joint_dof[i] p_off = self.pos_start[i] e_off = self.exp_start[i] if dof == 1: # revolute expmap[e_off] = pose[p_off] elif dof == 4: # spherical quata = Quaternion.fromWXYZ(pose[p_off:p_off + 4]) expmap[e_off:e_off + 3] = quata.expmap() assert (np.isfinite(sum(expmap))), embed() #(action, targ_pose) return expmap
def exp_to_targ_pose_old(self, expmap): """ Convert action represented in exponential map to angle-axis action which deepmimic_sim can take in Inputs: expmap np.array of float, action represented in exponential map Outputs: pose np.array of float, pose of character """ assert (expmap.size == self.expdof) pose = np.zeros(self.dof) for i in range(1, self.num_joints): dof = self.joint_dof[i] e_off = self.exp_start[i] p_off = self.pos_start[i] if dof == 1: # revolute pose[p_off] = expmap[e_off] elif dof == 4: # spherical quata = Quaternion.fromExpMap(expmap[e_off:e_off + 3]) pose[p_off:p_off + 4] = quata.wxyz() assert (np.isfinite(sum(pose))), embed() #(action, targ_pose) return pose
def exp_to_action(self, expmap): """ Convert action represented in exponential map to angle-axis action which deepmimic_sim can take in Inputs: expmap np.array of float, action represented in exponential map Outputs: action np.array of float, action for deepmimic environment """ assert (expmap.size == self.expdof) action = np.zeros(self.dof - 7) for i in range(1, self.num_joints): dof = self.joint_dof[i] e_off = self.exp_start[i] a_off = self.act_start[i] if dof == 1: # revolute action[a_off] = expmap[e_off] elif dof == 4: # spherical quata = Quaternion.fromExpMap(expmap[e_off:e_off + 3]) action[a_off:a_off + 4] = quata.angaxis() assert (np.isfinite(sum(action))), embed() #(action, targ_pose) return action
def computeVel(self, pose0, pose1, dt, padding=True): """ Compute velocity between two poses Inputs: pose0 np.array of float, start pose pose1 np.array of float, end pose dt float, duraction between two poses Outputs: avg_vel np.array of float, vel (w/ or w/o padding) """ assert (pose0.size == self.dof) assert (pose1.size == self.dof) avg_vel = np.zeros_like(pose0) root0 = pose0[:3] root1 = pose1[:3] avg_vel[:3] = (root1 - root0) / dt offset = 3 # root angular velocity is in world coordinate dof = self.joint_dof[0] quat0 = Quaternion.fromWXYZ(pose0[offset:offset + dof]) quat1 = Quaternion.fromWXYZ(pose1[offset:offset + dof]) avg_vel[offset:offset + 3] = computeAngVel(quat0, quat1, dt) offset += dof # other joints for i in range(1, self.num_joints): dof = self.joint_dof[i] if dof == 1: # revolute theta0 = pose0[offset] theta1 = pose1[offset] avg_vel[offset] = (theta1 - theta0) / dt elif dof == 4: # spherical quat0 = Quaternion.fromWXYZ(pose0[offset:offset + dof]) quat1 = Quaternion.fromWXYZ(pose1[offset:offset + dof]) avg_vel[offset:offset + 3] = computeAngVelRel(quat0, quat1, dt) offset += dof if padding is False: avg_vel = avg_vel[self.comp2pad] return avg_vel
def calc_command(self, att_des: quat.Quaternion, ang_vel_des, att: quat.Quaternion): """Compute the angular velocity command from current attitude and desired attitude. Returns 1D numpy array of length 3. att_des and att are quaternions equivalent to rotations from inertial to body """ q_des2body = att_des.inverse( ) @ att # return quaternion rotation from desired to body feedforward = q_des2body.rotp( ang_vel_des) #rotate ang_vel_des from des frame to body frame error = att_des.box_minus( att ) #returns Axis-Angle representation of how much you should rotate about each of the body frame axes feedback = * error ang_vel_cmd = self.saturate(feedforward + feedback) return ang_vel_cmd
