Esempio n. 1
def runTime(key, vplt):
    secs = [str(i) for i in range(10)]
    if key not in secs: return
    printc('Will execute score for '+key+' seconds')
    vplt.interactive = False
    vplt.clock = int(key)
Esempio n. 2
 def runTime(self, key):
     secs = [str(i) for i in range(10)]
     if key not in secs: return
     printc('Will execute score for ' + key + ' seconds')
     self.vp.interactive = False
     self.vp.clock = int(key)
Esempio n. 3
    def _moveHand(self, side, t):############# runs inside play() loop
        if side == 1: 
            c1,c2 = 'tomato', 'orange'
            engagedkeys    = self.engagedkeysR
            engagedfingers = self.engagedfingersR
            H              = self.rightHand
            vpH            = self.vpRH
            c1,c2 = 'purple', 'mediumpurple'
            engagedkeys    = self.engagedkeysL
            engagedfingers = self.engagedfingersL
            H              = self.leftHand
            vpH            = self.vpLH

        for i, n in enumerate(H.noteseq):##################### 
            start, stop, f = n.time, n.time+n.duration, n.fingering
            if isinstance(f, str): continue
            if f and stop <= t <= stop+self.dt and engagedkeys[i]: #release key
                engagedkeys[i]    = False
                engagedfingers[f] = False
                name = nameof(n)

        for i, n in enumerate(H.noteseq):##################### 
            start, stop, f = n.time, n.time+n.duration, n.fingering   
            if isinstance(f, str):
                print('Warning: cannot understand lyrics:',f, 'skip note',i)
            if f and start <= t < stop and not engagedkeys[i] and not engagedfingers[f]: #press key
                if i >= len(H.fingerseq): return                    
                engagedkeys[i]    = True
                engagedfingers[f] = True
                name = nameof(n)
                if t> self.t0 + self.vp.clock: 
                    self.t0 = t
          , interactive=True)

                for g in [1,2,3,4,5]: 
                    vpH[g].x( side * H.fingerseq[i][g] ) 
                vpH[0].x(vpH[3].x()) # index 0 is arm, put it where middle finger is
                fpress(vpH[f],  c1)
                kpress(self.KB[name], c2)
      , interactive=False)

                if self.verbose:
                    msg = 'meas.'+str(n.measure)+' t='+str(round(t,2))
                    if side==1: printc((msg,'\t\t\t\tRH.finger', f, 'hit', name), 'b')
                    else:       printc((msg,      '\tLH.finger', f, 'hit', name), 'm')

                if self.playsounds: 
                    playSound(n, self.speedfactor)
Esempio n. 4
def myloop(*event):
    global counts  # this is needed because counts is being modified:
    counts += 0.1

    # reference 'actor' is not modified so doesnt need to be global
    # (internal properties of the object are, but python doesn't know..)
    actor.pos([0, counts / 20, 0]).color(counts)  # move cube and change color

    rp = [u(-1, 1), u(0, 1), u(-1, 1)]  # a random position
    s = sphere(rp, r=0.05, c='blue 0.2')
    vp.render(s, resetcam=True)  # show() would cause exiting the loop

    # waste cpu time to slow down program
    for i in range(100000):
    printc('#', end='')
Esempio n. 5
def myfnc(key):
    if not vp.clickedActor or key != "c":
        printc("click an actor and press c.", c="r")
    printc("clicked actor   :", vp.clickedActor.legend(), c=4)
    printc("clicked 3D point:", vp.picked3d, c=4)
    printc("clicked renderer:", [vp.renderer], c=2)

    vp.add(Sphere(pos=vp.picked3d, r=0.005, c="v"))
Esempio n. 6
def myfnc(key):
    if not vp.clickedActor or key != 'c':
        printc('click an actor and press c.', c='r')
    printc('clicked actor   :', vp.clickedActor.legend(), c=4)
    printc('clicked 3D point:', vp.picked3d, c=4)
    printc('clicked renderer:', vp.clickedRenderer, c=2)

    vp.add(Sphere(pos=vp.picked3d, r=.005, c='v'))
Esempio n. 7
def myfnc(key):
    if not vp.clickedActor or key != 'c':
        printc('click an actor and press c.', c='r')

    cb = sphere(pos=vp.picked3d, r=.05, c='v')

    printc('clicked actor   :', vp.clickedActor.legend, c=4)
    printc('clicked 3D point:', vp.picked3d, c=4)
    printc('clicked renderer:', vp.clickedRenderer, c=2)
Esempio n. 8
def animation(coord, connect, amp, disp_vector):
    ''' Plot deformed mesh animation.

