def rotateRigid(self,rotateByDegs_XYZ): # create a temp vizard 3d object # rotate, use vertices to redefine rigid object viz.startLayer(viz.POINTS) for idx in range(len(self.markerPos_midx_localXYZ)): viz.vertex(self.markerPos_midx_localXYZ[idx][0],self.markerPos_midx_localXYZ[idx][1],self.markerPos_midx_localXYZ[idx][2]) tempRigidObject = viz.endLayer() tempRigidObject.visible( viz.OFF ) #Make the object invisible. # Update rigid body definition on the owl server tempRigidObject.setEuler( rotateByDegs_XYZ,viz.RELATIVE) owlTracker(self.trackerIdx,OWL_DISABLE) count = 0 for i in xrange(len(self.markerID_midx)): owlMarkerfv(markerNumToID(self.trackerIdx, i), OWL_SET_POSITION, tempRigidObject.getVertex(i,viz.RELATIVE)) self.markerPos_midx_localXYZ[count] = tempRigidObject.getVertex(i,viz.RELATIVE) count +=1 owlTracker(self.trackerIdx, OWL_ENABLE); tempRigidObject.remove() #Remove the object.
def addRayPrimitive(origin, direction, length=100, color=viz.RED, alpha=0.6, linewidth=3, parent=None): """ Create a Vizard ray primitive from two vertices. Can be used to e.g. indicate a raycast or gaze vector in a VR environment. Args: origin (3-tuple): Ray origin direction (3-tuple): Unit direction vector length (float): Ray length (set to 1 and use direction=<end> to draw point-to-point ray) color (3-tuple): Ray color alpha (float): Ray alpha value linewidth (int): OpenGL line drawing width in pixels parent: Vizard node to use as parent """ viz.startLayer(viz.LINES) viz.lineWidth(linewidth) viz.vertexColor(color) viz.vertex(origin) viz.vertex([x * length for x in direction]) ray = viz.endLayer() ray.disable([viz.INTERSECTION, viz.SHADOW_CASTING]) ray.alpha(alpha) if parent is not None: ray.setParent(parent) return ray
def addCircle(r, color): viz.startLayer(viz.POLYGON) viz.vertexColor(color) for angle in range(0, 360, 10): viz.vertex(r * math.cos(math.radians(angle)), r * math.sin(math.radians(angle))) return viz.endLayer()
def EdgeMaker(self, startpos, bearing, primitive_width): """function returns a bend edge""" """function returns a bend edge""" viz.startlayer(self.primitive) for ins, out in zip(inside,outside): viz.vertex(ins[0], ABOVEGROUND, ins[1]) viz.vertexcolor(self.colour) viz.vertex(out[0], ABOVEGROUND, out[1]) viz.vertexcolor(self.colour) """ while i < self.Edge_Pts: x1 = ((bearing - primitive_width)*np.cos(self.RoadArray[i])) + startpos[0] z1 = self.Zdirection*((bearing - primitive_width)*np.sin(self.RoadArray[i])) + startpos[2] #print (z1[i]) viz.vertex(x1, ABOVEGROUND, z1) viz.vertexcolor(self.colour) if self.primitive == viz.QUAD_STRIP: x2 = ((rads + primitive_width)*np.cos(self.RoadArray[i])) + startpos[0] z2 = self.Zdirection*((rads + primitive_width)*np.sin(self.RoadArray[i])) + startpos[2] viz.vertex(x2, ABOVEGROUND, z2) viz.vertexcolor(self.colour) i += 1 """ Bend = viz.endlayer() return Bend
def room_line(high, wide, dep, pixel): room = viz.addGroup() pos = np.array([[[wide / 2, 0, 0], [wide / 2, high, 0]], [[-wide / 2, 0, 0], [-wide / 2, high, 0]], [[wide / 2, 0, 0], [-wide / 2, 0, 0]], [[wide / 2, high, 0], [-wide / 2, high, 0]], [[wide / 2, 0, -dep], [wide / 2, high, -dep]], [[-wide / 2, 0, -dep], [-wide / 2, high, -dep]], [[wide / 2, 0, -dep], [-wide / 2, 0, -dep]], [[wide / 2, high, -dep], [-wide / 2, high, -dep]], [[wide / 2, 0, 0], [wide / 2, 0, -dep]], [[wide / 2, high, 0], [wide / 2, high, -dep]], [[-wide / 2, 0, 0], [-wide / 2, 0, -dep]], [[-wide / 2, high, 0], [-wide / 2, high, -dep]]]) for i in range(12): viz.startLayer(viz.LINES) viz.lineWidth(pixel) viz.vertexColor(1, 0, 0) viz.vertex(pos[i, 0, :].tolist()) viz.vertex(pos[i, 1, :].tolist()) outline = viz.endLayer() outline.setParent(room) return room
def rotateRigid(self, rotateByDegs_XYZ): # create a temp vizard 3d object # rotate, use vertices to redefine rigid object # maybe that phasespace coordinate system does not match vizard coordinate system viz.startLayer(viz.POINTS) for idx in range(len(self.markerPos_midx_localXYZ)): viz.vertex(self.markerPos_midx_localXYZ[idx][0], self.markerPos_midx_localXYZ[idx][1], self.markerPos_midx_localXYZ[idx][2]) tempRigidObject = viz.endLayer() tempRigidObject.visible(viz.OFF) #Make the object invisible. # Update rigid body definition on the owl server #tempRigidObject.setEuler( rotateByDegs_XYZ,viz.RELATIVE ) #,viz.RELATIVE) tempRigidObject.setQuat(rotateByDegs_XYZ, viz.ABS_GLOBAL) owlTracker(self.trackerIdx, OWL_DISABLE) count = 0 for i in xrange(len(self.markerID_midx)): owlMarkerfv(MARKER(self.trackerIdx, i), OWL_SET_POSITION, tempRigidObject.getVertex(i, viz.RELATIVE)) self.markerPos_midx_localXYZ[count] = tempRigidObject.getVertex( i, viz.RELATIVE) count += 1 owlTracker(self.trackerIdx, OWL_ENABLE) tempRigidObject.remove() #Remove the object.
def GenerateStarDome(numStars, pointSize, minRadius, maxRadius, scene=1, yCenter=0): #Create a star dome of random points viz.startLayer(viz.POINTS) viz.pointSize(pointSize) for i in range(0, numStars): x = random() - 0.5 y = random() - 0.5 z = random() - 0.5 length = math.sqrt(x*x + y*y + z*z) rad = vizmat.GetRandom(minRadius,maxRadius) x = x / length * rad y = y / length * rad y += yCenter z = z / length * rad color = vizmat.GetRandom(0.4,1) viz.vertexColor([color,color,color-vizmat.GetRandom(0,0.2)]) viz.vertex([x, y, z]) stardome = viz.endLayer() stardome.setParent(viz.WORLD, scene=scene) stardome.texture( viz.addTexture('particle.rgb') ) stardome.blendFunc(viz.GL_SRC_ALPHA,viz.GL_DST_ALPHA) stardome.enable(viz.POINT_SPRITE) stardome.disable(viz.DEPTH_TEST) stardome.draworder(-100000)
def motion(): # Create Fixation Dot viz.startLayer(viz.POINTS) viz.pointSize(self.POINTSIZE) viz.vertexColor(viz.GRAY) viz.vertex(0, 1.8, 4) points = viz.endLayer() points.disable(viz.CULLING) # Create the circles sphere = self.createCircles(26, 1, 30, -26) sphere2 = self.createCircles(22, 0.8, 30, -26) sphere3 = self.createCircles(18, 0.6, 30, -26) sphere4 = self.createCircles(14, 0.4, 30, -26) sphere5 = self.createCircles(10, 0.2, 30, -26) viz.MainView.move([0, 0, 3]) def keydown(key): if key == 'f': self.response = 'self motion' self.keyPressTime = viz.tick() # get time for keypress print(self.response, self.keyPressTime) self.STATE = 'State - self Motion' if key == 'j': self.response = 'object motion' self.keyPressTime = viz.tick() # get time for keypress print(self.response, self.keyPressTime) self.STATE = 'State - Object Motion' viz.callback(viz.KEYDOWN_EVENT, keydown)
def flashingCloud(height, width, depth, offset, number, node): positions = np.random.uniform(low = -width/2, high = width/2, size = (number, 3)) positions[:, 1] = positions[:, 1]/(width/height) # Save the location of each dots into a .csv file record = open('Cloud_positions_' + str(number) + '.csv', 'a' ) for n in range(number): record.write(str(positions[n, 0]) + ',' + str(positions[n, 1]) + ',' + str(positions[n, 2]) + '\n') positions[:, 2] = positions[:, 2] - (depth/2 - offset) clouds = [] viz.startLayer(viz.POINTS) viz.pointSize(2) # Set the size of the dots on the display # Draw each dot for i in range(number): viz.vertex(positions[i, 0], positions[i, 1], positions[i, 2]) cloud = viz.endLayer() # Set a parent object for the cloud. # Therefore, once the location of the parent is determined, the location of the cloud as a whole is also determined. cloud.setParent(node) return cloud
def rotateRigid(self,rotateByDegs_XYZ): # create a temp vizard 3d object # rotate, use vertices to redefine rigid object # maybe that phasespace coordinate system does not match vizard coordinate system viz.startLayer(viz.POINTS) for idx in range(len(self.markerPos_midx_localXYZ)): viz.vertex(self.markerPos_midx_localXYZ[idx][0],self.markerPos_midx_localXYZ[idx][1],self.markerPos_midx_localXYZ[idx][2]) tempRigidObject = viz.endLayer() tempRigidObject.visible( viz.OFF ) #Make the object invisible. # Update rigid body definition on the owl server #tempRigidObject.setEuler( rotateByDegs_XYZ,viz.RELATIVE ) #,viz.RELATIVE) tempRigidObject.setQuat(rotateByDegs_XYZ,viz.ABS_GLOBAL) owlTracker(self.trackerIdx,OWL_DISABLE) count = 0 for i in xrange(len(self.markerID_midx)): owlMarkerfv(MARKER(self.trackerIdx, i), OWL_SET_POSITION, tempRigidObject.getVertex(i,viz.RELATIVE)) self.markerPos_midx_localXYZ[count] = tempRigidObject.getVertex(i,viz.RELATIVE) count +=1 owlTracker(self.trackerIdx, OWL_ENABLE); tempRigidObject.remove() #Remove the object.