def test_as_v_thta(self): x = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0] q = Quaternion.from_v_theta(x, np.pi / 2) expected_v = np.array(x) expected_theta = np.pi / 2 actual_v, actual_theta = q.as_v_theta() print actual_v, actual_theta, expected_v self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(expected_v, actual_v)) self.assertEqual(expected_theta, actual_theta)
def get_link_states(self): angle = self.__wallAngle / 180 * np.pi offset = np.array([np.cos(angle), 0, np.sin(angle)]) l_bar_pos = np.array( self.__basePos) - offset * (3.0 - self.__vis_offset) l_bar_pos[1] = 0 r_bar_pos = np.array( self.__basePos) + offset * (3.0 + self.__vis_offset) r_bar_pos[1] = 0 t_bar_quat = Quaternion.fromXYZW(self.__baseOri).mul( Quaternion.fromAngleAxis(np.pi / 2, np.array([0, 0, 1]))) t_bar_pos = np.array(self.__basePos) + offset * self.__vis_offset t_bar_pos[1] = self.height - 0.02 return [ l_bar_pos.tolist() + self.__baseOri, r_bar_pos.tolist() + self.__baseOri, t_bar_pos.tolist() + t_bar_quat.xyzw().tolist() ]
def calc_reward(self): if self.is_fail: return 0 count, pose, vel = self._mocap.slerp(self.t) vel[0] *= self.preset.speed_multiplier; vel[2] *= self.preset.speed_multiplier self._curr_kin_pose = pose self._curr_kin_vel = vel local_sim_pose, local_sim_vel = self._skeleton.toLocalFrame(self._curr_sim_pose, self._curr_sim_vel) local_kin_pose, local_kin_vel = self._skeleton.toLocalFrame(self._curr_kin_pose, self._curr_kin_vel) reward = self._skeleton.get_reward(local_sim_pose, local_sim_vel, local_kin_pose, local_kin_vel) if self.is_episode_end(): pose, vel = self.character.get_pose() pose, vel = self._skeleton.toLocalFrame(pose, vel) bonus = 10.0*self._skeleton.get_reward2(local_sim_pose, local_sim_vel, local_kin_pose, local_kin_vel) bonus *= np.exp(-1.0 * np.mean(np.abs(vel[6:] - local_kin_vel[6:]))) bonus *= np.exp(-1.0 * np.mean(np.abs(vel[3:6] - self.preset.angular_v))) bonus *= bell(vel[2], self.preset.linear_v_z, 1.0) if self.checkpoint: print('v[2]', vel[2]) print(pose) print(vel) print('writing to %s ...' % (self.checkpoint + '.npy')) with open(self.checkpoint + '.npy', 'wb') as f:, pose), vel) print('processing recording, please wait ...') frames = self.motion_recorder.get('character') last_frame = frames[-1] inv_ori_rot = self._skeleton.buildHeadingTrans(np.array(last_frame[3:7])) offset = np.array(last_frame[0:3]) offset[1] = 0 for frame in frames: pos = np.array(frame[0:3]) rot = Quaternion.fromWXYZ(np.array(frame[3:7])) newpos = inv_ori_rot.rotate(pos - offset) newrot = inv_ori_rot.mul(rot) frame[0:3] = newpos.tolist() frame[3:7] = newrot.wxyz().tolist() + '.yaml') print('writing done') return bonus + reward return reward
def calc_command(self, att_des: quat.Quaternion, ang_vel_des, att: quat.Quaternion): """Compute the angular velocity command from current attitude and desired attitude. Returns 1D numpy array of length 3. """ q_des2body = att_des @ att feedforward = q_des2body.rotp(ang_vel_des) error = att_des.inverse().box_minus(att) feedback = * error ang_vel_cmd = self.saturate(feedforward + feedback) return ang_vel_cmd
def state_dot(self, state, t, F, M, Fi_s): x, y, z, xdot, ydot, zdot, qw, qx, qy, qz, p, q, r = state quat = np.array([qw,qx,qy,qz]) bRw = Quaternion(quat).as_rotation_matrix() # world to body rotation matrix wRb = bRw.T # orthogonal matrix inverse = transpose # acceleration - Newton's second law of motion #accel = (1.0 / params.mass) * ([[0, 0, F]]).T) - np.array([[0, 0, params.mass * params.g]]).T) rotor_drag = True if(rotor_drag): v = np.array([[xdot],[ydot],[zdot]]) vw = np.array([[0],[0],[0]]) # wind velocity omega = np.array([[p],[q],[r]]) Fa = self.total_rotor_drag(v, vw, omega, Fi_s, wRb) # total rotor drag in body frame else: Fa = np.array([[0],[0],[0]]) accel = -params.g*params.e3 + (F/params.mass)*,params.e3) +, Fa) # angular velocity - using quternion # K_quat = 2.0; # this enforces the magnitude 1 constraint for the quaternion