def get_parameter_in_cgroup(vm, cgroup_type, parameter):
        Get vm's cgroup value.

        :Param vm: the vm object
        :Param cgroup_type: type of cgroup we want, vcpu or emulator.
        :Param parameter: the cgroup parameter of vm which we need to get.
        :return: False if expected controller is not mounted.
                 else return value's result object.
        cgroup_path = \
            utils_cgroup.resolve_task_cgroup_path(vm.get_pid(), "cpu")

        if not cgroup_type == "emulator":
            # When a VM has an 'emulator' child cgroup present, we must
            # strip off that suffix when detecting the cgroup for a machine
            if os.path.basename(cgroup_path) == "emulator":
                cgroup_path = os.path.dirname(cgroup_path)
            cgroup_file = os.path.join(cgroup_path, parameter)
            cgroup_file = os.path.join(cgroup_path, parameter)

        cg_file = None
                cg_file = open(cgroup_file)
                result =
            except IOError:
                raise error.TestError("Failed to open cgroup file %s"
                                      % cgroup_file)
            if cg_file is not None:
        return result.strip()
Esempio n. 2
    def get_parameter_in_cgroup(vm, cgroup_type, parameter):
        Get vm's cgroup value.

        :Param vm: the vm object
        :Param cgroup_type: type of cgroup we want, vcpu or emulator.
        :Param parameter: the cgroup parameter of vm which we need to get.
        :return: False if expected controller is not mounted.
                 else return value's result object.
        cgroup_path = \
            utils_cgroup.resolve_task_cgroup_path(vm.get_pid(), "cpu")

        if not cgroup_type == "emulator":
            # When a VM has an 'emulator' child cgroup present, we must
            # strip off that suffix when detecting the cgroup for a machine
            if os.path.basename(cgroup_path) == "emulator":
                cgroup_path = os.path.dirname(cgroup_path)
            cgroup_file = os.path.join(cgroup_path, parameter)
            cgroup_file = os.path.join(cgroup_path, parameter)

        cg_file = None
                cg_file = open(cgroup_file)
                result =
            except IOError:
                raise error.TestError("Failed to open cgroup file %s" %
            if cg_file is not None:
        return result.strip()
Esempio n. 3
    def get_cgroup_path(self, controller=None):
        Get specific cgroup controller's root path

        :params controller: The cgroup controller, used for cgroup v1. For
                            cgroup v2 this param will be ignored since all
                            controllers are in the same dir
        :return: The path to the cgroup controller
        cgroup_path = ""
        if self.is_cgroup_v2_enabled():
            vm_proc_cgroup_path = "/proc/%s/cgroup" % self.__vm_pid
            with open('/proc/mounts', 'r') as mnts:
                cg_mount_point = re.findall(r"\s(\S*cgroup)\s",
            with open(vm_proc_cgroup_path, 'r') as vm_cg_file:
                cg_vm_scope = re.findall(r"\S*::(\S*)",
            cgroup_path = os.path.join(cg_mount_point[0],
            if "emulator" in cgroup_path:
                cgroup_path += "/.."
            cgroup_path = utils_cgroup.resolve_task_cgroup_path(
                int(self.__vm_pid), controller)
        if not os.path.exists(cgroup_path):
            logging.error("cgroup path '%s' doesn't exist" % cgroup_path)
            return None
        return cgroup_path
Esempio n. 4
    def get_parameter_in_cgroup(vm, parameter):
        Get vm's cgroup value.

        @Param vm: the vm object
        @Param parameter: the cgroup parameter of vm which we need to get.
        :return: False if expected controller is not mounted.
                 else return value's result object.
        cgroup_path = \
            utils_cgroup.resolve_task_cgroup_path(vm.get_pid(), "cpu")
        cgroup_file = os.path.join(cgroup_path, parameter)
        if not os.path.exists(cgroup_file):
            raise error.TestNAError("Unknown path to cgroups", cgroup_file)
        get_value_cmd = "cat %s" % cgroup_file
        result =, ignore_status=True)
        return result.stdout.strip()
    def get_parameter_in_cgroup(vm, parameter):
        Get vm's cgroup value.

