Esempio n. 1
def sort(x):
    if type(x) == bool: return BoolSort()
    elif type(x) == int: return IntSort()
    elif type(x) == float: return RealSort()
    elif hasattr(x, 'sort'):
        if x.sort() == BoolSort(): return BoolSort()
        if x.sort() == IntSort(): return IntSort()
        if x.sort() == RealSort(): return RealSort()
            raise Exception('unknown sort for expression')
Esempio n. 2
def set_sort(sort_dom, sort_ran):
    global SORT_DOM
    SORT_DOM = sort_dom
    global SORT_RAN
    SORT_RAN = sort_ran
    global REL_SORT
    REL_SORT = ArraySort(sort_dom, ArraySort(sort_ran, BoolSort()))
Esempio n. 3
 def declare_predicate(self, elem_predicate: Predicate):
     arg_types = [
         for x in elem_predicate.get_arg_types()
     arg_types += [BoolSort()]
     rel = Function(elem_predicate.get_name(), *arg_types)
Esempio n. 4
def snakes_find_the_head(g):
    # We'll want a type that represents a cell in the grid. We use a datatype because we can make it a sum type -
    # that is, its 0-arity constructors represent a closed enumeration of distinct objects.
    Cell = Datatype("Cell")

    for x, y in g.coords():
        if g.snake(x, y) is not None:
            Cell.declare("cell_{}_{}".format(x, y))
    Cell = Cell.create()

    # We'll have two functions that we explicitly declare. One is the short-distance "connected" relationship.
    # The other is a convenience function for turning the coordinates of a cell into the datatype member that
    # represents that position.
    Connected = Function("Connected", Cell, Cell, BoolSort())
    XYToCell = Function("XYToCell", IntSort(), IntSort(), Cell)

    cell = {}
    for x, y in g.coords():
        if g.snake(x, y) is not None:
            cell[x, y] = getattr(Cell, "cell_{}_{}".format(x, y))
            g.add(XYToCell(x, y) == cell[x, y])

    # Two cells are connected *if and only* if they are adjacent and both hold snakes
    # We need to be really clear about the "and only if" part; a naive implementation here will let the
    # solver fill in other arbitrary values for `Connected` in order to make the desired outcome true.
    # We do this by ensuring there's a value declared for our Connected relationship between every pair
    # of potential arguments.

    for x1, y1 in g.coords():
        c1 = g.snake(x1, y1)
        if c1 is None:
        # If there's a snake here, the cell is connected to itself
        g.add(Connected(cell[x1, y1], cell[x1, y1]) == c1)
        for x2, y2 in g.coords():
            c2 = g.snake(x2, y2)
            if c2 is None or (x1, y1) == (x2, y2):
            if manh(x1, y1, x2, y2) == 1:
                g.add(Connected(cell[x1, y1], cell[x2, y2]) == And(c1, c2))
                # Without this, our function declaration is only partial. The solver can fill in missing values
                # in order to scupper our good intentions.
                g.add(Not(Connected(cell[x1, y1], cell[x2, y2])))

    # The transitive closure of Connectedness is Reaches
    Reaches = TransitiveClosure(Connected)

    # For every cell in the grid, if it's a snake then we can connect it to the head position
    hx, hy = g.head()
    for x, y in g.coords():
        c = g.snake(x, y)
        if c is None:

        g.add(Implies(c, Reaches(cell[x, y], XYToCell(hx, hy))))
Esempio n. 5
def GetValFromType(typ, raw_val):
    srt = GetSortFromType(typ)
    if srt == IntSort():
        return IntVal(raw_val)
    elif srt == BoolSort():
        return BoolVal(raw_val)
    elif is_bv_sort(srt):
        sz = srt.size()
        return BitVecVal(raw_val, sz)
        raise SynthException('Unknown sort')
Esempio n. 6
def GetStringFromType(typ):
    srt = GetSortFromType(typ)
    if srt == IntSort():
        return 'Int'
    elif srt == BoolSort():
        return 'Bool'
    elif is_bv_sort(srt):
        sz = srt.size()
        return '(BitVec ' + str(sz) + ')'
        raise SynthException('Unknonw sort for string conversion.')
Esempio n. 7
def GetSortFromType(typ):
    if typ == 'Int':
        return IntSort()
    elif typ == 'Bool':
        return BoolSort()
    elif isinstance(typ, list):
        if (len(typ) != 2 or typ[0] != 'BitVec'):
            raise SynthException('Unknown Type %r' % (typ))
            intName, size = typ[1]
            return BitVecSort(size)
        raise SynthException('Unknown Type %r' % (typ))
Esempio n. 8
## Qui a tué le chat?