def __init__(self, angle): # Initialize Ball Instance Variables # radius self.radius = 3 # number of sides of regular polygon representing the ball self.sides = 50 # velocity vector describing its direction and speed self.angle = angle self.vy = math.sin(math.radians(angle)) * 2 self.vx = math.cos(math.radians(angle)) * 2 # center location self.x = 0 self.y = 0 # create layer for a circle, centered at (0,0) viz.startLayer(viz.POLYGON) viz.vertexColor(1,1,0) for i in range(0, 360, 360/self.sides): x = math.cos( math.radians(i) ) * self.radius y = math.sin( math.radians(i) ) * self.radius viz.vertex(x, y) # saves layer of vertices in instance variable called vertices self.vertices = viz.endLayer()
def getViewXYZ(self, dist="far", reFrame=viz.ABS_GLOBAL): # temporarily add vertex to track parcel pos in abs coords viz.startLayer(viz.POINTS) viz.vertexColor(1,0,0) viz.pointSize(30) viz.vertex(0,0,0) cV = viz.endLayer() cV.setParent(self.bNodeOp) if dist == "far": cV.setPosition(self.viewLocFar, mode=viz.ABS_LOCAL) zoneXYZ = cV.getPosition(mode=reFrame) elif dist == "near": cV.setPosition(self.viewLocNear, mode=viz.ABS_LOCAL) zoneXYZ = cV.getPosition(mode=reFrame) elif dist == 'center': zoneXYZ = self.bNodeOp.getPosition(mode=reFrame) cV.visible(viz.OFF) cV.remove() # set y to eye height zoneXYZ[1] = ct.EYE_HEIGHT return zoneXYZ
def BendMaker(self, t, yawrate, transition_duration, rw, speed, sp, x_dir): """function returns a bend edge""" """function returns a bend edge""" x, y, bearing = cc.clothoid_curve(t, speed, yawrate, transition_duration) if x_dir < 0: bearing[:] = [(2 * (np.pi) - b) for b in bearing[:]] midline = np.array([((x * x_dir) + sp[0]), (y + sp[1])]).T outside = np.array(cc.add_edge((x * x_dir), y, (rw / 2), sp)).T inside = np.array(cc.add_edge((x * x_dir), y, -(rw / 2), sp)).T #print(outside.shape) #print(inside.shape) viz.startlayer(self.Primitive) for ins, out in zip(inside, outside): #print(ins) #print(ins.shape) viz.vertex(ins[0], ABOVEGROUND, ins[1]) viz.vertexcolor(self.Colour) #print(ins[0], ins[1]) viz.vertex(out[0], ABOVEGROUND, out[1]) viz.vertexcolor(self.Colour) #print(out[0], out[1]) Bend = viz.endlayer() return ([Bend, midline, inside, outside, bearing])
def getCornerCoords(cNode, quSpace): nBox = cNode.getBoundingBox(viz.ABS_LOCAL) cCrns = [ (nBox.xmin, 0, nBox.zmin), (nBox.xmin, 0, nBox.zmax), (nBox.xmax, 0, nBox.zmax), (nBox.xmax, 0, nBox.zmin) ] globalCrns = [] singleVertChildren = [] for c in cNode.getChildren(): if c.__class__ == viz.VizPrimitive: singleVertChildren.append( c ) #print "nChildren: ", singleVertChildren i = 0 for cC in cCrns: # add helper vertices if this node does not contain # four children -> heuristic if not len(singleVertChildren) == 4: # create vertex viz.startLayer(viz.POINTS) viz.vertexColor(1,0,0) viz.pointSize(30) viz.vertex(0,0,0) cV = viz.endLayer() # set obst as parent cV.setParent(cNode) # move to parent's corner x,y,z = cC cV.setPosition(x, y, z, viz.ABS_PARENT) else: cV = singleVertChildren[i] # set obst as parent cV.setParent(cNode) # move to parent's corner x,y,z = cC cV.setPosition(x, y, z, viz.ABS_PARENT) # get global coords x,y,z = cV.getPosition(viz.ABS_GLOBAL) # flip z axis to get from world to pedSim space if quSpace == 'ped': z=-z globalCrns.append( (x,y,z) ) # remove this vertex #cV.remove() i = i+1 return globalCrns
def generate_surface(self, data, color_array_name): """ Render the vtk data as a surface, centered at origin and return the Vizard object. color_array_name defines the name of the CellData array (for example: "equivalent_stress" or "material") """ # Start creating the model viz.startLayer(viz.TRIANGLES) # Use the range of the complete data set to ensure consitency minimum, maximum = self.vtk_data_local.GetCellData().GetArray( color_array_name).GetRange() # Generate surface model by iterating over every polygon polys = data.GetPolys() polys.InitTraversal() id_list = vtk.vtkIdList() cell = polys.GetNextCell(id_list) while not cell == 0: # Get the value of the cell for color calculation value = data.GetCellData().GetArray(color_array_name).GetValue( polys.GetTraversalLocation() / 4) color = Simulation_Data._get_color(minimum, maximum, value) viz.vertexColor(color[0], color[1], color[2]) # Read the points (po) of the polygon po = [] for j in range(id_list.GetNumberOfIds()): po.append(data.GetPoints().GetPoint(id_list.GetId(j))) # Calculate the normal vector of the polygon # Normal vector is needed for better lighting # Calculate the coss product of vectors from point 0 to 1 and 0 to 2 ab = (po[1][0] - po[0][0], po[1][1] - po[0][1], po[1][2] - po[0][2]) ac = (po[2][0] - po[0][0], po[2][1] - po[0][1], po[2][2] - po[0][2]) normal = numpy.cross(ab, ac) # Set the magnitude of the normal vector to 1 normal = normal / numpy.linalg.norm(normal) # Create the polygon with the normal vector and the points viz.normal(normal[0], normal[1], normal[2]) for position in po: viz.vertex(position[0], position[1], position[2]) cell = polys.GetNextCell(id_list) # Finish the model model = viz.endLayer() # Enable lighting for the model (Shadows aren't needed) model.enable(viz.LIGHTING) model.disable(viz.SHADOW_CASTING) model.disable(viz.SHADOWS) # Set the center of the model to (0, 0, 0) model.setPosition(-(self._original_center[0]), -(self._original_center[1]), -(self._original_center[2])) # Create group to get a centered model with coordinates (0, 0, 0) group = viz.addGroup() model.setParent(group) return group
def drawContextBorders(bbCtx): crns = bbCtx.getCorners('world') viz.startLayer(viz.LINE_STRIP) viz.lineWidth(10) viz.vertexColor(1,0,0) for c in crns: viz.vertex(c[0], 1, c[1]) viz.endLayer()
def groundCreator(): viz.startLayer(viz.QUADS) viz.texCoord(0,0) viz.vertex(100, 0, -100) viz.texCoord(1,0) viz.vertex(100, 0, 100) viz.texCoord(1,1) viz.vertex(-100, 0, 100) viz.texCoord(0,1) viz.vertex(-100, 0, -100) ground = viz.endLayer() AreaScale_f = [16, 16 ,1] matrix_area_f = vizmat.Transform() matrix_area_f.setScale(AreaScale_f) ground.texmat(matrix_area_f) wallTex = viz.addTexture('wallTex.jpg') wallTex.wrap(viz.WRAP_T,viz.REPEAT) wallTex.wrap(viz.WRAP_S,viz.REPEAT) ground.texture(wallTex) return ground
def placeMirror(): mirrorPos = [0, 1.5, -2]; global wall, mirrorRight, mirrorLeft, mirrorPlane wall = viz.addTexQuad() wall.setPosition(0, 0, mirrorPos[2] - 0.02) wall.setScale(20, 20, 1) # Apply nice repeating brick texture wallmatrix = vizmat.Transform() wallmatrix.setScale(20, 20, 1) wall.texmat( wallmatrix ) bricks = viz.addTexture('brick.jpg') bricks.wrap(viz.WRAP_T, viz.REPEAT) bricks.wrap(viz.WRAP_S, viz.REPEAT) wall.texture(bricks) mirrorPlane = vizshape.addPlane() mirrorPlane.setPosition(mirrorPos, viz.ABS_GLOBAL) mirrorPlane.setEuler(0, 90, 0) mirrorPlane.setScale(0.09, 1, 0.05) windowBox = mirrorPlane.getBoundingBox(mode = viz.ABS_GLOBAL) x0 = windowBox.xmin x1 = windowBox.xmax y0 = windowBox.ymin y1 = windowBox.ymax z = windowBox.zmax viz.startlayer(viz.QUADS) viz.texcoord(0,0) viz.vertex( x0 , y0 , z ) viz.texcoord(0,1) viz.vertex( x0 , y1, z ) viz.texcoord(1,1) viz.vertex( x1 , y1, z) viz.texcoord(1,0) viz.vertex( x1 , y0 , z) mirrorRight = viz.endlayer( ) mirrorLeft = mirrorRight.copy() #specify the matrix m = viz.Matrix() #Try moving the mirror #print "z: " + str(z); m.setPosition([0, 0, z]) m.setEuler(0, 0, 0) #Apply mirror settings to mirror object mirrorPlane.alpha(0.0) addMirror(mirrorRight,m,viz.RIGHT_EYE) addMirror(mirrorLeft,m,viz.LEFT_EYE) # Add collision mirrorPlane.collideBox() wall.visible(viz.OFF) mirrorRight.visible(viz.OFF) mirrorLeft.visible(viz.OFF)
