def dput(self, uri, value=None): data = self.get(uri) uri_values = '' if value is None: uri = uri.split('#') uri_values = uri[-1] uri = uri[0] if data is None or data == '': data = {} else: data = json.loads(data) if value is None: uri_values = uri_values.split('&') for tokens in uri_values: v = tokens.split('=')[-1] k = tokens.split('=')[0] d = self.dot2dict(k, v) data = self.data_merge(data, d) else: jvalues = json.loads(value) data = self.data_merge(data, jvalues) value = json.dumps(data) return self.workspace.put(Path(uri), Value(value))
def cb(kvs): v = Value('123', encoding=Encoding.STRING) self.assertEqual(kvs[0].get_value(), v) self.assertEqual(kvs[0].get_path(), '/myyaks/key1') self.assertEqual(kvs[0].get_kind(), ChangeKind.PUT) local_var.put(kvs)
def test_change(self): v1 = Value('test string value', encoding=Encoding.STRING) c = Change('/test', ChangeKind.PUT, 1234, v1) self.assertEqual('/test', c.get_path()) self.assertEqual(ChangeKind.PUT, c.get_kind()) self.assertEqual(v1, c.get_value()) self.assertEqual(1234, c.get_time())
def test_put_get_remove(self): y = Yaks.login(YSERVER) admin = y.admin() stid = '123' admin.add_storage(stid, {'selector': '/myyaks/**'}) time.sleep(1) # TODO remove workspace = y.workspace('/myyaks') d = Value('hello!', encoding=Encoding.STRING) self.assertTrue(workspace.put('/myyaks/key1', d)) entry = workspace.get('/myyaks/key1')[0] self.assertEqual(entry.get_value(), d) self.assertEqual(entry.get_path(), '/myyaks/key1') self.assertTrue(workspace.remove('/myyaks/key1')) self.assertEqual(workspace.get('/myyaks/key1'), []) admin.remove_storage(stid) y.logout()
def test__big_put_get_remove(self): y = Yaks.login('') admin = y.admin() stid = '123' admin.add_storage(stid, {'selector': '/myyaks/**'}) time.sleep(1) # TODO remove workspace = y.workspace('/myyaks') for i in range(0, 100): v = 'x{}'.format(i) * 512 workspace.put('/myyaks/big/{}'.format(i), Value(v, encoding=Encoding.STRING)) entries = workspace.get('/myyaks/big/**') self.assertEqual(len(entries), 100) admin.remove_storage(stid) y.logout()
def test_sub_remove(self): y = Yaks.login(YSERVER) admin = y.admin() stid = '123' admin.add_storage(stid, {'selector': '/myyaks/**'}) time.sleep(1) # TODO remove workspace = y.workspace('/myyaks') local_var = mvar.MVar() workspace.put('/myyaks/key1', Value('123', encoding=Encoding.STRING)) def cb(kvs): self.assertEqual(kvs[0].get_path(), '/myyaks/key1') self.assertEqual(kvs[0].get_kind(), ChangeKind.REMOVE) local_var.put(kvs) sid = workspace.subscribe('/myyaks/key1', cb) workspace.remove('/myyaks/key1') self.assertTrue(workspace.unsubscribe(sid)) admin.remove_storage(stid) y.logout()
def test_eval(self): y = Yaks.login(YSERVER) admin = y.admin() stid = '123' admin.add_storage(stid, {'selector': '/myyaks/**'}) time.sleep(1) # TODO remove workspace = y.workspace('/myyaks') def cb(path, args): return Value('{} World!'.format(args['hello']), encoding=Encoding.STRING) workspace.register_eval('/myyaks/key1', cb) entries = workspace.get('/myyaks/key1?(hello=mondo)') self.assertEqual(entries[0].get_path(), '/myyaks/key1') self.assertEqual(entries[0].get_value(), Value('mondo World!', encoding=Encoding.STRING)) workspace.unregister_eval('/myyaks/key1') admin.remove_storage(stid) y.logout()
def eval_callback(path, properties): # In this Eval function, we choosed to get the name to be returned in the # StringValue in 3 possible ways, depending the properties specified in the # selector. For example, with the following selectors: # - '/demo/example/yaks-python-eval' : # no properties are set, a default value is used for the name # - '/demo/example/yaks-python-eval?(name=Bob)' : # 'Bob' is used for the name # - '/demo/example/yaks-python-eval?(name=/demo/example/name)' : # the Eval function does a GET on '/demo/example/name' and uses the # 1st result for the name print('>> Processing eval for path {} with properties: {}'.format( path, properties)) # name = properties['name'] name = properties.get('name', 'Yaks Python!') if name.startswith('/'): print(' >> Get name to use from Yaks at path: {}'.format(name)) entries = w.get(name) if len(entries) > 0: name = entries[0].value print(' >> Returning string: "Eval from {}"'.format(name)) return Value('Eval from {}'.format(name), encoding=Encoding.STRING)