        @Param vm: the vm object
        @Param parameter: the cgroup parameter of vm which we need to get.
        :return: False if expected controller is not mounted.
                 else return value's result object.
        cgroup_path = \
            utils_cgroup.resolve_task_cgroup_path(vm.get_pid(), "cpu")
        cgroup_file = os.path.join(cgroup_path, parameter)
        if not os.path.exists(cgroup_file):
            raise error.TestNAError("Unknown path to cgroups", cgroup_file)
        get_value_cmd = "cat %s" % cgroup_file
        result =, ignore_status=True)
        return result.stdout.strip()
def get_emulatorpin_from_cgroup(params, test):
    Get a list of domain-specific per block stats from cgroup blkio controller.
    :params: the parameter dictionary

    vm = params.get("vm")

    cpuset_path = \
        utils_cgroup.resolve_task_cgroup_path(vm.get_pid(), "cpuset")

    cpuset_file = os.path.join(cpuset_path, "cpuset.cpus")

        with open(cpuset_file, "rU") as f_emulatorpin_params:
            emulatorpin_params_from_cgroup = f_emulatorpin_params.readline()
        return emulatorpin_params_from_cgroup
    except IOError:
        test.error("Failed to get emulatorpin " "params from %s" % cpuset_file)
Esempio n. 7
def get_emulatorpin_from_cgroup(params, test):
    Get a list of domain-specific per block stats from cgroup blkio controller.
    :params: the parameter dictionary

    vm = params.get("vm")

    cpuset_path = \
        utils_cgroup.resolve_task_cgroup_path(vm.get_pid(), "cpuset")

    cpuset_file = os.path.join(cpuset_path, "cpuset.cpus")

        with open(cpuset_file, "rU") as f_emulatorpin_params:
            emulatorpin_params_from_cgroup = f_emulatorpin_params.readline()
        return emulatorpin_params_from_cgroup
    except IOError:
        test.error("Failed to get emulatorpin "
                   "params from %s" % cpuset_file)
Esempio n. 8
    def get_parameter_in_cgroup(vm, cgroup_type, parameter):
        Get vm's cgroup value.

        :Param vm: the vm object
        :Param cgroup_type: type of cgroup we want, vcpu or emulator.
        :Param parameter: the cgroup parameter of vm which we need to get.
        :return: False if expected controller is not mounted.
                 else return value's result object.
        cgroup_path = \
            utils_cgroup.resolve_task_cgroup_path(vm.get_pid(), "cpu")
        logging.debug("cgroup_path=%s", cgroup_path)
        if not cgroup_type == "emulator":
            # When a VM has an 'emulator' child cgroup present, we must
            # strip off that suffix when detecting the cgroup for a machine
            if os.path.basename(cgroup_path) == "emulator":
                cgroup_path = os.path.dirname(cgroup_path)
            if cgroup_type == 'iothread':
                parameter = 'iothread1/%s' % parameter
            if cgroup_type == 'vcpu' and parameter != 'cpu.shares':
                parameter = 'vcpu0/%s' % parameter
            if parameter == 'cpu.shares' and libvirt_version.version_compare(
                    7, 0, 0):
                cgroup_path = os.path.dirname(cgroup_path)
            logging.debug("cgroup_path is updated to '%s'", cgroup_path)
        cgroup_file = os.path.join(cgroup_path, parameter)
        logging.debug("cgroup_file=%s", cgroup_file)

        cg_file = None
                cg_file = open(cgroup_file)
                result =
            except IOError:
                test.error("Failed to open cgroup file %s" % cgroup_file)
            if cg_file is not None:
        return result.strip()
Esempio n. 9
def run(test, params, env):
    Test virsh cpu-stats command.