def make_kinect_mesh(depthMap): #Build cube RADIUS = 1 depthArray = depthMap.get_array() viz.startLayer(viz.QUADS) for y in range(0,depthMap.height-1,DOWNSAMPLE): for x in range(0,depthMap.width-1,DOWNSAMPLE): depth_val = depthMap[x,y]/(4*1000.0); viz.vertex([x*1.0/depthMap.width, 1 - y*1.0/depthMap.height, depth_val]) viz.vertex([x*1.0/depthMap.width, 1 - (y+DOWNSAMPLE)*1.0/depthMap.height, depth_val]) viz.vertex([(x+DOWNSAMPLE)*1.0/depthMap.width, 1 - (y+DOWNSAMPLE)*1.0/depthMap.height, depth_val]) viz.vertex([(x+DOWNSAMPLE)*1.0/depthMap.width, 1 - (y)*1.0/depthMap.height, depth_val]) pixel_colour = 1 - depthMap[x,y]/(1000.0 * 3.0) viz.vertexColor([ pixel_colour, 1, 1, MESH_VISIBLE ]) kinect_mesh = viz.endLayer() kinect_mesh.setPosition([0,0.5,3]) return kinect_mesh
def setARfov( val ): global node, ARfov_vert, hmdview ARfov_vert = val #ARfov_vert = HMDfov_vert #ARfov_vert = 20 ARheight = (int) (HMDheight / HMDfov_vert * ARfov_vert) ARwidth = ARheight * HMDaspect #recalculate ARfov_vert #ARfov_vert = (ARheight / HMDheight) * HMDfov_vert ARx = (HMDwidth - ARwidth)/2 ARy = (HMDheight - ARheight)/2 #print "AR view dimensions:",ARwidth,ARheight,ARx,ARy,ARfov_vert node.setSize( ARwidth,ARheight,ARx,ARy ) node.setFov( ARfov_vert, HMDaspect, HMDnear, HMDfar ) #return if(hmdview != 0): hmdview.remove() viz.startlayer(viz.QUADS) viz.vertex([ARx,ARy,0]) viz.vertex([ARx + ARwidth, ARy,0]) viz.vertex([ARx + ARwidth,ARy + ARheight,0]) viz.vertex([ARx,ARy + ARheight,0]) hmdview = viz.endlayer(viz.WORLD,viz.Scene3) hmdview.alpha(0.15)
def StraightMaker(x, start_z, end_z, colour=[.8, .8, .8], primitive=viz.QUAD_STRIP, width=None): """returns a straight, given some starting coords and length""" viz.startlayer(primitive) if width is None: if primitive == viz.QUAD_STRIP: width = .05 elif primitive == viz.LINE_STRIP: width = 2 viz.linewidth(width) width = 0 viz.vertex(x - width, .1, start_z) viz.vertexcolor(colour) viz.vertex(x + width, .1, start_z) viz.vertexcolor(colour) viz.vertex(x - width, .1, end_z) viz.vertexcolor(colour) viz.vertex(x + width, .1, end_z) straightedge = viz.endlayer() return straightedge
def __init__(self, row, col): # Length of each block self.length = 20 # Instance variables self.x = (row * self.length) - 100 self.y = 100 - (col * self.length) self.row = col self.col = row viz.startLayer(viz.POLYGON) # Assign vertices a random color viz.vertexColor(random.uniform(.2, 1),random.uniform(.2, 1), random.uniform(.2, 1)) # Define vertices viz.vertex(0, 0) viz.vertex(self.length, 0) viz.vertex(self.length, -self.length) viz.vertex(0, -self.length) # Capture layer and set its transformation matrix self.vertices = viz.endLayer() m = viz.Matrix() m.postTrans(self.x, self.y) self.vertices.setMatrix(m)
def door_line(high, wide, pixel): door = viz.addGroup() pos = np.array([[-wide / 2, 0, 0], [wide / 2, 0, 0], [wide / 2, high, 0], [-wide / 2, high, 0]]) viz.startLayer(viz.LINE_LOOP) viz.lineWidth(pixel) for i in range(4): viz.vertex(pos[i, :].tolist()) line = viz.endLayer() line.setParent(door) return door
def __init__(self, radius, x, y): self.radius = radius self.x = x self.y = y viz.startLayer(viz.POLYGON) viz.vertexColor(1, 1, 1) for i in range(0, 360): temp = i * math.pi / 180 viz.vertex( math.cos(temp) * self.radius, math.sin(temp) * self.radius) viz.endLayer()
def wireframeCube(dimensions): """ Draw a wireframe rectangle. Currently comes in green only. """ edges = [[x,y,z] for x in [-1,0,1] for y in [-1,0,1] for z in [-1,0,1] if abs(x)+abs(y)+abs(z) == 2] for edge in edges: viz.startLayer(viz.LINES) viz.vertexColor(0,1,0) i = edge.index(0) edge[i] = 1 viz.vertex(map(lambda a,b:a*b,edge,dimensions)) edge[i] = -1 viz.vertex(map(lambda a,b:a*b,edge,dimensions)) cube = viz.endLayer() return cube
def createQuad(left_bot, left_top, right_bot, right_top): viz.startlayer(viz.QUADS) viz.vertexcolor(0, 0, 0) viz.vertex(left_bot) viz.vertex(left_top) viz.vertex(right_top) viz.vertex(right_bot) return viz.endlayer()
def generate_cloud(self, data, color_array_name): """ Render the vtk data as a cloud, centered at origin and return the Vizard object. color_array_name defines the name of the CellData array (for example: "equivalent_stress" or "material") """ # Start creating the model viz.startLayer(viz.POINTS) viz.pointSize(self.cloud_point_size) # Use the range of the complete data set to ensure consitency minimum, maximum = self.vtk_data_local.GetCellData().GetArray( color_array_name).GetRange() # Generate cloud model by iterating over every cell num_of_cells = data.GetNumberOfCells() for i in range(num_of_cells): cell = data.GetCell(i) # Calculate the center of the cell x = 0.0 y = 0.0 z = 0.0 num_of_points = cell.GetNumberOfPoints() for j in range(num_of_points): point = cell.GetPoints().GetPoint(j) x += point[0] y += point[1] z += point[2] x /= num_of_points y /= num_of_points z /= num_of_points # Get the value of the cell for color calculation value = data.GetCellData().GetArray(color_array_name).GetValue(i) color = Simulation_Data._get_color(minimum, maximum, value) viz.vertexColor(color[0], color[1], color[2]) # Draw the point viz.vertex(x, y, z) # Finish the model model = viz.endLayer() # Set the center of the model to (0, 0, 0) model.setPosition(-(self._original_center[0]), -(self._original_center[1]), -(self._original_center[2])) # Create group to get a centered model with coordinates (0, 0, 0) group = viz.addGroup() model.setParent(group) return group
def wireframeCube(dimensions): """ Draw a wireframe rectangle. Currently comes in green only. """ edges = [[x, y, z] for x in [-1, 0, 1] for y in [-1, 0, 1] for z in [-1, 0, 1] if abs(x) + abs(y) + abs(z) == 2] for edge in edges: viz.startLayer(viz.LINES) viz.vertexColor(0, 1, 0) i = edge.index(0) edge[i] = 1 viz.vertex(map(lambda a, b: a * b, edge, dimensions)) edge[i] = -1 viz.vertex(map(lambda a, b: a * b, edge, dimensions)) cube = viz.endLayer() return cube
def createCircles(self, NUM_DOTS, RADIUS, POINTSIZE, VELOCITYDIRECTION): #Build sphere viz.startLayer(viz.POINTS) viz.vertexColor(viz.WHITE) viz.pointSize(self.POINTSIZE) for i in range(0, NUM_DOTS): x = RADIUS * math.cos((i * 2 * math.pi) / NUM_DOTS) y = RADIUS * math.sin((i * 2 * math.pi) / NUM_DOTS) viz.vertex([x, y, 0]) sphere = viz.endLayer() sphere.setPosition([0, 1.8, 4]) sphere.addAction(vizact.spin(0, 0, 1, VELOCITYDIRECTION)) return sphere
def cross(eyeHeight): viz.startLayer(viz.LINES) viz.lineWidth(2) viz.vertex(-0.25, 0 + eyeHeight, 5) #Vertices are split into pairs. viz.vertex(0.25, 0 + eyeHeight, 5) viz.vertex(0, -0.25 + eyeHeight, 5) viz.vertex(0, 0.25 + eyeHeight, 5) myCross = viz.endLayer() return myCross
def refreshing(clouds): index = 0 while True: clouds[index].remove() pos = np.random.uniform(low=-6, high=6, size=(cloudFreq / freq, 3)) pos[:, 1] = pos[:, 1] / 2 pos[:, 2] = pos[:, 2] - 5 viz.startLayer(viz.POINTS) viz.pointSize(2) for n in range(cloudFreq / freq): viz.vertex(pos[n, 0], pos[n, 1], pos[n, 2]) single_cloud = viz.endLayer() single_cloud.disable(viz.CULLING) single_cloud.setParent(Target) clouds.append(single_cloud) index += 1 yield viztask.waitDraw()