quaterror = 1.0 - (qw**2 + qx**2 + qy**2 + qz**2) qdot = (-1.0/2) * np.array([[0, -p, -q, -r], [p, 0, -r, q], [q, r, 0, -p], [r, -q, p, 0]]).dot(quat) + K_quat * quaterror * quat; # angular acceleration - Euler's equation of motion # omega = np.array([p,q,r]) pqrdot = M.flatten() - np.cross(omega, ) state_dot = np.zeros(13) state_dot[0] = xdot state_dot[1] = ydot state_dot[2] = zdot state_dot[3] = accel[0][0] state_dot[4] = accel[1][0] state_dot[5] = accel[2][0] state_dot[6] = qdot[0] state_dot[7] = qdot[1] state_dot[8] = qdot[2] state_dot[9] = qdot[3] state_dot[10] = pqrdot[0] state_dot[11] = pqrdot[1] state_dot[12] = pqrdot[2] return state_dot
def generalized_falling_rwd(self): avg_penalty = self.offset_penalty / self.num_step rwd = 1.0 - np.clip( np.power(avg_penalty / self.offset_penalty_coeff, 2), 0, 1) avg_ang_penalty = self.angv_penalty / self.num_step rwd *= np.exp(-self.angv_penalty_coeff * avg_ang_penalty) if rwd > 0: q = Quaternion.fromWXYZ(self.root_quat) min_angle = np.pi for qb in self.q_bases: q_base = Quaternion.fromWXYZ(np.array(qb)) q_diff = q.mul(q_base.conjugate()) angle = np.abs(q_diff.angle()) min_angle = np.min([min_angle, angle]) rwd *= np.clip(min_angle / (np.pi / 2), 0.01, 1) #print(min_angle) #print(self.root_quat) if self.head_contact: rwd *= 0.7 return rwd
def normalize_target_pose(self, pose): """ normalize given pose to make quaternions norm as 1 """ assert (pose.size == self.dof) norm_pose = pose.copy() for i in range(self.num_joints): dof = self.joint_dof[i] p_off = self.pos_start[i] if dof == 4: # spherical quata = Quaternion.fromWXYZ(pose[p_off:p_off + 4]) norm_pose[p_off:p_off + 4] = quata.pos_wxyz() assert (np.isfinite(sum(norm_pose))), embed() #(action, targ_pose) return norm_pose
def update_imu(self, gyroscope, accelerometer): """ Perform one update step with data from a IMU sensor array :param gyroscope: A three-element array containing the gyroscope data in radians per second. :param accelerometer: A three-element array containing the accelerometer data. Can be any unit since a normalized value is used. """ q = self.quaternion gyroscope = np.array(gyroscope, dtype=float).flatten() accelerometer = np.array(accelerometer, dtype=float).flatten() # Normalise accelerometer measurement if norm(accelerometer) is 0: warnings.warn("accelerometer is zero") return accelerometer /= norm(accelerometer) # Gradient descent algorithm corrective step f = np.array([ 2 * (q[1] * q[3] - q[0] * q[2]) - accelerometer[0], 2 * (q[0] * q[1] + q[2] * q[3]) - accelerometer[1], 2 * (0.5 - q[1]**2 - q[2]**2) - accelerometer[2] ]) j = np.array([[-2 * q[2], 2 * q[3], -2 * q[0], 2 * q[1]], [2 * q[1], 2 * q[0], 2 * q[3], 2 * q[2]], [0, -4 * q[1], -4 * q[2], 0]]) step = step /= norm(step) # normalise step magnitude # Compute rate of change of quaternion qdot = (q * Quaternion(0, gyroscope[0], gyroscope[1], gyroscope[2])) * 0.5 - self.beta * step.T # Integrate to yield quaternion q += qdot * self.samplePeriod self.quaternion = Quaternion(q / norm(q)) # normalise quaternion
def __init__(self, info): """ Inputs: info json item load from character file """ self._pos = np.array( [info["AttachX"], info["AttachY"], info["AttachZ"]]) self._name = info["Name"] self._parent_id = info["Parent"] self._parent = None self._type_name = info['Type'] self._type = NAME2TYPE[info['Type']] self._dof = Dof[self._type] self._expdof = ExpDof[self._type] self._w = info["DiffWeight"] self._is_end_effector = info["IsEndEffector"] if self._type is JointType.REVOLUTE: self._torque_lim = [info["TorqueLim"]] elif self._type is JointType.SPHERE: if "TorqueLimX" not in info: self._torque_lim = [info["TorqueLim"]] * 4 else: self._torque_lim = [ info["TorqueLimX"], info["TorqueLimY"], info["TorqueLimZ"], 0 ] else: self._torque_lim = [0] * 4 if self._type is JointType.REVOLUTE: self.limlow = np.array([info["LimLow0"]]) self.limhigh = np.array([info["LimHigh0"]]) elif self._type is JointType.SPHERE: self.limlow = -3.14 * np.ones(3) self.limhigh = 3.14 * np.ones(3) else: self.limlow = np.array([]) self.limhigh = np.array([]) self.pose = np.zeros(self._dof) self.pose2quat = POSE2QUAT[self._type] self.quat = Quaternion(1, 0, 0, 0) self.vel = np.zeros(self._dof) self.vel2omg = VEL2OMG[self._type] self.omg = np.zeros(3)