from z3 import Function, EnumSort, BoolSort, ForAll, Solver, Implies, Const, Consts, Exists, Not, And, Or

# type et ses constantes
Entity, (jack, luna, curiosity) = EnumSort('Entity',
                                           ('jack', 'luna', 'curiosity'))

Animal = Function('Animal', Entity, BoolSort())
Aimer = Function('Aimer', Entity, Entity, BoolSort())
Tuer = Function('Tuer', Entity, Entity, BoolSort())

s = Solver()
x, y, z = Consts('x y z', Entity)
# Tous ceux qui aiment tous les animaux sont aimés par qqun
        Implies(ForAll(y, Implies(Animal(y), Aimer(x, y))),
                Exists(z, Aimer(z, x)))))

# Quiconque tue un animal n’est aimé par personne
        Implies(Exists(y, And(Animal(y), Tuer(x, y))),
                ForAll(z, Not(Exists(z, Aimer(z, x)))))))
# Jack aime tous les animaux
s.add(ForAll(x, Implies(Animal(x), Aimer(jack, x))))
# C’est soit Jack soit Curiosité qui a tué le chat appelé Luna
s.add(Or(Tuer(jack, luna), Tuer(curiosity, luna)))
Esempio n. 9
    # We need to declare the variables fist.
    x = Const('x', Person) # This x defined on the domain of Person
    y = Const('y', Person) # And this is y
    return ForAll([x, y],Xor(x == y, R(x) != R(y))) # ForAll expression

# In addition to a function for the role of a person, we also need
# to be able to write predicates about a their statements in order
# to encode the essence of sentences such as "A lies", 
# and "That (referring to the previous speaker) is not true".
# To do that we use a function from Person to Bool which is True if
# the claim is that the person tells the truth, and False otherwise.
# Call it S : Person -> Bool
S = Function('S', Person, BoolSort())
# Here BoolSort() just says that the return type is of type Bool.

# Now using both R and S, we can encode the general rules of the game:

# 2, That a Knight must tell the Truth.
# For a specific person, say B this would be (R(B) = Knight) ⇒ S(B), encoded
# as Implies(R(B) == Knight, S(B)), but we use the ∀x quantifier 
# and write for all persons:
def knights_tell_truths():
    Encodes 'Knights always tell the truth'.

    In other terms: for all persons, being a knight implies telling the truth.
Esempio n. 10
# encoding: utf-8
from z3 import Datatype, BoolSort, IntSort, ArraySort, And, Not
from .meyer import U
from .util.z3py_set import Set
from .util.z3py_rel import Rel
from .util.z3py_util import const, consts, show_record_element

## @file
#  This module can be used for definition of specification/program instance

SET = ArraySort(U, BoolSort())
# OOPSet = ArraySort(IntSort(), ArraySort(U, BoolSort()))
PRE = ArraySort(U, BoolSort())
POST = ArraySort(U, ArraySort(U, BoolSort()))

PROG = Datatype('Prog')
PROG.declare('mk_prog', ('set', SET), ('pre', PRE), ('post', POST))
PROG = PROG.create()
set_ = PROG.set
pre_ = PROG.pre
post_ =

class Program():
    """Base class for Program instance."""

    #  @param p A program instance created by
    def __init__(self, p):
        self.p = p
Esempio n. 11
 def booleanp(self, x):
     return sort(x) == BoolSort()
Esempio n. 12

from z3 import Datatype, ArraySort, IntSort, BoolSort, Function, Const
from z3_helpers import Iff, Equals

# Node is a datatype representing a vertex or node in a Kappa graph.
Node = Datatype('Node')
Node.declare('node', ('unique_identifier', IntSort()))
Node = Node.create()

# A datatype for storing a pair of edges
Edge = Datatype('Edge')
Edge.declare('edge', ('node1', Node), ('node2', Node))
Edge = Edge.create()

Nodeset = ArraySort(Node, BoolSort())
Edgeset = ArraySort(Edge, BoolSort())