def __init__(self, x, y): self.x = x self.y = y viz.startLayer(viz.QUADS) viz.vertexColor(1, 0, 1) viz.vertex(-1, -2) viz.vertex(-1, 2) viz.vertex(1, 2) viz.vertex(1, -2) self.vertices = viz.endLayer()
def __init__(self, dimensions, center = [0,0,0], corner = False): edges = [[x,y,z] for x in [-1,0,1] for y in [-1,0,1] for z in [-1,0,1] if abs(x)+abs(y)+abs(z) == 2] for edge in edges: viz.startLayer(viz.LINES) viz.vertexColor(0,1,0) i = edge.index(0) edge[i] = 1 viz.vertex(map(lambda a,b:a*b/2, edge, dimensions)) edge[i] = -1 viz.vertex(map(lambda a,b:a*b/2, edge, dimensions)) self.cube = viz.endLayer() if corner: corner = [float(p[0])/2 + p[1] for p in zip(dimensions,center)] self.cube.setPosition(corner, viz.ABS_GLOBAL) else: self.cube.setPosition(center, viz.ABS_GLOBAL) super(WireFrameCube, self).__init__(
def setStage(): global groundplane, groundtexture # ###should set this hope so it builds new tiles if you are reaching the boundary. # fName = 'textures\strong_edge.bmp' # # # add groundplane (wrap mode) # groundtexture = viz.addTexture(fName) # groundtexture.wrap(viz.WRAP_T, viz.REPEAT) # groundtexture.wrap(viz.WRAP_S, viz.REPEAT) # # groundplane = viz.addTexQuad() ##ground for right bends (tight) # tilesize = 5000#300 #F***ING MASSIVE # planesize = tilesize/5 # groundplane.setScale(tilesize, tilesize, tilesize) # groundplane.setEuler((0, 90, 0),viz.REL_LOCAL) # #groundplane.setPosition((0,0,1000),viz.REL_LOCAL) #move forward 1km so don't need to render as much. # matrix = vizmat.Transform() # matrix.setScale( planesize, planesize, planesize ) # groundplane.texmat( matrix ) # groundplane.texture(groundtexture) # groundplane.visible(1) gsize = [1000, 1000] #groundplane size, metres groundplane = vizshape.addPlane(size=(gsize[0], gsize[1]), axis=vizshape.AXIS_Y, cullFace=True) ##make groundplane groundplane.texture(viz.add('black.bmp')) #make groundplane black #Build dot plane to cover black groundplane ndots = 200000 #arbitrarily picked. perhaps we could match dot density to K & W, 2013? viz.startlayer(viz.POINTS) viz.vertexColor(viz.WHITE) viz.pointSize(2) for i in range(0, ndots): x = (random.random() - .5) * gsize[0] z = (random.random() - .5) * gsize[1] viz.vertex([x, 0, z]) dots = viz.endLayer() dots.setPosition(0, 0, 0) dots.visible(1) groundplane.visible(1)
def __init__(self, eyeTracker, eye, parentNode, renderToWindows = None,gazeVectorColor=viz.RED): self.eye = eye self.eyeTracker = eyeTracker self.renderToWindows = renderToWindows #Creating a line viz.startLayer(viz.LINES) viz.lineWidth(4)#Set the size of the lines. viz.vertex(0,0,0) viz.vertex(0,0,3) viz.vertexColor(gazeVectorColor) self.gazeLine = viz.endLayer() self.gazeLine.visible(True) #self.gazeLine.setScale(1,1,1) if( self.renderToWindows ): self.gazeLine.renderOnlyToWindows(self.renderToWindows) self.gazeLine.setParent(parentNode)
def __init__(self, x=0, y=0): self.x = x self.y = y viz.startLayer(viz.QUADS) #bullet viz.vertexColor(1, 1, 1) viz.vertex(.5, 0, 0) viz.vertex(-.5, 0, 0) viz.vertex(-.5, 2.9, 0) viz.vertex(.5, 2.9, 0) self.quad = viz.endLayer()
def __init__(self, x, y): self.x = x self.y = y viz.startLayer(viz.QUADS) viz.vertexColor(0, 0, 0) viz.pointSize(100) viz.vertex(-1, 0) viz.vertex(+1, 0) viz.vertex(+1, 2) viz.vertex(-1, 2) viz.endLayer()
def __init__(self, bldList): = PointInfo() self.buildings = bldList self.trials = [] self.cTrial = None self.trialCtr = -1 self.trgAngle = None self.hideBuildings() self.trialData = {} # add vertex to measure true target angel viz.startLayer(viz.POINTS) viz.vertexColor(1,0,0) viz.pointSize(30) viz.vertex(0,0,0) self.refVert = viz.endLayer() self.refVert.disable(viz.RENDERING) # add grid to orient subject during # pointing viz.startLayer(viz.LINES) viz.lineWidth(6) viz.vertexColor(0,0.6,0) viz.vertex(-100, 0.01, 0) viz.vertex( 100, 0.01, 0) viz.vertex( 0, 0.01,-100) viz.vertex( 0, 0.01, 100) self.cross90 = viz.endLayer() self.cross90.visible(viz.OFF) self.grid = vizshape.addGrid(size=[200,200], step=10.0, boldStep=None) self.grid.color([0,.6,0]) self.grid.visible(viz.OFF) # add logger self.fields2log = {'trialNr' : 'i8', 'srcBuilding' : 'S10', 'trgBuilding' : 'S10', 'refAngle' : 'f4', 'measAngle' : 'f4', 'trueAngle' : 'f4', 'trialOnset' : 'f8', 'tChoiceMade' : 'f8', 'srcXZ' : [('x', 'f4'), ('z', 'f4')], 'trgXZ' : [('x', 'f4'), ('z', 'f4')], 'srcCtxt' : 'S1', 'trgCtxt' :'S1'} self.logHdl = lg.LogData(self.fields2log) # handle exit vizact.onexit( self.saveOnExit )
def __init__(self,**kw): group = viz.addGroup(**kw) viz.VizNode.__init__(self, self._quad = vizshape.addQuad([1,1],parent=self) self._quad.color(viz.RED) self._quad.polyMode(viz.POLY_WIRE) viz.startLayer(viz.LINES) viz.vertexColor(viz.RED) for x in range(8): viz.vertex([0,0,0]) self._lines = viz.endLayer(parent=self) self._lines.dynamic() self.zoffset(-2) self.lineWidth(2) self.disable(viz.LIGHTING) self._wall = None self._tracker = None vizact.onupdate(viz.PRIORITY_LAST_UPDATE,self.updateFrustum)
def CreateVisualObjects(): global ball, Head, Hand, GazeLine, EyeBallLine; #creats a sphere(the ball) with radius of 5cm ball = vizshape.addSphere(radius = .05) #colors the ball red ball.color(viz.YELLOW) ball.visible(True) Origin = vizshape.addAxes() Origin.setPosition(0,0,0) #creats a sphere(the ball) with radius of 5cm #Head = vizshape.addCone( radius = 0.5, height = 0.8) Head = vizshape.addArrow(1, color = viz.YELLOW_ORANGE) #colors the ball red Head.color(viz.PURPLE) Head.visible(True) Head.setScale(.2,.2,.3) #creats a sphere(the hand) with radius of 10cm Hand = vizshape.addCylinder( height = 0.02, radius = 0.2) #colors the hand red Hand.color(viz.RED) Hand.visible(True) # Creating a Line to represent Gaze Vector viz.startLayer(viz.LINES) viz.vertex(0,0,0) viz.vertex(0,0,3) viz.vertexColor(viz.GREEN) GazeLine = viz.endLayer() # Object will contain both points and lines GazeLine.visible(True) GazeLine.setScale(5,5,5) # Creating a Line to represent Eye-Ball Vector viz.startLayer(viz.LINES) viz.vertex(0,0,0) viz.vertex(0,0,3) viz.vertexColor(viz.YELLOW) EyeBallLine = viz.endLayer() # Object will contain both points and lines EyeBallLine.visible(True) EyeBallLine.setScale(5,5,5)
def setARfov( val ): global HMDheight, HMDwidth, HMDfov_vert, HMDaspect, HMDnear, HMDfar global node, ARfov_vert, ARgraybox print "********* val is ",val ARfov_vert = val ARheight = (int) (HMDheight / HMDfov_vert * ARfov_vert) ARwidth = ARheight * HMDaspect ARx = (HMDwidth - ARwidth)/2 ARy = (HMDheight - ARheight)/2 node.setSize( ARwidth,ARheight,ARx,ARy ) node.setFov( ARfov_vert, HMDaspect, HMDnear, HMDfar ) if(ARgraybox != 0): ARgraybox.remove() viz.startlayer(viz.QUADS) viz.vertex([ARx,ARy,0]) viz.vertex([ARx + ARwidth, ARy,0]) viz.vertex([ARx + ARwidth,ARy + ARheight,0]) viz.vertex([ARx,ARy + ARheight,0]) ARgraybox = viz.endlayer(viz.WORLD,viz.Scene3) ARgraybox.alpha(0.15)