def state_dot(self, state, t, F, M): x, y, z, xdot, ydot, zdot, qw, qx, qy, qz, p, q, r = state quat = np.array([qw, qx, qy, qz]) bRw = Quaternion( quat).as_rotation_matrix() # world to body rotation matrix self.R = bRw wRb = bRw.T # orthogonal matrix inverse = transpose # acceleration - Newton's second law of motion accel = 1.0 / params.mass * ( [[0, 0, F]]).T) - np.array([[0, 0, params.mass * params.g]]).T) # angular velocity - using quternion # K_quat = 2.0 # this enforces the magnitude 1 constraint for the quaternion quaterror = 1.0 - (qw**2 + qx**2 + qy**2 + qz**2) qdot = (-1.0 / 2) * np.array([[0, -p, -q, -r], [p, 0, -r, q], [q, r, 0, -p], [r, -q, p, 0] ]).dot(quat) + K_quat * quaterror * quat # angular acceleration - Euler's equation of motion # omega = np.array([p, q, r]) pqrdot = - np.cross(omega, state_dot = np.zeros(13) state_dot[0] = xdot state_dot[1] = ydot state_dot[2] = zdot state_dot[3] = accel[0] state_dot[4] = accel[1] state_dot[5] = accel[2] state_dot[6] = qdot[0] state_dot[7] = qdot[1] state_dot[8] = qdot[2] state_dot[9] = qdot[3] state_dot[10] = pqrdot[0] state_dot[11] = pqrdot[1] state_dot[12] = pqrdot[2] return state_dot
def toLocalFrame(self, pose, vel, ori_pos=None, ori_rot=None): """ Convert pose and vel from world frame to local frame, the local frame heading direction is rotated x-axis Inputs: pose np.array of float, character pose vel np.array of float, character vel w/ padding ori_pos np.array of float, 3 dim, position of local coordinate origin ori_rot np.array of float, 4 dim, (w, x, y, z) quat of local coordinate orientation Outputs: local_pose local_vel """ if ori_pos is None: ori_pos = pose[:3] if ori_rot is None: ori_rot = pose[3:7] # heading theta inv_ori_rot = self.buildHeadingTrans(ori_rot) local_pos = pose.copy() local_vel = vel.copy() # ignore y difference, because local cooridnate shares xoz plane with world local_pos[0] -= ori_pos[0] # root x pos local_pos[2] -= ori_pos[2] # root y pos ori_rot = Quaternion.fromWXYZ(ori_rot) ori_rot = inv_ori_rot.mul(ori_rot) local_pos[3:7] = ori_rot.pos_wxyz() # root orientation local_vel[:3] = inv_ori_rot.rotate(vel[:3]) # root velocity local_vel[3:6] = inv_ori_rot.rotate(vel[3:6]) # root angular velocity return local_pos, local_vel
def targ_pose_to_action(self, pose): """ Convert desired pose to action Inputs: pose np.array of float, pose of character Outputs: action np.array of float, action which DeepMimicSim can take in """ assert (pose.size == self.dof) action = np.zeros(self.dof - 7) for i in range(1, self.num_joints): dof = self.joint_dof[i] p_off = self.pos_start[i] a_off = self.act_start[i] if dof == 1: # revolute action[a_off] = pose[p_off] elif dof == 4: # spherical quata = Quaternion.fromWXYZ(pose[p_off:p_off + 4]) action[a_off:a_off + 4] = quata.angaxis() assert (np.isfinite(sum(action))), embed() #(action, targ_pose) return action