    The command can display domain per-CPU and total statistics.
    1. Call virsh cpu-stats [domain]
    2. Call virsh cpu-stats [domain] with valid options
    3. Call virsh cpu-stats [domain] with invalide options

    if not virsh.has_help_command('cpu-stats'):
        raise error.TestNAError("This version of libvirt does not support "
                                "the cpu-stats test")

    vm_name = params.get("main_vm", "vm1")
    vm_ref = params.get("cpu_stats_vm_ref")
    status_error = params.get("status_error", "no")
    options = params.get("cpu_stats_options")
    logging.debug("options are %s", options)

    if vm_ref == "name":
        vm_ref = vm_name

    # get host cpus num
    cpus = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
    logging.debug("host cpu num is %s", cpus)

    # get options and put into a dict
    get_total ='total', options)
    get_start ='start', options)
    get_count ='count', options)

    # command without options
    get_noopt = 0
    if not get_total and not get_start and not get_count:
        get_noopt = 1

    # command with only --total option
    get_totalonly = 0
    if not get_start and not get_count and get_total:
        get_totalonly = 1

    option_dict = {}
    if options.strip():
        option_list = options.split('--')
        logging.debug("option_list is %s", option_list)
        for match in option_list[1:]:
            if get_start or get_count:
                option_dict[match.split(' ')[0]] = match.split(' ')[1]

    # Run virsh command
    cmd_result = virsh.cpu_stats(vm_ref, options,
                                 ignore_status=True, debug=True)
    output = cmd_result.stdout.strip()
    status = cmd_result.exit_status

    # check status_error
    if status_error == "yes":
        if status == 0:
            raise error.TestFail("Run successfully with wrong command!")
    elif status_error == "no":
        if status != 0:
            raise error.TestFail("Run failed with right command")
            # Get cgroup cpu_time
            if not get_totalonly:
                vm = env.get_vm(vm_ref)
                cgpath = utils_cgroup.resolve_task_cgroup_path(
                    vm.get_pid(), "cpuacct")
                # When a VM has an 'emulator' child cgroup present, we must
                # strip off that suffix when detecting the cgroup for a machine
                if os.path.basename(cgpath) == "emulator":
                    cgpath = os.path.dirname(cgpath)
                usage_file = os.path.join(cgpath, "cpuacct.usage_percpu")
                cgtime = file(usage_file).read().strip().split()
                logging.debug("cgtime get is %s", cgtime)

            # Cut CPUs from output and format to list
            output = re.sub(r'\.', '', output)
            if get_total:
                mt_start ='Total', output).start()
                mt_start = len(output)
            output_cpus = " ".join(output[:mt_start].split())
            cpus_list = re.compile(r'CPU\d+:').split(output_cpus)

            # conditions that list total time info
            if get_noopt or get_total:
                mt_end ='Total', output).end()
                total_list = output[mt_end + 1:].split()

                total_time = int(total_list[1])
                user_time = int(total_list[4])
                system_time = int(total_list[7])

                # check Total cpu_time >= User + System cpu_time
                if user_time + system_time >= total_time:
                    raise error.TestFail("total cpu_time < user_time + "
                logging.debug("Check total cpu_time %d >= user + system "
                              "cpu_time %d",
                              total_time, user_time + system_time)

            start_num = 0
            if get_start:
                start_num = int(option_dict["start"])

            end_num = int(cpus)
            if get_count:
                count_num = int(option_dict["count"])
                if end_num > start_num + count_num:
                    end_num = start_num + count_num

            # for only give --total option it only shows "Total" cpu info
            if get_totalonly:
                end_num = -1

            # find CPU[N] in output and sum the cpu_time and cgroup cpu_time
            sum_cputime = 0
            sum_cgtime = 0
            logging.debug("start_num %d, end_num %d", start_num, end_num)
            for i in range(start_num, end_num):
                if not'CPU' + "%i" % i, output):
                    raise error.TestFail("Fail to find CPU" + "%i" % i + "in "
                logging.debug("Check CPU" + "%i" % i + " exist")
                sum_cputime += int(cpus_list[i - start_num + 1].split()[1])
                sum_cgtime += int(cgtime[i])