Labelset = ArraySort(IntSort(), BoolSort())
Labelmap = ArraySort(Node, Labelset)

# Graph, before a rule or action has applied. Merged Pregraph and Postgraph
# into a single datatype.
Graph = Datatype('Graph')
Graph.declare('graph', ('has', Nodeset), ('links', Edgeset),
              ('parents', Edgeset), ('labelmap', Labelmap))
Graph = Graph.create()

# Atomic action. An Action is comprised of a set of these.
AtomicAction = Datatype('AtomicAction')
Esempio n. 13
## Les dragons chinois

from z3 import Function, EnumSort, BoolSort, ForAll, Solver, Implies, Const, Consts, Exists, Not, And, Or

animal, (dragon) = EnumSort('animal', ('dragon'))
humain, (touriste) = EnumSort('humain', ('touriste'))

est_fort = Function('est_fort', animal, BoolSort())
souffler_feu = Function('souffler_feu', animal, BoolSort())

# Formaliser les phrases suivantes :

# Aucun dragon fort ne peut ne pas souffler le feu.

# Un dragon rusé a toujours des cornes.

# Aucun dragon faible n’a des cornes.

# Les touristes ne chassent que les dragons ne soufflant pas le feu.

# On veut répondre à la question suivante :
# Un dragon rusé doit-il craindre les touristes ? (autrement dit : est-il chassé ?)
# Corrigé
from z3 import *
Dragon, (drago,) = EnumSort('Dragon', ('drago',))
fort = Function('fort',Dragon,BoolSort())
feu = Function('feu',Dragon,BoolSort())
ruse = Function('ruse',Dragon,BoolSort())
cornes = Function('cornes',Dragon,BoolSort())
chasse = Function('chasse',Dragon,BoolSort())
Esempio n. 14
            GDDeg = GDDeg + 360;

    if (abs(GDDeg) > 180):
        if (GDDeg > 180):
            GDDeg = GDDeg - 360
        if (GDDeg < (-180)):
            GDDeg = GDDeg + 360
##    print ("GDDeg:",GDDeg)
##    print ("#################################")
    return [Dist, DDeg, GDDeg]

true = BoolSort().cast(True)
false = BoolSort().cast(False)

reset = Bool('reset')
BInRobot = Bool('BInRobot')
forward,spin, Su = Ints('forward spin Su')
dist = Real( 'dist')
degToBall = Real( 'degToBall')
degToGoal = Real( 'degToGoal')

# B-Threads
global TooFar, TooClose, MaxPower, MaxSpin, MaxAngToBall, MaxAngToGoal

Esempio n. 15
def set_sort(sort):
    global SORT
    SORT = sort
    global SET_SORT
    SET_SORT = ArraySort(sort, BoolSort())
Esempio n. 16
# encoding: utf-8
import inspect
from z3 import ArraySort, BoolSort, EnumSort, ForAll, Exists, And, Or, Not, Implies
from .z3py_util import U, const, evaluate

SET_SORT = ArraySort(U, BoolSort())

def set_sort(sort):
    global SORT
    SORT = sort
    global SET_SORT
    SET_SORT = ArraySort(sort, BoolSort())

def get_sort():
    global SORT
    sort = SORT
    return sort

class Set():
    """Base class for set instance."""

    # @param p A set instance created by
    def __init__(self, s):
        self.s = s

    def __call__(self, x):
        return self.has(x)
Esempio n. 17
from z3 import Not, And, ForAll, Implies, IntSort, BoolSort, Solver, Function, Int

__counter = 100
__agents = {}

def new_noun(name):
    global __counter
    global __agents
    if name not in __agents:
        __agents[name] = __counter
        __counter += 1
    return Int(__agents[name])

IsKinase = Function("is_kinase", IntSort(), BoolSort())
IsActiveWhenPhosphorylated = Function("is_active_when_phosphorylated",
                                      IntSort(), BoolSort())

Phosphorylates = Function("phosphorylates", IntSort(), IntSort(), BoolSort())
Activates = Function("activates", IntSort(), IntSort(), BoolSort())

ActivityIncreasesActivity = Function("activity_increases_activity", IntSort(),
                                     IntSort(), BoolSort())

solver = Solver()