class MadgwickAHRS: samplePeriod = 0.01 quaternion = Quaternion(1, 0, 0, 0) beta = 1 def __init__(self, sampleperiod=None, quaternion=None, beta=None): """ Initialize the class with the given parameters. :param sampleperiod: The sample period :param quaternion: Initial quaternion :param beta: Algorithm gain beta :return: """ if sampleperiod is not None: self.samplePeriod = sampleperiod if quaternion is not None: self.quaternion = quaternion if beta is not None: self.beta = beta def update(self, gyroscope, accelerometer, magnetometer): """ Perform one update step with data from a AHRS sensor array :param gyroscope: A three-element array containing the gyroscope data in radians per second. :param accelerometer: A three-element array containing the accelerometer data. Can be any unit since a normalized value is used. :param magnetometer: A three-element array containing the magnetometer data. Can be any unit since a normalized value is used. :return: """ q = self.quaternion gyroscope = np.array(gyroscope, dtype=float).flatten() accelerometer = np.array(accelerometer, dtype=float).flatten() magnetometer = np.array(magnetometer, dtype=float).flatten() # Normalise accelerometer measurement if norm(accelerometer) is 0: warnings.warn("accelerometer is zero") return accelerometer /= norm(accelerometer) # Normalise magnetometer measurement if norm(magnetometer) is 0: warnings.warn("magnetometer is zero") return magnetometer /= norm(magnetometer) h = q * (Quaternion(0, magnetometer[0], magnetometer[1], magnetometer[2]) * q.conj()) b = np.array([0, norm(h[1:3]), 0, h[3]]) # Gradient descent algorithm corrective step f = np.array([ 2 * (q[1] * q[3] - q[0] * q[2]) - accelerometer[0], 2 * (q[0] * q[1] + q[2] * q[3]) - accelerometer[1], 2 * (0.5 - q[1]**2 - q[2]**2) - accelerometer[2], 2 * b[1] * (0.5 - q[2]**2 - q[3]**2) + 2 * b[3] * (q[1] * q[3] - q[0] * q[2]) - magnetometer[0], 2 * b[1] * (q[1] * q[2] - q[0] * q[3]) + 2 * b[3] * (q[0] * q[1] + q[2] * q[3]) - magnetometer[1], 2 * b[1] * (q[0] * q[2] + q[1] * q[3]) + 2 * b[3] * (0.5 - q[1]**2 - q[2]**2) - magnetometer[2] ]) j = np.array([[-2 * q[2], 2 * q[3], -2 * q[0], 2 * q[1]], [2 * q[1], 2 * q[0], 2 * q[3], 2 * q[2]], [0, -4 * q[1], -4 * q[2], 0], [ -2 * b[3] * q[2], 2 * b[3] * q[3], -4 * b[1] * q[2] - 2 * b[3] * q[0], -4 * b[1] * q[3] + 2 * b[3] * q[1] ], [ -2 * b[1] * q[3] + 2 * b[3] * q[1], 2 * b[1] * q[2] + 2 * b[3] * q[0], 2 * b[1] * q[1] + 2 * b[3] * q[3], -2 * b[1] * q[0] + 2 * b[3] * q[2] ], [ 2 * b[1] * q[2], 2 * b[1] * q[3] - 4 * b[3] * q[1], 2 * b[1] * q[0] - 4 * b[3] * q[2], 2 * b[1] * q[1] ]]) step = step /= norm(step) # normalise step magnitude # Compute rate of change of quaternion qdot = (q * Quaternion(0, gyroscope[0], gyroscope[1], gyroscope[2])) * 0.5 - self.beta * step.T # Integrate to yield quaternion q += qdot * self.samplePeriod self.quaternion = Quaternion(q / norm(q)) # normalise quaternion def update_imu(self, gyroscope, accelerometer): """ Perform one update step with data from a IMU sensor array :param gyroscope: A three-element array containing the gyroscope data in radians per second. :param accelerometer: A three-element array containing the accelerometer data. Can be any unit since a normalized value is used. """ q = self.quaternion gyroscope = np.array(gyroscope, dtype=float).flatten() accelerometer = np.array(accelerometer, dtype=float).flatten() # Normalise accelerometer measurement if norm(accelerometer) is 0: warnings.warn("accelerometer is zero") return accelerometer /= norm(accelerometer) # Gradient descent algorithm corrective step f = np.array([ 2 * (q[1] * q[3] - q[0] * q[2]) - accelerometer[0], 2 * (q[0] * q[1] + q[2] * q[3]) - accelerometer[1], 2 * (0.5 - q[1]**2 - q[2]**2) - accelerometer[2] ]) j = np.array([[-2 * q[2], 2 * q[3], -2 * q[0], 2 * q[1]], [2 * q[1], 2 * q[0], 2 * q[3], 2 * q[2]], [0, -4 * q[1], -4 * q[2], 0]]) step = step /= norm(step) # normalise step magnitude # Compute rate of change of quaternion qdot = (q * Quaternion(0, gyroscope[0], gyroscope[1], gyroscope[2])) * 0.5 - self.beta * step.T # Integrate to yield quaternion q += qdot * self.samplePeriod self.quaternion = Quaternion(q / norm(q)) # normalise quaternion