def placeMirror(): global m windowBox = mirrorPlane.getBoundingBox(mode = viz.ABS_GLOBAL) x0 = windowBox.xmin x1 = windowBox.xmax y0 = windowBox.ymin y1 = windowBox.ymax z = windowBox.zmax viz.startlayer(viz.QUADS) viz.texcoord(0,0) viz.vertex( x0 , y0 , z ) viz.texcoord(0,1) viz.vertex( x0 , y1, z ) viz.texcoord(1,1) viz.vertex( x1 , y1, z) viz.texcoord(1,0) viz.vertex( x1 , y0 , z) mirrorRight = viz.endlayer( ) mirrorLeft = mirrorRight.copy() #specify the matrix m = viz.Matrix() #Try moving the mirror #m.setPosition([ 0.5*(x0+x1), 0.5*(y0+y1), z]) m.setPosition([0,0,z]) m.setEuler(180, 0, 0) # Adjust these! # #m.setPosition([0,0,z-1.50]) #this makes the mirror not reflect the space of the 4th row #m.setScale(2, 2, 2) #Apply mirror settings to mirror object mirrorPlane.alpha(0.0) addMirror(mirrorRight,m,viz.RIGHT_EYE) addMirror(mirrorLeft,m,viz.LEFT_EYE)
def __init__(self,use_keyboard = True, desktop_mode = False): """Initialization function.""" caveapp.CaveApplication.__init__(self,desktop_mode) #call constructor of super class, you have to do this explicitly in Python viz.phys.enable() self.view = viz.MainView; self.backGroundMusic = viz.addAudio('Windmill hut.wav') self.backGroundMusic.volume(0.5) self.backGroundMusic.loop(viz.ON) self.gameMusic = viz.addAudio('Battle.wav') self.gameMusic.volume(0.7) headLight = viz.MainView.getHeadLight() headLight.intensity(100) headLight.disable() for i in range(3): light = viz.addLight() light.setPosition(0, 2, (i*10)) light.position(0,0,0,1) self.use_keyboard = use_keyboard #store if we want to use the keyboard self.scaleValue = 0.03 self.shootingRange = viz.addChild('ShootingRange.FBX') self.shootingRange.setScale(self.scaleValue, self.scaleValue,self.scaleValue ) = 'shootingRange' self.shootingRange.collideMesh() self.shootingRange.disable(viz.DYNAMICS) = viz.addChild('target.FBX') = 'target', 0.9, 0.9) = 100),0, 15) self.enemyGun = viz.addChild('Gun.FBX') = 'enemyGun' self.enemyGun.setScale(self.scaleValue, self.scaleValue, self.scaleValue) self.enemyGun.setPosition(0, 1.8, 14) self.enemyGun.setEuler(180,0,0) self.bullet = viz.add('Bullet.FBX') self.bullet.setPosition(0,1,2) self.bullet.setScale(self.scaleValue, self.scaleValue,self.scaleValue) = 'bullet' self.bullet.collideCapsule(0.2, 0.1, density = 1, hardness = 1) self.bullet.enable(viz.COLLIDE_NOTIFY) self.nextShot = True self.enemyBullet = viz.add('Bullet.FBX') self.enemyBullet.setPosition(0,1,10) self.enemyBullet.setScale(0.05, 0.05, 0.05) = 'enemyBullet' self.enemyShot = False self.enemyShootTimer = vizact.ontimer(3, self.repositionEnemyGun) self.moveEnemyBulletTimer = vizact.ontimer(0, self.moveEnemyBullet) self.moveEnemyBulletTimer.setEnabled(False) self.enemyShootTimer.setEnabled(False) self.shootTimer = vizact.ontimer(1, self.schootClick) self.shootTimer.setEnabled(False) self.rings = ['Ring10', 'Ring20', 'Ring30', 'Ring40', 'Ring50'] self.currentScore = 0 self.scoreBaseText = 'Score: ' self.firstLabelText = self.scoreBaseText + str(self.currentScore) self.scoreLabel = viz.addText3D(self.firstLabelText) self.scoreLabel.setBackdrop(viz.BACKDROP_RIGHT_BOTTOM) self.scoreLabel.setPosition(-1.7, 1, 0) self.scoreLabel.setEuler(-90,0,0) self.scoreLabel.color(viz.SKYBLUE) self.scoreLabel.setScale(0.3, 0.3, 0.3) self.scoreLabel.alignment(viz.ALIGN_CENTER_BOTTOM) self.currentHighScore = 0 self.highScoreBaseText = 'Highscore: ' self.firstHighScoreLabelText = self.highScoreBaseText + str(self.currentHighScore) self.highScoreLabel = viz.addText3D(self.firstHighScoreLabelText) self.highScoreLabel.setPosition(-1.7, 1.5, 0) self.highScoreLabel.setEuler(-90,0,0) self.highScoreLabel.color(viz.BLUE) self.highScoreLabel.setScale(0.3, 0.3, 0.3) self.highScoreLabel.alignment(viz.ALIGN_CENTER_BOTTOM) self.newPointLabel = viz.addText3D('') self.newPointLabel.color(viz.GREEN) self.newPointLabel.setPosition([0],[1] + 2,[2]) self.newPointLabel.alignment(viz.ALIGN_CENTER_BOTTOM) self.maxTimeNewPointVisible = 1 self.newHitLabel = viz.addText3D('') self.newHitLabel.color(viz.RED) self.newHitLabel.setPosition([0],[1] + 2.5,[2]) self.newHitLabel.alignment(viz.ALIGN_CENTER_BOTTOM) self.maxTimeHitVisible = 1 self.newPointTimer = vizact.ontimer(self.maxTimeNewPointVisible, self.makeNewPointLabelInvisible) self.newPointTimer.setEnabled(False) self.newHitPointTimer = vizact.ontimer(self.maxTimeHitVisible, self.makeNewHitLabelInvisible) self.newHitPointTimer.setEnabled(False) self.goodSound = viz.addAudio('good.mp3') self.coinSound = viz.addAudio('coin.wav') self.hitSound = viz.addAudio('hit.mp3') self.playTimer = vizact.ontimer(1, self.timerClick) self.playTimer.setEnabled(False) self.playTime = 35 self.currentTime = 0 self.isPlaying = False self.timeBaseText = 'Time: ' self.timeLabel = viz.addText3D(self.timeBaseText) self.timeLabel.setPosition(1.1, 1.3, 3) self.timeLabel.setEuler(50,0,0) self.timeLabel.setScale(0.3, 0.3, 0.3) self.timeLabel.alignment(viz.ALIGN_CENTER_BOTTOM) self.timeLabel.visible(False) self.scope = viz.addChild('Scope.FBX') viz.startLayer(viz.LINES) viz.vertexColor(viz.RED) viz.vertex(-0.2, 0,0) viz.vertex(0.2, 0, 0) self.topLine = viz.endLayer() viz.startLayer(viz.LINES) viz.vertexColor(viz.RED) viz.vertex(0, 0,0) viz.vertex(0, -0.3, 0) self.leftLine = viz.endLayer() viz.startLayer(viz.LINES) viz.vertexColor(viz.RED) viz.vertex(0, 0,0) viz.vertex(0, -0.3, 0) self.rightLine = viz.endLayer() self.time = 0.0
def addCameraBounds(self): """Create node for rendering tracking boundary of HMD camera""" if not self._sensor: return None if (self._sensor.getSrcMask() & viz.LINK_POS) == 0: return None left,right,bottom,top,near,far = self._sensor.getCameraFrustum() s = far / near fleft, fright, fbottom, ftop = left*s, right*s, bottom*s, top*s viz.startLayer(viz.LINES) # Boundary lines viz.vertex([0,0,0]) viz.vertex([fleft,ftop,far]) viz.vertex([0,0,0]) viz.vertex([fright,ftop,far]) viz.vertex([0,0,0]) viz.vertex([fleft,fbottom,far]) viz.vertex([0,0,0]) viz.vertex([fright,fbottom,far]) # Near plane viz.vertex([left,top,near]) viz.vertex([right,top,near]) viz.vertex([right,top,near]) viz.vertex([right,bottom,near]) viz.vertex([right,bottom,near]) viz.vertex([left,bottom,near]) viz.vertex([left,bottom,near]) viz.vertex([left,top,near]) # Far plane viz.vertex([fleft,ftop,far]) viz.vertex([fright,ftop,far]) viz.vertex([fright,ftop,far]) viz.vertex([fright,fbottom,far]) viz.vertex([fright,fbottom,far]) viz.vertex([fleft,fbottom,far]) viz.vertex([fleft,fbottom,far]) viz.vertex([fleft,ftop,far]) lines = viz.endLayer(color=viz.GREEN) lines.drawOrder(100) lines.disable([viz.LIGHTING,viz.DEPTH_TEST,viz.SHADOW_CASTING,viz.INTERSECTION,viz.PICKING]) lines.setReferenceFrame(viz.RF_VIEW) link =, lines, srcFlag=ORI_CAMERA) link.postMultInverseLinkable(self._sensor) return lines
#script that starts the vizard enviroment and displays the origin and coordinate axes #WDA 3/14/2016 import viz import vizshape viz.go( ) origin = vizshape.addSphere(.01,50,50) origin.color(1,1,0) origin.setPosition(0,0,0) viz.startLayer(viz.LINES) viz.vertex(0,0,0) #Vertices are split into pairs. viz.vertex(1,0,0) myLines = viz.endLayer() myLines.color(1,0,0) messagewinx = viz.addText('X',pos=[1,0,0],scale=[0.04,0.04,0.04]) viz.startLayer(viz.LINES) viz.vertex(0,0,0) #Vertices are split into pairs. viz.vertex(0,1,0) myLines2 = viz.endLayer() myLines2.color(0,1,0) messagewiny = viz.addText('Y',pos=[0,1,0],scale=[0.04,0.04,0.04]) viz.startLayer(viz.LINES) viz.vertex(0,0,0) #Vertices are split into pairs. viz.vertex(0,0,1)