            # check cgroup cpu_time > sum of cpu_time
            if end_num >= 0:
                if sum_cputime > sum_cgtime:
                    raise error.TestFail("Check sum of cgroup cpu_time < sum "
                                         "of output cpu_time")
                logging.debug("Check sum of cgroup cpu_time %d >= cpu_time %d",
                              sum_cgtime, sum_cputime)

            # check Total cpu_time >= sum of cpu_time when no options
            if get_noopt:
                if total_time < sum_cputime:
                    raise error.TestFail("total time < sum of output cpu_time")
                logging.debug("Check total time %d >= sum of output cpu_time"
                              " %d", total_time, sum_cputime)
Esempio n. 10
def run(test, params, env):
    Test the command virsh memtune

    (1) To get the current memtune parameters
    (2) Change the parameter values
    (3) Check the memtune query updated with the values
    (4) Check whether the mounted cgroup path gets the updated value
    (5) Login to guest and use the memory greater that the assigned value
        and check whether it kills the vm.
    (6) TODO:Check more values and robust scenarios.

    def check_limit(path, expected_value, limit_name):
        Matches the expected and actual output
        (1) Match the output of the virsh memtune
        (2) Match the output of the respective cgroup fs value

        :params: path: memory controller path for a domain
        :params: expected_value: the expected limit value
        :params: limit_name: the limit to be checked
        :return: True or False based on the checks
        status_value = True
        # Check 1
        actual_value = virsh.memtune_get(domname, limit_name)
        if actual_value == -1:
            raise error.TestFail("the key %s not found in the "
                                 "virsh memtune output" % limit_name)
        if actual_value != int(expected_value):
            status_value = False
            logging.error("%s virsh output:\n\tExpected value:%d"
                          "\n\tActual value: "
                          "%d", limit_name,
                          int(expected_value), int(actual_value))

        # Check 2
        if limit_name == 'hard_limit':
            cg_file_name = '%s/memory.limit_in_bytes' % path
        elif limit_name == 'soft_limit':
            cg_file_name = '%s/memory.soft_limit_in_bytes' % path
        elif limit_name == 'swap_hard_limit':
            cg_file_name = '%s/memory.memsw.limit_in_bytes' % path

        cg_file = None
                cg_file = open(cg_file_name)
                output =
                value = int(output) / 1024
                if int(expected_value) != int(value):
                    status_value = False
                    logging.error("%s cgroup fs:\n\tExpected Value: %d"
                                  "\n\tActual Value: "
                                  "%d", limit_name,
                                  int(expected_value), int(value))
            except IOError:
                status_value = False
                logging.error("Error while reading:\n%s", cg_file_name)
            if cg_file is not None:

        return status_value

    # Get the vm name, pid of vm and check for alive
    domname = params.get("main_vm")
    vm = env.get_vm(params["main_vm"])
    pid = vm.get_pid()"Verify valid cgroup path for VM pid: %s", pid)

    # Resolve the memory cgroup path for a domain
    path = utils_cgroup.resolve_task_cgroup_path(int(pid), "memory")

    # Set the initial memory starting value for test case
    # By default set 1GB less than the total memory
    # In case of total memory is less than 1GB set to 256MB
    # visit subtests.cfg to change these default values
    Memtotal = utils_memory.read_from_meminfo('MemTotal')
    base_mem = params.get("memtune_base_mem")

    if int(Memtotal) < int(base_mem):
        Mem = int(params.get("memtune_min_mem"))
        Mem = int(Memtotal) - int(base_mem)

    # Initialize error counter
    error_counter = 0

    # Check for memtune command is available in the libvirt version under test
    if not virsh.has_help_command("memtune"):
        raise error.TestNAError(
            "Memtune not available in this libvirt version")