        coord (:obj:`numpy.array`): Coordinates of the element.
        connect (:obj:`numpy.array`): Element connectivity.
        amp (:obj:`int`): Amplitude. 
        disp_vector (:obj:`numpy.array`): Displacement.
    vt.printc("Press F1 to exit.", c="red", invert=1)
    vp = vt.Plotter(axes=0, interactive=0)
    vp += __doc__
    ind_faces_U = free_faces(coord, connect)
    aux = np.linspace(-1, 1, num=400)
    factor = amp * np.sin(aux * 2 * np.pi)
    while True:
        for f in factor:
            coord3D_U = fc.apply_U(disp_vector, coord, factor=f)
            verts_U = coord3D_U[:, 1:]
            mesh = build_mesh(verts_U, ind_faces_U)
Esempio n. 9
def demo3d_hanoi(**kwargs):
    nr_disks = kwargs.get("nr_disks", 5)
    interactive = kwargs.get("interactive", 1)

    hanoi = Hanoi(nr_disks)
    tower_states = list([hanoi.towers])
    for _ in hanoi.moves():

    vp = Plotter(axes=0, interactive=0, bg="w", size=(800, 600))[18.5, -20.7, 7.93])[3.0, 0.0, 2.5])[-0.1, +0.17, 0.977])

    cols = makePalette("red", "blue", hanoi.nr_disks + 1, hsv=True)
    disks = {
        hanoi.nr_disks - i: Cylinder(pos=[0, 0, 0],
                                     r=0.2 * (hanoi.nr_disks - i + 1),
        for i in range(hanoi.nr_disks)
    for k in disks:
        vp += disks[k]
    vp += Box(pos=(3.0, 0, -.5), length=12.0, width=4.0, height=0.1)

    printc("\n Press q to continue, Esc to exit. ", c="y", invert=1)
    pb = ProgressBar(0, len(tower_states), 1, c="b", ETA=False)
    for t in pb.range():
        state = tower_states[t]
        for tower_nr in range(3):
            for i, disk in enumerate(state[tower_nr]):
                disks[disk].pos([3 * tower_nr, 0, i + 0.5]), interactive=interactive, rate=10), interactive=1)
Esempio n. 10
    def play(self):
        printc('Press [0-9] to proceed by one note or for more seconds', c=1)
        printc('Press Esc to exit.', c=1)
        self.vp.keyPressFunction = self.runTime  # enable observer

        if self.rightHand:
            self.engagedkeysR = [False] * len(self.rightHand.noteseq)
            self.engagedfingersR = [False] * 6  # element 0 is dummy
        if self.leftHand:
            self.engagedkeysL = [False] * len(self.leftHand.noteseq)
            self.engagedfingersL = [False] * 6

        t = 0.0
        while True:
            if self.rightHand: self._moveHand(1, t)
            if self.leftHand: self._moveHand(-1, t)
            if t > 1000: break
            t += self.dt  # absolute time flows

        if self.verbose: printc('End of note sequence reached.')
        self.vp.keyPressFunction = None  # disable observer
Esempio n. 11
"""Recreate a model of a geothermal reservoir, Utah
(Credits: A. Pollack, SCRF)"""
from vtkplotter import Plotter, Mesh, Points, Line, Lines, printc
import pandas as pd
from scipy.spatial import Delaunay

#import the file from github
basegithuburl = ''