import threading import Queue import time import json import vizact import math import cProfile viz.splashScreen('C:\Users\Gelsey Torres-Oviedo\Desktop\VizardFolderVRServer\Logo_final.jpg') viz.go( viz.FULLSCREEN ) time.sleep(2)#show off a litle bit... viz.startLayer(viz.LINES) viz.vertex(-1,-0.25,-0.0001) #Vertices are split into pairs. viz.vertex(1,-0.25,-0.0001) myLines = viz.endLayer() #indicate flag for post-catch targets, which last for the first 12 steps global catchflag catchflag = 1 global stridecounter stridecounter = 0 #set target tolerance for stride length global targetL targetL = 0.25 global targetR targetR = 0.25 global targettol targettol = 0.025
def __init__( self , speedMultiplier = 1.0, av_type = 0 ): print "Creating a person" self.speedMultiplier = speedMultiplier self.save_path = path.Path() self.in_quad = 0 if av_type == 0: type = random.randrange(0,4) if type == 0: self.avatar = viz.add('male.cfg',viz.WORLD,scene=viz.MainScene) elif type == 1: self.avatar = viz.add('vcc_male.cfg',viz.WORLD,scene=viz.MainScene) elif type == 2: self.avatar = viz.add('female.cfg',viz.WORLD,scene=viz.MainScene) else: self.avatar = viz.add('vcc_female.cfg',viz.WORLD,scene=viz.MainScene) else: self.avatar = viz.add('vcc_male.cfg',viz.WORLD,scene=viz.MainScene) #Add the hat model self.hat = viz.add('tophat.3ds') self.hat.setScale([1,5,1]) #Get the head bone of the avatar head = self.avatar.getBone('Bip01 Head') #Link the hat to the head HatLink =,self.hat) #Tweek the hat link so it fits snuggly on the head HatLink.preTrans( [0,0.1,-0.0] ) HatLink.preEuler( [0,-10,0] ) self.avatar.setPosition(quadSet.get_random_point()) #self.save_path.setStart(self.avatar.getPosition()) self.save_path.addPoint(self.avatar.getPosition(), 0) self.next_point = quadSet.get_quadrant(self.avatar.getPosition())[0].get_random_walk() self.next_speed = get_next_speed() self.save_path.addPoint(self.next_point, self.next_speed) self.coll = 0 self.avatar.collideMesh() self.avatar.enable(viz.COLLIDE_NOTIFY) #setup the AR viz.startlayer(viz.QUADS) if av_type == 0: viz.vertexcolor(1,0,0) else: viz.vertexcolor(1,0,0) viz.linewidth(20) pos = self.avatar.getPosition() viz.vertex(-0.3,0,0) viz.vertex(0.3,0,0) viz.vertex(0.3,2,0) viz.vertex(-0.3,2,0) self.pointAR = viz.endlayer(viz.WORLD, viz.Scene2) self.pointAR.alpha(0.3) self.tracking_error = [] self.arev = vizact.ontimer(.01,self.move_AR) self.myquadrants = [False,False,False,False,False,False,False,False] self.lastTime = 0 self.timeNotVisible = 0
def createVisualObjects(self): #creats a sphere(the ball) with radius of 5cm self.ball = vizshape.addSphere(radius = .05) #colors the ball red self.ball.color(viz.YELLOW) self.ball.visible(True) self.Origin = vizshape.addAxes() self.Origin.setPosition(-5.5,0.1,8) # #creats a sphere(the ball) with radius of 5cm # #Head = vizshape.addCone( radius = 0.5, height = 0.8) # Head = vizshape.addArrow(1, color = viz.YELLOW_ORANGE) # #colors the ball red # Head.color(viz.PURPLE) # Head.visible(True) # Head.setScale(.2,.2,.3) #creats a sphere(the hand) with radius of 10cm self.Hand = vizshape.addCylinder( height = 0.02, radius = 0.2, axis = vizshape.AXIS_Z) #colors the hand red self.Hand.color(viz.RED) self.Hand.visible(True) self.IOD = 0.06 # create a node3D leftEyeNode self.cyclopEyeNode = vizshape.addSphere(0.015, color = viz.GREEN) #cyclopEyeNode.visible(viz.OFF) self.cyclopEyeNode.setPosition(*self.rawDataStruct['view_Pos_XYZ'][:,0]) self.cyclopEyeNode.setQuat(*self.rawDataStruct['view_Quat_WXYZ'][:,0]) # create a node3D rightEyeNode self.rightEyeNode = vizshape.addSphere(0.015, color = viz.RED) #rightEyeNode.visible(viz.OFF) self.rightEyeNode.setParent(self.cyclopEyeNode) self.rightEyeNode.setPosition(self.IOD/2, 0, 0.0,viz.ABS_PARENT) # right_sphere = gazeSphere(eyeTracker,viz.RIGHT_EYE,rightEyeNode,[clientWindowID],sphereColor=viz.ORANGE) # rightGazeVector = gazeVector(eyeTracker,viz.RIGHT_EYE,rightEyeNode,[clientWindowID],gazeVectorColor=viz.ORANGE) # right_sphere.toggleUpdate() # rightGazeVector.toggleUpdate() # right_sphere.node3D.alpha(0.7) # create a node3D leftEyeNode self.leftEyeNode = vizshape.addSphere(0.015, color = viz.BLUE) #leftEyeNode.visible(viz.OFF) self.leftEyeNode.setParent(self.cyclopEyeNode) self.leftEyeNode.setPosition(-self.IOD/2, 0, 0.0,viz.ABS_PARENT) # left_sphere = gazeSphere(eyeTracker,viz.LEFT_EYE,leftEyeNode,[clientWindowID],sphereColor=viz.YELLOW) # leftGazeVector = gazeVector(eyeTracker,viz.LEFT_EYE,leftEyeNode,[clientWindowID],gazeVectorColor=viz.YELLOW) # left_sphere.toggleUpdate() # leftGazeVector.toggleUpdate() # left_sphere.node3D.alpha(0.7) # Creating a Line to represent Gaze Vector viz.startLayer(viz.LINES) viz.vertex(0,0,0) viz.vertex(0,0,3) viz.vertexColor(viz.GREEN) self.eyeGazeVector = viz.endLayer() # Object will contain both points and lines self.eyeGazeVector.visible(True) self.eyeGazeVector.setParent(self.cyclopEyeNode) self.eyeGazeVector.pointSize(10) #rightGazeVector.setScale(5,5,5) self.eyeGazeSphere = vizshape.addSphere(0.02, color = viz.GREEN) self.eyeGazeSphere.setParent(self.cyclopEyeNode) # Creating a Line to represent Gaze Vector viz.startLayer(viz.LINES) viz.vertex(0,0,0) viz.vertex(0,0,3) viz.vertexColor(viz.RED) self.rightGazeVector = viz.endLayer() # Object will contain both points and lines self.rightGazeVector.visible(True) #rightGazeVector.setParent(rightEyeNode) self.rightGazeVector.pointSize(10) #rightGazeVector.setScale(5,5,5) self.rightGazeSphere = vizshape.addSphere(0.02, color = viz.RED) self.rightGazeSphere.setParent(self.rightEyeNode) # Creating a Line to represent Gaze Vector viz.startLayer(viz.LINES) viz.vertex(0,0,0) viz.vertex(0,0,3) viz.vertexColor(viz.BLUE) self.leftGazeVector = viz.endLayer() # Object will contain both points and lines self.leftGazeVector.visible(True) #leftGazeVector.setParent(leftEyeNode) #leftGazeVector.setScale(5,5,5) self.leftGazeSphere = vizshape.addSphere(0.02, color = viz.BLUE) self.leftGazeSphere.setParent(self.leftEyeNode) # Creating a Line to represent Eye-Ball Vector viz.startLayer(viz.LINES) viz.vertex(0,0,0) viz.vertex(0,0,3) viz.vertexColor(viz.YELLOW) self.EyeBallLine = viz.endLayer() # Object will contain both points and lines self.EyeBallLine.visible(True)
def draw(self, vertices): viz.startLayer(viz.LINE_LOOP) viz.lineWidth(10) for v in vertices: viz.vertex(*v) return viz.endLayer()
temp +=(s*0.5,) part3 = temp result = (part1[0]+part2[0]+part3[0],part1[1]+part2[1]+part3[1],part1[2]+part2[2]+part3[2]) return result wd = [0,0,0] wc = 0 grav = [0.0,9.81,0.0] bl = ([-4.970107078552246, 5.897994518280029, 1.4124407768249512],[-4.973110198974609, 6.1175079345703125, 2.1125693321228027],[-4.975081920623779, 6.5309247970581055, 2.8221869468688965],[-4.975322246551514, 6.759340286254883, 3.1336262226104736],[-4.975906848907471, 7.1793365478515625, 2.779799699783325],[-4.97451114654541, 5.308044910430908, 3.1625561714172363],[-4.973536014556885, 5.8962178230285645, 3.2122514247894287],[-4.9707231521606445, 5.660599231719971, 3.5753281116485596],[-4.966211795806885, 4.887547492980957, 3.882848024368286],[-2.7433903217315674, 5.715956211090088, 5.507270812988281],[-3.2320258617401123, 6.556395053863525, 5.514878273010254],[-3.798262596130371, 5.829957008361816, 5.529846668243408],[-2.0034732818603516, 7.698963642120361, 5.504480361938477],[-4.953855037689209, 6.041557788848877, 5.1223649978637695],[-1.3830612897872925, 5.617004871368408, -4.059776782989502],[-1.6367100477218628, 3.0266971588134766, -4.050085544586182],[-2.242931604385376, 2.975187301635742, -4.043353080749512],[-2.9772372245788574, 