    # Run test case with 100kB increase in memory value for each iteration
    while (Mem < Memtotal):
        if virsh.has_command_help_match("memtune", "hard-limit"):
            hard_mem = Mem - int(params.get("memtune_hard_base_mem"))
            options = " --hard-limit %d --live" % hard_mem
            virsh.memtune_set(domname, options)
            if not check_limit(path, hard_mem, "hard_limit"):
                error_counter += 1
            raise error.TestNAError("harlimit option not available in memtune "
                                    "cmd in this libvirt version")

        if virsh.has_command_help_match("memtune", "soft-limit"):
            soft_mem = Mem - int(params.get("memtune_soft_base_mem"))
            options = " --soft-limit %d --live" % soft_mem
            virsh.memtune_set(domname, options)
            if not check_limit(path, soft_mem, "soft_limit"):
                error_counter += 1
            raise error.TestNAError("softlimit option not available in memtune "
                                    "cmd in this libvirt version")

        if virsh.has_command_help_match("memtune", "swap-hard-limit"):
            swaphard = Mem
            options = " --swap-hard-limit %d --live" % swaphard
            virsh.memtune_set(domname, options)
            if not check_limit(path, swaphard, "swap_hard_limit"):
                error_counter += 1
            raise error.TestNAError("swaplimit option not available in memtune "
                                    "cmd in this libvirt version")
        Mem += int(params.get("memtune_hard_base_mem"))

    # Raise error based on error_counter
    if error_counter > 0:
        raise error.TestFail(
            "Test failed, consult the previous error messages")
Esempio n. 11
def run(test, params, env):
    Test the command virsh memtune

    1) To get the current memtune parameters
    2) Change the parameter values
    3) Check the memtune query updated with the values
    4) Check whether the mounted cgroup path gets the updated value
    5) Check the output of virsh dumpxml
    6) Check vm is alive

    # Check for memtune command is available in the libvirt version under test
    if not virsh.has_help_command("memtune"):
            "Memtune not available in this libvirt version")

    # Check if memtune options are supported
    for option in memtune_types:
        if not virsh.has_command_help_match("memtune", option):
            test.cancel("%s option not available in memtune "
                        "cmd in this libvirt version" % option)
    # Get common parameters
    acceptable_minus = int(params.get("acceptable_minus", 8))
    step_mem = params.get("mt_step_mem", "no") == "yes"
    expect_error = params.get("expect_error", "no") == "yes"
    restart_libvirtd = params.get("restart_libvirtd", "no") == "yes"
    set_one_line = params.get("set_in_one_command", "no") == "yes"
    mt_hard_limit = params.get("mt_hard_limit", None)
    mt_soft_limit = params.get("mt_soft_limit", None)
    mt_swap_hard_limit = params.get("mt_swap_hard_limit", None)
    # if restart_libvirtd is True, set set_one_line is True
    set_one_line = True if restart_libvirtd else set_one_line

    # Get the vm name, pid of vm and check for alive
    vm = env.get_vm(params["main_vm"])
    pid = vm.get_pid()

    # Resolve the memory cgroup path for a domain
    path = utils_cgroup.resolve_task_cgroup_path(int(pid), "memory")

    # step_mem is used to do step increment limit testing
    if step_mem:
        mem_step(params, path, vm, test, acceptable_minus)

    if not set_one_line:
        # Set one type memtune limit in one command
        if mt_hard_limit:
            index = 0
            mt_limit = mt_hard_limit
        elif mt_soft_limit:
            index = 1
            mt_limit = mt_soft_limit
        elif mt_swap_hard_limit:
            index = 2
            mt_limit = mt_swap_hard_limit
        mt_type = memtune_types[index]
        mt_cgname = memtune_cgnames[index]
        options = " --%s %s --live" % (mt_type, mt_limit)
        result = virsh.memtune_set(, options, debug=True)

        if expect_error:
            fail_patts = [params.get("error_info")]
            libvirt.check_result(result, fail_patts, [])
            # If limit value is negative, means no memtune limit
            mt_expected = mt_limit if int(mt_limit) > 0 else -1
            check_limit(path, mt_expected, mt_type, mt_cgname, vm, test,
        # Set 3 limits in one command line
        mt_limits = [mt_hard_limit, mt_soft_limit, mt_swap_hard_limit]
        options = " %s --live" % ' '.join(mt_limits)
        result = virsh.memtune_set(, options, debug=True)

        if expect_error:
            fail_patts = [params.get("error_info")]
            libvirt.check_result(result, fail_patts, [])
            check_limits(path, mt_limits, vm, test, acceptable_minus)

        if restart_libvirtd:
            libvirtd = utils_libvirtd.Libvirtd()

        if not expect_error:
            # After libvirtd restared, check memtune values again
            check_limits(path, mt_limits, vm, test, acceptable_minus)
Esempio n. 12
def run(test, params, env):
    Test the command virsh memtune