#Load surfaces
printc("...loading data, please wait", invert=1)

fileVertices = basegithuburl + 'land_surface_vertices.csv'
landSurfacePD = pd.read_csv(fileVertices)

fileVertices = basegithuburl + '175C_vertices.csv'
vertices_175CPD = pd.read_csv(fileVertices)

fileVertices = basegithuburl + '225C_vertices.csv'
vertices_225CPD = pd.read_csv(fileVertices)

fileVertices = basegithuburl + 'Negro_Mag_Fault_vertices.csv'
Negro_Mag_Fault_verticesPD = pd.read_csv(fileVertices)

fileVertices = basegithuburl + 'Opal_Mound_Fault_vertices.csv'
Opal_Mound_Fault_verticesPD = pd.read_csv(fileVertices)

fileVertices = basegithuburl + 'top_granitoid_vertices.csv'
top_granitoid_verticesPD = pd.read_csv(fileVertices)

fileVertices = basegithuburl + 'top_granitoid_vertices.csv'
Esempio n. 12
    link[k] = vp.add(Spring(p0, p1, thickness=0.015, r=R / 3, c="gray"))

# Create some auxiliary variables
x_dot_m = [0] * (N + 1)
y_dot_m = [0] * (N + 1)
dij = [0] * (N + 1)  # array with distances to previous bob
dij_m = [0] * (N + 1)
for k in range(1, N + 1):
    dij[k] = mag([bob_x[k] - bob_x[k - 1], bob_y[k] - bob_y[k - 1]])

fctr = lambda x: (x - 1) / x
Dt *= np.sqrt(1 / g)
Dt2 = Dt / 2  # Midpoint time step
DiaSq = (2 * R)**2  # Diameter of bob squared

printc("Press F1 to exit.", c="red", invert=1)

while True:
    bob_x_m = list(map((lambda x, dx: x + Dt2 * dx), bob_x,
                       x_dot))  # midpoint variables
    bob_y_m = list(map((lambda y, dy: y + Dt2 * dy), bob_y, y_dot))

    for k in range(1, N + 1):
        factor = fctr(dij[k])
        x_dot_m[k] = x_dot[k] - Dt2 * (Ks *
                                       (bob_x[k] - bob_x[k - 1]) * factor +
                                       gamma * x_dot[k])
        y_dot_m[k] = y_dot[k] - Dt2 * (Ks *
                                       (bob_y[k] - bob_y[k - 1]) * factor +
                                       gamma * y_dot[k] + g)
Esempio n. 13
"""Manually build a mesh from points and faces"""
from vtkplotter import Mesh, printc, show

verts = [(50,50,50), (70,40,50), (50,40,80), (80,70,50)]
faces = [(0,1,2), (2,1,3), (1,0,3)]
# (the first triangle face is formed by vertex 0, 1 and 2)

# Build the polygonal Mesh object:
m = Mesh([verts, faces])

# retrieve them as numpy arrays
printc('points():\n', m.points(), c=3)
printc('faces(): \n', m.faces(),  c=3)

show(m, __doc__, viewup='z', axes=8)
Esempio n. 14
"""Recreate a model of a geothermal reservoir, Utah
(Credits: A. Pollack, SCRF)"""
from vtkplotter import Plotter, Mesh, Points, Line, Lines, printc, exportWindow
from scipy.spatial import Delaunay
import pandas as pd

# Load surfaces, import the file from github
printc("...loading data...", invert=1, end='')
url = ""

landSurfacePD = pd.read_csv(url + "land_surface_vertices.csv")
vertices_175CPD = pd.read_csv(url + "175C_vertices.csv")
vertices_225CPD = pd.read_csv(url + "225C_vertices.csv")
microseismic = pd.read_csv(url + "Microseismic.csv")
Negro_Mag_Fault_verticesPD = pd.read_csv(url + "Negro_Mag_Fault_vertices.csv")
Opal_Mound_Fault_verticesPD = pd.read_csv(url +
top_granitoid_verticesPD = pd.read_csv(url + "top_granitoid_vertices.csv")