2.110835075378418, -4.028698921203613],[-1.6415677070617676, 2.3813564777374268, -4.04733943939209],[-0.3302052915096283, 1.9607874155044556, -4.049890518188477],[-4.9920268058776855, 5.900781631469727, -1.8857085704803467],[-4.989490985870361, 5.56298828125, -1.7206439971923828],[-4.996257305145264, 4.581329345703125, -2.1972899436950684],[-4.994059085845947, 4.407802581787109, -1.6545305252075195],[-4.992647171020508, 4.442633628845215, -1.1358085870742798],[-4.988626480102539, 4.823823928833008, 0.1453738659620285],[-4.988673210144043, 5.07926607131958, -0.048772379755973816],[-4.988332748413086, 5.744387149810791, -0.1320347636938095],[-4.9886860847473145, 6.315260410308838, -0.23182286322116852],[-4.986820697784424, 5.827799320220947, -0.9230077862739563],[-4.991076946258545, 4.644659042358398, -0.8074011206626892],[-4.9762864112854, 4.111218452453613, 3.3881337642669678],[-4.9752607345581055, 7.730223178863525, 2.4686429500579834],[0.26733750104904175, 8.535117149353027, 5.487018585205078],[1.2186188697814941, 7.103093147277832, 5.488711833953857],[-0.5966476202011108, 7.537855625152588, 5.486145973205566],[-0.8177675008773804, 7.79792594909668, 5.4877166748046875],[-1.8698996305465698, 8.362137794494629, 5.504770755767822],[-4.992286205291748, 2.577256441116333, 0.02785523794591427]) al = [] target = [1.1959341764450073, 7.428847789764404, 0.7743394374847412] masterpointlist = [] for b in bl: viz.startLayer(viz.LINE_STRIP) viz.vertexcolor(viz.BLUE) viz.vertex(b) x=0 al += ([target[0]-b[0],target[1]-b[1],target[2]-b[2]],) pointlist = [] while x <=5: point = formula(grav,wd,wc,x,al[bl.index(b)*-1],b) viz.vertex(point) pointlist += [point] x += 0.1 masterpointlist += [pointlist] viz.endLayer() area = [] z=0 print al zcount = len(masterpointlist)-1 while z < zcount:
import viz import vizshape viz.startLayer(viz.LINES) viz.vertexColor(viz.YELLOW) viz.vertex(0,0,0) viz.vertex(1,0,0) X = viz.endLayer() viz.startLayer(viz.LINES) viz.vertex(0,0,0) viz.vertex(0,1,0) Y = viz.endLayer() viz.startLayer(viz.LINES) viz.vertexColor(viz.BLUE) viz.vertex(0,0,0) viz.vertex(0,0,1) Z = viz.endLayer() viz.go() viz.MainView.setPosition(0,0,-1)
def createSolidBox(min, max): viz.startlayer(viz.QUADS, "top") viz.vertexcolor(1.0, 0.5, 0.0) # top # viz.vertexcolor(0.0,1.0,0.0) viz.normal(0, 1, 0) viz.vertex(max[0], max[1], min[2]) viz.vertex(min[0], max[1], min[2]) viz.vertex(min[0], max[1], max[2]) viz.vertex(max[0], max[1], max[2]) viz.startlayer(viz.QUADS, "bottom") viz.vertexcolor(0.5, 0.5, 0.0) viz.linewidth(2.0) # bottom # viz.vertexcolor(1.0,0.5,0.0) viz.normal(0, -1, 0) viz.vertex(max[0], min[1], max[2]) viz.vertex(min[0], min[1], max[2]) viz.vertex(min[0], min[1], min[2]) viz.vertex(max[0], min[1], min[2]) viz.startlayer(viz.QUADS, "front") viz.vertexcolor(0.5, 0.5, 0.0) viz.linewidth(2.0) # front # viz.vertexcolor(1.0,0.0,0.0) viz.normal(0, 0, 1) viz.vertex(max[0], max[1], max[2]) viz.vertex(min[0], max[1], max[2]) viz.vertex(min[0], min[1], max[2]) viz.vertex(max[0], min[1], max[2]) viz.startlayer(viz.QUADS, "back") viz.vertexcolor(0.5, 0.5, 0.0) viz.linewidth(2.0) # back # viz.vertexcolor(1.0,1.0,0.0) viz.normal(0, 0, -1) viz.vertex(max[0], min[1], min[2]) viz.vertex(min[0], min[1], min[2]) viz.vertex(min[0], max[1], min[2]) viz.vertex(max[0], max[1], min[2]) viz.startlayer(viz.QUADS, "left") viz.vertexcolor(0.5, 0.5, 0.0) viz.linewidth(2.0) # left # viz.vertexcolor(0.0,0.0,1.0) viz.normal(-1, 0, 0) viz.vertex(min[0], max[1], max[2]) viz.vertex(min[0], max[1], min[2]) viz.vertex(min[0], min[1], min[2]) viz.vertex(min[0], min[1], max[2]) viz.startlayer(viz.QUADS, "right") viz.vertexcolor(0.5, 0.5, 0.0) viz.linewidth(2.0) # right # viz.vertexcolor(1.0,0.0,1.0) viz.normal(1, 0, 0) viz.vertex(max[0], max[1], min[2]) viz.vertex(max[0], max[1], max[2]) viz.vertex(max[0], min[1], max[2]) viz.vertex(max[0], min[1], min[2]) return viz.endlayer()
panel.setText(test_text[test_num]) if(test_num == 2): background2.visible(viz.ON) # Add controllers for controller in steamvr.getControllerList(): # Create model for controller controller.model = controller.addModel(parent=navigationNode) controller.model.disable(viz.INTERSECTION), controller.model) # Create pointer line for controller viz.startLayer(viz.LINES) viz.vertexColor(viz.WHITE) viz.vertex([0,0,0]) viz.vertex([0,0,100]) controller.line = viz.endLayer(parent=controller.model) controller.line.disable([viz.INTERSECTION, viz.SHADOW_CASTING]) controller.line.visible(True) # Setup task for triggering jumps using controller viztask.schedule(JumpTask(controller)) # Add directions to canvas canvas = viz.addGUICanvas(pos=[0, 3.0, 6.0]) canvas.setMouseStyle(0) canvas.alignment(viz.ALIGN_CENTER) canvas.setRenderWorld([400,400], [5.0,5.0]) instructions =test_text[test_num]
def createVisualObjects(self): self.IOD = 0.06 # create a node3D leftEyeNode self.cyclopEyeNode = vizshape.addSphere(0.015, color = viz.GREEN) self.cyclopEyeNode.alpha(0.3) #cyclopEyeNode.visible(viz.OFF) self.cyclopEyeNode.setPosition(*self.rawDataStruct['view_Pos_XYZ'][:,0]) self.cyclopEyeNode.setQuat(*self.rawDataStruct['view_Quat_WXYZ'][:,0]) # create a node3D rightEyeNode self.rightEyeNode = vizshape.addSphere(0.015, color = viz.RED) #rightEyeNode.visible(viz.OFF) self.rightEyeNode.setParent(self.cyclopEyeNode) self.rightEyeNode.setPosition(self.IOD/2, 0, 0.0,viz.ABS_PARENT) self.rightEyeNode.alpha(0.3) # right_sphere = gazeSphere(eyeTracker,viz.RIGHT_EYE,rightEyeNode,[clientWindowID],sphereColor=viz.ORANGE) # rightGazeVector = gazeVector(eyeTracker,viz.RIGHT_EYE,rightEyeNode,[clientWindowID],gazeVectorColor=viz.ORANGE) # right_sphere.toggleUpdate() # rightGazeVector.toggleUpdate() # right_sphere.node3D.alpha(0.7) # create a node3D leftEyeNode self.leftEyeNode = vizshape.addSphere(0.015, color = viz.BLUE) #leftEyeNode.visible(viz.OFF) self.leftEyeNode.setParent(self.cyclopEyeNode) self.leftEyeNode.setPosition(-self.IOD/2, 0, 0.0,viz.ABS_PARENT) self.leftEyeNode.alpha(0.3) # left_sphere = gazeSphere(eyeTracker,viz.LEFT_EYE,leftEyeNode,[clientWindowID],sphereColor=viz.YELLOW) # leftGazeVector = gazeVector(eyeTracker,viz.LEFT_EYE,leftEyeNode,[clientWindowID],gazeVectorColor=viz.YELLOW) # left_sphere.toggleUpdate() # leftGazeVector.toggleUpdate() # left_sphere.node3D.alpha(0.7) self.hmdDisplay = vizshape.addPlane([0.126, 0.071], axis = -vizshape.AXIS_Z, color = viz.GRAY) self.hmdDisplay.alpha(0.3) self.hmdDisplay.setParent(self.cyclopEyeNode) self.hmdDisplay.setPosition([0,0,0.0725], viz.ABS_PARENT) # 0.0725 self.pixelatedBall = vizshape.addCircle(0.001, axis = -vizshape.AXIS_Z, color = viz.WHITE) self.pixelatedBall.setParent(self.hmdDisplay) self.pixelatedBall.setPosition([0,0,0]) self.pixelatedBall.alpha(1) self.eyePOR = vizshape.addCircle(0.001, axis = -vizshape.AXIS_Z, color = viz.GREEN) self.eyePOR.setParent(self.hmdDisplay) self.eyePOR.setPosition([0,0,0]) self.eyePOR.alpha(1) self.rightPOR = vizshape.addCircle(0.001, axis = -vizshape.AXIS_Z, color = viz.RED) self.rightPOR.setParent(self.hmdDisplay) self.rightPOR.setPosition([0,0,0]) self.rightPOR.alpha(1) self.leftPOR = vizshape.addCircle(0.001, axis = -vizshape.AXIS_Z, color = viz.BLUE) self.leftPOR.setParent(self.hmdDisplay) self.leftPOR.setPosition([0,0,0]) self.leftPOR.alpha(1) #creats a sphere(the ball) with radius of 5cm self.ball = vizshape.addSphere(radius = .08) #colors the ball red self.ball.color(viz.YELLOW) self.ball.visible(True) self.ball.setParent(self.cyclopEyeNode) self.Origin = vizshape.addAxes() self.Origin.setPosition(-5.5,0.1,8) # #creats a sphere(the ball) with radius of 5cm # #Head = vizshape.addCone( radius = 0.5, height = 0.8) # Head = vizshape.addArrow(1, color = viz.YELLOW_ORANGE) # #colors the ball red # Head.color(viz.PURPLE) # Head.visible(True) # Head.setScale(.2,.2,.3) #creats a sphere(the hand) with radius of 10cm self.Hand = vizshape.addCylinder( height = 0.02, radius = 0.2, axis = vizshape.AXIS_Z) #colors the hand red self.Hand.color(viz.RED) self.Hand.visible(True) # Creating a Line to represent Cyclopean Eye Gaze Vector viz.startLayer(viz.LINES) viz.vertex(0,0,0) viz.vertex(0,0,3) viz.vertexColor(viz.GREEN) self.eyeGazeVector = viz.endLayer() # Object will contain both points and lines self.eyeGazeVector.visible(True) self.eyeGazeVector.setParent(self.cyclopEyeNode) self.eyeGazeVector.pointSize(10) #rightGazeVector.setScale(5,5,5) self.eyeGazeSphere = vizshape.addSphere(0.02, color = viz.GREEN) self.eyeGazeSphere.setParent(self.cyclopEyeNode) # Creating a Line to represent Right Eye Gaze Vector viz.startLayer(viz.LINES) viz.vertex(0,0,0) viz.vertex(0,0,3) viz.vertexColor(viz.RED) self.rightGazeVector = viz.endLayer() # Object will contain both points and lines self.rightGazeVector.visible(True) #rightGazeVector.setParent(rightEyeNode) self.rightGazeVector.pointSize(10) #rightGazeVector.setScale(5,5,5) self.rightGazeSphere = vizshape.addSphere(0.02, color = viz.RED) self.rightGazeSphere.setParent(self.rightEyeNode) self.rightGazeSphere.visible(False) # Creating a Line to represent Left Eye Gaze Vector viz.startLayer(viz.LINES) viz.vertex(0,0,0) viz.vertex(0,0,3) viz.vertexColor(viz.BLUE) self.leftGazeVector = viz.endLayer() # Object will contain both points and lines self.leftGazeVector.visible(True) #leftGazeVector.setParent(leftEyeNode) #leftGazeVector.setScale(5,5,5) self.leftGazeSphere = vizshape.addSphere(0.02, color = viz.BLUE) self.leftGazeSphere.setParent(self.leftEyeNode) self.leftGazeSphere.visible(False) # Creating a Line to represent Eye-Ball Vector viz.startLayer(viz.LINES) viz.vertex(0,0,0) viz.vertex(0,0,3) viz.vertexColor(viz.YELLOW) self.EyeBallLine = viz.endLayer() # Object will contain both points and lines self.EyeBallLine.visible(False) #EyeBallLine.setScale(5,5,5) self.male = viz.add('ktex.obj') #male.state(1) #looping idle animation #self.headBone = self.male.getBone('Bip01 Head') #self.headBone.lock() self.male.setParent(self.cyclopEyeNode)
def __init__( self , av_type = 0): self.in_quad = 0 if av_type == 0: type = random.randrange(0,4) if type == 0: self.avatar = viz.add('male.cfg',viz.WORLD,scene=viz.MainScene) elif type == 1: self.avatar = viz.add('vcc_male.cfg',viz.WORLD,scene=viz.MainScene) elif type == 2: self.avatar = viz.add('female.cfg',viz.WORLD,scene=viz.MainScene) else: self.avatar = viz.add('vcc_female.cfg',viz.WORLD,scene=viz.MainScene) else: self.avatar = viz.add('vcc_male.cfg',viz.WORLD,scene=viz.MainScene) #Add the hat model self.hat = viz.add('tophat.3ds') self.hat.setScale([1,5,1]) #Get the head bone of the avatar head = self.avatar.getBone('Bip01 Head') #Link the hat to the head HatLink =,self.hat) #Tweek the hat link so it fits snuggly on the head HatLink.preTrans( [0,0.1,-0.0] ) HatLink.preEuler( [0,-10,0] ) #HatLink.([0,5,0]) self.avatar.setPosition(get_random_point()) self.next_point = get_quadrant(self.avatar.getPosition()).get_random_walk() self.coll = 0 self.avatar.collideMesh() self.avatar.enable(viz.COLLIDE_NOTIFY) #setup the AR viz.startlayer(viz.QUADS) viz.vertexcolor(1,0,0) #viz.pointsize(20) viz.linewidth(20) pos = self.avatar.getPosition() #viz.vertex(pos[0], -20, pos[2]) #viz.vertex(pos[0], 20, pos[2]) #rx = 0.5 #ry = 1 #viz.vertex(-rx, 0, 0) #viz.vertex(-rx, r, 0) #viz.vertex(r, r, 0) #viz.vertex(r, -r, 0) #viz.vertex(0,0,0) #viz.vertex(0,2,0) viz.vertex(-0.3,0,0) viz.vertex(0.3,0,0) viz.vertex(0.3,2,0) viz.vertex(-0.3,2,0) self.pointAR = viz.endlayer(viz.WORLD, viz.Scene2) self.set_AR(True) #self.pointAR.alpha(0.3) self.arev = vizact.ontimer(.01,self.move_AR)
def createSolidBox(min,max): viz.startlayer(viz.QUADS, 'top') viz.vertexcolor(1.0,0.5,0.0) #top #viz.vertexcolor(0.0,1.0,0.0) viz.normal(0,1,0) viz.vertex( max[0], max[1], min[2]) viz.vertex( min[0], max[1], min[2]) viz.vertex( min[0], max[1], max[2]) viz.vertex( max[0], max[1], max[2]) viz.startlayer(viz.QUADS,'bottom') viz.vertexcolor(.5,.5,0.0) viz.linewidth(2.0) #bottom #viz.vertexcolor(1.0,0.5,0.0) viz.normal(0,-1,0) viz.vertex( max[0], min[1], max[2]) viz.vertex( min[0], min[1], max[2]) viz.vertex( min[0], min[1], min[2]) viz.vertex( max[0], min[1], min[2]) viz.startlayer(viz.QUADS,'front') viz.vertexcolor(.5,.5,0.0) viz.linewidth(2.0) #front #viz.vertexcolor(1.0,0.0,0.0) viz.normal(0,0,1) viz.vertex( max[0], max[1], max[2]) viz.vertex( min[0], max[1], max[2]) viz.vertex( min[0], min[1], max[2]) viz.vertex( max[0], min[1], max[2]) viz.startlayer(viz.QUADS,'back') viz.vertexcolor(.5,.5,0.0) viz.linewidth(2.0) #back #viz.vertexcolor(1.0,1.0,0.0) viz.normal(0,0,-1) viz.vertex( max[0], min[1], min[2]) viz.vertex( min[0], min[1], min[2]) viz.vertex( min[0], max[1], min[2]) viz.vertex( max[0], max[1], min[2]) viz.startlayer(viz.QUADS,'left') viz.vertexcolor(.5,.5,0.0) viz.linewidth(2.0) #left #viz.vertexcolor(0.0,0.0,1.0) viz.normal(-1,0,0) viz.vertex( min[0], max[1], max[2]) viz.vertex( min[0], max[1], min[2]) viz.vertex( min[0], min[1], min[2]) viz.vertex( min[0], min[1], max[2]) viz.startlayer(viz.QUADS,'right') viz.vertexcolor(.5,.5,0.0) viz.linewidth(2.0) #right #viz.vertexcolor(1.0,0.0,1.0) viz.normal(1,0,0) viz.vertex( max[0], max[1], min[2]) viz.vertex( max[0], max[1], max[2]) viz.vertex( max[0], min[1], max[2]) viz.vertex( max[0], min[1], min[2]) return viz.endlayer()
node2D.setScene(viz.Scene3) node2D.setBuffer( viz.RENDER_FRAME_BUFFER ) node2D.setOrder( viz.POST_RENDER ) node2D.setInheritView(0) node2D.setSize( HMDwidth,HMDheight ) node2D.setProjectionMatrix(viz.Matrix.ortho2D(0,HMDwidth,0,HMDheight)) node2D.setClearMask(0) node2D.disable(viz.DEPTH_TEST) #viz.startlayer(viz.LINES) #viz.vertex([HMDwidth/2,0,0]) #viz.vertex([HMDwidth/2,HMDheight,0]) #viz.endlayer(viz.WORLD,viz.Scene3) viz.startlayer(viz.LINES) viz.vertexcolor([1,0,0]) viz.vertex([HMDwidth/2-10,HMDheight/2,0]) viz.vertex([HMDwidth/2+10,HMDheight/2,0]) viz.vertex([HMDwidth/2,HMDheight/2-10,0]) viz.vertex([HMDwidth/2,HMDheight/2+10,0]) viz.vertexcolor([1,1,1]) viz.endlayer(viz.WORLD,viz.Scene3) ringbuffer_len = 20 yaw_ringbuffer = range(ringbuffer_len)
import viz import vizact viz.go() #Example for creating a fan of triangles: viz.startLayer(viz.TRIANGLE_FAN) viz.vertex(0,1,5) #All the triangles have the first vertex as a point. viz.vertex(-1.5,1.35,10) #The other points are taken in pairs. viz.vertex(-.25,1.5,10) viz.vertex(0,.8,10) viz.vertex(.25,1.5,10) viz.vertex(1.5,1.35,10) myTrianglefan = viz.endLayer() #Notify Vizard that the layer will be modified frequently. myTrianglefan.dynamic() #Grab a vertex. tip = myTrianglefan.Vertex( 0 ) fadeInAndOut = vizact.sequence( [vizact.fadeTo(viz.RED,time=1),vizact.fadeTo(viz.WHITE,time=1)], viz.PERPETUAL ) #Apply an action to the vertex. tip.addAction( fadeInAndOut )