    (1) To get the current memtune parameters
    (2) Change the parameter values
    (3) Check the memtune query updated with the values
    (4) Check whether the mounted cgroup path gets the updated value
    (5) Login to guest and use the memory greater that the assigned value
        and check whether it kills the vm.
    (6) TODO:Check more values and robust scenarios.
    def check_limit(path, expected_value, limit_name):
        Matches the expected and actual output
        (1) Match the output of the virsh memtune
        (2) Match the output of the respective cgroup fs value

        :params: path: memory controller path for a domain
        :params: expected_value: the expected limit value
        :params: limit_name: the limit to be checked
        :return: True or False based on the checks
        status_value = True
        # Check 1
        actual_value = virsh.memtune_get(domname, limit_name)
        if actual_value == -1:
  "the key %s not found in the "
                      "virsh memtune output" % limit_name)
        if actual_value != int(expected_value):
            status_value = False
                "%s virsh output:\n\tExpected value:%d"
                "\n\tActual value: "
                "%d", limit_name, int(expected_value), int(actual_value))

        # Check 2
        if limit_name == 'hard_limit':
            cg_file_name = '%s/memory.limit_in_bytes' % path
        elif limit_name == 'soft_limit':
            cg_file_name = '%s/memory.soft_limit_in_bytes' % path
        elif limit_name == 'swap_hard_limit':
            cg_file_name = '%s/memory.memsw.limit_in_bytes' % path

        cg_file = None
            with open(cg_file_name) as cg_file:
                output =
            value = int(output) / 1024
            if int(expected_value) != int(value):
                status_value = False
                    "%s cgroup fs:\n\tExpected Value: %d"
                    "\n\tActual Value: "
                    "%d", limit_name, int(expected_value), int(value))
        except IOError:
            status_value = False
            logging.error("Error while reading:\n%s", cg_file_name)

        return status_value

    # Get the vm name, pid of vm and check for alive
    domname = params.get("main_vm")
    vm = env.get_vm(params["main_vm"])
    pid = vm.get_pid()"Verify valid cgroup path for VM pid: %s", pid)

    # Resolve the memory cgroup path for a domain
    path = utils_cgroup.resolve_task_cgroup_path(int(pid), "memory")

    # Set the initial memory starting value for test case
    # By default set 1GB less than the total memory
    # In case of total memory is less than 1GB set to 256MB
    # visit subtests.cfg to change these default values
    Memtotal = utils_memory.read_from_meminfo('MemTotal')
    base_mem = params.get("memtune_base_mem")

    if int(Memtotal) < int(base_mem):
        Mem = int(params.get("memtune_min_mem"))
        Mem = int(Memtotal) - int(base_mem)

    # Initialize error counter
    error_counter = 0

    # Check for memtune command is available in the libvirt version under test
    if not virsh.has_help_command("memtune"):
        test.cancel("Memtune not available in this libvirt version")

    # Run test case with 100kB increase in memory value for each iteration
    while (Mem < Memtotal):
        if virsh.has_command_help_match("memtune", "hard-limit"):
            hard_mem = Mem - int(params.get("memtune_hard_base_mem"))
            options = " --hard-limit %d --live" % hard_mem
            virsh.memtune_set(domname, options)
            if not check_limit(path, hard_mem, "hard_limit"):
                error_counter += 1
            test.cancel("harlimit option not available in memtune "
                        "cmd in this libvirt version")

        if virsh.has_command_help_match("memtune", "soft-limit"):
            soft_mem = Mem - int(params.get("memtune_soft_base_mem"))
            options = " --soft-limit %d --live" % soft_mem
            virsh.memtune_set(domname, options)
            if not check_limit(path, soft_mem, "soft_limit"):
                error_counter += 1
            test.cancel("softlimit option not available in memtune "
                        "cmd in this libvirt version")