MEK1 = new_noun("MEK1")
ERK1 = new_noun("ERK1")
RAF = new_noun("RAF")
HRAS = new_noun("HRAS")
Esempio n. 18
# encoding: utf-8
import inspect
from z3 import ArraySort, BoolSort, EnumSort, ForAll, Exists, And, Or, Not, Implies
from .z3py_set import Set
from .z3py_util import U, const, unveil, model

REL_SORT = ArraySort(U, ArraySort(U, BoolSort()))

def set_sort(sort_dom, sort_ran):
    global SORT_DOM
    SORT_DOM = sort_dom
    global SORT_RAN
    SORT_RAN = sort_ran
    global REL_SORT
    REL_SORT = ArraySort(sort_dom, ArraySort(sort_ran, BoolSort()))

def get_sort_dom():
    global SORT_DOM
    sort_dom = SORT_DOM
    return sort_dom

def get_sort_ran():
    global SORT_RAN
    sort_ran = SORT_RAN
    return sort_ran
Esempio n. 19
def new_modelset(nickname='modelset'):
    return Function(_collision_free_string(nickname), Model, BoolSort())
Esempio n. 20
#!/usr/bin/env python

# from TU Graz presentation by Vedad Hadzic

from z3 import Solver, Int, IntSort, BoolSort, Function
from z3 import ForAll, And, Or, Not, Implies, sat as SAT

# create an integer and a function
x = Int("x")
f = Function("f", IntSort(), IntSort(), BoolSort())

solver = Solver()

solver.add(ForAll([x], Implies(And(x > 0, x < 4), f(x, x))))
solver.add(ForAll([x], Implies(Or(x <= 0, x >= 4), Not(f(x, x)))))

if solver.check() != SAT:

m = solver.model()


for i in range(0, 5):
    # assert ∀ x in (0,4). f(x,x) = 1 # check if satisfiable
    # get the solution
    # print the relation table
    vs = [int(bool(m.eval(f(i, j)))) for j in range(0, 5)]
Esempio n. 21
    def __init__(self, input_program: InputProgram, settings: SmtSettings):
        self.input_program = input_program
        self.settings = settings
        env = SmtEnv(input_program.module, settings.forall_mode, self)
        self.env = env

        self.frame = env.function("Frame", RealSort())
        if settings.forall_mode == ForallMode.FORALL_GLOBALS:
            self.frames: List[z3.ExprRef] = []

            old_command = None
            j = 0

            for i, subst in enumerate(env.macro_substs):

                frame_i = env.function("F%s" % i, RealSort())
                subst.append((env.apply_to_state_valuation(self.frame), env.apply_to_state_valuation(frame_i)))

                cur_command = self.env.subst_index_to_command[i]
                if cur_command != old_command:
                    old_command = cur_command
                    j = 0

                    j = j + 1

                self.env.command_to_substs[cur_command][j].append((env.apply_to_state_valuation(self.frame), env.apply_to_state_valuation(frame_i)))

        self.phi = env.function("Phi", RealSort())
        self.goal_expr = input_program.goal if settings.inline_goal else env.apply_to_state_valuation(env.function("Goal", BoolSort()))
        self.chosen_command = INPUTPROGRAM.INT_CTOR("ChosenCommand")
        self._initial_formulae: Union[None, List[z3.ExprRef]] = None
Esempio n. 22

# declare finite data type mansion
MansionDT = Datatype("Mansion")

# create finite sort Mansion
Mansion = MansionDT.create()

# constants for ease of reference
a, b, c = Mansion.Agatha, Mansion.Butler, Mansion.Charles

# declare predicates
killed = Function("killed", Mansion, Mansion, BoolSort())
hates = Function("hates", Mansion, Mansion, BoolSort())
richer = Function("richer", Mansion, Mansion, BoolSort())

# quantified variables
x = Const("x", Mansion)
y = Const("y", Mansion)

e1 = Exists([x], killed(x, a))
e2a = ForAll([x, y], Implies(killed(x, y), hates(x, y)))
e2b = ForAll([x, y], Implies(killed(x, y), Not(richer(x, y))))
e3 = ForAll([x], Implies(hates(a, x), Not(hates(c, x))))
e4a = hates(a, a)
e4b = hates(a, c)
e5 = ForAll([x], Implies(Not(richer(x, a)), hates(b, x)))
e6 = ForAll([x], Implies(hates(a, x), hates(b, x)))