action='store_true', help="Disable the video display") args = vars(ap.parse_args()) print("[INFO] Connecting to yaks...") y = Yaks.login(args['yaks']) ws = y.workspace('/') print("[INFO] starting video stream...") vs = VideoStream(src=0).start() time.sleep(2.0) while True: frame = frame = imutils.resize(frame, width=args["width"]) if not args['nodisplay']: cv2.imshow("PUB " + args['path'], frame) ret, jpeg = cv2.imencode('.jpg', frame, [int(cv2.IMWRITE_JPEG_QUALITY), args["quality"]]) buf = jpeg.tobytes() ws.put(args['path'], Value(buf, Encoding.RAW)) time.sleep(args["delay"]) key = cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF if key == ord("q"): break cv2.destroyAllWindows() vs.stop() z.close()
#print("temp = %.02f C humidity =%.02f%%"%(temp, humidity)) aq_sensor_value = grovepi.analogRead(aq_sensor) if aq_sensor_value > 700: #print ("High pollution") aq = "High pollution" elif aq_sensor_value > 300: #print ("Low pollution") aq = "Low pollution" else: #print ("Air fresh") aq = "Air fresh" #print("sensor_value =", aq_sensor_value) #print("sensor_value = %d resistance = %.2f" %(l_sensor_value, resistance)) d = { 'distance': dist, 'temperature': temp, 'humidity': humidity, 'air_quality_raw': aq_sensor_value, 'air_quality': aq } print(json.dumps(d)) ws.put(SENSOR_RESOURCE, Value(json.dumps(d), Encoding.STRING)) time.sleep(1) except TypeError: print("Error") except IOError: print("Error")
import time import grovepi period = 500000 ap = argparse.ArgumentParser() ap.add_argument("-y", "--yaks", type=str, default="", help="the YAKS instance") ap.add_argument("-u", "--uri", required=True, help="the publication path") ap.add_argument("-p", "--pin", required=True, help="GrovePi Pin") args = vars(ap.parse_args()) pin = int(args['pin']) y = Yaks.login(args['yaks']) path = args['uri'] ws = y.workspace('/') while True: try: value = grovepi.temp(pin, '1.2') print("value = {}".format(value)) ws.put(path, Value(str(value), encoding=Encoding.STRING)) time.sleep(.5) except IOError: print("Error")
ap = argparse.ArgumentParser() ap.add_argument("-z", "--zenoh", required=False, help="ip:port for the Zenoh router") ap.add_argument("-s", "--samples", required=True, help="Samples to be sent as part of the test") args = vars(ap.parse_args()) zlocator = args['zenoh'] samples = int(args['samples']) y = Yaks.login(zlocator) ws = y.workspace('/') start = time.time() path = '/ylatp/sample' for i in range(0, samples): ws.put(path, Value('01234567', Encoding.STRING)) stop = time.time() delta = stop - start print("Sent {} samples in {}".format(samples, delta)) print("Throughput: {} msg/sec".format(samples / delta)) print("Average : {}".format(delta / samples))
while True: raw = frame = imutils.resize(raw, width=500) ratio = raw.shape[1] / 500 gray = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) rects = detector.detectMultiScale(gray, scaleFactor=1.1, minNeighbors=5, minSize=(30, 30), flags=cv2.CASCADE_SCALE_IMAGE) boxes = [(y, x + w, y + h, x) for (x, y, w, h) in rects] faces = zip(range(len(boxes)), sorted(boxes)) for (i, (top, right, bottom, left)) in faces: face = raw[int(top * ratio):int(bottom * ratio), int(left * ratio):int(right * ratio)] face = imutils.resize(face, height=args["width"], width=args["width"]) _, jpeg = cv2.imencode('.jpg', face, jpeg_opts) buf = jpeg.tobytes() ws.put("{}/faces/{}/{}".format(args['prefix'], pid, i), Value(buf, Encoding.RAW)) time.sleep(args["delay"]) vs.stop() y.logout()