# The well path and different logs for the well paths
well_5832_path = pd.read_csv(url + "path5832.csv")
pressure_well = pd.read_csv(url + "pressure5832.csv")
temp_well = pd.read_csv(url + "temperature5832.csv")
nphi_well = pd.read_csv(url + "nphi5832.csv")

# Since most of the wells in the area were just vertical, I split them into two files:
# One file with the top of the wells and the other with the bottom point of the wellbore
wellsmin = pd.read_csv(url + "MinPointsWells.csv")
wellsmax = pd.read_csv(url + "MaxPointsWells.csv")

# Project boundary area on the surface
Esempio n. 15
# Align 2 shapes and for each vertex of the first draw
# and arrow to the closest point of the second.
# The source transformation is saved in actor.transform
#  rigid=True doesn't allow scaling
from vtkplotter import Plotter, printc, mag2
from vtkplotter.analysis import align

vp = Plotter(verbose=0, axes=4)

limb = vp.load('data/270.vtk', alpha=0.3)
rim = vp.load('data/270_rim.vtk')

arim = align(rim, limb, iters=100, rigid=True)

d = 0
prim = arim.coordinates()
for p in prim:
    cpt = limb.closestPoint(p)
    vp.arrow(p, cpt, c='g')
    d += mag2(p - cpt)  # square of residual distance

printc('ave. squared distance =', d / len(prim), c='g')
Esempio n. 16
def onLeftClick(actor):
    printc("Left   button pressed on", [actor], c="g")
Esempio n. 17
def onMiddleClick(actor):
    printc("Middle button pressed on", [actor], c="y")
Esempio n. 18
def buttonfunc():
    act.alpha(1 - act.alpha())  # toggle mesh transparency
    bu.switch()  # change to next status
    printc(bu.status(), box='_', dim=True)
Esempio n. 19
 to add a sphere and some info is printed.
from vtkplotter import Plotter, printc, Sphere, Text, datadir

def myfnc(key):
    if not vp.clickedActor or key != "c":
        printc("click an actor and press c.", c="r")
    printc("clicked actor   :", vp.clickedActor.legend(), c=4)
    printc("clicked 3D point:", vp.picked3d, c=4)
    printc("clicked renderer:", [vp.renderer], c=2)

    vp.add(Sphere(pos=vp.picked3d, r=0.005, c="v"))


vp = Plotter(verbose=0)

vp.keyPressFunction = myfnc  # make it known to Plotter class

vp.load(datadir + "bunny.obj")


printc("\nPress c to execute myfnc()", c=1)
Esempio n. 20
pl = Plane(mesh.centroid, normal=[0, 0, 1], sx=6, sy=4, alpha=0.3)

slice_2D, to_3D = mslice.to_planar()

# show objects on N=2 non-synced renderers:
show([(mesh, pl), (slice_2D, txt)], N=2, sharecam=False, axes=True)

# if we wanted to take a bunch of parallel slices, like for a 3D printer
# we can do that easily with the section_multiplane method
# we're going to slice the mesh into evenly spaced chunks along z
# this takes the (2,3) bounding box and slices it into [minz, maxz]
z_extents = mesh.bounds[:, 2]
# slice every .125 model units (eg, inches)
z_levels = np.arange(*z_extents, step=0.125)

# find a bunch of parallel cross sections
sections = mesh.section_multiplane(plane_origin=mesh.bounds[0],
                                   plane_normal=[0, 0, 1],
N = len(sections)
printc("nr. of sections:", N, c='green')

# summing the array of Path2D objects will put all of the curves
# into one Path2D object, which we can plot easily
combined = np.sum(sections)
sections.append([combined, 'combined'])

# show objects in N synced renderers:
show(sections, N=N, axes=True, newPlotter=True)
Esempio n. 21
    link[k] = vp.add(Spring(p0, p1, thickness=0.015, r=R / 3, c="gray"))