        if virsh.has_command_help_match("memtune", "swap-hard-limit"):
            swaphard = Mem
            options = " --swap-hard-limit %d --live" % swaphard
            virsh.memtune_set(domname, options)
            if not check_limit(path, swaphard, "swap_hard_limit"):
                error_counter += 1
            test.cancel("swaplimit option not available in memtune "
                        "cmd in this libvirt version")
        Mem += int(params.get("memtune_hard_base_mem"))

    # Raise error based on error_counter
    if error_counter > 0:"Test failed, consult the previous error messages")
Esempio n. 13
def run(test, params, env):
    Test the command virsh memtune

    1) To get the current memtune parameters
    2) Change the parameter values
    3) Check the memtune query updated with the values
    4) Check whether the mounted cgroup path gets the updated value
    5) Check the output of virsh dumpxml
    6) Check vm is alive

    # Check for memtune command is available in the libvirt version under test
    if not virsh.has_help_command("memtune"):
        test.cancel("Memtune not available in this libvirt version")

    # Check if memtune options are supported
    for option in memtune_types:
        if not virsh.has_command_help_match("memtune", option):
            test.cancel("%s option not available in memtune "
                        "cmd in this libvirt version" % option)
    # Get common parameters
    acceptable_minus = int(params.get("acceptable_minus", 8))
    step_mem = params.get("mt_step_mem", "no") == "yes"
    expect_error = params.get("expect_error", "no") == "yes"
    restart_libvirtd = params.get("restart_libvirtd", "no") == "yes"
    set_one_line = params.get("set_in_one_command", "no") == "yes"
    mt_hard_limit = params.get("mt_hard_limit", None)
    mt_soft_limit = params.get("mt_soft_limit", None)
    mt_swap_hard_limit = params.get("mt_swap_hard_limit", None)
    # if restart_libvirtd is True, set set_one_line is True
    set_one_line = True if restart_libvirtd else set_one_line

    # Get the vm name, pid of vm and check for alive
    vm = env.get_vm(params["main_vm"])
    pid = vm.get_pid()

    # Resolve the memory cgroup path for a domain
    path = utils_cgroup.resolve_task_cgroup_path(int(pid), "memory")

    # step_mem is used to do step increment limit testing
    if step_mem:
        mem_step(params, path, vm, test, acceptable_minus)

    if not set_one_line:
        # Set one type memtune limit in one command
        if mt_hard_limit:
            index = 0
            mt_limit = mt_hard_limit
        elif mt_soft_limit:
            index = 1
            mt_limit = mt_soft_limit
        elif mt_swap_hard_limit:
            index = 2
            mt_limit = mt_swap_hard_limit
        mt_type = memtune_types[index]
        mt_cgname = memtune_cgnames[index]
        options = " --%s %s --live" % (mt_type, mt_limit)
        result = virsh.memtune_set(, options, debug=True)

        if expect_error:
            fail_patts = [params.get("error_info")]
            libvirt.check_result(result, fail_patts, [])
            # If limit value is negative, means no memtune limit
            mt_expected = mt_limit if int(mt_limit) > 0 else -1
            check_limit(path, mt_expected, mt_type, mt_cgname, vm, test,
        # Set 3 limits in one command line
        mt_limits = [mt_hard_limit, mt_soft_limit, mt_swap_hard_limit]
        options = " %s --live" % ' '.join(mt_limits)
        result = virsh.memtune_set(, options, debug=True)

        if expect_error:
            fail_patts = [params.get("error_info")]
            libvirt.check_result(result, fail_patts, [])
            check_limits(path, mt_limits, vm, test, acceptable_minus)

        if restart_libvirtd:
            libvirtd = utils_libvirtd.Libvirtd()

        if not expect_error:
            # After libvirtd restared, check memtune values again
            check_limits(path, mt_limits, vm, test, acceptable_minus)