if len(rects) > 0: face = frame[rects[0][1]:rects[0][1] + rects[0][3], rects[0][0]:rects[0][0] + rects[0][2]] box = [(rects[0][1], rects[0][0] + rects[0][2], rects[0][1] + rects[0][3], rects[0][0])] encoding = face_recognition.face_encodings(rgb, box)[0] elist = encoding.tolist() fs = ws.get(args["prefix"] + "/vectors/**", encoding=Encoding.STRING) counter = 0 for k, _ in fs: chunks = k.split('/') name = chunks[-2] if name == args["name"]: if counter <= int(chunks[-1]): counter = int(chunks[-1]) + 1 uri = '{}/vectors/{}/{}'.format(args["prefix"], args["name"], str(counter)) print('> Inserting face vector {}'.format(uri)) ws.put(uri, Value(json.dumps(elist), encoding=Encoding.STRING)) time.sleep(0.05) if key == ord("q"): exit(0) vs.stop() y.logout()
def test_raw_value_str(self): v = Value('test raw value') self.assertEqual('test raw value'.encode(), v.get_value()) self.assertEqual(Encoding.RAW, v.encoding)
def test_raw_value_bytes(self): iv = 'test raw value bytes'.encode() v = Value(iv) self.assertEqual(iv, v.get_value()) self.assertEqual(Encoding.RAW, v.encoding)
def test_not_equal(self): v1 = Value('test string value', encoding=Encoding.STRING) v2 = 'test string value' self.assertNotEqual(v1, v2)
def test_repr(self): v1 = Value('test string value', encoding=Encoding.STRING) v2 = 'test string value' self.assertEqual(repr(v1), v2)
def test_sql_value(self): sql = ['this', 'is', 'a', 'sql', 'value'] v = Value(sql, encoding=Encoding.SQL) self.assertEqual(sql, v.get_value()) self.assertEqual(Encoding.SQL, v.encoding)
def test_json_value(self): d = {'this': 'is', 'a': 'json value'} v = Value(d, encoding=Encoding.JSON) self.assertEqual(d, v.get_value()) self.assertEqual(Encoding.JSON, v.encoding)
def test_string_value(self): v = Value('test string value', encoding=Encoding.STRING) self.assertEqual('test string value', v.get_value()) self.assertEqual(Encoding.STRING, v.encoding) self.assertEquals(Encoding.STRING, v.get_encoding())
def cb(path, args): return Value('{} World!'.format(args['hello']), encoding=Encoding.STRING)
print("[INFO] Starting recognition...") ws.subscribe(args['prefix'] + "/vectors/**", update_face_data) ws.subscribe(args['prefix'] + "/faces/*/*", faces_listener) while True: for cam in list(cams): faces = cams[cam] for face in list(faces): npImage = np.array(faces[face]) matImage = cv2.imdecode(npImage, 1) rgb = cv2.cvtColor(matImage, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) encodings = face_recognition.face_encodings(rgb) name = "Unknown" if len(encodings) > 0: matches = face_recognition.compare_faces( data["encodings"], encodings[0]) if True in matches: matchedIdxs = [i for (i, b) in enumerate(matches) if b] counts = {} for i in matchedIdxs: name = data["names"][i] counts[name] = counts.get(name, 0) + 1 name = max(counts, key=counts.get) path = args['prefix'] + "/faces/" + cam + "/" + str(face) + "/name" ws.put(path, Value(name, Encoding.STRING)) time.sleep(args['delay'])
import sys from yaks import Yaks, Selector, Path, Workspace, Encoding, Value # If not specified as 1st argument, use a relative path # (to the workspace below): 'yaks-python-put' path = 'yaks-python-put' if len(sys.argv) > 1: path = sys.argv[1] value = 'Put from Yaks Python!' if len(sys.argv) > 2: value = sys.argv[2] locator = None if len(sys.argv) > 3: locator = sys.argv[3] print('Login to Yaks (locator={})...'.format(locator)) y = Yaks.login(locator) print('Use Workspace on "/demo/example"') w = y.workspace('/demo/example') print('Put on {} : {}'.format(path, value)) w.put(path, Value(value, encoding=Encoding.STRING)) y.logout()
def put(self, k, v): return self.workspace.put(Path(k), Value(v))