# Create some auxiliary variables
x_dot_m = [0] * (N + 1)
y_dot_m = [0] * (N + 1)
dij = [0] * (N + 1)  # array with distances to previous bob
dij_m = [0] * (N + 1)
for k in range(1, N + 1):
    dij[k] = mag([bob_x[k] - bob_x[k - 1], bob_y[k] - bob_y[k - 1]])

fctr = lambda x: (x - 1) / x
Dt *= np.sqrt(1 / g)
Dt2 = Dt / 2  # Midpoint time step
DiaSq = (2 * R)**2  # Diameter of bob squared

printc("Press Esc to exit.", c="red")

while True:
    bob_x_m = list(map((lambda x, dx: x + Dt2 * dx), bob_x,
                       x_dot))  # midpoint variables
    bob_y_m = list(map((lambda y, dy: y + Dt2 * dy), bob_y, y_dot))

    for k in range(1, N + 1):
        factor = fctr(dij[k])
        x_dot_m[k] = x_dot[k] - Dt2 * (Ks *
                                       (bob_x[k] - bob_x[k - 1]) * factor +
                                       gamma * x_dot[k])
        y_dot_m[k] = y_dot[k] - Dt2 * (Ks *
                                       (bob_y[k] - bob_y[k - 1]) * factor +
                                       gamma * y_dot[k] + g)
Esempio n. 22
Mouse click event example
click of the mouse causes a call to a custom function.
from vtkplotter import Plotter, printc, Text, datadir

def onLeftClick(actor):
    printc("Left   button pressed on", [actor], c="g")

def onMiddleClick(actor):
    printc("Middle button pressed on", [actor], c="y")

def onRightClick(actor):
    printc("Right  button pressed on", [actor], c="r")

vp = Plotter(verbose=0)

vp.load(datadir + "skyscraper.obj")

vp.mouseLeftClickFunction = onLeftClick
vp.mouseMiddleClickFunction = onMiddleClick
vp.mouseRightClickFunction = onRightClick

printc("Click object to trigger function call", invert=1, box="-")

Esempio n. 23
    # Check to see if they are colliding
    for i in range(1, N):
        for j in range(i + 1, N + 1):
            dist2 = (bob_x[i] - bob_x[j])**2 + (bob_y[i] - bob_y[j])**2
            if dist2 < DiaSq:  # are colliding
                Ddist = np.sqrt(dist2) - 2 * R
                tau = norm(vector(bob_x[j] - bob_x[i], bob_y[j] - bob_y[i]))
                DR = Ddist / 2 * tau
                bob_x[i] += DR[0]  # DR.x
                bob_y[i] += DR[1]  # DR.y
                bob_x[j] -= DR[0]  # DR.x
                bob_y[j] -= DR[1]  # DR.y
                Vji = vector(x_dot[j] - x_dot[i], y_dot[j] - y_dot[i])
                DV =, tau) * tau
                x_dot[i] += DV[0]  # DV.x
                y_dot[i] += DV[1]  # DV.y
                x_dot[j] -= DV[0]  # DV.x
                y_dot[j] -= DV[1]  # DV.y

    # Update the loations of the bobs and the stretching of the springs
    for k in range(1, N + 1):
        bob[k].pos([bob_x[k], bob_y[k], 0])
        link[k - 1].stretch(bob[k - 1].pos(), bob[k].pos())

    vp.render(resetcam=True)  # show() would cause exiting the loop  # move camera a bit

printc('Press q to exit.', c='red')
Esempio n. 24
"""Read and show meshio objects"""
import meshio
from vtkplotter import datadir, show, Actor, Text, printc

mesh = + 'shuttle.obj')

# vtkplotter understands meshio format:
printc(mesh, c='y')
show(mesh, Text(__doc__))

# or explicitly convert it to an Actor object:
a = Actor(mesh).lineWidth(1).color('tomato')
Esempio n. 25
# Available colors:
#  0-black, 1-red, 2-green, 3-yellow, 4-blue, 5-magenta, 6-cyan, 7-white
# Available modifiers:
#  c (foreground color), bc (background color)
#  hidden, bold, blink, underLine, dim, invert, box

from vtkplotter import printc, printHistogram
import numpy as np

printc(" 1- Change the world~world by being yourself - Amy Poehler", c=1)
printc(" 2- Never regret anything that made you smile ~smile - Mark Twain",
printc(" 3- Every moment is a fresh beginning - T.S Eliot~copyright",
printc(" 4- Die with memories, not dreams - Unknown~registered",
printc(" 5- Aspire to inspire before we expire - Unknown", c=2, hidden=1)
printc(" 6- Everything you can imagine is real - Pablo Picasso~rocket", c=3)
    " 7- Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication - Leonardo da Vinci~idea",
printc(" 8- Whatever you do, do it well - ~rainbowWalt Disney", c=3, bc=1)
printc(" 9- What we think, we become - Buddha ~target", c=6, invert=1)
printc("10- All limitations are self-imposed ~sparks Oliver Wendell Holmes",
printc("11- When words fail, music speaks - Shakespeare ~pin")
@author: HernanV

#Recreate a model of geotermal reservoir, Utah
from vtkplotter import Plotter, Mesh, Points, Line, Lines ,printc, exportWindow, embedWindow
from scipy.spatial import Delaunay
import pandas as pd

embedWindow(False) # or itkwidgets, False (for a popup)

# Load surfaces, import the file from pandas
printc("...loading data...", invert=1)
path(data="C:\Users\HernanV\Documents\Spyder (python) files\Modelamiento en 3D con Python\Example3DGeologicModelUsingVTKPlotter-master')
path(open(data, mode, encoding=str))

landSurfacePD = path_csv('landsurface_vertices.csv')
vertices_175CPD = pd.read_csv('175C_vertices.csv')
vertices_225CPD = pd.read_csv('225C_vertices.csv')
Negro_Mag_Fault_verticesPD = pd.read_csv('Negro_Mag_Fault_vertices.csv')
Opal_Mound_Fault_verticesPD = pd.read_csv('Opal_Mound_Fault_vertices.csv')
top_granitoid_verticesPD = pd.read_csv('top_granitoid_vertices.csv')
microseismic = pd.read_csv('Microseismic.csv')

# The well path and different logs for the well paths
well_5832_path = pd.read_csv('path5832.csv')
temp_well = pd.read_csv('temperature5832.csv')
nphi_well = pd.read_csv('nphi5832.csv')
Esempio n. 27
# Extract the mesh region that has the largest connected surface
from vtkplotter.analysis import extractLargestRegion
from vtkplotter.utils import area
from vtkplotter import Plotter, printc

vp = Plotter(shape=(2,1))

act1 = vp.load('data/embryo.slc', c='y')
printc('area1 =', area(act1), c='y')

act2 = extractLargestRegion(act1).color('b')
printc('area2 =', area(act2), c='b'), at=0), at=1, zoom=1.2, interactive=1)
Esempio n. 28
# Extract the mesh region that has the largest connected surface
from vtkplotter import Plotter, printc, extractLargestRegion

vp = Plotter(shape=(2,1))

act1 = vp.load('data/embryo.slc', c='y')
printc('area1 =', act1.area(), c='y')

act2 = extractLargestRegion(act1).color('b')
printc('area2 =', act2.area(), c='b'), at=0), at=1, zoom=1.2, interactive=1)
Esempio n. 29
# Every time a key is pressed the picked point of the mesh is used
# to add a sphere and some info is printed.
from vtkplotter import Plotter, printc, sphere

def myfnc(key):
    if not vp.clickedActor or key != 'c':
        printc('click an actor and press c.', c='r')

    cb = sphere(pos=vp.picked3d, r=.05, c='v')

    printc('clicked actor   :', vp.clickedActor.legend, c=4)
    printc('clicked 3D point:', vp.picked3d, c=4)
    printc('clicked renderer:', vp.clickedRenderer, c=2)


vp = Plotter(verbose=0)

vp.keyPressFunction = myfnc  # make it known to Plotter class


printc('\nPress c to execute myfnc()', c=1)
Esempio n. 30
def onRightClick(actor):
    printc("Right  button pressed on", [actor], c="r")